HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-10-13, Page 2Art Jarage igert,0t4.100e021dea bv10.1a0 =max vormars rpm& • WA:* •Wished V Sistig*Utr, =Ada ind Gat 14:4i4A, xear: to rutted' tat2O, •• s 7.1400 ea- mutat. . avail, PoOt . lteratfecOe .VIss.- De: lee Member of elestadian Ncee.V,i,y NeW*PerS Aresa4bI1iOn *--- • Neetsisv 'areadation over OW . 13Valt$QN ' is I41.43 SPAT., 'SSCTOB.F.R liat).)„. 11,4;11) • - treth. ii- ha.S.•-zaot. Aver.* .ilefipitely XDITP. .140I2 1,1:90 litite P'121.0" of es laret: thrOligh Ilking a 4' crime • auit cotnice," ehItchnEhea that the .dt5tlectrgnS'' rare n Vie Steamer Noronia, with its might ' appoint a eels- errible loss of life, was tilts'. Ctla ',0,f investigatip; to .. cigarette, but there . are. strong stoseris PVAISte- , se - . ' *•* * ', ' suSPieitut'S In -that direttittee e. _ arry : Lauder, reported IITO ill1011,:i.,110. AP). tlb being on . his death - is now:paid to .be improvinge. sag easY t.0 kin, 'that. auld Scots. 4 0 * ' PREFERS 4.4ORTII $T.: SITE Zdito'nipThe Sigual-Star.• „ Sir, --4:n your. paper last w "Veritae", seenns. tO suggest the site .;i3JsCe ."'-daYlight saving" went•' of the West street' rili-•• for a one 'is readuded e& the old muswite, and then branchee off te gy in God;rich---detal now many WearS---who 'On autmni evenings avionid ,g 1.teg:MOrtane,P§ Witli the , Here is mother "suggestion, for IrtAlt.$ 'Ire get -tin' late earlY.." I what it, is worth. When the• pupil• s kb. of Centsal 'School are absorbed in D'Ortaid, Gordon who made e great e l'eNv Viewnix- 81'3")1 t'lle're will be an excellent site available. - la ittatiOIL lls the'.31ead °I the War" I tar .0paliall it •WCY1Ild be =nail pre - e 'Prices and' Trade BOard, has fferable to tbe 'Weer'S street Fite. tom uppeenees president of the i The school building ii about . the 11 speak of the Court HOuse, atz a sat - able place for the propused 111UffeUILL pan National Railways IL) Vier fbk) job on) January 1st: appainistnent is criticized' SOmesequantere-on ths HS • _0e/dm ht s no railway ex- .perberte. bul on .the Whole it has .410041, WV!,11,tee.eiVed. . He has tackled Mgt ,Sphe IsPre * beaten them, ;saad. takin over the management. :of the $greatest railway system :ha -the world he will face another test his sirgteeies-ng and his, 1 'talent eolving knotty prebleates. • Saturday Night of Toronie Clime ut las Week ,Sn new farm In- efir-e•Tcr"--4- iveehly---prwte et weekly anagasehle. TYPograPhie- "'5.,ailly 'quite handsome; and it seems 4# retain mbst of the ;fear, Oret.S. the Saturday -Night •imiliar for yiaat4 though it is's a 79V, same age as the •Court House. It mak not be in as pcs)d a state sa preeervatitin; but it will last for a long while Yet, and if kt, should require much expense ,in the way preeervationesit----inight--be. doweland a 'snialler building erected ter the. PilrPoSe Srf 'a Igliseinn• I don't •know w117 We should worry about the Court Roue. It is still there and I dciet: see any pr one -in its place, Ceurt wheth.e" the oldebuilding is to. stay, sign.s of tit, ok new ' building.- But House P thee:centre of the town _is right plaee for .ockuni,3- OLD-TIMIDR. , OLIVIER'S Hiti.M.LEr" T CANICAL TEEEATRE Trir* IPIA1XS 313Y • UMICSE TOWNW•tr* aueetb,g the Couttell oxet, ter thsil* Tatar utupia *east& of the, 4oder1412 4:nesting swe e4Sethleseeir Muele, CitSh was held l'freiatLY at $0,et4er Rit the Towastip Ma:14 home a Mies Beim with tumbere al;t0.114•140, 'Atter Ped ,of TheerVet'lsons•,..,-eoustituteo...„, sfmt aerarive of the..org.pizatiog; EiOnOrarY Presideat, Mer,via ,Suhier; President, 'Oeurge Bluebell= ;' Vine- p.„seeieent, Stetf$'ytort Ecleslird; Festival preeident, Mire Z.d. Jessop; 'elPented- ,3411grt 40014L tthe repass" sneeting4a On4dar to:444n 1Nfgl ttfmt, * ier134Peting+Pz-qttesthZiPetubgr' IZBO p.m.., at the Bedford Rotel ..CadW,IS off the toNFILSW ..guattes, of the wer,kocus ;:aelagg, vere ntton $01knrge a of fe,, -special Meeting bad nt la.'25 Per Prate twas $urilrea for CreTEV-11Vhe**&e"-VarrIrrt ese":i4"444. Ac'ft • adopted oa malt= of aizzaos 3aDitau ;c4!ge41.174ti-on-, ,?, '? _ . . aufi•Verepolamiter„, -• „ •4 $1404, .T.E.7..ing tbe day and boar, •-Corrappleatioa.0. were `..ligteelve4. a Torpiturtioa. far TeeVe, vouzeillors from the tolloking: , • ....* - tend rxvo .Ivostees -was xend tad ait.',A, Mtemi-Jbm .,$acretar:f pefised.' liop4Uution-is 1.b be laeld a •' 4•• ,sopiers.; 'xi"; rridaT, 251.74 •day. of NLYNT-laabe.r,..0 • seeTetary, giF;s ; pointed' out 'that at <we fpf; s TUB t treaiprer,•• 4,tuogier; uaaoe thelicreeeat meetiug0 'WAS 4.;leeldva • 414'11 — • representative, jeleu, Wells • the WOrk ef the $aolety . was too filfm-KtlIg evunell for its mstory tii.e.,Mtif,ao Club ,p•eat' fey Olte ,nout III .cOuntv f• atlir-aeetp *the Thkrwr'D°113417 111°.ct`ing • A,' listke anore 'titan ' years this' size; therefore ;the Soeiety . • ago. 4in Sitiell 4itit; 1941, tw.4ve wOuld , be grateful if, t„he seeenejs,• lise 4$1eDreatla was present persons who ;were inteieeted. 'in the would ,a,i)pRint some read,..t -the it0•14g '001211.a. wood, promotion 4. xuusicai eulturi anet mialicipality 1 to ateeist Mr,. e. XL ,e0ASider 1.11WIllft,': the stmi, at the Studior of - ..Meseesii -.Stilittf; Robertson -In -carrying out- the wort' 11-din----ge glio was Viet ergani t of Igurt14 I 1s...district• • • from street mate chm,a, IA .0 that The Deparienent of Mrnicipal 3- .4" • swing- 4.3..e4. the 09 erieb, *nese I fairs, 'adsising theta ohe,dey sehocil Club was inaugurated, akingeaS itSi for •the 'odielais eta Huron 'CGUIlety ,netin ,,To 'oureate en measneesn i'wotald be held in Goderich ein Toes- IlitlkiCia iltiekeSt ill the 34talliiitY."".4g7# Onto 18th. . . A. . poll Mire - 1 Thes results of this aim have ,atany. timeet been evidelficed iii the , • — -e- ------------ .enthiirsiasticf public recOtion Of such , g recitfa b ell • Mariegoers planning," to see , Sir Laurence Olivier's flan version o.f 'Shakespeare's "Hamlet." which comes to the Capital Theatre on Wedneeday, October 19th, for Ate presentations ae a eon y •J:be Rai g Donee, soprano, and Fits Lt. Harvey Doney, baritune : Gil - bell and SeTtivases operetta H.M.S. Pinafore; the - Sh(4 'NWT Minttrel Saw; and the emit:ens by the -on- 'T` 1 ditn MOE! 0110.ir and tate Toronto Conservatory annior Trio, all of wItieh have, been spons.ared by the [. Gocierich Music Club •' In recent years,. however, the chief -interest of the Club has been eentre,d in the steatv growth a the Huron' County Festival' of Music. which 'see PlaYed.' a Particularly itaportant role ili..,`.ritisiv)r; the stand- ard, of musicalleeducation and eih- terest in7the tigtrict. It. is tile hope of the !executive. o the Music Club that 'many. new names will be added- to the ,active membership list this eieasan. It has been with regret that the Club Ea6 lost .i.tS former president, Mr. W. ti H. Wickets its Fes, val president, AIM. 3: G. McDougall. , and ite Festival secretary, Mrs. A*. M. Chap- man. all in one year. With sme- sn mind, • the executive sravites and welcemes interested persons to attends and .,particieei.te in 'the Music ,Club meetings, notice of which, will appear at later dates through the. columns of ,this newspapers • .. , •I& difilett4 to fand them in the'new , may ii.„0. engagement thi sea&o,z, „ ;seed „larger ;2e*Selleation. ; ,Soniewhat:ewili be able to see at .firsi seed the . 3.,The a .hiee., freshei4,-sze gke eche untsnal anelSesisnost Wyolutionar.S. - production techniques which went , Suddkily ,tures -*to a sephisticated -into lite making Of •the. film. •. young ?,•atly with 'pe.Lted lips and The :sets, eof secoarse. re'volve" •;all the 'rest Of it. Handsome, but around the spacious and majestic . mot Just ,ti, gM y,472 io-ja, to .iblow: ..e.seirs.- ore CitsTre and its adjacent - grounds. To -‘-enecessary ' ''..3WaSer-ineshief .Selsedwell's Feont preSsion• of iletiori and insnentent, 'Pg7.''ke J•5 Sall there, thosies-eiet'd'alte ,I.,o Cameras photographing ..' the . se ,prouninent _as, before, and prOle gripping sequenees are_ core.ieetelly in tsetse we :shrill -get ilspa. tie 011 the 41.11(17: up aiddownth• e , le' .-carriars,"S„pd ail nroand the the new Saturday Nigitte• and like it. alternately - ,,e- b arse. ...Cen re -. ornate f..4#1.1L- dl halls and private .ebeinbers. ' An• editorial writer on The- A teehnique seldom used before is that of -depth-of-focus,- whereby . letadon Free Press s ebserves - that "in a few months the twentieth . • ail detaile in the background eare I .photographed as. sharply and. ' as 11 •,le,S,-.1iii7err Vill. have .reeachett 11:e clearly ' as' the tharacters and d. 'may antert." Eviden.tly he is =dm itki' via -a -`11-ppeur - In -the-40TO- - tifk -133apresskat .talgt the let et tgr"51-1•Bd• . , A. ,gtegt :deal -of ' earerul research • lanniirv„ TM, -w-ill begin the eecondi . and , prehistraery art -work was •sloe of the century. Vc'e are re-. necessory before • designer -Roger :Minded Of the shaLilar error .„into' Furse was satisfied with the Stage . .1;oliel mitt4i,s. p„3.A.,, feeti ,,,,I t.h.,,e,b, sets and the tostume designs. His. pains were well worth -the eff ell, :;gtosaleg Of ' the !century. . Th --E7 1 considering the two Academ ' . filet Deeember ,W.sts, 3399 1 . ees ehe - f .s, 2-:- , , - - ,,. se,...Wa- S"--; 021.,,-- -02, , . bit liver - on Would ear We-ieineteentli : aeii.ffl'iaessier in'';19-111., . •-. arid' -it- was difficult to tonvince " . •-• - ,,,e„ frOttting Director Olifier sva.,e that One of t.he greatest problems &Les i •. seine of them that .ths. -centarY sun '$- of adaptiug ,the -stage ply* 1,,,, the ' It ot• end =al, Per -ember Zia.. 11).cl. F motion picture screen. The „time , as;sd the new century began with element alone. for example• had to , ,,tiriisusia. ist, on No ,ahe wmla be reduced freak. veer four hours down lo two and one-half hours • take "W -cent e for a dollar. and 99 The fact that be has beenbl - not ILI a eel:Muses, e; a( es e this with oniy /n1110.3' dell.- ' keel ` ake - Th i hi ' • ' 11 e t.{' • irs,t sat, 44 the pre,,,eirt emtm7.,.v..41.4.Lions of characters and -scenes . is 1 ma be emlea. until I5eeember .314. 'tribute '141.-11e lualtv-lawa'the of • i forethought and research. 1 The 4-haracter of -,11-amler r• e - e , ,* '' - imains as the greet • 'tragic.' figure The Red armies are over-runaMg 1 '•11'01711 to Pasf generations- Du; by j ,. • . ' b 'ringing "Rairder' to the sereen the ; • Chine almoet without TT1 ilitall re- .clUiractfr• and •trory , haVe becordes 1, sistance., 'In the vrake of qtef. n.....iliv 'Ejuepess -of the rftlaythe world • '- vitiorious 0014rallt.tigt *fureeR.: hewslorer dtzting the last. twelve entesth8. ever. resistant,* to the new reglule 1 1414 B':°-11. Wilcata '•en,te'rtair.lineut • - i irft,Oie 1114e -A ,and widest order. ' is n • ppearing, ettCordiag `t,o- •press •i ,• ..., . •laeipatehes. The .Chinese peasants. • FIRST AID ItENI)Elit • . TO SICK R„&DIOS, ALSO • pogrABLE FOOL -PROOF ' SOUND SltlArICE . R. littf.NDAY — Certified Radio Technician PHONECie tALL , .11Vidder Si., Goderich. Phtliie 598 S E & GINN AECTRIC Electric Wiring e;PCIITS 137 Witt St, Phone 514—or „otheye Agnew Surpass Store. Phone 1.1.99.-• -933ti •PHOLSTERIN ..01E6STERFIELD ocaAmtop-AL ettAnts REpAIREri AND RECOVERED ° Factory Guarantee Free Pick-up and Delivery Stratford - ..UphOlskering. Co. 42 lIpmswick St., Strat- lord -- For further' !information enuitire • at BROPHEY:S FURNI- • TITRE„ .s• GODERICH • i; was do longer aeeded at the Si, laud he thought it n4gbt be - VISIT • oN THE-FguiRE ChestesSelds, antiques; etc, re -upholstered; -recovered. • Large chpioe of new poyeringi. • • Our 25 yehre experience ,your zuexamtee. iffilhates. ?monal attention to ell •8• GODE:giell , -1,7tf ' • *;ertig1041.$ thitt Mer.,,rer$t/1 411-10Vi'el:144..br 344 wed; .slettiosa inthe'SSetring this texb fv°4$1r*,0011:1Vid:W'QoAlv114,41407-1401:e7•Xert4aigtliniazzun'stia7 33.ortot„olad Temple 'Bunter be • „ ProTr,Litt0er. arlowpkiTip nen, Carried. Moied by 'Harold Msnatgamerse laud Terence Hunter that 4..he road youchers„j51.1M4,1 .321amf MeCreathi; gettiag Axtures, for' ToVasiiip Heal, 5; J. Baer, work son 'TownShip ranal,,,i125;Vx4110. Swestue,i'Tise Prisnatmi. ShO x SePtembst, $.90; Goderieh 171St#ei. "Collegiate 13°112'4; 6-Ufg.); Wr4L- 'St1.1,••• leweztet, it,..atamotioos,ps$2f57 Seeili:rtg _assess: Moved .10-,• j/-13aotrt-ou that upulteu • adjoura to meet November trh .at , - l'arrOD 4 •••• 0 11 WIRING AV? REPAIRS • tohone colleet., 207 C•arlew „ •vouchers .440 14.1s be paid! Iteeri • . Ammammom, taulag'st shaY1441411-a4t.d:t.ZfFpu'7,dalurg3)4444oLlersia sl, **u4(-.4.1:gel,r7til*9`°4111'It't'tharlt ,1-,ItI.11$137tes.'14'ficele-• not very nice:',"e T,93ifig wife; it must be your Classified Ads. Peellesultot 11 , AT:11PM' Wowishipeele.r Asa*•* " 4,, linELD of .thes -Ton, doe't like Conerntiulf,'tie •A•SHFIFTS.o 1.1.—Mrs. • "1th their cousi, Miss' M. Cult,h; rake -oil' for the Oornivatists„ and , CLITt. jt returneDetroit; d to they, nre •*1st:tittle up; e typicelly •Ai A213,tai. and charlotte wee_ ettilibern oppusitio kerazie of Ter -onto orld Mies Isabel I insiseeeed with in her long , Ho -wee ea kieiriberg were hor ome f • ' the week-encl. . • '5tt117 Chi -11a hag twei° nuuered Elhel 'Aineker.i'zie of Toronto/1. $ • ' qver'..nlad 0.01041- but in the speril the heliday with her mother 1. loth.g rut the eontineroreg hale fennel i.Mre.. Lott Merketazie. ',i/afietref; .overwIleinks M. re . Clarles 'MetsGger of "%Toter - •ter the patient, tftireentthg foree r'lgiteddiatrte1Ilere hist ';.'eek-. end. • ClesInes•rnsity. By idetare M1ss Salir Meedeneld and Vie Minese /wt. 'Barbara .3.,:1e.eLerai6l.4. maj.ti li,4 ..etm.serted. se ...0.-asnilussin, were, htune for . the week-erel. I . .. , , F7arcwell Pirescut. ..--, Om ;.ard ieveataally tile old , China may Tiktr8do. ev„iiing the posgregutiom i aga4 to,44 uPPerziOgt, .2 little dif- Of 'Aehfield Prestnrterlam church, 1'0010,, knft the same. - • .gtithered in the basetriett of the .e.bur-6 •Xer ilt.....grePetitatioi). ':i ,,,,. .L ..,..,,,,..i. iii41, utme44.101;it., y ftr.A 1);,...irria ,Mrs. ' ' reererfe:e‘ 4:6 tlie een.$.41gimal-5ta3 4'..?0 subje# a• , '41ae• Van " Ppgt, $tatistittaing Th* !qf, ttb' itmolt.erf; Zit! for, zare. tz1 al i -e e fl41, r6t0 'ok red ;ler s ' 4itid .nteltettr. 41,g lritt.sday fer their. Ow (large n" '0,itittraore;- Dr. Mob. Spoh rith elingeiistit 1.rtbAetii)10 ekeitek, $Veliofie pgstor lor the last', 7elarSi lan0 iu rgtet at eating' them, • • • Si•AISANT 'T " $tle er Atierilkito. •At' Wra. I'dar8b are lantlug tftes o *kat Is ktiovrif 410bert Witter farm ,4a ptito 11:11e sher, 01$* plAf: feita 444:143` WI. la. „I , pAtto,fpim0e..;!.v,ip, team'. . Two, , -t 1L ieen beet e• r; snit • 4,40,4 *bet a4 ok X kti, 11.0 .t•Ot $00, • —1949 • . WEV, B WM5E6 MILEAGE -TAKE full advantage „of It's your opportunity to get generpus allo-wance for your. 9143 tires. • You'll get every 'cent you.c. „old tires ire , worth by trading them in. on brin,d new, big s, mileage Goodyears. Don't misi this Money- • • s'i:Tviithlignoew4eGr.• oodyear: s • all 'ram.' d, yq,usli be • set for safe, edbnorncal motoring for a long, • long time. For the best fire deal i.n -town. drive in todayi 7 • -BERT SHELL SERVICE SokliTFORD MORE esteelE RIDE ON - GOOIONEAllt TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER 71C' IND - •• - • 'Aso ;•7 " 40 eess lant eat Market roceterta •Located, in ilding.„ Locker plant, • . . . , .Xelrinator equipped, cork insulated, quick - , • freeze wait, 70 per centof lockers rented. Fully egliipped meat and. groceteria. • Doing a good businest. .eo• EVerything new in 1947. A real ' cippor- imity7fdr--energetie party. • 'For, full particutarsH D. BROWN, Sheddeu,: Out. LOSSES .pAnD. PROMPTLY AND F :rryo, ubu;y kind . of property ' inturance, the most important thing to consider is the reputation 'of the .0ampany,that inures you for payirtg • loss claims prompt/ and liberally. ' The .issuance �f your pplj.cy 1:Py the Insurance Cotapanris otlYtiole furst step inthe friLliSaction. • You should be sure that in the event of a• loss your •claiin will •he settled ;quickly and had!: Ove.r a period of 151 years -"North Americal- ••Compames have built an unexcelled and 'world "rwade reputation for ' settling losses- promptly and Orly. • . Cltualty or Milne Insurance•, ask your Agent 1mi Broker to secure you a pro.f. pasal from 'North An:lake Companies; • eats , ti ;it* ” RLY mum Nifiett t$€ -4Y COIOYARY ACATH ootArAtorOt rlDwarsts. fAidNE, commit— . **S • A en * f rance 4 • eessmeseeesseesseeSMS•seeSS'eSe's vonstaim „. •ASSESISSERNMSIONEK eeesiS • exclusive -to •CheiTaiet 1616 Aiidi • won.ws ,C14410•10ii VALI,E4114=11EiD 'ENGINE the ,exhio .effialmf lipivet paint Aut.' 'seating the Irgind ' for. ihe- induitry.. - • • :FISHER IioDY 'MOND' AND itISCURY found .rilsonihore only otitnudt onsillor ceintArt ormatiliC WslcPs:, : • (velth D'ul14Life live:doss' Inikelinlogs) .svesfier, sae •stops "for *ou /aid your fondly- . LONGEST, 14EAlfIEST 'CAE IN ITS Fla% 'With IIVIDEST.1112.EAD, ns,we$11 ' ;Owing snore tonna, Moro iiiDnif-sbnifrat. mono Tao& ,• • otesidinessmid onfOky-• " IIVIDTAAt.E !WHEW 144411 ,E)Orix Itnu_4:P.roilure Thing "lho siidts4 ihns In 46ere lirsoloice told, •'... - • .ctsaiiii401to st:L1Uhio- 1409 maienovin ;Coitislii 0,corAinittiltie +1,tit.04440,:; $;. v:44.4iiiirty*iy 00. =DIM WINDSHIELDIAIb titutitp • luet .0ettst $vitig,,,, Y OhISTIDIDTIO:t1 cirourkeiligvio snctOthio'fri ' 414. ss• •••• 1 starOing by for the • , most Beiltstifyi BUY of all Nothing less will 'satisfy -- Nothing else will do! , ON*NilcAt Oitoit iiihon *ins *roan; .4ehrUindoIS 411.6 motif nronteti1-4none.4141 , „ •?••• to A1J&ODUCTO.f. .ENtERAI. M0101`45 Goderich ,1