HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-12-01, Page 2SWM` 4-I$I1N'1'TK'•:i• r011101400T WEEK -LT
' r 'rN Authed, by'Signal—Star,' United d •
anaslat andGreat, 'Brite za, p.00 a 3 ear to •United
•�•,�i'�+�, •, �, ,�,•,.y�.a, py-.questr' Authorized. second -class. -class. -mail, Post
• Mice Departinentz Ottawa. Telephone. 71.
I embedfrxCanadian eel ve Slapera Association on
Weekly Circulation ot°er 2000 y■ToMi[�.
'W. XI* 400V ATSON 0E0.
'SHL Itfimy, pk.CEN[nEE 1st, ISO
During. festiy� Chris.tuta.s . se•1
t. '�
son tine, allowance is,to be increased
by „tuppence, to one shilling, • six-
pence. What a' gorge 'there will.
be in Merry England! •
The; nit,nnt ipal • eleet irs of Gode-
%lob, l- ht}ve t e.,opport nit, of
T g o .December • X301. • can the
•,, l to increase the 'int"inber.
sig of the -•»Public Utilities C'oi i-
yn1$ frog. three . to five..
whet' ar r'g„od. rerisaus w by the
ppORtdal should he 'adopted, and:
"none, , so, 'tar as we eau see, agei nst
Experience htis• shown that with
"the three-man commission there ate
many :— too 'many occasions on
Which the meetings are, held with
two ' iuembe in attendance,
ani .pot int . , of late the
'regular inesiting night has passed
without. nn'Y meeting at all, The
. nenivera, , have other • intents
i' which, tou often prevent u regular
attendance at -meetings. Frryaabably
'they tour with ' one another --in-
inforniaa .•. ;"aY from time to time,
lint` ptiblie,business should not -be
eon in eted' in ,,this manner. With
inembera it may reasonably ' be
.lztek. ot,. at uorum
e�Cpot*tt Oat- tlie... n c.,,
. riot» so frequently p Vint a
wee inl and i. the .hit a• ..of f ,
Camiuiss1nn_ wi1Y mbe conducted bi a
.more orderly _
. Bother reason tor increasing the
tueiaabenahip' is;'' zh3t it should do
something .to •remove the "close
eo orr3 thari'._' .at osphere t-w2�ich
-, ,,_ ,_._ . , . has
the •three=assn' ,oinnaissi
uuioved. Deesgxte all., that has been
fid or that can be said the people
Of the town, who* contribute some-
ing like S2''v,0O0 a year for, their
,water, light and power services, ar+e
t=k In :touch with the commis-
sion -cud itss..doin gs as eloseTy as they
�~ L
-think i he 'sliouldr be, with tbe re-
n - stilt that .rumors, get abroad that
have no foundation in fact
but -iihat undermin4 Confidence, in
the administration' of these import-
m ort-
" ant serve .s.` Thepert posed in-
.*revise •' iii membership shc+ttld lead
tofalter 'discussion within y the
poimnission end a 1e: . restricted
'touch with the people outside_ o
Newspaper, »offices , are. •tooled
ai nth health. articles Which mostly
miss the mark. Editors, who don't
care . much about their health; throw
Luostuof theme theiw.p.b.,
so` neither they nor their reader?
get ..any !beuetit from thein. We
note, howtwer,• that The Toronto. home, Just the kind of farm .home
Star gives editorial space to a that`. you notice in driving past,
discussion of dietrthe first editor.- and 'in so, doing will say, '"There's
ial article. .too, in 'a recent issue, a mighty nice -looking place, be'caui e
it has such a friendly -looking hour -e•
on it-"•
Dtin`iang ; thla k a slimmer it was.
my preasure .t4 ,visit a farm ,near
the villtabre. of weea$viue, . o�cned
by a farmer who, like myself', gets
a hankering y times to. tell of his
experiences around the farm. I •had
read his article for ' a number ,of
yearsand during the course 'of
time' had formed an impression of
Like a what
what he must loot. ucl,
Of .grass,, but rather' a sw4I. rni,"0131-
fort,ablt‘-lOOking, ,One With • tits Odd
:hoard OJT atld the oeeasional window
Stiffed with .4 gnilnySack. •
I • Wandered,d
' the barn in
n, ,small ravine that was lined ,on
Wil” 4de4 with .etu$ that seemed
like some gigantic archway -.and
ewe upon' h'im in the cornp-atch.
While his .son was scuffing CArn, !
he was engaged in the very farmer
like • tasl of leaning' on a hoe-
handle..;, ' • a
I introduced Myself and be .shook
hands in as way that made nue feel
welcome. There was .no. nonsensi-
cal apology for los ,ciohes ,being•
his rami must be like. Accordingls, trained with "good, honest clay. lie.
having a few , days of quietness }made no inane remarks about not
ou the farm, I ranibled down; to shaving that morning, liemen-ti
see hien. toned how he wasfaguriug as to
Mfr ideas of his farm ,w.ere as 'what he would scow .in tine cornfield
far astray as they could possi fly, next. year; and led' ,the way to . a
he,, Ile had two hundred acres of nook• he had behind the barn in
level, well; eultiva ed land, and. the a tool shade and. with a-- -wa _..of
• leis hand nidieated that" I slmuld:
lieved by themost attractive al:- zit 4f 'the flat land was re- ' sit down and be..' eonifortable, °.
, „on abandoned ear
Seated an
'tanglement I have. ever witnessed' of an as much cum-.
around a • house " and .barn, • cushion that,
Sitting oin:- a ..wall knoll, well. fort as anything . 'in the len0e of
banked ?with dowers that showed the Biltmore, we chatted about
the careful ° attention:' of a good everything in » general. "Tie pointed
housekeeper. was a substantial farm out where he had .a special corner
f.._the' fool-sh.ed • rigged up as au.
and tit gusta.rt $li 1hig ne ''ll
OOP' in on Sou, 4'xiyie a Bald 'a
poor• cxiltixation and U' dud that.
the Weeds Will.creept in and 'choke
the 'crop. T ,like farm �. because
Ws„ tire -grandest, elesiziest •c ,vtx-
parte in the world. It TOO, have,
iu}agination said foresight you can
industry do, 3f Sons�i trh, then
'dawdle alo : in a half
you. must
form of ;ealstenee; 1 like fio •tivork
and ' play and be hearty iii every,
thing. l go, to bed"at ni 3 t tired -
and get Up with the sun; anal
gaatcotr, e , Ybeeintjoyf
Taae w- oitnheF
dred• per cent: farmer."s
and concludes it With the daily
Menu -which it saiys is reeomnLended
by the Dominion 'Nutrition CounciL
Between- the house and the pond
was a . jewel-like body of water
Tlis contains such'things as meat,„with a iluaint rustic bridge Float-
bread, cheese, vegetables (par- ing serenely along tie - wage'r's sur-
face arere `lily -pad, and ducks, a-
ticularly� the • •yellow ones, zany) , perfect uric°tore . of contentment and
elm, etr..—a11 good t hig,in their leharm. • The •- ducks were gilding
way—but not a word of pie or Igloos; in flotilla style. bobbing cliawn
pudding or any other dessert to ,at- intervals for .a ite of something
among whispering "weeping
tempt ..fellow to eat his: wayi'to lar.
trees i.stood a frame barn.
through the preliminaries.. Could' It •
was not.one of thCare modern,
not the dietary experts add an» efficient -looking barns that seen to
iter»• such 'ins "one serving of- pie, glare ,like: n -•.great 'ugly' office build-
- - • • - - - �_ - ' ._: ... ......,,.. ,no r.,ti,
•ot 'more .tlian one-quarter. ,.,r,' -one
0 pinna , e, * * '. , , •.
popularize Meir, Menus? P..eople
should a at,..live to eat, but neither
do most people- eat to . live:. they
eat to satisfy appetite, 'and 'if this
human hati'it were recognized
the health :a'rtides sbowered_ upon
the papula Ce 'wane 'ofthem might
be read •ta• idvantlage.
The civik aviation division of the(
rtmeat 4f 'Tea? rt rePV-
P der
Seated liy' nes y?
conducted,}, e*arainaations • rind .Sight
tests. ter .prtvato pilot aPPiiem tr;;
at Sky Harbor on Monday of this-
thisweek,' The .follow lase .wrote exam--,
inations : John ,ThompSon, • Harold
Stone, Charles Thomas,, Taiilo;'
Thomas Wade and Vern .Speitan.
A. l•iilow of Bluevale .successfully
passed his„ g -
-•flying' tests, . » AA the
re' taking ab. "�aPPxored'
abor'� . are' , �, ,
cb irse in pilot Uting training at
Sky 'Harbor � it S
Now is
5 he time"Q' 'c .. your ., order for a new
.all” e, •.
in the e -
a sizes, 2�L'--' x 32:t:22" x.38" and 28'�x.48",',
• �• ' d: • dsaler'a: floor,
This machine can be seen in ,,operation
"RLE e :; O .. GINS
3.,; $olyr
eed..Phone :88-r-13 Tegswate
There on 'a , clean. fresh • pi:ne
tablethat was an .inspiration in It-
self he wrote his articles on life in
general aroniud the farm. Whis-
pering willows and elms played
by vagrant trees supplied the in-
cidental music and the lapping.-- of
the water In the pool served as
,a,• gentle spur _;to his imagination.
There be sat on Sunday _morning
and wrote, et what had taken• grace
during the week.
"Running a farm is' like being
in oma nd of a great armf."
he related. "You battle. against
life every day, and plot your brains
against ,. tlne combined forces of
nature and' fate.- You Lind that if
you fight fair, they'll be fair . .
'A shipment of the '%aeautiful an& economical new
o: r
Vanguard cars has just 'arrived... Come in and let its
show them td you. ,
A sound investment policy -depends on
knowledge and experience.
*RITE a ..
M.ernbers-. Toronto Stock Exchange •
a v ELGIN 113¢, OyTAR117
PTIONTit 1097
Letlrbridge Herald) .- .
• _It is, unfertunat:elyy, a fact •that'
.people- are- demanding afore and
more of governments., more Services,
.mare social -security and the like.
which {pioneers had to provide for
themselves And. as • a result .,We
are being burdened with more and
more titles, mid aid mere couirpis.
.against bath of whicli'''we 'kicik its
I.f we would thunk things througb
we would realize thatif we demand
more we ani t aeeept more of what
is distasteful to u5. Perhaps one
of these-diy-s we willa:ke up to
the,�faact ;that, if we would' keepentr
liberty eag<ain tt the dconiination• of a
yy° :ICtthese reams for adoption of , government a as. bt1s,. then we had
gal mean .better begin' to do. for ourselves
the.proposal gttrthin_, to the ra-c? ci?�ttld+
alector , we hope that the bylaw sorae of the things _which e
do quite ss . well with sit gena ern -1
're'provide fora live -antra commis- }nest itis, rrentsc�n:
siert, will receive the approval ofil
It nary be noted that at each a
.tbe twe township ;nomination
tueetings reported in this issue of
Tho Sipml-Star doubt ria es- '' y ; •
ed as to benefits _received from `
of ;:utbtation of i ie new got
new scheme was aadcted itrliu-
oily, so it was • stated; to extend
to the rural omiiauuitie s health
series •which. theo'etially -were
fail' conflated' to the urban
- eeu ` is it that the rupa1 eem-
i'ia'tniities do -not appreciate what is •
'being , done for them or that' theyl,
believe they' :are . • neat getting any
�„ : r rt1 whi'C�e advantage from the es-
1tengiVer'n, "alba that has been,
'cetinizt1$ the town oaf• l~,oderieh
,” 1AS ,no *ikon to commend the new
ahem- r. Tine municipal • health r-
v"tea, , headed by iirs own medical,
health' officer, ' which _erod
tflOO So effritently int.ss been dis-
7� + and the town lawn 3 hats tt ,
Ii .nurse whoa sphere of set.:
tit nsludes a lam , township',
'wen as the town, and a lye aura t
t• nig" 'tioaa' twelve Miles away
%these s t nti0Us are spread over',
e whole a nasty.
Perhaps Ge,rlerieh c cs. east i iaiat
much in� 'wants'
aft 1tts, but of
„: liLat~
in the rural oothamunities is n
. :ehinntsseel l'y. the -reeves of is o
#,�bwaaps bore Is it that the seh'eaue
tl$ f oiaxte<d Tapia the oannty `?
rrotstitt. itoTts
nom l
tat' Alight'Inatle' 3n
Don't overlook the fallowing items
Christmas » gifts your family will enjoy the
x round.» -
T _
- a
10.5 cttbia4, ftt
vrefrigerators. , 36 pound •fi�eez n'gA.
unit ... W . -... - , X398.50,0`
Approximately 500 lbs, freezing capacity._ 5 cubic feet f
Y. refrigerator $495.00 A.
m __±... t
134.50 �.
Washers (electric) '4134.50 •$ 3"e
Washers (gusoiine)_$189:50 A
O _
WOOD'S heavy duty electric -ranges, from - $13.50 • f'
v t
Electric Grinders �etc..g
g Water ,Heaters, _Pressure Systems, ,
whole year
See how the BEAtDIX'.
*SHIM ITS °pp ' •
n -R
No Sports Editor.
: .C7ver in Toronto (you may have heard
of Toronto ..• a city.- of some proportions
just east of here) they are cheering- a
new_'sports celebrity. _ His. name is"
• tunnel. and his _birth certificate—gives—piaci ..
of b` as St.- Marys; Qnt. ilt isthe new'
Spo' Editor of The _ Toronto "=Dali1y"' Star.
°i~ier try tot hap ly questo -" l Sante
cane the '?" Her, tall ` so at ` ii I . I
%.11We-t ' got to - . lege ile fai1L 'Fier
a T have a new for
a�aur�t�•:ply �'
the School fcrn 1?a
„She has tio 114ii yi".if
rt:in'sare all theseK�bQSIt�Lh'4 '
now. gow. voitvcierfui frt., to, be • ahle to
t►Y to'her bud's Crown
a to ccz iateitheir'attfcalat
.►':that he had
r, 1 *h need:
tkciq Ir
on Ott .
. ,,,. .�,,i.._, •. <
'� 'ar .b , .coin Which E
Read `�,'14.1t D`rmsle� •
appears each day in he Daily Star.. Ws headed z
,wilt' 'writes this column
Sg+ltag on Sport .. s
Arithmetic, has more • peace in , financial
news thanlll. sports ' news, but if you "recog-
nize » ' the fact that The 'Toronto Daily • Star
has the -biggest 'circulation of any Canadian.
er it's - ar-ithtr .etie t
daily �newsp�ap,'Simplehat
Milt Dunnell'is leading the big league.
Syj"j�orts .fans' are critical people. 'You've
; .._,f_ .x.. -• , ,_!._,;,.._ +r. i __-..._ �Fx�c:.wr :•s..a_........_ ,aec ....c-.._._.,.
got to score —to get into the -.•big.. leagues ••
E and • ou've got:to keep' on scoring to Stay in.
Milt" Drrnriell:.crashed the big 1eagt a back _in.
'' 1942 When The Toronto Daily Star acquired
him, from. tle. Stratford• Beacon -Herald
dit� Daily. Stay o *
� ' �'��' 9C4133a1331.� 'lr� pat; *. •
" 'll enjoyW in
�' You'll w .. about sports �e�en':� .• Milt learned sports pla�l`i1g, managing
wrhnt . that s . ort-lov i.n ...: area of
. and g g
Western Ontario where every Lan is a: we
,, cri Gl and 'a. s oras writes :has to
stuff. • = e -s- Writing sports' • for a
rjknOW i"I1�► �•
x • ` �. °,'
d e, e now w • the` ;b1 st: sport's
audience iii . Canada
is day as well as e g 'Lek ek d
• with interesting information
an, sports •th, atter» and it t.pa rkless with origin -
kind of b lir -that.• makes life iiggter .
... ality and the
•' . - a
and. brighter, 9 '., a
You'll jn ewe page of The p I r stnr.. It his all
the nes anil"' e' lat+t t news picture; 4 4 ., stews of the pr'o
lute Markets
latest.tplotatians4ronl all ',stock af'te`r. inin.,
Atig es nes .hw, �,` ai4 • tta ares which Lumen p +�
o . b y ii, rod it ,amu'-,.'Itndertt id "i k y • '
• :,
seople;;teal the ,..,t r "
which had him for thirteen years;'• after
„'wing ,him 'as a colt,' from the $t. Marys