HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-09-15, Page 21. Ic SIGN 10. SPAY, th14*, liates 14, WEE r, Limite4 rest Brftn, PM. a Par: ; • 43/./hOrized aSeeoni-elasii xn4I,POIst rWin1 Wawa, TelePbene11- 4,1444 Wokty, Wewspapets ASso‘latiea' eiroldatien OVer 2900 ELM* „loth, 1949 )ZVEBS Itzslo— " nox on Of Ur. Oliver ttO leader'the ,Provinetal .14 ix ot SurpriSing, but itJ. dL5- p4r.itirig, to, iliOse who eensidered le,,of.,..giving his' party the , Ott. qf leader.slilp 'they want, tin- rtnnately for hiS '11r.St test, tini, *erg eleetiO/Wthere Were..;.clreatn7 beyo/td hisa, d.':5-Aikealit71/4V0--been 'beYOU4 cO2trQI f any- other leader., ulted!in losseS seats that Were tradtionaJiy Liberal,with. few galni Ur:offset these rather 'turner- • ens lesse.s. Questioning ifIlia • p ex/sued,. nOt 'improbably .frorn rrornewlmt •the saute 'quarters gaae- the criti-eiatas'Velaleit: under - 'Led Itt. Sinelai.r and brOngkt Mr. liKePlturn to the front in the early The, irresponsible Hepburn brought the party to brilliant vic:. for 4 time, but -Ultimately 'dragged it down iknozninions de- eit from Which the critics; the 2:tY-•-•41.11044-kers.,...lexPect.ed.---31r, Oliver to Oilier 1t4ilong before the voter, , had, .had time to forget the ePhltra episode. • There are .various suggestions for 4eadersh1p post. in succeSston to Mr./-:O/IVer;,:but- none of 'theta' bin- -'eveked any netable enthusiasm A Oarty• conventien. may' be ...caned • to lajoice a, .choice, but so far':,,no star has .risen above :the horizon to • lead -the, Liberal faithfuls to .a new • chato.pion, , • EDIALNOT There, IS, a great" pear crop thIs • year, and • Viewing the 'published -wedding reports one might spell ;it. "pair." • • -„ , • .1.0.ar•ehillY -feeling may be taken • -and the season of frost .awl snow and ,Ice and overcoats and other. more or: less unpleasant .things is ....Only a few Months away. • * * • Parliament meets at Ottawa Lo - day for the first; time- since the June election, and .a dull but busi- nesslike .sessyme IA expected. . That • 1Would be a decided improvement upon the Mug session 4 the last Parliatheat, which was given over mostly to partigan .frickeritig, and -",ohstructiiln. • .1, • •• • :That a coatract,has been nwarded • for -the nei:v arena Is good .nevgs " forthose who harebeen looking forward to the conipletiOn of this important project. it ;Alf be u dis- , ;.:•appOinttnent tomany that the: ice feature, is delayed, but the old rink' ;is Stilt standing -rind can -provide Commodatimf, for skating . and • hockey ler 4notiter season. .•••• •- Dr. Brock Chisholm, World :lnlYchitititist, is authority for the Statement that there is in exist- - Coca biological • • product seven ..Ottnces- of which.la enough to kill ..eieryone on earth. KaoWledge, of this deadly product r1L11st7e -far be In the -possess15n• of only a few, Persons, trod before .1e,gdeS any farther'. it would be a .good idea. to'rolitid them all up.and'init theni beyond' "the possibility of • trying -anY 'fool experiments . with 'their dlite.overi, That is, Brock CblilliOnn lb to be taken. seriously. • • * 0: Preparation for nationa l. defence Is 4 necessity, but . too touch ein. .1)114.410 Sh011it not beplaced oh pareiy1- m e timSt be a developmeat Of Canada's 'Industrial and .fltianclai_resourceS to support' the 'military establish. meat; Viral -Me -diverk-ipu Of iiistil- power to in 4:.,preparation Would Weaken the strUeture of de- fence., One isretnindixt of thoship 'Whoa° 'engine stoppesl itvholievei. the • whistle blew. Canada must' not, spend- so much energy on.lcier ,war whistle: that there, would .he ,nene • letttO keep,her Industries , A • ILA, recent: thiliuppoliCftnndIan adult, .lookialg hack over their Selina 404, iave a.rasS6ritiexilhibla that the Subteet taken at achOol tbttt had .. Proved most ..usefut Ttitetu wan inatheutatie4. English yvas aeeondf "the • three, „Ire third., • Uutsiei art,' •seiefide, hlatorrIf goo; graphY, domestiC aeleuce' and MA • ,04.03Mereial InStructiOn rote far be- blnd This aloti*liot mean that • 111000 latter 8tn41100-' are not ,of Im- ortanee. We 1101000 that 06 itintWerl• received tiOni those inter. 140*ed .iftrf givoo: Ln cootafiet4t1oo„ ofloitietiotr, lur distinct fromen14 tuft.1 btmetiti edittitioniSts Might Observe that,. lit lutittetkt� - those. *boss esti, yttarS • Are d .to ph01,10gr tea ratteli of tirat s'heitt14 no't be taken Uri, re itr" "fairy". • fituktivi •ima no - :where.. There is :t,..he -Vonge h4t hee,ane , of the erovytling. of -too many sobjects into the dirirleultua the studeit will ezaerge with a smatter:pig of. this, that and the 'other thing wittfre„no AirrOugh grounding in any. A •Ylirkle. SPOT Editor l'he Iitu Sur. .' .• Dear "Sir , ---.-The, new Sidewalks ,argiund to*.n are quite an improve:- lfrnt here""s, lie.ping that •the •Town Council will save -enough cement to fix the!sidewalk.from the .Square to the Town, HAIL I Suppose it's tette of the -busiest Spots in town, but there are more puddles .en a rainy day than any-. where else in the., centre of the town: TELttlfiTE'D BEA1),ER. lie was. going, tO.'-'lea.ve everything • ' . , to Jack and xnyself. I. tried my. - 'WM SRNATE ' best to explain to him that I • (Vancouver Province) wanted to get married and start • The governments of both parties have contributed - in about equal inea.sure to. wreeking its prospects and its service, to'the. country. They have never treated it seriously. Usually they-tis•ed-it-aw.-trpa.trontage refservoir. into Whichthey could dip to. reward party services. Now,Mr. St.Laurenthas the Senate's futui.e in his hands. Ile'can make a start toward reforming it and making it into, the useful deliberative body it WO- Intended -to -be,. .Or 141 MOre-the"--butt-othtnnor, and an ifterezeOingly useless, fifth wheel In 'Canadian.government. . Cal( .. .1le tragedY Of SOUS arorkfug-en n fa.rM .P.,ir , ' Ars; wuttleg, tor Weir atbera to give- them a 'ebauee V , tart tip ff ,tilemselves, • is SOW- riliag that IlaPPeae 311 ,tocC.fre- quently in rural! places. I suppolie the same thing npplieS.where fathers .operate faderieS or:certain husines. eStahlishments, but 1 In Teirn5ILV 01-117 'With the farm eaties, , Jiiu Aro:it:Pc/nal& has Six bur.dred acres of land in sur townthip.„ There', are, three barns 'on It ard two goifrd honses andi' 6-Matiot hOase that could eafilly •be fixed up Ills oldest bey Is twent -aine and the youngei lad Is twenty:four. TheY-IttUPPed school 'when they %vett lust Startin.". to WO school. They hare 'wbrite.11 •rery hard and. the MacDonald places are show- places IV the tolynship._ .The older boy,• Started ging witit-a-a4ri two -Years 'ago and "I knOW that he Wants to get married.; Ile came; to our threshing and his face was, long and 'sort of grim-.• He shrugged hi- shoulders ID an. attitalde Of defeat- and said., "The old Mail tore int° rile last *night when Iasked. him about taking over the. Masfflariane „place. He wantf-11 to lzfrao:IC/OY I was Un- happy and said that when he died • , l'SEPARATION! FOR WAR (Financial Post). _Wh,iie he did not,go into details his Warrior's. 1)4y spefkh at -.ther Oa/tad/tut -National- .Exhibitlea„...- Generai Crerat. 'made i1. clearthat lie" favors the "big army" idea: Ife would, have 'us use ,peacetime con- scription to ' raise /arge fritillary forces and spend many times' .the present defense budget to equip them, fie was critical of those,who- coneentrate on xeSeareh rather Wan. military trairting and still more S -O of those -that believe that modern equ pmen "Ii-rinTrigy-Iiiiikir large- 'friumbers.Kff 'men Unnecessary in any firture war. There w411 many who_ NOR share'•,the • chncern of the 'fowler Oriel -of -staff regarding' tile pres.ent- military- strength,' of canalln. It 18 generally' conceded that PO dent-9- cratic country can Maintain a penet:, Wile finny stiong,enough to go on an ituniediate war . footing.. ,B,nt outside the narrowest professional circles, it is extremely doubtful whether General Orerarwould get any'lsubstanial• support for the cure, be has been offering in pratically every public speech he has made - Since his retirement. Aside from the enormous cost of conscriptifig, training and'eduipPing a big army in .pefrzcetime and ,the loss of essentia-i! manpoWer in in- dtistry,: there is the • question Of,„ practical value. It wasn't for lack of soldiers that the • allies failed to stop Hitler in 1930. or 1040. or 1941 or 1942. Frarree,,,). Beiguirn. Poland, Britain atur Russia all had coaseription. Their trained armies fat out the Gerotan forces. But they laeked modern equipment and especially ot, 'the sort fhat only scientific rekearch arul a highly dereieped industrial economy can provide. With our -population and conscription -we eould raise an army of °veva million men but ‘ve might easily eripple our taxpayers,our research, and; dinduStry 1t Conse-, o nom-. Airr• VISITIliftt,GEttMANY FOR ' ' FIRST TIME IN 26 YEARS •• On tilir=Atlautie Ocealt aboard. "American Ranger" is NirS. William Ahl„, East street, bound 'foil:- Ger- Many to visit for two months' :with het parents ,find, Sister, whom she has nOt. seen for years. Her parents and sister, with wlidm she WM been corresponding -regular- ly Since :the end or a seven years' wartime. Silence, live at Muhl: LU u Gederich on Monday Mid (sailed from New York CIO on wednesday. Sirs. Dopald 'rickets of Sarnia, a - daughter has returtted. to Gode: rlch re-lobii7-after Mrs. Alirs 'ghee storeAtt the absence of her mother. gra. Arickers.states that one at'Mri. Ahl's brothers was 'killed while: serving ,with theGerman ttrmy and me Is stillbeing, held in • Itttssia. She also said that WO. Ahl had to go through snitch, red tape In order to get #6rnais*Sion to visit in 'Germany. • - • '..44narciage,44 Ioa1 lnteressttook wite640007-;ivralt Lorne Brock, Byron, when daughter of Ws. Irwin and thelute Stephen! Irintini Wean% the bride of. John Allan MeIk1e, ;On Of Mr. and MrS, WIlllam V.-3felkie of rondol and grandsOit ,of Metean of ,Goderldh. Rev 1. C. klarver Of -.11yrotte. asaiSted hy,.„ IteV. /olui Illeek of tongokoiligiated hi the 00Uhle4ing. eerestou4; (am In Marriage' 1)$.- her ':cOusig, Italph' Irwin,' The bride. ,Viree- lovely .in gown of White 'brOcho crepe with Ift04 bedice.and nfeeves. Her ilnger, tiP Veit Vrais tanglit. to 4 head4reatt of Matehing She carried' a etAti.eade ,bouquet 'Of white gladi611, ihttd reit roses. Mrs. Wiiliani Reid, sister of the' poom,,rna matron of 'honor. Miss Marion Shored ' was Junior bridesionid, god. Mist 'Gayle iloWergirl. W., W. . IteK vra0( :hest loan, After a 'tiibtor, trip, to Itusitol,the 041We IOU at , V* up•for myself, but he kept on talk- ing about hOw he had taken over the farm only when his father died," • • • Last week in the village i'aptieed a new sign hanging;over .the ser- vice station at..the:eorner. • It said "Alex. MacDoaald, Lessee?' Every- body in sight *VS talking about the fact th-at Alex., had made the break from. home: They eouldn't ander-. stand holiihe,would,reave the h-oiae place -for -the -uncertainties Ortati- fiTa-Va—S-erWie ;Raton; partiefiraiff iew of the 'fact- that every r .ln the village -seems to imite d a service- station in the. years. ID corn sproo past t kne ,wIty. When 1 met jim later • on. tri• the week he was :as stern and straight As ever,- (trivial; 111): the Main.street -and...not at thP,serviei. Station with :Studied umPoneern; Later, in . the hotel' sold to him, ."Too had about Alex:. leaving like that." A flicker ofpain seemed t4i- cross his face ' for a momept and thfu he said slowly. • "What's wronfirwftli:44ils generation? Theywant to "get out and 'make fools` of theraSlyes. • 1 tell you Alex,. L._:1)e_4la4 to corno,-...back-L-some - (lax and wort.svith, itS on the farms!' '• Phe tragedY was that I ktuFw. that no matter what happened Alex, would not'go back.- , "• TO RESIDE IN .TORONTO BLYTII, Sept. 13. -Mrs. Frank Elliott entertained members. of the Bridge, Club. in honor of Mrs. LeSlie Naftel; who has left to rwdde itt TerOnto, 'where her husband is at- tending 'the UnlVersity of Toronto. Mrs. NafteI was presented With a lovely clip and r"sance'r. Sign of Geod. Instr. ante H. M. FORD Oet-Insured• Stay •IitSuredr,• .• • -Rest -Assure& North St. • Tel. .268* o *v. in the •tf4vnio1ilp. pel011)444:0so rich, are us follOws: ASITFIlMtb 1-Aarou J. BOO.IUL 3, 4, aeEy,iL +Aerial. •"` * • 4 --ars. Violet liaciCenzie; as. 5-44a Wehster, Tacknow. • Ore& Stewart, ganton. • T-Mayth 1rip, B. 3„ Vatick.su,o. s7..er_, Alexander W. ..s,lnitta Dtmgamlon; an'd Dur DUn apnOn. l•-•745,1LIZI•eY Siletiy ' 00S, Dnuagannoe.-' _ S.1• .0 -Mrs Irene Little, R,11- Lucknow. " . • 11:-LalsFea• gan, God;rick. • 1--jameS arger, R.1t 3, • Luelc„stQw14,---a 'i..in lor. • aacDta fl s 13,e :311:a -•a?, 1C46 - ",,a .. 16 -we , erielLxi '.twart.;Efun-‘ • ,SiS.Al7-r3ladel.1.14! R.A. 1, Potbet COLBORNE S.S, I -Frank Moore, R.R. 1, GOderieb,..,,.,• • • S.S. '2 -Chester deNai, R.R. 2, Clinton, • $-g- er-Mgry C. Torrance, G -ode - rich, and Mrs. Lawrence Harris*fl R.It' 3; Goderich. • S.S. 7 -Mrs. Audrey C. Ker- niglian, R.R.. 4, Goderieh. S.S. 8 -Mrs: Elaine 'Misr, Clinton.„ • S.S. 9 -Christine Leishman,*Gode- rich. . S.S, 10=7 -Emma Robertson, R.R. 5, • oderiehiAs---,77,---wTrivANosa ..U.S.13. 3 -Ruth Bradburn, ING, "Winter's On the. Way'', , MS,ke yo *range _.ments_N! lor_y • steel' 'requirements to get that -building . un-• Y der *ay' - before the . ,starts playing his tricks.— • Our Warehouse is well stocked jiiaU types or STEEL/. ANdI4E BEAMS, CHANNEL, • POSTS, FLATS: SHEETS, • PLATE, PIPE, WINDOW SASH," • •• • „REINFORCING OA REINFORCING WitSH 'Hot and Cold Rolled 13ars Prompt Delivery -•-• . A • SatiSfaCtion. Guaranteed AND .SONS. 1254 Unioii Street North • Off La,nciater lilTeltENER Telephone 5-5646 44:ter<ed, ea/ (KIA -7 7' 4 t Will YOU 7- ing at is age? 0 • rdwyn-Lifirfcorne-Bond-w, ill-help4cat-en :joysecurity and bappiness,in your later ,years. I • • No matter the size of your income, a little put away regularly,, will help make, you independent when you retire, . • liere's.Witat a Croyiti.,1;ife Inconit as'opd will do 7., for you and yOtt cart start today to irwest with • security inor ovtrn future. •-/--11...ou will •recei,v6.,; regular monthly income -for life when your-i6olicy • ,Mature. • . ' 2. It will help prevent you from be. • canting a ,financial burden on mehlbers--6144tir' , 3, You get Pe ,E.tc-Ot-anind . when you '' • knowyour .future will be free from want. - )31,04Uire abouttfillinvestrattit in security Wel. Gain toUCh With a Cr° Lite%rePtesentative.' He will ,.,be glad to your personal ortinhivadnti with you 1 • . • . Deo biortnv444* 115 H.44, BL1I131; ; P BZ (*total Ageutsi, WtTACTOSON;�iJU�1,10440 11 140,00 ego lautbrit AO0: zikatoti , a „ effe ite; 144,4raia atigensit 11044.4. 1, -Ada DPW, -11S. 10-Tra, Uarris, •17-rearl. Jamieson, Bel - grave, .ataa. Norma. BrYageat Bel- graTe. •-• . ,ma2:ga 1.4 riCaineroit, Blyth," • • WEST W4WANO$H 2 -Stew -art Ton, Auhurlifr• S.S. 3 -Mrs. Ethel G. LieAdlistier, R.R. 2, Auburn- _ • 4—Ere roA. 4, Gode riehi and Beatri.ee R.R. 1, „Lucimow. Es.S. 1.2—itoss Errington, 4, Auburn, " 17 -Ruth Pentland, alt. Port Albert.___- •i i. FoXDIZcI�VERS rrmr0T0A, i4FLOWERPOT" • • ' OWEN, S-OCND, SePt.'12.-Bruce Peninsula,. .;famous Vitt ,the pecnifor iloWerpot rock formations on Flower; pot.Island, has another ro&k ficriver- pot, altnoSt kiddefi nntil. now, Dr- W. Sherwood Fox, pri..sident emeritus of • the tilierSify oI Western Ontario at London, on tar -d Liptyed photographs Dyeri t‘Ohat- They flowerPO, pre- owflonlylo * few aetessible Oar on Apt and;1/4after a long and arfloot$ hike be 'said. All are Part of the Nfiggra es- carPmeiat-ihe limeitone elms which, extend, from Niagara to Owen Sound sad Along- th0 east coat of, the 13n:tee Veninsuia. HOL8TER1N OTEESTERMIAD AND OCCASIONAL,'-GWAIAS BEZOREXI AND. *I rbt,CONTERED ..4it4tt;c4T Fre ri..' ,0 '•Stratford „R,Aoisteitipg Co. 42 Br4swici: brit ly\Lkr.fartuiretrawrion "jmitopEzra Fugal. :TUBE, ,c401Tai01.1 • Learn about Aircraft ,antl Flytllg, In accordance with Federal ,Ge'vernment regulations relating t•• 'aPPinied_itilot.frdning -PrPgrak?&s, -81-17 41r....-6-'irvices are offering a series, of weekly lettores,, Saki will on September 23rd., and will terminate in Aka, 19.0. ,• • These lectures. will cover the entire, ground school syllabus required for persons vrishiorto qualify for Private and Commer- cial ir Pi1oCerttfIcate SuJjeet neb i ,meeoroJgy ur• • 4gaii-041, engines -and -airframes,...7theory-,-4.- tatIght, . • • 'Enro-11- -Now- '..,Ohtain this valuable' knowledge. Annual Rales --$3.00 for all lectures. For complete satisfaciion. in your hoating Muir& uleut.5,, uze Lehigh Valey • the "Goal of Quality 'Tanga* burning, holdfire with miAluilun AttaTItiOild with ',more...heat every tfo#4. /all* in, NQ ANDBE Asqmita) or ^sulfa*. EAT.., IN YOUR HO= THIS COMING WINTER, or Phone, We Will bo the:Best. • 3 AretAir, Pop imitX 'YARD O 041,477 AND SERVICE' End of Nelson' $t, . •±' -Phoue 70W. e • • 011if• • n trio *41444..:741.4.4 ?Cr. bite Pins. ..1 I Comqin_and look over a recently arrived stock. of . Ontario White Pine'lumber:-Yoti'lrlike it It's-bea,uti..: • 61 stock. All widths. • 1 • A • Write or Phone (1180)- SRI- Harbour Air-Sei-riedsfor further information. ••'•,;(,". 'A'' • ' . . Also 2" skuce, 21E4 to #10, up to 22" long.. ee us. foridngsioorngssMPlaPD40 •st,ctek base rim- 'Mouldings, masordte, plywoods,- - John•Jeffrey: • (ELANINda MAL Elgin Ave,; East ,•• • Phone -7821 - , d 1,0).4 .1,7 - •C • ••••-••,; ice /1 4 , . 41010#r • , ".•*- • ••• • • •••-- %NI 4.-e:4 -0. \ r , ,?-,,,,,-,-..., •-••;,,,,,',:s ..,, \ . „ • 'N'''''' ' k. i . t - ittli, is ,YI iii I. 1 • ft • -11 ir Al NV:. I •34,44; g 101 ten IbAr 010 ---Whitifr'_stdow04,itrovopnodul at itxttcr Cost. , Meteor owners never 'Cease to marvel at the way the miles and hours slip by -with hardly A trace of •road, fatigue. Just soft, • • buoyant motion. And such 'effortless steeiingl_Such road hug , ging stability!' Such power! Meteor just seems,to drive itself!' Come hi and see its beauty; 'roominess, visibility, luggage A,-"Va4e. Then ride in i •drivediti $ee.;y:onrt Mercury-Liticola, Meteor •••• O. ": • *4., ilIririn? 'Pr MERCURYtoRDAOtra:atitsicoCrAiiv 01 c°,u4sort DshillostSIQust4; fr• - r 0 44111001,14.110 el ....,•:(2 •,,,, K„ t• -.',•..,,, ,atn** :: , .t..• ''.<•..,.. ,„.).,,,„.../7 ,,,,,,,,,,,;:6;03 +salt „.r.„,.. OEM Z ' -(ON1 06* " ,••••• • -;*".;