HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-11-24, Page 7• .. qakw. F.. „ • . ,SDATI,' NOV*2b, TOWN HALL, OLU4TON ATA1.8.0 • ,„ 29t Specia1Biieaker,:-.1r, .4; Secretary-Manitger -.041,4011c4fratiOP, . „ rib is 7a annual meeting aid your orgartizalloW. .Conle out and -show your interest. Annual Bauquet" 'Concert and shfltW-dy;eiling: 1141103E4170147, at 7 pini; Iliv..;"41 Spook' or --,*Watson Porter, Editor4n.chief, ruin- *er's Advocate'. London,, • Entertainers: -London Artiste- 'with Born, 'Conwa3r as Master of Cerenionies and his Continental *Orchestra., Tidkets niay s141be obtainedfrom TOWnthip Directors to County or County. Siereta4-Treasurer, '46 I 4' 4..0.03'...GRAND Mom' _Inarrs BETOEF/ELD • Hur-on_District No. frof the ,Iade- 'pendent Order of Oddfellows enter, (pined Grand Master Reg, Thrush, �f PlAtipleau„. Ont„ at a turkey 10.anOttet held 1t1e, basement of United, Church on Mon- day evening, November 14th. Fred 1300.,e, )4racefie1d, D.D.Q;M., was. &airman and'ioastmaster. ' • A number of toasts were honored WIIEILEWS FUNERAL SEAVICE I No extra oharge for the use - . of •ournmetat Home, Toron- • rt a StrOet( ' - .-:' ".- •,' .----- 1 , • Prompt , Ambulance . Berviot- - --47' • Phone 835 . Res.. 355 or:7 osimits'imassam;msamossis.mmailastawarria visommirror Cows $2.50 each r Horses ..$2.50 each 7-• "HOGS OVER 250 lbs.--. 50c • , according q to Site and condition • Phone collect: God.erich . . .936R21 • Clinton . . .9101116 ..Seaforth 05,5R2 • Ingersoll. .• • . 21 William Stone Sons, Ltd, INGERSOLL:ONTARIO ,audmin,_ response to the, toast_ to Grand' Loge M Thrtish gave the address of the evening. • -The Grand Master chose .for, Ills Subject "Fear Not to Touch the 'Best," which is the motto for this term in OddfellOwShip, Mr, Thrush is mach: interested ;in the activities, young people. and would like to l see ledgessponsor such activities. He mentioned. Orlllia, Peterboro and Brantford lodges, Which: all had Considerable aetivity in this line. ,He Spoke also or the benevolent ,IiteJeeta of :gie Order and closed rtdo,'013)arks.,..pAt giving the::eliallenge Ahat -Abe members 'need, a„ 'deeper OreePtion of ,possibilities for good as contained lii OddtelloWship.. •- The Grand Master Was thanked on behalf of the large gathering in attendance by Clarke Fisher,' Exe- ter, 0-114%T,-- B. Baird; BrUeefleld• Boyce,' -Seaforth, District Warden,.., :Moir -and O. A. pannertnan, West :3,1oukton, .:brought --greetings" from :District ,No. 12. Rev; E. .R. StaA- *tin* rahrister--a--the----churein which the banquet Was held, and a. Member of the Brucefiekr., Lodge, offered 'prayer for the sick„ and a pementra;:silence-ivas .Observed in 'memory of these 'who .had departed. Saha Rennie, Hensall, accompanied on the plane by.Mrs. MeBeath, "Sang several selections Which were much appreciated. jameS :Boyce, 'Bruce - field,: •father •a the. Dt..D.G.M., wan an hollered member 'sitting .at . the head table. .. • A Pleasin:, en tire *ef:*-tlielefening was, the preientatten• of oi,P.D,D.G. .jeviret:to 'salr, .drand lifaster-4T,hrugh. The meeting-eleSed with the singing of "0 'Canada.” ' - • Cemetery Memorials • T. PRYDEII4 BON. - (formerly, Ounniugbam & PrYde) • Clinton, Exeter, *roith • Write Box 150, or firattneAli, Exeter. ' and. we shall pleased t6 call. TRUS NT ED RTIFICAT illurgigsT Attractive ,Shert-Tenn , Legal Inireahnent Princlaai and Interest Guaranteed M. PAN Y F. R. Hughes, Mania -go!, 284. Dundos St. London „• 'HEAD.10E TOSUNTO - • - rial of, and Windsor • Application' it'oCeiVed irhrotigh. •Vour 140 -iii *Agent or. Selivitor or 0 e. Old PlarlUe0 will be Interested in the stOry of the passenger Atetoner "Ontario," Of ';the 'Beatty „Lhie,;*tOld by Fred Young in he London Free Press. • The '"OntarlO"' plied.betiveen Sarnia and the lie0. Of :the 'Lakes, caflthg at GOderichi and Mr. Young's, story deals with a trip that began at 'Sarnia in October sixty years ago. , 'We liad 1Ptt Pert, Sarnia on. Fri - ay eVeriltig, October 1.8th,, bound for Port Arthur -Fort , Duluth, bl4aneSetat 00 West SuiperiOr, -Wisconsin., For Many years the "SiS- ,Oatariez' -had car, r:wieeclatblAtedn'ePar118dX4Q13411.raygd° bound frelght had Carried barrels of sear tr4P1 West Superior, Ir�n and: copper lu- ,gote.,fronP.pulutia. and grain from the elevators at ,Vort Wililam,• anCda-Sel*ugth'artPrOQ04,-40tr Allh'XCerstfl.:1140144 01! ' Lake Huvon on •wttlit(iftYv 00017; zotii; she arrived at Satilt te, .3%ar1e„ Michigan, on the AM: :erletni.,Side Of the river and riot .0)), the Canadian .40e. 'As we 'passed . through, the lock and Canalt ,stOrin .digaalS denoting ,lleaVy gale fro* the •401')Vest cm Lake Superior Were; h4Asted, at the 'Inttsthead ,ofthe Weather 'bureau, . "Right in Or teeth, ed First Mate Ale,. -Brown to la Steward Arthur Somerville, "If the Old Man OAS out An, it" It was my drat season in ',tire old vessel cabin, night-watelnnilh• In the good old annonertimet- lively passengers , 'helped to ,1111 in the - long: night vii1, but;the. arrival of, the stor4AY 'Meath of October' had reduced the passenger list to ,Zero. Relieved at 7 a.m. by -the OrWfircl watch,. -I, had balV.Vreakfast and gone below and from the porthole of iny sleeping quarters had Wet:tiled the, lighthouse's at Point aux Pines and Point Iroquois drift Past, and the vessel , was jilAt Meeting the vanguard'of the nor'wester in the L'•wide waters Of Whitefish Bay as ;turned in, trusting with youthful Optimism 'to • the, skill ot:',QaPtain- MC,Nfibb as.. a navigator and the watchful• -.Care -,a -.Lady • Luck. " "A,11 1(landS on peck" About was aroused by the call "All hands on' deck," and awoke under the impression that the beit,liad left the lake .and was being dragged across a -ploughed Working My way forward on the prolnenade deck, I madefast to the 'iron ladder leading,uP to the ,pilot house, and tried to get my bearings. Directly above iffe, Captain ' Na.bb was nipping the life -line that was -made- fast-to-the:OW bouSe: and gng order S to the"Wheelsme,e. BotheisnfdrL were.utt the wheel. The'llowling --gale had stirgot 'the captain's Sou'wester to the batk of his head, and it Was held- at his throat by the chin •strap. Hail- stones, aided by the gale; -were play- ing the 'devil's: tattoo, on his- bald head fin-d.lh.'spite of the danger the situation 4aPpeaIed to my sense a humor. Over the spume of the wild,- whitecapped waves, 1Vlichipicoten Island •seemed to be bobbing up and down on the to, beam, like a dancing dervish.. First Mate Alex. Brown; who. was on thelook- out at the cathead; let go his nip on the rail and slid down to Where I-WaS'huggfng that ironiadder. -"Better go heletv, ' son," Ii� shouted in. mi ear. I had •-been fachfg •aft aS' I hung on to' the , ladder but turned hi the opposite 'direction at the sotiod ef the mate's .voice. - Ticklish Joh for "the .014 Mali" •.DeadlIgeed of -us- and dangerous- ly- close Meomed.the towering rocks of• thenorth shore of Lake Sliperior:• • • Kilere are we heading forV '1•sboate4 o the mate. .kbrive: t.4.01.rear of the storm he (Ifitthe. Old Man don't 'hit thitt-girp In those rocks right on 'the* no.$6,--Vve are heading for 'Davy • jones!s looker." - By that time, Second Mate 'Dave Scroggie„ of, Sarnia; had _worked his way forward and.bad draped bita- selfaround a nearby 'Stanchion. As' he 'pointed eward that zap in the afffS I heard him ask the first mate if he thought. the Old Man could "make, it." • • • • 9:A4kfixte :geovrled the MOO AA he 814 - WA to hi0...1304 at the eat•'• (ZvO6of three TSeat.ah'S 'Ater, saw Dye Sereggie swept from the hurricane de*, o the, United Empire" du ng xi. gale on Luke Superior in 892 or 1893. His body, Was..ne 4 oVered). Ile Mado' , There Can; be no:dou.it ‚that Lady Luck was . coyly responding to, the wooing of Cantain' .3141abb" that Sunday afterneonicOr,"be,,,omade,It" And we' euddenly, found ourselves Pader .the leo of towering, mks, sheltered lArbor as big' AS- .rt44,paeociwo:: .4,ty Woke. ...With a fotr. es jrr 017 the vessel N%rzve Into "full speed astern" and, we lost • :NO dock, human being or habita- tion -Of -110..Y land, Was,In sight 404 It segnied II, long time, before. -the clanking anchor ,chaih, quit paying .out. At a.belated,pupper table that Stnday night• -.11.14345f ,,Of the •erO* learned for tbe, 41174 time that our e0U. 4rOfTed-nt- a --Oleg :.,.4n4iarii,c;16..ogn4,44t .tnIxe4.1,,,a4ewonoReoriePurt c.hthaartt 4.1X/it.•*„. ;1; whatwOuld„have been 'a reatfol-,'havea if • it • had not :404 Xo4the. roar Of the: *waires AS ,t40,T dashed indActriithinegIelwIffesreecIA,taftee.. SuperiorAtern 'fist, and by bugging AA.- north shore • reached Port Arthur via Porphyry Point Mid Thunder Bay. Next day, 'the 180- nllle trip from Fort W1linin to Puipth., Ives. sailed. without incident. On the return trip, carrying :it decklond of flotir ,trPin West 'S4Per-ler and a ,hoild. fun of wheat from Duluth, we' hugged: the south shore of ,Lake Sfiperior via 4eeweliaw Point, »and on the, Morning *of October 27th three long blasts oh •the. whistle as we' neared Clark's deeic at Sarnia effectively spiked the rumor that the "S.S,‘ Onta,rio", had been lost on Lake Superior. • Converted te,Freighter laut -the old "Ontario's" 'career as a passenger' steanAer Was ended. On .11'hursday' night, October 31st, 18,89,• Hallowe'en, she left _Port Sarnia, for a -t•rOund.,,trip:.-fo "Port -0,1v-ter 'returnlost her status as • a Pas:. *titer •bat - and •-was.:re-cliriatened :4S a, freight carrier,' and if memory serves-aripCher.new naloe was 'Trances Skinner," - Lopking-baek -down the 'aiSles_of meniory, I oftenwonder 13,0w imapy • of that approxitaately fort -man crew who ,made the. last ` • trip in the "S.S.'- 'Ontario" of ' Sarnia are still living. LOWERING wit sTANpAitD 4.2-9 • de. Noliss‘ •TO' ItE-UPHOFQ .DAT,, 'EAST tOU itvirE BE , AEr3imtriELD iiiitritrotati3OX'atig# ,‘ .00 (.4........--',i;.------, . 4 went fiend Mit,. , Vilh,)! AO ". your. liouiso vo.o. weeks' l';1(14N't give118 a call T°I)Alt iaLii" eatoPlek4 tug' ret,,*aie AtiviY ara010-„,,t° ii,.,i4,...t.fou One to td , , , . . ,. • --A,t--fonft-nt'attd, p' tido. No 0P-4-5,-Tia.vte 7,-Iir furniture tom: orit,loo. _,,,, 4, . You Atilt lutivo time t� have . toted for v "nla's.'" '' ICK. : THELUPU OLS °wiled and eratelithlw Jack Suclennann • • Pb,orte otistootet ta'tidiierr street: 800W yotir sosurance of SatisfsetiOth" . 45106 D. FEAGAN •HOME and FARM* • 9 WIRING "Phones:" 937R12 C'h* . • ` The tAg!I • of ohrrAtkm* imspRANce 'ACM'S° ASSOCIATION r.4111 GdOd qinsur. anee otit tooted sti4 1144 .•'Refit Asanseen. ' NOrth St. . "rot, USW BOWL ' ....4..0404„ "....1-iY0r0 HOME EC0NOMV,)' Ilwnemakern; „It's 'a W9P- derfut-feeling to.,haVe a drenm be, come o reality " brand-new kitchen. We 'are very proutl;of ours because it, is. both attractive and efficient, • " It Is not the new ;gadget% AS 4401 as the well-planned general working epnditiona which rainimize time and. tinergY', The „compact, step -saving work unit. combinesa laundry and Aitchem area where only two or three lops are required from ,one Welic centre, to another. The size of the room is 8 feet, Inches by 15 feel, fi Beginning at theback doer we have the following installations: broom closet . with cleaning equip *tient, refrigerator,: clothes . sorting - space, '.waShing • nnighine, 'double Sink, food preparation ,table, baking Centre, electrie, 'range, 'doer to the dining Teem and 'breakfast coUnter: When we were planning, the kitchen we made a Hat to evaluate .10joehelpfulr..,oee,„_.i0318,iru:yohethese ideas 'will 1. Well -lighted work areas. g. Provisionfor adequate- ventila- tion.*- 3. Comfertable kitchen tempera - tares -winter and summer. , 4. Size and features of range, sink, and• refrigerator to 'suit oar particuia requirements. • 6. Otherappliances needed. 0: Provision for three Work sur- faees-mixing centre near re- frigerator,dish clearing at sink, • li-nd cooking -serving at the range. 7. Location. .of the refrigerator So that the door opens towards a cteariag table. 8. The. _laundry equipment enclosed in the cabinet area if the ma- . chine is s,pin-dry. 9. The laundry procedure arranged . • .to allow space to sort, wash -and •• dry if' possible.* • :19.:Storage ifiiii)litiesilvenient. Os, ' as adequate: -(a),.. cutlery drawer. in 'diyisionS.;- -(b) ,411zy Susan Shelves -for corners; (c) • step-up Shelves foy spices; Cd) , cup rack ;* (e), tosel radks; (1) trey racks; (g) meta lined ' drawers- for •floilr, sugar- and• (h) ventilated container • for, vegetables, •, ..• 11. A place to work sitting down, -- about 32 In'elleS from doer. 12. The bottom .of the sink bowl at least 32 Indies' from floor. OF SPEEaH ." 13. • • tillhel •bsuainilt-ein: hwelogrvekin gansdarfwaicdetsii•-of 1.,(Illnited OliuroI abserVer)'-..-• „Tile '-standiird ,of public spAelir •In our ;Palladian life hai deltifOi•alted - In the 'past few years to a pretty low point. Words' and phrases hitherto. associated with thei,moSt sacred things iu life are bandied about in, conversation in a loose and -immoderate fashion; • words such as "God," "Jests," • "Christ," "Heaven," "Hell." The tragic . as- pect -of the situation , is that, there AO little public reseatinent against it 'People ard no longer Shocked by it. It is hard to • escape the convietron that a good deal of this decline in standards is due to the movies, which haVe no hesitancy in using language that a geueration, ago would never have been toler- ated. • The radio., too„, has to a lesser degree succumbed • to the "Modern tendency. particularlY is• tpiktrue 'ofplays, whore greater liberty with language seems to be permitted. But it is not conlinedto plays. -The .other evening , we beard the word "Hell" used by a commentator veileh .completely spoiled -an other.; wise --eXcelle4it feature; A voinxiar woman cooinientater was° giving the story of the foamier and leader of the Ballet Schdol la Winnipeg. It Was, interesting and artistic. _Then, all of -a 'sadden; shequoted. her subject "What, the . . . ever.einne to' Winnipeg lor?"• There was .no'lieed , to say that.' It 'was- dragged in and did no credit either. to the,commentator or to the person quoted: As a rule the ,daily press, though uSing journalese, maintains certain elf -imposed standards., *Occasion- ally there are evidences that here, too, the trend is davinivards. There, is ,some excuse,..perhaps,- for papers in the heat .of an 'election eanapaign forgetting themselves somevvliat But when the smoke of bittle dealt' , we have a right to expect a return of the normal mho:lines. WO sometime's, Wender Just where it will end, Just to what depths the Standards will fail. It is up to the deeelicy in speech anu Ab nicert influence,te Check this decline In public morals. • . CREWE CREWE, Nov. IA. -Un --arid ;NIrs. FIrnest Post and faintly, of Norlhan- • dale, -were week -end: visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. .Nirm. J. Reid and • senS.,„. - • M-1'.• and Mrs. C. Finnigan visited On 'Sunday with; Mr. and Mrs. C. Chamriey and Anne, of Belgrave. Mrs. Crozier, Colin and. Lorena,, of London, were week -end'. Visitors With „Mr. tind. Mrs, C. Crozier. tind Mr 4 and Mrs. .4"aci"t; Curran Wird- fain ily visited: -With-Mr. •;- and- C)itran „and' family Of St Helens pn ":$Unday: 'CAIIINO-a,"Ne'v.•21.-,--Mr. and Sitra. flnlVinnigan were visitoro als TuetaftY With friends' at wing,. born and:`Relgrave. • ant•.ifts, Jack 'Ctirtnn and 1,14t,rod eri Snridity oohing with Nit;Atergat tarlieS,": • • . • Mr. find .3iirs. Chester Fintigin ;were Sunday visitors in Goderieh Oth litO, and,' Mrs, ',Ronald. Trn, leaven, •••••••••••••••••i•••••••••, ,•• 000010A VIE MO Itair „ y sgop 41111VpsT roili816140 , litifIT 'OP illATERIAlk Guaranteed ,worankaiiship at piked that will please yon. 1AVI11 ALL AGENTS YEIGS 0.11 it our Onset Oir line to litai.:161, (lode* be pieSUsed to tall And help hooia a 611101616 'InontOtlid tot 'ouetftnilli 010C , . 1. Amiltspottioit 44.-Atifirows sto passage �ftALM:141. Tlem. Kiteben ag4111,1UP 1. Do not aerape food 1!rOU1 grafi-deo well and tOloosenoelinging aa'.'it‘ehiPS,, Soak ella:bes'%koOttin: pf000414.eSrP, Our Stglins.., „Uri • 2. Po IPA use soda or lornonia ;to clean aluminum. Bub scorched aluminum pans with steel wool. -Bdil an apple' peeling in a WO - Um of tomato julep to remov0 stains -train aluminium . 3. Clean milk bottles...and flower vases with • a solution of am- mele°anulae:; 'NOM eletil Alaihrehe.4. 4, woo:litpierag: gto.d are e'aEd1:: vinegar --and• then 14- salt 9e 5..fTr°0m7erlIV:iitliti;g4 glilveawse tiint ulitgehng and heat it slowly. After wok*. • *hag tinware in, sdauY water, dry thoroughly.;, - 6. 4IWaYs leave the °yea, deer, of the range partly open -after bak- • ing period to Ventilate and pre- vent any any possible rusting. • 41. Periodically, clean the sink drain -pipe by pouring a solution of washing soda down the pipe k•1/4 cup of washing soda to quarts water). Rinse with plenty of • hot water. 8. Wooden bandies should not be soaked. 9. Do not put the cogs of the Dover egg heater in water. 10. Wipe out all greasy pans with paper before washlkg. 11. Line the garbage can- with news- -paper and a tablespoon of dr ammonia over this to keep it sweet. ST. HELENS LENS,-Nov.•I/E2)...7----Yirr-and- Mrs. l•teelir Todd and children,...of Stratfind, were -week-end- visitors with ,Mr. and Mrs. P. T.:1dd; Mal. • lex., urdie and.Aob y and and Mrs. Mel. -Brown, of Waterto with Mr. and Mrs. IL "WOOS, and Miss . NorgiaWeatberimacl, L Orangeville, with Mr. and Mr's. L. G. Weatherhead,• ° . • Mrs. W. A. Miller ,is‘ a' vfsitor with Mr. and Mrs. Newton James 'Of Windsor. • - Mi. and ,Mrs. Robinson Woods ',Observe their fiftieth, wedding an- Iliversary on • Tuesday, 'November _ igh and 27-277,1retror ily dhiner on -SatordaY• • Mr. and,QVIrs. Cantina Cameron and -Carol, of 43 visited ^iVith Mr, and Mrs. John Ca erou. . 11 r. inches videwi- 'As this" -check list' is use,c1 In panning'anew kitchea 'or remodel- ling an old'' elle, two things become apparent: First no., one kitchen - laundry an Iffite everythinVsince good planning requires elimination of the non-essential as well as in- clusion of the essentials. Secondly, a ikitchen laundry rooM fs an _in- dividual problem -and one. that is never solved for all time. Even a 'ileW *home can be perfect' for a family of a. given size and way of life Only until RS size and way (V life -,ellange Inevitabt; With the 4 . - AUTO. GLASS installed while you wait! o brive in coda) for Hobb; Duolita• ah c . • Dupiace Safet) • Glass -for al • III a.k • • GM models. • ERS IITO SUPPLY •WPT.ST. PHONE 295 (Or, contact your. local - Garage or 84-v1ce Station. Children nat.nrally imitate_ their eldere. It* *NO you to Seth, giid example. • Ion roaY -be lucky enough to break Oaftlic rules without being hurt 'toupakr .0opio •Teling. Ater is AOtmlig. 1/01. do wivit you tio, Via& Win satetYi and 100171 Win safei0 it. Tiregainui Oa. Jgt, ! , BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD .NEWS .COMB.!NATION youit HOME TOWN PAPER gives you complete, dependable • Iota! nowt." You naiad, to know oil thot•is going on whiirs you Hy°. • , But you • 1iva 0154 , in a WORLD whet* big eventsaro in the making ---,events which can mains to mach to you, to your job, your Mune, your ...futons. For constructive reports. *AC inteipr•- tations •f siationot Enid Intirna6_, •tionel news,. *hero is no substitute lot' THE 'CIIRIsriAN, .scieNce.- MONITOR, host inierssei-detattli stetleneity, with vomit lova!" isesiat *ad TtiO COitheIscl'Schonca • LiStditt Twiesday. mishit .ever. Abg shalom ,f.",ThO.'0114s8an. Stiesce*MtifidteY'Vitiwa ti.. t•Istrii."•• • And Via Elora tategiii0' Itadik lirf 40= h; tradsitterisiatOrititien. Thi thristlOo ttleiWiii."Mortitot • ena, tlotwat•St.0 flosttki,),5, U.S.A. . ittorio knit aria' Ilk iottodkittl piciptIia ti• Th.. chuotten, sato* molter lesetc I Stitt's'. $11,-`,.. ta tif. tunas • (noose) t•r•••••...•••14•••46 (c1O) • • .61040 SION 0411. : it Lawns. Made, EASY! ‘NA-CHUwink_ RS' unuzu Odorless it No Bulky Wiight 11 'Amazing Rsinalfs • wAssON.& ALLEN 4. • • Our family reception reams Aire .designed for tile comfor.t. :and - convenience pf-our Clientele, , , . . artrith uniap_ n prstanding. Servfee by 'B. •E.:Cranston l characterized bythe warnith.. Ihnnan-Understanding: " Fandlies who ,,cOme" here' reCOOdie;thia genuine helpfnineirskany.. Of',1 theM" tea its afterwar44 hOw much It Meant' to theM at a ditthilt tin*: • * • •• . Go D [CH'S OR I GI IsiA FUNg.RA.I., HOME "17 MONTREAL ST. TELEPHONE 3997Yrorli" • OBITUARY •49cl,o.n 0. MURRAlt - Victorp.yturfay, 2.82I(Ing_at,reety Kitchener; filed --..---WednesdaY; Noveraber ldth; in the 'Kitchener- • fty-nhie years: • He-°- was bora at Tavisteck,, the son of the late Mr. and, Mrs. 'William IL Murray,. who Were residents of Goderich for some time..' Mrs. Douglas Wilson of town IS a. Cousin. Besides his wife, -Victor Murray leaves, a brother, Glenn, of, Hamilton, and Our s1sterS,0,Mrs:41Aeorg4„,..TaOksOn•-,anci-tzt: Mrs. aordons4,116f4dttR,' of Wind- sor •Mrs. R.' IC -Sikarile"; of Port Hope, and. Mrs. R. 13. • MesnY, Phoeti14---Ailzona. , The ftatv*.1" service was held on; -Saturday, Rey, . P. G. Stewart officiating, and 'inter- . ment was in. 'Woodland cemetery, • Iritehiner. • - For quick rekuits--try a classificid ad in The Sigma:Stu .••••••••••• mielaiticiowimogwiciciogimmoitacismitacsiszicia R-4k-AgoitrAtifFmmo ON ALL ,ELECTRIC, E5SOTAINE GAS, COAL AND WOOD STOVES AND COAL AND OIL HEAT IN' STOCK Here's •Your .Charic_e. to Get A Family Christmas at a BIG SAVING.... The Empire Co41 and Wood -Stove- Coal Mid VirDOCi range. 'comes in various sizes and The Wifigham Stove is ideal.. for town and Country use. • • The, Findlay Stove is available in the follow- • ing models:. electric, coal and wood, essotane.gas. ,Pindlity oil. b'urning' heaters *ffective and radia. .tion. On fall's chilly night:1-4n. -.early spring: -On danip rainy days -in 41I4sr"0 coldest, days, rindlay heaters stand reado deliver the exact amount of -teat yOu retrairei. • " • • - Es -Saone range, ..Electrie range. 0181.and WOOD, QUEillgCSTY Thiee_sizes, tocheeSe able'lorvarious Sited:1)160Si fro sniall cabin., or toom tob. leiter deposit will 'hold any article in Our -store tottii Ohritstnias, • .0 4,16 , .„ . GODERIC UPUOLSTERY , • f , - 0/i THE SQUAB'r '-, Chesterfields, antiques, etc., re-upholsteredL recovered, Large choice of new coverings. , • Our 25 years' -experience your guarntee. Estimates. No obligation. • , ., - Personal attention to all 'W. REID PHONE 809W• GODERICTI -17tf mielaiticiowimogwiciciogimmoitacismitacsiszicia R-4k-AgoitrAtifFmmo ON ALL ,ELECTRIC, E5SOTAINE GAS, COAL AND WOOD STOVES AND COAL AND OIL HEAT IN' STOCK Here's •Your .Charic_e. to Get A Family Christmas at a BIG SAVING.... The Empire Co41 and Wood -Stove- Coal Mid VirDOCi range. 'comes in various sizes and The Wifigham Stove is ideal.. for town and Country use. • • The, Findlay Stove is available in the follow- • ing models:. electric, coal and wood, essotane.gas. ,Pindlity oil. b'urning' heaters *ffective and radia. .tion. On fall's chilly night:1-4n. -.early spring: -On danip rainy days -in 41I4sr"0 coldest, days, rindlay heaters stand reado deliver the exact amount of -teat yOu retrairei. • " • • - Es -Saone range, ..Electrie range. 0181.and WOOD, QUEillgCSTY Thiee_sizes, tocheeSe able'lorvarious Sited:1)160Si fro sniall cabin., or toom tob. leiter deposit will 'hold any article in Our -store tottii Ohritstnias, • .0 4,16 , .„