HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-05-26, Page 2li LM QS EEK I+ a Fa
HURON CQ► � � ��_
- Limited
had h3r
Signal -Star/ m ,.. � - •
l'p ion, teal--agana analataititeiu,, 82 .. .yea tnl d
• States, $2.50• • ..
t o. nd-e1448 apart. poet
n,�oi� Rat.* On, re4uestR Aurizedas seco
h .,
£►ffice Department, Ottawa, Telephone '11.
'., ••:,,,,;,,,, . �e.�lmr��Qt Canadian Weekly�lewspapers „Association',,
Weekly' Circulation Over 2900.
GEO, ;t+ I+3 LLS
t Di'i $PEA. LQUDi R
{aoeritiug editorially. oil kir,
lit;'.. hurent`S, ,recent , speech at
alfatx The •Toronto, , Telegram•.
VhargeS the Prime_ Tillnister , wit]
e acing ing 1.ence to Co
lot aetivlties in this country. "'the
',its 1} e Minister has in effect' said,
,20.' far -as his. qc,ritgtument is con -
x ,e `ned,. they (the ,,Cemint ni5ts) call
• go ttltead with their niaschief-mak-
%4 tithotit fear of being called- to
account;'- This,,,,and more to the
xne effect, from The Telegram.
'Thinking that this seemed
w ' 'Sttaiige talk from the Prime Min-
ister, we looked tip the, press ac -
ant of of his Halifax speech and
M• -t
.etc e�
d this' ,fin
t.st ,
n un
• mzri
�°M° �,"�a .fix,
Mr,` St. 'Laurent pointed out
that Fred 'Rose, former-Com--
muitist. member' of the. \ House
:•of Commons for •Montreal
Cartier; -is in penitentiary, new
;for his part in ' the Soviet
-espionage . ring.
That,. ,Mr. St. Laurent- de-
clared,, "will serve •_ as a re
minder that the Present .Gov-
ernment is frilly • alive to ' the
Cobamunist danger.
"It is, my-opinitao,...thut wlren
tt comes to holding Communism.
in check, ars in pretty nearly
•'everything.else, action,. , speaks. •
nder�` than words,' -'.he _con
inued.: ' ' "When there is evi-
dence .that' Communists are.
-nett ally - working --'a• ;inst._. the•
interests_{ of Canada we have
ravv to :dear With them and
ve not failed t9' act.
iffy' irnxnoritL;•of the population
" and' they• are not likely to -do
very ,much damage as long as
we can keep Dace in the. world
and -keep the menace 'of inter-'
, national totalitarian Commun.,
ism in check.
a`I believe there,are,two ways
to light the enemies of
'. an; our., own country, One way
h until; ore .ned._.
.75 to� shalt
in: .04 face, to urge repressive,
Ian vs; to demand prison, terms
s tr-atio'^ : est mks: -tom—
start 'down a -.road at `the. end
of • which we Would, lose .the
we' are. tryingo
protects a '
"The other way- is to pro-:
darns our .faith in our free
nnstittitiOOYs'` by making • .those
free institutions work ; to •pro
:, claim onefaith,' in the brot '.
hood., & Man -by treating our
fellow citizens like brothers,
cnd;•rt4' .proclaim, ,our -faithin
social Inatice by working day.`
and. night to end' injustice; ex-
pl'oitatinn; and 'olspression.. •
should adopt stern mea-
, '`stares' against ,.those x who are
proved troitors and those.Who
actively_ foment disorder. Brit
we . should not: turn `prosecn-
tion' Into, `persecution.,'' and we
;ehquid. be careful not to- lose"
our .freedom trying to save it."
Readers•maY° judge if The, Tele-
,. 'comment on this adress is.
reasonable and fair, - or if: on the
`.:contrary, .George NlcCzilla�glt's :paper.
deliberately -"attempting, tp Although
This Might b ,colied a-eigair-,
"o reverie. - As usual, it's rain-
ingke . , and having
ing this afternoon .
that .for an $xcelien.. t excuse yours
truly is installed in a rocking. Chair,
on the .side verandah inlaLing and
exhaling on a Cigarthat au. ;maple,
highways are d Provincial.
matter, the Federal. ' Goverigneu,t
I$ Looked to " for _assistance,' and
Ottawa could, not • be blamed' if
at refused, i r f sed, to have' anything to do
With' the project until` a route is
'laid otic in .each Province that
amt `Quid form a connecting link
in a reasonably, " ciirecr" "rise.'
across ,the , continent.
s * * ,
iter' ` star has arisen in the
LT.S. political firmament, +,Franklin:
D, itooseyelt, son of the late Presi-
dent, last veek captured a Con
gres'sinnal seat for a ' New York
district although opposed by, the
Tammany organization which as-'
sumes to rule in the choice`aof
Democratic candidates in. the city.
n as
' li t4 --s i•1
• � l� ng---
aemoaat a,b„sle .:did of ft.:good'
re i
suit the 'TaMmaisc*'ciiefs'and -sop'hiS•tiiEated,_ they3.L say ---.alis
of it iga
they --put up another man. Roose g
cigaood r cbrinr.gs to mind 'what
vela. then announced himself a Aunt Appleby- always. said. All her
Liberal . supporter of President life she had pined for the day
Truman and gave the Tammany.
candidate a severe drubbing, polling
more votes than the Tammany and
Republican candidates `•Pcombined.•
It is said •thaf the young Roosevelt
resentbtes his father in appearance
said .nether respects_ --sit- Much .so
that' many voters 'were able to
imagine themselves voting for' the
illuslrrious father, The,,pewcomer's
•future coi1rse in politics will be
watched„ with interest.
Watching ,the smoke eddying up,
in blue --grey inae'seS •, , , and then
gushing up under the ' ea.'ves to be
pelted Into nothingness by the driv-
ing • force of the rain . the idea
is suggested ,. , "Why * not write
It column about cigars?"
phere and how they're .made is
foreign to me. ,. Cuba.. , 'or s.uaue
strange, far-off place. Wrapped by
dusky, brown -skinned men singing
native' sons aS they' .rock. back
and forth . s tit enou i o a
There's , something about a cigar
that makes, men feel important, `dt
must be a throwback to the dti.Ss
when all bankers smoked stogies
',and the flashy gamblers with long,
thin cheroots and derbies stood ins
side Hotel win.dotvs- and'wntcheil the
parade of men .and women go by.
Have you ever noticed that the
aroma of- a cigar• lingers on in a
room?'.. : `'Valk into a room' and
notice that'° nose -tingling sensation
of tobacco -flavor. You'll notice,
too, howwomen will sort of thrill
I•-- ilc the --s
v but ]• e•-
sa3,—M ,
When she cettld meet at really •im-
+portaut man, And one wio would
o e
keel? her '.3n,' e;o>ofart for th .
e . het .. lire, 'hen • ,7i�Pa
nn inti~. r of. -',1,"h
hii� li y
:�'wit. �
came., h ,
hltcxt�ai�i arae
traveller's; Case, .
his • big, cheke
t'ed suit aand is derbp and cigar
"sand 'i;o1d wa.teh=drain., --rSh;e:
as clerkin� in. the Murphy Zm--
porium,, .
W „, and first thing the
folks knew she Ina Tgoing with a
'+traveiliiig sales4 an, Aunts clad
in- shiny bladk taffeta _..and -meek.,
looking uncleswith side -whiskers,
bore -clown oil her father•and mother
an, 'ek= 7iiC " and
,Appl,eby' stood 'them all off . with
the one answer... r."I .knew by
the smell of his cigar that he was`
a real gentleman." Contrary to
'general- propilecy4 then Were
app .mar-
ried . , , and lived quite _Y
too: As a result ."travelling sales-
teen tyre `held in mush.•,higher
esteem 'now than .formerly . 'in- our
• Salesmen ' who conte to : sell
-glt'rtnets °t:•artorts--d.-r-t-ieles ar-e400iisb
to smoke cigars. There's simply
nothing 'Harte, so " irritatingas, to
have to sit, on a 'fence and have
cigar smoke come , trickling along
on the breeze ''in. front of your
nostrils.,On , the- other, ban&if tt
salesman gii•es you a, cigar you
,nre too busy concentrating on liow
to smoke it without choking .. ,
and' remain in appearance as, if you
smoked. one after every -meal.. .
to concentrate on what he is saving.
As a boy t remember 'noebrisin of
my father's who often dropped in
� na � . drains 1:Te
r► 815
, nm �
G banker e
� a b n
f• n
M It
P. a tl ._ �. 1.
white whiskers . over a well-fed
ctntn'ach. •nnd me with n. con centrn-
tion that -was amazing. After
dinner he would reach -into bis vest
Financial Post)
rr ria wis-
not the ..time••to proceed
With the St. ,Lawrence seaWhv and
other. vast government ,projects,
Washington has been advised by
the influential ''and independent
Committee of Economic Develop-
ment. In urging greater govern-
ment economy CED would postpone
the bulls of such projects that are
now reaching the "troposed author
isatton"•.' st ge. .. .,....
Backing, its :recommendation
points„ out that it is the final cost
which ---should be• -eon kisses --email-
also ' the effect' sueh constriiictipn
would have on litlotsii:ig' .and oth
essential deyelopment,
These are 'points' that all . Can-
adians. alight well consider. too.
With three, ..Provincial contests
-scheduled in addition `to a general
election, there ,,,,is certain to be a
great deal beard of public woiks iii
,the next few months. If the his-
toric pattern isfollowed, he* roads,
*herves; postoffices,. canals, bridges
and stich , things will be promised
in new abundance. Though the
campaigns` have -hardly"" started--�yet-, 1.
already there has been considerable
along this ` line.
St deciding•whether or not _ we
can. afford them,' -it' is important.
as CED points out, that- the final
cost of public works should be
considered. ' ' Invariably; whether
municipal, . Proyincial or Federal,
. the finalcost is only a distant
relative.'af `the optimistic first estim-
ates. once ,started,-howvever, it is
'usually, •marsh too late for recon-
sideration:, Public 'mone-v,. amt be
Potted in -until -these projects are-.
completed.- •-
Tint more than money is involved.
There are such things ' as steel,
cement, bricks, lumber and grovel.
There is consti'udtion labor, both
skilled and. unskilled. In; very, few
Parts of the .country. indeed, is
there any surplus of these.
---- -we---are going:to_.-tie. up -much_,
of our capacity now in tion=essential'
government' building. then th'ere is
bound to be that much .less for
houses..scltools and hospitals. And
what is .t- least of _ equal import-
ance, there is ''going to 'be'less for
new productive 'plant .-- .factories,
nulla. stores: and mines --without
crutch there can he no new develop`
ment. no new Jobs:
When= we Yet caught mn with our
"nnii.>tih tit 'anenrl on niihlin works,,
dr) an earlier me"elm ileinrs and
4nerencec ,the rnst 'of essential' eon
rfmotion. •
pocket s *Select a cigar and then
atter bltitig the end oat it e , -. and
lighting it . ; he ° would dip
and 'bring one out ter tattler.. We
used t sit and. watc�,, him s,�.Ok
and be; ttseinaited by the . smoke
Tipp ie ' wa.s, .$o
. proficient alt
We never knew why .father dis-
ii?ed him: He just didn't seem to
like anything'`a>r?iout him, .'1n later,
years.;, as head of a household of
my own, . the •realizWtion eatne as•
towhy father disliked him, That
WAS a condescending•attitude he
ira• •maks dip the•cigdr- over••- z
as much as to say . , , .you
don't very often, get a 'eignt; so
try, this one," • Wife* 4`TLU me, dear,,' what' do
you .me .talk about When yob have
Tour social meetings?".Tlthings
thin s
usband . ". Oh,_ the same
youwo rn, talk about: •
� ife . "Oh, no, lora'ce,. why you
, yob beasts:!!"
SUOMS$ ' 1f4 TEAS' , IMS
sPit0 ttrc largeAnt'a►ber 44440*.
.ti, fps in. town.' the' past' week, .$t.
iys .,group -of t. Qebrges,
. Guild held, :a successful
'�'omari � 1.
tarda... afteAS
r� on ai• Y
tea• and bazaar,: � .. ,
'�. he arish hall,., which was
noon int .. P . . _
i in
iv o�,d" nr'ated.-�is...._i3P�-..,. .
t. � t si.
t ae .- ..
dowers •for the pCcasion,, ' The prey, i*,
debt 'and vice-president of We
'Guild, Mrs.. 11. B. Parr and -Mrs,
Wm, i'aawreuce, Pelle 'tea. Mrs,
"DarPIrs!' 'tea. ,eonVengf' W .$
WOOS : b , l Ira, Irving /muter*
,4.0. ,arsonand hiss QIlve
v guests etvediia ie
, .df the
r . OK president ;
b � �
of the :Wang: ou �.. ' Co#Iveuers
� p
_ rs, . ., Whit
work able were
a a..
ed .
• rs ,
• • a M4 � '
S;tubl�in tont , Af the .Sower tab e►
' nd Mrs, A. Cl4ld-
li�iss gsilkeld.- a_.d
XIMIPAV'$ b,-,
tlxurPe of the hake tat er ,
xr*1u 'and ire! * . �M?
R MundaY was treasurer,
,,,,,e s amoi• ted ' $7A•
net proceed....,
r -o PQ b . ;.
ld � �') ,
rs to.'el6htyeu �.
to„ alta you
n7i w!
�� ,onto, you 'like, _.. e
h ,
'baby t . e s r`k
e ice cute little .
t >o , .. ,
bt�ought your moth. , . �.
"New i Show me the- stork."
® 4
1 r
Etij 011
with the new KIND {Tire
To the broken in body or
spirit, The Salvation. Array
brings m•hope and help. sit ,
° restores to usefulness the
in ' wa ward the
1f or�
1 of e
victim V
.•-e on
work -
goes The
stance. g.
day and night. YOUR .41 -
jars are needed'for this task
of human reclamation.
"For'super-dofiffort, supertsafety, ,
super -economy -it's Firestone 'Super-
` �alloons!„Ihe. us�oli.! �S. Hiss of air! .
- On'old car or new, specify Firestone
Super -Balloons' --far a new kind of
super-drrvino pleasure. We have simpler
stock on hand. .
_ erlher waw ._ . bot,F!
trad f -marks melt z the same
`Aittl-writtid=twttitr teruncle-contrpat'train - oce 1•a, ...._
Gartner ' Motor Sales
Phone 234' :Goderich' ,
�%l�tdF'���>llfl-d ��ITI; S1;S. •
ApproxiMately 1,s3e,000 Can-
adians were materially,helped
last year bythe petsonal servkes..
of the Salvation -Army' in its. '
Maternity Homes
General, Hospitals ..-
Oid Folks' Homes
Prison and Police Court Work
• Children's Homes
Children's Summer Carnps _
Ilii sing .r a fi tt'Sea'u'ice '
Free Labour Service
Men's Hostelx,
Please' 'send Contributions :to:
W, ' 4 BAY, , Goderieh, . Treasurer ROI. Shield Appeal! Committee
Anybody see'tdiig • excitement
.might try living in 'shanghai. It
31-1. a ceupied-by-the.-R.eds,..
find in the last twenty years bas
Seen 'more - fighting;: t3 -ani' other,
city of importance in the ' world.'
Oita streets fire no place for
freight .cars, -.sols The Ottawa
„Int,rnal, referring. {to the immense
transport- trucks that now travel
t"heuiace of
n system of four -lane- li gliways ie
: Xournal, • i`;ees difficulty in solving
;the p.roblerri presented. by these
"hue machines - Would, not the
,' simplest and easj;est solution •be .re-
'' fti'snl'of ileon: es to vehicles of over
a certain, Ximited size? The high-
•Witos-Were'nat_intencled to' displace
�..�wthe`•'railvairvs...u.,.� ,-” ,mr_.-�. __,�.,.�..,.
' *4, * e.
Minge,-provlsidn :la made far the
corection of the voters ists, for
the:, doiaing x'ederal eleeti . and
anybody entitled t
it a 'vote o
,civ finds that his name
ion d . r
_election •
,;, " bee.. Jett ,off the list` tvi�l: iia.'ve
` lase n f .. tialtiied
rh Yi.itnseif tat''. blame. Q ,
. ,. .vater
s 'Sbilild`
- -.lists:'
,that;are Post d up,• tt
mike -
:050: that t,hey tace note beel.
missed bY," the enuimeratorrS • The _
, se broad 'one, giving the
is- i1•
°sv`Ote ltrttctietillq to: evearydne
• t�r, of- a to over:
enty orae years e o
. g
"Ii` (MAI,* heeds alt the pas
eionate 'stets 'Made,. by the scores
�,i , car�tinttfliU interested. the re
$11t , tll'lie that the Trs, ►s ljanadiaffie .
° [gilrwn wl�tt �""is- tngost tart;
oxld tinct atifso ' tris Creoi ei cat.
The road, Wand :1.4vo to,ttfiieb *bout.
.• mitiOn.' This,
�'ve� City* .� k'h'e ";tits
•pit iteWSP
tsf #t a Per
''. the t�lmni*
Whelk e editor � lits Wen vitne s1Pt
. ' the •'storm, di )ire Gid '. get :
uo frai,st,outiumiol roar
f"Gerl "TQ.n't It 1'itnnv flint alis
loner!). of n Timm -0g nrnt is hist 401'01rr, oho circ.ifl' 'efonee of a ' girl's
::mist'?" shiAnnt r "T,et's `get ,a piece
of 'sf•rine- .acrd find Pitt " -
brie in tocit
for I-ii-b.ibi
Duolir'e anc
buplate Safety
—Glass. --for a_ _
k ani
tial, iM
a vl�. n Ole
ast 35 years Dodge
odge owners
wnars h
averel.i. e
d •.'w.. . - and mote
ful 1L
eavier r itn4
uponDodge for outstanding Style, performance' softer rubber body mountingsimproved apranging,
This yeatthelieW4Dodge _has'beed.eng,me avt xen xstaressu n "extra"' economy itertlS»
.'and econom . . with famous Dllge Dependability. :new �asst,
leg„ shock , absorbers. Th; p
.. • �, ••.
truly modern style
a m ctanacal improvemonta:hmake It. t
it etriodgever bilt.
r<ve; the new Dodge and you'll 'quickly a Q-'apre-
cittoptheman xrovem snag, Th;res morebead
oto. d. ealea r 's.
hsn at'have driven
ve.n .<t you
..lem`and,6lbaw rao�i,Ybotter-VxsWbihaiy-�great@r..- -agree 1:119"„t it s the tauet in 35 Years” . aod. ou'1
cofort. The famous Dodge Floatng nide 18 quieter ,wtnt t� ownone.
as .an effc ant ter,
oatmg ,
., ,
pressure lubrication,, four rings' per Aston, auto.,
a e�lO
. standard, equipment.
k@ia as stare
ect��the now'Dod e'to-day' at Your Dodge.
7ntsp b.
Performance Theec, powerful Dodge L -
Head engine has tetver moving' `parts'' trr .
wear -is easier to, adjust and keep in
adjustment. Its 'amazing smoothness ori-
ginates with- the unique 3:point Floating
° Power engine suspension.'
e r;=-Viie famntz .
Rafsni�• C iit�a t , li
e Floating
ng -Ride
. than Oyer. Nevi* longer.rvl>ieel•� . ,f:.. .. • � .. ,
'btfsei furilterlinfirove the Dodge
art olCaro;m ea
•d-1i.na_._twb.ea.stn`mds pe:. len eas_ra.tslsfeo t.naxa'`lcXes" g fps . . •' .® _ ;
s.Tet crkr
btisJ`so..+ ib,
eta, which red hce sidestvgy, omib4ne`tai
softer rubber bodymo,Untings,
, springing and hea1ler insulation top rovide
vi smooth, quiet ride,
Sea those IZeelulut' ,:t 'e Dfistmthve DeSpte wal N , rti -7de gegearS Shift; tact thp' fpmous, tropendati a bodge ,ta i ltatect¢ tryCks, at-
neer Dodge +raJrs, is - a
eGIEE 1110.14 Street, .„
conta(Orct .o,
contactt � A1C
,Or' Service' Ettaton