HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-08-25, Page 2TWO
*tit Osigriat,*tar
Signal -Star,
Rates74Ianada ,,and great 13ritain, $2,00 it Yea'; tto United
" • • StAtesr• ;240- -
•A4.7410?3,1,44 Rati,00. catt;',telinest. Ailtlioried as second-class mall; VoSt
.,*QIIPt,..P0401011.4 Ottawa. 'Telephone 71. *
OMPOr ot, cianadtaii. Weekly plevViapapet:ii AsoeiatIon
." *Weekly Oi'reidation Over 2O.11,015Eilli'rSO.N GZO. L ELLIfl
7--fruuR§DAy',- 4.iro-TrsT 2th, 1040 .. .-
t ,
•• •
Sir Uarry.Iticeri rep6rted to
be err h,1S deathbed. Man' is. mortal,
yot it Will be a leng time before
we hear the Wit of Sir Harry's
o hiS
• '
1•• news despatch the other
'day Was. recorded th'e death of. 4
nn whose itirse 04bie .vas given
as .4;Absoloin," How , ,044
'sPell that name eorreegy? It is
"Ah4lom." (we looked it up ti
sure)'. •
▪ • •
News .of bush fires in every paper
yoi pick up! It's a w'onder the
. aboriginal Indians, With their :open
Are'S, dictnot burn.' downthe woods
orapletely before- the white ,man
Frived AniVereir. They must
.14Ve.: been more careful than the
who roam the weods in these
oys. of dourse, they 1)03,, tlhenaill:1-4ttnjeg
to find
10VOrt BOOLP Tgis '
.4'felir weeks' teL of the PritIsh
1114 ---With all expenses Paid Will
be awarded Void medal 'Winners
la beth the horse and tractor plow -
it* "EsSo • ChaMPIOus TrnaS•At-
Jalltie" claSses, at this.year's Inter-
- nutiwAal PlowIng. mute**,
Porteolls, president of the, Ontarlo
Plowmen's AssUciation, announces.
The 1949 linternational" plowing
match is being" held at the farm of
H. W. 'Amy, • tea miles west ..of
BrAntford, October 11-14. The,
plowmen's annual classic. will be
officially; openedt on Octob0r. 12 by
Brig. O. Alartin of Brantford.
Premier LeSlie ProSt Ontarie will
'be the vest speaker at the banquet
markin,, the clae of the mateh. ,
Second prize winners 'la • the
Trans-.Atlantie classes:, wach. are
sponsored ISY Imperial Cpil, will each.
receive a silver medal and $150 in
cash.4 TwOlVe other cash prizes
totalling ,$105 will be amerded ili
.each „class. • . •
Tlibse qualified to comp€4 lig, the
tractor class include All "Esso
Champions Special" winners at On-
tario Plowmen's ASsociation branch-
mateha and all plowinen froth°
other provin.ceS. Yledhl winners in
this class at previous International
plowing matches -wili•not
In the special horse-drawn plow
elasa all plowmen who,- qualified
at branch matches -after •Oetoher
1947,, and plowmen from other
provinces are qualified to compete.
Medal winners In this.elass in pre-
vious years are not -eligible.
During their free ',trips. tO the
liritish Isles the gold mettaillat will
*visit plowifig matches, study' 13ritish
agriculture, and see .historic sites.
They be aceompanied by a
manage'r appointed by. the Ontarto
Plowmen's AssoCiation. The,., tour,
which includes a short stay in New,
York. will take about four weeks.
• .
FOR .iNrolakitinoN 61?
oPPPrtanities for talent,.. lied enter-
prise ine.rease and there will" be
uo more than a normal shifting of
people across the border.both waYs;
for there is always a not •incon-
Adelaide einigratioa from the
United §tates;to Can.ada.
, • ., • • II;
• Thomas 13ahingtou llacaulay,' the
English historian and statesman Of
the first half Of the last Centhry,
had a poittictil philos'ophy that is
expressed the , f011owing tends:
is not by the intermeddling.
• of the omniscient and omalpot-
eat State, but by the prudence
and energy of the 'people, that
England has hitherto been car-
• ,
ried forward in civilization ;
• and it is .•.,to the° same prudence
and the same' energy that we
ntw' look ,with comfort • and
god 'hope.
.Our rulers will best, premote
the improvement of the nation
by strictly confining 'themselves
C•igarettes ail& throw the btitts own lucrative peourse,o conflineds-
'• away recklessly. •• ities their fair prige, industry
• and intelligence their, , natural
, * •
reward, idleness and folly their
¶Ih•neW Parliathent is called to -
,. athral punishment, by main -
meet On September 15th. • The seS- taining_peace, by defending pro- •
"sion-ShOuld.:.be an. Interesting one. PertY, by diminishing the -price
There wil. he a•14.rge .thiroer..ef .ot and br ObserVing_strict
_ economy' an _every • 'department
new merabers-, and among. them may of the State.
soine7-Who4'will----develop- .into —Let- the Government do -this
Parliamentary stars., It will be of'the people will asSuredly do
'intereat; •ttro, to note ,w,nint nevv the
• . . rr•
,, ' ,
,lines the Opposition Will take ,.to Wehave get •a long way,from
that' in this century, but there are
-Show.. that,_In. spite. °of its • over-
inany-.who hold -that we are gall,'
whelming defeat in, the Jnne 'ireV-
.pio.n., it. si ..aiii .' ir. --toi,e,,,,, to,. ,, lie, topfar inthe way of 'the"inter-
,. me. &mg of the conniSciefirInd
• reckoned with. oanipotent state," and that we are
Province- pheasants are • stamedOing. so to. eur- hurt. A. centurY
In the sOuthern .connties• of the
before. Macaulay, Alexander Pope
'o '
the satirist wrote!' ... ' .
that they haveno fear of man
• 'For fOrms of goyernment let fools
• and can almost be by ' hand. • eon
: test, ,
1311.t• in a few weeks 'hunterswill That which is best administered
7--b-e-14een5ed frO:g0 irk - is best." •- • . •
• It leeks like poor sport. These And It must be adinitted7that. Pope
.pheasants are "Planted" and given has the .great majority, with him
a •certain amount ofrprOtection, in in th9se days!
oider , to' pro • vide .°"gOed • shooting"
later on. Why not avoid this ANOTHER ISSUE :OF
The Signal -Star is requested by
•the United -States consul at -Hama,'
ton, to publish information relative
to the forthcoming dividend- .pay -
Ment on National -Service life• in-
sul'ance issued to T./.8. 'veteRini
reatdin,g,in Canada-, • -
'The Veterans Adininistration in
Washington has announced that ap-
plication blanns for the $2,800;000,-
000 National Service life insurance
special dividend to. be paid to some
16,006,000 ,present-- anal' ' -former
policy,holderS (will' be available for
the use of United States Veterans
August 29,-1949, or as scion there-
after aS they. can • be distributed:
trouble and expense and let the . - CANADA SAVINGS BONDS
,..,sportsmOn• get in among. a flock•..
of chickensand • blazeaway? If
., . A fouth series of Canada sav-
• - ' ,
ngs bonds will go on: side across
the ' pheasants can survive the .
winter they' wouid make an at -
Canada. in, .0etober. This' was an-
iritetive featuye•of thenonneed at Ottawa by the Hon.' countryside.
. ,•. „ .; „ • Douglas, 'Abbett,. Milliliter of . Pin-
. .
ce, who, at the same time, gave
This umn AS on several. oc• -
• • notice that Canada savings 6onds,
casions 'protested' against the reek- .
, series 3, will be WithdraWn from
less use of firearms by city police- sale on August 31: The Minister
• men in shOoting,..down. persons who, staid that the decision to issue a
. irth • series_ of Canada savings
-instead of- giving themselves up to m
bonds Was Iwonapted by the, ' en-
' theLpolice., took to their. heels to thusiastie response that •had at-
• avoid arrest. There . was an in- • tended the previous three offerings.
•-cadent of another sort ,in 'Torento - Since 1946, when the first series
of these, bonds was issued; eau -
a •few days ago. A Man had shot
• • - aindips have made more than three
.at," but miSsed,.., his' sister-in-law !gsiobnongsuretohliasetsotaof Canada. sav-
in. a quarrel and had then locked in
,vale of more
lamseif-in. a -room --syld.,,tixreatened-than . $1 billion.. Last • year,-,4tur,
chases on the payroll savings. plan •
20 Shoot if not left" alOne. P.C.
Wilma, off duty, happened to )e
• walking along the -street and on
• 'being told of what was going on
.he. used- a. -bit of strategy and -got
tip handcuffs 'on the man without
-c1tir!iiinP1a,i7-.'". That certainly- was
• : better than -killing the man without
•• reeouFs,0,tiythe law, which no doubt
' will deal With', him as he des9ryes.
Wilsbn should • rate for a
' •` • •
• It is reported from Ottawa that
.4 the C.13.0. is proposing 'thatthe
i'adio. license fee I.)*e inereased from
• $250 to $5. The increase will no
cioubt be stiongly opposed, and it
w-ould.not be 'politically wise. There.
• is a belief—whether' well founded
iimmlbW •
• '•ie �- 1-1
• I I 0
adian Companies reached • a .new
high of ,$118 .millien. More than 43
per cent: of all employees. to whom
the payroll plan ..was made avail-
abie bought bends.
• Although. terms of the new issue
havevitot Yet b'eenannenneed; it is
expected that the fourth series will
retain the ,features vc?rt.c'h proved
sopopular in.Jlip first .th•ree. As
in the past. therionds INN he
able through banks and Investment
dealers s well , as on the payroll
• savings plan. *-
• (Midland Free Press -Herald). '
= gt. isn't Sonest to tpend a dollar
on pleashre-on-.8aturday night and
give 25 centeer-less to t"he church
on Sunday. , It isn't honest. to pend
$200 on a holiday for the family.
and give. $25- *to the church. It
en tobacco and liquor and give -less
than $25 to the church., If the
average. person iri the average coni-.
munityl.. who acknowledges.the
ehurch • in the .census records gave
50 cents a week to the churehthere
Would .be limit-- to • what; the. -
churches could do. and there would.
lie.0.0 problem in 'raising enough to
pay the minister's salary. One of
our church leaders said, --4-f.4every
-family in our church gave 2.5 cents
a week to- missions We. woad have
Sic millions Of d011ars a year, and
we are asking fOr three milliong
Where Is Otli* spirit 'of stewardship?
Look up the treasurer of your local
ehureli, and pay him your gon-• '
selenee money.,
• system of collectiOn is inefficient
and as•a result many radio -owners -
do' not pay the -fee. 'The •$5'. fee
. -Would always bo. a 4 tem pta tiow to
- Isuatit politigians t7r garne.'r rotes
, by 'Promising to reduce. 'Or abolish
it. Imposition .of a fee is justified
. the .fact that radio •programs
-are not free as the air, and persons
do, not use radios should not
coMpelled to contribute by way
•.of "their taes. The C.B.C. had a
deAcit hist year of $300;000 and
premises: linproveti service if its
.revenue is inereased. The $5 fee
ritOin;thuietO time there.' have
%been 'Ininentations. over the,
"eioidus!' of trained Canadians
• the. 'United' States,' It, has been.
• pointed out in this eoluniti . that 'it
Wag Only natUral that ii-tirepertion.
•Of".ou'r Young, people should be
attracted by the oppoiliiiiities In
tb larger. Optgatiou of the
green' forms have- been, &lilted, to
be used by, "United $tateS Veterans
'04sicle tbe. States., These
reyms may . obtaInigt401,11.' the
merican, Consulate at tialnilten o.
or after Wuenar 1040;•
green. forms Will assure the.. identi-
fication and expedite. handling Of'
foreign claims for th'e dividend;
• "A-11. the veteran needs to do is
to obtain. the applieation; which_
is a threefold. card eoutaining
the •Instractions necesSar..y ,,tO get,
the, 'dividend* then fill it out and
bring it, or mail it to theAkinericav.
Consulate, Hatitil.ton,--.Ontario,!111
event the veteran does -not know..the
number -of his insuranc po, licy, the
aPPIleation eau readily•be, identified
by service- number, rankr,and. the
exact nanie used tinting service
with the armed ferCes.
• "U.S. •Yeterans skould pot write
the ,V-A or the pepartinent of State
about either iiiSurance numbers or
statu.s qf dividend applications.
"U.S. veterans residing . in , the
Hamilton consular
mail. or. , bring 4,11), an application
to the Mericao. Consulate at Elam -
tilled oI as completely as possible'
Ilton, taxi°. • •„ •
"Distribution of checks will be
started some tittle 1,:n 4anuaiy, 1950',
..tind `Payments stould be , substantial-
ly completed -clu,ring- tlIe first half
of 1),50. For this reason,--U.S:
veterans should be sure to use
address which Will be good for six
months or more,"
GUELPH, Aug. -19. --Herbert Al-
fred Thomas, .freight and passenger
agent .for, the C.P.R. here tor
tvventy-eight years, has begun -his
holiday „leave of absence prior to
his 'retirenient'a-e' the end of ' this
month. .•
Ater completion of the C.P.R.
Guelph' and G,oderich braneh,, Mr,
Thomai was- the first agent * at the
Auburn 0,tatiOnt _Later,: he • served
as .Station agent 4t.Blyth untif1921:
Then he nibved GlielPir as freight
and -passenger• agent • When- -the pas-
senger station was still -in an old
log house. •' " • 4' z.
A native,of-St: 'Jacobs in Water-
Joo county, Mr. Thomas will retire
to Galt,. where he has purchasea
a -home. • — •
. ' •
oEutERATE Sanwa
10Y 204. Mr.° and •grs. ganning,
*Ad. "opon. liet/Se" 411: the 'eeeitaiell
of their sixtieth anniVersary. They
were Married near Goderich on
Nay 23, 1889. . Coming' West ih
1910, they settled Q. a fartn South-
pasE.of Errifold with their Son and
daughter, who have since moved
ti ' the IT.S; 'There are five grand-
children awl • seven great-grand-
AlMOst• the entire • coniniunity"
turned out to cl() 116119r. trO, •the
bride anti groom of sfxtY years 4gO,
About .100 signed the 'register and
'Icengratulated tbe. inihrir
three -tiered. cake was served along
with a dainty' lunch. • Congratula-
tory telegrifins were received, from.
Mr, and Mrs. Sylvesterand
Saskat&onL Nir. and
T. Johns, Saskatoon, and' Mr. and
Mrs. Turner and. family, ,Begina.
• Conon leary presented' a Purse
frau. the community with' a few
well-chosen words showing the re-,
spect in which :gr. Al'.14 • lkirtil4'
IVIanning• have .always been hehl in,
the tem: where they ha.ve itesided
since leaving the farm about
twentr yekirA
Mrs. Manning's two brothers and
• their families :from Watrolis•
visited them on Sunday, .
Mrs. Malning is the former
Mary Treble, a sister of Mi., John
Trebl'O of Goderich. •
An Omaha Woman has cremated
her fourth husband. So sOme-can!t
get a mate aneothers get husbafida
to burn,--Brandori Sun.
Adcording to. information given
to Y. McLean, Hurow-Perth
by Hon. 'Paul Martin, ,Federal.Min-
ister of Health, approval haa been.
given A ,grant of over $24,000 at?'
wards the cost of 'eqiiipping and
:operating the Huron. County health
rirr. *in*
or our
---- CI - II S
uper- ean Natura..y uperior•
\ •
• doDERiCH
tunny menmomen
gain 5, 10; 15 lbs.
• Get New Pep, Vim° Vigor •
• What knatin. Doily timiirk. Lai -ma; fugly hollow;
all up,' neck' no longer serawniq. body lens nu„.
starved. maw "bean -pole" look. Thousands of
--111r111. women; mem,mbc, never could-gain-betore,
are now „proud ot shapely:, healthy -Woking bodies.
Tlley thank the special Vigor -building, desb-building
tonic. Ostrex. Its tonics, stimulants, invigorator%
Iron, vitamin calcium, enrich blood, Improve
apoebttre and digestion. so fobd gives you ,tnOre ,
, strength and nourishment: MI5 dab on bare bones.
Don't fear getting too at. Stop wben.you've gained
She 5, 10, 15 or 20 lbs. you need for nortaal weight.
Coate little: New "get acquainted" size only 60c.
-fl'ry-lateous-Ostrex, Tonie-Tsibicts-for,etvtgOI
and added poundsithis very day. At all druggista
...1114ErxpoGio.1117:1,,it;-e etitycle.e4:t.:44.t8,Ae,i:rersact,r4:5;:i.
mOther of a four -ear -old boy, MO.
ati Al.I.P•St 7, from suffo.cation..or
ehoiting due to voiniting. Induced bY
citte7teler4litel?kin.!in wnlinrilehOwlYe!li,g
The -jury' said •it alsO' found the
.vvoman, suffered injuries to her
faee and nose, when struck by her
husbank. Vrnest; 38, ,,f`u.ncier strong
provoCatiett," .but- that" Och
the -eheStertield in the living room
Aj(•,)ifil3ri s4sse,tr47pi d.ehrtiolui..yo wascaaltis.efioi houuennrct. (1.d:fetatituhda. no:
• The PIO reached, its verdict in
'thirty minutes, after listening to
thtee, hours of . what Coroner P.
A. MaNkaster,.- Of Seeorth,
terined 4very COnflicting eVidenee:"
• weEirleeve-eliallWedtnts;es0—rotw4' in,Aetcitioer401—ey
Glenn Hays, of $eaforth, In three
instalices lin warned, witnesseS*.et
the penalty . for perjUry. 'before a.
corOner'sjury and the consequences
Of "deliberate evasiveness."
Evidenee was to the-effeet-that
MrsPerrY and her linsbangl. on the
night before her- death. were a a
an Repairs.
• oil West pt., Phone 574 -'-or
. • above Agnew Surpass Store,.
Phone 109: . -932tf
TuuttiDAY, 4VaV82q.010 .1949
dri.nking party, at it` private honib
about six miles froth 1xetei 05 tile
rc.ad• to Dashwood.. She returned'
home in anintoxicafed condition
and• Was. placed by her husband
on a thesterlield,spore she 0.was
fetuul, dead' at 'poi the n0.# 'day.
. •
• The •
r. •
• of
'Good '
Get Info:will --. Stay Insured—
Werth St.• TeL 2.111Iw
pRICE.. OP pOto
Department of 4.griculture re..
quests u. -correction 1 the list _44
.seed, prieeg issued for pubilcatidn
• recently.Price of: Coinnietelal No,
.1 fallwher,l,t, all approVed varieties,'
should :be $2,25 per 'buShel, instead
of $2,60 -per bushei,..as quoted,
otottoWsEPT. LStIi
-bet ouutryi: Jus it puny 1a1 The annual'rally or Huron ,gres.2.3.
rural - comfromitio 'W.A.& of the PreSbYtei•-
. ,iati 011uicii,„wilt be held On 'TheSA
, 11ve thr thq. titles ,of otir,' own
•binintryk it. 16
el.tor, to lettra fioiu'anOideltir toport
"that thia year .inore than
1vePernt.. oi tho,,istriot lr
xtplioits vier tpioute* bit/m(114)1,
ithrsWei11zv *044 ptaiitioni
retty ,Of:Outo• t these,
a • 1$ 4 e.,,* yetermis.,wmi
own' and Ofeninnent fonttutvo riultug.
dar, SiePtember' 1.3th, in. .the Pres-
bYterian Clinton, :The
morning. Session COminencea at 10
irtfind.. the aftetitOoti., tit.
trrn, J,1 West of 'kit:. Tbdinas wUl
be the kpodspeaker;"Vie:'iArtitiir
Melo ot Chotht. Gogerlob;,
will Prekienta Shod •-
, • 4,,
Every Second' Canadian 'hoine hair
it ear, and more. than three out of.
Landat Fortner. ort Albert
,Airport, Ontario
WAR ASSETS CORPDXATION will reeeive, offers for the put.
• chase of all �r park0Of the Crown owned property described below:
I.- A parcel of Jana containing "Sppioximately 402.6‘• acres'
hicated in Parts of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of COncesSioft-4, Western
District, Mid' in l'arts of. Lots 2 and ta, of Concession *3,
Western Distriet—ail 111 thp Twp. of Ashfleld, County 'of:
Huron. e •.
. A parcel of land Ciiptaining appresimitely 20:6 acres in Lot
.Concedsloo 5;• EaAteriti District, Ti/tp,'"of Aghteld; Coinity
• . of Huron. ••• •
• Lot 15, Concession Labe Road West., TVilf. of Colborne,
County ,of Huron,
-All' the Provinte-ef--Oniario:-
. ,
'Specjai !feint and Conditions of Sale
, ,
Whe'Sale Of thisland will not ineltule,,the Hangars nor the
Water- pipe and 110E4 -nig and the purchas'er
wilt be requiredWNW-the oWners of the atIOVC Mentioned
• itenla,,tlikOpportunity to•rettioye Saint within a period of six
month r ' • • • • •
beliVery, otl'epreper y be ade .purchaser
will not • m
Until after December 16th, 1949.
All intorination iontalriet Acre* ia netesiniki-44 abbretiat,ed and
,subject tO,CortebtilOti, • . "
'WiLE Amets torpration reserves- the unon4llfle4 right to
• ej
any, or all offers. Allie •ietottinte otiy offer will bp, ,Subi,tet to
the approval. of trio' ,-.•
Puttbor.,Infokiiitation may be obtalnot..opon twietitiot, to the
Director at the addreasgiven beloW,, • ,
,, •
Offer') quoting 1411.13850, Amnia reach the 11fireetor, tand out
Bulldlrita Deparintent, War. Assefs Corporations*, 56, LOW' Street,-
OttaW111011,1aria �n or before ,Septentber 1st* 1949, A10. No.1033
The Old Coach Stopping Place
70 Byron Ave'—Fairmount - 0867-J
Rooms y day, or week
Mrs T M Turner
-(Formerlrof the Park Muse)
IL McK Y and his orchestra
last year severaLw4eat farmers treated,seedirbeat.With ``l!sTA--,0111.1"RS'LLIQUID.,FERTILIZER CONCENTRATE
,and apparently hid good results,' -
Using "NA-CHURS" Liquid Fertilizer Concentrate- for thiii purpose • is still in the experimental stage but we
believe you should try it. Preliminary, tests indicate a quicker start which may aid in earlier maturity and beeter
The costr-la-very—littler.andAil, it will increase yin,tr wheat yield, it is too good to pass up. Many enthusiastic
, growers, have written, about the' fine resiffs—iibiaiii, with '`,11-AzOlitiltS:" — —-
. •• • ••10
GALLON TEST - :a a One gallon of
"NA-CRORS" will treat 8;.10 bushels
of seed' grain at a cost of apProxitnate-
&dog these a'dvantdges...:
A • . •
, • .
•o TWO
TA -410'..
Re 002$1, • 'GRAM aR0
• :~