HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-10-20, Page 8• NpAT, -oor0E4 Z3id 1.949, L� 4,01, COMMUNION., , . . MAIN splipxy. OHOOL. • • IMANTR.A.Na KRWION. , ,M., PRIMARY orrmOlvIPN^T. ROT/MO U. VARA. 11..4?;14114...1MO_R:‘, A, ;Ws .ANDKRTON,:OrgannIst, and cliiirifsk_ster.. a North St. United Church - REV. (.4:, vikany COPE, 134., B.D„ .ivii!iistef . ALnx, chitin, .orranist an.eChoir Master • 10 a.m. pin muncii seiwou • v. a.m. MIL RAYMOND iNiGH,T, of China. The Service will be conducted by Rev. S. J. IlaYward, Nile -Ben - w - , Winter United; ChOrch. • r - la. THE SOIL ON 'WHICH COMMUNISM FLOURISHES . O 0 0"' 0 Communism and Christianity .4 .. A seriies of live evening Sermons by Rev. C. Wesley Cope October 23 THE SOIL ON WHICH COMMUNISM. FLOURTSIIF.S. October 30. THE PASSION OF THE COMMUNIST.. .November 6. THE THREAT OF.COMMUNISM'. November 13. THE THEORY AND PRACTICES OF COM- • MUNISM. , November 24. ' TidE TOUN'PER-ATTACK. _ , TILE CHURCH 'WITH THE SINGING TOWER . .. , . . Knox of th.e Cross , _Is to Faith and Forgiveness. Your Church taches -the message ° of the Cross -the greatest power for right living that exists. This:emblem- is the central force for bading-a-bettqr world, • It*Krves yoUr support. •••-r• ---!-"--You are cordially invited:. ' -;461atte.nd our services. a .••••* M Presbyterian Chlirch BORN': MeCONNEL14--4t..Alexandra. liosr pita, .001eria, 'On October ISM limo,Xr, and 1ths Chester , WOonnell, Kinoardine, 6CM, '11,11THE1FORD,---At Ingersoll •HoS,. pitalt Nfonday, October 17tb, to Mr. and MrS,''Doliald. 11. Ituther- ferd (pee. Grace maeuat4,4t,N.), SQ ($tkilborn):•• WROOT,----TO Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Alex. Wr4ot . (nee. Baty Camp- bell), St., Albans, Eng., t daugh- ter,Freda 'Margaret, on October 18th, 1940,. IN MEMORIAM ,110ORE.-In 'loving memory of our de4r father, M. William, 11, W. Moore, who •passed away twelve years .ago, October .20th, '1937. • •ee in our hearts is his picture, Worth raore than silver or gold: It's a picturea you, aeal.....fatuer, Whose memory will never ,grow old. -Fondly 1.enlomb,ere4i and 'sadly missed; by his family, • 41X AlcM'OLLEN.-In lovinnory Of n4 dear wile Fanny tuella, who. „Passed away one year ago, October , 22, 1948. •` • ' , • My lips cannot* tell how I•raiss her, My heart cannot tell what to say - God alone knows hoW I miss her In a home that is lonesome today. -Sadly missed by her husband, Stanley McMullen. . McMULLEN.-In long memory of our dear sister, Fanny Luella Me- . - Mullen, who passed away one year ago, October 22„1048. In our hearts your nlemery lingers, Always tender, fond and •true; There's not a day, dear Fanny; We do not think of you. -Ever remembered by her bre: c thers William and 1Ve1lington Mew d and AnnteMary Fisher. •• — WHITLEY:-Entered her Heavenly b • Home on .October 22nd, 1900, •la Minnie E. McVittie, beloved •wife of Leonard N. Whitley, M.D., w G orrie; Still o'er those. scenes my rue.niory -8. :wakes . And fondly blooms- with miser 2 • care; •,. Time but the limpression stronger Al 'makes,- ' • As streams their channels deeper W wear. Grief often dIvells. where it seldom i•s Seen. -L. N.' Whitley. • C40)3ERTOli .SIGNAleST THURSDAY, -00;TOBER 2003, 194tf rie A 33V its will, had the annual Apple Day (m. Satarday of this week and will have MeIntogh. Reds, ter' sale. The patronage ef thoepibUe is solicited. , • -41 Annual. bazaar -fancy work; bake table, tee, °etc., by thg, ladies of Victoria street Church, Saturday, November 3.9th, at ---2,30 -41-43-4 • Don't forget the runarrtage kaleln MacKay gall, saturday, October 22nd, at 1,30 pia., under auspices. of Goderich Reb,ettah Lodge. 1410 The Women.'s. Hospital Auxiliary will hold their regular monthly meeting -at the home of' Mrs. N Q. JackSon, Churclic, streq, Monday, ,October 24tit, at 4 p,m, , Ean't• forget the Arthur Circle •bazaar; Saturday, .0.ctober 2.0t11 -.,Se% the children's wear,...aprons,:fancy- work and eraiseellaneolis. article% -homemadebaking and candy, Nisit the country store, fishpond and tea room. A baZaar and tea will be held by the 'Ladie-S1, Aid' of Taylors Corner on Saturday, November 5th; in the Masonic Temple. The Kinette° Club of Goderich will hold 'a Hallowe'en bridge and "500" party at the Masonic Hall, Wednesday, October 20th, at .2.30 p.m. Admission 50c. The raffle for the baby "Kin" doll and bas- sinette will -pe held. • -38 First of four concerts to be .pre- sented by' the Goderich Community oncert A.ssociation will he on Fri - ay, November lith, at .Knox PreS- yterian Church. The artist will. e Edwin Steffe,, baritone. Mem- ership cards aro. being 'mailed the st week in October. ' -41 A comedy drama, 4.'He's My Pal," ill be presented .in Porter's Rill hurcIL on Friday, October 21st, -at 30 p.m., by local talent, sponsored' y the W.A. A.q1IliSS10111 4.6.e 4%1 Oc. The ehoir of Victoria street- i(tited "Chitreh' is •sponsoring,a -play- ntitled "He -Is-- My- Pal,". "by the :A. 'of. Porter's Hill,. On Fticiay, October 28th, at ,8-.80 p.m., in the lecture hall. - -Admission-adults, 50e; - children, 25. • -41 Central Home and School AS- sociadon takes pleasure in announc- ing Mr....Glen G. Gardiner, inspeeter •of public .schools for Huron South, as guest Speaker at the initial meet- ing of the -19494950° season, -to be, held' next Tuesday evening, October, 25th, at 8 p.m. Alse, of interest will be musical numbers, under the direction of Mr..__Alex. • Clark. A warm weleeme is ''eUencled to all former--members„.4s, well as neW Thers. and friends. . . '-'• SinIt song of Christmas, , . Arid think of ways and means; Make • everybody happy --- „By.giving magazines. • ' - • Mary. B. Howell and Mrs. Ismay McLean, phone 213W: -41 Keep November 4th for the open- ing fall meeting of the Goderich Community Nursing - Registry. Watch for further 'details. -41 Don't do all .your Christmas shopPing before • you • visit the bazaar and bake sale to be held under • the auspices of the T.Tnion Social-4314lb early •in November. •. - -41 - The - large Circulation .. of • The Signal-Star'assures advertisers of results - from their, announcements. ' mweromesEREERBIRRIRI, or iesi I •VOR SAXE °MEW SINKS (SECONDS) '25% 4.1. • to 00% off, . •Toilet - bowls -(used.), $0;09. eatty washer yltUi gas_ motor, $59.4(1. Easy electric: washer, $30.00. 011 --burning coek stove;.$50.00, 13ott1e and burner for it stove, $10.00. CoOk stoves WO)* t� $35.00, 9olurd and screen for fireplabe 410.00. .Musical thastru.' ments, new had used. Come in and, browse around. 0, WOODS,‘,,,,See- gndhand Store, 12 East, street. °"•-"" -9 •••••••••• OR SALE. --- VESSOT '101h" • grain grinder and. bagger; in first -Class condition; also jack shaft. Phone 25-2Q,pungannoli. 41x j? NOlt SALE. - PLA.TE •glass 'mirror, framed; -large hand -carved • sideboard-, ,wainut, „phone. J54, W. SUTHERLAND. •• ' 737tf OR SALE. - '36 CHEVROLET Master, or will ii•ade for ,older ear; also Bridge:Stratton gasoline engine. Phone 991j. - • 41x FOR SALE. BLUE BA -13Y buggy, • complete with runners and plastic -covered mattress, p5.0o. Phone 1079W. • ,• •,• NOTICE NOTICE. A shooting match will be held at park -on ---Saturday, - October 22nd, at 1. p.m., for 'choice chickens and duck -S. .22 Aglibre , ities only to be -used. • •••••ma • NOTICE.' • . REV. 13. L. WALDEN, 13.A.,,0F STRATFORD, will preath a • both`serviees. - Rev. Robert G. MoeMillan, W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., Minister ^ -.Director of Praise •• •• On account of unavoidable eir- • cupstances•the field day draw spon- sored. by the 'Auburn Community Memorial Hall Association has been withdrawn. All pnrchasers desiring a -refund are requested to forward their tickets to the • secretary.. If no request IS made the purchaser • will be credited -with a donation of • $1,00 to the building fund. . C.. E. ASQUITH, See. Victciria St. United Church LAWRENCE fl TIJRNElt, ORGANIST and CHOIR LEADER -Nibs Mary .Joyce Strachan 10 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL -ADULT 1316LE MASS. a.m; PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The Leaven of Unrighteousn,e;i': • 7 p.m. BREATHINGS FROM BRITAIN. Attitutles- • - W rustration" Monday, 8 p.m: Young People's UNION TOWNSHIP pi:11TE° CHURCH •-1.45- porn:- Sunday School. • - • 2.30 p.m. Public Worship. - VICTORIA -UNION WELCOMES ' YOU. J.M•••••••••••••• • • Goderich Baptist Church: H.4EDLEY. Organist--7Mias Verna C..MiUer. ' 10 ortm; CHURCH SCHOOL -A CLASS'FOR YOUT - -11 a.m. -ENCOURAGING ONE ANdriiiit. 7 p.m. 10,1JR.,WORSHIP-OF GOD. .4. .B.T.P.U. Monday Evening "at 8 p.in:• - . „Prayer and Bible Study. Wednesday at -8 p.m. - COME TO CHURCH ikamarsami) THEL TABERNACLE • (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) • BEV. 4.'A. PEARSON, Pastor 10 a.m. SUNDAY SellOOI,J. 11 a.na, and 7.30 p.m, Your last.opportunity to hear 0 • •• REV. R. NORCROSS, OF GALT Ttiesday, 8 p.m. •Christ Ambssadors, Thursday, 8 Pin. Prayer and'Fraise. ALL WELCOME- • ,1••••"' Methodist Chure • CORNER. OcToni8, AND kAnic STROMS , REV. VV. 'E.:UNMOOR") OotiiifOrtio, ritarrbit. ta.M, •Sunday "Schoolt'Mr., T. J. MeMkbaCli. :Supt., i'• • liit..iir-VORMNG-1;011011).,•-• -- P,m. Pi/ENING, WOOSIIIP, , . .. oloesday 01 .0,1a. *Wid, *eat riaye!*,Afeeting. . , Friday at -8 p,ukt Young Pcople'S lyteet1ng4 •I • • • • . , ,, _:•,:i, A fine .feliovsulog warm .welteofei , • ' , i• • • . ORENT TO RENT. --FURNISHE heated rooms suitable for girls. Phone 1157R or -call •°at 5 Essex street. • • -10 MO. RENT.--GARA.GE, CENtRAL.: • LY located,' • two blocks from West street. Phone 977M. 41x • .g.• TO RENT. - FURNISHE.D • apartment • downstairs, ne•wlY' decorated. Phone 422W. • -41 TO• RENT.-- HEATED APART- MENT • completely new' with every 'modern convenience; garage, sunporch, etc. Apply H..0.-.TERR, Coal.and Hardware, phone store .22, residence 9543. - • -41 2 - FOR SALE. - UNDERWOOD typewriter, $60, good condition. No further use to. owner. Phone 41811 or 18 Blake street. 41x SEWING M. ACH1NES RE- PAIRED. Needle, belts and supplies. Out-of-town customers bring or send in head • only. Your own machine made into tn electric portable. • C. WOODS, Secondhand Store, 12 East street. Phone 867J. • btf. F9It SALE R' -SALE: -- 'DUX • STOVE • wOod, ;nixed, $540 per ord. flume Ka, re, GmaDDQN:, R,IL GRderich, 40.-2X • 1 OA **LE: WRVS 'WIN* Whiter coat; size 14, to 10, Worn one Season! like new. Phone, 7003, • 890. - 31-o D R N • kitchen range; waterfront and coPper reservoir, • .large 'warming cabinet -,,$80. Also box stove, JOHN HINDMARSII, Bayfield„ road. -Phone 11.90X. 41 POR SALE..-- OUT FLOWERS; - beautiful garden ‘ehrYSanthe- muins in a Wide range a colors; large bouquets suitable for .living4. room or flick :room, 75c; othet..- prices accordingly, MRS. L. R.- HOLMANf Cameron: street, phone 722;. Goderich:-: ' - -`40- FOR, SALE. -ONE NEW -1•1•0. 26 .three -furrow, narrow bottom; Massey-ilarms tractor plow. Also used dining -room extension table, • chairs and sideboard. LOUIS HOGA.N, R.R. .7, Lueknow. Phone Dungannon -70 r 17; FORTY DOLLARS I CAN SAVE you on New. - Electric sewing machines. Come and see them for yourself. Cash or terms. ,Trade- ins-- • accepted :and °for sale. C. WOODS, 12 East street. -39 OR SALE.—A, FARMALL.. CUB tractor, with hydraulic ,lift and implements. Phone Carlow 2320. 41x Other houses and farms, summer Cottages, building lots: • On Lake Huron, 2 miles no -OA of .Port Albert, 1/2 mile of excellent beacii property, wide sand WIWI?, 'property well wooded from the high water mark to thd top of the bank., Sloping shelved bank so that cot- tages may be built both on top,and below the hill. .Ideally located for private summer development. May be purehased.in 1 or 2.pieces. For finitely Steady employment. See or particulars contact C. F. CHAP= write JAMES COLE FURNITURE MAN, phone 18. • -404 • Clioscoi6,telileringumale-3Sc eae h ---)B4natia Layer Cakes -30e each s For your °Hallowe'en partieli-. ice our special ;window display. '* , The above pastry featured this weekend, by ULBERT'SBA • e..17 '017d:1;eof.4$7.030c;alu'ild'a" sst:TerPdaeSiti,e7ed. PHO -NE 485 • WEST ST. • WANTED • WANTED. - RADIOS' TO': RE:- Car xadio tronhles and' installing a specialty.- New and re- conditioned...car, home, and.portable radios for sale. ALF, HUTCHIN- • SON'S RADIO • SERVICE, 8.2 Huron road, areal' 264., -.21a ANTED.- CABINETMAKERS, woodworking machinists, 4th - class engineer, also semi-skiiled help, We are expanding. -Pleasant working conditions, top wages, 4e - oratioamimasamwmars • LOS1 • LOST. - ENVELOPE CONTAIN- ING sum of• money on Friday morning on, Wet sereet. Finder please phone 182. Reward. • 41x - AUCTION SALES FOR SALE: --- 1940 HUDSON small -,six coach, privately owned.clean, smooth, . quiet and strong. •One quart . of oil in two .thousand miles and still clean. N. W. WINTERSTEIN,- Lucknow.., 39-41x FOR SALE., SLENDOR TAB- LETS are effective. Two weeks'. supply $1; 12 weeks, $5; at CAMP- BELL'S and EMERSON'S DRUG STORES. --41-2 # H. D, FEAGAN HOME and -FARM WIRING Phones: 931R12, or 114, , Goderieh. -32t2 Odobei* • otoeting, „et, tile. • WAS. 'held ati.thel holie ,Viet Tabby V.V.Oife" street, "vvith,i god attetidattee. Xn "ti16 a a* ptesmetit,, Peters had hatrgil f the meeting* witleft operled with a bYnitt ,atld prayer by Mr. •eraviton„ followed , bys. the CANADA'S FINEST INVESTIVIE - 4th Series Canada, Savings 284% 'Ten Year Our salesmen will be pleased to call 4;12, you venience. NT', •Binfidg • : at your con - • hone 18 UCTION SALE OF HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29th at Mrs: Lashbrook's, Widder street, • _. -Goderich Sideboard; dining -room table; •xocking Chairs; platform rocker;. sinall • tables; • pictures; kitchen table, • chairs and trays; dresser, stand and bed; toilet set; -hall mirror; kitchenstove.; cupboard; odd dishes; copper boiler and tubs; kitchenware tool box and tools; garden tools; plants; other items. L • . • a a Proprielr' ess. •-HAROLD JACKSON, • Auctioneer. FOR SALE. - YOUNG TAM - :WORTH hog weighing abont. 200 lbs._ •SA -M. YOUNG R.R. 3, Auburn, phone Dungannon r 21. • 41x ‘– Foir--,sALE..—KIToHEN RANGE. in good condition, cream enamel, int; Good Cheer square .size Qu heater, medium size, in good .'shape; guard; ' lady's Winter cont, 'brown With quilted lin- ihg, chamois. to hipgr size 42-44, Torn only six or -seven times. Call 277. -41 FOR sii,LE.--430NE LARGE QUE4 • 'EEC heater, in -A1 conditien. Phone 78.41V. . -41 HOUSE FOB, SALE. -SIX -ROOM frame .house, with good base- ment, water and light; one acre of land, good - barn,- henhouse and. .garage. Some fruit ,trees. Im- mediate •possession. •• Apply to RITSaELL McCREIGHT, 58 Huron •road, Goderioh;. 41-2x •••• 41:2- COMPANY, Ingersoll. -41 WANTED TO BIM -ALL OLD horses and dead animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. „If not, will pay fertilizer prices. .12 dead, phone at once, ,GILBERT BROS.' MINX, RANCH; Goderich. Phone collect 936 r 2r or 936 r 32; WANTED.- PIN BOYS, MUST ' ' be 14 years old or Over. Apply B W LI N G - ACADEMY. ••• 42-x WANTED. -FARM AGENT BY, major oil company for parts of Huron On South Bruce. Knowledge of farming Con'ditionS and area beneficial _Truk chassis only sup- plied by applicant. Replies, treated ,confidentially. P.O. BOX 635. • • 89-41x WANTED.-LISTISGS OF PRO- PERTIES for 'sale. • C. F. CHAPMAN, Real Estate Broker. lone 18: • -39tt Et, Ciii,A7,47,70, -rt7A-AllANItso•ul Mr, -and Mrs: Barrie' Walter:, wish to thank their friends and • neighbors for- tile,' kind expiessionS of SyMpathy -and,,tbe Many ,ncts of kindness shown theM--l their beteavement. They arealso very grateful for the floral tributes and the loan of cars. - -41 AUCTION-•.;!StA,L11 OF FARM •- STOCK at lot No. 18, concession 1, Blue .Witter Highway, .five miles south of Goderich, bon . -TUESDAY, OCTOBER '25th at 1.30 p.m.. sharp ,'• the following: HORSES -Blood mare, 6. years old. . • , . . CATTLE - Durham heifer; 3. years old. recently freshened, bred again•, Durham heifer, 3 years old, recentlyfreshened bred again; britidle cow, 4 years Old, milking, Fon SALE. -PULLETS, -ROCKS and Leghorns; -ready • to lay. HAROLD. BOGIE1, corner NelSon street and Cambria road, phone 603. - -439 • OR ,SALE. -LARGE 'SIZE CR113 ,in good condition. Apply MRS. C,-FENNER, Catiey Street. 41x . . WEST ST. GODERICII •• Wriptire, au addreSS .t`y, Mrs. Allin •and prayer by Mrs. B. Ditterent.tuernters gave readingft OTi Ale Work. The ellp sheet on "colt - tail bare' Wa4 ralten by the mem. bets. A, largo number a atilt 'With • flowers and fruit Sent VI alt06.1n$ Waft reperted, the' meting'vflfi eikeed with prayer by 14rs. Catitelon. and a xia tinie,*tia enjoyed. , ••••••••••••••••••••••,.. DISPLAY OF •BritishKnitwear ' . • --.--• , • ,EDFOliD HOTEL.GODERICH „ - FridayandSatur1aY,Ot,21 'an • indud*g. oveningo ftem 7 tt) ' A1.141adiat. interCited would, be ":wise notto idtt dispyl ot.kpit:welar *by iii Briti t3IMOOgi Olt tatuti& Iiitte and dresses; (#iide40411,0300) litxdtted Wetkr or the viTool'e, lawn • • FOR- SALE. GREEN, MOUN- TAIN 'potatoes, 'reasonable price. 'WILFRED'COI/CLOUGH, two iniles- south 62- Holmesville .hone 905r 23, Clinton. -41 WANTED. -LISTINGS OF PRO- ' ' PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS, Re a 1 Estate Broker, The Square, Gode- rich. Phone 115W. ig.tf T WIKI TO TAKE THIS Al1til4B to express my deep appreciation to Dr. Watters, Miss Black and Miss McGuire and nursing staff of the Goderich Hospital for 'their kindness and patience toward me during a long- summer of illness. Thank,: you, each one l MRS- CHARLES-PENNINGTON. -41 WANTED. - EXPERIENCED • stenographer, capabie of work- ing in a law office. In making ap- plication please set forth experi- ence and other qualifications and salary expected. All applications to be made. in writing. Apply to P.O. -BOX 547, Goderich, .Ontario. 37tf 'THE FAMILY OF THE. LATE • Roy McDonald' wish, to think those who sent korai tributes, loaned cars for the funeral or ex- preskd sympathy in their bereave- ment.' -41 •. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IST9TI0E, TO CREDITORS AND OTID3lRS . . . . All persons claiming against the estate "Of Ilartiett-rAtit‘Titylorlate of the Town of -Goderich,-Who died on SepteMber 18, 1949, are required • to forward full particulars to the Undersigned by November 10, 1949,. after which -date the asset's of the estate will be distributed. . - FRANK DONNELLY.. - K. C, Goderich, Solicitor for th Executor. -40-1-2 due 4.n. February; -2,• Hereford •ANTED .TO BUY. - BARN - heifers, 2 years old, receptly fresh- • YARD manure, bv. truck load, ened; Herefbrd heifer, i years old, milking, due in April; Polled Angus heifer, 3 years old„ milking„--1-due in March; ,Durhant X Holstein heifer, 3 years old, recently,feesh- ened, bred again.; 2 Hereford yea'r,:-, 'ling heifers ;- Durham Yearling heifer; brindle yehrlinzg , heifer; Hereford yearling steer‘;.2‘D'urham yearling steers; 5 calves. These cattle have been T.B.-tested and subject to re -test within 60 days.. • TERMS-OASH:, • BERT MacDONALD, Proprietor, • R.R. 2, Goderich. "EDWARDW. ELLIOTT, . 41- Auctioneer. • TENDERS WANTED 'TENDERS CALLED. -Goderich -Township herebY-calls fiir, tenders for the snow -ploughing of Township roads for the .winter of 1949-50. • • • • Tenders fot the siipplyIng of two trucks, and the netessary equipment for snow -ploughing; one truck -to be uSed mainlyfin the Clinton. area of the Township, and the other in the ,Goderich section. IV'•-cjszeL . stove with water. tro,..ht. Call at 221 Bayfield road. • •' -41 • • FOR SAL11 GOOD DRY, BODY wood,' $4.50 pert *cord. Orders of five cords Or more • delivered. JOHN AUSTIN, R.R. 7, titicknOW, phone 82-22, Dungannon. -40-2 FOR SALE. -ONE 6, X 12' trsED Barryni ore .xiflister rug, 'in excellent condition. BROpHEY'S FURNITURE. -41 " 1. ona 15 from the Road Su • I 11 I 1 • 1 lerintendent. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persOns,having claims :against the estate of Eileen Mae Vance, late' of the Town of Goderich, in the County- of Huron,- restaurant operator, who died on or about the fifth day of October, 1949, are required to file the sable with full particulars with- the 'undersigned by the fifth day of November, 1949, as after that date the estate will be distributed. • ..--Dated at Goderich this eleventh day of October, 1949. • • • ' R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, . 40-2- • Solicitor for the Estate. NOTICE' TO CREDITORS. . -In •the Estate of John Edward Baechler, late, of Ooderieh, Ontario, r -in large •quantitieS. • ROBERT Manufacturer. sTgErvus, it:B. 3, Scotland, Ont. • Creditors and others .having . Phone 11, x 23. 39-41x claims against the above estate are required to send full -particular of , such claims to the undersigned x- ecutors on or before the fifteenth day of November, 1949, after, whic date the assets of the estate will be distributed, having regard only re claims that have then been receive& MESSRS. MURPHY & DURDIN, Solicitors for the Executors herein; new -Bank of Toronto Building, London, Ontario. - -40-2 -WANTED. - GENTLEMAN pussy -bat, 'of quiet nature'and \retiring disposition, seeks room and pard for winter months, with idea of permanency if mutually suited. Very affectionate. ,Clothing no constderation, as he owns a well - fitting\ black fur coat. Phone 364 or 285.`• 41x- , WELD\.QUALIFIED CLERK- ., STiWGRAPHER for re- • sponsible p6ttion in Goderich offlee of. large Canadian . con- cern. This posi on, offers the best of working c nditions.and also benellts. Wrie to BOX 65, SIoNALTAR:: -41 Hygenie, surrplies (rubber lioods), Mailed postpaid' in plain, gealed, enve ope pr 124 sam les 1.00. . • I FOR SALE -COCKER SPANIEL • pups,,pure-tbred, With registered pedigree. J. A. SULLY, Rosny Farms, Ilayfierd road. .41 Olt SALE, - WiNTE :W1eatl15at9m'$2.5L to $1.0.0(har aiailahle. tit JACKSON'S FLOR- ISTS, or can be xi -fade • to order. T1ieS0'. :Wreaths. are ,..perinited„ Maitland Ce'entetery.. Pentact Us and get oniplete inferniation, at .Obligation yourself. ,New''. tylle Wreath-helderS tirnished free for , 48tt Incksoiea en ers s. e e r s• hands' by November .1.4t, .and to be accompanied by a marked cheque' fel. $100.00•(one. hundred dollars). The lowest or ant „tendei not, necesSarily adcepted. Tender it vvi" ,be received until Novdniber lst , the supplying 'of a bulldozer- and plough for snow- ploughing, when requited, and at the Road Superintendent's direction. ' R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk," 40 -1 - • PERSONAL DO YOU warm? THAT'S • your business. • Do , you wont to stop drinking? • That's our bug, ness. 13lueVater Group AlenholicS Anon SfitiOnikt Write=, ---:+110X 'SIGNAL -STAR, -Goderich. Vrtf BEWARE OF 11A114.1 LAXA- I'VES.-TheY gripe and limy hart& delleate4nterna1 iorgiins, Play safe, lIelp .relioy0'. your constipa- den toitpraliy. " meriting take Fon ore uttilitg 1.4n, 11,11tv71, • an. "et (1016).;. ' • ,6•Zetrrit :;•1 wb fl,*t'ti* wit art eritfile ritori cot* .$to•Oet; ifritith titles and tfroztabriadsti :.,:tohtstitcriioe-terttkr4firiotigett,tt. aotictlehrtaiOile . -41• $ Pat 6.1' • - .•, by Robert G. ...Iackson, com- ITETS $1 60 and $6.00 .1s. baby nose, church deter* ng toatnult u0sted. Oat f44, •Lpresbn't srsinthenin.tei3; gardeft.grOWn at all tittles. 8, photo 10. 88tt Order DOC, , CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. : •11,11111.."....,,Sorsemil&millIRRII.111101011111• If there -is something you want to buy or sell, try a little ad. in The Signal -Star's classified columns. • The. Sign ,of r. rviEri.,_fiert ONTARIO I_NSURANCL ' AGENTS' ASSOCIATION • , Insur- ance ILM. FORD tarIns Rest &mita. • blues the natdral :Seed 'values and elielous tilavors a. whole wheat and Whele Tye with, the gentle laxative properties of ilot-o.lin and bran. Ask your groter for Itonian Med today, , _ • Write today tor rittfl -Pookiot, "Xatare's Way.,to (;,00d Itealtb," by ItOberk jitolika,L2I..D. Address Drivalaekson l'obnited, Dept, Xt.01 "Ngilingi10).1„Otiet TOtottOs' , 1brA114 11041/ and up, cOrsage •liosegaYs $2.0 gays $1.00 and up, arions priced aceord of decoration , re • flOverS aVSloble • " greenhoitse-grovin tanfatIonS, 0114 Dalt% tose AM:40148p )1T011,18 HEART • The battery is the heart of yo r ear. SWIFT, SOkE ST RING' IN COLD WEA HER! stow TTERI i•;41' Thesis pawsi4404.4 -Tritev?,74,111.10- g,`,31"";;;",1,4416:101.,, BE; POPAR:ED.POlt coTzi WEATFLEOVITA,A qooD Tlitt STONE BATtElt**, WO 234