The Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-07-21, Page 5THE GODERIOR SIGNAL -STAR rya .iEZ4$ mTitro , VISITiZGGODZli' rR/. . a ° i �• !'L,X' 30th I} i O R ,c41 'SATU�DAY, ArgusT 6th .for- the Feturimg TWO of.01tor1 Ontario's s top B�a�d and ATX assistingorganixations i. !I i. ,. TheSECOND 'DIVISION SIGNAL CORPS, -BAND• of Toron will , present • their Blue R'ibhon Precisi'on°' Performance with which they have won. i4. firsts in 14 competitions The WATERLOO MUSICAL ;SOCIETY BAND �. inally a • , _ . t , y famous as 'a concert group °. a directed by Professor'Thiel" - The K tche �, ner Aecordio,v.,, Band of :Fifteen 1Vlusicirr. The Kincardine . " � 1 :. ,The Blyth L Boys and Girls " . Goderich bias' Bugle and Drum The Blue Water Band ,, and, The Juvenile . Drill`' Group of Goderich' • all uniformed' and ready to gu for -the • MONSTER ' BAND.' .TATTOO! Saturda , August 6th, In Agricultural Park Goderich Adxiussion :50c •• Children: 25c-�Sh tort.o'clock ,....�_,�,•. oW starts s at_•:.S • rats CHICK STARTER PIG STARTER dean c4 • GROWING MASH HOG. GROWER LAYING. MASA 1 SOW RATION DAIRY RATION ALL. OUR FgEDS ARE MADE 'WITH .SWIFT'S 0 . NC'ENTRATES PHONE 345 prImn WE HAVE IREN-0-SAL : AND KEWS FOR COCCIDIOSIS • The Griswold Trio from Dallas, Texas, .will :dike • Part, in a service on Saturday, July- 3,Oth, • a•t $.ani,t ` at p , the Pentecostal Ch�tt.eh, lCu°.the• picture; from. left to, right; aim : Gladyse" Griswold, ni,usieal .director , Leonard Lee ,Griswold,: jr,, 17 -year-old 'evangelist and.• $0nt 'q y n ngest radio pastor; Rhydonia 'Ruth Griswold, the announcer. These, , of br people. broadcast over :radio •' Station. WAR,: Dallas •Texas, be 'seethe.f tlie evening ' will he L a r . wi i be os ci .1 niu i _and ing., ria d Lee G lslvold,•ar. X , I3e a s c s grng, NILE, July 18.—Mr. and Mrs, livid McPhee, , from - yern hien, , •• bey* r visitors er a, a e vrs tors with Mrs: hack D1ePhee and Thos, 1cPhee. ' Mrs. Henry Matthews 'hase- `ceived word of t death., of .,her; sister Laura, and with her father and sister' Mary ( Mrs. -McConnell). have gone West to, attend the fun-: era.. , Mrs, Elizabeth Girvin and 'Mr. and Mrs, Albert Thayne havegone on a trip to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Rutledge have returned Home after spending'itear,--' ly. three weeks • at McInnis, forty miles north -of Cochrane, at the home of Mr. .Rutledge's .son Calvin, W.M;S. Pienic.--The Nile _ W.M.S. field their annual. picnic meeting July 13th ':at the home Of •the president, Miss Currey. ,Mrs,D. McPhee, vice-president, Jedthe dei'' votianal period of the .meeting. Mrs. Morris read the Scripture lesson and the"tbrd's= .}gayer -was repeated , In unison.. A •varied program was then carried out., • Mrs. • Mcllwain • and Mrs.; •Morris gave rea ' .figs, Mrs. Dan McPhee• a solo,,a. Mrs. Geo. Rutledge' a little' talk •'r Tier' trip rto the north country. 1 She de- `scribed-. the lumbering operations, 'and spoke .also of a visit to Island Falls. -and---the-. powerhouse o i the Abitibi River which tarnishes elec- ;trie power, for Timmins and ether .`'towns of the district•.° 'A visitor, Mrs.,Hoover '(formerly Marie Wat-, Son);" gave a!n aceount of the town of -which she and her husband are i lents - .- beauti-t 'alit g.• - $ich .she. told was that one of -her forme ministers had. beech, .a war padre and while overseas had collected nieces of broken glass which lie brought homn to Canada, and-1iad them .melted and made into, a memorial : window' ' tor their, church. Twos' or three contests were enjoyed, ,after which the picnic :supper `vas -served. There were quite %a number oL yisitors pressent and `.a . most ' enjoyable'. bine '.was spent over the teactips. • • TAYLOR'S CORNER "TURRET" SHIP ° a NOT •"WHALEBACK8" •The follewing__ letter •avas - - ub- lashed 'in • a ecent issue of X e ;London Free • Press: Editor, gree . Press ;. May I take theliberty of making' a eorrection in regard to the "write-up" under. the. caption "Whaleoack,; Ship Re- visits Goderich." The ship ' in question, • "W. Inkster,"- is not a. wha.leback. This vessel„'originally. the "Turret Cape,” N of the wdesign known as "Tiirrot Ships;" built. as you correctly state JO • the •-S,uez , Canal trade. The reason of this 'design in ship eon-. struetion was to have a very nar- row beard' athwart .the• main deck, as the Suez Canal .tolls of that ;day were figured ;&n -his adlneasure= mcent .to some .extent. - A fleet of. these vessels came up • they Lakes about 1905; •namely,"Tur- ret Cape," ,"Turret Crovyu." "Tur- ret Chief," "Turret Court"' and "Scottish Hero.". The latter, had _,to- be=Aeut:An • two ta..• be -brought' through" -the , cal ai system Lind•• -joined together iii Buffalo,.:. for the. upper •--lake trader: ' ,• The others being of -canal size plied be- tween Montreal and upper • lane; ports when 'trade offered," 'Another Turret .ship, the `•T.urret_E:e11," was to have come up the lakes but carne to grief •on ' the rocks of ,the Strait of Belle Isle. ' The • 'only "whaloligck'• ship 'I know of under British.. or Canadian registeh- wax.the • °S.S. `aAtakokan,b• :This vessel; '',originally the ."S.S. John Trevor," .xvas built in • U.S.A., -14,I -n e C•of su•eh:z. esseIs:after 1 .dlream by. the Tare Alexander Mc- Dougall • of the Pittsburg 'Steamship Company. He 'dreamed- that such a 'design inship construction would greatly` improve the shipping • in-' dustry in economical, handling'• of cargoes ° and make for •areal good- 'seaworthy vessel.. • , The ' • • vessel: prayed -MA tehe reverse andwere the.most cumbersome vessels both in port and at sea. The, S:S: - John Trevor was -wrecked- on the rocks .in Lake Superior 'land : was. _later :Salvaged and `Caine out of drydock named the S.S. Atakokan.•. �y r. • • One of the S.S. ,John Trevor's early captains afterwards delivered.. a batti'e °ship•-ta the xrkish-Gor'ret$v went for the United States Navy Department. The vessel' *as at anchor quite close to where the Sultan was in residence along the beach, The, vessel's •whistle blow- ing ,so annoyed the Sultan Abdu1- l;4aniid Jr that ,he sent., aiii, escort CO have' the brazen 'AJneriban par- aaed,.before him for admonishment. When ,the captain appeared before the Sultan•,:- he • not only took' • the adiubitishi fent-;iii gori 1 spirit. nut so 'impressed- • the- Sultan 'with his. Ya•nitee-wit° and .lhuinor that he was, ollered»nnd ''accepted;• the rank of ,admiral in .the Turkish, Navy rem» led -there "in the- rind of his adoption for many years. having served in command of ships at sea, and on the lakes for many' years and before taking com- mand,.__and_ baying+served in• •ther-twe' vessels nailed as first and second mate, I: feel you" will not mind • a small correction from- 'one • of .tha't' fraternity that have gone wn to. the set in" ships. `` ALEX: G:., CAMERON.. Parkhill,',•'(' ntatio, July,. 1949. • TAYLOR'S CORNER, Suly 19,.;,- the 9.The kisses Helen. ani ,Jetta ,Whitely and. Miss Marten Holmes are holi- daying at Bogie's Beach. ' Mrs. Bruce Holmes of Toronto is• visiting with Mr. and ' Mrs. Ken- neth Holmes. • Mr. ami Mrs. Clark Hastings' of Toronto ` spent the week -end _with_ Mr. _and -Mrs. K.. Holmes. • ' Ladies' ,Aid lVIeeting.-.2The.I.adies' :Aid met af-'.the home "of :Mrs. S. McNhll on . Wednesday afternoon,. July Oth. There wa's -•ahr-attendauc:e of twenty-two. The president, Mrs. L. Roilges, presided for the bus. neSS.•..::i'nee,ting- At---waS•.• .:deerdei to= hold a picnic at • Harbor' Park on I Thursday evening; , July • 21st, Su i- per to be'serve-d at ,7 p.m. ''It was ;also decided to hold a bazaar• in the fall: The program: cominittee; Mrs. 'R. Fuller and :Mrs..'I. Oke, then took charge of the meet3rr'g.- Tite program consisted of a reading by Mrs:" B. ,Whitely, a contest con- ducted by Mrs. •I. Oke, and- - an .interesting, talk. by Mrs. (Rev.) C. •TaveneY oil :highliglits of their trip to' lova Scotia last .year.,� The hostesses served a delicious I'u•i.cli,`' BII /� YLD MODBL:a"y°o��eei�. ��ry. ��rr :A ?►iiodelof the summer. cottage to be given away by the, Goderieh l; (1$ Giuit 1 u eQ•nneetiQ* with, Its' 'earnival; +,•1,n 'riday pi btx ` A'ugust: 3,0th,: ;is,, being built at the Huuon +:ngitieer and-ReSeareb-Couepny' plant, ' H rill be -placed yon r .cox? and driven ,aroftuud .to� various; sum- :,ir�ei, •.'resorts. as an 41(1-111", sellh,}g 1 tickets 01r thedraw*r Qn ;the night. of the , draw tete • Model. will; be raffled .off as _a doll's house,. Anyone .knowing .of children is need, of .,rnedJcal;:.stt�entiou whose pared And ft diIIoult for meet. the expense involved are .asked: to •g,t iu• touch,, with' .Gorden , leilfanus,,` hairxoan,'of the:'Lions health and welfare committee. The duty• 'of this „comin'ittee 1j to look.aftef all such, cases.. 'pbairnien• of Other •cquiniittees' for 'next season aro • D, Allan;"Scouts,; and : (tubs ;u: , W. Wood;'., ; ;IL - Lauder, softball; Neisau Hill, baseball'; H., .0,- ,Jerry, 'teen age; A r,Lh• Colo,C iuelnbership', Ain, Mcg` Conned, ,prog•ran; Sala ..*ndersan, publicity 'and , bulletin; Harvey:' •Erskine, rural relation's; D4.;,&Irer4, hart,, sickness and -r lowers ; Malcolm lathers, transportrttien ; ' -Elmer Weaver, . civic improvement Guy Emerson, constitution and 'bylaw%; 'Frank Hibbert, education,; W.'. A. Hay, finance. " • • ' "PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, July 20..— Visitors 'for'a''"few, days this- week at the 'home •of ,Mr. and' Mrs.. Jas. Young were. Mrs. Robt. Mills, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mills, jr., and little daughter Joanne: and Mr. ;and Mrs. . Walter Ewald, all" of :Cleve'- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hayden of Halifax, N'.8.; visited, far ' a ;few days . last- week,e'at thief home of his ;brother, Kr, Carmen Hayden, aiid other" • relatives in the com- munity M Anniversary service will be -held. at the Anglican 'Church on. Sunday, July 31st, at 'T 30 p.m. ; The service vill the conn ted -.'Sy' =tlW `recto.; Rev. B. II. Farr, ,with Rev. L.- H: Harding, .padre' of:eClinton; Itadki: School, ads 'guest speaker. • Junior Farmers Make Merry.-- The Dungannon Junior, „Farmers "met on Tuesday evening of this week'. at "the beach here •and • held 'a picnic in the _ form. 'of ,`a wiener roast. ',rTher-e-wereabrout, one -hund- red , present.. The `latter part of the evening and early morning, were spent in dancing iii the new hall in the, •village. Everyone. - reported a verb''' enjoyable .evening, Successful• Effort. -'-: The bazaar olid: `teii=s'ptin-So e"d---annually Women's Guild of ' Christ •Church wa`s" again, ;i successful event, the .proceeds., amounting to` $145. A -fieri-pound fruit .cake, made and donated by• Mrs. Frank Rooth, 'was wort.: in .a Micky draw by Mrs. Roy „Petrie!". Tea. was poured by "the honorary president, MISS Eliza- .beth liza- be h Foster, The members --of the Guild wish to thank all w ho eon trtbuted :in any way towards the. success of -the afternoon 'and: look forward: to. seeiing the friends and 'visitor's at next summer's bazaar, }Zero right at the height Of the ason pis. ' • oUt opPor, tuniV to urGhase seasonable goods•' at c1e arng prices, Our, entire atack�of Sum • .merDresses ;including :cot. :4' nsa, chambrays, giugha , jerseys and .crepes:, "a a. ,: grand selection and;:a, full >C'ange of 'size's to' choose from. • P . $3.95 - $6.95. - $8.95 - $1O.95 earl Included are Golfie and Tom Bog dresses. - ' 0 0 -D Cou�vT KNOX CHURC1I W.M.S. The, W:M.S. 'of Knox -Presbyter- jou Church met on ,Ttiesday. air-. nooln inn the ••cfiurcfi,l"h""i'he president, Ittns. A. Taylor,, Inetharge of the , devotional period,'... The Scripture. was "read by, Mrs. • Neil MacKay and •Miss.,,.:MacVicar 'gavel the prayer, Mrs. Robt. Bisset, in -charge of the study program ' on mission work in. Formosa, , prepared four papers on the `subject, which were _read by Mrs. Walter, Mks: McNevin, 'Mrs. MaeMi1Ihn' and Mrs. Baker: ,Of special 'interest was a lovely solo, "Bless Thi13'ouse;," sung by Mrs. Wignall,'a,ceotn ianieti on the piano by Mollie Bisset. The Goderich Bbard of 'Trade bias` `r' revived word froin .the. Department. of Geology of ;the ` Tiiiversit��, tib. -Western Ontario that this depart ment, - under a 'grant from. the National Defence .liesearcle Board, is ,making. a study of _the •decentra1- ization of industry in Southef i •On: tario. Information is, sought on, all- .industrial l -,industrial centres in Southern" tart() from brochures published by Boards of Trade. Later on, ,sues-:. , tionnaires will be forwarded to, get' more detailerninformation. .._•SO : ': THE FAMILY AN`D-YOUARE LEAVING' *ON VACATION SOON! ..•.,orae � in ou fu oThere's mora rtl, iati !r d^?�*i %ie*«ats�137u�. �5�,fii-'lsmzz3rtei� #ttreg�,ie��•�rm� • , T T IS, :I YOU DON'T WANT YO Uit• VACATION SPOILED BY A .CAR THAT ISN'T WORKING RIGHT,._ LATEST TYPE TEST AND DIAGNOSIS EQUIPMENT JUST RECENTLY INSTALLED -4,. ' Comfort is, the word for Canadian National travel. Whether you ride in coach dr parlor Car, you enjoy -roomy arinchair'ease as the miles'• speed smoothly by. The hours pass swiftly; perhaps in interesting conversation, in reading, letter -writing— or in just relaxing. .p " • Stretch your legs where so minded, by a 'stroll. to the stupking•coinpartment or droit. car. Canadian . ational service yens esi•' our everycomfort: , n• �y..r• ti4,vx•x...,:, u,c..r. -, - . ,'• �._,,..�^'.,um • :, .:tit7.mx .,.xJ, �.:r+w,'•.iKc! .: ...,q. c-ar;..•,•.. ♦ ,. ;You arrive relaxed and refreshed = wrier► you go Cataadiatt aboral • For dependableaill-weather service, ,travel • by train. • , sect ifri of o1reN of- dal` i�alilii its t o rooms �{�y�yy�} 3ti i li . m Ri r For the C neem nce .,Q � Of. Those Outside Goderch * It's -the most 'modern of such. equipment" and the only one of 'its kind in this area, * It services all makes of cars equally well, , ' ...—,: -.-. "-, ,., was �ansaLwr.,..,a eiwwks .,....Y,,.,nr...++n Pn.a..._a:si,,,!u.ar..:.i.w........+..«ii.,rvw....srs*,.�es,d,<-...,v.Jm.:,ew. .... rs.:,r.•v. a r. ,.�ia�avi „+ * We have expert meclfanres to make :your car perform, well after the trouble is diagnosed. Our mechanics can quickly get to the heart of any car trouble with these '-. new soientilic tease ., • t ng t sh . Drive in todag and a sure. It down t take 10 to Make a did osi your car is ready for:long vacation travel.• "'" i A diagnosis .and adjust neint of any ,little trouble OPO E yon leave on -SAVE "i 0U NfANY 'DOLLARS on engine trouble oat your 'vacation: ''r nkl MOTORIST, a y, Mi i t will pay you dividends to 'lava your tar checked. at , . 1 IL 1. Crttnstati serves' hilt only 'those who lfve• itt ;Goderich itself.,., but also surrolttiding towns and districts, • We make no addi- tional Charge for service iii' nefiboring teiwna and districts.