HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-05-26, Page 9• It pays to buy for, cash. -
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yt• «a-•" LtaI';=N TO .i'A.KINQ Tti 1'NE:$1'ARb 4
Sb.,.enjoy.�:lhe_.conslstotit_stnoothness,�ihildness Sates ..;-- €rrn '.. ' -`Isis 1 it rH a u
LDDC AbAf1 N t1[T l�1CKt NQA, V, J a
r ., YN off RkA�'s�� $
Wf1�N � � �� N HbH1
, fi r
faction ol�•S�syeet Caps, thea, V * Cioar'ette: WhaT a foo M nN7ittit •foo YIcs t
« Oesti
On theSe.t Cpbandwagon.
e ',
1Na tha popular thing fo d
Oontieu4ed trate• a , UMW C ti thly 5 ,
a ' Orece Hutchison
Eight yeas, ago, When 'he was
drafted •intoadianf •Gave ••
-lent kor teMPOrary wartime Ver'
vice, 'LOWS' Stephen •St, ,Laurent
tariltely confessed know xtotltfng
of poiiti'es ata have 11,evei D had
anything- to do- With 001,4104.46r
Today, at 67; he le Prime 'Minister
.0.4; C ada . and a World: fl p e,
Before tlie'wnr he accepted, With'
out 'Otlee lett trO:" ' i
his French-Canadian ra#9, Now he
is'• the
uncompromising leader 'of
Canada's. • :new internationalism.
He was• the 'first responsible North
Americas, statesman" to propose the
North. Ltlantic defense system; ;and
his chief task: today's the' .eQ-ordin-
•-ation--" of the..• Canadian -and 4i
erican econoiriie syStems.,
St, • Laurent's. entry into- the
C3aih�dian Government earn 'stbout.
quite".by: chance. 'When the Wrench,,
Canadian*. patriarch, Ernest La-
pointe, died in 1841,' the ruling
Libeiral parity waswithouti�' a com-
mniidiug •leader, 'in 'breach` Canada:
Quebec's support was• essential'._`tq
the• life ` of it :ackenzie Ein,g's` ,Gov-„
ernnaent and to the prosecutiolii. of
the war. Coming back .tor Ottawa,
on the train from Lapointe's fungi
eral, Sing appealed in desperation`
to Charles Gavan Power, 'the' most
practical - 'politician in Quebec
,Power said: "Get St. f,aurent'
But .who, asked King, was ' St
,Laurent?! He-wa,"^replies''"
A "Ta'l'e ' irld a ,grefl Inhn -ill l �l
nobody knew that yet.
FOi+ a 'man such as St., Laurent,
King's, .invitation to enter the war
government was"an .;filer from the
.commander-in-chief to a soldier in'
the . line,, a 'eu• though it meant
abandoning a large income from his
law practice, Madame St. Laurent
burstinto tears at the unwelcome
prospect of breaking :up their be-
loved home in Quebec aiid moving
to an Ottawa ap€trtinient,
Nobody. paid puch attention -. to
the slither slit''-. clan of..59"1"who
turned • up , ane day in the Cabinet
room as M
nister.-o ust ce. A face
l fJ
lean,. ruddy,. looking'half its age
i.White .. balk!. d "nuns-
. e�thean
despite _w 1 r.
tache ; black, twinkling eyes, a
;quC,q s
ick . uizzical mile .and.: the. -mans:
ner of a .grand seigneur=he would
serve as. a :Quebec showpiece, to be
removed as soon its a real French-
-Canadian 'leader turned ujn. But
efore :,11g the_: -Cabinet= begiitt--:too
realize that` -it had a giant -bit -Its
hands. - -
St: Laurent spoke seldoni,,P, When
he fi1id,-in perfect English " ileeked
with undertones inherited from his
Irish mother—it was evident that
he had -been doing homework. A.
tired House of Commons, used to
rambling, overstuffed oratory, sad-
delily _%ilnd . itself., listening _to: ._a_
fiovv' of plain; tightly, sacked . para
graphs. ` Each ' • erteinporanetlus
°speech. would have- made a respec
-abletate=laiper with mit cirange_of_
a coinI4la. Within a year -the -Com-
.Lons .knew:that, in intellect,St:
Laurent, was far above 'any -Can-
adieu; in public lire: -Intellect alone,
,however, does not make ,a states:-
-man: , Would !the ` new • man •- stolid,
The :answer came in. 1944 when
the King Government was -breaking
up on the issue of French Canada's
rejection, of • conscriptions for -over
seas service. , : Without hesitation,
St.' Laurent .111;a ^ofr a-fevw-.
hundred 'words announced that'" he
was . forthe draft because ',it was
necessary towin the war. • By pall
'the calculations of his •colleagues,
St: Laurent shad committed politienl
But whenhe took the issue to the
voters of his isolationist constitu-
ency in Quebec' East, he a was given
a larger „ majority -than' either
Laurier: or Lapointe, his .two 'anti-•
conscriptionist• predecessors, had
even received,. A man . who could
persuade Quebec to accept -conscrip--
tion was a. man to lean on King.
"1'enhetl~ ` itviiroirSt:"L i 'etil alte.
St. Laurent's toughness spcldenly,
appearedfor. all to- see =when n•.
minorofficial"':of the, Russian em-
bassy in ,Ottawa escaped torereai a
Communist spy ring in : Canada.
King. attempting to -•balance Canada
Precariously between the . United
States ,end .Russia: at a -tune' when
pea& by conciliation still 'seemed
possible, • .was concerned 'that the
spy} scandal -might.- annoy the
Russians. • •
But as Minister of Tustice St.
Laurent moved in with the Mounted
Police Midnight arrests and a
Secret' commission. , Expert
on constitt tional-°la&: though he is,
he rode roughshod • over• the custom-
ary individual liberties. -So that
they could not warn ,,their. accom-
pliceS, -tlie suspects were locked
were denied counsel, coininunieatiofi.
'.ice-tiie#�*�rY�lie€s"�i . • :- .- .
corpus'•far some time. Many liber-
al -minded Canadians
iberal-mindedCanadians were outraged
by St. • Laurent's methods: No one
had expected that the quiet gentle-
man from Quebec coma.. net ' so
'AS a Cabinet Minister and a
tough guy, St Laurent had proved
hjtnseif--could , he now establish
cohtaet with the people?
He didn't • propose to try. 1Vhen
the war ended. St, Laurent, in his
(311's, .had depleted his savings. Itis,
1946 he returned to Quebec aiid
prepared to res p..
Ent Pr litre '-Minister ging sum-
moned -St. Laurent to.:Ottawa_•and
offeretd Bila the one preCioltgs..._gift4s.,
newt%: shared- with
another—the Portfolio of Foreign
Airi i'rs. St, Laurent phoned his ;a
wife= ,.- qhe,. asked 1iretitliiessiy
t lint• of impression slid you:
" Tnforttin€itel r,• T thfnk, 'tsno
.. , 11 a..
Now St,-Lniirelnt icitew° that ho.
must abandon his comfortn•ble
scheme of lrfe• altogether. It had
been tt good 1ifp-•-and the perfect
lite to build', rt • future Canadir
Pilule 'Minister, -
Tia°p son. of 'tt general sforelteej er,
Iie4;tiiacl• h t ben• barkr"-lir•---eoinptoit ° -
eitl'nil, Q•uebee town near the Ver..
intuit bctriler. C`oitt tori had been
sottled •by •1.t.yvaltsta t'lio had tlert
th Canada dittlift the Revolutionary
Warq.,,tiid ;;t. Tauten gtery°rill #na;t r
trattspinntecl New • riiigIatid {TAO;
tion of Plain .livingand high thiuk-
in, ,o. Tn his French father the boy
Ole French;, to his Xrish Mother".
E4 l,lsh,., Not iinxil •lie rear cl his
teens did' he realizethat there Yw e're
two ,official languages iu Canada.
thought,"' he ars, "..that ever
:body spoke .to ;his father ;u Vixench
anci to his mother Tiro "Einglish. "
Young St„Laurent studied law
at . ;Laval • University in, Quebec.
13y the Aline he was. 30 he had
established. himself as one of ,the
most successful' lawyers. in
vine. •-
Nothing St. Laurent `has done or
ever 'MILO, van 1>!e judged, apart
from thequiet influence of his wife.
At,.}i.-.-liouse-party, when-, he vi? ts- 24,.
the•slim..and studious young -lawyer
met Jeanne • Renault, .by - common
"consent the.rettiest girl in QUehec.
ger father .insistea:thathis sikteen
children,be`home at 9 o'clock every
- light; aird� thers-were always -heavy
ranks �of chal crones. on every!. side -
"Nevertheless," • says Madame St.
Laurent, . "we managed to' meet":
They - have five • children and.
twelve. grandchildren A 1 boron h-
'•Iy' tioiriestica• e_
man-eoild hsk ria
more than such"a family; high Sae.--
ue-cess , in his ' profession, the big,
bustling house, • plenty of bridge,
golf and' fishing, a -quiet .office, a
club- where men talked like phil-
osophers. All this must be given
.up, if . King's invitation to'be
Foreign Minister were- aecepted,'
But St. 'Laurent felt 'that it Was
his -fluty to accept. -
When they 'returned.- to Ottawa,
Madame St. :Laurent :'once more
found herself ai'n__a._three-room fiat.
morning -'..sem rose- Sa-rlyr
cooked breakfast. for • the Foreign
Minister. • Before nine he walked
up Parliament Hill, a quick -moving
figure • ne€itly dressed in a dark 'suit.
which was likely .to be rather old.
At- one; .o'clock' •.he and- Ms, wife
lunched together in the parliament-
ary restaurant. . -
In the afternoon. when St: Laur-
ent -took his seat in' the Commons,.
she -sat- opposite him in the`gailery:•
Every- day you would see 'there a
dark little: manT-stilth€indsome ,
-her black hair' now streaked' with
her famous .brown • eyes as
lustrousns ever, her necent.franlily
French. • Che. never .left' the House
while her husband was in it. Hour
after lioi r, through interminable
debate, she waited for her :Lords to
spelik Pd. the; 'gent- with. him to
d1 Q ;�ork�e; at nigh.*
hts,;o af'tei :unt1L„twb ,. rise•
cols " erea Q t l a y}
SandaysT ke wou?.I mitt, .up torh n the lonely 0,t, °with ,hot
tauack ready fox his retnrxr< They
had , nong Brite'• iiwa'g, Lfii d of
social afl?airs. ,
`Iia xvtis ata:
dull life for 'i er,` a. h i)it
ilife fr!brQ eu milt'
ev asional trips tib t'nited Nations
meetings, A.hdrit,a.li seemed to be
leading ri t where. •
But, by last slimier, the -Foreign.
Xinister's ,blunt spe CI1es in. the
United Nations •so unlike Kin: s
caintion,, had begun to register• with
the Canadian ' people. When .King
.announced his retirement and they
.Liberal party .enlled:4ts, August (son-
vention, the • first since ,1119" the'
choice of St, haurent as 'let;,der was
routine. He had -lade no ca? ipaign,.
refused. toe-ieeelk -a . single_ delegate.
,To. the lasf moment • he said • colt'
that he worlidaccept the job if it:
were offered but would refuse..
at. the ;e ni ebtion,' his French -Ce i-,
Ulan, background,' .soe#ited likely to
divide the paty ' and . nation,;
St. aurent s preparations fqr the
'tlecislve ballot consisted :of a haul
sandwich, a. bottleof milk and' the
l ach Qf aria eaveiope, -'Eating' jiIa
snack a few ,minutes before he'was
called' to the platform, he. serawled'
a few 'mates -on the envelope: •.The.
simplicity of -the -speech, in -contrast`
with, li,is two opponents' • orations,
his tone of a friend in a gathering
of friends -the• very opposite of his
ratherclassical • Parliamentary
es -was•' just what the con-
'l el?,tl.�►u _ .dun 1#:ttn _.hear -.._ ,1I Q�.Ye-gym-
por.tint,,' itwas just' what the public
wanted to hear:. :,St. •Laurent re -
as ' the - constitutional lu'Ovy'er, the of ,Canada •,,afid'the Uiaited 'States •
sophistic,ated, andb dashing. figure of`
clubs; card • board :rooms, But• he, Ss,
u fat, pure heineSpuu, a slrnple�
Nan most •at home ; •amongsm411-,
town ' folk, •
• Great -decisions, long 'postponed,
lay ahead of. St.'' Laurent, For .a
long „time he watched the United,'
Nations at first hand failing as an
instrument to 'enforce•, peace. He
d Month 'atter mouth at` the
impotence Aniposed by Russian, veto,
Last . • spring, • St. Laurent opened''
Hre4,.. ,.the-,K,Canadian Farllament,
-without--wen:Mg t[e•-vropose l-,tha •
Canada Johr the Brussels paet, erect
.a North Atlantic alliance and".fight
mixed . an overwhelming majority for Western. Europe ' against any
of the votes from all parts of the aggressor.' '
Pressed for detail's 'late one nighty
As for the new leader, lie .forgot he stood up in the 'House of Coni -
all about the reception assembled...:. mons, wit l out a mote. to guide him
his hono ' a ter; tWS,
r f he convention and - ._ ,_-. - t � ,
., and, iaiti policy on the lute, --no.
wen off to dinner, with -KIS wife,. reservations ' in the over
seas- come-
O November • 15 last, St. Laurent titinent, no :loopholes. The Hoiise
was sworn in as Prime Minister. gasped. Can4da • had never . gone
That night he worked- h so �his. office far -before.
until half past seven,. When he. When • a powerful French -Can-
'started home,.the...: ere-vaffor,'-wae• -adian: d: ._.-
waiting '� aged elegation' nrotesteif to "Trim
ting for, shim, an aged man at against overseas commitments
the controls. St'. Laurent. asked which might •
ar, St. if ,he stayed on duty as late Laurent retorted that on� commit -
as that -every uight.The man fie-
. meats couldprevnt war. .To..as-
plied 'that he" had orderi always some tbat .h -was /or war because
to waitfor the .,i?rime Minister. he pivoted' commitments, he said;
"After t is;" said -St. Laurent, "youwas • k laying ii
lie saying` ,.that .•a. roan "�va�•
go home with everybody' ,else.. T for -appendicitis because he favored
,can •Falk." _ •
He and- his wife.'.znoved' into a
five -room •flat 5.xt th cart_,
men • rousse and went'•on as usual--
tliiS."though lltadaxne•,;St. Laurent
was Canada's first •" fl x.. lady" in
years, after two bachelor 'Prime
Ministers: ••
Up to now St. Laurent has.writ-
ten his . own speeches, or the ' frag-.
mentary notes bn 'which they are
based. In international confer-
ences, when • he' must, mare' instant
deelsions- :without. Oonsuiting- any
out, he works -.fast. ' Attending
United: Nations sessions, for in-
stance Jhe-may-take along::an` xpe
1n `hif, nr��atpni l)il@ •lid' l)efarC th
car has reached the meeting place.
-he has digested the facts ,, of the
day's business and is readyat'o deal
with them in conference .:extempor.-
aneously, • NQ other succi mental,
•engine has been 'knoivn-in-Canedinn
affairs,„in, the present generation,
St. Laurent learns ' quickly. In
his first radio talk as aPrinie Min-
ister lie broke .through- the min-
'isterial. °front. His voice was- not
the • parliaitjentarian'S; but the
=elieerful i e find the collecitia1
{sentences of a neighbor who had,
dropped in for a chat: `•To find a
human being like .themselves at the
head of 'the State, after 0 years
of austere recluses, 'was' a new.
experience to the voters. -- •
Canadians liacl thought of him
surgery. That phrase . swept • from.
coast to .. doast. • _
ng_.esatward, ,across .the,. Atlantic,,
-stretches also southwa rd --across • the
49th parallel. •He proposes nothing
less than a fatal 'overhaul oat? ;North
America's .daily business., -the co-
ordjnation of the ecoti;o'mic power
Bitty .the most "inapo:tand ear,
during ; i4pg' represertted by the:
eergeece ' t, Lauetait at,�this'
tt ►.g ;is'C.paz s.dja s ; co ? gj, of st elhy,a: F�
'.We,ID.y' ? n'terna.tia�aal . $o$ety: 'rp t',
happens .,ltd :the contine>Y.ttat 'au$
transatlantic aa,pverrrtent;; in 'which
he speaks for Canada. ai i Wl4eh
he: has done` • so •:irauch to tot ieli
will be feltv.as:R7riminpaviEthe:nictur., ,e 'na'
any,Oanadiais ,.orieacan" seep'
!: 'ISHX -
-Tsvo. old fisherniten. got 'into an..
ttr ,..ozie...rl:n'
-g1:��1 ti
and" .eah ane was :save he' knew ,
more about -crit metre_ .than , the,
other. The argtiment got so hot,
that''the -captain. of :the.Sshing-twat.
decicie`d : to take- a hand in ' it,: • 0414',he gave them a :, probl iu to ;worlr.
oat. This was the ..test problem t
- If '.:a -fishing ..crew , C'atight. ,544
pounds `: of cod and brought. their `:
catch to Portand sold`°' it for $�
cents a pound,, how *41.Oli would:
they; get fol• the fish?,
The two',fishermen weYit to
but_} .elithe� one. _ I*4'...seer ed -t—,
'get anyiwhere with the'.,, problean .
At last :.old, Bill , turned • to the'
captain' a�it'tari and d .:a • •him. toA.r ai<
u .. asked. . e
the Problem. orb can. • The -'a tai e
P.e . � n a� ed,•
Tf ti, tishin crew call iirt 544 :
g ,
pounds of cad—" 4 N
Aid sa_ 'the ca ht`.coci....
asked• 'Bi�`y �.
"Sure;" said -the cap`tain
"Well., . No wonder I couldn't,gut •',
the answer," said'Bill.. `:Here T've:-
seen -, guying-.on-._amu-tnian� u11; clic ;- `
Teacher "Junior, can *you defi,ue
nonsense?" junior or :' 'Yes, tedchen-
—an'elepliant hanging overlie high''.'
cliff with his tail tied' telt, dais,'." •
Picnic Hall—open daily May and. June- write or 'pho
for' reservations,; During July and August open for
picnicsof 50' persons or more by reservation only.
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This in because aluminum is so
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Today more than 10,00 :Canadian
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ndbeautiful articles "that no one car,
keep track of them all.
o s 0 ' -
Why is this so? Because so many
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make more; we have' been. able;
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n' ; Aluminum:store fronts .
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?itetata sitedt light ' i1 '-+
k 41,1.4xixctrorz 8$-'e,
ohtt eauee tMu rut •taofsr,
'atiocleg -» awl i' Tway
cars, airptanea Yom• Alttd'
tew thin,gg crr a being meat.
-Q/ t4iY %riillri c(1Gt '- y, -
:.: � OM1•