HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-09-15, Page 8,►H : ALS Profci at".the-' oli. 'Chicks ,have to be,e rimed in their, first twentat;•• `1atur /Mrs of life "and sexern cheek about one` thousand an i iry They WO* with :tre#nend1tts coneentra- • tier' 'find their busiest months~ 'Britain: are . Kot. *arc to May when the hatehjnrleaeOn is1n• fuii swing. Their •WOrk i$ • i x ire* sely h iportant, us , it ;is ,pljviously of the greatest •4enefita •t•o chicken tarinets, to )Crow how -mapy ,of their hatch,' ...SAccessories mine i . le Auto lot v�e., e. { Equipmnt ' r:'MOTORS W AND 17 'ED PARTS TIM t TOR T IE R -. TOaOET PARTS "we o or are distri'out rs for rho • taPiolis . B311 wii'e1c •es .fa ac "-de . •e. sockets,. e h µow 8c n. 4 ec a�ii �n• r �n , h +��'� � filo) �#� �----• ,.. ,.: ..• ._;. •.., '. . qf•.+. •- air..—••---.. j. _. '.. 1. i - :best �-- , S , ee I11 ._ 1#• .% t . entirely •°t+�01f�: are, -built ,e , a,�re y • •txa tough "ally► steel ,an 4f every part des�ued for speed and camort.; Wrenc'e h ;s are' c ome ,plate ovcr . ke •'on. a ' co • er base. hushed with fix' , , .�►, e • � �G , 1, pp . ,. Anall aroU d Wr.eiich for various -jobs , Finest money d , t guarantee., • Come; ia. and'see our eau buy an sold _ld with. a � $'�r ,.. ' •, display o. f these vri enchea.• . I DAFT • REGRIXIANG '�nksh • t and.y and sol large>' co le. , tot►., fit. No expensive delay. Just bring in your aaf and• vv, a will exchange e it • complete with • bearing., No "waitin . a . •. & df �ulQHomemakers!' crispe- ' 1f e.uP' elY-chopped oniou ••, licious pickles, with, the sameMetall- . 1 c�}ii mashedi cooked; setisonad Mayor that •a' 1wether's turnip, cold: �vaitering o t_ t gt il. ale � 1�cup ))rely,clapped raw 'celery used to have can be m c 8.11 ectS + ).,egg, way, Ili;your modern kitchen, The • . 2 tablespoons fine -flavored same zip and,,: tang' 'is 'the result dripping • o careful mea sureineiits, While the Combine the •rolled` oats; tomato _. juice ice an d 'toma to k ete:bupand. le crispness results from caution used. in!bia it1eyraw�egetabies, .,,.stnd While sxing the alio". in- riedieatsa 'x�aose� tke:�ind,be�ef You, must admit it- is. a. thrill to with a fork -and sprinkle with the '. •serve your i Own. Tigre are, .l.,lc pickle, salt;'lt"' , PP eWr and Pa rs l e • add d t h e r ciPes stint hfiar`e.GeaEto f0"i18w. 1o ni.etton�etthrenr.Dane atcetlIt er,6o i iiihttit. - 4 quarts gla rkis 2 qutrts water 1 cup (bag)salt • , " ••,*and da in rolledoa .'nturs. Add .oat mixturae ,..to meat ni ture ;and again mix tightly. Turn. the, 2 quarts white vinegar . •soft moist mixture • into a ,eased 2 teaspoons powdered al= loaf. an and smooth - the top. ]dot ,•2 tiips. sugarP a i 4 �.. top with the dripping. Bake ke i? a teaspoons. whole .,mixed moderate electric oven, 350 degrees, pickling spice. about, 11 hour"e, , . wash and •prepare-eucumliers, - � cutting into pieces where necessary. Cover, -cucumber's with cold salty `• PUI.I.L'T 'OR COCIKEREL? Q How manyeo le' whoput `sit - Heat. Let stand 24 hours. 'Wain_ . lin P a Heat vinegar, add alum, sugaI and ting "of eggs "Under , g hen getthe spice tied loosely „In cheesecloth bag. number o pullets, they Wish" for? min tea the removes ice Boil ten it . n How , maany, cherishing what they. bag, ' Paek pickles in Mclean bars; cover with, the boiling vinegar. and • think to be a pen of nice young seal. -Makes 'about /seven• pints. pullets, find that instead they are) a DILL ► • nurturing a, troop of. rowdy young Suet aritcumbers ,three to tour cockerels with: appetites, of enor- inches 'long., • wash, prick with• a mous size and` no g' poential`? silver fork And , soak overnight- in There are only two.; ,ways of clear cold• wa1nr. Drain :and dry • telling the sex - of chicks. One is thoroughly. wash and scald large 'by what' is called sex linkage, cross- Surs. • • Place leaves of . dill in the ing. two breeds so that the cockerels bottom of ,each jar — about one - have a different form of ,marking quarter cup • to a ttvo quart 'jar: from- the bullets, adifferentiation Pack encumbers' in jars nom_ put that lasts for one g eneration only. dill on'top-about one{ stn :leaves �� .,'- The •otb:er iS••to`rexnploY. thatstrangeand .head. kindly pour the�'folIgw :� expert known as a•chick sexer. The in het mixture in jars, to cover • .. B13C :tncltzdes.,pe.op�le..rof.�i�e,rY..,:;pru.�., cueun.ber's •: two cups ` hot vinegar fession in • its,.. programs and a with nine, cups 'water and .one cup chick ,sexer, Veraa Bailey, turned tip (bag) salt. Seal. Let stand in a in • the program called • "In cool place seven weeks before using. Britain. :Nov" to describe het• Mixture is enough 'for five quarts, curious profession which originated BREAD • AND BUTTED PICKLES the;Far Last: It' was a Japanese inches across-) • -to' 2 wlnv - introduces chick sexing- to quarts •cucumbers;, =C11/ . 1 quart cooking liars .Britain and- although there 'are- _, gpeskier. quite -'a• 1 timber -.:of . British^sexers- 1 sweet red pepper now the Japanese are still. the mist' Vire have'-Coriiell'"and Darnhull 'seed wheat cleaned° and treated. We have also winter barley seed ; this barley is a good •grain for those growing grain for stock feed. . Hensall, Ont. , 1949 LIABILITY INSURANCE - MEMBER, you may be financially liable.,. ►� a' - toothers ifyOucause the ibodilyinjury .or•ddina.ge.th;eir,property Does your �. l+°i& present Liahilaiiy. Insuradce _ policy cover against these risks and against Others. for which you may . be directly or even • indirectly resppnsil le? • • • • Your Lia> it tyInsurance policy should insure,you • against every possibility of liability -which the - boininitwand. Provincial laws permit insurance . •Com' •• `cnses to include in,one all -embracing Liability. policy:'4 "North America" Companies'•Liability- o Insurance Policy, may be had to cover all risks.. Playy"safe.xret your Agent or -Broker go over your. - • Liability Policy and -make sure you are ,properly prote4cted. • Business accepted solely through Agents and Brokers• .' ,INS:Ut4NCE 'COMiANr'OF •' • �„`" _ I'To�HLAUIUC CANA IAN HEAD OFFICE. -='TO ' NTO' •,mss r+�� • . C /� • 1 l �Y.i• A�1 C A� V . :rvls a OfAic re; 'throughout Canticle • , .. 1g tt*ANCE COMPANY olt NORTH AMERt A I(VbrrdifOTY •INSURANE •CO)APANY of NO11111 AMERiCA 1HE ALLIANCE iNSURANGEOMPANit Or.PHILAbELPHIA PHILADELPHIA /:IRE At•1D MIitIF&E INSURANCE CpMPANY. •1 cup (bag) salt 9 cups water -,- 2.. ater'-;2 quarts ,'vinegar - - 4acups sugar 4- teasixrens.-turnneric •- . • 1 teaspoon ini�tlird seed .1/2 teaspoon celery seed Wash cucumbers,. onions • and pepper. Peel and slice cuCdnlbers. Skin and slice, onions,•seed- and slice peppers, Nuke 'a brine of salt and water. Cooland pour Over• vege- -tables, .and `• let stand overnight. Drain thoroughly' (Combine vine- gar, 'sugar and spices., Bring to boil . and iidd vegetables,'' when. steaming hot pack into hot jars land seal. Yield: 12 pints. • • ' TAKE A TIP 1. I'se firm, fresh vegetables' • for pickling. •sire priillet$ Ix'nLl aceordin0y , wolth, extended feeding :LL; • - The sexers go from one hatchery, -to another aud,work in a roo44•with a specifi lY designed. table, . Trays- ful of cheeping chicks are brought to. them " and exam) led under strong light with a redeetor, Over it, The seers -examine between, fj e ,and seven thousand chicks t day and their tugnotonous ,job is • ex- txemelyexha,usting, , owing{ to the li degreeof concentration re- squired.�[ls's, fihds that,her reoresti n has s t 0 of very a. e xin nature, s e nyeds d her energies Or her „work. -Serer. uaran:tee. ninety -417e 7e e, t.' guarantee a Y��, per �e ,n, . aC- dutacy and" woe betide tiigse through having danced,too 'late the night before, sex chics wrong- ly.. To any listener's anxious to ,be- eonie chick sexers Miss Bailey, re: inafted, that it takes it lot of ex- perienee to become proficient, ; It may cost upto, ate%:thotisancl pounds to train 4: sexer `when the loss of time and chickens is taken into, account, so it is not ,;really purprising that there• are. so :few.. 1 •# Ay, �.i. A. eii::i*.,IaLL: r al" FIREPLACE FURNACE !Atria fit � I ^air"•', t'h`.• GO T1D Ip rr+Tiv, ,, Sept, -,Water ie�`els of the, Great 'Lakes and St, Lays renee "tiler d'rin''` ,August, ,as r parted by the Federal, $Ydtograpllie'' and Map Service • Lake .Surior ' at Fort Arthur•=-, three: incites.,.ltigher than AniSra ,r49; 14 5. inces higher: thatr A.a.uga•et: 1948., 11% ':inches lower than o!kthe highest "A iagust' .lace ,1860,• 23 '- fuche higher, than .,•.1l1 lowest Augaist since 1800 and three inches igher tbai '. kha averl,ge far the last 89 ,years, • k. •., Labe Huron .at Gloderich-•-Ts/. inches -lower than. 4"f1y, 1949 inches louve r than August s 194; 48%Qheslaw.ei than thebi hest August •"1,9 'inches higher tan,'the- lowest. �u dst • and � incnees 1.:ow ; e riT at, Pert o rf.Colbor ue .. 3%• inches ,,lower than' July, 1949; 13;s/ inches • lower .than „August, 1.948 ;• • 29 inches lower than...113e highest August• 2314 ince higher, than 'the •lowest ku ust'• and eight r Inches lower than averre. ",,Lake Ontario at Kingston =-- 014 inches lower than July, 1949; 21x, inches lower than August, 1948; 35 inches, lower . than- the highest .August; •27 inches -higher` than, the lowest , August; and • eight: inches lower than average. • ' •. St. Lawrence River in Montreal a bor X141 inch ' lower_ than Int x a fz ... es w July, 1949 20 inches lower. than. August, 1948; 74' iitcheS lower than• the highest August; 2O ve, •inches .higher than the i lowest August ; and 31% inches lower than average. England's • sea •' power • ca me Into being , with the - defeat of the- Spanish heSpanish Armada., . : • - The United • States produces the greatest _,amount .. of...ir-iin :_and steel. In theWorld. r ,d • - • -- — • wo d. 1 Oa-nada a nd ;t eUn ited St ate ii. share tia_e lausieet, cunni. in t4O,world'" th ue ckSe,od arie • sh iP ca nus , fat dltn Facts -. .Stalactires are ,Ice -like formations which hang 'frena the ceiling', of a' cave. • • Twenty-eightp feces are used in the -game of dominoes. CODE TC 1VMEMORIA .` SHOP ' '181WE$T. DESIGNS • BEST OF' •M4TERIALc Guaranteed. works nship .at prion 'that'�will,�°please yip, . • SA.VID ALL.AGENTS Call it our once: ,or, drop°ua, $ne: to Box ],G1,• Goderien,.., wf Mil be plead to call and : belp choose a• sultab'lo .memorial for vont family plot, ' R. ' .A. $POTION' - St. Andrew's, Y1 ' Laev►�s ade 8)145 . �entt#i#t� . �.. .. , a • 4 ' p� 1.140.111) PLYt1z P R NI AR • Polly „JLPps * -Odok1pw•'. a No $t ky Wllpbt' ! livatioli Results AWON, ?A _E. • , r•�W - T. PRIDE &, SgIC ..(formerly, r •nniag:iiim stC Pryde) ' Clinton,' Exeter,`• PeaafOrth Write'iloxp lip,, or"phorne 41J, a LEeter• • ' and we shall• be pleased to. • qall.• • 2!'When vegetables are soaked in • brine. use ..,bag salt—the free run- . , uing :_ iadi cl salt causes brown sour. ' 3. Proportions of .salt and water *for' brining Is important -to pre-' Vent soft or tough' pickles. One (flip salt to. two quarts,•(]() cups) Water is ,recommended. 4. lase• eider vinegar for flavor and' strength brit use' 'white spirit, vinegar-V11ere ,Color, is important ' ▪ in._: clear nick] frig liquids, 5. In h asking pickle'; use enamel ilurninur or stainless steel cook- ing utensils. Discoloration. vin , farm frola--1 rass-_sirs.'-m•-topper 13c}ttomecl' pans—also zine tubs o -r. i r• em , Kettles. - 6: Whole.„, spices • , 0,0 not discolor i'•egetahi,es while ground , spices tend `To darken celery, onions, etc. • • - - • • 7. Pickles keep well in a crack if eovered and '., stored in ii" co01 place. Relishes and, sauces' .should • he poured, in sterilized jars /itnd sealed. Store in dark cool• cup- Woard, .;7-1 THE- QUESTION BOX 1VJs: T. J: rergtiests: -•:• • -TOMATO- SANDWICH -FILLING 12 MediumrSizeti ripe tbinatoess 3 onions • 14 .cup salt .•117i; cups graulated sugar. - 4 red, :sweet peppers ,1. green sweet peilper 4l, teaspoons dry •mustard - 1.1/2 cups_ flour Y cup vine:ar sal Goderich Agent of hsuwance; Co, of North .America c npa?ales, ie :t, MaybeWarninq. Backache may be a signal your kidneys are failing to filter exceaa'a'cidh and poison- ous '' wastes from the system. Dodd's Kidney Pills help relieve this condition, often the cause. of backache,; headache, rheumatic pains ,or disturbed rest. Dodd's contain essential oils and medicinal ingre- dients which act4Allrectly on the kidneys and help them regain • normal action.' Get:Dodd's Kidney Pilla.to-day. DOdd'SKidneyPffs � r r 01 NNE installed while you wait! 'Drive in todal , .for: Ho b b i Duolite a n c thiplate Safet} Glass—for alp tai a k ,a s , . and models.: a; ;..+ r. r.?'::fir f•, ,• WEST ST, ; PHONE 295 4Or contact your local Garage or; ;vice Station r • r}r r r r', rr r +{ ;f. �fyFf ry <l r'.•'1 • y tP'.�f r• r•:: a es: „in o i 0118. tin .1 soft. Put thr6tigh .sieve:. Add salt,• sugar and vinegar, 'then the peppers °which• have been •ppti through 'food, • 'chopper. 'Teat this mixture.. Add mustard and :tour w,tiich have been. mixed together, with enough ger to snake •a aliiooth paste. Stir well and cook-' tintil • thick. ,tely 8 Pour 'into stern, Yilizedeld jars andl»'ovi-smealawith parafi pints.fi • Mrs. 1`1L' . requeapsts :'' ; CER1 AL• BA►T 1,OAp'. 1. cup iuicic-cooking rolled . oats • i/2' clip tomato juice ° 34 cup tomato ketehuip 1 pound minced lean beef L si' eatPuon'- -alt' „ �r . G' a✓� teaspoon:popr.: Ohre 268W cx'tabieSpQo r chopped „parsley STIFF o`s of/INY angio p ..laa�ll-I.1� Rubin;ilfinard's for muscularstiffness. . acher pains and sprains. Gnat°. less ., quick • drying,' no unp a .cant odor. , tame Eceneimlcal Size 65c I ereis Cada top-quality oil burner.; with • i fuel -saving .featires no , other `burner, can offer. You . can ,no'v get. prompt ' installa,tign 'with an " Imperialcontract Oil :. -This • ,.• � _._contract withth$ i'�.Cevca'•�,C;A�IS'nom-i�t.✓<,A�tgx.e.'�7glcf9es'�k d+•L+.tiau�• 6.Ww.ya:�„,.`.v.,,r,�..,:,;.y;,'pgt ..... ., n. _ ,_..... dependable Imperial Weather-Contt'olfed deliver service is yourassurance of an end to your heating - vvor•,res. Askabout �ttr de er>►�ed r , f payment , la». burner imprrovernerit in 25 years.. The new Economy dutch saves. 'fuel and moneys No„lpore smoky .tans - and stops to" build' u 'bleat -wasting soot deposits; • PHONE 235 ki�x7r�k"MY1:%,