HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-10-13, Page 4THE. GODERK-13: SIGNA,toSTAR
5,13ITAISbaat. KTOO 14t#14 1.0401
********04114144‘411i0e41141.4114040114*****' ivaSikoikeig.imose
mbinatton 1)o9rs
• storm window
'Well -made frcon: high clAss dry pine.,
Cali and See our samples at 8 WELLINGTON' ST.
ertson's oo
one 326W
prevents MOM qtarnage
ter 5 YEARS .
• makes. god I
GoderiCh Ontario
BERIOU 10 -Year Guaranteed.
TREE Or REa.Q.RD-sizgp
APPLES fi4 .C61.413ORNE
While puntiug in »thebaek fields
on. the•farin 'Of George Ross, h.R. 5,
Goderiehr George Paterson; of (lode
rich and his nephew, George Boss,
came upon a wild apple tree •whiCh.
for maximum production, probably
holds a. district record for Oilyear
of unuSnally itpuntiful- npple crop's:
Mr.. Paterson picked • oao ' ot the
apples mud .brought it into the
Signal -Star as evidence. 111e;
giant apple weighed twenty-two
ounces and had a diameter of five
:tad " in('ites. "The- tree is
loaded with • apples 'like it niat
ttirlik• that even it larger, one than
that _could be obtained off the tree,"
said Mrs. Ross. The variety of the
apples Wag' IlOt.determined.
▪ ••41
Tho number, of, eggs' a.
wellcared4ori hen will
• lay, (up: to the !Irbit of her inherited ability) DEPENDS'
Ptpflt* ,ark determined on continued •good production,
.'• Not ..on short term high production.
• Z.,
'National Feed -Mix to ..give. your Ogg machines the
material needdd to keep. them Vigorous and healthy-
4,anct fo'l;;ON the e6ds:''''Week-taftei: week.
• •ss
16,011 EGGS- Rif HOLDING
(1) Keep nestrther
(2) .Altow 064.3 nesIIo five birds. .-
131 Cool eggeiabidly to 50 degrees and hold in clean, »cool
spot. ;--• -
(4) -tool. eggs.'iri pPen trays or wire basket in» 3»to 5 boOrs.
(5) Eggs paCkeThkiiiiii into tase or solkl pail lake 11 to
20 houti to cool ihuviosing."Af" nudity:"
paint Suless4Iiim nisi inlet lint II* *iv *It Nis
— ,
'OP jiaarloco iiAlloput teed lttitaketioshiy., •
, 4 • '
-M ONgSONS tOtAtitt)
as 14»» »-ONtARIO,,
:erspila.Mention •
04 'Mrs; L. E. •Ditkey.
‘joyed last woek in° „Detroit. •
Mrs, W. II, Abell Teases la4 Sat-
urday for Toronto 'on an' extended
visit- . •
isfrs. Linington,
at i4LOndon, l3raa'Mer and
'• M.,,,tx'.41.001.trMwr%iT:ipr,R.44*R.,,,44.4441,4xtuatile spenot
and Brantford. • • "
Mrs. W. J Ciarlc and „Miss „A•inla
•spent the holiday with ...Mr:and.
Lionel '(1av1 in Oat. . • ,
A. Liniti.gton. 'spent the
Thanksgiving <holiday's with rela-
tive$ at Kitchener.. •
• Mr. and Mrs; "Chileott
,l'of Tomato. were holidaY kviests witJi
. mother, Mrs. .4.. • E.
.Mrs. Elmer 4stay has. Eknrned
lifter having spent a month visaing
er anht1er,,•$Mr:s...41hiale„ling1es,
KentVille,- Nov' Scotia, • • •
Mr.• Isithe'"Tabb and Sisters, MiSs,
Minnie TI.bb and Mrs. •W Craiqf
'A,lsited with Mr„ and AIrs, thimflt�n
Granton on ThurSd.ay. , • ' •
. Mrs. , Charles Garrowhas re
turned.• to Toronto after spendifig
the summer hi Goderieh. .»
• Mk. and Mis. Jack Wise •and,II-rs.
Rutledge,' of Piiord, Mich, were -
recent visitors With Mr. and Mrs.
*Jame.s JohifSton, . . •
Misses Lottle and Laura Jackson
shent the' Thaaksgivieg week -end
with their brother, .1: H.- Jackson,
and 'family, at Port INver.
Jas...Thomsen has returned
from a visit to • Mr. and s1 r.
Howard .Pollock, Sarnia, and Mr.
and Mrs': orval Lobb,. Clinton. '
Miss Ruth' Hoy,' nurse-in4 ra Whig,
Victoria • Hospital', Lttndou, spent
Thanki-igiving %vial her parents., .My.'
'and Mrs. Robert Hoy, Piton street..
Miss Edythe Jenklu of Windsor
and Edward. Jenkin of Mitchell
Spent Thanksgiving ..week -end with
their mother, Mrs. Margaret Jenkin.
Mr. and Mrs., A. T. Hiiirlaud and'
Miss -Ida Harland drove , up from
petrolt to be present st• the corner-
stone laying at the new school
yeAterday.- . •
Misk- Catherine 'Thorpe, who. is.
attendint,r 1 ton_ College•, St.-Thantas„ _
spent the holiday week-ead With
her •PaTel tzt," :--Mrs.% Joint
urad Mrs. II. M.: Tichborne
visited. the latter's • mother, Mrs:
David Kennedy of Whitecharch,
who celebrated her eighty-sixth
birthday; • . • •
'M_Herbert Bridle• and
- • -rs•
children, ...Christine and. • Teddie,
spent. the Thanksgiving -holiday
with friendSt in Brampton , and
• OrangeVille. ,
'Week -end gu'ests. with D.
McLean „were Mr. and , MrS:.
Meikle02 Londou and
Mr_tion__Armstrong 41.111•del tighter;
• Belittle,' of Elora. ,
Mr. ..and ----Mrs„ ,Jaiifes Clutton .or
London Kisited at the holiday week-
end at their homes . 'with Airs.
.Morgan and Grace and with Mr.
and Mrs. Hurtle flatten. • „
Mr. alid MrS, ' F. Chapman
were at ,Mitehell on .Sunday to at-
tend a dinner zith the former's
• -4
znQtLier, 1ii. 'Xiarry •ft:'7Chaprean,
Of her teghtYi•Seventh,
birthday. '
Mr. and, ;WS, Harry,. ,Breckow
of New ,'WeSt2ninster. flC,, visited
fer tbe paSt week, -with Mr; 'and
'I4iS. V.r.lireelgow, Angleseal street,
and. M. aigl Ma. W. C. Ereekow,
Palmerston, .street.
retarne4 from. Ott4w1V-ithere Mr.
LofteliAeg,' a -c,,Onyenti*O‘..:,the
Ontario Pituerai SerVielr,Associa-
tion and„ glinipse of the ilouSe,
Of C01411100 in action. •
%.1'.(rS. L. hied" f Torento was
alo011etIms* Present at ',the Ore-.
ninny or ,the laying of the corner-
stone et -the,' new' school on.,--Wed7
nesday. As Miss MOO Bailie, Mrs.
Fear wa.s. on the Goderich teaching
stag ror sonie years. •,
Frances • Cook is enjoying a
Vacatioil.. with her „parents,- -Mr, *and
Mrs„ Oliver COok, • Erock sfreet.
Miss Conti; has, just .ecitnpleted a,-
nurse -aid 'course and - return
shortly to Toronto, where 'she 101$
a pos1tion:4U a hospital,
, Mr. Peter Bisset, itisalece Miss
barbara cutt • and `MiSs Marga,ret
•,Eoster 'returned oik Saturday -trent
a foul. 'weeks' trip hy • motor to 'the
Canadian West. They went as far
as Vancouver, making Visits at
various points on the way. •.
Mr. and .Mrs. Olivn ef Pickford,
3i2ch., visited the lady's aunt, Mrs:
James Johnston, and Mr. Johnston,
Pietonstreet, for oa week. While
here they received news of the at,
6611011 death of their grandchild,
Glen"- Carle,: and. left for home- at
once. ,
-. Guests ,With Mr. and Mrs.
Proctor. Gibbons' ' styeet, over
Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Klarer of Port Huron.,
Mr. Percy Proetor of Betroit, Mr.
and Mrs. ElMer Weitlanfer OrWest
Monkton, and Mn. and MI'S. Bud,
Mathieson and Valerie of London.
M-rs. .1. A. Snider .and Mrs. A.
Fair, Essex street, have returned,
from a two weeks' vacationat
Woodbridge, at • the hame of Mrs.
Snider's daughter, Mrs. D. • E.
Whately, and Mr. Whattly. Miss
K. Slitder.ot Monyeal visited with
them. over `the Thanksgiving week:
end. ' - • - -
$2.00 JAR OF
quid Pick up for •iirici faces"•
firms and refreshes the, skin and
gives it a blush of glowingadianco.:
• by -Rata -1M
o ench 11:orse$
a o Race- Meets
Owners Have, a Variety of Pa*
• —Huron Ex,press Makeit
horsehaVe been ▪ prom-
ineut at district harness races dur-
horses, In all, going to *the starting
post at two race. meets.
.4t tite'.TIVertou. Fair. on Monday
afternoon of AA- week,. 4nron''
iib -
press, .the prideof r,,,,txwilers 13111
Wood and Jack Oacratief,,, added to
his laurels by taking first place
,,each of two- heats: in te, .4=
Oaks, the • third heat WWI' can-
celled beeause of rain. The • Ex-
press won handily against •
letSes ' field in times of 2.12 and
S;t the saute race' meet Eva
Bt. a den; owned and dri V etc by T"Biur-
Jerry;• 'turned in her best , perriu-
Juice tqa4te by finishing fourth and
third in a seven -horses field in Ate
2:28 class. ThiS"-is the, first time
Eva4-Bradenthas 'been iu the money
'slut* Mr. Jerry 1111t':1iased her,
• At:the Strathroys Meet
With- n large follOwing of gode-
rich racing enthusiasts »cheering
him along at the Strathroy race
meet on Thaaksgiving Day, Huron
Express again „showed ilis mettle
by Nvinnbig all three heats, Of the
2,20 div,ision. There were- sl. other
fast herses, in the fiehl, and this
was probablg the -Strongest test the
big pacer has, been put .to 'since
coining under Goderieh ownership.
in whming,the heat in 2.11 4/5,
Huron Express' set a iieW record
for himself.
Reg. McGee had- two! :horses
entered in _the 5 trait toy meet, in
different divisions of the 2,27 class,
but ite found it ... a particularly
unlucky day for his horses. His
flevIy purchaSed Josedale Skipper
turnedup sick,, am' after finishing
sixth , each -time in „the • first two
heats of. its race the horse was
itt tl.16. second divisimi of the 2.27
class, Mr. McGee had .Philip Stout,
his • prOted pacer, entered. The
horse encountered- cmisiderable. dif-
flow:- ,in. twa heats -and
wound . up -fifth 'each time, How-
ever, he came back in the •final heat.
to wind up' third. •
leSeditle Skipper was aeouh.ed by.
Mr. McG.ee on Wednesday of last.
week froth Reuben Rtithick of New
Hamblirg. The founyear-old -pacer
Is brown gelding !and is'by Gratr
tan MeKinney and Josedale ,Velo
Scott, both • American horses. In
nine. Canadian starts this year, the
gelding has finished An. the money
,.4.;..eytth -Hate's,. His best time to date
N 243- for the mile.
Since being brought to Canada
this.yenr the horsehas ,been trained
and driven by George .McNall of
The ,Strathrey 'meet Marked the
end of the, racing season • as tar as
,alt- of the Goderich .owners. are cen-- I
cerned. Mr. McGee winter itis
horses at his .own stable, while!
Malin " Express •and Eva .Bradea
will•Spend the winter .at the stables
at the Agricultural ground. -
S.eaSon's Record for thiron Express
In a recapitulation. Of tJa» per-
formances Slimed in by. Huron:
press_ sinee. he -began. racing this
year, it. might be pointed » out alai;
of the -thirty-five heats he. has vim
in tNIFelve different rues, t weals-
-fear -have, Jieen winning efforts,
-seven 'have' been for Second place
and three_fot third, with the _horse
Ottly ohce finishin4; out .1.1 -••:the
antaey, and that at Kincardine
*when he - broke a• 'TVS Webrd
is .hardly in keeping with:the state -
Ment 'made in a 4„listriet daily paper
(hat, r ii"". •Itkiiress wits ttn
hors.e."• • •
• *".the Head» » a the Hens() of
WaiTgl Nvill be shown at .,North
Street United Church on, Sunday
evening, as- a, part. -of the » evening
•worship_silervice. This sound' and
'color 'filin• deals vith modern China.
The . script Or: Kenneth
_Beaton ; „the photography, 'actually
taken- Th.. China, is 1yRev.4nson.
-Moorhou..§e,..;nad 'the ,starratioa
by Dr, -Orbw_ing,, moderator, of the
United Chureh -of Canada. "Edlicii-
tion04---gerecn'L-hitg -"this te. say» ',of
the "ThiS 'film is not --an itt
lustritt04-06ture;.*: The--stihrect Mat,
ter • is giVen excellent • chieanatic
treathient an-d•»the results are most
pleasing. ,There IS. a fine ...sound
,track with at times ,the sounds in-
tegral to -the scenes being shott---
as Wheir,the elder , Wang' sets off in
man-Oieelbarrow8 lo- ' his
farm,S. The high-pitched
..whine of these cdolie-bewered con-
--vey'ances . will: make' ' the China
veterans smile. The musical score
is Played with conipetence upon, a
superb, • pipe,. organ.• The 'film is
tightly I a telOtfat •a n d ifbllplaced.
It shoWs Jfie--f,j‘eSpel in ;teflon, and
_tells. the. • of ihe gradital
ev4ageliz4ion qtthe elder 'Wang.
ant . flo)*.• fliTough the,„ Com-,
'or.tot ,a Chinese pastor.
:Alfter yersonii‘el„", g.
A Q '1110.4k4laraeterjOs1 the„Ji,bn_
e Most bennatul, hi
,,I)i1g1l.1i instructive. missiinntry
ti &llIt produced- -te , date."
• •
,„ • .
" A fteregation from the -Retreat-ion
„Orm<iit- waited' .'the Goderich
bistact High 'School Board On
day 'night, and ,arrogements were,
.,nattle to• all'ow. 'the use ,of the gym-
. .
„rieshim two or three, nights a week
'under the suPervision, of the Re-
creation •
, Night claffses in English or new
Canadians have begumn at' ,the Col;
On sale at-
,. glare, vith Miss ..).ittTg1retw3iusea'
§„. t.etteher Night einsfrIc* 10
Work- Old ,riihtio,,--60thit?.inise.,-
ltd of 11:UVcr *-7r6P,:lgt 111104 *
• • - , ,
" •••:, • • •
OIH*I1ONM» *At**
The 98.th Batter 21 Ratj,A,jammieetnitin,
—NOW is the time to join Canada's Reserve »Army:
Good companioAship--goild pay—good opportunities for
1 4
Repoxt to Battery Headquarters ..at 'Canadian Legion,
aoderich, ori 'Wednesday, at 2000.1iours. .
For furtlw » information apply to A. B. Sturdy, -IVIajor,
B. Y. 1V1CCreath, Capt; J. K. Hunter, Capt.
Tile 01101. 1e4 day will -be held
at the- Maitland . -Co4 :Crib , on
October 3.6tly when. matches „tor. tlte
Cup, the Vie Elliott trophy
for $131-1Ws; and tato: IrialtIOd cup
for ladies V0,11, be plaYed, itt ad-
dition to, other caniteSts. At,, the
completion4 o2 play the ladies will
Dalin the paSt... kvteic» three
portiuit final noitebes-ivere PliVed•
3,1isS Elizabeth. Tobin' became the
ladies' club chanivion, winuing trent
Mrs, GOrdon 'Perry.
In, the »finalniatcii for the hese
Bowl Mrs. jack MuThy defeated
Miss» Marjorie ?Wile in, a very
close contest, whieh Was &clad'
only- , after, completion of play on
the 'eighteenth greett. A. similar
close Jinni match was -played for
tbe» GarroW cup, which was wou
at the 'eighteenth -green -hy -Loirne
Broadley • over •Frank
With contianing good. Weather
and th »excepti»eiiully good eondi-
Hon of the „eourse „for this time _of
yetrri it alitioars „that , the gaineS
will continue 'for several more
weeks. Weather was perfect for
the. Thanksgivingweek-end - and
some fifty out-of-toirn visitors reg-
isteredt4o play. The Maitland Club
continues to be »a strong attraction
for visitors to the town. The -
visitors' register is a record of out-,
of -town visitors' who pay, a greens
fee to piny, and whereas 1948 ,was
a record ,year to that date with •a
registratien of 2403, the total to
this date for 1949 has set a new
record of 2541.
On Wednesday eveningthe ladies
of the club held a successful mixed
bridge . party'rtit the club lfease,
Nrith approklinately 100 'guests at-
tending. ,
The ,SoftVall game' aunouneeci for
riday night-,-,betweem the Legion.--
ettes and 4, the Lions' ladies' finin
SN'41S 0,4110 off on, account' of Weitiher
conditkal$,. bac. the ladies oft to-
gether on Thanitsgiving pay for a
eQtitQSt» at the Judith. Goodeihitm
ra•rk, The game, played nutlet' a-
VloutileSs,skas »n seesaw strag-
gleuufltiAlway. thrap '0'; With,
maeDeuautts- rioegiallettes. entrgl1ij
' wi411113tret'iO,;11„- the -strength
ti (!f
Johnny 'Langer's girls banged out
-Axe home runs,' but they were not
Sufficient to. garner:: stietor,y for, the
Lions' ycniug ladles ,...
Eatteries7-L-•• LegionetteS, Mts. -M.'
1,V.eber and Barbara' -» Orr; Liolis
Ladies, Jean, Willis, Maelhel
:\lary ''Sluith and Andlrey.
. • .
Bow-141No -Fog emeit.f„ENs
To lawn bowlers luvd an after -
0000 and evening of "nixed- bowling
on the holiday, with chickens! fer
_,px'izes » The Winning-teanis were
ist,,„ A, li'itton and _Miss Porathy
Westbrook; '2nd, C. F. Chapman and
Mrs. • IL .Scriatgeoar ;. 3rd, W. "J,
Baker and Mrs. EAilison; 4th, J.
It. Wheeler • and Mrs. F. Rose;
5th, G. Bitechler alai Mrs. L, Broad-
ley ; Oth, W. Sleore and Mrs': Kin-
kead. •
Branch 109, Go.derich,- toolthe
fh.st.,game` of the district» Legion
softhall ..finals' when they Overcame
a tWo-rtin »Exetlr lead in the- ninth-
-innings,, to win. 12-11. - The game;
Plk;s'etriit-Men1-61:11il''park oxi .W..ed-*
nesday evening, was Ate...first et a
best -of -three series for the.,,district
championship. • „, ° . . •
Louie- Mc(i'artney's single into
centre field, -.with the score tied in.
the 'ninth » innings, brought II:Mail-
tqn in from third base with the
winning run for Go,derich.
Batteries . were:- Exeter, Johnston
and. Philips; Goderieh, Miller 'and
Ginn. ' .
•• - •
A Classified ad in The Signal,
Star has great:Selling advantage.
r.t..4he towns -of Clinton and Kia-
cardine were visited by robbers last
week„ and :evidently by the sante
gang. At Cliaton Jackson's Jewelry
store, was -broken into and goods to
the value of Omit $1,000 lifted
front. a sliow -Whitlow., The robbery
took »place tit midnight, 0 stone
being, used to. biyak.the plate glass
pane• in the- front deor. The stone
.W11$ AMU(' inside the -store.
garage' and: service sfa,
tion at Clinton -was visited earlier
in the week.- Here about
cash, a. ohl rad ji ty twilight and a
couple el! jaekliitives Nvere• taken.
The toglight was afterwards- fo,nnd
rtv aneighboring backyard, ,
'of The-artieleS' Stolk irofii
the lewelrv .store—a necklace and
some rings—were • founci--4n a tree
in front of a ClintOn residence,
where they had apparently been
thrown bY the robbers.. .
$500 Taken at Rintardine
At Kincardine entry- was made
into the District Co-operative store
through a cellar window and neai.ly
$500 was taken ,from the office safe,
,which NV.115 C105e1 Mit not locked.
The locked cash compartment in the
sIti_n.fo--ywas pried 'open .and• taken
M,..• •
. Imagine 92 parts, even in
the shadiest radio . that's
a lot cif parts — and every
part has »a job•to dol If one
. �F hese parts fails, your -
radio fails ....'an`d sometimes
svithout. warning! So have
your radio checked regularly
. . . our competent, well-
trained repair Men will be
„...glad -to give your,radio a
coMplete check-up, . . just
give» us a'call!
35 Hamilton St. » Phone » 466 '
---:Tubes Tested**11,Et
three -of -five final playa!' 'round for
tlons'i ' gav.e . the fait -sized ' croWd,
pienctY 'ON h4i4,,,,Lik,aidt..,4;-• lecis •,,Ii-k,cliA' kir
-1)108&`Iftitill'..`f, lifelii ... loather ., cood•i-
20:14 at Memorial Pa rk- . on • Menday
evening. . , _.,„=:•-•-1,,•:-....:,:-..„,, ,......'1:- •
the Goderich'. softball championship
when they walloped • Frosty Cops
Vie. • ,':iThaolt:44-51-iik ,,-. •Ilite,.:0,010, '7
Iniperial Oil eveued the best
.. - . .„,
01.''X011IY17..,ruitli ,,,t.5, Vt„.0,.. D.
tillfilt.L:14111* ?;11..i.ia: IS:1, ,, 8,
lit: ., .yi3 'I td,w*,*A`f '0
Thitreriera "iyere : Iniperial, Oil,
Young and MacDonald ; Frosty
Cops, Westlake and Ginn. ''
We solicit your
ettbseriptiot4 for
CvinatJa Savings BOnds.
l'inirth Series
Ziey :14r 2per cent Interest 1
each year for ten years.
They can be embed at 40 bank.
MT,tituto Or Atli Alee iMu�. •
* ebbiplete detaili and otteial appjr,
»�atin» rnrwill bp sent on request,
.--- —m-
tiormi, 4 grid Ilidg. 'z', 0 SOICing St.'iftesk
'` London, 'rorauto '1.
, 0,tooktrAisoo Adatit& titt$
r , „
I. ..
• . Kith .. fr.."Ilt.5. 3 e?' ' il• :.4,1tV411 '
• • I
.' -:'PO613-.NEWS,' . .
gives you .conipieta,.; dependable s.
local inesieg. You tiohd to know all
. that is going on whore, you- live.
.6'0 you live also in . � .
'WOR‘p who'd big; events Ord---iti
th* mtiking ,--- evontt, '. which can
, meow. SO..much to. 'you, to ,you!,
lob; your hon., .your .,fututio For
' conStructivoi• *kith acid ;intermit.
tatitint of natiOaril and interne-,
: tinned news, .thera is no SUisfii.tiatif
• -for ».111E; CHRISTIAN ' SCIENCE
P'!NigitoOlo:. iiiiii''' ba ' nifiiiii* of' ...'6-eing
' briit infonned--4aCalhes.. nationalive•
' ,,intornationaihr*L.-wiltirt-10ur, . local
trpit.and, The. th'tlitian Sciancrt,
, ..,1 .:11.1STEK tit istridokti.. a*Or ,
A130 statiOnela 'lila , Christian '
n -Selonia „Moniteic loWirtliti*SiVs.'"
' And as� thi• c :non., '.
..ftbday..,fat'a. iipoici I Ina th - .u. ti,
-- istodu.pOry'subicri Hon, ZD-» rPunda»
. ,....,,,,,,...“............... t.,,,..4..• . „ ,.........
ThOChrlstlan Sc(�.4 Molhliifir .' - .
' **Norway St., Bos on 15, Masi., ti.SA.
' .01earri send • on k itroductory
itiliterrOtiosi .-in Tti' ' Cliditlari r klioitta
< MoiOtor, AO hoes i *0.010# $.1..., .
. . ,
...au , - at*•..a...av
. 'Anti
. • 1%.
ad tts)•
1cItyt 1zO»t Jsfat)»
POI . • .
=am •
• taa.
, 0 ».0., •
1.; •,,a•
4 B t e oo
can just about „traces the-P.u.thnes 9flizour .lif0 story.
a krande-imiti in'Cfohlrou've.,spent,
how inuch yOtiThave left.
It's one of -your most personal, most prtvate-
• •
leriiirWYOTTriariliarna—siar. Clear as a bell!
11. 11 111 •
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