HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-05-26, Page 1'102nd YAR
41theugh, it was co01 and looked
in the °morning as ,if rain would.
spoil the 24th of Afay holiday -ter
pleasure,seeker, it.cleared off. get-
licienti4oto-filiew-414;various events
:If the. daY be„,put through with.
• ' success, •
. When rain titreatened arOund 9
°Lelack on "TileSdaY mornine the
,tnree event$, of the, SecOnd annual
speedbbx derby,. were' ,tun through
with despateh on..the Shnare.
§Ponsored "by the Goderich Re.
ereational' Cohncil under .the super-
`dsibit of H. L. trnee;yeereational
dirOtor, the „ events xnarked the
of considerable prepar-
ation on the 'part of Mr. •Breee
and -also Jack Gardner,- Milder 'of
, ceremonies.
The 'peewee class was wort „hy
a time of 'tVvo _minutes, five and
p-wseconds, In; second place'
were Clare Harman an Min
• Simpson. - Other entries were Wm.
Fritzley and, Don Goddard; Paul
• Gardner and Peter Allen,;, John
MacDougall and -Bob: Dockstader,
Gerald Allin and Bill Bell .won
the bantam class in tiVo minutes
and five seconds. • In second *place
were ,Bob .Mobring and •Billy Gar-.
rick. Other entries Were' Wm,
Orawford and Ted, Shackleton;
Harry T4o.mi)son- and George
ThoMpson; .a-enn'LMeyers,a,nd. Fred.
TrUchanart; Dalton- Boyce and Bob
Hamilton. . '•
The midget class, showed the best
time of the day, .the ` winners - being
- docked -in on Minute • and -"forty
four ; seconds. The winners were
Teddy Howell awl T.' ThomPsolu
second. place were Ernie And
Fosuit lit*TxTrx • .TAKEs
Ti9pa,c..AT-RETtpg, mapilt,
.. .,
A b.iting, cOd.. wind reduced very
eelisidertifily, the nuniber of angle-rs
at Goderieh . harbOr Mr tile Mai
24.th "holidaY Wben 'erdiintril- 4
• %, - • -
PriZe.yynners tor the (lay 'were;
ist,, Richard janesS, . Oaltweod
ClornerS,,„ IX,R. 3.,:• Sarnitt, a' retPancl
reel;. 2nd. Il. . Bushell, N'ew.gate
Street; Gederich, .siZ portraits ;(.3rd,
H. Sheetor, lager$011, -24 quarfs of
motor oill,' 4th, '13111 Strasser,,, 286
Huron street; Stratford, a percol-
atm.; 5th, Joe'Hodgklason, Cambria
road, -Goderich, 'automatic., Berew- .
by the Shut -Ins'. Day AsSociation, Arthur streets, the meeting. placa'of
driver; eth, PlOYA Binkle, R.R. 2, when the invitation. to visit at least the octogenarthee clhring the former
Stratford, fisherman's. knife. • tWo folk who are sick. is giVen te period Of the •elub's • eXistence., .an
Winners of prizes' 144 week -end us is of nulring.tor.dinno...aiglim.... annual_garden arty for the mem-
0 Mice.' Not' that One Shona ever bers, and the remembrance of mem•
Street Brantfol',a, Pag Uf flonr;„ It-. feel be----haS discharged. his fall' tiers •on -their . birthdays, 1. ...- - ' Monday-hi:Might a .cargo of gasoline
BUShelir-6oderich, 'a fog iii
-Ink. obligation- liy, such 'observance- otie The Kinsmen in ddelding to. spon-.-frora.. Sarnia_ ter Imperlai ' OP.
'A Visitor' tii.' thriihrbor -on Sin- Sunday a year.' It is 'but a token SOr *the club felt that It waS an, ' .------T-..-1------
dgy -was Foster Hewitt, well-known of our recognition and reinenibrance hendr: for sueli a group of young ANNTVER34.Rit sEItylp S
Ilaple Leaf Gardens hockey broad- of the shutin at all"times. :People 'ti"4 themselves to. be 'allowed'
caster, •who was taken Mi a trip ,11‘tirtherinore, let no 'ope think the "Privilne ef stlqi
, sponsOrship, - e ,),. --,-......
around tht harbor . by "Skipper" that by 'flaking such VALSitA , we are and in the -second place they recog- , .
9-.'sliA.eleltilversarY*' srvices at Vietoritt
MacDonald' in order to Watch the conferring a favor upon those nized tliat the general attitude- le' United Church.. •on. Sunday
"anglers: mr. Hewitt was accent- viSited• In a verY' real sens'e. -just tile Ptih119,''.was 40. associate' serViee were Well attended. - The preacher
panied trinar Toro:into- by Mr. Earl the eppesite is 'true; they present work witythe children and middle -
Elliott, •Goderich old bey, of the Ili -With- a privilege; Invariably they aged naembers- of. the cenimunitn.of 'the clay was Rev. Hugh Wilson
of Brussels,. Who has been invited
staff of :tipper Canada* College, . reeder. us a service. There is .no while the citizens of the. older gen-. to the pastorate of „Wesley -Willis
The prizes for this we;ek-end will greater correetiv'e for our distorted eration were apparently neglected. Chureh. Clinton- ...1.14.: •Wilson 1 WaS'
be an electric lantern, and 24 quartS vision. iiiid false sense Of values While giadlY giving their time heard with much .interest and "IP-
Of..lnotor oil. The following,. week- thanto-talk with one -whit haS inade" and -energy to, -.the •prometimc. of the' predation. ' :, - '
end. if Will'he a case 6f salmon and and continues to' make. the skillful club,' the Kinsmen request. Ihe as- . The choir, tinder' the . direction
the Week -end °after that a pair of adjuStment to the restraint and sistanee :°2 all the octogetut 151.
r --11S of' Miss Mary Joyce Strachani gave
wadersc,-and a ease of Drain°. restriction that is "the 'normal life 'in advisthg Mr. 1). J. yattere e
--„---, op:. -splendid ,ehoral. lead'ership, and
committee c'hairman, • sof : the. miss _miry „ E. Graham,: UM... le.
of the' shiit-in.* ' .A.nyone, who. has
BA,PTISTS-OBSER-- . tiethe .elo --"
se friendship df one ef •nanies, addreSses . and tele,pliOne
, odgers Mr. Glen Lodge *were
• 47th 'ANNIVERSARY these has experienced 'the enlarge- numbers of any. who. are entitled guest soloists. ,-.'Anthein8 -by the
'The first day of, jtine Will .
soon be at ban th. (MY set aside-
paAleularly. eneOurage. remeln'' 09topuftrians Divited Vifi• Ice
brarie et the sick.:014 41sabigit.
4m loves ot ,Toronto Themst ptiroltoru407 to
has written WS; •
'Sick l . To these who • tbink Of •
utekuee iu ,terme of the 13,.:etioak The Kinsinen Club •'of Goderick
beadttehe,or; the seasonal indisposi- has decided-, to reerganiZe tho
Mit of tt eold there is 4 whole, Octogenarian.Pluh, which iieurisned
world 'nnicnoVim, to' them,. It. is- the . • xeig,4„:4,1n,aer,,,tlik....ini
-wrOrtenr-chlsr'altrillitairvm of 'the late "Diek"-- Black- lint
beeaine inactive' not ,Xong after. bis
death, '
The club< '.fts the', 'Paine iniPlieSi
wili inClude Ail "PerS,Ons eightY'
Years of Lige. or over .whO wish 40
join, ''.Under the sPoaSorship'of the
Kinsmen lts operationS Will include
the maintenanee of ',the ,small park
at the junction' of St. Patrick's and
ment where folk:who for one reason.
or another liana:view the world
through the • eyes,' of - others., There'
:mollies for the "shut4n the news-
papers • tpci , ractio, persdnal
visitation -these , the
gepatest Of these is the personal
visit. •
"The setting apart, therefore, bf
the first Sunday of June. annually,
It has, Veen avomparatiyew quiet;
w.eeit at. the lakefrOnt,' the eooler
weather moderating the arder Of
anglers, bathers and other habltnes
of the waterside„, However, there
lots been considerable iishingr'wltb,
some goed catches cif pereh- and
herring, •
Three grain.. Cargoes- Wive. been
Qn. Friday. 'the , Superior brought
04,P60' bus. ,oats,' -barley and flax,
The Starbnek arrived en Sunda?
with .422,990 bUs.. oats, and. rye,
On *-MOnday. the 'barge Kenordoe,
arrived in tqW, Of the str,'. Altadoe
and • diseharged 204,009 him.' of
wheat at the elevator, •.The•Altadoc
went on te HumberstonA with' her
cargo and is „expected in . tonight
to pick up the barge on -the retUrn
-Howard Hindnaan is ex-
ected, It the elevator toni
The tanker Ibaperia Kingston
- meat of 'his own life. One Comes- to membership in "the organizatiOn.
Pinder, and -in,. third Thee -
Joe Allison 'and Jee MaeAdana.
dnage M. Costello and. F,ranx,rourch,,,, reite....„_serviee 'of naind, which he_nossesseS__as coin -
nlYersary ;of the opening• of their ,
% Celebrated tile fortY-seVenth an- the full measure of „health
strength, full •poWers of body and
and, -street_ .ma.y, be reached by..,'Phone
No. 248 or by mail by addressing kortli'street Unite • Dined
-Go leach e---Vietoritt-.-street----eOngrega-
omir were "Lei Metint Zft.:-
Nile minister and :Members'. of
tat;14 _01,e...they, were .111 charge _of pared"--c-iv th. the axim.zirig use that: __ -tion " --the-- eFenring--ser-viee.•
7-bestqtrip-e-iifilig- cars -•-follows4 -ilie--
Paitor; Rev. -G. W. - Medley.; others make of their limited capital .
MCOARTITV-1110NIPSON • . ,Next SUndifs';- Services--
Goderich „Baptists on • Sunday to realize how feebly he exercises 'Mr. Patterson; Patrick's joke" and "Break Forth 'into Joy."
Peewee, Paul, Gardner and . Peter were ' well attended. an •-•,.yisi ois .
d • .t .. -of these resourceS. Truly they At Hart House 'chapel, •Toronto ;- , Next Sunday' • Rev. 'Harold P.
Allen', in. "Speed " Bey" ;. bantam"
, were present from Mt. - Brydges, live 'a large life, in, a small- room.' on i,Saturday„ May 21st, Rey. Mr, Currie of- Crediton: will o-certpy .. the
_ Johnny 'Meyers and Fred Buchanan Clandeboye,"Kippen, Blyth, Aurora In His Name who said: 'I was Candle united in marriage Nornut Victoria street pulpit at both morn
in "Lightning Bolt "1 Midget, VI
-IL/lie ,and Bayfield, as well as ,Goderich siek., and 'ye visited me,' let us Jean. daughter ,of Mr. and •Mrs. ing .and evening services. He „will
and Jiminie Pinder In !frarge EX: fri,6ids. Unite in making the hist Sunday Neil 'Thompson of Goderich, and preach also in Unio;n. Church;
Press." • ' 1..
The Gospelaires of Toronto were
of June. a rare unforgettable day Neil McCarthy, son. of. Mrs. . F. P. Goderich township, at 9:45 tr:111,
At - th.6`conclusion of the races present on their - second visit to . f" the glorious company , of the McCarthy, of Toronto. The- eouPle Mr. Curriewas formerly minister
' 'Mayor G. G:', MacF.,3vian. Presented .‘,
Goderich and thrilled the em'
shutLin and for -ourselves." • . Were attended_ 1;)v. Miss Maizie Of the Benmiller church. .. The
and colig;oh11qgsd..--t2W-gations with their instrumental t?i: 'id' • . . - . „. 'Thompson, sferer of the bride, ana minister of-Yretblia street. Rev.
winners ; ''' , ' , ' • .: vocal music.. i'llsg Verna Alilier IVIARJOItIE ItAYS. RECITAL Dr. Grapes of, Toronto. Mr.' and L. H. Tureer, will conduct an-
. Ebner Cranston Was maks-hal and was at the torgan. • ' Mrs. McCarthy_spent-the.2week-end.- niversary:services -at Shipka, in the
. starter ;-, George Ellis and George,„_, The preacher's serrnon subjeets -.---. . • • • I
with -the. bride's saients • in (1` e- Credi n char e where h serv
Piisfligel ere---qimers;" Misg • L.' we - "S - tit"
Hodgins and O. 13. re qme mg Better" and The On 'Friday evening, May 90th, a rich, They will reside in Toronto.
SteWart were End of the. Sermon." musical event of unusual .interest
rederders. Bertrana Munday and H '-` THE. WEATHER
took ,place in MacKay all vylien "
Arnold McConnell were announcers.
'Temperatures of the past week
' Ma,yor.4G. G. MatEwitly was chief . Marjerie Hays gave a program of
. . .
"Songs to Remember," in costumes In Goderich„ with those of the cor-
judge. - , .. -
which were particularly attractiveresponding * week- la year ego, as
A pupil of illiss Nina ale of officially recorded, were as follows: THE RODEO' . .- G
.., 1949 1948
A ,holiday crowd. of about 2,000 the Royat Conseryatory of Music,
Max. Min. Max. Min.
saw the chuck .wagon, .races , anToronto, Marjorie was accompanied
• by Miss 'Edith Foot„ of the. (on • Thtirs., May 19 76 . 49 54 34
other rodeo features at Agricultural
Park on Tuesday afterno0n,-and on:
joyed the varied- program put on
by ,an aggregation, from the wild
profusion. of ,spring flowers
added to the beauty_of the services,
CLUB gitiOn anew*
The regular meeting of Vietorik
Horne and Sehool ,Association Was
held at Victoria, .School on Thurs-
day, May 19.2'
*TW"O chorus numberi by Miss F:
on-fi w90_11.Y .West under tbe;sponser-•:8611:01s-ela-ss- were.--ntuch. -alloyed;
ship of the Goderich Saddle Club, as were a piano solo 'by Paul WU-
'''. Besides the chuck wagon' races, son and .vocal duet., by Padlay
which .were not the best_ part 'Of Wilson. and Lois Hutchins.Th
-4.1.1e show, there ,Were exhibitions The ,•annual report's' Were given.
“rick riding, cowboy music, and from each of the officei on the
other features. *.-Best of all were exeeotire, and @owed a 'Very favor -
the exhibitions of horsemanship by able year. ,
the Breckenridge 'family, who gave The • n-ominatino- 'committee
a tin -top, performance. brotight in the following slate of
.The show.....0as repeated in the
offie-ers for the coming year. These
evening. - are the same as for the past year
except for a few changes: Pres',
MATTLAND GOI.41 CLUB' • dent, Mrs; George Bowra; 1st 'vice-
president,. 31,rs'..1Y,o.pg, .,Wilson
atm TM zriAsort
vice-pres1 Mrs., r. Pritalley •
• Srd vice-presideet, Mrs. Frank 3.1/1e•
. The Maitland •Golf Club held its
Artimr. ivelirding Secretary,
official opening :for. the season on Sam Argyle; corresponding' seere--
`-'' the 24th, and it was a marked suc- tary, Mrs. %Valter . Neweeinbe;
' cess in spite of somewliat unfaVer- treasnrer,'Mrs. R. Wilson; review
able 'weather. secretary, Mrs. Doe MacKay; press
• ;The day's -r -activities were secietary, Mrs. Norval Anderson
lighted by an afternoon tea given membership. conyener, Mrs...., Geo.
by the ladies tinder the stiperYision Sanderson; sotial convener,., Mrs.
of Mrs. Gedrge Flisinger, chairman 4-larelci Doak ; • program convenerS,
of the house committee. with , Mrs. Mrs: tWiteen, Mrs. .Pritiley, Mrs.
Costello and 'Mrs. Nicol
presiding McArtiair; Pianbts, Miss Mason,
• at the tea -table. Sonie 200 Mern- Mrs.. ru"sher:' adviser- to executive,
bers and guests attended: The' in- Principak_Shackleton. •
terior of the club house has ' been man9-trio Was.played by Betty
*newly deborated and refurniSited. theSon and Margaret- and Cath -
*and, with the ndditiolt of a pro- erine , and '1finch).
fusion of flowers, it was •very at- then served by •the .seelar_eonvenetz,
• . tractive. ' Mrs. :Doak, and her assistants. .,...•
The winners of the inert's cbm. •
petitions were as follows: CORRECTION
Eighteen,hole-- kicker handicap There vra8 an 'error,
leritt ,o annual, meet -
second.. Eanson ; Sack ing of the', Goderich Temperance
`Gardner. _
Federation, which named Rev. R.
DriVing contest -Longest 'drive, 'Gb MaeMillan. as the eleeted third
Midiata ; "aggregate, Charles
vice-president.' /t was Rev. R. C.
K. Naftel. • • McCallum that .Was elected to this
Appriaching. and putting -First, -0fgee,;, •
Gerald Vero: see'eruPbt3takte
Clinton; third,. Charles R. .
Naftel. „ ' Announcement is made of the
_ In the ladies' competitions the
, appointment Of William *Wilk rftsSii
winners were:. • ,4
as the new. C.P.R. station 'agent
NinOiole hatidicap Match -140W
-gross, Mrs;; -•-Prank Reid; • /OW- here.--Mr.,,Willrinson- hits been with
Rouse. • , "`" the C.P.R. for twat's.; years and
. •
Driving contest ."eori7test comes „. here from- Coldwater.
" has not yet takeu over hip ditties
Prank Reid; second, Miss Mary
• I3Yans-.":* here,, • .
The winners in „the mixed two-
bali fourSeree Match were:
gross;._ MISS Piirrant . and
'Charles K. Naftei;. low. net, Mrs.
Charles' Naltel George,P11.
ler; *high seork, Ifiss Mary .**-0113N 11M SEASON
las and Jinn .11aftet , The A4AVVe Bowling Club opened
Jne of the.eventS of the day Wag the settSott ,with a Mixed doublos
draw for 1.1weogw0cd, etiou oate tournament on the Afternoon of the
• 0Ofidticted by Mikes "Plorenee Pat. 2011' '
eltOre, and Claire! The- Pic.f.-*Inliorti 1st, W. F.
winner was Ggerge . Buchanan: Saunders and Mrs. Townsend
/I/ the eveuNg the orizeg02 tho plid, deo. G. Miter:wan and Mrs. C.
day were presented 'to the winners Gat.; 3rd, nail Allison and Geo,
by Miss pow natant, pritnif Ito! PaterSon ; 4th, W. J. Ilaker and
and 'tilt president and thts Was Carlin 'Coft* •
Wowed by music' and daneing. The groens, !hi fine (401-418"
`1Appyitepteitt-. ilia, -66 lio-Wieri' intend tomake
:the 'Cittb:hause 'foes to the ten. gOO(1,1iSO "thoiii (111ting the "asokl•
Ven0 of the house eetritnittee, Mrs, Time 'Wind .Pregtam of .10011 Kut-
ctootge piulinger, and assist- ' neYS oti SiondaY4 Weduestlailthd
ants, MO, IA& Gardner, -Mrs, Prod •PridaY evenings each' Week be
Ttonse; Mrs, Frank tteid, Itto, followed, except When varied with
, PaperniCit, Uri3.. WortbZ, ,11/1a§ OPOP tOirnitliaOlt
for .five years immediately preced-
ing his call to Goderich. • •
wal be past presidents' ',night: -
at the 'Lions Club on Friday, when
past presidents fill till. offices.
Lions .Tim Graham and Copkburn
Hays. Will be in there alitching all•
the way • as tail twisters for the
servatork%stliff. .and her •-clrtunatic Fn., May 20 '..62 . 37 69 36 'night. Lion John Sully has corn-
eoach-4,as ,Mrs. ;Al W. ---Parsons...; _Sat.,. May. 21. .:69 42- 61 • . 40 pleted , atrangereents • ., with ' the
, • Opening 'with' Schubert's' Sere- Sun .,• May 22• ..58- ''' 50 ., ' 58 - 39 Chickenl Vp'OP Athletic . Club' of
node,. tind-..the :.131-oe..Dantibe,' th,e, Mon:, May 23 ..71 49 • 69 _. 44 Londop..',for•the, Ftftking _Ot seven
young' singer was more at ease'in _Tues.:, may 24 ....51 ' '42-191 --: -'34 "boXing bouts •at GOderich on • July
a Sicilian „group,' which was 'very . Wed., -3.tai 25...55 . 40 60 ,37 2n0.
.inippily cho§en. and sung, an these
were follOwed by Ave Irish. song -S.
The nuance of ....tonci, and shading • •
were here ' very apparent. and her .
intertirete,tipn was invariably
teresting. Her face -and "geStures .. HURONTERTIUBASEBALL
she. succeeded adinirably in .carry. .""'Y •
were expressive and graceful and ASSOCIATION. . . -
ing us , right along with ,her,; not ..,.
24 Lucan .v. Clinten C., 10.00 -a.m.
an easy' feat at. all in one's own Cli'ton R. v. Mitchell, 10;30 aan.
home town. • • . . ' , EXeter V. DashWood, 2.30- p.m.
'• "The Little Red' T.-4ratlit!' ,arreng.e.e.,..274LaNntehelp-v.- Emma.-
- ,-; 26 -Centralia 'v:- Zurich -
W Weary Willful, arid the unac-
'cOnipanied singing of HI i. e --,Bel-- ... ,_,G.oderich v. pxeter .
31)--Zdirieh V,. .Dashwtiod -
locs ""Ttirantellti".i. were -perfectly, .-,
Clinton Colts v. Clinton Radio
exquisite and succeeded in evoking Henaali v. mitebep
'just the right mood. In these songs.
Marjorle's poise •was .very evident. "`""
12-Clintori Colts v. Zurich
.the Scene and Aria from
Centralia v." Clinton Radio
Faust her ,French diction --was
v: Dashwood
mirable. fact the diction
throughout, the timing, :and 'sow.
of rhythm were cOMMendable. •
The ` Mexican , group,* and the.
Juvenile Songs were sweet and ap-
pealing and evinced Marjorie's
genuine acting akility„and• sense of
fun. She closed the. program with
'Donizettl'S' Ohaelin le Salt. ,frotn
:the .Daugliterof the Regiment, sung
N,vith exactly . the, right "aplomb."
We speak of the "color" of a•
'voice • -and I , sholld say ' that
Marjerie's has an Juideseetit, qtml-
-ity ; a radiance .and sheen that
Exeter v. Itican •
6 -Exeter, v. Goderich
• Centralia v..lUltchell
• Dashwood v. Hensall
8-Clinto,n Radio v. Ltican
• Alitchell v. todcrich
9•;---01inton Radio v. -Zurich
• Henson v. .Centfalia
10 -Mitchell v. DaShweod
• Lucan v. Exeter
13 --Zurich v. Centralia
mitehen v. Clinton Colts
Dashwood v. Goderieh
15 -:Clinton v, Centralia
ven as co or , Exeter v. Hensall
delights the eye. Her voice is light,
pleasing and. flexible ;,. well adanfel 17'.=-Goderich v. Mitchell
---(- 90-MiteheIl y, Centralia '
to light ,opera. or musical comedy, , Clinton Radio v.- Clinton Colts
and Solite of iis Will surely be
there to cheer at your New `Zork Zurich v. Exeter -1
21-1-lensall v. Dashwood .
• debtit, MO.rforie I- "' 22.,Ladderich i.::- tmean .
. ' . -- - 23 -.L. -Dashwood It, Zurich-,
----t VrARIVignitg", DXNTL'itTitlir"---
.25-Goderich' v. Zurich
-- 'Exeter y.,1",Clinton Colts
27-Mitchel1 V. 'Clinton Radio
• 'Zurieh v. . Lucan
28 -Clinton -Colts y. Dashwood
Clinton Radio v. Hensall
297-Gentralia v-. Exeter --
- Zurich- v..
`2--:-Clfhton "Radio v. Exeter
' Lucan • v. Mitchell
Dashwood v. Clinton Colts
3 --Zurich v. Goderiel?
5-.-Dash,Wood y, Exeter
Clinton. Colts v. Lucan
Zurich v. Hensall
8-Hensall v. -Exeter
Mitchell v. Zurich
10 -Exeter v. Clinton Radio
"Lucan v. Goderich,
Dtishwood. v. Centralia
IT -Central* v. Hensall
1.2,-:.Goderich v. Clinton Colts
, 6, VV.O.A.A.
May• -
23 -Blyth at Hensall. "
Settforth • at Brussels.
9 aS046.41,t‘..41.Y
Seaforth at klYth.
31L-Hensall at Brussels.
Jime •
' 1-Seaforth Goderieh.
• 3-Hensall at Goderieh.
• Brussels at- Seaforth,
7-13russels Hensall.
10.-.0oderich at `..Brussels,
11 -Blyth Hensall (tfloodlight)..
24-Hensall at SeafOrtb.
fllytti at Bruasels.
* at •Sea forth.. .
.28-Fienstill at Brussels.
30 -Brussels at Goderich.July •• .
2-HensttlI BIyth ,(floodlight).
4---,Seaforth BiliSselS, ' •
•:• Gederich Myth.
6-4oderich - at., Seaforth.
8 -Myth at Seaforth., • - '
Artissels at Heiman,
11-J-:.Ilensall at Reafortho,
Brussels Blyth.
15-Seftforth tit IIensall.
• Ooderielt 11rtis8618.
18-BruSSels al SeitfOrth..--
19.41ensall-at-Illyth.. -
22 -1 -Blyth at. Brussels. •
Goderieh.-- -
.26-Seaforth nensall.
'7-13rnssels at Goderieh..
at Goderich.
August .
A-LOoderich Seaforth.
5----Seafarth Goderieh.'
- Gaines called for' / "pa. fioed-
light,' games. 8.30 P.M...
Marion Milegity"a.nd 'Miss. -Margaret
. , 24-2alrifirn
AT TEA AND OARD PARTY 27 -Clinton Radio- 3r.- Goderieb,;
"gilder the' convenersbip of 'Mrs. Mitchell v. Hensall '
C. Stanifoftli, Ainneek -Chapter, . , Centralia v. Dashwood
LOAR,',Iield a charming tea and 2$S--L-Eretei. v." kairich
card party _oh Thursday afternqoa, 20-Hensall: v. Clinton IWO'
May IV, hi' the .Legion Hall, *bleb 20 -Dashwood V. Mitchell
was deeorated the event with Hensall v, Lucan
a g4Y Profusion of Spritig blossoms. Clinton. Coip V. Centralia
Mrs. Ge6. FARS was the winner- of 3111Y
both the bridge and door priz.es„_Mrs 4-Zuriell. V. Mitchell
r„, Toole won the prize for "50(0 Mean. Centralia .„
• The -regent, Mrs. O>Lataire; Bengal] V-.1 Clinton Colts
received the guests: A, delicious: 5.--Goderieb reintow RtldIo
lunch.. was -served. by' the refreShe il-Flgeter V. Centralia . - •
ment 7coniniittee* -tho conyeners be. 7.--ollensall v. Zurich, .
ing Ur8, merAughttu'ars, Clinton Colts Y. 'Mitchell '
14; bean •and- ' committee. Conveners 8L -Dashwood Lucan
for bridge were Mrs. A. T. Cole 'and 11-Olin•ton Colts VA. Iienpall
Ufa. *Hibbert and for `i'500" Nits. Mitehell v, Exeter
It.-,Tichhorrit;;-Mrs: Wilmot rind Ltean v.7 -Clinton- Radio
Mrs. kt, DOdd, " 12 -t -Centralia, v. Goderich ,
Rtidlo V. 'bashwood
itOONigt TA161111 'Ztlri°11
ermituittee morns Will , Goderieli .v. Centralia
OpeliZon 'Monday Ilext at the 'Royal 15-Centralla v. Clinton . Colts
_Hatinilton„strekt,, and wii1 be 18-::-.111geter Miteliell- , _
In Ail:tie-Of Mowiit licDouga11., TInrielf-V.:., 'Clinton Colts
Tile rooms will be open, afternoottS Godericli V. ITerisall
and evenings: Phone -number 10-Centralitt. Lucan
Odd, Volunteer workers for the 20-r-HenSall• v, Gtoderieli
tatirelit rally negf Wetsk Are nasliWeeil v. Milton 4111(110,
invited to get In touch with the 2 ---Clinton Colts Ifiree6
Comniittee ratans. Luestit V. Herisall
SHOAT. Oul,f4Si AltitANGED
FOR XtEgEW110111 r4t0,
• * .
President 14. 11. Turner oI the:
rime Minizter to Speak: at tlantes4. t.:1%,°ter:It`ii':114gettut10.1
Agricultural Po* 911, been. completed 'fOr 4 short course.
Thursday Evening fecreqeation leaders to b0 held in
the Town Hail on two WedneSdaY,
As annotineed last week, . the afternoons- and evenings, 'Tune Ist
Right HIluorno.nLouis St. Laurent 'Mill 4)44 4,11(14t4, (xii°°(.1.env:
641136 611 111111"rsdaY;* Augusttixotte,m'4'allo;echresinga'anYa:r;f:onitheedi...s,Telolltlitlree:-.
00inpletion. at Yie ria. ,plaoS
fOr. P•ror
studen% and all Other in-
terested , Qederielt citi4eoS are
eordially invited to tittend.744:1114.•
X.'1,Syli?prt;4,ecottfrival,, Ivi/Tyltitiuch. , just abe..sinipt4etntespiw. hag service Of wor,th.,-otreetv United.
log of the theery Of retreatitnt,
Leadership will be stressed, as
the boys and girls of ali'ages will
need wise, practicai_gnidailee a_nd
holleiPth.ine tbineoapzernogrwarnokteogblielp;itupciateyd.
grOund. -In addition to the. °Mill -
ant j'Aillrelr-11114"v4.41"4St. . Lauren t n'falenrdlehthler iv; .athreY"-gre 4wmieltr---'5bell(4grit4-4'1".41gtiam'aeSti,Ik',wtileth
traVelling companions will be.guestS many -ffeidging. games. tor the ,Smaller
at A, small dinner party- arranged youngsters: . And they---wili; _par•
by .the Candidate and the North ticularly,...:Anjoy the story-telliug
Huron Liberal executive. • hour, follow'ed by acting' opt these
' The public Meeting Will be at stories. Safety rules and minor
A.gricultural Park at 8.30 o'cldek. first aid will be taAght, and hi -
There will be seating acconanoda- struction given in simple""crafts.
tion on the graadstan,d for a large It•is hoped to conduct special events
croWd. and cars may be parked in weekly, to which all parents will
the field under supertision be -invited. ,
The Blue Water 13and will be in Young business men ,and women
are• invited to. attend this course..
There. are pe fees; but 'those plan.
hing to attend are asked to register
-pnce Direetor • H. L: Brace
,ttt the recreation office in the Town
-'phone 500.
June 2act The arrangements: ,for
the 'Visit, -as'. state. o .e.
Star by the Liberal execntilei are
as follows: . • . • '•
'rite Prinie Ninister and Vys. St.
Laurent: with,- their ofheial' party
will be Met at itineardine in the
afternoon. by the Liberal eandidate
for NOrth Huron, R. S. Hethering-
ton, and Mrs. Hetherington
and will arrive in .Goderich at 6
by 'Janitor car. .AcCompanying
the party will be Walter Harris of
Grey.Bruce, Parliainentary assist -
int to the Prime Minister.
Iiiterestipft VerOmQn 2. at, N.
Street Ourob. oartriv
1 'Brumby Thornelee,',WhO,
will be ,ordained te,the:ministrY Of
the* United 'Ohara Of Canada
Central. United Chureb;' Sarnia,. OA
Tuesday evening next at„the
, ,
deii Vonference-- of ' ,the -United,
Church,. will be licOUSed to preaeb.
by Hufen Presbytery tit the '
Church. on SuadaY next-,,,_pe44
DavesOn.."'Matheson, ,miuminuOl
College', Toronto, .ohe the
'preacher at this service. Til§'
ject will 'tie "Arise, Anoint"; Him."
It is the -duty of the-. Presbytery ' '
frent 'Which. comes a -Candidate, for
the ministry of -the Ijnited
to his "Ortlin.4':
ation, When the . Preslmtery..e74-',
4Mines an candidate for the raiu-'
istry,- afid",, being-sathitled
eharactet.• and proficiency 141,'leara-
ing, recommends 'him to 'the Can-,
ference for erclination,. it. titerebY
affirms that, In its 'judgment, he
is qualified to preach -the Gospel. r •
The report et. the eXateining• Com-
mittee is formallY presented'. td
Presbytery and the candidate .10
lieensed: It is this eeremOilY, Which
Will take* place in I ll'orth., street
United March on the aoming''Snn-
day evening. • • . '
The preacher at the seryiee„ Dean -
DawSon, Mailieson, atter outstand- •
ing service in the pastoral ministry
of the church, Was .appointed,Dean
' Emmanuel College,-Toront6,-
on the retirement of ',Dr. Richard
Ihtvidsen. Mder Dean, •AiatheSon7s,
leadership: Enunannei-kfoliege,lias;.-
Contin'ued„ as one of the foremoSt
theelogical- colleges of the 'Christ- • •
when _ his subject Will be '"The
Church:" The Mthister , of 'North .
street, Rev. O. Wesley Cope,. will
be in charge of : -.both Services. The-
cerernony of licensing to. preach 'Oa •
be under the direction of Rev. H.
J. Mahoney, •B.A4,13:D.,, of Exeter,
effrivener a' the. Christian 'education
committee of- Huron Pre,sbytery..,
William • B. Thornethe. is. the leen; •
of Mrs: Lillian -lbortelOe, Of Gelle=„ "
rieh, and the late Rev: --Herbert ^
, -The' ,chairraan for therneeting
will . be Reeve Elmer Faresh of
Howicic- townshim-president f the
North Huron Liberal 'Association,
and the Liberal candidates, A."..r.
McLean, of •Huron -Perth, and R.
.S. ----Hetherington, Of -Nbrtli Huroni”
will be ,introdueed to the' gathev.
ing. There' will no -doubt be a
welcome to - the ,distinguished
visitorS • by _county and . local
dignitaries:, ' •... ,
gpooreli is fortunate in being.
• te'secure'Messrs. T. Leish-
man axid.t.' A: K: Fletther of:Com-
niunity . Programs' of the Ontario
•Department of Education, 'London,
for these four sessions on the COILI-
big two Wednesdays. 'Both have
ated-the-Prime-Minister--had-wie- experience as
will 'deliver tbe- cinly--sPeeeltz-ofithe teachers, working "witir-.-the---ine
evening -The C.KN-.X Public -address, -of-the-armed forces_ front 1939. -tO
system will be-tised and the .speech.
will have Canadian press coverage.
-After, . the - meeting the . Prime
Minister,. will retire -to- his car a
•the station and on the fol-
lowing morning, he will .leaVe for
Stratford to continue his campaign
tour. „
_ itliation-T-to-SuppOrt
the •Salvation Army in its annual
Bed Shieldappeal is nIEW working
actively in ,Cloderich.
• . Marshal Stilly, .who heads the
Signal -Star that the needs of the
Salvation Army are. greater than
ever. Its. help for the unfortunate,
its . improved • hospitals, its oia
people's bonies and all its • other
wonderful Work. must tie financed
by the More. fortunate members of
society. • .
The -cols to the Army 'of iill.these
services'. have beep steadily •rising,
and the conunittee is making an
earnest 'appeal to Goaerich •-eitizens
for increased support,
Mr. 'W. -A. Hay is the treasurer
and the •other.'xnembers of the, cow,-
mittee are Mrs. "Frank Curry, Mrs..
,D. fl Mooney : -Mrs.: J. 4. Sully,
Mr. • William Alcock,- Mr, Gordon
'Bedard, Mr. C. F. Chapman, Mr.
Elmer Cranston, Mr. Arthitr.Curry,
Mr. H. M. Ford,' Mr. .11, T. Gain-,
coin MatherS, Mr. Ger n Mo -
Janus, Mr. J. G. Macdonald, Mr..
George, Parson's,' Mr. Ross Penning-
ton, Mr. .S. H Shentop,- Mr. Frank.
Skelton, Mr.' Brnee Stilly, Mr. • Art
Wasson, Mr. Elmer • Weaver - and
Mr. A. Wilkes. -
Mr. and Sirs. Albert W. McGee,
Port Albert, wish to annpunce the
engagement Of their eldest daugh-
ter, Helen Beatrice, to Ernest
Erwin Hill. son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. Hill, of London. . The wedding
to take place early in June., ••• -
Mr, and Mrs. Lockhart Cook. Col-
borne township, 'wish t(i 1111 ii11nnce
the engagement of their youngest
daughter, Grace -Nora Betty, to
N,Villiam Edward', son of Mrs, Little'
child and the late F. Littlechild,
place..ettHY in June.
Mr; and Mn.. Pierre Lasnier. of
St, John's, Quebec. announce the.
engagement of their (laughter,
Simone Noella, to Ilarvey Fraser
'Neil Thernpson, sqn of Mr. and
MrS. Neil Thompson, of Goderich.
The marriage will take place June,
Mt. and Mrs. J. E. 13aeehler, 52
'North street, GodeTieli, 'announce
the engagement of their daughter,
,Marjorie Kathleen, Ensign Don-
ald de France Well. V.S.N:, *son Of
Mr. and MrS. A. A. Well. Iowa
City, Iowa ; 'the _wedding to ., take
place eTtine 25th at 'Rt. Peter's
.Church, Goderich., Miss Baechler
graduated from SC. Maulers .Col-
lege, University of Toronto. En-
sign Welt attended the State MI-,
versify of Tom-, graduated froth 'Ireyett. 0„, L. Parsons. and A. P.
the 17111 ted States Naval Aeoilemy, 'Sturdy attended the meeting of 'the
elass of 1.1)47-,- and-is-uow attending Anglican.Synotl Hnrofi'at Lonthh
Georgetown tniversity Law School.. last week. -
• ' Mrs, C. Sampson ef Oallington,
DAMAGE TO SIDEWALKS Cornwall, 1,1ngland, arrived Wed.
nestlay to spend tWo Months with
-A----reAtiet -a The !-Signitt-Star- - in, her isoni ',Pardon- -SainPsen , WA*
Gederieh milts "boos the TeiVe Sampson., Ilritannia road, town.
have to fig nu all the sidewalks titot Dr; Mlbee bag returned
were in good eondition before from .twO". Weeks' •iikhing ha'
dozers began to dig ant fonadathung Algonquin Park With Galt ,and Tor -1
for ,new halves?" • Onto friendS,. He 'reports geed Oh.
AliAlVer .-are informed that Ina and a' eniaVhble firee•:'
br -1Virk-:"-k.--11:''''itediiiff;-ViSited at
or persons who dainaged the side- narrle for' iho' Weele'ella Ot-
.toA see' that 410110' 1m the byterlan Ohnrclu of•ivhich she was
-walks to, put then1„,6_1,11:,00d ,tentintd:: at hundredth arafiverst
Hari Ognill. The Al'own's Obligation 'try settlees of St. Andrew's PreS-
rArep.')osnigisTolei. poftott or persons. --'Member ' ADO 1'0814(44 Of
1940,, and now are respoesible for
recreation in • all its phases -in
fourteen •counties' .02 West -Central
Ontario. • •-• '•
. ,
: The regular monthly meeting of
the Sunset Circle Club was held on
Friday afternoon last. in' MacKay,'
Hall. "The was answered
by.seventeen ladiesgiving ,their
inaideirnaines and -home WWII. A
Motion was • assed. to
Smith s son Gordon,. who spent to
e arena fund. .nrs. Anstay, was
eMpowered to buy a "g-ift fOr. Airs.
weeks in •hospital with rheumatic'
fever „and IS stillimiable to attend
school. The business 02 theday
was to appoint the picnic com-
• .
. .
, PORT .STANLEX.etMay .22,•••-.-i:OinS
of Pori Stanley's itest-knoWn. •"tind,
best -liked residents, wtormer' P14:0:4"
cOnstable Donald ("Dan") Graham, -
. .,
FOURSalit AND- FIGHT died in Victoria HosPital, Louden,
Mr. AN. . .T. Blair, Cambria road. toinu..eSea tunliolilitt.tiYis, . at th.e'. age of...se,vent3k,:,,
nine years. He had been ill- for
is today .(Thursclayi _celebrating his Although a -resIdont ' ' here., fOr... -
eighty-eighth birthdaY. Borri in. forty-two years, "wie, Grahani. was ...
'Coderich.l.townShip on . May. 26th, born in Goderieh.. :He ' lived -there:
1861, he„ moved to town in 1898 and num he noved to -Stanley an&
has been a resident of Goderich .;married • Charlotte GOodittie, who, .
for the last fifty-one years. He is died, -in 11)34. '
stili fairly active, and walks up ' The likeable police elliet; whO.;
town every •day for his. mail. Ile preferred -"Dee to '"Chief,'! served., ,.
pianted his garden this spring and this. municipality ,as -pollee chief
keeps' his laWn'inower in condition frOm 1925 to 1945. For a Ith-fe he. •
to . nrOW his latini, and, lucky matt, also was caretaker of the Cent%
he can read without glasses. We numity Hall and municipal offices.
expect him to be -a "charter mem- Ile was a ;Member of St: jelah'S
ler" of the reorganized Oetogenar; Presbyterian .chnrch and St. Mark's: -
Ian Club.' . Maspnic Lodge, and a life Mellaber...
PERSONAL MENTION__ , 7 ',..%TyYttrivr-r:Atte'- 1h/Afghteii.;;,',-,'"
• Mrs.,(Mary) Priest,..TorOnte;.,-":•:::.•
Mr: James .Gariqw, ef Hamilton, an Mts. D.avid (Catherine) ARob_ :
spent the weekend in town. bins, • Port- 'Huron, Mieb. ; One Son,
Mrs. Dong -las Blacker of Brtint, DOnala Graham., with .
lived on North. Colborne Wslitrejilet.;11,ae ''
ford- was a we,ek-end guest with her
parents, Mi' and Mrs. T. R. Rundle. lep,daughfer, 'Air.s. 'William (Love-,
'4,N.lr. and Sirs. A. J.•Wilkins were
week -end guests with . their :SOIL sister, Mrs, 4., Smith, Port Arthur,
oay .0,-regory, Hamburg; N.Y..; a
, Goderich ..;
she earried a white Ivory inissat
1:1:ildPir.:s.e.nt sl-n3-ing
in. '
Howard end Mrs, Wilkins at Lon-
don., - . two, tro tilers, .1 ohn. and • Malcolm, •
' ' '• """ • Graham, Goderieh, and. ten grand-
Mr. and Mrs: A. L. Cole and Mrs.
MeNally attend•ed the Earnhardt- ..,
Smith. wedding' at .Braritford last - . - _
week. - Tohn and "Alalcolnr Graham. Mrs,
Mr. and 3Irs. Ernest Salkeld of *James Sinith and Miss Flora Smith '
Branfford were week -end.... guests jav. an t„esday. •
atterideri the funeral at Port Stan-,;',.
Rev. Renneth Mac- ,
With the .forinees 'wither, mrs. 11.
L. Salkeld.
. Lerma n condneted • the service and
• members of., St, • Mark's Ledge
MisS Frances CoOk of • '10101) t()
parents, Mr. and., -Mr OliVer Cook.
Brock street. • ' .--- .....9 -7 .--- -.-- ' '-
assisted. - . : -- - '
DALTON-sRIIISIMM.,,,..4.,:• :
-was a week -end guest with hei• ., • .
-•••-•., - urc ,-, Toronto, Was ,
ke''P6al's'ati w" a the scene of it pretty wedding ,at .
Chatham. on Tuesday attending the 9.15 a.m., SA turday meriting, April
opening serrices of the .new Evangel, 30114 whorl nita, 4ignes,.. dalighth.:,
'Tabernacle there. .
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLeod, of of Mri and mrs. Peter V. Chlaholin,
-- of IlailfaX, N.S.. became the bride
Silnit Ste. Marie, are visiting the
former's fa ther. Mr. Geo, , MacLeod, of Charles .T. -.Dalton. of 'Toronto, ,
son of 11r. and 3lis. Jeremiah Dat:••• •
and other relatives,
ton, of " Kingsbridge. The bride,
Mr. and Mrs." Erie' Hawklas, of chartningly attired in ' a suit , .of
1.41montoni-wer&:in-town-lost-week= ,,,,,,,,,r . gray--giiir A.-miz....... gre,y , ifiti....e..m...„„cfs ...-
end on a brief .yisit to 'his-•.ahnts, f"--- ••
style(' hat with maroon tulle tied !
Mrs: Gray and -miss Hawkias.
under the chin, entered the chtt
'Miss Peggy Driscoll, . who '' hos, to the' Strains ;:tif the toliengrin •
ilePTY the guest Of Mrs. Bert °Mae- Wedding Nlarch;• She wasgiven in
Donald for. two weeks, leaves toz marriage by joint .1-I. Daniell:let-4
morrow for her home at Ottawa.
Mr. A.- J. Stubbs, '1"oronto; and WitS of yelloW TaitSinan roses,* and
6f Brantfoid, Ont. , .1 -ler ..eorsage .
Mr. Odlin' Tatter:son, Brantford, mis, neien chisheim, sister of
the ,
terrace. ' ' 4 . .... ;
have returned after „visiting Mrs: bride, wits,. bodeAmto ., aut.Lwit8_14..„
Gertrude , Patterson. , GloneeSter .tractivoiv drotilea In 0 tharoori mot,:
Rev. It... IL ' Va ir 'and ,MessrS. S. of.glibardine will .00, ,40,0s,gor e, ,
her corsage we beinr.of 'TaliStiallii -
rose. ' She .-t00.' COON" It - white
ivory , missal. .,. 'Alfred . thiAtono
cousin ,of the groonwacted as best
man. The tnartiage!cerentony was
conducted, by Rev. C. .1... Cullen,
sang "Ave Marie ' and "On Thia ,
0-11.8- AnrIng'' Inassf-i-t1101•-sdieist-,
Day" ' , , . ' i
A reception ,Wils' .beld -81; the, ,
"World Ortlisee, atter Which the .
ham .;coopIe left for ' .4 l'rW , • to .
Ottawa. and Pastern )'-:-:Canad.4,, ;the.--.-
-brithrroVaritigiri*I-Piece navy blue
.taiCeta dresS. Withgrey- topper And,
naVY aceessorie.ch rpot Their re-
turn the,.coupie Will lake , Up re,41- '
deilee in Trento, where.-tbe 'groom
0 empioYed With the Ontario Hydro