HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-05-26, Page 2li LM QS EEK I+ a Fa HURON CQ► � � ��_ - Limited had h3r Signal -Star/ m ,.. � - • l'p ion, teal--agana analataititeiu,, 82 .. .yea tnl d • States, $2.50• • .. t o. nd-e1448 apart. poet n,�oi� Rat.* On, re4uestR Aurizedas seco h ., £►ffice Department, Ottawa, Telephone '11. ' '., ••:,,,,;,,,, . �e.�lmr��Qt Canadian Weekly�lewspapers „Association',, Weekly' Circulation Over 2900. GEO, ;t+ I+3 LLS t Di'i $PEA. LQUDi R • SHAN WOn • {aoeritiug editorially. oil kir, lit;'.. hurent`S, ,recent , speech at alfatx The •Toronto, , Telegram•. VhargeS the Prime_ Tillnister , wit] e acing ing 1.ence to Co lot aetivlties in this country. "'the ',its 1} e Minister has in effect' said, ,20.' far -as his. qc,ritgtument is con - x ,e `ned,. they (the ,,Cemint ni5ts) call • go ttltead with their niaschief-mak- %4 tithotit fear of being called- to g account;'- This,,,,and more to the xne effect, from The Telegram. 'Thinking that this seemed w ' 'Sttaiige talk from the Prime Min- ister, we looked tip the, press ac - ant of of his Halifax speech and • .we .. M• -t Z e .etc e� With i~. l wt d this' ,fin t.st , n un • mzri R �°M° �,"�a .fix, Mr,` St. 'Laurent pointed out that Fred 'Rose, former-Com-- muitist. member' of the. \ House :•of Commons for •Montreal Cartier; -is in penitentiary, new ;for his part in ' the Soviet -espionage . ring. That,. ,Mr. St. Laurent- de- clared,, "will serve •_ as a re minder that the Present .Gov- ernment is frilly • alive to ' the Cobamunist danger. "It is, my-opinitao,...thut wlren tt comes to holding Communism. in check, ars in pretty nearly •'everything.else, action,. , speaks. • nder�` than words,' -'.he _con inued.: ' ' "When there is evi- dence .that' Communists are. ° -nett ally - working --'a• ;inst._. the• interests_{ of Canada we have ravv to :dear With them and ve not failed t9' act. iffy' irnxnoritL;•of the population " and' they• are not likely to -do • very ,much damage as long as we can keep Dace in the. world and -keep the menace 'of inter-' , national totalitarian Commun., ism in check. a`I believe there,are,two ways to light the enemies of freedom '. an; our., own country, One way h until; ore .ned._. .75 to� shalt in: .04 face, to urge repressive, Ian vs; to demand prison, terms s tr-atio'^ : est mks: -tom— start 'down a -.road at `the. end of • which we Would, lose .the to we' are. tryingo protects a ' "The other way- is to pro-: darns our .faith in our free nnstittitiOOYs'` by making • .those free institutions work ; to •pro :, claim onefaith,' in the brot '. hood., & Man -by treating our fellow citizens like brothers, cnd;•rt4' .proclaim, ,our -faithin social Inatice by working day.` and. night to end' injustice; ex- pl'oitatinn; and 'olspression.. • should adopt stern mea- , '`stares' against ,.those x who are proved troitors and those.Who actively_ foment disorder. Brit we . should not: turn `prosecn- tion' Into, `persecution.,'' and we ;ehquid. be careful not to- lose" our .freedom trying to save it." Readers•maY° judge if The, Tele- ,. 'comment on this adress is. reasonable and fair, - or if: on the `.:contrary, .George NlcCzilla�glt's :paper. deliberately -"attempting, tp Although •misr- CRAZY'elitt, OVER HEADOWS Bv1Harrp. ° G ACRS; This Might b ,colied a-eigair-, "o reverie. - As usual, it's rain- ingke . , and having ing this afternoon . that .for an $xcelien.. t excuse yours truly is installed in a rocking. Chair, on the .side verandah inlaLing and exhaling on a Cigarthat au. ;maple, highways are d Provincial. matter, the Federal. ' Goverigneu,t I$ Looked to " for _assistance,' and Ottawa could, not • be blamed' if at refused, i r f sed, to have' anything to do With' the project until` a route is 'laid otic in .each Province that amt `Quid form a connecting link in a reasonably, " ciirecr" "rise.' across ,the , continent. s * * , iter' ` star has arisen in the LT.S. political firmament, +,Franklin: D, itooseyelt, son of the late Presi- dent, last veek captured a Con gres'sinnal seat for a ' New York district although opposed by, the Tammany organization which as-' sumes to rule in the choice`aof Democratic candidates in. the city. n as •tat. ' li t4 --s i•1 • � l� ng--- �avasr•-- s�ve ax' � aemoaat a,b„sle .:did of ft.:good' r, or, if re i t ra- uof suit the 'TaMmaisc*'ciiefs'and -sop'hiS•tiiEated,_ they3.L say ---.alis ...odox- of it iga they --put up another man. Roose g cigaood r cbrinr.gs to mind 'what a vela. then announced himself a Aunt Appleby- always. said. All her Liberal . supporter of President life she had pined for the day Truman and gave the Tammany. candidate a severe drubbing, polling more votes than the Tammany and Republican candidates `•Pcombined.• It is said •thaf the young Roosevelt resentbtes his father in appearance said .nether respects_ --sit- Much .so that' many voters 'were able to imagine themselves voting for' the illuslrrious father, The,,pewcomer's •future coi1rse in politics will be watched„ with interest. t-saleaMan.,104 Watching ,the smoke eddying up, in blue --grey inae'seS •, , , and then gushing up under the ' ea.'ves to be pelted Into nothingness by the driv- ing • force of the rain . the idea is suggested ,. , "Why * not write It column about cigars?" phere and how they're .made is d foreign to me. ,. Cuba.. , 'or s.uaue strange, far-off place. Wrapped by dusky, brown -skinned men singing native' sons aS they' .rock. back and forth . s tit enou i o a There's , something about a cigar that makes, men feel important, `dt must be a throwback to the dti.Ss when all bankers smoked stogies ',and the flashy gamblers with long, thin cheroots and derbies stood ins side Hotel win.dotvs- and'wntcheil the parade of men .and women go by. Have you ever noticed that the aroma of- a cigar• lingers on in a room?'.. : `'Valk into a room' and notice that'° nose -tingling sensation of tobacco -flavor. You'll notice, too, howwomen will sort of thrill ' titell- I•-- ilc the --s v but ]• e•- •tiro sa3,—M , When she cettld meet at really •im- +portaut man, And one wio would o e re-; keel? her '.3n,' e;o>ofart for th . e . het .. lire, 'hen • ,7i�Pa nn inti~. r of. -',1,"h en. y hii� li y :�'wit. � came., h , hltcxt�ai�i arae traveller's; Case, . . his • big, cheke d t'ed suit aand is derbp and cigar "sand 'i;o1d wa.teh=drain., --rSh;e: as clerkin� in. the Murphy Zm-- porium,, . W „, and first thing the folks knew she Ina Tgoing with a '+traveiliiig sales4 an, Aunts clad in- shiny bladk taffeta _..and -meek., looking uncleswith side -whiskers, bore -clown oil her father•and mother an, 'ek= 7iiC " and ,Appl,eby' stood 'them all off . with the one answer... r."I .knew by the smell of his cigar that he was` a real gentleman." Contrary to 'general- propilecy4 then Were app .mar- ried . , , and lived quite _Y too: As a result ."travelling sales- teen tyre `held in mush.•,higher esteem 'now than .formerly . 'in- our family, • Salesmen ' who conte to : sell -glt'rtnets °t:•artorts--d.-r-t-ieles ar-e400iisb to smoke cigars. There's simply nothing 'Harte, so " irritatingas, to have to sit, on a 'fence and have cigar smoke come , trickling along on the breeze ''in. front of your nostrils.,On , the- other, ban&if tt salesman gii•es you a, cigar you ,nre too busy concentrating on liow to smoke it without choking .. , and' remain in appearance as, if you smoked. one after every -meal.. . to concentrate on what he is saving. As a boy t remember 'noebrisin of my father's who often dropped in n � na � . drains 1:Te �or r► 815 t, , nm � G banker e andap � a b n �a. f• n M It iro P. a tl ._ �. 1. gen white whiskers . over a well-fed ctntn'ach. •nnd me with n. con centrn- tion that -was amazing. After dinner he would reach -into bis vest THEW THINGS CAN WAIT ' Financial Post) rr ria wis- not the ..time••to proceed With the St. ,Lawrence seaWhv and other. vast government ,projects, Washington has been advised by the influential ''and independent Committee of Economic Develop- ment. In urging greater govern- ment economy CED would postpone the bulls of such projects that are now reaching the "troposed author isatton"•.' st ge. .. .,.... Backing, its :recommendation points„ out that it is the final cost which ---should be• -eon kisses --email- also ' the effect' sueh constriiictipn would have on litlotsii:ig' .and oth essential deyelopment, These are 'points' that all . Can- adians. alight well consider. too. With three, ..Provincial contests -scheduled in addition `to a general election, there ,,,,is certain to be a great deal beard of public woiks iii ,the next few months. If the his- toric pattern isfollowed, he* roads, *herves; postoffices,. canals, bridges and stich , things will be promised in new abundance. Though the campaigns` have -hardly"" started--�yet-, 1. already there has been considerable along this ` line. St deciding•whether or not _ we can. afford them,' -it' is important. as CED points out, that- the final cost of public works should be considered. ' ' Invariably; whether municipal, . Proyincial or Federal, . the finalcost is only a distant relative.'af `the optimistic first estim- ates. once ,started,-howvever, it is 'usually, •marsh too late for recon- sideration:, Public 'mone-v,. amt be Potted in -until -these projects are-. completed.- •- Tint more than money is involved. There are such things ' as steel, cement, bricks, lumber and grovel. There is consti'udtion labor, both skilled and. unskilled. In; very, few Parts of the .country. indeed, is there any surplus of these. ---- -we---are going:to_.-tie. up -much_, of our capacity now in tion=essential' government' building. then th'ere is bound to be that much .less for houses..scltools and hospitals. And what is .t- least of _ equal import- ance, there is ''going to 'be'less for new productive 'plant .-- .factories, nulla. stores: and mines --without crutch there can he no new develop` ment. no new Jobs: When= we Yet caught mn with our . "nnii.>tih tit 'anenrl on niihlin works,, 'T'o dr) an earlier me"elm ileinrs and 4nerencec ,the rnst 'of essential' eon rfmotion. • pocket s *Select a cigar and then atter bltitig the end oat it e , -. and lighting it . ; he ° would dip and 'bring one out ter tattler.. We used t sit and. watc�,, him s,�.Ok and be; ttseinaited by the . smoke Tipp ie ' wa.s, .$o . proficient alt We never knew why .father dis- ii?ed him: He just didn't seem to like anything'`a>r?iout him, .'1n later, years.;, as head of a household of my own, . the •realizWtion eatne as• towhy father disliked him, That WAS a condescending•attitude he ira• •maks dip the•cigdr- over••- z as much as to say . , , .you don't very often, get a 'eignt; so try, this one," • Wife* 4`TLU me, dear,,' what' do you .me .talk about When yob have Tour social meetings?".Tlthings thin s usband . ". Oh,_ the same youwo rn, talk about: • r � ife . "Oh, no, lora'ce,. why you , yob beasts:!!" SUOMS$ ' 1f4 TEAS' , IMS sPit0 ttrc largeAnt'a►ber 44440*. .ti, fps in. town.' the' past' week, .$t. iys .,group -of t. Qebrges, p . Guild held, :a successful '�'omari � 1. tarda... afteAS r� on ai• Y tea• and bazaar,: � .. , '�. he arish hall,., which was noon int .. P . . _ t i in iv o�,d" nr'ated.-�is...._i3P�-..,. . t. � t si. t ae .- .. dowers •for the pCcasion,, ' The prey, i*, debt 'and vice-president of We 'Guild, Mrs.. 11. B. Parr and -Mrs, Wm, i'aawreuce, Pelle 'tea. Mrs, "DarPIrs!' 'tea. ,eonVengf' W .$ WOOS : b , l Ira, Irving /muter* ,4.0. ,arsonand hiss QIlve v guests etvediia ie , .df the r . OK president ; s b � � of the :Wang: ou �.. ' Co#Iveuers � p _ rs, . ., Whit work able were a a.. ed . • rs , �ebm m. , • • a M4 � ' t h g' �. S;tubl�in tont , Af the .Sower tab e► ' nd Mrs, A. Cl4ld- li�iss gsilkeld.- a_.d XIMIPAV'$ b,-, tlxurPe of the hake tat er , xr*1u 'and ire! * . �M? R MundaY was treasurer, ,,,,,e s amoi• ted ' $7A• net proceed...., r -o PQ b . ;. ld � �') , rs to.'el6htyeu �. to„ alta you n7i w! �� ,onto, you 'like, _.. e W h , to 'baby t . e s r`k e ice cute little . t >o , .. , h ai ob er b bt�ought your moth. , . �. "New i Show me the- stork." . x ® 4 X 1 r 1 r r Etij 011 COMIC °I" with the new KIND {Tire Virestone $apER$4U0045' To the broken in body or spirit, The Salvation. Array brings m•hope and help. sit , ° restores to usefulness the in ' wa ward the - 1f or� circa lYl 1 of e victim V .•-e on work - goes The stance. g. day and night. YOUR .41 - jars are needed'for this task of human reclamation. "For'super-dofiffort, supertsafety, , super -economy -it's Firestone 'Super- ` �alloons!„Ihe. us�oli.! �S. Hiss of air! . - On'old car or new, specify Firestone Super -Balloons' --far a new kind of super-drrvino pleasure. We have simpler stock on hand. . _ erlher waw ._ . bot,F! rti trad f -marks melt z the same 209, `Aittl-writtid=twttitr teruncle-contrpat'train - oce 1•a, ...._ GODEHYCH BOTTLING .:W, ..�.,:� Gartner ' Motor Sales Phone 234' :Goderich' , �%l�tdF'���>llfl-d ��ITI; S1;S. • DRIVE IN TODAY FOR COMPLETE '--RED-SHIELD :sERvicE-S ApproxiMately 1,s3e,000 Can- adians were materially,helped last year bythe petsonal servkes.. of the Salvation -Army' in its. ' Maternity Homes General, Hospitals ..- Oid Folks' Homes Prison and Police Court Work • Children's Homes Children's Summer Carnps _ Ilii sing .r a fi tt'Sea'u'ice ' Free Labour Service Men's Hostelx, Please' 'send Contributions :to: W, ' 4 BAY, , Goderieh, . Treasurer ROI. Shield Appeal! Committee Anybody see'tdiig • excitement .might try living in 'shanghai. It -ha 31-1. a ceupied-by-the.-R.eds,.. find in the last twenty years bas Seen 'more - fighting;: t3 -ani' other, city of importance in the ' world.' Oita streets fire no place for freight .cars, -.sols The Ottawa „Int,rnal, referring. {to the immense transport- trucks that now travel t"heuiace of n system of four -lane- li gliways ie : Xournal, • i`;ees difficulty in solving ;the p.roblerri presented. by these "hue machines - Would, not the ,' simplest and easj;est solution •be .re- '' fti'snl'of ileon: es to vehicles of over a certain, Ximited size? The high- •Witos-Were'nat_intencled to' displace �..�wthe`•'railvairvs...u.,.� ,-” ,mr_.-�. __,�.,.�..,. ' *4, * e. Minge,-provlsidn :la made far the corection of the voters ists, for the:, doiaing x'ederal eleeti . and anybody entitled t it a 'vote o t ,civ finds that his name ion d . r _election • ,;, " bee.. Jett ,off the list` tvi�l: iia.'ve ` lase n f .. tialtiied rh Yi.itnseif tat''. blame. Q , (Mir . ,. .vater s 'Sbilild` t 1 - -.lists:' ,that;are Post d up,• tt mike - :050: that t,hey tace note beel. <, missed bY," the enuimeratorrS • The _ , se broad 'one, giving the is- i1• °sv`Ote ltrttctietillq to: evearydne • t�r, of- a to over: enty orae years e o . g "Ii` (MAI,* heeds alt the pas eionate 'stets 'Made,. by the scores �,i , car�tinttfliU interested. the re $11t , tll'lie that the Trs, ►s ljanadiaffie . ° [gilrwn wl�tt �""is- tngost tart; oxld tinct atifso ' tris Creoi ei cat. The road, Wand :1.4vo to,ttfiieb *bout. .• mitiOn.' This, �'ve� City* .� k'h'e ";tits •pit iteWSP tsf #t a Per ''. the t�lmni* Whelk e editor � lits Wen vitne s1Pt . ' the •'storm, di )ire Gid '. get : 7%ee uo frai,st,outiumiol roar 6 f"Gerl "TQ.n't It 1'itnnv flint alis loner!). of n Timm -0g nrnt is hist 401'01rr, oho circ.ifl' 'efonee of a ' girl's ::mist'?" shiAnnt r "T,et's `get ,a piece of 'sf•rine- .acrd find Pitt " - Drive brie in tocit for I-ii-b.ibi Duolir'e anc buplate Safety —Glass. --for a_ _ k ani es tial, iM models.', • a vl�. n Ole ast 35 years Dodge odge owners wnars h averel.i. e d •.'w.. . - and mote ore re st ful 1L be�c aused. of heavier, eavier r itn4 sku el. t10 lln ' uponDodge for outstanding Style, performance' softer rubber body mountingsimproved apranging, This yeatthelieW4Dodge _has'beed.eng,me avt xen xstaressu n "extra"' economy itertlS» .'and econom . . with famous Dllge Dependability. :new �asst, owerful leg„ shock , absorbers. Th; p .. • �, ••. ,newt truly modern style and beauty tY plus de si n a m ctanacal improvemonta:hmake It. t he it etriodgever bilt. Drive, r<ve; the new Dodge and you'll 'quickly a Q-'apre- cittoptheman xrovem snag, Th;res morebead De oto. d. ealea r 's. W hsn at'have driven ve.n .<t you w ill ..lem`and,6lbaw rao�i,Ybotter-VxsWbihaiy-�great@r..- -agree 1:119"„t it s the tauet in 35 Years” . aod. ou'1 1 cofort. The famous Dodge Floatng nide 18 quieter ,wtnt t� ownone. na as .an effc ant ter, oatmg , ., , pressure lubrication,, four rings' per Aston, auto., matte a e�lO . standard, equipment. ' .._.. k@ia as stare .. ect��the now'Dod e'to-day' at Your Dodge. 7ntsp b. Performance Theec, powerful Dodge L - Head engine has tetver moving' `parts'' trr . wear -is easier to, adjust and keep in adjustment. Its 'amazing smoothness ori- ginates with- the unique 3:point Floating ° Power engine suspension.' ... e r;=-Viie famntz . Rafsni�• C iit�a t , li bdg e Floating ng -Ride tsrniCQ tlitr .,, . than Oyer. Nevi* longer.rvl>ieel•� . ,f:.. .. • � .. , 'btfsei furilterlinfirove the Dodge art olCaro;m ea •d-1i.na_._twb.ea.stn`mds pe:. len eas_ra.tslsfeo t.naxa'`lcXes" g fps . . •' .® _ ; s.Tet crkr .a. ,i btisJ`so..+ ib, r - eta, which red hce sidestvgy, omib4ne`tai softer rubber bodymo,Untings, unproved , springing and hea1ler insulation top rovide vi smooth, quiet ride, SAL D eLlIXE Sea those IZeelulut' ,:t 'e Dfistmthve DeSpte wal N , rti -7de gegearS Shift; tact thp' fpmous, tropendati a bodge ,ta i ltatect¢ tryCks, at- , neer Dodge +raJrs, is - a eGIEE 1110.14 Street, .„ conta(Orct .o, contactt � A1C �. ,Or' Service' Ettaton