HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-05-19, Page 11•ti AFIRE - RESISTING eof .RRf ;> ill' o iia/ wa{s be Modern, Tomorrow/ Bisco "As Balt Shin les tE .e. colours and ': patterns , .-which will ° be; 'good ' style" throughout the many years which they. will last . • •an thatis a long, lontime ., Asphalt SShingies=' ane Fo11- Roofings which bear the Bisco brand are products backed by long years of manufacturing experience. Your, assurance of :satisfaction is the .manufac- turer's integrity which insists on a• high standard of •quality in �alLproduucts vyhich:bear the Bisco name. - Dependable dealers recommend. Bisco Asphalt' Roofings, oa9•z V, : +s... sa. glia ",.J w*''ri.. BISHOP. ASPHALT PAPERS-1TEI LONDON, Ont., TORONTO ' ?4ONTREAL • PORTNEUF STATION, P,O.1,+ QUEBEC, LONDON.ROOFINGS ASPHALT 5HINOLES liMOOTN A►1d /MORAL SURPACOO R:O1L• ROOFINGS SH(AIHINGS a3, FELTS RUIIT•UP• ROOTING MATIRIAIS DOMINION ALUMINUM, FOIL INSULATION. 'LOOT COATINGS YOUR. SHIELD OE, ' PROTgaION•' • r LE r , E 1►'VRITING than an.,eieinentadaicatien, et dgiri .of liftee>a hne` asked: course h0 .bas- reed. ry .emueh.,ancd :kept m ° e •t4o fln d her .a pen? . pal, She an, I nglish girl, In .Derbyshire, whomet in his eyes a ani heart drawn to..see ; ? I a church; then,4and, the best company', and allied at •every chance: Meeting after that, Bele wlth. groups d clubs that - make .foto culture. she let xrit wife :and, toe knew that' , . She, , would . like SQ Much, to have Here are a .few extracts which sonebody write to. her* a friendly give some idea rod' the :soat Of exchan ' e notes - about letter x get fronts hlna 3i"With i'fevr"' re' F'a' artri d country and school, and 1 fe and • ,work, generally, .. Perhaps, some eye 111010011g. Destl4Qnd, 117 boy, we w. :catch this►, if so,write to'ine made two 'more• visits, tri hospitals. ab •17 Princess. street,' Drantford`, •a>i..iansleld .and : Basford. The. Ontario, to her address.' *, appreelatlo . shown by the antic th This, letter -writing habit is not well_ repaid-1JX or �1 ort 4, ant course orwe indulged' in as .much as it, deserves, , enjoyed. It' ourselves. Too many : there: are -who fight ,shy we made another . broadcast. ' fork of it, thinking they ' p , M. ro th New 'Fear' Fiver. after' a eho r the BBC1:° •for-•ottr• ale�voic Aye to be a sal �whieh ,�1 very •Wali. educated- person • to be a good correspondent. Some there went along to our own church" d a-reL-poorl _ . l r n the old, and in with the as. ed.uctt- 4 g Out tion • goes, who take it upoil•' them- `new:"' �, . Ts selfes• to write 'a nice breezy letter , r`iti had'i'a' busy week -end. MOO - :week ,by ,week, and cultivate the day I was soloist •at a.'union„ dinner, 'vp'edn sday 1 acted -as coredian :at' n •.'� •knackof '• in the things , one .. , spying a concert .at Langley, Mill, organ- wlnts to hear, and,. •Futttiaa;g their 1 0the cr T s' Boli; , in,„ isedon beh*This f Of riPp,.e observat.ons in, such an entertain,. ..„ f Ind h is hels o Provide is • a' girl ,, , Y. . fltad., _,,. 'l~h p t. P , in way..that the letter4e g y ,-;. , : - ;7ag t,. t ,the xixittfci" aced , mil' ."r"cull;" - cripples- �witlr.� fl: -r fror.,tnigh a^;, ... p,to give ani '' addressee. � A S'ea;side, >L wase pleased . ,Y n Object,, •'' • letters 'reached me recently, services for 'such a ,fie ,, Friday , Two a was a big night at 'our church, for y. h ing 1 f l.i d friends both ,of high ''qua lty, One -was from.°.a truck; driver who has'many at was the induction of our :nevi e 'worth, and the ,s lendid citizetislttp interests •- .outside his daily uoxk. ?celtori__ Her is tine son } Qg J udg F.-- He 'Is the leader of a male chorusn on . the bench , of her father in municipal' life and CApon...who is often that has wot rizes repeatedly at at the Nottingham Sessions." - as a county' magistrate, she P '" e-had•-the-8is'hop-,of� Sonthwpil tries to keep up with the social testivars; he tne^'i:l'a.� - tone singer and bas won distinction, over, and of course we. furnished a• nd. political mowemextts that have prizes and medals :'f'dr .his , solo, him with a ,fine display of bell -changed so radically in,: the last work. He finds time to- act as the ringing, as we old bell- ringers got rector's warden in a Church of .together for the occasion.: During England. He joins the bell-rifigers this' same evening I attended' the the ' church tower, quite often, to, annual. general'meeting of our male do his part •in sounding'out over voice choir and I. was again ap- the the `countryside the pealing music pointed to oifiice.r' 'those bells make. For a hobby he "r am 'doing very, well with niv :keeps hens that' 114- wonderfully poultry^. just now and :getting. a well; and'in a two-by-four garden good ' supply of eggs out of my 'back of ,his , home he raises a twelve pullets. What we don't re - wonderful amount of •vegetables. quire for ourselves our friends: are To • laity .thinking, though - e1ever itt .only.. too pleased to.._either. bay. or - air these- ways, .ite writes ' a letter tnive us; something in exchange; for that is a Treasure'. Periodically it the.pantry shelves." > - :eonies to me from' over the sea -and r These`'n're' only twenty' lines otit of a letter of 170 lines, all veK,v EVENING : AUXILIARY , 'the Evening Auxiliary. of North. 'street . 'United Church • met at the biome of ,Mrs. Thos. Donnelly, East- street, an Tuesday evening, . with about' • twenty. Imbibers prh ertt: Miss ,jJdna Driver" had charge of the worship service. Others tak- ing part included Mrs: Harold Young, Mrs. Earl Westbrook •and n.. s 0 nts u with ' � nuts. ,.. O�OOq iuhaabf to ,, nd whq was a'close associate with -Will' ^(hook •.• of Labor ; fano, + king of .` tt -. s „the`- bli ,. �li�-Coekne S kers'�on Pu , 41 platform. Living a sort of , lonely' ,life• with not too•, much means; "and yet av u' a circle o. n 'and acquaintances who know -.her Mrs.; Hei%ry, Miss Driver and Miss Hodgins ";gave the chapter ' of ;the study ,book .iiv • the .formol -a 'chis co siot, :. ' ith Miss Hodgins_ taking the Pa,rt of'Dr...G'bew.` Mrs. -Aberb"'ar conducted -a ---short" business meeting,, `after . which ` a social hour - was enjoyed, aid. the meeting closedwith: the Mizpah benediction. y. The is it..is length ._ ., a wr t ng„ unique. Every letter is printed be readatble, descriptive.--and..--inform,•i bis pen, and the page fir► marvellous- ing, about the highways and by- lv free.fro i miataltes..from the cali- ways Of his coming and going: graphv' point -of -view is a work of Let me tell of. a Maiden lady in nit• He has . it ' well spaced and- her seventies?. with•t '_background naragraphed also. The Metter is .of mneh interest: who was•:ri ;close 'full 'of interest because 111 has friend. of Georgie Lansbury. the much,.tb ' dra'w'ui oawith all theme lender :-ofd-the Opposition for .the ineeres ,a and: &innecti'ons in his daily •goings and comings. ;and the naipr occurrences • which •lie de- scribes so well and 'so eti"tOrtnining- ly. NOw this inainnever had more four •decades of her life. This lady writes,,, a very choice letter, .the sort you feel you never want to destroy because of the 'fine mind it reveals, the high -principles it reflects, the choice diction 11 has: She can say so much) in a few sentences, sentences put in such a way and clothed in .such eloquent' words that you feel , it is a gem that " should not go the war' of perishing. A descriptive -'letter she wrote -Of the bombing •of the Fast Endsecp tion .of London in the war days 'de- serves to take its place,'for• literary quality And interest,_ alongside some - of -the notes found inthe ,afamous P_epys' Diary, of - his observations of the great fire of London in 1666. Lest any who like to write their friends and •think• they -..must have some spectacularand sensational things - to. dill . in, the 'sheets, let tlier'came. inti' me remind ;them of` that•little: poem T.ahor Put rt v before .n • titat-- goes ta-shovr-thaeln-the din- awboer, ifia_EEymbelfTitie "irnndi: i4�itn 11 fl t fn her who fienred large :in the � yr1 lie life of the .Fast . End _ nf. London. •lining Miwor. 'of ljoplar ary ' loll and is the paths' of lowly tasks and toll, common- .interests and daily. doings, -there lies • much to, make1'tato an interesting -letter— more than'most _of us think. The poem is entitled "Exile," and shows how a letter may be Blade inter- esting about' people and places known -4o- the -receiver; -and rnd lrovr platitudes can • be • substituted' by real informntinn;�- and • wrifh'n 'oh_ servntions to displace . other Ma- terial that doesn't ,,kindle fire,: wEitig.ta.:;farmer it right sweat that -- Way at first glance. But take another look!, IYLODTTOLV DIME, TING: :LES IrF,.AT'Pi�'T� CA' $ MAPLE ..•.. ,.... The moas•~ h e l . . T etin ' . of the Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O,D.i ,, was. held on FridaY evening, May $th at the home of Mrs. 4.. A. Nicol, ,at the regent, miss- J, ;;axinders, presiding. - ,, . . The regent stressed the, need of• you remember When next you write me It is. of little ti�;ngs that I long • to hear. All the small -happenings that you hold so lightly.. ' N 1 hold so dear? • Are you 'stili busy in your garden, daily? - . - Wliat lire you reading,. now? What do you sew?,- • And do you 'hum your little songs 'its gaily �'As long ago? • Are tide larks singing ' -uo* itt .magazines for distribution on the boars and ° asked meinbers , 'and friends of • the Chapter to ietCve any suitable reading material With Airs. R. Menzies; ° convener of the committee. - Miss Roberta • Johnston, delegate - to •theT" rovincial Conference of the 1.9.D,E., gave a concise 'and" com- Preheapsive.:. report stating • that , ,a new: $100 bursary was. awarded to the Indians of the Six Nations .of the Alissausaga Reserve for schol- astic purj�posex The I. U D.E. urged adulti eclucutiion Vin':eiifQriirig the-. slat which -prohibits• children 'attend- ing the theatre at night Unaccom- panied by, an adult, ' as grave• dangers • or children could result through' fire, 'panic, falling asleep. or being :molested. , The new child- ren's film library nov r has: suitable films for children which are avail able ..tor use in:.,all theatres at: a -.nominal , fee, National and Pro_. viucial-presidents., both . stressed titer - need 'of .bein_ awake 2fseacsi •. Soviet "Propaganda. -, They reminded the' delegates that, democracy en- tailed duties 'and responsibilities, and ttrged every woman to make. better use of the -franchise, and to. extend a helping "hand to displaced persons,' and immigrants- and there- by help ereate•good, loyal. Canadian citizens. ie'as Fecoahhended that a:le er be sent to .the Ontairio Department „ ,difrnt•in�_ _._n_.'ragnes jng 4h . C haoL' children be - ot_ granted . a holiday. on on Remembrance Day,--- November lith, ' but •that in. the schools such observance be made .that will lead to. .an ' intelligent and reverent ap=,, , precotiition -of . • the significance ' of the, day. It was resolved that the 'National' Chapter lie requested to petition the Federal C,roverntiient for the estab lishment.j of civic coinmittees�cvhose duty: it„ shall be- to accept the re- sponsibility of directing a prograin 'of. aissimtlat on• for'' all immigrants who settle is their respective dis- triets. • , • • - Mrs.:'R. J. Bremer -,-as appointed film convener.. -The chapter •.de .aided to,.: purchjtse .1;_ l g• for the., -girl•y" ugle- bandy It- ;; �r` '!1'eetcled j The. r r The granary. y kir w. -s fox the.d• `'.but his wife wa�s,+eager tae hie .help ,,and -offered:-to -carry 5. oust, its. sale of a bushel Af wheat which a customer ,required. They went to the ,bin, :and she , proceeded to measure alit `the grata. -Bile poured .in twd, Beck measures, and was . aboat__to. he _up' the.sack- *hen the customer interrupted, "But - four pecks make • a bushel, 1n 1 aw- f S obe ? er t�h, d � a3h . _�p�ie�l, _� . see, . ,r never had aim . e e>cten x .a'_. measuring rraiu ;before • 1;was ta't� . , sled. :I ed bo be°a school teacher," Visiting delegate. (to hotel'1erk) .' ,Why didn't you call 'me•: at 7.30 this, morning." „ °Werk•_'' (politely') "`Because you didn',,t € o to bed until ,, do with a good - coat of.' aint and a general, 'Eli up' • Could it g p L� Strange clow we are apt to`notice Signs of neglect:in someone else& house and -overlook the same things,,in our. <••.own. It's a costly,tendenty, too: For one bit: of disrepair soon leads to another,. Wood'detertorates when the paint -7- _ wears.off. A br6k i post"upd tintries;'theWl ole-'fencCt It pays to make your repairs promp$ly. Thaj,gos -aw indoorimpxovementsfr too. --You save -money',.' time and material, by attending,,, to bome:repairs right away before the damage gets worse. And every improvemept adds. to your comfort and -to your pridd ill your home._-. • • If you need more money than yoet have on hand, to pay for the necessary repairs ,see -your' 8 of M manager:about •a:iow-cost. ' •- loan. Save -by paying cash. And save youtself•troubl' by. !paying off all repair bills •atonce.. ` M'Why_ not malce a- list of the repairs your house needs today? Then discuss your improvement titans with your B of M manager ... in confidence. -Yriu'll like his helpful attitude. • .112 the _green meadows tn- ptresent two tickets for the .com-.f the wild pansies grow - nluitity Concert' series- "to 'students in the tw,o public schools. t1TP separ- ate school' mid the Godet ich Col - le it te: Instifute,rit-' Wits �rleciflerl also '-tri invite- the `.new 1 ndtionnI president. Mrs: P. P. . TeCit• -'v. to sneak - a t ,a joint. "luncheoni in the ,fa11. Further -arrangements for: the -n- mi:tl cnrnival to be held in flu' Cor•rt Honse Park on, ;Tune t'ilth Were • Ilia Cie. • At • the • Nose, -of the. meeting. 'tea was' served."' clusters,' free for any traveller's ..taking? ,• Tell •ine-'such things as tl>ests: my heart' is breaking, - T?tet'i•, just to 'ltnow." Mistress: "How vies,it: Ophelin. that -Ton, -have 'raised. three'' .such Bell�i)f`trstved boys O•pheiift :- "Wel-j, 'ass . M'a•t''y. I raised '1'e1n 'ct'i•'t'h a • bah •(.a stave, and: Z-. raised 'em freque2:t:" ' • WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN .EVERY WALK OF :LIFE- S1:NC.E 0143% • to`Canada's health and economy; often depend upon chemical fertlllizer's. - Weed acid pest destroyers, orchard' sprays too, are but a few. of the -services' that 4 chemicjil research extends to agriculture. 'through good times and bad, the w,+ chemical' industry plows a straight —•r better things for farm, industry and. home: freak-o=str'y with confidence for a finer future ... and to the C -I -L oval symbol of an organization devoted to serving Canadians through 'chemistry. ' Yes, you can .,f lE-'you'r'•bin'with 'blue coal this summer by paying Monthly as you do for telephone service •\ ; ' ��� /fob;' ~``"4.,, /4 fir' tion .r'e • • iirrirgi • • urb twist ntriib ,Vit ou old l° et$.eb• a au ,e$ ieai 4 ♦ p. I. * gi'461 '0° '01144 -lett fora'ic of p anr▪ dot d$odct ,t'aas..` lat fe laextr tl P odacar s -... � %e anake it as sifnpple as that! With us--you--can-how-• - for 'blue coal' heat the way•youphay for telephone bills -•-on' easy,•spread-out monthly' payments. You'll see that when you. , budget coal: bill , too our whole 'Household budget ruins 'smoothly. You get rid Of big bills in winter. when expenses are at theirr:highest. You're_ protected against price rises- because you'll have a supply on, bund ><n your basement, bought at ^,•Q4'" , i',- r.lM"i-- 4Y: p rt( +,t '' .d•1•r +wm✓npM+w'M'ar t.'A+W:AW.bdr.W,YeiY .. •A.+•/-'+•- C-,'rsdi.4S:..JL.Inb..1%::b ....44 I4 - 1 What's more, .When you can get the world's' finest anthracite -`blue 'caw l' -on. liberal ter .it"s more ora "buy",than ever. All of itis` cle squat -fractured lioid coal freshly tit deep levels `. correctly; sized and pro essed for most efts, tburning. '- . a 'Phone us l oday fcir complete. `infor'ilnaatiofii, u our b1 a coal budget Plan. Mere ais no • obligaio.' to bay a# tO l ED'APE...ING 0,41; .,.EASY -T RM j' . Jr.. .,.. .