HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-10-06, Page 2W*ON',4:43m Wj rObthilled tor 811;114I-Otart Wilted 4kuttttlit dad, Afeat Britala* .0-00 a Mac ; te 1714* &Otto, VA). _ • to* 'Oa reatteat. 4lttho4Ige4, aft lit0000-01418, rOfit 0-0100 DePart104134 MOM; TOkel:lb011e f)t clinadian Weedy NewaPaPe$ AsSociatiOn Weekly CirCulation Over PariVON ' TILAWtrIa..1 44...Q.44aY aeXt, Oeteli,er 10tb, wII 'be national, 48Y (..4. tbAo.k$gityio. ve /404 troubles a 9ur Own *0(l_IllitY :Vol Ili, 415 days'in the hn1cemia1.„0 .11 Yitig'Pt' filanald redind us that we *yo MUeit for whichto be. •thattk11,11.: L'Xbe shoe'utay pinch, but 'e pj�havete,tswes thiUgs .90aS.kiereti, .nada , perhaps tbe happieSteountry in:the ..,,rafTeSts , are good, fOod. , plentifulif a,bit high' priced; we ..40•Ye abon4c as Mach freedom as 'is Zr ue an nabre than most 1*W-es have, we. are ,inot living in'• ..a. land Vilier.e war is an ever pre - it we may think. what we and say, pretty nearly anything .we 1ije without being jailed or Stet ter It; we live in a beautiful • country, and :even or winters Ttre ,:better. than the perpetual heat and • „the sandY deserts of landis.that have .t,i4O winter: - - Sof ail; In a/L.:thanks are due to •tAroVidenee . for what 'foriis, ad ThanksgiVing Dayis a for edaating our biessing's, -,LETTEItS.-TOT-TIIE EDITOR, , . . Th(3 ;editor" is sometimes • '.41ire read, your ieditorials, though • we doa't, always sagree 'wit!? YP,ti•V This IS quite satisfactory to the 'editor, Ile doesn4 expect- every- • body to agree with hint; hut he does 4aint peopb to read What. tte has ta4ea the trouble to write, .:1Ie knows perfectly well that be doesn't always hit tbe nail on the head, and he would wercome • letters wiitten witit the tdea of setting Min right* or, better still, of Presentlag -to the. readers-Jef---thee4r-----• frOnt that of the editor. There is no more, interesting feature of a, newlip,apex than letters to the • editori so' long as they areTliot too vide a Permanent' home in Ottawa fr. Canada's Pairtle. holillistetS, like No, 10 DOWntilg Street iae14"LO.31- don. The iroposal 11213 beea ap; PEOVed by all. parties rild Parliameat, aad UG. &Wbt will be carried out, Irtis-7--e1117-add „ setnewh4t-40---th, dignity of Die office. Prime blia- ister Latireat, and now occupying 4 tivezrOoto apart - inept at the capital; Unless, how- erer„. Parliament vote S an„appronri- ate .amount for the • upkeep; of the 'residence 'Zr. it; Laurent will noa hialsetf still further penalized, fin - for giving his 'services to the country, for itis well, known that be has made a gre4t sacrifice In giving up „his law practice,one of.lhe most lucrative In Canada. •.. long, are in good temper, and are • not writteu. ,simply to publicize • -Moe Pet -peeVe .c)f the -vvriter. - The- 1;•-•' Signathre of tho writer will not be Published if :he (or she),.does not , wieit it to be. Of course, the name must be known to the.,editor. Some people say, with a touch Of superiority, ."1 never write. let 'ars to the paper." There is no reaso to be proud of.this; rather • the contrary. It means that the person • either has noviewirWortit publish- . orrt.i tOo indelent or "too busy" •, or IS afraid to put them before the 'Ttublic even, over a nom de Plunie.) If you disagree with the editor's , views, or. wishto emphasize them, •Or it -you have ,artY ideas of yaur •:OM wortlz putting on paper, send .a.letter -to thernewapaper. It vvill gladly. received. - , The visit to Ottawa of burly "limiest Bevin 'gives the±meinhers of Parliament an opportunifY of meet- ing one 'of Britain's great men of ,the times.' As it jljippens, labor men are meetingthis week in the eanadina Congress of Labor,' and they were addressed by 51r. Bevin, in whom they wouid.bave a ..tipeethl interest as a Member of the Brftlshi Labor 'Government. Though tbe socialistic policies, of that Govern- ment.tareo not-o•to.....the,.111ciug of a.. great „many. Canadians, they have -little criticism of his • .cOurse , as Minister • of*,.;FOreign Affairsand can .adniire.. his stout „defence of Britisir-Interests on many occasions Of , international dispute, Iiixeept• ing..,:nr.'ohtirchill. we 'cannot think of , tiny British . statesman who would be ' more warmly weltomed in this country, ARTICLE 2 ,I4ke a Iligh SehoOl*StUdent teal- PararilY tree at recess, hnoyant, rlier and gter 44,e 'Service, • Said, one lady, "Our, minister' is a. goOd preacher; ,pat his prayers treat the' pulpit Are Tar More eloquent.„`oup- Tbv.npliglitar yetdigallied $t. I5: en* •AlVer now' unfolds:. calling' ns •fottb,j tJd1.eetIQz o ancient 900%4• • we*--0"Crulaing Power the iser' on a Sandal!, aftern00 olfliEriali, DO II' EVE.fg• TriXE/ (Paldey Advocate) Some weeks ag u„ itinerant printing Saldman. hit • town and lave: eager • and .expectant, the. writer. •spurred on •bis media:ideal steedPealigg and inspiring than even his . eaStward, `flankby ed the ,sceule, serthOas. /le creates an,atinosphere eeeded to etiSSWel mereharP,' beant'S of this Ontario, Of •ohi rs. bettt-Itithia atgl ‘NY,,ith/ant the Wor; -and business_naen to take spaee. ,Ott In all the scribe's WanderingSnoth.- shipper whLe1i SIIPPlanta weariness- 41. prposed Map and shopping dIree: to"'exeel lt-taarks Of pregress with ,strength, fear with faltb.”. tory for the district, ''Phe 444- everywhere, How easy• ought to ,What„, a tribute ,to. PaY* te -Ir be the rendering of thanks to the minister; •• Almighty, awl yet hay dreadfully WlIat Ofttime$ constitutes a easy to, arrogate to ourselves the. Rersot3'S lejalty- to -his chureht the oceamniation of these bounties be- ,Itirlittyoforoletwpkreoafe.haerbilitoty porenaethi :stowed by God - It used to be sad Saskatche-• Some Fears ago, on the Prairie a' wan that if in terms of ornateness_ parishioner was asked another, the:Sara outslidne the divelling, "Why don't you come to church?" -then the-Anan----ivas-hessr tf tye The retort, "Is the Rev. X reach- reVersei tho the little lady donun- lug any better?" Important as tbe ated the scene, The reader •twist Seraton doubtless •.it is but a, be left to •arrive at his own eon- Conaltuent 1,6-the'totai get of WOr- tlusion as he drives throtigli tbis • ,‘• "Garden. Of. -Ede.g.." it wolild be What.. priceless', possession;this more Oall. intereaing po "ROO the congregation has in thlronan ood - 'wbo. reads them to theThrene of "Go West, ,oung'manr was the .Qtrace Sabbath after Sabbath, May slogan of a few decades ago, but his tribe increase!, -leaving* a net profit to the persua- new the Magic and the lure Of the Number 2 highway, flanked tly a sive sales gent of something in the East. Strange to relate, the writer countryskie "beautiful for situa- neighborhood: of $1400.00. The' always felt felt better about travelling tion" --spacious fields, tidy homes, called blisiness. directories; upon de - east when out on the Prairies, for beautiful trees ."wherein the birds livery, have beiv found to serve , their in terms of affection Ms eYefif vve.t.e focused upon that little yet mighty Isle of Britain. Ilobnesville, Clinton, Seafort14 Mitchell and then north to • the town of Listowel-vrhat-a mec'ea. of cleanliness the last -Maned counnun-' ity is. Take a bow, Listowel! It could have been a mecca' of disaster t•o the hilver, for upon leaving it the shrill siren of the --'black and white car sounded cutting aerii'ss the bows of Clarabel, bringing her to a halt. "What do ,vou mean, by •driving se fast' through. this toft2" bellowed the man in blue, Never 'argue ‘witii, the minion of the,- lai,v-it doesn't pay. Truthfully the driver replied,0"I wasn't aware of it, oicer." Sard•be, "Don't you know --vire have started a campaign to make our town safe fon the children?" "-A splendid idea, to which. I folly subscribed, W fi the" retort. ""Your drives eerndt, please," &joined this efficient and. yet dutiful officer, to which a speedy response wag, made. "A--n3inister, ehr: "Yes," said ."1there are.. you= going?" said_ !"Tp 11.1ngland. after an ab-S-enee• of twenty.. six'years." By this time the at- mosphere. was leSs tense, and with the exptession of good wishes said, AIWTRER VIEW OF ,Iternerriber When 01n the future you CIGARETTES may be driving -through.' Our town to observe the laws of safety, or /ton The--Signai-Stitr, possmioa." • Sir, -Have been. reading With Exceeding the speed- 11-011-70-6-w much amusement a letter published' cola this be? 'Excitement On the part Of the occupant's of the car* in; your paper signed by A. E. Allin plus the exceptionally good 'fettle bukiness me p- wilt fait tor Oils sort ot ganie„but j.ty spite of reg. Peated 10r4lbg` 'against these flYYi ,•paters,, ti,e latter' c.an, Fear After • Fear, and SO •uet tOMOIVes a a•vke44, Piece of tob4g% vitikfolt aA011`ling in or the', 40:470. the :Matter is the. Viet that malty' of.•those 3,vho were taken, In by the: ,slieit scheme simply wilt got listea .when the. local xmpers try •;to ;Sell them legitimate attd- highly ‘efreetive- adVertising at a fair and reaspnahle cat. • . tongued gent -in -his Jaunt up.land TO IRON lefiRTAIN 4,Ovra Brie county had gun securei support of some Chambers eatuterce and Beards of 'Trade, nd as; a'"eonsequenee he ',really ailced fast mud- OneothlY, with the, result that in PaisleY-- he 4:eked ten Aor 'twelve eItien nt.irtate of $1.$ per ..for each advertisement ,Whic a ar on the, diree, tory. In aflbe took Attst ;17 •,00 out of Bruce County- for the, fifty pieces of cheaply printed paper that ventually couie back press Charges. collect -to • t vertiserS. The cost ,of ;the p Job (done- iti it Toronto shop probably around $250.00 to . There Are a lot of stories, abOut life behind the IreaT,' Curtai** aad one of them raas as „follows': "00 -jump in the lake!" a pallid, insigeifieant cleft' 'sOuted at 'his section" chief in a Russian-centrolled" factory in .Austria. he section e-TiferVilla--thirTa-derv indicated.the pale'ybung man Witb. a shaking, liagel,, 'and told hlaT. 41)41 you tell the ,sectioa Chief ,te, go jump in.' the lake?", the 'factory manager thundered; 1 did," .the 'clerk rePlieth '4403.. ter You„ you can lick my boots." The, two- men made off, flaming with rage, They called *for the cleries„personnel docket. In It was a Small scribbled note: "4ppointed on reeemtnendation of General - gurassov, Soviet High Commissioner," "My G4A11"the factory manager cried, "What shall we do now?" "I don't know what you're going to do," answered the seetion.-chief. '"As for me, I'm going...to itun'p itt the lake." make their nests." . All this . a glorious prelude to our embarking on the Rapids Prince of the Canada Steamship Lines at Prescott, On- tario. • . • Clarabel haVing.won her spurs is nosed gently into the garage,:there ne useful purpose -even the map of the county is a shabby -looking affair -and ,one man states that he is having a, d,iifieult time to get rid of the largesheets-" one will be ,botliered carrying them away," he explains, It is difficult to await out return ,from overseas. to understaud.4.„why bard -headed , Taiig asabel Sharman will lay the cornerstone._ Tit. W. Sherwo6d, Fox' *ill -deliver the :addreds. Every citizen. of Goderich is cordially In -cited to Attend: 4, Come And see the cerempny at YOUR newi,s9001. , oer 'children constitute. a priceless and, calling for •the prob1bltion,ot of•Clarabel. the .cigarette: Two points 'readilyOrangeville reached ..at. supper - come to mind. The first is that the 'time, where we dined. Norations w iter is a non-smoker and secimilly -meat and fruits in ,bountiful sup- lias-notT.-g-il-en7the- matter ply- and then DTI to Toronto, the., inueh. thought,- Crider the-, .first .metropelis Of .Ontario HOw-sleePY point.L am inclined to: wonder if this fair city seemed .to...be'.• Vata-- A. E:.Allin is. such -a crank and tion tinket, with, many of hersons killjoy that he would: willingly de- and -daughters awAy; basking 'in: Drive other people of sucb a' simple the sun by some limpid and languid. pleasure . as smoking.? Secondly, streato„ This .is ttheNew World; has the writer considered the direct may it, in thig particular', i.emain of such -measures on our national 'so.... A breather.. here: then on our economf? With the possible exeeer way,- 'fluffing shelter for -the night - tion• Of liquor no other' commodity in a forge heme recently converted - is taxed as heavily as tobacco: 'into a tourist abode on the out Vw-ett t. 3' ^ bt,Vgir of 7m -eh hirty-tive-Skirta_. of_the_city__Agood night's eent cigarette sale,...ls returned to testi., a hearty breakfast, greeted by the Governinent.as tax.' Would A. the beafity of the stillness of a love - 1±.. MHz' -lie prePare.d to accept in- ly •Simility Morning, pushing on still creased income and .sale,s' taxes. to farther- east -Ward, passing throngh make up this loSt revenue?' Far. the General - otorscitadel of her,- the prehibition-of - sale Oshawa, but see tig- little or .nothing of,tobacCe wouldnot end tbe'desire of the coreorit, s1ne einYer-leaf. of the people to Sinbke.. •Thii fallacy highways; enable the. motorist to that legislation can change the bypass it Iunless he has* apecille b,ablts. of -a people was' shattered by busineSs:.to take,din•intO the busi- .the attempt to enforce Ivohildtion ness section. 'What a timesaver - in the U.S.A. The resultant largo' this. -modern method of road travel, scale bootlegging operations ' and •• EDrgomilli NOTES • gang wars .for desirable territory ' Very ,.soore° lovely Cobourg waS' shocked. .1.111 right-thinking people beckoning the hour around 11 a.m., and culminated in repeal. Let as with. 'visions of chUrCh pushing:on not try to delirive 'smokers ot their to 41 raf 4,10 wh'eren fellow th co - pleasures but rather press for in. logical graduate, the thv. Edig creased penalties for the careless Snellgrove, B.A. serves. What. a, disposal of cigarette and cigar butt. lovely -setting t • An,arcade of trees • J.TREDERICX IfT.T.LLWOOD. sh4aering a_paved path whials-in- (loderlelr, Oct!' 3.• . * -- tr wttThe,. worshipper, _ spiteious lawn leading ultimately • A SENSIBLE SUGGESTION to the church entrance 'USW. A • (alarqie Examittert-t- few iniriures late; can a parson: be. Re:hellion is Tib.oviang its ugly forgiven, in this particular when head, .not against the -church or he looks' With disdain upon his own' state but against our. system of hock perpetuatiag title mannerism? Quietly the parson' and. his wife and alaughter sidled into the back sellt-a benign smile of. recognition from the Antaister. VVItat a * diction ' the atmosphere con te( --reverent,„ „ -inspiring-du Voiced, singing--splendld sermon. Who' made It possible for us -to slip into 1.1int 13ethe1 +If ,PrstYer?. The 4Sittag,44tagiat--1141* it8 present life . . • - Dear reader, ...pleese- remember this: We '(iernttititted the, "stray:mrs. within heir.gates.' • The •vvriter purposely 'entered into the, feIlow- sjtlp of thoso people both glaring, -- • . ' .1_1* - Complete winterizing service meansinore thati - just anti-4eeze -more than, just a diange of, oil. Ford of Canada Dealers from coast to coast offer complite 5-VAY WINTERIZING EltV.. ' ICE tint will give you trouble-free driving • for the winter months ahead. Your, Ford of _Canada beiler is ready to completelywinterize your cartnrwrIlis-expert--servieem approved equipment, fictoty-approved ,methods and knet .lyne parts provide a -complete • 5 -Way Wintering -Service for -safe, depend- able, trouble -feet winter motoring. • Cooling System _Anti -Freeze • tor •--connettions- • Thermostat Fuel. System' Fuel lines • Fuel Pump • Carbdretor-4--Air. Cleaner. ignitionSystem Electrical System 'Coil Spark Plugs • Battery • Starter • Distributor Generator • Conneo. • dons • Regulator , Lubrication Engine Oil • Filtecio Chassis • Tlinsmis- sion et Differential s• -41iiiitasent-Typsasssiss,. FcirdAnti-Ftspi - • You tan dePend on. . _Genuine Ford -Anti, --g-frecze- for .lasting - protection. High quality ethylene- giycol,type that. doir not .evaborate. . . , and will not mit • Or corrode, • If 'you aren't a baseball fan, you • .,tniss one of the great exeleenients of . the year. The radio. 'will he , working overtime; tills week fatilding • :oat the, neWly ,of the': classic '7wor1d AVA.t1 • 4' Here ;are in the last euttaer *Of -the Year, *with only a few weeks • between us and winter, ° Christmas • wm .be 'here in -hew Many weeks?. ,a8sess g. land, says The.' Farmer a Yon 'can look it lip on „the celendiiii-Advoeate. • , w00% iinee to . took . eery • The practice, ofedurse, I's to sesess good.priiperty higher than poor pro- .pe,rty, but the gent County com- mittee told the Ontario Legislative coaduittee of inquiry on conserVIY: tion.that.present methods oblige the lists in Oroperty- owner to carry tflt et indifferetit and the indolent. • 31.1111Ons of it'crtss lit Ontario lie 'Idle. Theylitive,;.been non-produe- lag lands aince tbe-yriginal forest 'was:: stripped •from them and lire eompleted the destruction.; A large pereentage of these soils .are unsuit- able for agriculture and are, there- fore, fIRSCI4fied at little or' nothing, They -,woai,, 116wevbr, produce A, crop of,thuther andlre censequently potentially A,),rodnetive„fleeauso they pay little or no taxes these acres are allowed. to Ile idle, in Whjsh condition they .are a menace 'to the° aurrountling countryside and • 'Ito* the'atticeill Andbuli -.dings- 4of a .hardenott.the etate. be---tOWa,--the -womk, -.with their fOlitike atend wit -more i4tetyly0- poWt`iiertyp:'eut,Avve .4/46.4... 00'4,1340 Vie,t4„Vini13,Ses. . too quip With jtse Ore( n 4 , 00V, 0 0,00 Cpt rvat `. ii4int ad'aft*, 4b1 hith t piciP; otA £1i i b, %s& e 4,4' /ibtete, ,t-Valurer` , to y,that.40.w.. *. ° tag titnilier t crOPS,Ahottid - wive' ii"),t 10:142:*10106111t4(1, 410t,-1)0 41.110°e‘ ''• „ ends of. thp: lite. re. , C6 ;enint'the apOlesr and itit$01.01kir$141 ' (Ottawa Citizen - -- tho At'cl°r°' • t° , hint oirs, '164. $1.#2,a luiP Alcohol , Are :as three litajOr'entraca faltc0 .04 theli*W0s. rhiigbt.444.1. :;flevording *Rita, ,fin4;.lifejtisit ea. to 41 Hit ;,bY ;Arii Ankerirmi 11/11*,:gt"ei*..; t.1tt.:Pt°1t; 14115"tlY; IFigicnlitteStitegr:1144ptthg be tharkkt 04. '0,1.0,0`:,,1iso I for driVera' licenses might no .be Oirjltri itt 411 Vrtrto At no 00411'1$' ,Pqnoiat, but:vonid 41 iboy 41.6 go: ,.. fut. $trieter entoreement tegitr.- iation dealing with druni(eri driv. •tfl,-.tUnt Od*v von alttos,, Aska 0. to.* might ithie help' rednee ateldeop, "?''.siapeleon Was' promoted to a • ade general. after distinguishing trirseTr n rtVIrtrgt?r11- • 1140,, at the ,age ,of 24." •Tills Clipping front t daily newspaper is • puz.iling-, If Napoleon vya s "t wen t,,y, tour itt 1140 In; JX)Wit ha re been ninety in 1816.;sNo.,,, wonder Welling-, • qton beat Wm at WateriliO: ° * A Orolve in the country on n suney, qlay la a 'good tonic new When .tlje -,treea Are showing their gorgeous autumn coloring. ;: Indeed,' one doesn't nee.,t1 to *go otit town,. to • gee nitwit of the color; bat away _On 'the other...b.itutli.'wonded land, is 'often' assessed at a• higher tate' thntt siitttounding property, wttielt Is tantamount . to a tax. on, ft 4POWIgg , Pl'ssiorftweifisd" ,Spat Mots • Nor spark plugi sav.e you money oil even' rule of wit#5 Ariving-add-new- 'pe „ Ind Smoothness to otmance. Your' ford of CAnida•Dealer has the correct type of spark.plug for "air • • • Gemtiakiartilisitery Cold ;feather driving is tougli_on. batteries. A trenuine FOtd-Batteri will help you enioZ quick, caSY stittlIIFsu • winter . Saytir you bothersome service caUa Air" Hater . ad Debater. ,Britips rearm. febah 'front and backlit:at • passengers.. Add , • fort' to you winters dcoo • riving, Detreistee acts , - e magic to keep windshield' clear ,of ice. sleet and mist.. '- 1/00 FO•fa9 OF C44100P Deouzes ofr mak) sekove [M—TITTE- _N -R1 cC1-6,LUIRi\- et E r J A clekged ' ta,diator eau liad to major trouble. soosi,retkosocomoo.iiiiiii• Gas will not, mix proper). ,." if you have •;.•‘' a° cranky , carburetor. •,. , *AO 1400 ,,wps tablit 46;4 tot, Int 'S. 010. Oft, ::1117,:attP* tt+.0 OsitaAlgi Loss of tension in spring coils, • • • Will t Milt in • Irave maitunuthi your head-ia,tapa, • . correct faulty - focusing, Aqfpotive 0000000•0000.4•••••• Look out When. - a- oluteh slip. ° begins to Show. , • t. tion't -take chances. 4(vtur,V orototot **MO. olteitegoario,teed iltitLOU Mothptoof '0 -Oatcake for. *.,7*Ottliitei suit. 44 cents: ; bray 9 touttp7 yOgri , * K. 0 0.1.1%1 ttAr tr4 B:4,IEW41tE ' ,Goderich . Ontario BERfill 5 -Year Guaranteed ILAPIJ MOTHPROOF los i system itt . • k 'pOttant in ' *4. ow. are your 0,, — p14 taipi? d. oiltwait or..tht:tast winuti rush,have • . , • bizrns oil. too ...fast, it'll time, t:'or motor • . • no. * erectivp .parts e foie *inter driving ti, ra' et: ell :11' ▪ A . Acicisvoaii.oisid:::ishhi' d . . „ Fordanct Minato Scite§•'4*nd:Serptpe.