HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-06-09, Page 677NT • ''Ak ,CCOatitTled, trete 0440) , there is a far Pettet and 'OW, WaTY: apd, who winild wish on ba •re# to:Make shr:47 that the 40VernMent Anent tO..giVe-hita Mae' tangible Wilt haye no:need suPpoit front' nt•'.017"-eonlitim'ilt"nroliett4 „fle. thiS, 0•;- w.N..pleaSing. to than--lts own' "metnhers. and that bY ts-. to. woo. sure that. there is .'it that go4t441WnOr a` Very . large Liberal majority in • Parliament; n2490V on the '''.27th june,, "it isn't that anyone really needU9W to i - - • - MoilVktocialfsin.* . . to werry. abont Socialism' being. .d.q. notice trete, the press that ...the forced tIIC Country..hy a minor - leader of the 'emiservatiVe party ity% In the last tWQ monta trayelting about -Western. Canada have peen from one end of Canada sax** there is no chance et,- the to, the other, and nowhere -have' Viberakparty. Winning the elebtion, been able_ te substp.ntial I.PrOpeSgi to, read. to you, the eSat t support for Socialisin, No govern- itordt;1107.11sed-lind7read-thenr---;1 •ment•-is-gobarto-be-foqlishiwebough- - zou -rte 4 fotindhetit reported* to :adopt. socialist fitatties, or ony The Toronto-:GlObe and Mail; *Wake Other .-'polieles, which, the great .110-• **Stake about ' the 14berAlS :inajerity of people do not want: ,•'4enit't' get 'a Clear InaiOrity in the The !Dilly time the Goverament will ,,,'ne,?0,„Parliamentr After ,that state-, cOmpelled to do things a, lot • "Inept be gees.' on. say that indess OT people do •not like is when the the Liberabi'. get clear niajerity, eountry and !our institutions 'are ',they...09111d be dependent upon the .danger." DAring war the JP.IPPort of the: goeit,ilistss in, GevernMent tlid to do: many things linent, and waidd-have, to. carry ou :,wbich.."people did not like. lint Socialist -policies, and. 'People"shOuld . Canada the majority of - the .aye tbeinselves from Soeialisra. at people, „even when they did: not BeeOndaiand by v,oting Conservative.. like. wartime ineasufes, were ttlink lrou will agree- with me patriotic enough to support them , • d,,, .. • . , . ri ., , n ids 're 'smart. . they're. fun . .They tell the -.cOmplete • ,„!ittiry Rtyour ywedding with. all its,, traditional. „ • solemni.ty and gaiety. rot.' years to come . you1. 'cherish tb.ese informal photographs_ _that recall , 'the Joveline? of your wedding. Arrange' for yOur--apPoilitine41101k. •4•.- • ' St. Dovid'St; Goderich, Ont.' , eieplione 401:3 „ •A• • 1- • ••• tr r ; c ' A, ,r.— , , , .... ,r, , . 0„ 40,,,,.. wet .,,,e,o, *,041v#404, ,giou'l.o. .ip mhera.---. Now everyone 'ip, TorY,Thprothiee; , . . ,_ _., ,,....,_,_. , : han4s,',,or :Oise private".individualk ri • }' Measures were, neCeS,Sary, for W.i.n..', agree.4 illeitlii?liag. A ,,great many.' 41f Were are ally here. worriecl-bnt'purchasing,. **Or helps, main-. ra4g the .vvar and saving their -conservativco; Nynon you 'talk 40. alma the prOspeets Alt Socialism, tain prOaperOuti.:, e ditiOn0- and a xtdeon4Q0orartelearysttiutuultria 4 :,ogorpot,4117040)/ .tp,..ein 1,4, private, that the Oehserv- Make - .Y4nr. 4;44 0411PlatIOnfi.. -4 '00. lev,91 al gP-1 bv,44e-utt N7 v,4''' ,to.:11914 its ovvn. ,Iii, trhe. ovost„D„, Noik-require bonletng. Over' MI. ,liniring and PstifYing, the Prodno- in-the*ileXt.lioe, .0- have a Mala qin? 0 etMANPaittes to eati,00, the would: 40. 40' sieliberately to , 4,14,4•0' """Y° 1314rt '17v41' be' ve. 4ort'unatel itself' "ti.plioptilar .by Noing 0411gs provinces in ads. oiestioo.,, . . when, Ity, The exaleervattivea had 60 'in Ilede.' Of the Canadl4 oPeePW* , ',4"t43CeVe- 401't viralif-40-d. 419al en -ree01140 thatat' the Prignetat tlae.,Jast 'Ouse •and fp,' mus t Make „-„,140re •Are r.and alwaYs 'ivill, be. ''ca-eakliah,$ dea't want ry--SociaPsni. bnie ent.'of 12.the • bad tea ity.th 0, S'UbStantfal .4.n.PrOVentent hefoie' lndly,lduala in a.' nall94.:11-1-4ablOf at ibillty * the direction, og oe mber. lot "Pat1iamPut,"110•11)V 1101x *°ll W,i',4%11 :e 14;11;tatind)M774:40alY kAlt-r-waYi. to Mahe Sejlyt4111.. -144It4r1S4reen."Inirefalary t' A---4,--Jurve--aitespo Would net, take them very- irar te- ill :PagtY I. 4134 14(4.4'41g to allow word forming a. goenunea ..-for sure of having. a Gjeverninent with have: 9t4eF, ,S,ocial Seeltrit);, ineaSures t431113.91tibtyeradloP,Ilrotty. raiandov-tpoirngls tat; ms administration of the Voiele a inajority • 'of Its • OWn to carry then nnenaPiOnaent inearence amt. con Vince& ' the Mai OritY a iwoPle. cowitry„ • , : ., : . ,taiabrximitilytp,,loW400,!,rthOgroput4arteo.:,r11:17... IlseooeiraitrieseAufreirty7lininaerayltips9rfsid7r4e7;: ''"Then: the two central' prOVittee. -,,n2t,mth.:4tpolzzisti,lt. oitoou,t.,1,%.• caw Ive7Htile Inas:124 i.eoliftielzen'tefuinddii_att,9_,gteutiloizen itolLvalext_' which . arefLmt.:0Qtraditrorna,olfl!'iil'eLlib.eara114 ilaPliialentation. Of Liheral policleS, anLiberal r polleies are, as far' removed front totalitaria.nism-aa that is *hat ,Sbcialism lead,§ to- .111:oecnaliiie•civattiovofe 'Ilti.einr:17,°tSihnP4et'C.Q.tstnh'eeojeetsii'itslieSn:). :0411Arttl.::‘*40:•3Yadalta:07:::;ardl: Toryism- either, and therefore, if to that'provinee in Whieb,, so far, ,have, alWaYS •been-OpPased.•-tii-Tory- Which' elects 73 members. "I .am, -Awe is the Province Of Quebec' 11111 , 414:6ritY. i: -mere ' to misure Ulla, 1reSult, Then after 'the 27th a - .7. one ; and there Par.ilament workers a sense' of security Alot. are Liberal and they want the i.., What you Want isAnsurance again4 mid With his eanIpaign more'. than . , . Seelalieln., 1 suggest it wotild be-- 'half over, he. hag „ntade one brief .413'111..1 nm not g°17-4- to rt -Mile pan of Socialism. into the lire of t.1131)earaiick since the earapaign. that the 'only reason. or 'Oen the unly.iie , te jmnp from /be, frying began coapsivatism. , , ,, The suuntien in Quebec 104111.e;"eeid"'"o goelalisYM°Unogr4 i;tOibeTa4V1101ds* . • ' . .„ -31 "Let ua look at this :'statement P.,The fact of the inatter'is tfiat .TorSTieni .: 'The ,i.nal?.i!', reason': for of the . Conservatives and 'see what the COnservatives by, therdselVes voting Liberal is-beeal40 we ' have - it 'means. ,when,...you-, go home, jf have n� more strength, in Quebec it is 'hot-• too late; tale a pencil than they have- had.' -at 'any time and -paper • and figure out the in tbe last thirty 'years, and what- ehancet of the Conservatives' get.- ever. hopes they • have to return to ting. a. maJority .in the. fortheomiog- the next Parliament a certain nnin-- election. . ., • ber of meMbers, to vete are inillt Election Prospects • up on the rather' dubious, alrianges "There a.. 262 members to be they.' are'attempting to make with elected to Parliament on the 27th- Wasp who are not jaiberals• in the of June. Out of those 26,2 mem- Province of ,Quebec, and I:suggest bers, 34 are to ,be elected .in the that -you, coritritst the record' of Maritime -Provinces, inchiding the those, men tWith. the alliance • be - new Province of Neaoundland.. If. tween the Liberals ' of . thtoth0 the. vote in the Provincial eleCtion' provinces of Canada antlAthe tiber- --Itc-NeWfoundlandjs, any Indication as' of the Proidacee,eQuebee. We Of the meod of the people down are not looliW far strange allies, there, I vmuld not give much for and w.e 5tWri'd on our own feet. and .Glebe a Statement said to be made I. was ..rather. do not despair of the San Francisco the •prospects of the Conservatives er our own name. June . there will be •a ' Provtneial amazed to.see-Aliis morning in !The CliliVter: 'We' come: when it will fulfill the noble - hope the time will in...that province. On 'the Otli,, "In that connectioa election. in Noya Scotia.. and eVen iisteraa: vy.._is.ii:x. aboivon;,,,Con;. IhirpOses inteaded for it Until a • strong. pon4erfatite, • paPer like: The Ottawa Journal admits' frankly servative member in the last Parlia- that.,,tilne,,,!Yon_bave to_have more that the r-Conftervatives 'have no than paper doeuments, to -ens-tire chance of *titling that' one. A.nd national Conservative Convention ift: 'peace on earth. You will remember that centuries ago peace was -to lie went and president of the recent Tionula.v. and progressive Liberal ported as :having said, . brought on earth- to men a-nd Wo- I in .New Brkenswick there is a strong, (AtawriV... Ur.' Macnonnell Is re- adniinTtrotion.standing 'ighoulfle to The • Globe: and maw, wicithp.07414edotain.., men of good • will; but there is One 1 Of the most powerful of the iia- ' s illclei•- With the Federal, illeral-,tioji-marks,-;-.J.The•-74progressive:....e.oh;.4-Iiana .::::signing., -,-the .:40.11-2-1..It"netse..... Prince Edward. IslOnd. . Well, yo k Sweeping victories. After alb; he charter whose gootl will is in eubt, and until that nation shows a better candidates. The ,sante is ti tie in, servative financial. critic pre_di,cted ean . draw . your own conclusions said, the -Union. Nationale is mdie4k disposition it is necessary to have abbut--the--Gonservativrt- p , s'71, the-olT:Conseryttilve'Vtur ' 11-Que7-to.her-insurairce.",,=bie_lr:-.4s-seciiied. 1 _ tbe."...4firitirtie Provinces.... _hvYykilad. bec,. wi a ..new „name: , We. woe* the North Atlantic Pact. , • • -seven 'Out of 27-41%-- the last Pailia- eightar ent: 'ot 'ailnet'k' selits.."-,;),u7tge--7 Xe-zr-4.1h6ritiefiedive' ''ivere utile' : .men,t I de not.see how "they ape -I .-A: P . en i 1 el 01' ,..,i1•'• A nr to bring about the completion Of going.'” to... make much improVetbent Pro..., ..yinciai sAi..i.iorteitS :,eN.310.k, ile,Fi the ..drearn-of. the Fathers , of Con= In the next-'Parlianient, Nit Oileveltit 11111104,16atirthOW--...," .., y . ' . f iv,,.: ..,.!. •Yetltratibt,'..''':ko".'41'Ow;.-4this . eountry (ithrettrr irnroes'pes 'eQtw.fildoweQrni.et1111;36611. s$1.41':i*''t.c2:421:enfttelella-441Ts;ti*a).Cflopilllt 4t ' ;IikdePeeit;:14ri.6;fiii""tgirraileIl'f 411:°PhO "Then There are the four WeSterif names adopt ii °-rtlartn-trc. , rues or q alifying adjse. to.,•fak -Oa in. the Paciac, and It , . . P • • •I I • I had beftire and. eCalibine to maiii- tsaiits,;,.:ztlsbtIe;i;Pwr4,4es4eo,rf pal4sAgeemi. pthei4., ptoSibS6tballe6 fiduf)t'w"hich'ef)111'5°.°tIelle;: otAilleY b4set at present pracUcable. The system •rvercluyiliar:e0.1:adrtn9gve7eisie TWInenpltesn'„tra11 tli we live ,been, qnable to get; pentling the: One when: we ean" have the ' ecineentf, of ' all *Pro- v.ineitil.GOVerhmentS;:" P,arlialneat'at the best retord, the, best program,...0m7ns:tb:b7y:FasTiaolnligsfurtbobsaleta:bt'3alosa!leijoinamPs4ro:uv.pei and the.hest pol ,icies for .the future' and because -we lime, in the present Walth "Measures. - Cabinet, a group of eperienced: "Another part of the Liberal .and able men who have. demon- PrOgram its scherae for health strated their ability to give:Canada seturity, and health, insurance is good goveraient. „„. another matter Oat -cannot be ire - for pie ..Cainul.hin • People Pleeleateci withont the co-operation • Ohere • has been reference al- of .Provin'tial -Governments. But ready to the North AtlantiC Secur- allowed Federalthe ha. GrpoovseoribniTtetyn t :thaasoll:inefic ity Pact The Liberal Governinent was able. to take steps. With other' pl.nrga.i9.nac,e- syetta .asgtarneedmeipnt,sthewiwth4y tboef clepacratie -e.agntries: to form the orth Atlantic raetr,-)vben Improving health services. dollars and charter operate as the voting of- million8 G°51to6vl,lPincrease 'food it --was -not-at this- time-Fol,,i- last -Year,- the FederaoLs sible `to make the SinanteriFderadn...civrsciei Tncrugeufgtne*4i-a a- plan health facilities' and researe.h....fOr :diseases still eausipg much distress to eur population., • • "Moreover, • no country in the -world ,has made -7.better7or. more cmplete provision for veterans 're- turning from the last war and for, "the families' of those 'who- .did not for 'veterans than Canada, and no 17* MoI4110Al. tT, . tELE1).1:16Ni 99"i/v" return. No country bas done mere Canadian- --proud of ---his....•conntry MOTS -71V-e- have -done • too -mticrfe-r , . „ units have been previded in. our throughout the:country as possible, •••• DZ- ••• ' 1•$,, • # • ; Y • The Ortins,ton, Ifnueral " , • ' u can depend on when e,Cono'srril%4ye4r.i.a's't41.9eTis'iie' tyer . .042DERIcH'S ORIGINAL :FUNERAL , these who have crone so much far sisk; if there is anything that can country singe the end :OT:. t'h war. under the' conditions as they da. _eothpensate_th.oge brave men,....a.m.. That is a reater nuinber n ro-• velop, from ' time to, time, And to women for -WOW- ''S-erVioeS tO'''It'S-' portion - to •our -population than an .seetbat tbafr-we-are-,-------a wa,- fdely—,,---,-,-- We.--would...,,wisits.-that,-tbipg-kto ,be where,. elSee.,-.Ja Ple..: 'reed-- • . 'The ..dia.,t041.te4 As. Re5sible .throng. out I done fOr them. : -iF,,-01,.4, , iininher-ir - fara41. ,units:- ••iil'. Otir the Canadian- matton,-•ib' tha -..-iiir''' ' ' - • ' ' done .,Ciaiiadian'nhtioh has increased. even sectian, of Canada's. population, no 1 • ' - ' , 4 e . Theare; toldIlii ! "I \fly!. hrar:eblerimpt faster. That is something .‘at ewlaieh individuals in the Canadian...nation, . enough ..cy,ith: respec,t. to, tixe,h0nong. We 'should, all ',:oPice., It IS. a , sign will have the right, to feel - their Problein. Ifl it -Van' hi; kifewn': that et- great --national- health,- to see fellow citiZenS,are:no,t, :giving them videtr fort our peoPte, "Ive.---slroutd-healthf -fainilY----finit-S' *Ahem 34a:v. the .. f -there" h'i' been .tany. neglect,. ",oinee.•tkiS,- ?,-;alfid rincreas.e-.4.fampy_unAti..-4.fatr and Jr0tAlealt; It..bP a great . . , 'Ate end of the iillr, in efforts to.111-..1ft,ta 1S:e the., fondly .1.''3 the tOnfida- .thing.,:attl:'. a,1*4&",-,-w 11 be a, 'petit ,• crease the number of Tions•e'S pro.' tin of tire' -natfoff:;N-',241,11".lnitie thing'ttFlieell!Ggiid nii,wx;4,i-...,----'., •-• .. 4k. • Provinces whielr', eleCt, with the ' ' • , .,. „Northwest Torritori conserv-, ',peoples in. the tfXnJaIf es --and -.:7741kon.--1J" • --Naiionnle-the does bring into one riaiion „these -•• •f4,„ -fouls ST. LAURENT, prime„44.110ster,of Canada • • , . . • „ ''.---t-.' rAttlitOtTdiiit-ife-21-7(14'yot.ermust---...onejor-thern -. ,.. _ . ' , . iisk himself, ahead of anything else, who -This warm .and :essentially siniple ••IS , (1. • r • ative Party? • • • •of the. American continent, 'to give be b.lianra :and. eandemded, but sfik,e "wealthier -'and stronger the natioa.. " "I. Wonder it the ' resent, leader -greater- assurance of their Security, .: tire end of the war ev'er.,41fing.prand -the happier al). citizens he,_,...p_rogressive_couserrntivsi and'even 'military strength to ,per- ,,,_ ia-bs.iug- will he a* members of, a stronger 'Provinces, feels .that . the 'Union form *their dutre§ m ' the North-I4-16(1-bleAlas---besloaci and Atlantic , alliance and 'make this Party, as it is known in . other done...T Will accept -no Maine for, :andgreat-6r oCriticlar. We WITI-Cini .Xationale ...in.L.Oetober,_lam_wa, the kind of nation no aggressortintie to enlarge and expedite efforts the period while the war wirs on, really the old Conservative party w a - a. - _ kvery tla-v---the. --wa 1 ta-sted-Gan-inade-ta-Premide....b.ensing....far4-thez. when Mr. Dtplessis . was leading The Government has not only the Union:: Nationale in that elecd been:" able, to :handle these InajOr lion on the ,basis -that Quebec. Was going. to 4have nothing to .-do with the *gar . forced on- Canada.* • ' "Was that the policy of the old Conkrvative party in the PreVince of Quebec? "and , rowonder if the Inational. tilide to increase greatly. policies..i; advocated' . and, strq.egy, litg ','60106stOr at *Me Pieient 'fibre Vlielic.-.theoppoSition sit we 64 :011-eb:Cers---ietiltheit4-1-1;e34--Aat 10,1411g! -.491 -1* --44.114.. ." .,:•,41304 the- old Oonservatite *AY, Thai 1.n.19, • eXpoite 'tOeinib ; - i s4. 45f dellars more than in A, it ; : LV48. lwas-,net-the-way ---.1ehn A. Mac -- Donald • and Cartier tried to win It is a ditticult,,task to lind rilegir- their -eleftions, and if they are able tharkets ., at good prices for 'particularly because the . the new policies and tactics of the exPmfts, home market makes so great:a de - new 'Arty there must be many' of feel pretty dubious about .the pre- PartY' ,w0-,Inahdi but • so far we have been able' to .do it, and the- experience the old conservative wein io acquired over the Years in over- grtss -that has brO'ught thaf state. . .' •'--- ' ' coming 'difficulties Should be. avaii- • able.' to the Canadian people for "One . of the -,Unien. ,Nationale in 1942, Overcoming the difficulties we shall leaders, Paul,. Bouchard; have to face in future. " when I had ray, : Ant election in "We " have Mr. Bowe. with our the constituency.' of Quebec- East, . Department a Trade and Com- , tried to woo the 'voters Of that merce and no man. in Canada can ' - Corn - riding by the. most 'Violent' talk do a better -job for the Canadian -.against the war, efforts to be fourid anywhere. Mr. Bouchard is now people. - A .Fair. Share_ for „Fanners , ! a:candidate of this gropp as a re; ' • "There was , another s'erieus stilt of this alliance; and heAS of Bello, PrOblera. There has.been over the ranning in the county decades wimp displacemeat ,of otir chasse, and he made .a stirring api, Canadian' population away from peal to the electors of the county,. farms to the cities and towns. 'It reported ,on _the 23rd of 'May,..ttnd a. spleadid7thine" fa- -see -our- spoke: of -the undesirability of their la to*ifs, growing and developing, but ; giving any support to a than 'iVlio have security .and stability in had anything to do with `bleeding to the nation Athere .raust always be a the country white' for the Cause of others during the last war, or making contributions, which 11 .plaCe0--at---liye-bill-ieurto.-4elp---Engr- litrid .and •blie .Allies- to wpi- ,that teryjme_s_tr.xxi,ge, in, whiCh our oWn existence "The langtiage used by him . ap- peared ia, almost Identical *-orda in- a fuil-page advertiSeraent pith- lished on the 27th of May in the adians. a•ere being kilted n (1, ..anadian people. This is the prim., Bad.esche is often caused hy.fazy "Kidney responsibility of Provincial action. When kidneye get Out otonler esiess maimed. and , our 'first duty, to arY' _ roblems at world statesmanship, whichall our effort nal attention 9 overnm pts, but a Liberal part? acids and poisons remain in the system...rhea _ ut wasable to devise and imple- :htld to Pe g.0'0,11, v.k',41.S. to hrrtig- ;the -"w•ill" "be , readY -th '0°.„„,,"8 backachs,, iipadaehe rheumatic pain, Att- e& policies 'which brought this War to a . vietaitals-. clo,0e sharese at,..ftr.0 with the .hr eiP "Of •the ro7;ffurted reit tiLthae..tifeirnie feeling may ountry a period of -ga.keir pros- earliest pogsibfe moment. Thi ,l re,. yinces to'proirlde.honspig. conditiOns, 4,20. 1,,316,. Tc.Flielp' liee'Viiiur Jealneys rity than, e'vr 'before. It has, quiyed dtcyoting to the prosecution conducive to 'general , welfare antr workingPtope_iy-use Dodd'a Kidney Pills. mated markets ad helped- nter- of 'fb4 wiar all material and man:. health. • . . , i I Time-feste0, popular,* safe, non-habit-form- iinwer :1N -unable. and. T, will hover . "X11' these are different aspects -A nIrDE-ntaild Dodd's Kidney.Pille.,,in the blue'. regret' iny : part . in' devoting All at ,tbe 'applictifi6ai of at ,principle 11,0a. 'with the rd band Sold ed. eierywher. 13 -131 pe 5 -e.nevgy il'a .4)1,1Rong die \ver.,to •th.-1 at the .,,,,as ofth : Tabefal porideS .. ,.,„ - ru 1 ad.of the overnment. - dig juktmuudimot the product of the small town, 'of humble beginnings, hard work, a big family and the friendliness' of,,,ountry neighbors. In blood, language and instinct he combipes the quarities Of two great - In Louis St. Laurent, Canada' ha8- . found a great national leader..., That he had high abilities of thepind was provedby his careper in law. That - le had wisdom in cabinet, Unique gifts „aat parliamentary debate . and a qui -. gasp Of large affairs- beeaine clear as - .. , soon as, he entere 'it le ove—rnineiii:Ir ternatiortal affairs. as one of It origi- hal advocites of_ the Atlantie. Past, be litadeAiself:alvorld- fig -tiro -Who- woke lout rti8 no Canadian bef rhinin. the • eonncih �f the tiations. Eet1so -reiettleif !in erstan rag • Of or 41ary PeoPle;.beeat”e. he 'is fr , . • _ „'k;i1 • To the voter it is equally important , that S,t. Laurent 118 the leader .)f. a truly national party, with prOired,. streiigitt- .,froni poast to toast, thionly party whipli _ can, hope to &bid a stable governnient aito ,the 'election, E18 ehariteterf 'Lie ability and, his athievetritys 1iave made Pe°Ple• • SY NATIONAL C , ;:- trAvs,,,4 a996 ,• 1.1011-143,ig 'deg:rep wgifare-:, y• • * substaatial port]. and Strong Voir, esseittial_labor reau.ired f0 As thew will ha I 44 I n of its virile men n engaged in the f • life and- energy,. •e to be nien. and • 'arms-ter--pi-od • food that weus/ have te live, farmers -III t the. feeling they are get r fair share of the national income. It is a great Eil*Itta •geittatti011aktrChia404474e.:. oyer the.lag.tfew years, the primary producers have beett getting. a fairer share of the national income by the progressive Conservative, than ever before, and it will be party., not the Union, Nationale; ittd the. 1)0110' Of tbe Liberal Govern- ecintained the MOst -violent appeals. ment; Who gill still have the re - to religious and racial prejudices •-,a1)eltelhi1ltY of office after the 27th, a , which the Canadian public •has.,,had' to See that policiewill be imple to deplore In nany a Yea,r;,* 1 sag.; I/tented to' ensure that primary pro- dticer& will ontinue to get a fa' share Of the national income. That will be most easily and satisfactor- i,ly realized by tanintaining, inarliets abroad. There May be tiniesxlien there are not satisfaettity iiTarkets for *our produce, but the farmers, .wili be protected. _After' the last '„vitar (.OVer,ntheat of Canada enacted legislation for the ,establisiiineat of floor prices that will engure for. 'the. farmer, -that get 'Softie 'fair---returnrfor hts .labor. , "Not only have we in Mind the Protection „ arid interest Of the least in one of them whifili I -have seen, and I have. heard it has been reproducedin others. It was signed th gest that e responsible leaders --of the- Progressive Conservatives may wish to repudiate these religious appeals. If there 'is -anything Im- portant to n, g, lathes and gentle then, it. Is to have and maintain, national unity in our country'''. and ,national unity is too preeious thing to have 'it tainted or threat-, -elk& by. appectIs to racial or Ve- prejtaliees. In any part of, tl4e country. , , —we)* 1 siva inOst Of last ael,elv in the .Province of Quebec, most of this 'week in the Provinte of On. Otto, and WAS roost cordially, re-' eoired-wwerrefi •liiive , . know`Jhat'for :the Mites fri areas where the -Liberals i)roSlierity, -of the Canadian, *dial bad, not done so well injecent j, Mete must be a high 1evel-0 mu," llat I.inust confess there' !PleY-Ment- t 3110 he.On•-• eue aim Wag. soniething A little different.and, Nthetlior tho, kt§tilt of on and there "Intimate in the rroinee 'or not tnere haS' been, a of Quelled any viveceptiOns. re - 'naive, btit 1 antle to the conclusion that there was an overwhelming'. ,majIn the Prrivince Of Otetioc, !iltigher level, 'of ..etablOSinient 11 feariada tlutit ever befOre- Yet even so, -ere7-1ife-tririe-OLVIceli-,:-Sonfci--nieli- lready„and to*Work Ire With- out' the employment neeeSSark 'for oritY who 'intended to stip/Jolt candidates ;thew to gain t tibStotence Toit Odin - of the notonimetit ilOW in •ofilee ,ef Iseifes, ivaig 10. guard against which X eniieador, , pitiftitiots rif this 'kind the'. .Ontario Not a l'ory'strolikhO14 tioverninent, *provided unemploy- ,,Pr'oSinee of Ontario'Ms, ineut*Inquratice for the prOtection oftenheel! ,regarded as the strOng. `i)f tho$6 of " our werlters. Who 4ind hold of Torylant Weill you' need trieinselves ivithottt eniploynient, onlY Iool< at the-retiirnS of all the, P#41 without the tueans retit1ired..€11 clectionS. since 1.1WI, $:ederal (>1, pure1ual3e things necessary fok 808- 1lroviffolet1,•• the Province of OW' ttliiltig thmSeiveS ,oul 'their 14/11* :tarlo to see Clearly 'that. ()Jilted ltfea lic OxiStenee *of PorollAslhg, very far Indeed frilne heltig powber is not, °ills- of valuelil „ ••• diksji• ' A -- Woreit are e ep4oltes-7 and we all use the Thiephoo ,,,oreP' :* • "t$AY, AND Nlqirry 8eyerLdays a.Week the, tele h9ne is at yoiti sew*. Quickly and eaaly_ teeps yntOrl touch everythirigand every - 'body, .everywhere : There are :400;000 Wre telephones and two, million more calls a. clay than there We're three years ago. And serVieers getting better all the'.inne in:three 'years, hoiveVer, costs Of ir4rtant rarw.materials for telephone lines_and, cables have ris,en,sharply. Copper prices have . .doubled, zinc and lead prices tripled. Yet, up to now, despite. rising • • • cost ona11i&4, • ha,s, keen_Roiarease in the b:asic telephone . rates established 22 year's .agrrew things give you so fmucli'real , 'value at I:Itch-low cost as yotir (elephone. • • We've .broken. all retails but there are still orders We haven t RILL TELEPHONEONE been able:to keep. right ..orr working and building to COMPANY, 4,0 make your telephone service a'''bigger-kargain than ever to cone '01FtANADA - tmue to providemore and.better,service at thelowest posilble „ ' •