HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-11-10, Page 7•Tkfte•000414 NOv. Olinda A tiOULD K oh,. When teens come 'tOWeani-13e...., ▪ When you. get upset or i'Painnwi nn over the exP9oted when you,Agir "all in" and -,inkit 'bundle of *Aeries theettmaY-,. be Or13'44 Ott bodily Chaste* which every *r•inan Mtibt • • 'two:IMMO 111 tier-ruiclille'Yeargi- Butdon't be alarmed! Many '....*Omenpass trittUghfills, period,' !Using corolnon senstV•and taking good care of themselves. :Extra sleep. PlentYty &ash air and WhOleaerne feed • • are_souncrfities: And you'll also find a good- tonioo ouches-44*k Chase's Nerve Food,. -ia most )443(61 in, building• upyour vitality ad resto7,ag,a,brighter,,, -OUtrook "•• , • Forever 50 years Canadian women have relied on Dr: . .0hitte's Nerve- Food to .helja •„Over'ebtne 'a tendency •t,i4Var& findziSteti-Z,filid,'•14,sferiaV Mit% • , , times. Containiifg,Vittunin Bi, iron and,other'nekaled, Dr. Chase's Nerve 'Food has helped' soemtiny--to• rest better,' eat , bettor, fed better --when- ever their -nerves"gett.„,on, edge, and they feel run-down. Let, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, help. • you, too! Get the Itugir"econ., olnYnize”., today.• • - is • xigptio, ,NOY, 7, -4 -Mr. and Mrs; ,Grainkm Iiialkeld„ o ISham, 'Sask., Were viSiters, With, relatives itere last week., * Xrs, Gordon MePlietson and Mrs; OftiPeS 'Curran ;attended the leader- shIP- training cialits on '4Clothes 'Closets up:, to Date,” underthe uast4c04' of the Women's Institute, In Vitigliaar reantly. Mr ; John. MeQuillinf, Mr. and 'gra, Fred end Affr. potou Atogutin4 at - _tended the'finieral of, their cousin, ,Mrs. Lorne '.1)Idnion,, at Laneaster 011 Monda.„ •, The ,• inemberS . of the,..Women's Association 'held guecessful bazar and 'tea '• in t‘ii,eltaow ;on Saturday,„ when. the ,' Proceeds amounted jo over $50, pupils -,o the St. Helens school,. under' the direction of Miss Reetriee • McQuillin. and Xr:ErIc Moore,. teachers, and Mr. Sheldon Bate, •;-/Mnacat, ,;director, Were heard on the s•tudio •party 'over SaturdaY MAIM • Detroit; spent the weekend with her parents, •-and 'Mrs. E. J. Thom. •• . ” :UrS, Crispin of 'LlieknOw' was A recent guest of Mr. anti Mrs. -Lorne WOOdS. * . • • W. J. Rogers o Blyth was guest Speaker for . the autumn 0)00 -offering-. meeting' of, • the- W.:V1.8.- of the United' Church held , on, Sunday evening. - . • • , • • *44 Cows - $2.SOetc gorses $2.50 eadi "HOGS OYER 250 1bs.:- 50e cvvt ' according"to size ---.and ' .1 condition •-/ •Phone coiled r. Goderi,ch . .936R21 elhlton. „ Seaferth - Ingersoll: .910E16 655R2. , William Stone Sons, Ltd. lilGERSOLL, ONTARIO *00XSERi0x,r,.*EtkoRIAt -8130P „ 7 EnViasT' -0EstoViii • - BEST OF MATERIALS Gnarnnteed 4thrliminehiP prieee, that will please rm..' SAVE ALL AGENTS,"001DO NI • at our L:Onlee:Ort:000,- 000, to. Box 1i, • Godeli4 We olll.be p1eaed to eII and lie* 'thoose'. a, ronr famitY:P14, A. SPOTTON Otial I T. PRYDE 4 sax'. i __ , - (tar.raerly;Ounni,itgloam & Pryde) 'Clinton, txetei, Sialorth: *rite Box -150, or plume 41,t, - .! - --- '-Exeter---,,..-. :and we shall: tie 'blessed. to' .1 • TO. SW, • IMINSOIr OE' 0010110014 The regular meethig of the Gode,' •rich Township, Connell held' • on 41•041:14YR.' NoVexeber •7th in 4olmesville, at 1.80 p.m. , COmninnieatioas read and Wed included these, from .W, ij.AVeeker,„ Piquipmeat Co., Toronto; Canadian, National Railways; G. Gardiner, scheol Inspector; -Department . Nittaleipal, Affairs; Bell Telephone Co.;, fluron Co. Health Unit; De- partment of Planning and Pevelop, pent.. •wrote asklng that roadWork-he'dOae on'his :pat, 064114r -section.: This was- referred tothe-Onad Sup.crintendent. A. Sully Was,'grP-ated'a libense to operate -ix dog kennel,. ' • A,,eltiiiii„by'4aMes'Oexfor 44014.0 (One to 'sheep was' laid over pend- ing further investigation. Mr. john. ;Potter was .PreSent. to seek. Additional 'OemPerlSation, for., .ton Iamb's injured. prey,Wsly` .hY „„„Tenders -for receiVed,frOm 'Lloyd Picot Soak A. Porter, G. F. 'Vlitett, C. Holland: It Was. *decided to aceeprtlfOTtehder ofG 1P-„141Ilott for the Supplying of' one truck ..and`Jhe :tender 'of Lloyd. Plea' for tile other truck. • The 'cOntract for „RONA:1g dozer and plow SilowPiownig' was let lo G. F. Elliott. By-law No. 14'wasgiven a final 'reading.; axing nothin,ationS for Friday,' lleveMbee 2L5th, ba the Clin- ton' COuneil"ChttniberS, at 1.30 p.ni., and the election, if one be neces- sary, for Monday, December, 5th, tit the following places: Ward • Orange 'Hall, W. Johnston, D.R.O., "tfar_vek Fidler; clerk; Ward Oilff Sturdy's,Howard Sturdy, D.R,O., Cliff StardY, clerk ; -Ward 3.---78:5. No. 8 schbril, Chas. Wallis, P.11:0., Reid Torrance, clerk;-' Ward -47-.A. Rathwell's, A. Rap.: Vife14-"D.R.O., E. Trick, clerk; Ward McCartney's/ 4.-1Vic0artnO, Les. Pear -Son, clerk; Ward, ROwdeg, R. Bowden, E. J. Trpwartha, elerk. ' • . Wasl-decfded-ta-pity. the' Offieers, sissmaiu* oho' , "PreettS. !Qie CK $2.pO_ VAttrA :ea • si.Oo AciGrci) . wt.. noe. ,.meerding to isize. conditie,10: .reALLiolet Seaforth •1_$' EXETER 235 Highest cas , DE DARLING & COMPANY . or CANADA, LIMITED T 0.9 , Toil $ GNAL,S. the usual fee, $5 for the 4910%40 for tho deputy returaing, Olicerand $.4 for the poll clerk. ' AeOunts ,Presented Were; Xisa Acheson, use of borne, $O; Muni- Worid; supplies, $1.94; X, hes.RItaliPtionpatients,, „AtuftlaHwrrls, fO*14.tint)14, .f..8.104''. Act. O. Laymen, prkiiluin on, ,Dond,' for three years, 4501 Wise, ,GOtlerich Township *Tele,' phone System, Joa-n, $500;, Depart - anent of Health, 1nau1in,.$.0.07; R. V, Thompson, sehoot, area voters' liStSio Qllddon, .Teget supptieg,.$74.12; direct relief, 004, Signat-Star, supplies; $19,55; Super- intendent's payroll No. 12, $510.79. iCknfticil tdjourned' to Meet on the loth of, December, 4u, flohnesville, at 10 A4e, for UM P1FPWr. Of bold - lug court of Revision ap,d,trataact; lag the .finallinsiness of the year. TEIOXPSODT,,' Clerk. , COOKINP. TOWNSHIP (361100 met' for , their • regular „ nieeting on TneSdaY, Novell:11)er 1st 'at 440 p.n, with 'nil, nembers 46. -attendant% iteer_e_SitYden-Pronidin' A letter was .read „treat )1r. A. E. Jennings requesting•' consider,„ 4tion of building up the TowriShip :road leading to the Suinnier Sehoei by' plaeing: gravel ,On 10W spotrbe, fore 'ireete-np. 'Achnowleclginent , of application for extension of tithe for the return of- the assessment roll was re- ceived- from. the Department of, Municipal 'Affairs, . The following resolution was passed: `!It ,was with deep regret' we as members of .the, 'Council Board learned -of the unfortunate aecident that has 'happened to our worthy Treasurer, Mr. Reg. -Men, this- being the only meeting' he has Missed 'Sinee taking office in Janu- ary, 1931. We all hope to -see him 304 our -circle agffl8 hortly."- . 'Moved by' Harold'. Mentgoraery, seconded by John-Kertlighan, that the:: Clerk be InStructed to contact 'the bounty 'Assessor, Mr. Alex-. niider, and ask him to explain the new assessment -at -a :meting--to--be held in the TOwnship Hall; pariot. carried:- , tlarold •Mthitgoniery:• moved! sec - elided by jOhn'' Kernighan; that load vouchers and „other accounts 1041- Read-vouchem-$1-,5q7.58-; Donald McGuire, fox bounty, $2; E. S. Snyder, selecting Jurors, $4;-, Wm. Sallows, selecting jiirors, en- veloPes and Salary.. as asSessor, 'kitchen range,' for Township ,Hall, $45; Thomas Hallam, 'bridge...40A, 'Auburn, $3; Prank -Baer, labor on. Township Hall, $19.80; ,Print Shop, tax notices, $11; Municipal World, supplies, .$7.91; Wilbert Them, lainb 'injured by dogs; $10:- John- Graham; sheep and lamb injifred hy -dos; $33.75; Win. Westl•ake,.. salary for Octobery-$90....—* 'Moved brjanres Horton we ad-• Journ to meet December .15th, at 1:30 p.m-: . WM. SALeLOWS, Clerk. 0,1111r IRO A A.14 WeatC ANIS 1Q0010,01 OR OIL C11 IES SERV ICE 10,01 OR, 011, CISCO VER 1 , CISCO SOO/ COI CilIES SERV ICE GE AR. OILS , CII 1ES SERV ICE PREMIUM G AS OLESE '1,001-M010R G AS °LINE C11 IES SERV ICE iL ?ERNI ANEts11 Agit-FREE-LE: • 'V %RES , BATTERIES ACCESSORIES • g°"lee, ePed • .14". . , ••• , AA" anniN .• eater F°13'* an:--zexpertly -done, thorough, fast **job .of winter' core oilci "proteciion on .your car' or. truck, stop in.at your nelghborfy Citie-Slervice Deafer' for hs One -Stop Wjnter-Conditioning Service'. Hisexperience: modern equipment and . complete 'line of cities Service ,yoyp OINW; INTERESTS' , DONT TRY TO COT -GUESS 41:1,E WEATHER.. %\) greases, gasoienes and other petroleum products . . especially desighed for cOld vViather-operation,. enstfres you .cdre-free, .economical winter driVing. ' . • `1. if THIS WINTER BE SHREWD... RELY ON YOUR LOCAL SE VICE PEALE- CITIES AT THE BIG GREEN AND WHITE SIGN OF CITIES SERVICE The Lucknow. Court, of Revision. hitS been strIggling With sixty- seven Appeals -against the ;Ile* 10111441 asOeki$14014t. ,4 • The West Wawanesh, township, tax rate is ap,fent Sad two -liths Ing,14 over TTlilat -0,41, -4,W1Og'70, ''' 11 higher county rate and r 1,4eXel,t6ga, levies tor the Whignem, and. (Ode- ,klIgh, School districts,. Hugalf Berry hos Sold his general. store rat Rrucelield to. Donald, Mac- Kay of Kintall,'Who took Possession last week. 'Mt. Perry had operated the store for twentytsix Tears, but has been forced to. sell Decease of Ill „health, • Ratelsqers, of lIensall will' Vote on „December•lith on the question of establishing a public ,cein- miSSIgn. Ikeretpfare the public utilities of" the 'village have ..been lit the charge of a committee of the „Village Council,' ' • , Mr. and Mrs., 3. 'M. Goveidoe4 well-known residents of Seaferth, celebrated`-tbrlirsTiity-liftb, wedding anniversary On Saturday with family, dinner atari a, reception at their home. Both are in' fairly good health., ;Ara. Govenlock is the 'fOrtner Aule Hays, - daughter of the late 'Mr, and Mrs. Th4.414S- E. LdaYs! Pioneer residents of McKillop town- ASHFIELD - ASHFIELD, .Nov. Donald MacKay, whO' won. 'distinctionin' the..late war and has recently been employed itt training in aviation at 'North Bay, .has retired from avi- ation and has purchased 4 general store at Brueelield, We whih, or Donald every- success in this new enterprise. Word has been received frOm MO. Neil , MacDonald' that oe has reached her 'destlriation at the home 'of her daughter e , Mrs. Bd. Riley (Irene) at Millbrae ;California, .)nvIlieucrue. she will spend . the winter. En route she caped on , her iiSter7-Mrs. Ale -g. Johnston, and other relaffves and, friends. She enJOyed the long motor Tide very- - ' Congratulations to ,. Mr. awl Mrs. Robert' Simpson on the birth "of 4 -daughter in Kincardine hospital: on Monday. --, 4- Mrs. Duncan . n MacKay has turned home froth the, Goderich hosp4;1 With her Son, John Weir. Mrs7.N.Sam Mackenzie is spending some time . in Toronto. , Mrs. Whitehead. -of Teeswater visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson on, Siinday. . Mr. John Simpson of • Whith cluirchupent Monday in *Intel'. • - (Intended for last week) „ASHFIELW-Nov. 1 -Mrs. .(J) White has :returned to Chicago after spending some--thry,s7vit1iit mother, Mrs. Elizabeth. MacLennan. Miss Maud MacKenzie of Detroit has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Neil G. MacKenzie. • Congratulations fo„ MT. and Mrs. Bill MacDonald on the birth. of A daughter and to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay on the• birth of a Soh. '• Mr. Frank MacGregor and • his two, sisters, Misses Lily and Aida, have returned to Duluth after a two weeks' -stay with their sister, Mrs. Anna McGill of Wingham, and other relatives in Ashtield. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ritchie of Detroit, 'Called �n friends over the w7rk.,-eend. tiori was held in the Luck - now TOwn gall in honor of Mr. and am Gordon _Robb: of_AAtileld, were married • early in October. - ..Mrs. Robb WA'S' forixterly Miss Nora 'Helen. Scott of itelgraVe and ' a_ ineniber .ok, the_ winghom hospital nursing staff:- ' Dr. and Mrs. John D, Forde and family, formerly of Peterborough, 'have taken up residence at- Poi& wich, where the Doctor is establish- ing a medical Practice. Mrs. Porde was fdrineriy Elizabeth MapDonald, daughter of Mr. and: -Mrs.• D. A:: MacDo•nald , of Lochalsh., PORTER'S' 1111412- • ___.......,... , , PORTER'S HILL, Nov. 3. --,:Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Durnin, of London, spent the week -end with Mr:. Mil-, ton Woods and Mr. .and Mrs. Don -Harris. .• . Mrs. Thos:, . Thompson, .- of Tor- onto is, spending a few, days with her parents, My. and Mrs. Del,, Gardner.' 'Congrtitulations- to, the- cast of fteilii tyo "He's My. Par .who last week put on their 'play. at Grand Bend, and are booked for fii'e-more appointmerits; making :eight times, for the- -production of The pray. . •Presentation••to 'NewlyWeds.-On. ' ghttrsday.., evening the . People of our.' 'cpinmunity gathered at the:. school-househi' hOnor of Mi. and Mrs. 13111 Biatchford-•-(Atina Town-' . belid4/.6.iattd,rptesentedpsthei a lovely -lamp and ta161e. The ad- dress was read 1)* Mrs. *J. Mc- Cowan and the- presentation was innde by Mrs. Alvin Bettles and . Mrs, Arlie Lockhart. 13111.' replied, thanking all. The eVenid)1 was - spent in playing cards. A delicious , lunch. was served. .• , .„. I . . .. - . YOUNG STBATFORD N'ORSE , KILLED NEAR, SEAPORTH, .. ....,___ I ' ' Miss Clara:belle „McMillan, .a student' nurse in Stratford 'Genera Hpipital, • died on, SatUrditY night of injurlea suffered in at inotor-car aceitlent half -a -mile West 'of ' Sett - forth about midnight Friday.' The depth occur -red in the Seaforth hes- pitai, Where 1118s McMillan ,was taken after - the accident, - , Pit. 'Cadet IVan Hunter'-Duvar, of the Clinton . Radar •Sehool,' 're- ported to be the -driver Of the car Which Went ' out ,Of control . and turned OVer, was.charged. with tifingereft driVing and was released 1 $3,000' ball.: The ear •was A. post-inortetti revealed that Miss wrecked. ' AteMillan,' who. ;..icas • ..t*enty-twe „ . . f- , $*itre e..t •agoi,tliedit..,a fractured s"ifT1:11:11vo other,'' ''. Stratfords'ilident . Centralia also were ,passengers in the Clinton station find one from the ,ear and, .eseaped injury, but Mise',13arfittra' Spiellt; dangliter Of, nurses, another 'R.C:A.P. man from. Dr, W. C. Sphat of Stratford, re-' velved Miller injury. '; ' 4: tr shlp Ni.i'e<1:107enita.414rio .1-YLeg nsi‘ aslaultre; ofthe 19.10-1020, for the Of Centre ligitsle4%S4ent RoC4.)0f;e4 on TWeilty4Otir Appeals - thIrtY-fouraPPeals agernSt the nOvo sogesoneut ot'the town of Clin- ton ten were rejected by poutt of Ite'dsi,011,, .444 In the remelOng t*enty-foor cases reductions were ade, to ' the . total amOnat•of Itite reld8leTiOn: sT,11;17g,re$840t,e*rw4ainS (.),r t:h1 Sesame/Its on buildings; reduetions traftnerblird;e' i'sintbesreerviisolgtoro: A. publif Subscription list haIS beet( started for tire benefit of HAPS' Pnternahrer,, who lost the fingers of, one •band „When Oat**, in a.corn pleker'whieh'h6 WAS; Oper- ating for Harvey Yie0al1urp,: on a', farth neAr myth. Haus'Is A' SWISS 'Who -e4M04. to Canada a $ear. ago last jiMe .`atid h_oe" .Worked „with, t4P4ers. the Rlyth district. He is in the 011IttOnAXOSPital, Where it niaP take several weeks to mend the ininted hand. SUbSeriptlelis to 'the' fund "in his aid: Are,,;beilig re. .celyed at the Iltyth• branch of the Bank of Coihmerce. WOLVES INCREASING IN I NUMBER IN THIS COUNTY • • , • The. wolf population hi, Baron county is on the inerease. Statis- tics kept by Comity Treasurer IIarvey Erskine over the past six- teea years indicate this. - Bounties have been :paid out so far in 1949 for Six wolves killed 4n the county and there is a month. , and a -half ;still to "go. During-th-eif"!"- , .'"""""tr".71"1"1""mu"'"'"'"*" • a 000ZRIM ISTRIZOtOREL Or 400 M9T910; INOZNO, 0440,400014440,441.immodo BEBUITAT e luxe. :PRESTO= and. *SUPAR:Mt 26 AAP 60 Mr.,914Er MOTOES.,,PRO4M ONE.-QTT, ---UR-FoR-poopiAtri TRY rrSEIBERLING: KNOBBY SNOW TREAD • No need rOr chains - /Makes Winter driving enjoyable . a -•GODER1011 stretch between 1931 and ,1943 only' or seven years -to a length of thirty is present in largest numbers, a four wolves wereshot for which &nehe It has no Jaws but its a • program which luta -resulted Itt open Month has a sucking disc-like the trapping 'of veryconidedb device with which it fastens itself quantitieslhas been mairogress °Ter to the largest thinscaled 'fish it the last feW years. „. can: find.: It Pierces the tikin....ivitir Addltional attention is ':•being',, its appetite issh' until 'nd letivjtlesp, teeth on its tongue a111' sucks 'the prey, its life history a given to the' research on, the, lam fi'sblood unt, satiated. 'S,ome fish , survive ttl.. be in order' to determine WaYs eans curlinig•-thisAcinatie--,13M tor which has such nittriced „ Mental' effectti On the .coixamerciaA „, .fishes. 1 bounties were c011ected. There *as one in each‘ of the years 1930 and 193i) and two In 1940. * .• , By „Way of Contrast, the period from 1944- to:the present time -has Seen nineteen wolves -and nine pipit' killed. One was. shot in 1944; four in each of -the years- 1945 and 1940; in -1947- three • wolves •and --nine- pups; _Last ' year one Wolf WAS. Shot. ' • Practically all the Wolves have been shot in the uerthern part of the county and near the lak,eshore. It is believed they wander dOwn into Huron county from thene--ak'Of the Bruce peninsilla: • . - 1 ' Over': the sixteen -year period the bounty paid for wolves killed in Huron hag- totalled 4;580: Of this amount, by far the major portion - $52D --has been paid- since 1944, in- dicating -the increasing number of wolves -killed in this county,' _After the „laintY., Is.-141414.,,,the hunter tte hides are 'shipped -by the County to ,Torentd:• _Whitt iS done :with theni -,there is not' knoWn. During the war, however, the'pelts were usedto make fur collars for .gervfeemen. serving • in porthern pots of the world. - . , DEOTRUCVIVE LA1VIP1EY-. SUBJECT •-011 RESEARCH • TORONTO, Nov; 8. The 'On- tario Department of Lands and Forests is co-operating .with. the State and Federal Governments of the United States in studies looking to more; effective "control of the lamprey in, the Great Lakes, 'where it is proving 'detrimental to the commercial fisheries. • The lamprey -is salt- water vertebrate that grows in six • easismierlasmixeminsiew attacked again and again. Formerly col:Oiled •te- take tario, it has reethit yeartainade - its Nvity i-nt6 the Upper Great I.4akes, being first reported from Lake Erie _ In 1921'aild from Lake 'Michigan in. , Anything te.,sell, exchange., 1936-'•-• It probably -made -its-way.to clagided-ad-inThe'SignalStar bringS --- the 'upper lakes; "thr•Ough, the Wel- exeelient'resultS.• " land Canal, and it may also have bad access through the Trenc.Val- - ley Canal. • • , Its depredations on „the 'commer- cial fisheries .are rather xnarked and havedefinitely been on the ' increase in the...4per Great .Lakes over the past, iew,,years. Awkt•he-4Aniprey- ---aseends--Stlealng to spawn, surveSrs litiVd,-Been2Car- ried out in those ,stqa.ms w,h.e.re it MaybeWarninq Backache may be a signal your kidneys are– failing to filter exces,s acids Juid poison- ous wastes from the system. Dodd's Kidney Pills help relieve this, condition, often the cause' of backache, headache, _rheumatic piins or disturbed rest. Dodd's. contairressential oils and medicinal ingre- dients winch act " directly on the kidneys and help them regain *nermal action. :Get Dodd's Kidney Pills to -day. Dodd'slachrefPills son* ult!, 1,orn Wgqi solo pfacithe sae 4 -- • --,. I._ Ho • FPI" or something or saving for it? Whatyou save is, the most iniportont port .of what you earn 1(0 RikIL f41. TORONTO N 1.23 Fikte'AND N E -H ALF FOR•_, T E4. ROUND •flittP GoQd.zoins-Nove&ber. 1.4di to WA/ember 1.6th itichiiive. • Return—Leave Tordnto -not later, t.han to,idnight,NoveiRhe,r 24th• . infmodli. Iron, ow agent. - CANADIAN NATIONAL 4.4 He 43 Another opportunity for you to adopt this tried and tested sYstern.of saving nioney. You -can buy Doi:ids foi oath of o6iirge. Or if you prefer, the Royal Bank will ±Ti go for you to buy timalby regular . . thottiiliingtalments „out of ineortie. The prooedure rssutip1icityitgelf. All foritis and fun,information irgaiti.b).e aty branch. *Solifot coat 4ir by instalmen4 at tin bratic , •e!. .405 t • Ycii /lever sev.e • ' unNtyau start 1 .i,A,,, ......, ,4;wmoo, if. .:.,