HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-06-09, Page 2R,O;NC,QUN. ,'r , *,P#10 ►MOST P NVEER%Y Publied by Signal -Star, Limited 4 cVIP0Q11,, ,tea- (3ana4a•. and Grreat Britatu,, $ •OQ a yea : to Up ted, ^ ScateS, $2.60. • g' t:, on re' uestt Authorized as aeeand-class ma• ils Pilot ,T+ le ha. a 71, .::,. � � t •O w * .e. p. u . . , Wee Departmen , . uta a o aa-- meekly ,New pera.. ocia tion WeeY Gton.. 4ye(Eo. L, -ELLI rma 4 further 4uccess an4, hortrs, —1"7— An advertisement for Park The Habit of Prime Minister Louis hurrays in' The London Free Press t.. Lai<uxent n last week' i , was, a mems` prOelaima; b t thg at "He As,, vi able eeaSion' ;bit the political, his rtrthe�t'ovQa un,isietiiis a4uxity' does not Often. see the ;heads th {.. A� e, niu.tioan, x and the fact that • byes Sig ;Iaitu:retit', is' comparatively 7}ewcOraer in: , the p»slava' ,scene 1rep • additional;in'ter'est to 'his' visit. As • most' people 'know,' Mr,- St. boaters:'gave-: up one" of lithe most lt4eratiVe 1i w '.praGtices in Canada to. give ':his Services aS a member '44 the •Go'reraiment; during wartime, And. ,he 'yielded only -to earnest sol eltation ' in`; remaining , in the `P r the �eone1t1Sion of the Rl�lnet'• a�� , „v ,a s Haviu , the to give his on'tOy ffai,rs o.t state, .he bas riew, "'ob", the' sane � tea his � .h•. es;3 the 4th ,sale• t..o'ro g•:?a, iete>rmiiia>ilon t.$ succeed that mh Cdr' ` i , dlstingq hed., sueagess • iia ,ir;o'as *ocitirin. He does dq► t y 1i .Tea; As head' .�• i 'people he tesoiyed the y Cttn�dF at4' eels :acquainted at .the a Suess-,OtiOrtunity " :With '' as ''many: :th • ppe4ple:: lis lie • 00 01 reieh' ..., e country. -wide • carapaign laao:; t eAenF untiring in .pursuit : of. Feat tesol,ve one. 6_r of those whoo -1X..4 7t �uaut�.a c,r .: , : ;that be r.; = s worn'' out several'' i of,; th correspondents ;• who "hath e party and -it With. y. ',Out wi par• •"ta ou R`s� rt is to -�.rne`'Wntt mat.: his . ease :.a<. aril nly_. part rc-EG ar �u o •,-p bl PPe a _ "sof the •ba. idea be -carries: His of= cia1- dittiesr travel with 'lira; and he must—]teen. in. constant touch *pith affairs, .of state. through dally. • eau Canada." xs•• treated is many in- apital: cioinintr tro¢ • with the • cdication. The ° • question -of 'a • dis- ta those Who have been with him tinetive Canadian flag is, of course, ,he isi "• a marvel "of mental strength also along these lines Until this , ,, f question is, settled, either by Parlia= and' phgsieai•: en urance. mentt or the G"an %ail.` Legion, -1 ..,a'17ention^`Tot--the,Prime- ini M.P. for. Lendon A similar error pieQbably is made concerning .other triad a.,es' or ar�lisi�n�ut:`'"Th,. House of Commons .' was dissolved at the Close of the last seas}an 'and there : are no. 'L's'..now and. }vll,be' none until After, •the election. lrF tanross and other members of the ;last and p7renions parliaments are ex-M.P.s3asp1}t may again become M.P.'s. WTW TIM . STARS •AND Editor The Signal -Star. Dear Sir, -Being an exponent of Canada and feeling that the in - "NIS, 0SNFER li! .tlin ,F MEADOW$ 41.:1`4 _ B �arr* cv. TRYpie »AY, o v Turk VARIvi Around here .the., main topic of conversation these :,days has to do with .the s, .reit of moisture, At � Y the stare 'or : the grist Mill or the dance ,in-�_•thes..sertlhuse, _!every farmer is ,concerned. abort the. way his crops drib . drking. ig, Il No Matter ry at r' hove hard ,yQU w¢rk or ho w scientific., you: become, the xnntter. of getting enough. moisture - tQ�;• nOtake your crops grow lS' some- -thing .._that's, _:beyendr yau4- .In ,segue place§ they have licked„ it pretty, well by. .Meana of, irrigation, but here' amongst these 'hilts, `u?f oras it wquld' be a neat trick to make irrigation work . • There are,rt ' number of peQp1e I . , • hint t t .waul , vit t. to vis ,t� me tact with the •old seb, ol,.. •bringing cently . submitted by h o this tit tn. suppose at this moment, I suppose tl3e sae. "ttiernor elms o " U it h-e'e`I�'d taheh "4 'iu amu ire. sun ha t some bitterness in nix and to interest all, the other readers velopment, .. s Pl}. v . d from the , veins, becauseitwould be.'a subtle in, the, life at G.(i,1: 1' Also -Wish An• appeal wasp receive means ,of. informing -them bust how f!+�•^T' $'ISA. , ' •7� ~ . , .... •A 4 •A1M�M••{• �� . ♦ 1 , trgit.� M It .was, in deed 4: great *onOr 1'aet when, the I rime. gridser of Canada, t e Right Aon. to- the students Of Victoria 'and, Central Piibli ' School?s; the'SeParate: .:_..c School and the . Collegiate. Prin.. Introduced e•. ,Pita[; th of ai. Scott 444.4.�_ .:.. 4444 P'ri fi" to he "liinlater,•.•Who spoke. b e .Y the :crowd, - and then proclaimed the rest* of- the day a holiday. , '{'fie readers, -this ., week's- num" eek's Dear, a 4444 • num" `will be not only the last for this dear but the last one written' by "yours truly." I. hope you have enjoyed, "G•C.I. Chatter" as much. as: I have enjoyed writing it; . 1-• hope it lids. been able • to keep, the graduates of the. Collegiate : in con - to tbOk` the Staft'•of The $1ganal* ,Star for znnlctn,g,the "Chatter:: 'pos- able. P`Au. TevSPirf" MODE 'WALE: 4C 'ohVN I';OF 6O»Ia .R =G erieh Township Council met at :9 .wri:m, on June 6th, the Change' I , , M, being neeessiitated by- the convening of theCounty;Council a, Letters' read`'and ,:o r de r: Zed Were d were fro4hTorontoasutGpr•:f, ., , 0 "meat-Com;misston aid* the Uuieiilpl 9 the, "cltnton, H glx• Scliool' Area .` Beard a ° i Wa, Dougall, •,.County lyveed specter, ydas P�rese'ta give an=' :nGegpnt of the weect spraying being done in this town lap, • • J, Elliott was present and rshipeceivedoa thethe "appsubr-ovaldivisionof , 'th'pelans r. Towne,- wrong they are -•about . living ins} -the coun'tr3�; ' r• ti • In • -the ° 'first .,place, , thmeys;�‘,tliat , chap : at the'. trust .company!: in. the eity where .1iav a:.:to pn.y wy mort- gage. - Possibly, the trust company doesn't pay flim enough, money. `•%n any event, he seems to be - most warped in his view on 'farming.„ Every - time I•` talk to him lie tries- to. Make- nie ` feel that. 1- aria: the; one responsible for his paying three dollars for a beefsteak when be rides on the train/ He; complains about the .:p*ee> of :,.eggs 'and • the., "nn,d . ends up' the" ;terests of our•,couuntry .cqn, .best' be, priced'. "1 f- mil ,,i . andre xn.,:,eonversat' on •.. by' .:saiy ng, "Roy',` you :TeaItann national pride,.' I ,feel d , . - • °bin ell'ed to question the unneces- have it §,aft:"'° '` sary � display of the Stars and `Them is another type; ' fellow who bumps • into me occasionally Stripes by, the Blue Water Band ou and sneers at me. .fflHe tries to give. the evening 'Of June 2nd. On such the impression tht[C X am sort of an occasion—the visit of the .Prime aracketeer and. that '.he , knows` Minister of our country -it" seems rac e>t a isn't ,going 'display abort.. �y . - � ... r and ,sit .gQ ; t41, -_Ine • &finest__ _insulting to.... . _.: iv „. ..to t i'll anybody: He gi es .the flags, of another- nation, ..: pression 'that I am` a- mighty ....smart : Gd�erich 'people may `feel' it war - fellow. wlio du wits the Income tax ranted owing to- the ,town's being i? •at every' turn. 'He is4'a�lso sattraction and-. copeoplen44 thaty_ _ somewhat' a tourist convinced' farmers during the deriving -much revenue from Am- .•war made themselves great :Piles ericaai tourists. however, any local Q ash watch the .`-haFve eachad , pt 'e: - h a - .� .,,r..i,.4 r,.p . 7: gpin�,ign-�appea•1ed `"to.: ,oir; h �g 4444. - h ;n� 'ia�ee °re'a"�v: ..a . a�V'ay 7� �� ; �e ��xt ; of Jule' 2nd, •could, offer no •e$- to ..be . brought out -for' use during' planation - of • the phenomenon. Am • the . lean ' day of, "a; depres;Sio is ' to - this display • is in deference' Another type is, . my s preying 'rela- erican - .tourists I feel : it is: mis- . . placed-andv-s ryes , o�rr byes; from : the city-yT.hsy....sfi�»i2i?Ila down, -ii tlie-fall--and--load p -wit+; at or.' �humor�:' :an`y.; _of,,:;them::::whq, _ni , . ` , ev •°rconeeiv ble": type`of� .: rsiduce • e� _ , . a P .. , be present: i : ' , bind plunder• to.- tido them over- the , --The, . creation of national pride winter. _The think ,it's ,sill ;;a ,lark. Is :not only necessary but,:imperative After 11,'living on a ;Parisi Is just' ' •3f .;the,apathetic inanner'ih wiiicM1h so much fun.. You ' w'ork • a little in the ' spring to put'' in' ythe • seeds, but then 'you .sit back andf' let Mother Nature provide for you. 1 wish all those types could watch the, -pastures. burni,ng„xap-these- slay§. I 'wish they; could .tollo_w us _from dawn' until dusk,. trying in. a piti- ful way'nto" conserve the water sup- ply and : also to keep the garden truck from drying' up. Maybe it would' convince them that farming -. has many hazards -and that Mother Nature is not always', p. benevolent creature. ,,- • would not be complete' without a Stripes be replaced by the Red reference:.:to sibs consort, Madame.Ensign. as being- in 'tetter taste and• more in. the interests of Can - St. Laurent, „It Is no' Secret`mthat yadranis : w the mpt*rerly lady with'. the. twink ...:F- . _ Tours. truly, Zing eye` d thewitty tongue is • A -,M 1tfaeKElYL.11;. G and.- .i3 th ;tin Ill •• d'e�otedf to her job Goo r�eh, dune , ` ' -r as , a ; utotiier as he•r ,, hus Ed; „ e•-- 'in let>teit xs par- band is tt ibis, work 4§•:/t. `statesx aiY; rticultirly : sseicomse tin that 'It/Inters Slie and thei>F -, t1' ter -Mrs Sam ` objection to a 'displays thwas � Offensive -to many on the occasion " o + m .• y - v ellzng ''t+eam^ Y xi. ad .�� �- of'the Prime M•m;itste'r's Vi,s3t.: Even. e° " :p +;r Ji ideal associ- :if; the intention is merely for please *:.w n est regard from the United • S:tateps,, ations, d • � �^r�it�rs •- - - e esteem of those who met them there -is no reason w�y�Ih� tars ' their_ visit 'h'ere. and Stripes should be so conspicu during `titer . �,.. . �• ously .displayed in ." a Csun'aclian "V�►'he-�the.,Autcome of the elec- town. Our friends from, across the I mmy be, the : people. of , Gode- line expect to see a different conn-' ,peh `' and • the.' -.district will . retain tri. ' when -they come to Canada, and they must. get a queer idef+of .Can- th St• Laments the .,most' pleasant recollections of adisins ` when they 'see their outn Can- tle - tag so prominently displayed here. " ••°• , - • . • parade the Stars and • Stripes 'Tot ISE MINISTERS' • VISITS on the occasion of, a visit from the 22 .YEARS APART r Prime Minister -of Canada is,* an Insult to'- the visitor; On inquiry rye 'find that those connected with I)4 nrories were raeka?d, ' on' the the Liberal association -liad 'loth- . -- Minister - St» ing_ to. do with the presence of the ' Stars: Lsitirent';s -visit' to,Goderich• last. and :Stripes , iu the ; pa rac3le Yeek'; til determi e' how long ithad on - Thursday ,lust . We would, ne r}commend tothe band leaders that; been since this town...had seen. and they .: d spens'e vrith the U.S. flag heard d a Federal Prime Minister excep'f. on 'special occasions of ovel- xeavitt's. ,” Theatre- at ' Exeter.: which for ;many. years had been.: owned by-,, thei-IIeavitt ; family, has 'been sold to G, • D: Thompson of St. ,Marys. • Andrew F. Hess, : welI-known rssident ; of . Zur nh,.. had `. formerly for many years clerk and -treasurer of 'thy Township `-of Xav,_ ^died- at Zurich on May 30th at. the. ,lure •of' sixty-eight years. ie had been in i11 health ,for' some years. ' 71rIr. Ding *as : here in •• 102 � • in slip- come to. Ms. visitors., � . ' ' port ,cif , Archie •1lislop In a Py- - election; He has not been here p"•s�iuce' a i 'Mr. Bennett .. ' didF `� not—',. ASHFIELD; June 6.. --Misses Honor. Goderich with ti visit during -Anna, and Charlotte'. Mackenzie of his ' term in office.. .. Toronto. were 14`ome for the .reek-; Much farther back . Sir John A. endo - _ _ • Mr, Bashi Stewart or Toronto Macdonald spoke 'here 'on one oc- spent 'the• week -end , with: his bro- ebtaaion inthe '80S, nper0roliLably ieRn 1-e$8i-, etheMr,r: Mra,nDavMid,s Stewart. Archibald : Ma c ne_Qf_the M tcTiy .of Detroit -:haweoved�•.to- , tests. He ma • i• hove been here on .t* •�m their farm' north Of. • Kiritail" -,:.. ;.other oecaisions previous to that, The Y.P.S. -of Ashfield Presby- . ^.: • but it •is doubtful if anyone' now inn 'terian Church lielli,,,their- 'last meet-' ' derich irexni'mbers it, ' ing for the season.: on Sunday 1 1... APO■ ■1644 S,Sn'�A ,t; •. , ,•, •.,. ,,,. ,, 4.r .r C o 0L Ce c, Maio •. � ° draft regiTlator, . ®tc. 2 years' gtR�Oan Od b,YEOlt! CQ�, 'O .,. ., , Aero Streamliner 4444 y yai,,ri- 'A •'k'� ,K, `:t P"l.eFy • a�'I�dP ,ka, ` a a , SPROIAL F L `-DINNER RVED:FROM 12 NOON. . A11�a.; , . •'§ TO.2. P.M,' `ANI) FROM % :30' UNTIE" r y/+JA:,,9.+•.,e ,--..h,._ s,,,,,..••kr��,'yH....' f�� �ry����� A LEASE 'P*ONE or ^$50J for Re of vations Salvation Army through 3.:A,. Sully c glycait l an- and,,a • grant of -$10 was • F. Thompson :handed • in hi.s report of the ijarble fly ,spraying, cam- paign, and this report was ordered sent to the local Department! "of' Agriculture, for their. approval. .. The Clerk was- iiistr`ueted.to ;e'om- munieate with:the proper- .autllor- itiesand tiry "•to •ekert wTiatei*er fluence this township might have. iii -having_ the •Bayfield 'bridge com- pleted as soba ^as possible, Accounts -`presented and Ordered Paid: Goderie'h,Township Telephone .July System, loan, 'x$700 ; 'miss Acheson, use, of home, $5; Lobb Insurance ' genet',;, premium, $17; Ontar&g :De- partu ent of- Health, insulin, .$5.13; - direct relief, 1-23.01 W. A. Hay,'. secretary .of Salvation `ArMy appeal, $10; , A. 3. Murray, , treasurer Clio ton- --Spring..- thaw, ° $5ll' .J; Littler - warble • fly, -spray` powder, $48Q y Road Superintendent's payroll,' - /4o,: 60 .$1,795,4P.. • Council.. to meet qn.. 4th .at 8 p.m. HOMPSON "Clerk. R. E. T , Powers mowers, up to t5''; .All •-small :tools._ .sharpene+J -m : at. rens' ,Q 4. Linke '>tihe , P V, Thomas,<'64 El'gin Ave., , ROBERT GROVES., 21tf ..: 'Piaui „;+, ,*: - , , _ ;,.,..,.' ., ,,444. Plain or Fanc •Cateran to Sleeted Gi oups or Parties -www: ,. •:k', :»` �. 11'l1QUI1Ce�.th8+'�„ „' ' 'the Saixlts, .�� ,Go �uv'3sh�to a • t ' •, r'o , : ',,„t .' alt �:� ". it ui; :• e b e th ve s os o 'ha d�. June 1s - and take .thi ' means of expre ging" ,thanks .to Ju t - .the buying' publio for'• the" 'patronage; given in the past. and :to assure' ,teem that. under. the ownership • o . Allan., they *ill 'receive the 'same service and quality," of co41: the future. We 'solicit : a ,continuance of'- your patronage for• -mit ` -Yard of • Quality:" Lehigh •"'Valle r=- �-` coal' ''• • that as tailj $7 West St., Phone-574—or above Agnew Surpass Store, - Phone' 1199. -932t1 HYRO f TOAD - �:.- Quantity609:KIG ubes_.NceW::Sean :6,0 t /i r _ r Pf {r ! yr}lAf+i1 r j ri7rf/ .6+f:, ... ;:::, v + :.hG:.'^.. +fr>s., r, :r� S 4444... , - r F-''•:�`• ,•, .' ...•.Sri Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier was -here in: • : « 1802. (if memory' serves rightly as A .algesi bed Ad Pays Restilts td the date) in the' stirring contest • ;-'bctWe9a M. C. Cameron and ,3. C. • .Patterson. This, however; was be. * • loge Sir Wilfrid was Prime. Min Teter o:nd before' he was 'a "Sirs" Sir Charles' Tupper also was in " d idericb. on ..one occasion and ..ad" r 1 ^ .. �,:' �✓; �, a 1, r rr�r fir ' � , ;dressed a meeting fn. Cralib's butt as to whether ho was then the head of ' the -Government (1896) r. r pr the .. leaser ,• of .the Opposition , ; .>r1). • (OM). , memory is uncertain. aderieh did not have a visit r ' TO.Priati 'Xobert''•Borden, 'but uccesserr as Pi inie 'Minister, Arthur Meigiheti, in i.92t:: ad,dteseecl a meet .«M 1+ .._-, .:. .. _ ... . -_. 4444...-�._.... ing• Ati the -'Si'�Pebtreet~ rink in the Coutse• of the ' eainpaign +which• ° - b> iLrrti',ij�yght• Macs enzie :Siang to 'the fro - it ,•appea'ra, then, that. from x.92- 7 (loderich *n not .f .vored witlt"'n Atilt. from` tete hesaid of -the shite until the present' election, campaign" s�"»rcwW,f'.xJ.uc✓c,�uwer :bi�o�ht � StTi greatks+swhh•;+.-+h XaaHt " *tilt i text Saturday, Canada's Air Force will be on parade -for you, your family and your friends. - anP�'•i:'v'' R +- There; for you to see, will , be spevtal ground and air displays and, exhibits shawin ' new RCAF equipment and braining far;ilitiefi. 'CO 11 y AND SEE YOUR 'A R FORCE IN •ACTION . meet rhe men who -,keep. up. its ,,great.tradition :.. anew gee ..,.` 'the RCAF at work. n q. £ati r lay, I Jnude thethe dad` 'when , RoyalCr inia is i` Air Force Stations acro5a . the country sill say 'Welcome' to lith reds: ht tht>;tsands• of Caans. You'll e • nadit a" real thrill you spec .: your Air .Force in action on SaC��x 'a ` 5ffcrinooin. uA„„ 4F itifice . n F ,-A •, , -, ..- . 4444•:. ... i,. .Y. ., • "ad -marks to an''t u' :tame thing. At1ti1M'IZ!!d baktlar.of coca - s oudor contractVilth tocalCo4 L.td1' i & tltl t lations to;. '.theyoung•. , eple Where mates /appear iaa� the. Vats of antdosSfat school nttd colt e; aitatlaattort candidates. May shelf'. i tar education tiring -the* !(f1:Y+viit79006,'INt`tR46,4141rg416Yr!ril444froVihVYtriLwxF,re.n,i•�.�r,+s.