HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-07-07, Page 2tij tottttl4tar
.0 frPONTH. it4 t(S'it$WQ§P.R' WE)311.04'T::
rohli'ahed by Sign- a14tar, Vimited
Rate: Ottnacbx and Great Britain. $2..04$ A year: to United
. • States,'$Z51).
AATOrtialng Itatea gik reclUegt, 4-11thOrIzeil as secOnd-Class 'Mall, Post
. Office Degartment, Otta*a., Teieuhone Th
Meraher, of Qanadian ,WeelFly Newspapers Association.
. •
• ,Weekly-cfirculatien, ,9yer gsoo•-
403,9BNA-Ts , s. .PLug :
'9Aitinsitz jUISr Tuf;, o
ARTE4 rift rota.
After au -election ingtiesfs are in,
9Vder *ith. a view to determine
the* „:13,O*;and why of tile reSults,
and ;Waco the eve4tfui, 'day of
r4O1l-e-::g,0,h,,--there•:...ims,...bee.n. much-
,"qUestibniiag as to tile ca,uses of
:the whieh ' gave the'
,X4Oral; iiarty record Majority of
-the -Ottawa- seats .,and. -left other
OartieS,in a•sadly.recluced.conclition.
.Vher.e ko:ideteiiiitue with"
anything approOhog exactieSs
vlyie ..ieetors voted as, theY,
•did'o• but the fact that Similar effect§
Were 'Manifest in every Province
Would 'indicate that..similat eauses
ygqe at: work throughout t14
Isloskdoubt the prevailing prosper-
ity *air one Of the Vaetors in the
,iresults, It pot usual:for govern -
Vents tt. be.,,defeated itt good times.
It 'is probablek too,, that the pre -
:ejection .Uctie's of the PrOgressive
POnservatives considerable
effect; apetre et ,t4 Drew-
ISICtlullagh-DuplesSis • combination,
with Botde ilt.'the background, nn-
dubtedlY :itruck fear' to the
4eartig...of. many, contributory.
id this Was the action a the
. week eame along to help Salvage,
itethind a C.C.P. nominee.
" • *
!SerVirtire-!--Ontario-,-LegNSiatz...e---32- .14jrn 6 the -harvest,-• but -in sp
A"tkinson trust, as- of our bad hick this year a person
- There were .fewer:etindiaittes thiS
time than in 1945, when, 462 Con-
testants lost their :deposits. It is
estimated that. 332 in the field of
847 in this election will forfeit their
nient will thus collect $66,400 to-
•vnerds th-e'eXpense of the election:
Leading -losers by Parties are:
C.C.P., 118; Progressive • Conserv-
atives, 97; Union of Electors, (nalifer•
by which Social •Crediters are
Ictiown outside of Alberta),' 50.
Jack Garland,. member -elect for
Nipissing, will elk rry wkight
awa. thirty4mo:Year:cdff
l'Aberal Weighs 500 pounds an:d has
special furniture to aceomthodate
his 0,verSNe. DesPite MS.- weight,
Garland is one of the most active,
men in North Bay and- is -j; in en-
t.huslastio sports fan.
J. Bogle
ilay has a wonderful *ell. about
it, • P,oets and writers for centuries
havesbeen going into- raptures.ab,out
the incense-new-mown-bity. TheY
get little too rapturous abut it
at times, but I Caen„well understand,
theLfeelings _of a city dweller, d.riv,
lug in the country 'about :the- tine,
that fanners Are ,haying, getting a
.thrill out Of the ,smell. •
We bad -boy this year in the field
ne;ct. to the house. This' is the
patch -that has been used for garden
tii.Ack. and potatoes for so long that
decided to give it a rest and,
put clover in it. There was a 'good
stand of hay in spite of the dry
weather, • In' fact, it Put the 'rest
of the hay on the farm to shame..
In some -ways am mighty glad
we had put hay in that patch.
Sitting on the veranda having a
smoke •before going to bed,- with
the dew sifting around on every-
thing, the aroma of that hay was
'one of the pleasant 'things about
the night. When • went to bed
the aroma came into the bedroom
as well, and although it was a hot
night and sleep was slow in coming
I, am -positive that the- smell, of the
hay helped -to bring it on.. ,
These are, warm and wonderful
daYs„ libtiever. rainstorni last
iureurs*Gre"at Triumph.
Promotes Real. Cilia U
arAditorlai #.1'. The Windpor Star ) • •,-
MOAdV/S- ,klecticin resatS are a
great victory, for national -unity,
The resonniling txiuxpi o R. Ron.
• • 4
te Laurent is •pl'that
liel.theE race, n.1"Tr.! religion nor the
two .'twombineff„ Is' any barrier •to
Status in the ,politicat Me of this
That WS first indicated by Sir
Wilfrid Laurier, but many 'thought
acceptance of him, by English-
speaking Canada was miracle
'never to be repeated. St.
Laurent showed it Can be repeated
'and ,he IlaS been given the most
hearty. •mandate ever. aecorded-any.
Political leader in Canada, gnglish,-
or Frgiich-spealdng. ' •
--Keatte-WiireiTrrin eres ng. n
Dredctialnantly ,English-Speoking,,
Protestant Ontario t. 14aurent
tn. Quebec ,•lutd gone Genservative,
Mr. $t.' Layrent still wofild hive
had more following in, the „ Qom -
moos 'than would haye 41r- Drew,
'It s goad for Vanada tO have
PreAh-speaking :Prime Minister',
electedwith,..Such fine suziort..from
. ^. sq1)04101.
down through the yea:a our PrNach-•
speaking• coMpatrpts •bwill have
their fair share i?fuvporitical. leader*.
It should not,1:fe on *any formal
understan trig,. however. Whenever
Quebec duces a Prench-spealsing
leader ofthe- required calibre,be
will ,be -‘acceptable to ,elle reit Of
Patiada; It is in the interestsof
Tall Canada thatthe 'right -men •al-
ways be Chosen, re.gardiess of raee
or religion, •
NOw that 'French-speaking Ciffi
adieus "'know their. rite, religion,
'and language at no handicap in
obtained' ,fifty-slirseats.) A. feW of .attaining the highest political Offine
hese ,areirom area -a ,whiek Contain. in..annoda,,they caw feel trge,,00,1
smile French-speaking population,
such as Esse V county, the Ottawa
ValleY •and Northern Ontario. But
ever! aftei, these. are deducted; +Mr.
St. Lauren got more from Ontario
alone than . Mr. George A. Drew.
Conservative leader, obtained" with
his forty-two from all Canada.
Also, Mn St. Laurent's party 'got.
more populaiv-votes in Ontario. than
that, as a minority,. they are be-
lt did in Quebec, 868,628 to 832,078
respectively - (provisional figures).
And even if his sixty-eight Seats
reciprocating for any g1ish-
speakin4, leader provided he has
the necessary ability and the proper -
English-speaking Oanadians. liave
Wen evidence a their tolerance
and•sense of equality. It will help
our compatriot8 in 'Quebec over-
come. anV °feeling they may bare
grudged equality. Politically, any-
way, that idea is without basis in
Election Echoes • .
• .
H. H. Stevens, once prominent oonent, lElderkin, got 158 soldiet'
the Conservative patty at Ot- votes to Nowlan's 92. ,.Vilderkin
ta vita, ;act in 1935 'the leader 0f an was deethred elected.
independent -movement; road.e an, • .
attempt to return to Parliainent as In- their anxietY: to,Assure-- the
g progressive CouserVative condi- return of the -Liberaf Government,
date in, Vancouver- Centre. A 14,ib.. the electors on •the.' eventful 27th
eral ' was elected,-...tinwever, Oild of June- sent to the discard several
Stevens, trailed in third *place be'.. of the most prominent members of -
the Opposition ranks. The former:
Oonosition' leader. John Bracken;'
-lost his seat in- Mahltoba. 3%; K.
Macdonnell,•the Opposition°•financial
critic, vras. defeated.• by "Bucli.o,"
McDonald, famed as a -hockey
ran yer. in Parry Sound -Muskoka.
„stilts was in the DaVennort riding
.of Toronte.Trepreselited ,for Many
years by John It lfacNicol. Mr
Mae.Nieol was One`of the best -posted
-men in the House, had traveller]
extensivelv„ themighont Canada and
in his addresses offen gave „the
House detailed information on out-"
lvinz places in the Dominion which
to most -of the members were pnly
nnints--ol=t•he im-jr iT 'wros a-
Ponservative. but! Zia ari naTes-
MVP and was c on si dered
unhentahle. was defelited by
a t*entyifive-year-old; strident. who
until.,a 'few 'months ago bad never
belonged to any 'Politicbt party but
atter studying the.seene, threw hi
sample of vvhat might hapPen..Here,
rhaps,, IS the key to the unex,
pectea turnover in. Toronto, Mr.
• AthinSon .M.a'de The Star -popular
Qfp rnt:O.ranit:the,-,peopte-did
Virintr.toseeit forced into the hands
of., its competitors as • parelof
i'newspaper monopoly.. •
A lavorite• .• explanation from
•C.C.P. circles for the deistia. treat?
Oleut meted ,out to that party ie
that electors who' otherWise 'Would
• aye ,goted-7-4.orl-•-thel.r -Candidate
• transferred their 'support to the
Liberalsinorder to mala Sure of
. defeating the Conservatives. .
These. no doubt were some of
'the,..screore,,,important infltiences that
operated, in the „ipte. And: along
•i• • s • / •
"with tese were the admiration
aroused for Prime Minister, St.
Lanrent tr his conduct in Jar1ia
' --ttnt .a no -stand: :bittc-kikp-r.r;
• V7L"' "LS, u'ely galit" 1MS come /11011i TilP • W
• .Pnign, and thebelfef thir drag • • * 'SR'!"
oon • the children into going
• .3yho sUrrolinded brin"in...his` Cabinet along- with: them:cm& oii•ean
emild hardly be •ImproVedilen by
u___ by them yelling clear . un the conces-
, a change of government[j'a
Several or the hired men of the
It may be. doubtedif tbe Opos1 cVstrict the other*day hiid to .snead
tion 'Strengthened ' its. poSitien, by about three botirs in the..biz hole
• giving a half-hearted '-ae4n.lescence. b the ylvo. It seeing that • they
egto *Wear -bathing snitS'
.4n -',the Government's sOCiar,Security lected
12th:en .the berrypickers Caine alonz
ptopoaIs Those Who favortd
efirferk spoca .rEf 1,Ad rt -
these proposals .naturallY',*voted fOr iroin maidn; aar:b-
-the Liberals who had already gone for. their- aethes.,„
a long way to- give effect to,thent, 4. isgetting..along 11.10
, .Liberals Who. :belieVed that th
• .•,
'GOverfiniellt WteS: going toe far -with- *InNIFINIR. TO -1,,flUtY
Such -measures 7rn4ht have given • , (The Printed Word)
_theft,- support- to Conseryative can- '..3.1")17tA a Poer shake. frOni the
PO ets, and:- - the literary• geutry, In-
••••:-.0444-YR*0-7.the- coiseryauFe
- given: them" ! a•ny encouragement tO r
do so. . " • - ations mentions it. three times, but,
'one of -,theSe. references -is
Personality of the .canclidates, as (liallukTlatOry: -In comparison, April -is
always, was a factor, and in some •tayorabiy noted: twenty-eight times
caSes'was Sufficient .6 pverrlde the And May gets thirty-eightiipats
causes that operated generally: ' In the 1.)4-ci4* 711ts Jaly?"fair' What'S
the matter,Olth : 'What's the
for Instance, Mr. •
• - With .-pOets? •What's- the
--.0.4Ftliff's-Itifluence-WitTi the farmers matter with ..peoPTe?
no doubt' Checked' the sweep that • July is tfie-heAtt-,Month. The all
ran right- up to the borders of the around heSt. innuthitQ.M. any-
, . 4
• way, _For onefthltAigl,IT.,..i". ;God
riding. Mr. .Hetherington did, weir thohth r ',getting ,r(6" Work dbne.
• yOliere lie was best 'known Atid is Another adVaritirgeVtfiat.,you don't
can't belp but like this 'season.
I noticed Mrs. Higgins but replant-
ing ber• cucumbers. 1 think every-
body at -the Higgins place has been
worrying.'about the cucumber Short-
age-nriore-thairthey 'ha -ye -a -btu -
possibility of. a bad harvest. The
Higgins family are what my grand-
mother called "pickle -eaters."
Now. ,my --grandmother- was al-
ways fad of the Higkins
S() your can't=.'foke -it -that -her re -
marls was. mode- in a disoOrngltirg
way: She based it, on the fact
-that' they ate so many* pickles.
-Ed --bncebonst
eats piekles fOr breakfast. j .kiitw
• a matter of. fact that in -.the
wintertiine 'when we drop.. over for
• mime of ca,r_ds. and- Mrs', Higgi.ns
makes a: Inneh there's -always h hig
dish' of 'pickles, ,which Pd. fnishes
with pits/ remark. "Hail.re- to . eat
these lin: _they iniebt -.
notice the .hetryllielce:t St -ten
ing agross the 'flats by- the:;!riVer'
*0 the, *slash .where.iit. As •rounrted
The,' f011o
the /Writer'i,
111614:11.:hati e7a. ed
fair city s
at that. 0
I. shall tel
we went f
lag letter as *4
4 tke TOwn CO949,
IgYf 00 'the COtinclf
best Way to. miovet.
'hat would be to have
iblished. l'he
• ,
; IA
pportunit7 Of Sig#Plai
' .4.0. efening i • par-
e tN4 7eeks- a o and
I lost My cow toy hat
' 'This hap h 8,• the
e the brim, ;
yotuatheveelv:aanlontuis pl,naec3tesi.
day:- and Quid, apPreeiate your
either givi Some publicity 0' thie
request 'or aring • Your ,se‘retary
"-telephoae-t • . / rieutt-plates--iii-ease-
they might 1 /ow 4f. the fin 1 dis-
position of y fa'inonS, hat, . . .
- I am as'tellinpyou the arious
plades we sited ••so- yen, c it ap-
preciate th- POney. which: Is :Spent.
hy• tourists *Ong ;such • fair
eity as you own.. '
. 'May I f they •express , • ap-
preciation o your city. It is Ideal-
ly laid° Out $ id if more citie bad
the th,ought n planning whi • has.
been given Godftrieb. they ould,
lbiev'e.far ,bett places in will h to
We.,arrive • about .4.002,the tfter-
noon Of ;fun lath! and drove. down,
to the wate ont, where we Spent
a very nice hour leolsingt-axongd
and purcbas g hot dogs, peanuts,
etc., at the ute -little stand yott_
linVe down low the powerhouse.
After that . went' up and Sent a
Couple of te &finis at the C.P.R.
office and; b the way, You have a.
very smart ilung, man there. who
is very co teOns and -efficient.
From there. ; walked *up a block
or two and. • supper at the hOtel
which -is- a, s from . the- -1TOtel,,
ter that. we looked
around and ally -secured. a roOin
up on. the thi .floor Of the Bedford.
.Then we wen back...and took in the
•-picture----sho i -that- night•, --•a-
-nice little 1, ate.' The film aS
.Johnny ' lie i / .1 After the. ph w
we- went acri • : :the street te, a v ry
nice White .pot type of oat ng
place for a s els, • Then vie. wall ed.
n roil ed. town i w.hile-rind-li
to the hotel Intl the .mornin"g';
went- over d .ent another t_le-
gram. Pro the -I went to be
barber shop hi h is half al hi Cis
east of the elegraPh .officeft.-f oin
there to the postoffice: froth there
to the gasol e 'Station. ricroSs: the
street. from the postoffiee•; from
there to th lunch Counter across
from the the re, ,and then- we'7'went
O tor, an owort too vart ot 10.3r
iva734.poNfoir ttuito.. itineiari
fZLGroder4,10.' tiOtimelteri it Is thl
037,orme, IttaerarY tor cOttple•
YOU, ,efin,! Aii„d My' hat. .
Etrit2t9Qtni4„„ •
, The call to. citY. and city
wages has. won out la„ We cases
of ,ilfteen male "new CionadianS"•
Wile arrived in Ooderich one .7ep.r
4go from 4nrepe And 'vvho tilts
week finiSlied their Year's obligat-
°rY'CnaPloyment, farm.' Chief-
ly Pols Or Ukrainians the fifteen
VoYine.at Serv,i0e office in GOderleil.
OU'1119aclAy and received. clearance
paperg work henceforth in OW
'Particular 'line they desire. Man• y
of. tlietiriieht to WQ*'111 ,tbe `steel
'mills at Hamilton, 'Vvhile..;Othere
went to Toronto and Windsor, „All,
went to cities. •Pive, others, ha,ve
conipleted. their year of Work
on -
farms .but, hare' decided: to remain
on until the harvest is over, at
'Which: time they, -too,: will' seek.
employment in the cities. •
'A Dutch tunny, Mr, and' Mis.
M. T.Jil and twO children, arrived
on Monday and juive been placed
on the farm of Mr. T Kelly,B.R.
• intSoinctehe A gontesomx•011,1a cHpol itialel . , , ci lir," shtheed_ livIrshuleot
)flwiniiiistetrh ; ijorecie rein el se.i'd, Ifeupthc)iie
United -Farmer uprising of 1921, a change in the- appointment of
',parliament has had, -several women
embers !' usually (rine at a; . time
Miss Mdephail is now in the 'On./
tario'Ledslature,..and, the sole i•e--.
presentative of . womanhood in the
last Federal House was Mrs. Gladys
Strum, C.C.P. -inember.• tor!„.Qii'Ap-
Pelle., Sask. Mrs. Strum -Went down -
to defeht last week before a -Liberal,
and it looked 'as, if. none -.of tfie
fifteen wonten *JO' hs.b10(1,to meth-
4- ` 41• ' .2 .•
•bersh.ipb. 'n.,•44-he..4101.tSe had made
the ..grad'...A.I.a,"te .4turris. hewever,„
from th -',:-:'43141..sli$ Columbia riding
of Burnaby -Richmond indicate that
Mr* 4Dorothy- SteeVes, another"
',nominee, is eleeted ; so
Parliament will nor be altogether
it .f'stag part."
This B.C. riding was first •eon-
eeded ,to. the Liberals: AO Mrs.
Stee'reS' electiotr.brought- clown. the
"%itinibei; „llo-f'LltieraI -setits Fe ' 192.
It .lias gone un again. %however.
aS the result „of tile official conpt in
.Annapolis -Kings, .N.:Et4., gliting_ the
Liberal a lend of two votes. This
leaves tfie overall (.0i -int for the
new House: Liberals, 1931. Pro-
gressive Conservatives. 41: C.C.P.,
43:- SOcial • Credit, 10 ;• Others,
• „_. • -
Annapolis-ROO. -IS the riding;
leng--represented by Mr. Ilsley,
„Which«, went -regressive Conserv-
'alive in O. byeiefection „last win -ter
With 'another bye -election vic-,
64. to he COligrat.ulated ;upon the .ge'ed, need: O1otb44 niueb,00d. so 'wiry tory ifl NicOlet-Yamoska.• 'Quebec,
I I iftheeeSSUr3r. vP,06"' 0-F'ortif. :nwtt.ffie, „,raiSed NtPilegressi, Censervative
So. yon.doiet, have 'to Jai s to them
listeht.O.,„them. ;, There is' no
questitnOtbiiiit bein*.the hest
month:- Its llAhatist, is
apt to hive 'fi:Ost' towards the end,.
the °minion. •¶tho is orif i llgflia the tl!..(liP.
4S,ow that the, election is over, coarse, because rnosenitork,.; Yorkh.nri polled a large vote, over
have.nothing to worry about but In spiteoft' theiwBattlett has 12,O0?).:. -llovi:raver. the ProgressiVe
ht,lt StrikeS, bugs,. weeds; fourteen kindly.'lreferences. Eveb'40>nOrvativ0 nineini)er in the last
Allgli[ cost of living; the .Way --the
iinto.fntifln'House, A. rt. • Ada to gon •tsf,19 re.
Illected by -a reduced, majority.
falilt 'is not lint with •
dress,„ fiat* 'tires, taxes, arid . .
,where to Vo on 'holidays, if .any. -the poets and everybody. 'W live Tt eannot be 'said that the Gov-
- s * * I in titieipa tion and don't ppreci- erninent will be • dependent upon
7l'A report from 14Ingland is that 14to(1 thirig. when we .hoye it.- the Oneliee members for a
•, , riartlett•.fifty-eight honoral-de In • the new Rouse. Without the.
an immense new coal has mentions for spring and only six. 08 -front e`ivelfee •the Government
been ,discovercd in ,StafforclShire- teen ler siTinmer. , 'Vet spring is 'would stiljokinye a clear majority
ine•rety the, pfetoge slimmer. of Orel' 50 •/'
'-'that may contttin as mug AS. tWO
iifla tots. ,
the retiort is cot. When the promise is. ftiltIlled We
•lose interest and% CoMPlain about
"firlAtedo the• dls.coVerl should ' jut mir clothes 0.) •tlte Mud!.
lOhn •the- poise -n 4-VV-Villie got into, the
r...:71/ $4-.01,,,,.t.Ortqt&411v47 antO,
traffic. the ritotds ox. the trains. the
stinIated that_Pir-Padg the thriee-pntted • green,. the
• are, a PtipulatiOn of 30006,000 by tenes on the besteh: the iinapire's
the year 1080.. if. Godeticii, Pateflt faitiS-41inl"Tiottv'' the
• 100W"',iii, Pi -abortion ft Ii�lj b5t sul,nmr fs.-goin
• .1080 he. 4 cityf, 13,000; :or,. .34,099...•,
:but 'there f 4.4""if." the largo
Pittifi',.4borb too. item:, it shitteof
coutow. gr.ovvItig population.
Alftre fiti$nsyg 'been no official
_opening tf qdodethank
ptaigtownds, ,the youngetere,;.
ate A6thing for fotattlitteor;
'ln tite pot1:
ding the'',
'otiJoying the Lttthe
groutulf to tixotr heats ' "cbttent:.,
Xt. .1)1. 4,41tte. tadition;t� thle,•,7o,igete
of 006i1e1.
• •
0 PS- g p c, co e
j1.41-80., •,ret,uryied t? the
Libtrad. •Tbicrost Week. '
Miirray lIteritighan, son. of Mr.
Senators and 'should. allot seats in.
the "tipper' House" to .others than_
Liberals, Mr. MacNicol Might be
e' of the first tO be so appcipitedi
, 'Tine Streak," flying out of. the
Whiz -Bang loft operated by-PereY
.Johnston, won th-C,711, Ming Pigeon
race"frem"Napanee- at the,
Week -end. The race; 240 miles,. was
a tough one, owing to hot, humid
weather and the visibility of Tess
than one mile., •.' .
7illeftrilts in yards per minute
1st, P. .TOhnstion, 828.03 yards; 2nd,'
Wm. Baker. 827.2 yards; .3rd,.J.
Peitehey, 825.6 yards; 4th. P.
.Perteliey, 825.4 yards; 5th. E.
Pertehey, 825:1 yards, •
The .•,ne_ict be from
Brockville. '
. ^
.13t; CANA1)1AN
I• tingston Whig -Stta rd
•'Aincrican 'tobristklare again
,itnen and Welt/erne -are of flying, 'Let Its therefor,
oft •tirie Ittriitiffier „dttyFi, Let 7.ta! ineinher the borders •Irlietise the
oilr hest solifeit„ and tiot-'ni1mb Virtues itid-viraYa ,whIch 4tiake the
,itottOres edstoolg., Abel iiihab1t4nta--7Of cottiftrY north
yirejtidt00,4., tef 'do 'thii4. nota' the border illfterent -fly "Ovyii
tritontiptit. ,And40.41t good ways -bp
'mothod*%o.re 'better than ,proadlA at ihoeteistir.,canndoiigi
hep:aiiSe'. At,n0rteaa • Avierreans do not con* up: to
Jasitors.dotn tt liere to 'see 'us Canada to See their oWit--"Stitrs nM
.stritios Waybog ..from every hdt,/dog'
()Tie of' 1110 for lad.; they do not come'
ftisto 1sthfl theY; rros ntt Itif#f" b40" to f4Ei. ilo1-(16g VVO •
,Antlothf , 'inter '0' qiiontd. offer' them ,the bOst we
6ottfittv ,Whieh under „:(T iliffeerent: toed; 16d4ing,, eoltutrykilo
OA 04. florit wtt 4Q06.iitte8g; "tail .,..the `best 'to hal.*
an intere.gting 1e74 fti Vitti*PS fts*,•that is fann?ithtj. •
. •
the soldier vote,. a.nnotineed at
the week -end. MOVe tire Liberals
•14,747 0f• no 22,714 total.. tile Pott...
S.0,01,#rltive," ,1ft--.P17...r. 2,204. sfv'to.1
Or;edif .1169. '04 "the--fe'ef`-fil-74TWTY
candidates, The maiorlties of
klevero.1 ner-T.ibernts reilhe(41.
Nit the onlv-litiset canSca
&nna!eolls-Ottrest. N.g.; tovorp Now, -
flys Potiertotl*.r, obpdirlate,
'nisi howled Aver. • 11Is Ljt)efal
and Repairs
87 West St., Phone 574. ---or
above Agnew Surpa,sg•Store;
Phone 1199, ..t9324:.
• 11111111111111111111111.1111111111111
An Air Force Recruiting,
*Officer -Will the -
Tuesdao,„Suly 32, for the
plitiose Of -intervieWing
applicants age 17 to SO for
tions will be accepted for
• aircrew and Ovum:dorm
1 p,m, to4.130 p.m; -
„R• s, C." A: •F.
tondon, tintoio
while you
• --:•
Drive in todal
fr 1-1Inbb,
Duolite a nc
(Or contact your, local
Garage or Service *Station
0:i •
txuetts.eo, UZ
stt ,
job, excellent eondition(,:
1940 Ford Coach, good tires.
-Iroth, cars wiltilable-at-Atractive-Prike,
Ps age
Mercury, Lincoln and. Meteor deafer
St. Andrew's Bt.
"Be miles ahead Wi
Phone '625yi'
,p.,It Was ance belleVed that living.
humaat beings placed in • 'Winer -
stones would ensure' the stability
of a. building.
• The expression "Viacie- qp,w"
Probably originated, during tklia-lifeir
of 1812, when all government AV-
perty • was stamped "U.8,Ht
- . • 'clip
• •
• -"-"
T-79, .eomplite with 25 -cycle motor,,1/4 H.P.
ciniitiletewith Briggw.Stritton 4 -cycle
gasol#te engine.
Phone 69-
oderi ch,
L O. iNhehitone
( OE Ce1+1441:ok.
Wevt too To uutt.t or erilar ,ge 100 tete- o necess4y taken place.in a period of
phonebuildings id the last three years. • rapidly rising costs. Most .butinesses
We were 'obliged to 'cid this at4 tiMe .have offset.their highertosts by higher
When, building costs were abOut•double prices for, their products. 1/1/e-liaite tot -
. .
ruAYco'stot%co--,- * - Yet odutth'ceat6.;:e,,ure -we "-e
a despite. rising costs-- - •
on all si es there-li4s"beett4tQ iptrease doing_our bese. to pro - Will Vide' yotiePwithil
,:at,,s'e's-`t'4b14theda ?.tedleetiputP0tnee' a'frefva icce°n—staanntli tioni'fifirr°0vvItlictgq.
Tosineet titiprecetitiftedpost-yar de it at.'the lowest 0.tes, cotisistent i4iit
inand'for more telephonest,our el.tpatr, a --air return our41nvestors: an4
• sit* and improvement Of lervice have **.eitipr9yeet.
- • ,