The Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-09-08, Page 2A, •
ed by sliguiti-434.r, TAThlted
'-canafito Mid at Brit*01114V,2" a yeat-r:. Utlfted
Sthtea' $249'second:Claw
'Ailtverde, *1144034e4Dval"urtm%44,4uthQw0.-11-73T:
. 11.3epePlirstibe'As4071,0a,
l.ceper 0 , „,„...,stiou Oyer 40 1.4 Rub '
* f ..Cantidiaa Weeklsv liew8PA
' WeeklY C tVti-us G
* PT. Sth, 1949
a .•
. .
has had a, good _summer
• apn. It seems lhat more than
the liana number cif former rest:,
4.eqt,t`c.of the. tevin. have, beep.
3Tisits this year, renewing
ttlien4shiP4 and, refreshing their
:interetst in the people aad the, doings
1.114" their .41d- home town: There
litTe.'teen neW„laCetoo, and tt
to he,„ hoped their, asne1 iUeonie
Og* and again until the• too are
.entitted, to , join. the glorious com-
pny. f, old boys and
girls.. °We trust that all, old and
new., have enjoyed the seasen here
and leave formed some tie a ft -lend-
, , or, interest-,,t1set,
' .thetn'' again neXt year„,1,-,
Ten year ago- _we, were just in
• the beginning a the world's great-
eat war., ,Tifit.ler had ,selit his a.ritue
mW Pelaaci, and Britain and France
iLad declared War upon Germany.
.the very, first day a declared
,troderiels felt the first
fatat Stroke in".the sthking a the
steamslcip Atheniasend the death of
,,- Fred Weir; out-t-koisitan' whb was
• It • --is almost impossible 0 bring
back to realization the -anxieties
and ,d.the horrors of the ensuing' six:
, ..*.ears -0, but thereWERE &situ:Ong
defeats, ,sad failures—the_ enemy
DID Show terrible power. and rah:-
, 1is_ horrible things
onehy' the -Nazis- to frighten -their
oppOnents and smash. resiat,ance—
it DID,seem for a while *at the
long §tory, of the British Empire
was 'being brought to an ignomin-
ious ending and freedom- and ciiql.-
ization_ were to, periah from the
earth, -Or. -from: as flinch of it aa
' the Nazis :Could Control; but the
• t,ide. of war turned and we have
forgotten much that we seemed to
• • learn.- in those year of sorrew and
• liepe and victory.• ,
'Perhaps it is jest as well that
'We do ort. Anniyersaries-• bring
back Memories of friends and loved
on lost, but the years bring also
new lives, new hoped, new purposes,
and it may_ be a new wisdom by
-which the leaders of the na.tiens
, May. for ,the future avoid such a-
im:noel:oast as, that of _the slx years'
straggle that began ten.,years ago.
.., • a ,
e same chance of eoming out
alive. as has the motorist on a
erOwded highway on a. week -end
holiday. Some accidents 44'e 114: -
avoidable; but niany .are due to
careles.sness and ilecklessness, and
the Victim ispnbt, alWays the one
responsible by his eare1es,5neas or
recklessness*, for' the- accident, ' One
way to keep out of tribe on „the
highways IS to stay -Off them, when
they are crowded, Another is to
avoid night driving as mach' 4s
possible; aid' still another, at any
time or on any read, is not to take
chances. Sorae people have, beea
driving card for many year; svith-
out accident;. they may have been
bring lucky,or their, accident -free reeoi-d
s may be, due to:the -fact that they
•7*, ,
EDrrintit.I. NOTES•
. So \we tige to have restrictions
In Hydro service again this coming
whiter—with no doubt the . damp.
..excuses us were Made last winter.
.10 *0
A4TorontO journalist bewails_ /he
haVe never heard. any complaint -of
the . sort from weekly newspaper
• editors.. On the contrary— •
• . • • •
, .
'A •party 'of arthaeologists have
been searching Mount Ararat' for
remains , of Noahrs Ark _but have
found none. What did they
• peep? have there been ,, no
.sonienir-hunters, , that part of
- the -World since Noalt' •
• .4
"Life is real, life, is earnest," as
therscheotboy may somewhat 'sadly
• reflect , as - trudges off to school
,aftej a long vaeation. But there
• will _still be Saturdays and an oc-
easional holiday AS bright spots in
• existence.: •
.1'he Ark„,)-4„,agayAtntnerit..-r.h
issued -a liqtior license- to Joe
the ebanipion pugilist, who. is to
• cater to negroes in, the "'Windsor
district, and many, of. Cowie:fro:in
iteros,S the.border. It looks like
quesqbealiiesS .,tO.Sgrant a license
to an„ bod.y with such a racial re-
• strictiOn: andparticularly to grant
O it 0 an alien prize-fighter. - The
...GOverntneat is going prettyL•far to
pledge; the liquor interests.
4- •
have driven ,sensiblv and, carefully.
The insurance -companies might
help a 'little by imposing a higher
rate' on motorists with an accident
record. It it not, fair that persons
Who hgve kept out of . accidents
and have never occasioned a loss
the insurance companies Should
have to help pay, the • losses oc-
casioned by, reckless drivers.
(Sydney Post-Itecord)
the _Otis Elevator=. Ceropany has_
answered to our satisfaction that
moot queStion: Should men, remove
their hats when there 'are Wonien*
in a business, elevator, Or shodcldt
they? • .
• .
The Otis' , people_ -interviewed
thousands„ of women •as tley rode
in or. waited ' for, an, ele_gtor'....,in
cktreeJ.15tiildiii and c'ommelcial
establishutentss_The almost unan-
Imous answer to ,the- question a
what disposition men should make
of their lids in lifts 'was to this
effect: leave them- on. Typical of
the .wOmen's reaction to this con-
troversial matter involving manners
•was the statement that -men ought
to- know by now that • they. don't
need to take off their hat's- in a
crowded business elevator.- It only
takes up more room."
Efforts of men to seemgallant
but actually only adding to the
congestion in crowded elevator,
weren't the 'only ,thing the Otis
frivestigatork looked into. They
Lound that anieng • the complaints
most common • among elevator uSers"..
were those against persons *lio get
aboard the Vertical conveyors
carrying lighted cigarettes, cigars
and pipes. They also discovered
that women Prefer that men and
women step out of an elevator in
V,Thatever order is easfeSt,•instead of
the former backing and filling to let
the latter out first.
- We nialte this Iltfle-confAbutioa
'to the dissemination :•of elevator
manners because anything' that re-
duces, without harm to anyoneithe
irrtatioas in everyday liting
worth_ while.
"Our Liberties" was the subject of
teJysl,, Sinthjy. „letter
'for AngirSt. VolloWing ge
-/he drowning of Edivard Elution,
editor of 'The 'Marton. Bah°, was
eek-etel. Duncan, only a. rew
yeara, age "sitedeed bis ;:niother as
publisher of .,Tge eb� and ie Was
&taking fine* reeord, fill. ability
'etktetvetee.-1T Wal111 bis
Utittell'at Vitiation- harbor,
lIre broke entHin the litunh nitd he.
p1tingeJ itite‘ the water and wai
short distance ',.fr,otn, the'
es no, in toll
'c'cidents oti the Iiighliroys. treii
in this district, ttwa)4•. front the,
itle0„there is, a' constant 'reet;i4
4 Aislatipa on tee -ttailiti-,but on
the 'loom trit*ellett highWerd fAtal-
Ittes nre $o 'frequent tbat.tbey
•,cite ilttletoncernept Winong the
• /*millet Anti' ttientlx t4 the TietiMs.
biod.t *11 tots *bout
. tract.
• '
.:,Some lovers :of freedom were
puzzled aad. annoyedt.when„canida
'abstaiised, krona approving the De-
. ,
Bo. .42.errIt J. Rovle
• gueSS „every farm eotutturnity
has. a ,tuaa Who: never seelaa tO
worry about, hid work Or his fatm.
Ile ambles along casnalls trO!Al
tO day' and week to week and year'
ore -
t Mapies
ex: Tre�s
By *Bi.W Shert4tdFox•
T e people of Goderieb. have been". tii" belong to . the se,callect bronze
ier,y itaiek'to answer some questions Alkriety,..; tliis *'spthai'llai leaves
I asked recently about the SI:1*es that are a deep coppery red, a hue
ot 40040 as well" as tO effer that is grAdualty lost as itpe seasont
information ecvneerning' thept and gQes towar.4utuvaill- The'
• varlet," is one that •cortespoads to
to S•ear, farm gets' eelosa other trees of tbe comnoin.,:, the s4-6,,illed, CopperVarletY Of the
dirtier each. year ,,and the. *fences its, 'I:his is the 004 W.a-T cn European. 'Beech of wrote
droop a liore and the shingles I gait 11-4certai,4 the fikts.' Be4, a year ago '
blow oft the ham. t such. a response saveS tian .4 This aikosioh .to ,the • Bet,igh:
good deal .of „„entbarraSsment;
makes it unnecessary- for mo'
go snooping around the streetS and„
Private groauds ef the" tqwg' and
running :the of *beat' suwgetPd
as a Mar,auder. Up to the.Present
I" have been treated Coarteou „s1Y-..mas
being . mare , than a , ha= _
though perhaps' half -cracked. Olk-
server. .
has hew very gratifying ,
learn throligh 'observant citliena
that -the. -re-are""trilbderielratleNg
two, (if not three, more speChFienS
of the British Syea Tore Maple. In
all cases these Stare immense trees
him, almost dear of •,st.saortgage. as compared %situ the sirding
For the 'first two Ots-taree years
after he married Jeanie, he worked' noted at .the northwest vorner of
$lowly. the Court House. Indeed, they are
at a quite industrious way. as larg,er' as are any of the native
and surely; however, a Y
- ge-111"4 of•Hard Maples wIlich. line so )nnnty
dredness seemed to- Dermeate areroderich. streets. One .of
sYsten.t. His seeding --was—la-Te o—ne. of the
year and much later the next year.
The harvest was lost one. year
because a his tardiness. • Next
year he didn't put in as muCh and
harvested only part of it. r"round. Its leaves %aye the ans.-
seemed • to discourage easily, and rine characteristic of -all Maples but
gradually slipped into his role. * have the peculiar lotting and .netcb-
Red Sandy bee:slue a character, ing of its own sPeeies* Its leaf -
with his full red whiskers and is more delicate than the leaf of
wit. 'The 'straage. part of the whole the,_ Norway Maple_for which it is
transformation was that, while hiS must likely to be confused. An-*
body grew lazy, his mind certainly other Syeanidre- Maple, also a huge
'Bed sandy, innn Lrin, an tree, stands •on West street, nerth
— „side between Waterloo and Wel-
the bench in front of, She hotel• in ungton, on the property of
the village, certainly could hoid his maskea• Maskell tells me
worry. Somehow or otker he aye* .1-IrOMPts me 'to continue 'On -the Sub,
more Maple ;Miss' Burritt direeted
3ftit; When showing me her SYea-
enotigia to „eat, tiestirring himself.
o=sionalY just. in tinie.-io get rik 'me to cross the street an observe
sotnething 'harvested or making a there, somewhat back of the street
little Money out of a loa,d of pigs Vate, a",traly halateSsise example cif -
of a few calves that have been' the Copper. Beech, Not Was is it
running on. the cows. ' In mailY larger than am' other in Goderieh,,
vasses he has a-otife, whO iudastrir 'bat I Imoiv. OA0,11O*Other in' all On-
o stirs the , r.hieltelaS 'up and •tario that •conies near .it ' in j size'
gets enPogh from the 'OW& .to keep Or gottlitv., lis truti1r. nAtii,t be
e place .going,. , - thirty. iiithes in dia.meter, Its
„, Red iiandyis a ,character in our ''‘iietfeet4.- wheTi—,j'atigett, •IRF.Tti
doinritunity. - 116: was 0 fortunate :4*(11x.rds. of thi. British or Europ-
enough- to have a plate left to eaeforest. Its.follav is in perfect
'WdY• on th4.111141.d0 ;t0 the south
„he St4watt., hamP,•: It,tatnett Oltt
to .1* stit ,exed140,..,_ t.' ',Iialimitt•- 0.44e
Ks?aktitehx 'Qatta0 'Tree. This . la a
rat* native, of the, Southet'llt°
of Ontario that borders on' Lake
Erie. Obviousl$ it -was planted by
the hand of MAU at *I,tegtoiller at
least sixty or seventY YeArs agQv
It is a 'heantiful, 'ontt tAtere-St14$
tlee- It s% cOMPoulicl „leaV,.e.;s' are_
sometimes three or four fat-ik
lellgt)1, and breAdt*, . '
.The, llasswhod Or American Lin-
den •is oae of the most coaspicuons
1 trees en .otir"..a6deriell street but
the .RutoilotO:Ainden IS rate. $o
far, as I •know the.....sPe.Mnien, on. Mr.
;MacRWan's property -Ls the only
1 One in .town, Its leaves, fruit§ and
.flower,s tllainly. relate , the t-ree. 'to,
our Basswood; ,though, the loss
are Smaller they haw. ;the -same
'ghlipe-, Arid feititte,' 'It is of trees
of this' :speeiea that the , famous
avenue in Betlin,"-:-Unter7tlen Linden
—is ompo?0, It, is easily grown
hi, pritatig, 'as. tAr aart.11.4S Ottlmit.
and the shots of the Georgian Bay
and Lake Buron. 'Victor* Park in
. utIon-, insereral lintr'-speerm-ens,
1n> „Altogether, threuth*.tlile lOndness
9f intere.sted friends, i'. have °Spent
• these examples stands at the rear
of are property of Mis. •Burritt on
Nelson street,. the property
uwaiately to ,the east of the' play,
own -With anyone, no matter if they
were , clruennersOi I0eal wits, 41. tthrhactUgslich°4obiserePilatidroir ofhlvs". lea°ftv;s41.
teat On hivinga 441e 44...4S gOltaken-tlie;.,:tree :to leezas.-NarssAy.
Maple. If they had noticed the
• He helps ail 'the neighbors. there tre...§-teudencrto ghed its, bark in
,isn't a bee jor *wood' or threshing! an untidy 'way they srallid 4 11
in the community that -Red -Sandy I have Mode that :mistakes P'
doti't get an invitation to and atl beenstold that a-lhird-exatnele may
tend. In faet,-he Often goes when. be, sateid itt fr,ont Of th_e house ,,at.
his own workThiast
looked after. waiting o
t La wtheellsoinuetthweso4sttere. streets, but
E�n and
to Red. Saudy. • There's eonversa-1 not -had time to Confirm the.state-
tion and -g000. f9001 al 4 l?.eesand meat, Nevelialsesl-se -'elsetsh.
thae4-ivilli Red SA•naY' .1's,100ting in Canada stiCh• mapiacent speci-
for at all times.," mens .of this imported tree Ap-
, :During the * winter Red Sandy Rareatly tlie proximity of Goderich
plays his fiddle at all the :dances. to 'a great body of water provides
He issalways willing and, ready Thr for the tree growing . conditiotts.
a house party at any time. On that approximate those of .Great
Frylay nights he plays lor. the Britain; , •
;.• ,
dances in the toiviiship Hall. He Now that I have mentioned the
plays very well too. Everybody Norway...Maples Mat sss,sa sa...„sh
ps- up a lively property of Mr. Parsons on West
stream of repartee, directing it to
the dancers as they pass by the street, peoiale have been good
enough to point out others. Light -
pia tforns 's p house -and" Elgin streets each have
The -Pt -agricultural representative their example or _evatoples. But
once: called on Red Sandy and gave the mpst striking is one that stands
him quite a lecture. fled. Sandy' „na the attractive grounds. of Mr.
listened to it all, smiled at the Peter*SiseEwan at the east -end ot
proper places. nodded his. head in Nelsotirstreet „This last onejeenis
1 1111 AI I.
agreement, dewed his tobaeco and
waited. When his visitor finished
▪ "tou see- that farm down
the road there. That's the Lesile
place and the finest in the county.
It's killed six' generations of
Leslie.s. 1'm' livingTand well. So's
my wife..I aline to „sta.y that way
You go up and talk- to' Joe Leslie."
Red Sandy is slasy. hut somehow
or other everybody likes. him and
he's regarded with a certain toler-
ance on 'the part of all the neigh-
bors. • ,
character and • spirit of the People.
•Even the most liberal-seemiag bill
of rights may become twisted inthe
minds and bands of ae illiberal
and ' inept generlition:'. It is a
tribute to tjae love of the-Canadiait
tolerance- and. '--faitnesz- tha,tibm
has gone its 'tranquil way in this
country, with. progress 'and rising
standards of living. marching hand
in band with the utmost personal
1 iberty.
elaratiOn of Haman Rights adopted
the '. soeial :committee of the
United Natant/is...*„-
The explanation ,w,as**Simple, It
is the very extent 'oftour liberties
that 'makes -it impeactleable Zir "the
Canadian- Government 'to subscribe
to the charter of rights. Both- Pro- ,
vhicial and Dominion Governments
approve :the freedoms, but 'protect
Hon and develOpinent of them must
be carried on withip the franfeWcirlio
of our *constitution, which, assigns
le each Government Its duties.
Neither a Province, nor the feder-
ated Provinces may infringe the
rights of the ether. .
• It seems- worth -while to quote a
„lactennaii, atithor of "Baremeter
Rising,” "Two -Solitudes," and "Tb
Precipice." This article, which, ap-
'neared in _ "Foreign. , Affairs" of
April, 1049s should be read by every'
Canadian from school pupil to elder
atatesman. Mr. ,Maclennan said:,
"This country, which onee 1„va....,,
Britain's senior Dominion and now
stands on her own, has acquired a
purely fethinitte Capacity for $1.V4-
tairtipg within, her nature. contradic-
tions so difficult „to reconcile that
moist societie.s possessng them would.
• be torn, y, periodic revolations.
Canada has acquired the good Wo',
mans 'hatred of quarrel's, the, good
womants readiness to, make endlesa
compromise 4- for :the -sake of peage.
knowledge that, although her4tus-
band can knock her doWn if be
ehouseS, , ,Ohe . wig 1)e able.. to ._ make
him ashamed! Of himself if such an
idea begins to form in his mind,
Canada also possesses the bard reek
,W11Iell !s in the - corefaif every goOd
'woman 8 Sold; any „threat to . her
basic values, calls.'.:ttps a reluctant
but .linplacable resistance„"
Air,* lilacLetutaft goeg on t
describe-bow,#iter the fall of
QUebee; th*
e' Britigh .„,4',1o,yernMent
passed.the fatnoitg"Oneheo Aetw "the ,
moat liberal, politica' document ett-
acted by a *Contifieror up to that
time." It guaranteed the rrencli-
CanadiattS` freedom of reliiolt, the
Klett to ..% preserve their own
11.14110o. in the toots and to leach
It it. the SPho,pla, as well as .tite
right to continue the use and prae-
tite Of the rreneli elVil rant, '
I. Iteapeet for and bliseritonce o
rights and *freedoms ileperiii. to ,
Urge extent , ow the conviction'
$1.35 ,j)er bag
Phone 74W
Clinton, •Ont.,
health as to ec*Itir and texture.- As
In the ease of the bronze phase of
issoSissarras sosssarossa saisaaamar •
Phone collect, 207, Carlow
• „ ,
.family • it:sited "WitulaY WW1 Mr,
and', Mrs. V. Hunter add-fat:ally,
LuelsalOW.. •
ltt,, and litsre. 'Crozier and, fain-
w4re. uilday visitors with Mr.
Kenneth Campbell: of
Westfield. • •
Seho�f*re-obesietl On ;September
0, With MiSs. Gwen Stewart of
Glen's Hill as teacher at No.,',19,
„Ashileld. JbansieCrozie,r anti;lgary
et3rran. are the beginners. Miss
Shirley SherwOod „IS the teacher
for N. 9, AShfield. '
-1)pugrag--IalVaiid -Trull -Clain
are 'attending while Norma
. _
II -profitable and entertaining week
m and around GOderich. • •
the Norway Maple the _ coppery •
shade of spring ha's giren way to
a dark green. The great size �f
hislson street' Copper Beech.
I would attribute to the favorable
growing csinditions afforded by the
nearnes...s-Ot a great lake.
Another example ot lush growth
of the EnrOpeau.and British Beech
may 1 be . seen, oh.., the .beautiful
grounds of Mr. Joseph • Stewart .at
Benmiller. This one is of. the
Weeping tYP4, A t.5'Pe which is re-
cegnized by botanists and nursery -
Men as a ,clit•-•tinct •variety, of the
speeies. Its branches hang, down-
wards gracefully like those of the
Weeping Willow,, Weeping Birch
and . Weeping Ash. The sapling
from which it. has sprung . was
planted about ISS,S. By observing
its ,present -size one can gain' an
excellent, idea sif the rate at which
Ontario.. Knowing the figures
eerning fMS tree I weuld esti/nate
that the great Copper Beech on.
Nelson- street is yeti' dose to onel
hundred years _old.
•-While I was visiting the Stewart
home with Mr: Peter 31acEwatt.we
Were., shown a small branch:e of a
tree which outwardly resenibles the
rdinarY- .Blaelsust arrsrespectsoti
-ttize and of foliage. ,It Stands mid-,
CREWE, Sept. 6.—Miss Ethel
Finnigan '0 Goderich, visited with,
her brother Bert •and M. Fin-
nigan tile lattbr 'part, of the Week.
Mr. Chester Finnigan wa'S
week -end visitor at Weston and
,stlso attended„the C.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sherwood
of Detroit vusiteil friends in this
„vicinity at 'the• week -end.• •
Mr c and Mrs. .,Tack Curran and
• " TO
• SICK RAtirosi
— Certified Ratlio Technician
• „
47441.. Pattesissislas,
Come in and look, over a recently arrived stock of
.Ontario 'White Pine lumber. You'll like -ft- It bea,utt•
fa stock. All widths,
Also 2:1' spruce, 2x4 to 2;10, up to ,2!" long.
• See us for sidings; ffoorings' , ship4p 1)45 siook, base
trim mouldings, masonite; plywoods. -
John Jeffrey &Son
Phone: 782
Elgin Ave., .East
and Repairs
87 West St., Phone 574—or
above. Agnew Surpass Store, -
afehl99 -•
:Sherwood has resumed her Studies
at the Lucia:tow Hlgh Seltool, We
whih Io alt .the studentscteachers
and puPlls the best Iuek„
•Aev. Jas. Bright will ottgn froin
ljolIdayit thiE week and serviCe
Crewe. church will he on. September,
11 at 1.80 p.a.
• 1-"9.tiA:CHURS!
gook /di t„.
• t‘blospoon of
talks st w14. -r
'what watatlacg
yaw taatoplaati.
• &alb will mpg.
und Lola* 'bad' St:}1112110.
hop!, who krtqw—whe dopsnd on
glowing for. a.liting; us* "Ns•Cintre.
It works wOn'dors for do
- tit* suss for you. . •
• FREE citrr
O Go io jou: load "No-Churs" .doalsr
today and uk for. your , TREE gift.
Nothing to bur7,-no obligatott.
, - •
° ghtario
Bridge,St.,.Near the Pillars .
.4 • .
?EONE 107
What 40 you
clik of
Your Bank?
The c9nnectron of many people with-
. .
a lank only throua.114.. ass, book
and:. a cheque bobk.
We 'believe,. however, that there ia;.
more mutual pleasure find
doing buiness in a iiersonal;friendly
• way.
This. Bank has grown' t� greAt,site,
bulit is a Inimin.institiztion, vaxPlich
interested itigiving something More
than acrciss-the7counter, 'service.. The
jeeds of the; indlitidua1,a.nct;40.* we
• of fir st inipOrtance,,,'
you ill enjoy banking at any of ode
▪ Oaderich Brandt Ituila,03,r,
titipoituon, siiii:Age' no*
.0* thany thiogs.mgcle-0
can you -56, • • street
• .
'corner .9
trii7.:Efit9 you fR01; at the pictures companies are making. alumimnit
ort.the right, you'll hardly believe- into. so many: kinds of useful and.
• • - the, can be so many. . beautiful artiCles,that -no' one 'can
Yet this 'only a few of therit: keeil tra&of them all. "
POT thurtirnim bas sO many. ad= • • •. • .
vantages that you may see himdieda r- Why 'is this so? Because so many
of oilier tbin' gii.;made of it -,:- on the; people anoint -the world want things
streets, in store Windows/ ahnost - made of aluminum we :lave been
anYwhere You lOok- •able to„Make more and more.
• This is because aluminum is 'so Because we have been 'ableto
very,ligbt,,and.Stio:np,:rdofxi gust. make ,more, - We have been able,
andlisslotif4)fother,specialfeatures. • over the last ten years, to reduce the
•-ALUlitiNUM COMPIAly OF ,,-AttlADA„.
Prodsscirs tt6d Proessgrs of AlutOnorl)
for Concrdion induitry and World Marlrets
a .
'Lighter in handl*
' Ealisr tO,pit
A 1.
Takes kis inn
„. .
-a :••,.
...Cuts dead weight
AtOntintitn ittor4 fronts
ALSO, irti4"ed;:int
lane markers, ttrirkint:
and :dee' 1:76:12' igihgehyer6;:s;
kets, direetiait
1.41O 41;eb's:7":lida4412-012d' sauLrarifilPainganits.;
• ta tualahminigrisuttrern ebeVeiryngtritty!