HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-11-03, Page 8• " - SIGNAL-STAA TUVR.EWATIT 1701r, .81740 • SIJNIJAN, NO*TE111110,R, 6th, 1949 • „ . 8.30 4,4 110,44(.00ISIOI.):NION. 10 axa, ,NTSIN-$13NIY4rkftijOis fl 0411,4' 110IX COMMUNIOS AND SE10441117. A p ,m PRAMARV *AR*ME T; EVENING•PR;AY,E.R. REV. BEVERLY n...r4u*fl& 16.17ii„ Ei47J0E„ • • A.. W.:41STLiElq0Np OrginisP a'141 • . -,••••••• , mv. C. WESIAY.tOPE, V.A., B.D„ Minister • am. CLARE, Ore4st and Choir Master 10, .4.01.` ;;Tpg, qucxyamoot. 41..., 0.11A, - .$gRvxcE dr itEi‘in .TritmoisTch, ' .11.thin, lroE piitEAT Or .c9mily."Nisivi. .36 ii.iii-...7.ivw•G'11.40i;V!', . , ., . ... . :Tile 'Official •film' doeUnient -of: the Enropean Plase Of orld.War IL , • 2, ., . THE ORURO/Et WITH THE. SINGING TOWEit . . , . • Knox to htecrusness , exaiteth natton: .. • . i••••••=, • 444. 4}. Today, more tnan ever before', • America necds the Church--; YOU need -the Church. • tlelp it build a7b-dttes world A.ttend tegulaily. • will be welcome at our servipes every Sunpiay Presbyterian Church • 11 a.M. REMEMBRANCE fiA:1[ SERVliCE. The !Vine are cordially invite4. The Legion will be in attendanee. • p,m. EVENING ;WORS11111. Rev. Bohai G. MacMillan, W. Bishop, .F.R.C.O., A,R.C.M. Nlinister • wee or o •'raise ADM BRINDLEX...-'4t 41▪ e*alldol, Goderiet, on NeveMber.$rd, ,1049, to Mr, end WO. OarMan )3rind1eY, 4, OOdericb, aSe% XIRK•14,1Y.-4t -A1eX4n4ra,' Goderich,, on OOtober ZOt1h 1949, tit). Air; 844 Uri Arthur Kixiwy, Goderich, a, son, Icenneth• Drian, MacKAY,--At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, 0,11 October 1949, tu;n1 Mr Dancan OltaY, Kintall, 3$011, 4411:11.' WQiro $0044DOWN‘ At Aleicandra •j. fl'ospltal,Goderich,' on,. October $1st, 1949, to Mr. •and •Ntit$.' Murray SheardOWn, • GoderichP a 'daughter, .14yncla Faye. Kitchener-WaterloO gospitftl, ,On, October -27th, 1949,' to Mr. - and MrS. Prank Shattz -(nee Eleanor Denaldson.), Kitch- enser, son, Keith-Wilfriii. IN ME510RIAM • ERVINE.--1,oving memory," of - Wm. 4. Erviwho did -October, 27tb,1948.' • I think ot hitt in Silence, Ill's name I .of reeall • • There 'IS nothing 1/eft-to anSW.er But•his picture on. the wall. 4iEver Teinembered by the.family. 48x •• • Jo • rie M 'ug Song Of -Ohtaln riag; • •And think Of -"Ways and nieana;i Make •eyerybody haPPY giVItag MagOiliegit- Mary B, P1io1o'121.3W,'and Mrs. ronay, McLean. . • " .41 The ;Kinotte :010.13 will hold the .reeentli postponesi h"ridge and. "0007 at thelittaanie fln11on Weane!.(.14135 'NOVen4)er., 1.0,th,, at -8..11.m.". The ;affie fOr the baby "Kin" doll ad bassinette will be held.... ' • • Reserve $9.0rday;. November 1gth; • fOr' `a.%•;:bazaar an- afternebn tea in the Legion: 2.a1ue Room lfr _Ladies' Auxiliary to - ,Branch• 109 tlanaditui I.,,egion, f011Owed arnight , by bingo with' good prizes. •-424 A bridge and "500" sponsored by •the.,Women's Lawn , Rowling_Club will; lie held Friday evening, Deceta- ber 2ud, af -the Masiinie Temple."_ ' Maple: Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. meeting •Friday, November 18th, at MacKay Hall at 8: p.m. . -43, • G. W. Laithwaite, 59 Elgin avenue, has taken over Ow Electrelux• agency, the former agent, Thos. Steirenson, havingheen transferred to Kitchener. -43. . • ..111111111111111111111111111.11111111111 'CARD OF THANES -will WISE. TO° EXPRE,SS OUR thanks to the -dotlefich Fire Department for the prompt manner which they got the fire under •Control. whya oecUrred in our yard not paid their .fees are requested 1 this- week, • to do so at this meeting. -43 1'13- •BRADLEY & Annual bazaar -fancy work, bake •table, tea. fable, etc.; by the ladies Victbria street Church, pSr. rdwy, , • -.Les1 ,• 4:•.T9Y.,7)?,.e32t14.! at 2:30' Christmas' • fair and carnival; Deceinber. 3rd, afteirtoon2 and even- ing,' in British Exchange• by the. Social Club of St:,,,reter's -Church, Homelba,king, candy, farni prodttee;-• aprans, dressed dolls and fanei 4 Werk,::. Surprise packages lor ren. In the evening games wilr be played -wool' blanket& as `• prizes, bingo for -fowl. and groceries. OR; SALE. -4 TAW'S 1.3144,9K coJ With BOW gollarCgood. co (litlen, size 40-42, at bargain Pri e, Write' 130X 474, SICWAtt-ST.,A; X• SEW.I•N, G M. 40 1:f VAIRVD. , Needles, belts. a .supPlieP. • 00 -of -town • ellawne lhIng or •send In' head on ,Xelosuotr jeown.pomrtaaerp.O: C. d wInoto.0 .;sn, SecoZdhand Stelth, 12 Piet "street. Xhone $07.J,, . • • ' ••• 5tf Siktu, -- '1941 MEIROURY •'s4dant fully ,equipped, $igerod Condition. Apply Taw. T. M@R- GN phone 4?' r 2. 4 x .1741'611' . SALE, --L1935. PLYUOUT *eoupe, $200,00. ApPly R treet, • Phone ,A13j. ..„ • Reser,ve Saturday,' November OM PURVAM CO fresh ' in Febrnary ; •• also 0 for.• Taner'S IDPraerLa1is' A4 • .Raaktreadx.R.A.opekA,6u,linet.s.R.3-4ea, do' otgerli; bazaar itn4 tea in. Masonic, pawl% Gederi6la: :-Vati,les• of fancyworif;' home baking, farna prodnee, candy, etc. .Tet.. served. until 6.30 p.m. * 42 ' For the best' quality steel Vene- tian, blinds, -call Schaefer's, phone 56. We Shall, be glad to measure your windows and inatall at no extra charge. • -48 , The .regular naeeting Of • • the W.C.T.U: will be held on Tnesday,, 1•,Tovember Sth, At Mrs: Geo. John- ,stott's, Stan.,e .. street, at 2,30. pan. iiii Jbhn Mos s. barber shop will be ,,open Tuest1 -s, and -Thursday even - hags from 6 to 8 an:d Saturday -even; ing from 6 to 10 after November 1st, at 77 East street • • • , 42x Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E.,rev.- lar monthly , meeting, _Thursday, November 10th,_ at, -8 p.m., at 'Mac- Kay Hall. All members who have .444,4•14441,4141•441.1114011.444414=14111, Victoria St: United Church - vivv-Ripic-E- H.. TURNER, B. ORGANIST and CHOIR I,RADER-Mir?;s Miry, Joyce Straehan 10 a.m. • SABBATH SCI#,OL-ADULT BIBIX CLASS. " .• 11 a.ps. PUBLIC WORSHIP 7- p.m. • Menday, 8 p.M. Young People's Union. ' UNION TOWNSHIP 11.7,41TED CHURCH 1,215. p.m. Sunday School, • 2.30 p.m.: Public Werahip, VICTORIA, -UNION WELCOMES YOU 4'. . • Goderidi 114ptigt Chiirch.. • MEOLINY..- Organistifis-Verna-ALZIMer 10 a.in.- "CIII4C/11 SCHOOL --.-There is Place for you. • 11 a.m. '11IONTIEILY, COMMUNION 'SERVICE. "MEDITATION -THAT myER CIRCLE?" 7•pan. `‘:GlI.III.Tit:--N4T...01.1ILTY---401.1.01I4IS IT?" k/uest SoIoist-Joyee Sanderson of Eitehener. ' • ReMember lier soul -stirring' testimony of 8eptember in word and Hear' her again. • Sttidy and PrayerliVediiesday, 8 B.V.P.IT,-,Monday at 8 p.m. • ETHEL 3A13ERNACLE • ',..(rot000tistAitseiOlies, of, Canada) , BEV,. ft A. PEARSON,;-Piistor- — 11.1:. Come to stindo,x,s0o01. .. ,11afll ijiV1Mill4ON. gR,VICE,..,,- •.'1. - ., ., .., • - , • . • ,, .._.. ‘ , ,k. . p.m, GOSPEL .1t160.t1SlO; •,,'-•'''•"Watehman,, What' of -the NIghtiq',„ ioni' • .4' ' .1 gt, Children's.; and Y. ir„Atevilial, Services. Watch for,/ , , , ;_ittOticeLf.... _ _ .._,.. ,.,..' • • . .. . 14 • . 1 FArr; -.."1"--""'"7 • .*Iday 8 pm thiiidt—taild-Prlat •. , 'AIX WE/WOE • OST. -LADY'S ,WHITE 'GOLD • wrigt-watchr set in onyx and -,inionds,• -ribbon strap. Rew.ard. Finder please phone 101. -43 PERSONAL • r DO YOU DRINK? .THAT'S your 'business. Do 'you want to .stop. drinking? That's- our buSi- ness. :Bine Water Groh a Alcoholic 'Anonymous. •Write BOX • 222, GNAI,STAR, Goderich. 37tf CONSTIPATION.. SUFFERERS:•,-- , , A famous hirmula, de•vetoped-by RObert G, Jackson, MD., -has helped to relieve, thousands of sufferers. This formula is known as Roman Meal and is a delicious cereal that helps. natnre • relieve constipation. It combines the natural food 'values and delielous -flavorg,of-whole-wheat and whole • rye- with the gentle, - • laxative.properties of flax -o -lin and bran. Roman Meal I'S e±cellent energy food,for all ages. It -is sod by alt 'leading; grocers„, .Write7- day for fthe booklet, -"Nature's Way to Good Health" by Robert G. -Jack- son, •LD., to Dn. JACKSON FOODS LDIITED, Rept. X, 1 Wil- staretand se -•a -copy.. Priyg,-$1.00. lingdon 'Blvd., Toronto. ; -43 , • • -•istt Christmas' card samples are here; Call in and make your choice:, Choose our o n wording and have them printed .at SIGNAL - STAR. •-43 'Yaur choice of 'Canadian, Eng- lish or American .inlaid A wide -range of colors to choose from. at Schaefer's. -43 London, Male Chakr, under the direction of George Lethbridge, sponsored by the Blytb Lions Cub, will present •a concert in Blytil Memorial Hall on Tuesday, Novem- 'ber•22nd,-at. 830-pin---Admission-- adults 75e, .students • 50c. Tickets may be secured at Bropheit's Ftirni- Every' student, teacher and Min- ister-should---haan-a-copy-_4f..„Mr... Pentland's ,- interesting book • on sciense, "How Lang n a Yard-. stickr Call at Henderson's book • FOR, *MAN'S WINTE overcoat, size 40., Phone 1085 4x FOR SALE.-cANp WITH LID suitable for asheS, garbage, et 50e, each. C. WOODS, 12 Ea street. •_ • - • ^ 2 FOIL SALE. -1933 FORD COAC • Thr will . trade- for older ca Phone 991J. -• ' 43x • ' HOLLAND. BULBS. OF ALL kinds, now On sale at JACK - SONS FLORISTS for both outdoor, and indoor *Wanting. Plant from now to Decembd lst. Detailed in- . structions given with each order. Hyabinths, daffodils and tulips in assorted . types k and colors. All ,mother bqlbs. Our prices will com- pare, with. anyone's. Phone 105. . , 42 • FOn SALE. , -,..pnils,,TozsS PAT . 'White enamel • .runge yotli-warixi: ing-elOgef aJiirle-,s-ervoir;-neliai new: Phane Dungannon. 22.r 4: s' 43x OHIOK- ENS and br011era. ROUGE: TON and AITKEN, phone • 356: Place •yeir hider. for your 0hligt`4. mas.f.turkey. - • 42tf Fo, s4L..• „AUSTIN sedan, heater, . set . of tools. Ready for winter driving, Excel- lent condition. •,• G. PLANTE'S SERVICE• STATION.••• -43 •--S•ALE.--OULOWERSi- • :beautiful •garden - chrysanthe-, mums 'in- a - wid.e.,..range. of colors; large bouquets suitable for living - room., ori,"sick ram,. 75e; other prices aecordin.gly. . _MRS. L.. R. HOLMAN,- Cameron street, phone - 722,. Goderich. • . -40 FOR SALE. -1985 MASTER DE- • LUXE Chevrolet sedan; *in ex- cellent condition,- both' mechanical and Prreed right for quick sale. M. P. CORRIE, Bayfield. FOR Eitit.E' DR; SALE,: -1989 FORD 0011PV, • mikelige 40,000; very clean; -in- tide uuo. out, ?uouv.570; ; ,.• 43' on s..-,nnoADT4o0,4:40, tone' ox.tonft,w140, „•seandop$, tr,,x lbw, in good oonditten, :MRS, REID; Park street. 48z ,• . s. 'OR SALV‘-XV!34-Iiii.x. R0 *heating pad,' uied only. twice.; sun'lamp with card Pid. bib-; occasional- -ehair kitchen table, Phone 1089J. 43x 194,1. DODO spDANLuxtrux'• • Ltner ger gale. 5lip,e0VOrs ainee new; good. tires. Best Cash, offer. Phone 259W after 6 , pan. , 443 • _ tipn, s mAN'S nnoWN, "'?overeo t, siZe' 80; lady's. black el th, cot, size 10, .Phone 94014 - • 43x• XCItEN, •SPEOIAL.---,MOTHER, • let us save you .tae and-niedieY°.- D 640,, trussed ready or even or it .anaer. • 45/2 lb. fowl, ;$145,, es on, hand: We. deliver in ' erich. on . Fridays. MARK B RGI:IR, Oth-tronyessinn, 4.64eId. P one Dungannon. r 7. •' •43 R SALE. *WINTER _wreath's from $2.50 to 10.Q0 are av liable at • jACKSONS „FLQIt- IS 8, or can be Made to brder. T • se wreaths are permited. in iLa tland cemetery. 'Contact us ,and - get complete information -at no obligation to yourself. New. type wreath. -holders • furnished tree for Wreaths $5 of:- oyer. •• •" , 884 , m SALT). OF .G4IIIEN- •'''i'",1EOU.SE-GROWN-. Chrysantbe- na s at less than half price at 'Jhckons Florists. Large bouquet 'f"or2 5e cash and carry.' Free de - in% ,on_any•orcler,of $1.00 pr over. You cmay benefit by a• 'surplus of these . be'autiful, instead of -wholesaling thexhr. as usual, we are DrYing- Something .new,_ in. , attempt- ing -th ..paote_jhem inkit• ..lecal• sale. Phone 105._ . 43tf FOR, s.SALL1,-1.947 BARCELONA blue -.Monarch - sedan, carefully' driven, excellent. condition, under: coatecliverk_lOw, mileage. _ -Reason- able:111"or dash. • Also solid _oak rarY table. Phone 1097, -Goa-rich. • - • 42x Fon SALE: -NINE GOOD;PIGS, and a %quantity of 'good...cedar suitable for kindling. Phone • 204 Carlow.. • - -43 Fort. gALE.-L,M;ACIOVW-40141,. Owner leaving toWn. ' , Seven roorns-on square plan and sunporch; hardwood floors ' throughout; hot air. heating. LoVely garden; „I'qr• furt, er paiticu1s apply at 14 CaMbrinroitd, corner Week street. , AUCTION,. SALES • - -•• 4,41. ;16CTION SAL -E OF 80 HERE - Mire Store, Goderich. • 4:34 t PORI) WESTERN CATTLE will • be held t Harold -Jackscin's farnai dne-half-ile-east-ot- Seaf-orth-, 0.11 ! "";-' • ' MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7th OR SALE.-JOHNSTO ELEC- --TRIO-floorpolisher; ew-con-• dition, still under guaranty KEN. AITKEN, phone 356.' . s‘ -42 SAL"). LA:Dr4 CO -AT,, 43x.• green with fur ',trim, i size . 14, • Phone 573. ; .*-43 TO THE CITIZENS OP 41111E -pr-o-a.DEBIGH. By direction of the Municipal -Council,• I hereby declare hq -Free IVIetlicidist Church • CORNER VICTORIA: AND PARE STREETS ' • REV. VV. CRAWFORD C WHERD. PASTOR. lo ton, SENDAX SCHOOL " 11 MORNIN'4, $o1oiskr,14iss Jokee Sanderson, HitChener: • Ont. • 7 pan. tytiNati(1. voitsuip, • WeilneSday, at 8 p.m., Praier 'Meeting. -Aflnc tellowshiP.::A vhiruct wekorrtet The annual meeting of Go4r c • 61 41 •TOwnahip rederation, of, Agrioniture" Will ,be hel(.1 on Noenihei 10th; at IA S.S.'•NO• 5". Pb''ter% .nill, -nits w1)1..bo to appoint bo•lopiceii . . , 1!4r • the ejisulng year and also the Varions delogatos. .Everyone 'Vveletnne to. attend. There Will also bo It .1.4thlber, if iliplo,shoiyg..1)*Sr the Piltii Board, I 111VVO*241! • t ries Canada Savings Bon. Ytl 2134:t1:0 lite ef, Asset:kW' city, on yen at yo` 60 tostiotiot 4 riday, November llt A Public Holiday and call upon all citizens toattend the MEMORIAL. SERVICR—AT biro,. CENOTAPH . AT 11 AM. •:-DEOIIDE G. MakEWAN, MAYOR. . A ' DOD SAVE nig Rniv,L., HE OUSF6R.SAIE.--sik-itoom fraMe house, •with good base- ment, water and light; one acre of land, 'good -barn, 'henhonse and _garage. Sake fruit trees. • _Im- mediate possession. • 4.f,Ply to - RUSSELL .3,1c0REIGHT, 18 Huron road, • Goderich. - 4.. 41-2x FOR SALE.-BPY'S SU,T...T AND • overcoat, size 12-14, ln ood At 1 e-ondition.- MA'S. VANOIO, *West , • street:• k 43x • v six rhaiEwa- •: • heifers,: all in. calf,* due tu freshen from November* 15 to -May 18. All vaccinated • in talfhood,- ALLAN SCHRAM, R.R. Port Alberto, - • •' • 7. 1 43x. SALE. --;•SPRINGER, SPAN- IEL pits; also large , 'Que„..bec - heater in good *condition. pri_74mEanANST, • .To , check tlie 109 'Voters' List • attherown Hall, the Post oirtee, boxi*; or with any member of the to make sure', ' you. are ° Don't be dieappoint. ed Eleetien.Dayt EAL CLOSE NOVEMBER Cheek he list NO ,4,44 , ; 30 steers ranging from 600 to 1009 lbs.,;.. 25 ".heifers from 500 to 7001 lbs.; 25 spritgAalves ;,1 wagon horse; WesternZandle and, ,bridle. C. ,}12.. DOW, -Proprietor, 14 XACKSON; 4.341 - " Auctioneer. OTE,RS',` LIST- NOTICE. ,1 Voters' List, 1949, MuniciPality of the. :Town 0; Goderich, County Of :Huron. - Notice is hereby given that I have complied With itettion.-7° of the VoIletS' Lists Act and that I have •posted-Up-at-nay7,0ffiere-At-the.:Tp I Hall, Goderich, cin. the 24th day of Oet ber,01949; the lig of ..all persons ent tled to vote in the' said mtmi-,- cip lity at 'munialpal 'eleetions,•and that- such- listl remain:0., there for 'IngPection. • : .. •, ..„. ,- And I IterebY_call -upon all voters to ae me a avddill have any: error a or omissions cor- rected accordingto la*, the last date of appeal:being the 15th day of November, 1940: '• • s. 11. BLA• .• Cl1tt, Clerk of the Town of Goderkh. 42-3- • ' " , Volt .SALE. • TWO ' HOUND: pnps.lwritY • vitousE,; 14.14. 2, Clinton, PhonO,933 r 4. 43x! • 'OltSALE. ivIntDp 'WOOD, - i• '3 .50 er cord delivered.' H road. 6 ,.P one " ;urxr 743 • sALn, 9 -PIECE . dining -room . suite in • ill•at-lass cOndition; also an electric 'prudhope rangette, new, 'With atitortiatie •mien control.., EARL ELLIOTT, East street. rOR 'SALE.- ' ---SMALL ,WE R 110-y plug typeWrItel*, gi ks., electric radio, record . „, pia er, Washers, hand, electric ahd gasoline; eNving machines,. newand used ;- Oil burning Stbves and• heater% Oal stoves, Jacket heater find tank; large desk, steel WM' bp4s, single beds, another supply- of , 50c ash- • cans. • 0. WOOpS, :12..01:tast street, pllolle SOM. " ' 43 win$1..viaoitixt , ,Weak, nervotis, exhatisted con- ditions. • Helps •regain: Strength, energy; look better, keel better; • tones and beneftta. the .neryous system; 15 -day treatment $'1.00 45 days 42,50. At EMERSON'S DRUG 'STOOD; " , • • •Fork WHE 0011,POItAZON TAX%1oyinst ob;ozzzo• rt ; Two-Story.•lnlek and EsSCX,,street.XIv 111i4e:ow, kitchen: ati, three 1e4ro6rdS, bath ream UpseitirE4 rtlee ' .Striall',',thrree:room iv49,,Pleee bath. en Completely 'tarnished; .P.81140.* 001VA(1., 140. a••••••••14a•••••• Q oolato te Oe ear A doii8tOtis oulte.r.With malted. rime in a es Date fillet1 Wafp Pineapp e le PC 'The above pwleryi "feature( tbla• .1 , z. ' 1E-kme%of Paitr Orders' of ti on and. .T.7., i'llOiTzt 466' • ' •.over #011.vered, . , "V.VPOT. icpr. 1.44 vvAkED Avonn: wANTID, y. T sitting' or What-lhave yen. Write BOX,' 68 SIGNAL -STAR. 42x WAprop,Db.u..4X ...,,wo3,1.4N to take' over 'r4lite Ot. estab- lished Watkins customers -in GO4e- rich. Full-time • income, average $45 :Or more'weekly. No carr vestment 'necessary. We . will helti ou get started, n Write 3. R. WATKINS .00.,* Dept. 00-04, 450 St, Roo. qt., Montreal, .Que. -43 WANTED. RADIOS ,TO RE- ' PAIR. Car radio trOubles and Installing a". specialty. New .and- re- onditioned car,. home, and portable yadi.os for sale. ALF. HUT'OHIN- SON'S RADIO SERVICE, 82 uron road, or call 264. -21tf orgIcE l'OSIT1,oN VACANT:L- I• •Rank has an opening for bright . youngboy or girl: Permanent posi- tion wi,tb. good future. ;Write • appeintalent, giving full par- ticulnrs. Write BOt. 71,. SIGNAL - .STAR: -43x stiteco hotiso g;ropnii, di* 004: door, •out tot eon. WO. ottage- ',With • feted . Atrebt: .1?riee' $2500; OF PRO- 0_11T/ES5fef INTO-`0harg. SO" you , Until property ` is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS,‘ 64'1 Estate Broker,' The •Sqtare, qode- 4ch: •Phone 115,W. _• 1.2tf . - ANTED. -BOARDERS, IN itrel :• SPECTABLE 'h�nie,,Tgiris pre-' lerred. • Must •have • referentes. Write BOX 67; TSIGNAL-ST.AR.,-,. • '42X‘ MANTE-ii: TO 13111, ALL 01;D horses, and dead -animal. hf -shanuita4tbleertilizefor nirvinkricet_need paeytrmwelures pay' fertilizer- rices.' If dead, phone at one. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, Goderieh., • Phone„„' colyiet 936 r 2101' 0.46 r ' 7 OF PRO, /3 PERTIES ..for sale. 0: . CHAPMAN,' Real- Estate Broker. Phone 18. • • , 3912 FULL BHARGE HOUSEKED • ING position wanted; not morp„, than two •adults ; town or count•ry •if• home modern. Very reasonable wage. Write BOX 858, Kineardine,* Ont. x • NOTICE , FLOOR SANli‘d. Old and .new floors sanded and finighed. 3. C. cooruuron. ne Pho233. , 43•=52x EXECUTORS' SALg • „A THE.' r_agouTons Tilt) EstatIlarriet and Andrew Ole *ill ,by ;valid alietion at the Rouivie prernises en Abe :torr eetrs, (c)iifir Ligb,pboufile it,u•d•j-,3:88ex • P , RIDAY, 11th 4..3"O &block in the,,..afternoon' .lit-Propertyconsisting of a.. ern well-Sittiated home, aentaining living -room and ireplace ,and. defi odln. ignrgo-uroonaratIo!ii„itellittenn batInsedm" '613n.et„,dreitionir., nue, three bedroonts, ettie, bat1i. roinnt garage. . • The property rill be Sold sUbJeet te reSerVe . . Terms nt 1100,1 .20%,'‘ ok" the par- Prlee to, hd-,pt4d whoo0 vioperty iS sold and the balanca•to be plid' within sixty. days, , • IniniedbtePOSSettsiOn gtvelh •'.For fprther' PartieninfS' aPPir te; itt34 Solibitor Tor -the tatates. GOtterich, Ofitarib. I.A.OKS•ON, Auetioneer, • • 424t, ' ' Zettforth, •Ontario. AND.•TENDERS',..1111_ or Go •- ivoTico. Tor uggpitogs,, , , ()TICE TO .0,REDO'ORS., r" • 111 persons haVing claims against the:, estate,' of ,116(8.4911.FUlf0V,I, ,late• ' 1!ithe Town of Goclerich, in the - °Only orliuroni, Married.'woreartr._ v7ho died on Or about the nineteenth* da Y 'of 'Ottober, 1949; are reqpired- to*nle the Same, partidulars• :With the undersigned by tbe tWelfth, day :Of: Neyember, 1949, aS after thab• d'a,te,:,,the estate be sdis- tribtited. • -• _ Dated at• the Town of Goderich. this twentrlifth• day of October,, 1040. R C EAYS Barrister -at -law, Goderich, ' Ontario. • • Solieitor for the Estate. NT!OTICI) CREDITOR$. All persons having Cralms against the estate of Reginald gleinents• -Whateley, late' of the Town of Goderich, the. County of Iluronp retired bank Manager, who 'died on. Or, ItbOnt the, secOnd T. clay,. . Octoher,' 1949, are „requiie'd-- to the- stime,Withfull Tparticalars. wi 'nndersigneci. by the: nineteenth., day "of:NoveMber, 1949; WI after that date Abe. estate Will:•'be distributed. , Dated at the'.ToWo of, Groderichp'. in the County of Huron, thlo sacopd` day '..of November • — ; Ontario, - 43:57. ' SOlieiter fer, the Estate. • 166. likivw TO 'RENT. I S H111D„ " ;heated apartment,_ share hAth- room,' possession. Npienater, 1.`g Phone 28914 any, tinle after,-Sti,tur-- • -*•-, day afternoon, of •'1, Essex *street. • Q - RENT. „THROE:- ROOM • •-••• apartment on ' second Atter, 414 and cold' Wathr, North-. street aid - room, with hot and pold, water snit • - able for Office'or living-kboIn. SAS. P1Pat% for twO; also one • bAMPB41LL - -43 • WEST s,rntET RINK. Tenders for the lease of the. West street rink for the 1949-1950 season' will be received by the undersigned to November 1.4th, Tenders . may • be submitted monthly basis., ` *Inghest-or any _tender not_neces- sarily accepted. C. P. .cHAPMA110,. flierphone :148? Cittlae ,• •-26.* ,r.•=15L „T, 44.4.4444.04.4..44, • "Little boy, do heth yciiir dogs ave cen • • "Yeah. They're '.Just .eovered with. them." , 1110 .-ARENT.74WELL-FURNISHED „„. four -room apartment,•on main . itgood condition. Phone •422W.'•• 43 'TO• RENT. -- THREE FURN- ISEED**rooms, heated; private entia*e. 55° Elgin' avenue, phone 534.• . . • 43, FAR.M, BEIN,G THE W3/4. • Or 'lot, ccmcesSion 5, -and NAW% of• the •NY2 lot and the 131i/ of lot 1, concession .4, township of, Ashfield, 'contatning 280 • acres; knoWn as Frederick,Norrig farni, -4.-R-.---No:----11---Dutigainon, Ontario. •Offers to be for*arded • to the PURL/C .T.It1,1STEE;,. kisgootle Hall, Toronto 1,' „Ontario. „, 43 elf 04. EURON COUNTY, COUNCIL The next meeting of the Fluron, County Council -will be held the _:117:14Lull'inemeilb4evr:Atthlectlitnib:e.,ar:so:t.24„"pc4.7111,,:or.,tt, Goderich, coMmencing - Tudft •tienfliktan -ikther.'13i4nes14`,Tr the aft:env:64i: 01!:00114430 hi the bIttids,,,,ot:',0d.,;o4ow ,not later 40. lalte9rthan Stitt! rda r2 43-4- , Cennty ooderieh, Ontario. -"ttygetie• , suixine is itoblier goods). mallet; istiiitoakt 14 Pia*, seated toleetope• voth otia 11t. - Six 1 „ tattiVes 21r,e;- 24 .talstp1eti41.00, Man at 2state Order • Petit. 'ts 7441, NOV.Ittriltn tell. ' .48. 00.• tioX 91, annillton, Ont., ,. .14 . • 4 k 4 r9u nter rzvi .10 OUr W tierVidt attaiii • Witti a thoiough: insieelOn o yent:ear or .tittek - All the '##al., operithig Overed n thin ':intstideti.on, ,Defeet4 are them,. corteeted -aitd*ntet 1.0.b.daiwitp,` (itO:t 'Pa. .ieur tz!lit •erie ,• - • 4