The Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-08-04, Page 2. , ' . dila i . , JSWER Of LAZY . MEADOWS T &ON t�OIINTX's (? T P�-4 4z •' By lurrd T .130ge The . travelling' ' citrus' ? the Ontario Limitdd ••_ of auto-,onverSat?on Published by Signai-Star, '1i " ►NXO:�i + hardiest of all perennials theW1U thh props otre s,i� of Quin m 1inb ri tit Rates---Gaus,da and great Britain, 2.00 a e i tq► tTnitedt , ,we e, • iii. Meld Of entettai ideut ;IX hovarishes• theje-siuull citeuses 'witch t 2:6p. ' e t.e a u. Rrre ies on • . � State?, � ,- adder a11:• cihnaitic • cQnditxAns and � process o. being set UP. au , thy, . e . ee ass mail,::frost. flows. ionshfp here at %arc mea. Is •fo ver- opnCac with young and outcskirts. She was a ` a d$O1ne ,�±l��rxising: Rates mi, 'request' AnthQrized, as se _ . ad-cl.. _ , - , flows. -refer to the sudden do- F� � . n Wa. 'Telephone ' 1,a d" Za the'children• is ,a '`ond x- young tYoman .x het~~ "Otte.* .hut • Office Department; Ota elopxuent of frieudshlp , ,between ,Canadian eeklg Ne vs pers sooiation T li d ,in Which they 4WD-14e�c with° strong and businesslike. It wa4 a �,. ' ember .ot":Ca ., Ta'fib our oxee�:ect feline battler, Ci cul tlou Over -,, noel the slatted M), who has so far onen-naoutiied a u.azetue#lt, and it is miserable wet dad .and ' she t1kd Weekly n�.r. ,� . E14141$ . re a • sceoad_chiM.IPad to the parents ute that she WaS having „ tre bie, • ef years,. its Cliniax with Bard= aild ',Salle)" Valves. She had a bandage on one them. The inedern. circus reaelied rain, had got iato• tbe pipes and at Toroato' an exhibitor wlio had, For the .PaSt 'number of Pi **The GreateSt Show ea Earth;11 Of her hands,. and explained that.' TOE- ToOPSIPED ii0D:SE „coine 3,060 miles from. his plant iritbbY has been in the habit, which. travelled at one time PrettY -she had been. bitten bY a, 140A1r-eyo . ,•;p 'While there. laave been, many ex- _. type pf soil -winding machinery biS 'stalls where - We do the •Inkilling• in England found lit Torontor.the saucer placed -hewed Alla._ ,row.„ 0,A well all round the earth. In, tile She. WAS niarried and -had, several. klhe gets,. th4, first helloing of Lulus tary it tonred th•e',Oritisli 1sles,, 'and ,lier husband was „a disabled vet - latter part of the ttineteeath ceit- boys who were running „,ftround, Vte4SiOns -te-,' the effect 'that ..the firm needed—found ft in the exhibit ..aud, I recall,. as a boy, . the thrill of eran of • the First World War and . Ilaheral sweep Oa June -2,7 *Was- of anether Englishanan -I rom :Lt. 411C1 • USUallY C•allS after her repast -she dozes in coin. anticipation tbe popular excitement -She'had to do most- OT the work her - die' wonder of realizatiou •self. She teld me -411,.-tbis 111,4' . too thorraigh, arid that the op.- plantr,only a few miles from his own. fort .. while, we finish the- milking. and •hoLpe• created:3v the Greatest Shaw wheu casnal way, and I asked her 'hew ,, VosItion .parties -were too' serioaslY factory at 'hope. The inchleat Then one of the boys breught Weakened, there la aaother filigle 'should 'furnish. a good text for tpe the • SPotted Pul)4.;". lie was - a dig. ..it visited' Liverp.o,o1„* .• , .',' or will she endured that kind of ThOse wero.„ tlie.pipieg tbnea Of life. She,' said sbe waa hen); into - at_. 144.6._appehousefft,.._the,7h•chA4e pettee, before great World Wars It and liked itr. although theie waS -Viewe4;:; ."7-During-the-tentr-0.t.the Owners of •the factory that made we,u4.1 touse the Ire ofr.,11rs. Phil, i*.:' Parliament,. and ' particularly, the- machinery that the- other mann- he was deposited .in.' the „stable. which ocearred44Pa disteht • lands— .treiri.,„ but • with 'the approach?: 'Of •„.•in' the session which inamediatelY facturer wanted , did . not use .Having been:treated .to fresh and warm milk,rivliat was more natural yvitli the Zulus in.A.frick the Der-. ail:miner she. had the urge to.. get ' Preeetleii :the election, the /4,berals printer's ink .to advert,ise 'his pro- •, • than that .lie should beeenie . ac- .vishes in the Sudan., Or the Wild •out on the read again. 'MY Sym- liad sO. 'narrow a margih ifv the duct. There may be cases of this salt custotaed to dropping around to the Wild West .sAores of Buffalo •Bill' planittion. is that circuS people .1ilse hill . tribes ef India, We_bad read' pathy was lost on her. The ex- .WilSe?tiakt their position was con- nearer .hoine. Merchandisers who cow stable at milking time?. Get - and -Deadw,00d Diek and' , their poets. are_ bern, 'not made. 'Also, ting a *hiff, of it from the sadcero .§tantlY in • daxigef! and. the Coa- fall ta tell the Public what- they "with the Red IndianS, but like true poets, -they are the. Peter kervitjves under' Tsf.r. Drew _took have to sell should,not be sdrprfsed bags of Tabitha, and went 'to 'work IheY he cared not a ftit.for the feel- eIaShes that they Fere, for the most part, up 'or grow out of it, and they too were remote and we felt PanS of life, for, they never atoW to learn. that', possible- custoraerS at lapping it np. every. occasion toi force' a 'vote that . fietitious.. But /iere was Ilnffalo keep the 'Peter Pan alive id all of **lit ' .upset the .dOVernmelit. In hie themselves' to the cities—or -The resalt Was, a battle royal. Bill himself .--- Red Indians and. lik. '•• ':iiideli•-'. Orkilmstances it was inapos- irSe- the paa41„. order catalogue -is -to She vented all her eloquence in 'die 'ocean tto , prote' the .truth." of his .'14ble" , • to,. conduct the ' business ' of purchase things „they could get' Tili 'and d'ared• hint to• take an.odier FATA.. yew DATE -1949 • rarlianient as.. it should:* lie OM- their -Own: town if they knew theY drop. - It was so' unexpeeted as to "adventures" and actually show ....• .-etda.ted *°with , referenee *to- its storea. ' - " • y * 'away from it. -. But'seeing that tlie spectators were deriving,. arouse- peace • with. Chief Blackfoot—sur- Blyth 4ucteli;,:erery inove had to• he cal- Were available in the home town take him by surprise aud he walked and filially 'Smoked• the. i • Sept, 27; 28 quite bravely. This tinie she:went who -had mySterieusly cdine back Burford (International Plowing Match—Brant County) Oct. 444 iltititit....,..the_Governmwit.„..p.9g2.240 .. ,... (Str_attord. Beacon-Heratd) . at him to gonge front stein to $1,rii.. to life for the occasion!: ' • measures Which'. Wonld have' had book,that explains the shape of the- *axed furious. Then the .pup,d.L.s.:- -Ta were- no -holds-barred; alid-it- That was the big open-air feature Olifford • ••:. . SePt,. 13, 14 :''erriall Chaae Of Passing, and. In all leaves,• -etc., one ia'im-mmie-rto-polson. covered that. he -had 'fi,_ voice. . ous other attractionS, the •chief of Exeter.. • Oct 1 , pr ,, 'WRUFF! I believe •that it sur- which' VaS4 the three -ringed circas *Gorrie Odified.' to ensure their passage ,,.1.) „ , . _ . In • priSed-himselt as' Vitelt as the •CAt: in -the big tent with its display HanOver' ' Sept: 14, . 15 Sept 28, 29 of horsemanship and harsewonian- Exitiarrcalsxtdoin4e Sept 29,' 30 Sept 15, .16 and Whimsical -clowns-sall to. the •L'endOn (Western Fair) Sept. 12-1 -majority, but solely. with regard to finery would cost' $48,000 and wodld ‘.: h "The daring • young man on the 'S-440'et-21.'5 28 oNer ais face and e tried a so t 'which ,weuld Lstop suddenly at a 'Mitchell , . oibility of .inaintaining. a . precarious proposes to build. This • (hit'," Of ,a ' A ''''' • -* (tiring - stunt Via the tight -rope ; or •Palmerston nd experimental bdrk. It pleased be provided -for by•.,. a special grant breath in his lungs t,o let out- Seaforth Sept', 22i 2 ,ft -s' me.ritS find the benefits 4t will from -the Dominion government. , . although I find it was written Stratford,' ' Sept.• 19-2. During the last session the charge ' OBITOAlti '' . was freqdently made 'that the, Gov- • aliment paid little attention to the ' . MRS. SAMUEL SieGUIRE .Priviiiteimerabers of the HouSe. It ••••• On Tuesday, Jnly 26, there passed. :VAS., SAM -that • i measiires were away -at the home of her • daughter, framed within, the Cabinet ,and- -Mrs. -W.- R. Hamilton, 2iid conces- sion -of Huron township, a :former :vete faced with the- alternative of 11 Guire. The former Martha Ann , siippo ting thbse measures or up- McDougall, she- was :born in the settin • the Governmeat . As` to year 1861 and spent the early part -"what 'eXtent this was true tiVe can where she married Edward Million. -oily conjecture; probably there was - - in the year 1881. .-To this uaion • some truth in the charge. In the were born two daughters and four " "'eonaing term Goverameat measitres sons: Rae, (Mfrs. Alex. McCar.rol), who passed. away in 1919; David; ,-will tie threshed out in,cauCiis and the private MeMbers eill have an, neh; Mae (Mrs. W. R. Hamilton.) ; '• ' . Appei;tUr4tY .6f 'sati,ng 1 their views.' Alex., who died at the age cif eight When these ' meaSures are :brought years; artd Ralph, of StriffferdVitie. Sfrie.v4ient..t..,een grandchildren and twelve down: in the House, oPriositionineta- ft ch4dreu also 'survive. •'bert Will he able. to consider and eiii-,-71E11.11don died in 1915 at Maple ,-til.SeusS them' on ‘tneir nieritS, in-,,, Creek, Sask:, where they lived. at .,*.t P a a of on. /their possibilities in that time. In 1920 she married 'Samuel McGuire and - they resided -the way of partisan, "advant4e. in Lacknow until his death in 1941, And hack of this again "Will be f a ter 'which she lived with her pip* .opinion, which if given ex- daughter ;until her death at 'the •rt,_Brytiervof 'Olivet Ch reli hired man stepped on the saace and upiet the milk; Rather .shee ishly a truce was called and bot went on abont their way. ' The lug was the cause of the, lost suppe row sauter-drragiin. , Next Morning .1 watched with i terest. The spotted pup moved his head to *wait for . the mil Tabitha came- up the passagewa took a look at the dog and jumpe up in front of , the cow stal ,Gradually ,she Aged in until s was- only a _feW feet : from t by plAing the Ina in the sauc Wonder of wonderS! The pe moved in and started to lap up t milk. just don't know what h pened, hut it must have been whisker that tickledithe dog's ne becanse he let out- one. ferocio bark and maae for the eat and th upset the milk. Well, they learn another lesson. . And •sa, graddally, they learn to...get together On these thin oft the fires of their finger, but tb oti-__get Over this They found t r. •tributed to George Leybourne, ,the celebrated *comedian. • ,The • travelling, circus of today is little' changed _from What it was in 'the nineteenth century, except for a few thrill -producing unepaiii- None-of -Them:is-however, is on the same scale as the ig arnum aud there are quite a number of '§mall circuses which travel over :ail parts of the coif:, tinent. There must be SOMe strange fascination about circus life, and I have often wondered howarit attracts and. holds so manY and various types of talented „persons and camp followers. For they `taust have a hard life moving from place and striking tents, Sating up and taking down mechanical equipment, „feeding and tending the elephants and other animals—not te mention. themselves—and going 'thraugh. the same round froth day to day, -month to inonth and year, to- yeiir monotonous regularity, Ode ;would think they Would get fed up with ea such a strenuous and Uncoinfertable• set Same years ago, during a stop- eY over at'a remote village Northern ap- us eY ed ralliament. the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, R. -It:may not be an ideal toildition, Hamilton, burial taking place in - the Colborne township cemetery. frold. the Ohne standpoint. for a Odverninenis '"to have so .great miner clays' •are • fleeting. Willi .011. sorts of crime, ,up to '-inutder,,raraPalit in the capital city of .tlie Province, one doesatt now hear. of "Toronto the Good"'—ex.- thing we have seen pa the political outlook in Great 'Britain is this: "Nobody -knows What „is going to. happen, bat that vs just the same. • ' but of the mass • Of. statistical' Orination "on the situation in ttreat Britain •conieS 'the statement that on the 4th of 3iiitch; 194 had 2,295;000 Pigs, almost ane million. more than in ,"foreelOse, they 'will haiv to eat 13rit1Sii. perk- for quite -4t Ukrainian, girl: .Whe Ims,•spetit year ita •a domestic 'in Torent6 after coining from a .' displaced" pe,r•SOrts camp in Eurork 15 reported 'paying a• .turique tribute to thiS lithe gaid. Entare You' have to .xarry,Ahout„ bevy', heep fat, but HOW TO BUY both have plenty of .13.11.k. Now, they hare, become bosom- pals. They're the very' -souls pf courtesy gach other. It's amusing .to Herb HuSton, Andrew Hamilton there. Oh, no, every tfine -they toughl,_,Lthey,-lost„.1.12ely meal WESLEY WILKER • is poor sport. Wesle.y.,:.:Walker, a former Well- At •that, rt seems to me their* 'known bUsiness man "or Goderich, know inefe than a great many and latterly of Stratford+. died at human beings do. ' People fight his Mime in that city On Sunday, over inconsequential things 31r.--Walkerfor-Sonie years conducted ft furniture store in Goderich„ and before coming to this town 'had beea in the same business in Blytb, Wingham, Clinton and Guelph. He served pn the Town, Council Itere 1921 arid took On active part in- cOni- munity affairs. Ten years ago he removed to Stra.tford, where he was engaged with the Provincial. De- partment of HighwaYs until hii re- tirement recently, on, accouat of ill - `health. His parents were the late. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walker of last snrviving member et a family' of eight sons and one daughter. Besides his wife, the feriner 51argaref Sloan of Elyth,,he leaves.. tbr,ee sons, Layton S. and: Roland j.; of 'Toronto, nod Clarence L., of The funeral service was, heitt.„.at Stratford on Tuesday afternoon, July 26th, and intermetit followed in the Binh cemetery. Rev. B. L. Walden, of St Andrew's Pres- byterian Chlarch, Stratford. &lid- ated at the funeral service and dab the graveside. Relatives and friends were present froth GodeJ rich afid. other poiritS• in *this 'A ,voeinan in, Log Ugeles sought divorte on, the groand that boa she brpite"but hi' r,agli 'from e*Ireeit:grAting that ha allergy:Alia,: Not, editstitute.,groluids, fo 'divorce. 8,01,0g . that 117.8. 1.10tIrta woratteg lalaltag* td 4000' for at, most anythtng#,.ot' ahnott, nothing through they have lost what -they *ere fighting- over. In some cases, hat hey were quarreling over. J., think there are a great manY &pie in the--.Werld who could. profit from the exiierience of fight and lose what you were afte . . . work together and you'll get all you need. ' THE REGULAR Frontcoast to coast, B.F. Goodrich dealers are ciffering brand new B.F.G. tires at loweit prices in years! The new B.F. Goodrich Defiance is a fully guaranteed tiro .... built for long mifeage and trouble-free perfo,rmance. its wide, . full -depth, non-skid tread will givii yoU smooth, somfortable riding on highways . , sure, styaightline stops -in traffic. new Defiance tiresysION ,9t your B.F.Goodrich dealers! es been aWarded .a ,Scpecial. sliver Ontario Consetmtbry,,,-of Uelert Is the young. `danohthr of Mr, and Mr's, Erneit Pridiato.- 31r., and Sirs, Win, Hetherington. eorepattled by 'Mr. and and teddy, and. Mrs. Isfaenon a Id and the lot two ivolck returned td Ur; Ilazot left 0010 days earner.' X4 $0,underg, spent .tlit,.Iveek,ettil. with their our. outs', Mr. and 'Mts. Charle4:41C; 41e • bel news 44 the pa,per today for you is right'in this little advertise-, "FA' Tha.t is, les important a you would like to hive equiptUetit you better nieals with, half the work!. It's trite. ,Set, thete ro:ogis acid: range lids 'brotight tteo into wady a, hoitte« It Lvvli! happIrtets to 14..)1„t top! V• No ke or soot Lights at;tOniatiially otievr.fie :OM for the. naafis ,-of. your nearest