HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-11-24, Page 10SUNDAY,* NOVEMBER 27th, 1949 , ,110/1-X COMMUNION, 0 "44, MAIN SUNDAY $0110014.` At na MORNINO PRAYE4 AND SERMON. • RRIMARY DEPARTMENT. :4 pant EVENING PRAM. AND SERMON. • REVEREND : BEVE*011, 1ER, BA, L.Th., RECTOR. W ANDORTON Organist and Choirmaster .orth:St. United Church EEV ArgiLE. y Com, B.A., B.11,• Minister MAUR, 'Oreanfat and Choir Blaster •-• 10 a.m. 'THE 'CHURCH scHooL. II 'On. 4`TilE TRANSFORMING' LORD". , 'LP" "CHRIST IS BORN" A.RELPIOUS rum IN OoltiNli AND, COLOR • THE qii,imint WITH THESINGING TOWER , WISHES YOU TO ATTEND . CHURCH If, you have no other church affiliation ' Come to Knox Church The children will be 'Cared for in the Junior Congregation during the morning service at 11 o'clock. The minister will preach on the SilbjeCtL "IRE VIAT IS NOT AGAINST US IS FOR US." 7 p.m. SPECIAL SERVICE OF MUSIC'. puest Soloist: Margo McKinnon of Toronto Conservatory of • Music.' Bernuni: "THE AMBITIOUS • GUEST."- ' REV. R. -G. Mac.XILLAN, W,U BISHOP,JTRCO,ARCM - Minister. ' Director. Of Praise, •,.Olnititin with, priZs„tter?.., ford cattle from =illy, part_ an entry of Heber Eerly, Dangannen, Wen Peeing' prize for Ner'efeTd..steet'S in thn „Plater' Yeals. class at the Royal Winter Fair. The winner in, this class cainelrem Manitoba. Mr. Eedy bas 'ma-- A Hereford 'herd for the "past lIvo years, . olvr BLOINIADIEB IN HIGHWAY ACCIDENT Mrs, _Ruby Sees, of. Port Elgin, suffered forehead cuts, and Miss .tratharine Leith, also of Port Elgin, a badly bruised noSe in an aceld,ent at Sheppard.ton at 1.39 p.w. yester- day, when. a' car driven by Douglas Leith, in Whiah they were oceu-, pants, skidded at the curve on high: wav 21 and,. crashed into a' guard- rail, ...They were, on their way to Detroit -to- 'spend the ,U,Sm. Thanks- ' giving Day with friend. After treat - meat at Alexandra Hospital, they were released. • Orevincial • Con- stable A. Butler -inveotigated. • ROW • HODGES.-At „Alexandra Hospital, ' Goderich, on November 18th, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Hodges, Dungannon, a daughter, Valerie. MOSS. --- At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on, November 16th, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moss, 'A mixed bridge and "500" spon- Goderich, a daughter; Jacqueline 'sored by the Women's Lawn Bawl - May.. , in Clhb will be held Friday even- MOBRINC. - At West Lincoln ing, Pecember 2nd, al; .8 o'clock; Memorial. Hospital; Beamsville, in -the 'Masonic Temple. Admission 50c. • * -46 -Goderiek DraP30,tic Club.Monthly Meeting at AfaerCaY /Lill on Mon- day, • 'November ,28th. An, intereet- ing PratIram,and alSa innett..Every- .• one interested is Welebthe.-46 Reskrve Saturday, November 26, for laz,N1,1*, bake sale and after - neon tea te he held in -North St'reet United ChUrch. The Women's Eiespital A,uxiliary Will meet at the,home af ars. D. Campbell., Yietbria 'street, on, MOP - day NoveMber 28t1L,• O'cleck. Don't miss getting your, tickets. early on "Judy," the dell dreSSed,*-in. $ to be drawn for on. Deem*. tier 24th, 1949, at,13, pm., at Gode- h Fruit Muter, Tickets 25e, 5 , .11,16A14E,-,-S IE. R 0 M house With aU convenieneeS, in. village' of Ssitford.,a, BI(.14/gElfiLit 13ox 1211 Goderich, . 45x OR SALE„--F071.11I-TUBE 'BAT- TERY radie set (VilciaX), in 'wood condition. phone 1178M, " 446X OR SAIED WOQR, $3.50 per °Ord, delivered: HURON I1F,1, 'phone 1165W, Huron road, - • 45tf TICOR A.11..E.-qT.TET-$E0 HEATER, pod' cOndition, priced for quick, sale; 2:paire 'ren's skates with high white boots, • size IA,. good condition; girls' or :Woman's warm black coat, size 16, .good condition. Reasonably' priced. Theae,, 674J, • . "+- . • 3.. far. $1.00. „Net,probeeds to Ooderieh SEWING • M A OYI 1:„NE :.1tE" Fl Louzom „yers Hockey Club. • PAIRED. NeediSS; belts' and Dresses made for our store, jildY are size 14 and eau bebought for the price of the material; :phis a small 'charge for Making them, Come in and see how Yon*can save by making your clothes the Singer Way. Singer Sewing Centre, Gode- rich. -46 Viatoria St. United Church MINISTER -REV CAWRENCE. H. .TURNER,'. B.A. - ORGANIST and Mom LEADER -Miss Mary Joyce Strachan 10 a.m. SABRATII SCI10014. ADULT BIBLE CLASS. • - 11.a.111. Preacher, Mr. Donald Orth, B.A., Enunfnuel College, Toronto: 7 p n The lYlinister. „Sabeet; "Had Paul Journeyed East - ea -What?" - • Friday, 8 p.m. Huron Presbytery Y.P.U. Annual Rally. . • , in. Victoria Street Church UNION .CHURCII-GODERICII,'!TOWNSIIII) I45 p,m. Sabbath SehOol. • 2.30 p.m. Public. 'Worship, •Preacher, Mr. Donald Orth, B.A. • VICTORIA -UNION WELCO1VIES • YOU .Gode.rkh Baptist -.ChurCh PAST011--REV, 0. w. it. MEDLEY. ' 'Organist -Miss Verna C. Miller 19 min. '011URCI SC1100C-CHRISTMA.S. COMING: -ARE • YOU? _, • ' 11 a ni "WHAT ARE YOU GETTING OUT OF. LIFE?" p.m. "ASLEEP • AT • THE SWITCH -ARE YOU?" YOU'LL LOVE SINGING OLD GOSPEL HYMNS. ;CO1VIE AND SEE? • 1O BYPU-Exains .." , anesihW,11. pan., icayer, • . . • • . (Penteco ‘Rgir. J. A. PEARSON; Pastor GREAT S.' S. RALLY. 4 EVANGELIST luAity SCOTT SERVICES CONTINUE'D ' Tues.aay, Wednesday, Thursday and -17riday.-730 p.m. . God is Blessing in these children's meetings -Old - and • young alike are meeting with God. COME AND BE REFRESHED • on •November 4th, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M•ohring, Lincoln avenue, Beamsville, a daughter, Sharon Elizabeth. Housewives!!! The. Girl Guides desire to hetp you atthis bu,sy TURNER. -At Hotel Dieu Uespit.. season by holding LP sale of 'home -, 'al, St Catharines, on November [-baking and small gifts in the dining- 16t1a, 1949, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Roy I room of the British Exch•ange Hotel Turner, St-ratharines, formerly of Goderich, a' daughter. DIED, Atfielcl 'iowfiship on . SUnday, November. 26t1i, 1949; •John $. Quaid, * his 73rd_year. IN MEMORIAM The regular meeting of the Wo- men's • Institute Wikl be held on ,Thursday, December '1st, at 2.30., #p•ra. A special program_ in. keePing. witlt Christmas is . being prepared, • and all members are asked to be- Pien1017 of a present Tbere will beTa. shower dear hulhand and father; John of gifts far the work of, the Child- - W. • Petrie, • who passed away ren's Aid. • -46 • November, 30th, 1947. -Sadly missed by his Wife •and Special -till December 15th at FamilY. , • •• - -46 Moser's Studie, With every roll of film bought and •finished at this • studio,. a free enlargement will -be CARDS OF THANIIS given. 30e" develops and prints 6 and 8 exposure rolls. Carry a nice assortment of folders and minerals and have 'cameras for rent MRS. WILIAAM I3IRNIE, 18 - -East street, wishes to thank all her friends and, relatiyes who remembered her with ,, cards, gifts and .--flayer...§-on--lier-eighty lift birthday, Novemher 7th. • MR.. AND MRS. JOHN McWHIN- NEY, Nile, wish to extend kheir grateful thankS to peighbors and •friends for' their kindness, and far aids, abd• to Dr.' /ohn• Wallace and the nurses and staff of Alexandra Hospital Who- cared • for them so kindly at the hospital. • • 46 I WISH TO, EXPRESS MY CERE thahks to all those who so kindly sent cards, fruits and flowers, and also to those who visited* me while a patient at the hospital and since my return home. 46. MRS. J. J. MORRIS. •-00t-of-town--custemers briog or send in b.ead only.. Your own machine made into an electric portable. • a WOODS, Secondhand Store, 12 East street, Phone 8674'. ' ' ' * 5tf 41t14WM:48 OOPS. 41ND 34,40. ZN1,Inibseriptio,ns.43,N10 Baylield.' Read, lphOne 10139„W,k- • • 45000 •••,- FOR SALE. -AT2 BENMILLIOR ' facing Maitland YRiver, near the 'bridge, a. Very attractive -small new honse. Living -room, sun -room', kitchen, two •bedroorns, coMplete bathroom, basenient,. large ,two -car garage, lot 200' X 175'. Immediate possessian. Sales agent MAJ/COLM 'MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, the Square, Go-derich._ Phone .1.1.5W. 46tf FOR SALE. - HIGH T -e 0 OTM l brick house, full basment, funul_. ace, newly decorated nside • and - outside. Apply 72 Traf , gar street or phone 1142W.. - i 46x FOR SALE. -GOOD- U §- E D - stove •(Acrae heater), reason- ably, priced.42 BAYFIELD ROAD, phone 10601. •° 45x FOR 'SALE . OR TRADE 013, • larger Car. -1949 .Vanguard Standard sedan, late model., low mileage, perfect- condition, A. -FORKHEI311, -Raglan and Palmer- ston streets", Goderich; 46x, "Ett,oLLA.14i; pu4Bs OF" ALL kinds now on» gale at JACK.: SONS FLORISTS for bOth*outdoor and indoor planting. Plant from now to- December lst. „petalled in- structions given with each order. Hyacinths, daffodils- and tnliris in • assorted types and ' olors.' • All mother bulbs. Our prices will coin- preseittetipare- with anyone's. Phone 100.,42 Fireside Group of Leildesboio , United Church, bri Victoria. street .TOR OF, •"gilOOP= United Church Thursday, De --8- cember lst, at 8.30 p.mli .„ under sleighs, in good shape, with lo _g, auspices of Victoria, young people. ItnudrikeSela•-alr0.0HeAdrndRs rofl,Nry *iliLadAwmeosd, _.dmiSsion 50c _all 25c. • 4a --„- sotford. Phone 13-05',Carlow - 467x Christmas ,fair ;and- carniVal, -- •December .3.rdfteragon-and_even. FOR__SALE.- ,=-_,NULK-FED ing, in British Exchange by the. ENS* and broilers. 14OUGH- Social Club of St. P.,etees- Ch•urch; ON and • AITKEN, phone 356. Home baking candy,' film produce,. Place' your order for your ChristaprOns, dressed d011s and fancy mas turkey: 42tf work:; Surprise packages for child- ' rem 'Afternoon 'tea will be served.' FOR 1SALE.-ON' QUEBEC ST.*, fri the vening games will • be- a very god five -room, cottage. played-weol blankets as pries, yery nice living;room, two• bed: bingo for fowl and groceries. rooms, kitchen, com,plete, bathroom, to -thank my neighbors •nd* -4-3tf full basement , . good location,I TAKE TIM. OPPORTUNITY friends who so kindly remembered The Recreational Council wishes- 1VIALCOLIVI-MATHERS, Real Estate Mediate possession. Sales at xpe ,the time of •the accident by- .to announce classes cawbe beld'in praker, the, Square. -phone 115W. •advanced leather -work with an- in- • 49tf -struetor Iron/ the -DepartmenPr 3Ir. Leland-McLeod-of-Sin/pm, who', it is understood; is One .faif the hest obtainable ; and also classes Ph. be- ginners. Classes, to start -in Janu- ary. Aivotie interestedpleaSe con- tact Mrs. -C, R. Holland, phone 1025, immediately.' ' , -46 • , , For - year convenience, we - wrap -gifts Purchased at your Singer Sewing Centre. We invite you to see our Christmas .suggestions. -SiagT 'P.O.; Rox 859, Godetieh, .or. phone 1135. -46 oaailed postpaid • in plain, sealed Hygenic supplies (rubber goods), 'envelope %TIM price list • Six samples 25e; 24 samples 000. Mail • Order '.Dept. 7-53, :NOV-RUBBER CO., Box Si, HamiltAn. Ont- • .1-9 OR SALE. TRA -0* Ts:Mt SekreelY UPed, with cul- stiavw,,t°11ice :a4,ine.1)W1°.W'rhAlbr!:;. 8-.-110471a. bench Elt- et a "OW 61'0011*SeWtlig machine- for fi'ClaristmaS. Oft. We machines for $89.56; and Up; small down paymentVr Cash, AP - ply, SINGER SEWING CENTRE, phone 1185, or 1'.O.. Box 826, Crocle- - 45 .0. AUC.TION SALE.. OF ,35 T.B. • ; TESTED **COWS - at lot No, 31, Oth •ConcesSion, of Goderich Township, one Mild south. ..Porter's .• - TUESDAY, .N0yEMBER- 29t11". • p:t 1.90 Pan.„. sharp • " 35, young dairy and beef -type cows, same fresh; a number of close- up springers, some•due this Winter, balance milking due in the 'spring., These ,are good quality cows tOrti sisting of Holsteins,' Dnrhatos and Jerseys. -All caws are T.13. -tested and- may miter • any herd or area. TERMS -CASH. ' Sale under cover. - A. E. XOWNSHEND & SON, Proprietors. EDWARD W.• 'ELLIOTT,' • Auctioneer: _ K. W. COLUHOUN, Clerk. assisting'with my....work and sending Inc 'flowers and cards, I would like to mention especially 0-e -Stair Of Alexandra.Hospital: - • REG. GLEN, R.R. 6, Goderich. 46x . , • WE *WISH TO EXTEND thanks to the people ,who took part in thesearch for our sOn: -Special• thanks to the Provincial Police Department'. of ' 'Getlerich. MR..AND MRS. JAMES O'NEILL, •Kintall:,...:z. • THE RELATIVESOF THE LATE' , . John S. Quaid are grateful to the •neighbor's. Lind . friends-' who helped'them so ,Much ' in their bereavement; and also to „those 1 who sent flowers or loaned cars for thefuneral. ", - -F -46 . . • FOR SALE: --•• SA,RGE HOUSE with apartnient upStairs •novv rented; oak 140ors,, all -modern con- Veniences, In good.repair; centrally leertted. Possession 'December 5th. Phene 1027W. • • 45tf F.OR SALE. -- BARRED ROCK roosters, from ,5% to 6%*lbs., ffessedr if desired; also '34 Chev. coach in 00a -condition. CHESTER BEATTIE, R.R. 2Go1er1ch. Phone • • 46i eoRNEit VICTORIA AND PARK STREETS "The ,WesleyanTEmphagis" REV'. SV.: CRAVVPORD COWHERD, PASTOR. 10 amt. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 aan. :Stibject; LIVESP. / pan. Subject "FELIX' TREMBLED." 'Wednesday *at, 8 pato. Prayer and Pellowship Meeting; - 'Attend: the Church of "The Light and Life Ilour." • Listen' to CHML* Hamilton, . Sundays at 80 a,m• INDEPENDENT ORDER, °' OF FORESTits' • 0ourt lto. 62, Goderich, 4.theetalptand.thiriPlon day nights of every month -- in MacKay HalL •° • • Visitprs.Weicome.. • •• -46tf _FLOOR SANDING: Old Lind new floors * sanded: and finished. J. C. •Cb()K, Clinton. Phone 23J. 43-52x Strayed to the farm of Carman Pollock, rut. 1, Pert Albert abet* 2% Months ago, ,a Hereford steer. Owner may have same by proving ,pro'perty and paying for this adver- tisement.- • -..-46 St/1441)Alt: SERVXCPS 11 4"41 116 ESS MEETING with e I m ut. Coi. and mrs,A. Keith,. newly-OpOinted DivisionalOinnuandeis fOtItondon and Witidsot. Olvislok aceortioan'led Major and Mrs. J. Morrison, newlyi 4,4441ittett 00.1614inat :Voting reepiea. Secretary. ,.„ SON111.0, Sei100/11 . 8AL1TATIOj 10E0N 3 ,LADIES' IOWLING iblatIt)$ The first 'arlea in the Ladies' Social Bowling 14agite ended PrIt day .night, ,Noveniber 18thrIvith the fellow** etandisiggit .4.14/0.,414 „ 4 HaN'vks 32 • —Blue Bells 27 • ttapity 25 Tin V.czhackers "20 White Capa nigh tingles, Nvil.:e S1ilrk DU It - worth olth 2:40. and 3.11Idre et - tone With gtii. fllgh triple At to moK4nieht nod ria.Cf With t82. and 573 respectively, • ,SeaXed:tendbr4 Will tie reeeiied by the ' undersigned, until 5 p,nr; Thuridiy; Deeember, 15th,„1249; for tile purehaee of tho, three story brick, building si.tu. atccl•o0 the corner of The Stuprie nd ,COlborlio.Stieetor now oeinipied. th4, OffiCO. Any tender not teceosatilyteeepted. aonttxon ouitx4.0 vvr,i*.eits ,00rpcivatuq, -40:4 WLTH.BAR4NA mom diNG 30t each Tee B6x,e4okies Oc doz. ight and dark Frui1 Cak FOR.4Av41.romr UNTIij OH:EISTIVIAS —The Bonn of Tasty Pastry— , Orders of 1..()0 a/Id over delivered. PRQNE 465 WEST ST. • , WANTED. - • NOTICE TO CREDITORS OODWOR,KERS. EXPERI- - - ENOED eahinetnroher,--syvi*NotIo.E. o:REpyroxts.., .saw break -Out Man. We are ex- panding.'en-13.oy• t; e80$7. ;Li wi, 1 -write61trin JAMES steady con- ditions,COLE FURNITURE. COMV#NY.46, Ingersoll. . CLEARING' AUCTION- SALE OF FARM ISTOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED & -HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at 'north half of lot 2, ,Goderich township, Na. 8 highway, five_miles east' of ' Goderieh (near Taylex's -06lier), on. ' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30th at 1.30 -p.m: sharp HORSES -Grey mare, 7 years Old; • brown mare,. 4.2.. Years old. CATTLE -Jersey cow„ due Janu- ary 13th; Holstein yearling heifer; Durhaifi X Holstein • heiter;i. months old. ' • "....PIGS -'3 Yorkshire sows ;' 1 pigs from 2 to 3° months Old; POULTRY "AND,-• E QUIPMENT- 20.: hens, 1 Year old; 556 :31.arred Rock cockerels and pullets; 14 ducks; chicken feed, troughs; turkey P...en and., feed troughs; brooder stove; 50 yards of wire netting. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. -I.941 son -coach equipped with new tires, slip covers, air-conditioned`, heater, and- radio, (ear in, 4-1 condition) ; drl .11arris •movver,-,5-fti.' cut ;wagon ,and rack; light ,"waagev -single plow ; 1 rOW' scufflertff 3 -section, harrows; 2 sets •double 'harness'h .; orse col- lars; 11/2-h.p. "gas. engine; 2 -Wheel *alley; shovels; 4 feed bias; hay- fork;: crowbar; 2 axes; pig troughs. FEED -Approximately 356 bus. A-ja-x-eatsr-'snitable for -seed; ---ap- proximately 6 tens mixed taY; qiianti4v pf straw. • _ HOUSEHOLD. EFFECTS -.Mod- ern ern *Marlboro range (nearly new) ; Beach electric,stoVe (nearly new) ; churn. TERMS -CASH. • . No reserve, as the farmis sold. • • . WREN, ',Proprieter. POR •SALE. -CABINET • MA- CHINE at. a good sa.ivng,; also used machines. • Apply SINGER SEWING CENTRE,. *phone 1135, P.O. Box 836, Goderich. 45 • • . EDWARD • W. 'ELLIOTT, • - •• Auctioneer. •• K. COLQUHOUN; • Clerk. WANTED. - RADIOS TO PAIR. Car radie troubles and installing a specialty. •New.gini re- conditioned car, home, and portable radios for sale. "*.ALF, HU'l7CIIIN- soMs RADIO °SERVICE, .. 82 Uurexi road, or call -21tf FOR . SALE. --• SLENDOR TAB- LETS are effective. Two weeks'. supply $1; 12 'Weeks, $5; at CAMP- BELL'S , and EMERSON'S DRUG STORES.' • • ° 45-6 VOR •SALE. -NEW' SIX -ROOM • " insul brick 'b.ouSe, in 'Goderich, fully 'insulated, cemPlete• With bath, rooM, modern kitchen, refrigerator and twiplate heavy day electric stave; or would sell refrigerator and -stove', separately. Apply' to HOWA.RD GO*WING,- Regent street, #.•-• FOR SALE. • • Two-storybrick and stucco house en Essex Street. Lieing-reeni, din- ing -room, kitchen, on main iloer, three bedrooms, bathroom and. sun ram/ upstairs. Rrice $6000: three-room cottage with WO two -bath • an Pieten street Completely furnished. Price $2560. V.A.A.M S. - , • kiikrivrgn, c0TTA0§. )yritrii.i4ci LOTS. , WANTED, -GIRL, -OR„ WO -MAN v .y • for general housework in sniall, modern North London honae. Must be fond of children.; live in, „good. wages. • Experience not easential but character reference required., Write BOX 76, SIGNAL -STAR.' _46 WANTED. -FARM MACHINERY ' Dealer wanted 'far full line of farm. maehineryAneluding Amters, th-reshes, ensilage cuttergr tillage and haying machinery, ebin planters and other line. A very profitable .franchise. • 'Contact GEORGE WHITE & SONS 40031PANY ITED„ TJondon, Olitario. .45-6-7. FAR& HELP .OFFERED FOR NEXT SPRING -AND. SUMMER Apply now Or a Dutch farmer's. family. Standard Wages- 4 on -"one-. year contract ($75 a month plus living -.quarters.) Experienced, re- liable Christian people • from Hol- land. • Inquire spbout immigration housing project Who living quarters available. Apply to REV. LEON. P. BRUIJN, 19 Silver Birch tivenue, Torento, Ont. • Phone •Ilawaiid 3551, -- •-46;840- A-NTEPI-LISTINGS OP PRO-. •'PARTIES for sale. No charge to you until' Property is- sold. MALCOLM. `MATHERS, R e Estate Broker, The Square, Gode- rich. phone 1.15W. 12tf VVAAT,BD To r*UY.--ALL OLD " horses and -dead animals. If - suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertiiizer priee8. If not, will' pay fertilizer prices: Ifaead:, Phone at once. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect 936 r 21.or 936 r 32. • lPERTIES for ,sale: C. F. CHAPMAN. ,Real Estate Broker. Phone 18. • 39tf .'iro RENT VOR RENT, *NTOE LITTLE • house, ,two.. bedrooms, living- roein and sumMer kitchen ; inside water, but no hydro as yet, . Avail- able_ftrst of December; $18.00 per month. THOMAS KOVIAK, JR., • R.R. 3, Goderich. ' Phone Ripley 30 r 27: ' ,,,,_ question will' be' sUblifitteUtai,,ff.:the-lioor. Apply . JAmEs, A. CAMP - "Are assent a .the electors: 1-)eing passed by :the'. Munieipal To: at the next enSting municipal elec- tmaco.,:notiese that LtIfe* -.following; --KEEPING-.or office,„teorner Council of the Town ..pf4 Godericla. increasing the nimbler of members. - of Goderich Publit Utilities Com- inistign from three to fiveir-,-: ' • rnitted for .the assent of the.electers . The -above .; question will be sub- ; . TOWN `01,7 GODERICH ••• of ',torthR . roomI:,I:street-and. 7:s q ,:oe :: -lst E "Are you in favour of .a. by-law PELr-4,. '1_1 - . . . _ kEEPING room, heated;" sift - 'RENT. - LIGHT H.OUSE- ..............-.... . , tion; to be held Tuesday,, Deceinbej T9 ntwp. :-L__,_.A r A: It ir...Nts NT, . The vote on the question will bo r99. furnished and heated. Phone taken at the palling phiees, and by, .... the Deputy Returning :Officers ap- pointed by by-law to take the votes 'Agriculture 'expert§ S'Y the toad the.. election, of the Municipal * . , . frog eats each year as n ny insects Tlie Council., oiling places shall be open.' ass it WoUld doSt a farther .$8•10 kill:. to receive votes on the above clues- -. ttoAb.etween the hOhrs. of 10 o'clock in the T5Fe176761-1Ird-6'1. -4 the afternoon. The .Mayor or a-meraber of the Council -designated by hltn *shall, if so requested„ not later than Decem- ber 3, 1049, appoint in writing two persons' to•attend at the ..0nal sum- ming up of the votes by the Clerk and one .person to, attend, at each polling place on behalf ef persons intereSted in and desirous of pro- moting the proposed 'question- and a like number of persons interested In and desiring to oppose the pro- posed question, *. , ,.• Before any perSofy 144 ,.,Pio 4P - pointed he shall. make And sub,•, scrilfe , a declaration according •tO fent 23 of 'the. :lkfunicipal ' Act it-S.0..':Iu37, •ohapter .466. ' ...-0,0,r All persons .qualtlied-lo vote for the election Of the Unnicipal Conti-, ell Shall be*qualified to Ardte.po this question, : . . ' , If the question, submitted is'. as- sented to. :Bylaw. No. 41; of 1040,. fortivOith come' into effect. , ° olit01 6ri:ttult:4).1 se,lt ti Ilittat1001:1,fieet; i 11 tic::: bblleall:lx,1?:.1:, 1 tot lboeteld1: ttel .6er: first published in the issue of the .gitid. paper dated Tirarsility. Novem- ber three 4nOnseentive".*oOks In The Ceinini8131011 frein three to five.,shall at .Gederieli. Ontario. and shall- lie Signal -Star. 'a newspaper published This statement of the -clues ion to 46.-7-8- 1 Town Clerg.' able for couple. •Phene, 167J: -.46 T9 RENT. -- PURN,ISEIRD heated. 10 Wellington Street, phone 98611.* 44t2 All„perions having elainakOttinat ' the estate of Elizabeth Ann lialeYt 4 late Of...the Town' of Goderich the County of Huron, .spinstert.who died on or about the .2nd November, 1949, are required' to, file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 26th day NoVenaber, 4949, as after that 'date' . the ,estate . will 'be - distributed. • • Goderich, Ontario, 44-6- Solicitor for the Estate. NOTICE TO ,OREDITORS. •t, All persons having claims against* the *estate of Mary E. Peacock, late of the Town 'of Goderich Th the County of HUrQU,I widew,'Who- died on -,or about the n4 day of November, • 1949, ure required to - file the .same with full. 04.Mu1ars with the undersigned by the 25th day of November, 1049, as after that • -date the estate • will bO0-0 distributed. ,1J 13-AfY.Si,it..C.; • *, • Goderich, Ontario, - Solicitor for.„the Estate. In the .Estate, of an4h Ferguson, deceased,. ' All ' perSons'having•!elaiMa' against the estate -710 Hugh VerguSen,. late' . of the Township of Ashfield, In the- • County of Huron,' farmer,. deceased,: .who died: on •or about the twentY- 'sixth., day of September, 1949, are; hereby notified to send to the tin.' dersigned! eiacecUters or , their* $611-• citorron: or -before the nineteenth. . duly ,paaYrtieu°94-1:; e of , their' verified' by affidavit. • . Immediately after *tile nineteentli day of December, 1949, *the assets of the estate .will he distributed - amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard, only to the claims -Of • which the executors shall•then . received -notice. -• • Dated.,:.at Kincardine, .Ontario, this fifteenth day of NoVember,.19-gt LAMOritarloA ONKincardine,• T', , Solicitor. • MARIE GREER, R.R. No. 1, Lucknew, Ontario - WILLIAM FERGUSON, R.It."-"No. 1, 'Kincardine, Ontario. 45-64 •• 'EXeOUtOrS: Ott, SALE'. — r /%1 TE It wreaths from $1.66 to 1900.,are 'J'ACKSONS FLOR- ISTS, or tan ,be Made to 'order, 'These wreaths ard perm 'ed in ,Sfettland cemetery. Contact ti$ and . get .eouplete information at:, no -obligation to yourself. 11.0" type 'vitreath.liolders -furnished. .t.ee:. for "reaths .$6 over. tiatf . • giaCIAL SALE Or REEN- IIOIJSE-GRO\VN ehr) gatitheo Attons itt Ides than holt rice at 3adkOott8 Florists. tate otUniet__ for '75e-tah and catty., ree de- livery On Any order of$1.00 r oVer. You may benent by, ,a on las of 'flew •-benntlful 'MOMS, Ii ead of wholesaling ,thetni, as luwal, ie are trYIng something lieW, in a Leniffit- Ing' to move them In tt .toc 1 sale. Phone 105. .•- .43tf 110•- TOE& • : DitI19;<1 -THAT'S .1 • your busineSi. Do :yotl wjnt to stop drinking That '§- our 'bail: • ness. " Blue Water Group' Alcoh:alics Anonynions. Write '.:R.OX 222, S1GNAL:$T.AR, •Goderich. 37tf %HY BE,CONSTIPATED?, --:,. •• • Why endure the • ,distress ' and 'disConifort.'fOf...constipation? Why toleratek.a,con'ditiothat-May-lead-;-----.2.- - to serions disorders?. , -Thousands ,have been helped , to, relief with 'Dr.' .Jackson's 'Roman Meal. Here. is no. harsh, griping or irritating laxative but It delicious, wholesome anidi natural cereal.' DeveloPedi, by Robert G. Jackson,- it um. - bines the natural food wanes' and . delicious 'Favors of whole wheat and whole rye rwith, the,gently. lax- ative . properties of ' '.and; -bran. Make Ttoma.u. Meal your daily cereal for the whole family.. , Write today to DR: JACKSON FOODS -- -.144xmattii bti4; Wllllflgdon Blvd.,'Totonto.',-: for FREE 7 Booklet_ ,"Nature's ' Way :to Gadd Health". by Robert G. Jackson,. ,`M D" • . AteSt, Of the Werld'S niekei entput cVnleS froin Clinada. .