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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-05-19, Page 4
11 Is re �►uX+e Streaminex seat ooYers for � • . _..a� Rana,. r � aIfo • � " a ,� is r •all,.cars, front . and rear, .$3:15 and lkiktfor Oil in. sealed cans sealed ,, ���'ts'.at 250' , ga31oi a at 08e.:," ' T �'' FIT '' ,.R Ott LK -R, -64c PER; GALLON; I WP,7 � '1' •LASTS s• can with o 4'' Qf ` aY 1110E= A. .,BATTER= for call, truck or tractor, factored /by' HART, BATTERIES, 12.60 and'u mlln e 'Cater- oab�iretor , , , . 12.Q0. fob' General Motors cars, Hag -mak e''' { .. n REN ,o ,� OSE` 'S0� .f ot, e h�' t c�ou wi. - V- .. .,plings R .$4.95. auto polish in pint,„tin's, • .79c. • `ractional horse power belts, any lengths., • r E• C�pTE ,RIBBER half pints at 900. T ENAMEL, for cars, trucks; ' • 'SPECIAL AL 1l ,P; � o!roRs at only $13.95. STILTS OFFER' EXPIRES; 'MAY 28th, 1949'. Bet QST,;; vers Auto_Supply PHONE 295W ;FOR HUROhI. �oGIINTY • - e • nnu . �'� annual county convention of ^tlae. Wouren'a: ; Christian Tem ranee "Tinion s :he`ll: i..n"Y'ictoria street - Ghuih, o> Wednesday afte,- jilted 21o4nx- M �'' 'a•tk. " Tth• oh. ` r s ' n ted -Were. those of, Esete • 1n , Goderreli�': 1lirs, 'George Johnston;' .C4ciderich,. was in the ' chair,' in -the ,absence. of the president, Mrs, R. A' Brook'r- Fensall, ” Rev,..L. 'itt, ' urner, minister of the ehuireh,' extended greetings to the • it ' nti co ave on ' which : to Mrs. J. W. ,Downs,, of >xeter•: 'replied.. • W; G.. Medd, of Exeter• forrner 1V1p, , for :South, Iluron, nand 'on 'the t7a• 'of `directors •of --t e.-Orrtiirio 'lxrmperande . Federation, prese,nted coneise� epert,-of•:-the-regia t, -con-. vention held at Toronto: Re .lis - on; fat alcoholic • and.' the, natter of further oryaniz- artior%' of the Ontario' Federation: ,1bn Ouraging' retorts 'were pre- eeented, by the superintendents of • de= :parttielrts, and. the treasurer re - rt "disclosed a •stt�bstantial bank l-'• a anee. .' A 'memorial eanorial service Was =' ondneted • by •• Mrs:::• G:. Johnston and Rev: ',G. W. H. Medley :rendered .'n AnUI! BE AHEAD d' THF SRA ,fir; Power IVfowers up to 25 inches •and'" .Hand Mowers 'sharpened and . renamed. - .• SClssors;°Shears; Garden Tools artful all, small M-ools� sharpened. '- Drill:0 Ehem at ,the 'remises of 4.V. Thomas, t Etgin Ave E. Dbert Groves 1Stf nrraz ua►Rr� Huroi Federati�i, �o Agriculture sy' W. V. Roy` `FF.00 1 Tures ti Ride" was the ., t. to prevent t%tickers froul sili�iying• subject ,of Farm Vora* brotdeast dealing with transportation, 'Licenses 'and •rules regarding, same came in for a deal- of dts011ss1on1. 'i'oblems in this vouuectiojt were p;asSedalo g to • the Automotive Transport AsSocla,tiOa oft Unt trio„ and AZr. d. 11, McLeod; secretary, the Livestock Transporters",piy:i. sign, issued a release which' we are quoting, , We trust this inform- aati0n krill make some problems more clear aud .create tt better under- -Stan -din "After listening •to the last two Farm i Forum broadcasts, this. ?t?lt.iO' . -„ sion feels that finny farmers; iuzs- take the purpose bf the •regulations under the Commercial Vehicle Act. These • false impressions ,rosy ia�v e originated from speeches made by '-responsible -producer -officials: with little , or no understanding of the :regulations.; from. key , 'persq�anel -represeartiri --railway-ln ferests- wil could wish the disintegration of the trucking, i d'ustry, in their, ef- forts. to secure• an ,unlimited trans- portation' nnonopoly; or froth the unlicensed trucker, who would like to have the -regulations scrapped in order..•that he jmight,continue trucks lag operations without', the'.,.ueces- sary compulsion to provide any measure of protection. to those who. patronize. his services. (It. has been demonstrated that some of these unlicensed truckers reflected •diseredit on theyn,tire�• .trucking ind-ustrry. iv stock, Atthe"resent time, live o im , ,. p -nniiirra ci:•'•ereain--are the only -farm -products which .,are regulated with respect, to transportation under the Commercial Vehicle Act: P.C.V. licenses are issued on the basis of public need • and convert= fence. An • applicant fort a. P.C.V. license must appear before the. On- tario Municipal Board, Toronto, or .in ' any locality selected by the `$oatrd,. ' where an• open, impartial hearing : is , conducted,, If the ap- piicant •..,.ean prove to the Board's satisfaction' that the -proposed ser- vice is needed;; he -will be granted a certificate for license. A.s a mat- ter of fact,.. the record speaks .for itself. 'Oder an ,eight-year period, from, 194Q to -1947, .'out of 2,6,63 applications far P.O.V. liven; srs'_ . to haul livestock, etc., only 208 were ,dismissed,or 7.8 ,per cent.. • „� After approval of the application by the 'Ontario. Municipal Board,' the trucker is ,permitted,thirty days n--*: ttl- 1 ecitiireineit•ts Of the Act, . In other, words, before' the license is actually" issued, the trucker must satisfy the Depart- ment of Highways that his vehicle is Properly equipped with flares, fire extinguisher' a'nd: covered with insurance protection for cargo, pro„ perty damage, and personal liabil- ity. Unless these regi reale, ts,,4a, e H.eesall ; treasurer,' "Mrs: W. Peters, met . to protect.. the- - iutere S . G'o�dericl Superintendents—of de-:” `shippers. no tieense vili be issued. partmen•ts—e•ra ygelistie and Christ After issuance .of. the license,' the iu-ii-stewar lsl�ip,�irs. E„ (1-1g trucker. Must live up :to .his obliga- eusall anti -narcotics and medical tious 'tinder the ..AcTto provide -re. era -tree, Mrs. , W. • C., ' ble--•-and continuous - transport - 'Exeter ; flower, _mission, Mrs. J. services and facilities or else face Cra'ntiton,. Goderich; medal contest. the prospect of :having: hfs license ?firs: G. Johnston, Goderioh; press, suspended. , . • : . • Mrs.- ilaude .Heddeu', Refloat' ; - -Farmers generally would..appear soldiers and sailors, Mrs. 0. • w to -have two'eomplaints 'against the , Medley, Godericlt • . P . V y, , , temperaric�' "in P.C.V. licensing• system, as, follows Sund ' seraeols, Mrs.. E. •Raithby, 1. P.C.V. licenses _restrict Gocrgi •h, • farmers to marketing= hos, g `The following resolutions were , etc., ' in .a ,certain, market or markets' nathed In the license; and • .. - 2. Fa•r•mers feel that truckers ' . under the licc*nsing system" ray not ;or are restricted from haul- -- arg` • retuu loads: of feed back to farms after tothe initial ick - p up-. of live"Tstock. It may be that these- eompIt ints. aft re more amiltrent than'real. -Lic- enses are issued to: meet the :needs of the public when such need is p aved. -It may be that some of the old licenses, issued as far back' as .1932,. were restricted as to destination, but. at present many licenses are being clarified to permit truckees to deliver to• . a_ nip market' rn . On - taro,' if,,iiead 'be. There '"s •nath ing in t1T Act or in the regulations beautiful solo, "God is jusrthe -same to'aay; With Mrs. Medley 'accom- panying at the pftzno.e. Miss A: Consit,t, - riensall,, was' appointed a delegate to attend he Provincial convention o . be held this year I1ay al,. June l and 2, at ging�ston. Election of, officers resulted ' •as• •:.,ci�zisary:. presi', nts Jean Murray, Hensall;. Mrs.•M. W. Howeii, Godericb ; Mrs. • Miners, Exeter; president, Mrs:' R: A. Brook, Hensail ; vice -..presidents,, Mrs. G' Johnston,• Goderich ; Mrs. E. 'Geiger, freusall; Mrs. Johns, Exeter; corresponding • secretary, Mrs. P. 3: Cantelon, Goderieh; re- cording •secretary, Miss A. Consitt; 1 .f presented, at . the supner table by 'iltr''s. Powell, Exeter, convener pt the resolutions Committee: That- alcohol advertisements should be prohibited and: alcohol ,gdueatiotit for- Canadian Youth—be empbaniied;-,personal .let•r- ters'be- sent. to the 'Censor ,Board of Ontario, .to . eliminate -which, emphasize, sex. ' dyinkinl; scenes. crime : and 'Violence; malingers Of Canadian radio stations be urged not tohreadcast recipes with beer, wine; or brandy •as , ingredients : radio • pro- gramiis not to feature drinking songs or 'dialogue pats the Lord's Day Act be better 'enforced; saiie-i r l;Te ling 02 tobacco to . minors Abe;-- pro- hibited. • The -1950. -convention - be-heitl_ in Exeter.• e Pa.rk ::House ,SPECIAL FAMILY DNNERS 4. SERVED' FROM 12 NOON' • - TO 2 . P.M,.. AND FROM 4.30 :UNTIL , . • 7P.M. ON SUNDAY. ° PLEASE PHONE 6 or 8593 for Reservations' SPECIAL . MENUS ON REQUEST ;Y lain : or Fancy. _Catering to -Selected Groups. or Patties RELIEVEf MHE& PAINT Y.•12UBR1NG /. ia.r.ia.g s quick relief. rearelorr,y fart-dryinii, 'no -strolls odor Lorpet, sconomiii4 biz., 65c -3 19-46 f 1INA D, il►MB' �F PAIR' ..WITH to have - their itceuse Clarified, Should a trucker i:eOse• ' to initiate an application, •extenslo�l. or n,for . clarification,"there is ailing to prevent a .,npiy malt •froar• applyin& for license to sere these -particular fairalers. ' The .second' co?npiaiut' is absolute.,-' l nfoolu e'd. Two : •ears 'ago a 3t � ,. d,, y g , glow license, class "t'r5'K : (l arnt1. Service), was estalblished to permit . c h - . liv • ock an truckers t4 __au1 i,e st to d from farms. --'and feed, seed, 'fertil- izer and, farm sarpiiesto and Trona car. tion for this '1jeease. Zxi. 1,0&,7„•for example,. out of 105. applications atio amp ,. r . pp. c us for this class '"FS" license, only 'fifteen were distnissed, or 12 per cent. „ , s,• MRS, Wi3Y'TE ADDRESSES. - : D • E • NORTN STREW 'W,1VI.4,, Tare W, ► �p "••*o ii.--stree -United Church- and .` tests; from r s i t e 3n '. erich oche.., oce i s God sand i vli ed t. listened o . n earnest and v_etnit� _ n P a inspiring: message brought to 'them by Mrs.. 'Whyte of Talbotvitle, presi- dent' o2 the' London • donference branch, 1V.aZ�S;, kit' the thank offer- ing meeting held, in thea Sunday, school room of the church ow -the evening of May 1.0th. ' In beginning her address the speaker said that she felt she could 'not 'do- better in showing the power and need -of mission - worl, than . to hive•_"a""re�rnze"�ofT'tlre � 'R�'rTd""�tsi • hin. Colum - f rence of ',Churchesheld e _ bus, 'Ohio, -last- October, the thein.e. of . which was ''One World in Ohrist.'' °There were delegates from °NAL:sr): *- r U,. Those `who get the Most fun and sit isfatctiozr '41,,w4ys . rlaltz to add Something_ new '&4 d season, in this way,.they•becolnefaiiriliar with •tie steady improvement plaint- breeders and' experimenters are mak- ing, ,and.,'they, also mttke valuable lTS t slonld be remembered that the work ;of plant • improvemeat, has never' stopped. Old favorites amoing the dowei*s and vegetables ' hal,* been, wonderfully imnr owed in dolor or quality ' and, what is of great imrbiit"ance to Clanada;'thel°e'are-falx hardier sorts today than were in t f v ears a _ _ . As a result ofthis . new tar mess, it' is now, • possi'ble to .grow such tender...things, as garden corn, Melons,' tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., in areas where the old strains would not have had: a chance. And the same npq)lies to many formerly tender flowers. 'It -is .not advisafile to ' plaxfit .the. whole' garden. with new .things ' or novelties; but certaini ' the system- otic introduction of . two, or 'three' each year will provide' new inter- est',and very often the discovery tie i ►d• permanent addi- tion. For a Big --Show • Most of us have envied those Tong brillia,pt shows of petunias or Other .,s 1 1 • 11 - • • sixty-two•''missions, all . the wsy . - • • from ,Lagoon, .Sask.,, • to Dallas, run with Communlszn she may be Texas, -and from the Maritimes to able, to. go back to 'her .work, British •;Oolumiiln,' .each telling of the good that Christian. missionary put3ng tiie course 'of this cop - work - •haid done In' lien .particular Terence a -cablegram was received from __,q.neral McArthur paying area, ' of ' the dime !ties that had- Itrr ii to the mi'ssfon •�vorlj done still to be suxlinot�ynted; arid, of the 1, Japawtand expressing.' the hope lack of „Workers silo" funds and the that the Society would continue cry .for more Help. 'to 'meet the 'challenge that comes to She spoke .of ,the,humble pleading it. From' Brazil .came the call .for of the little niau from 'Japan who hundreds of oBililes. Another deplored the' suffering his country speaker asked that good reading had caused in, the last war, and matter be sent. ' told how=., bombs sent over three- In conclusion- ,rs. Whyte asked, thousand, girls in a Christian school In 'our money' been' wisely -M- in death: , but through faith •�, to '•:when Such_ wonderful, re-, in God'' they were -rebuilding the Ochoa-a:nd already laid 160(1 a ports collie. to •lis: Arman call those, r p' countries?"This, the tweiity,.fifth plications -from 'sir -is all over Japan year . of • urian, she said,. is -Or longing to, be •edneate'd in a. Christ= year • of opportunity ; let us +go r11 o°•--- :.fart her-'.+11ft tr''' e .lisle- •e ver-• gone- essages (roan a� ' i There , 'was the very earnest sneaker from the leper colony , of S•inru who told of the comfort the Gospel` had brought to those suffer - hopeless people and who asked that more help be given theni. The man from Cairo, asking that his people' be considered as people of our own- ;land woo wanted to tieThirg"ta i e Christian %wortct. The young pian from- Rorea who •along With ,twenty Other ynune hien hada foliglrt their-wtr a frorn_reliind_-_tlie: ,-iron curtain i-u=--the-nertlr-=f-where !anyone • who .dared to preach' the Christian- •Gospel was • either • •prisoned' or otherwise done away - with) to the 'southern part of the country. There they -managed, ;to build lzw little.church, and today. the .people of Korea are filling the pliurches and girls •: walk ,ten miles -'to sit in: a , sc_h_ ool without heat in order ..to .:get an education.. The plea of tittle Dr. Hilda Lazarus . of India for prayer and Workers to. help' in her land,�wljere, she. said, "O,pport>`tnity is • there now if it is only- made use,of : i*iefore" it ;.-is t�� late." Tire yoiee :of the tall ••yoting- blackefnced Zulu- from Africa plead-. - ing for his people; also Dr. Paui- hlarrison, the: "Desert Doetor---of Arabia," who s.;xi°d, that the Bower of Christ, can overeome any •giari°t of evil in any land if only given a chance. The story of the - mission - dry who is editor .af•..the..•'Chinese paper-"k1apLy 'ChildlroDd" for child- ren, at present home on fturloti h :after, _thirty-six years of servk-e.wh . -topes" that e•c en , if ohiitta -re & ev. -before-to tak h-risthinit� r+oiind the world." • The president, , Miss'' M. Camp-- -bell, occrripied the d;ehair - and ,"ex- tended a• welcome to all. visitors. She also spoke of the po regretted re-•' moval front town of Mrs.'1 . • C. `Chapman, ori of the faithf il•mis sionar •'workers 1of the ' Society. y , A. letter of sa'ppreciattooazn�.,i:lts.. Bishop,: a former member, now of Strafford, was read by the cor- responding secretary: , f, D• Mooney ,read- part of. -the 1OtIr-e1rapfer of , Lukea"i s the Scripture lesson and . Mrs. Thorne -4 toe ' offered prayer. -A lovely solo, "God Touches Earth with Beauty," was sung ' by Miss Hume, Mrs. Martin on behalf of ` the. Societ y Moved a vote of thanks to .the speaker, , Mrs. Whyte, and Miss Rome. ' - After,, the ,close ' or the meeting a social hour, with lunch, was'spernt,: Sowers flaidng• some tarn), brae or o country � tate}, ,. mnat take' a• h time and .OoeYAto look a#ter� them, . -.fie,- say) Aotnalry howe'ver, �dnesn',t. Of' ' course a long bed' of -Perennial Sowek is a. different proposition:" ' Rere there must*be a good'• deal . of tedious weedin' = h other Welt , i . :u r we, .!:lave h fir .144,0th of lane Or driveway, or.• • eyen stone.extendedfrontage al ongthe street, it ispossible to have a long bed, of: one or two brilliant annuals, without much trouble.. The first thing is to ,get: the ,bed cultivated trlior•oughIy,. and 't>eoause 4t-7-10---usually4t-7-10---usually-straight <.ai d.. -ling we .ean do that 'with a tractor .or horse. Then by setting out the an-. Torals-fa tly well "iapart we can: do 'much of ,the later .Oniti`vat~ on also by power. B stiekiing to .one. 4 .two suitable ,Sowers things that !)loon; • early andoutinuously, aid - avoiding fancy 'clumips, Che neees- sary cultivation is si�mpllified arid'' z uCh• hand weeding avoided• '. Once the sowers -'get well started' they will usually have little difficult' in crowding out arid ,weeds; - I%enirte the Vardar, 1£ieatthy The biggest single factor in lteep- ing the 'vegetable or.,8'c wen. garden, healthy is regulacultivation,_Tlita. creates the best possi'b'le atmosphere' for thriving plaruts. Cpilbi:vabion not only destroys weedy and• other . plants that have no .place wfth our. Powers and' vegetables, but it lets in ell tend helps the soil absorb rneeded . moisture. Without -. ithis, especihllty where the land ;is. heavy,' there' would be little. chance for. moisture to enter or for beneliieial bacteria to work. To carry ' ofit, cultivation *with a minimum of effort, some of the special implements now . on the niarrket will be found irrvuluable.' For working aroundclosely-Planted flower "-•beds, or in the roWS'" of smaller vee•etar,bles like carrots, lits and, onions, a short-linuidied, two or fliree pronged cultivator, i sot much bigger _ than a 'table fork, is useful. Where site space is more ample; -'a simlatr •'r-altivatoi7but Iarger, 'and with -a . rtirig handle to eliminate back -breaking stooping; will be a good, investment..` eciul Tools • is -a: Wood -plan to 'h ve-a c ' . . 'have -a `nf -hoes- o cl iffer-eni si te, r,r _narkaas one regular garden hoe and a�D•utch type" hoe. 'The latter,' which is shaped like the Ietter o"D," is orae of the very best tools for I:�illing weeds. Gard grass under shrubs and -trailing _pia -nits and for leaving a fine • mulch behind, Until one gets used to it,however. one should be ea refill. ars i t, will' :Since o : g ` #1'':,nod :and bad Wants •cath' equal facility. With the larger gardens, .one of the small. I%and-guided tractors will Cave -an enormous amount • *Lila nd 1 laor. ,ctt Alred--with--•etilti-vat--oar•. -and• possibly also a small disk '©r harrai . these 'niiachine5; .thoronglrly euitivate a half -acre garden in less than tin hour. They. pre ;.o easily guided "too aifter • a'lit'tle `, praetiee. • that•one can cultivate to witlih an inch or .co /ren of small plants like onions. TMs'. means that there will be' .7-rr. :little garden left• to go over with the hand cultivator. roic U ` AND DEMBR; • Ph. .971 Nt. A. uaREY_ FAR o= • bes.: New co..,ds•--- 1 Q'ilantlty' 600x16• Ixnpleine� .... 50 _. • •• '�' . r18tf l ;t atere Give yourins w y scar a earl- Start"against x the tinie when he has to strike out on -his own. With a Crown Life 5 for 1 policy•' -peau-•can•-:do-tb:is-cash-.: and -at low-cost. cost. • A J;000.0O Crown Life • 5 for 1 `policy JJ bought for your' son at any time from birth to age 15, automatically..becomes a $5,000.00`policy at age 21, with no increase in,premium. KOOK AT- ;NESE FEATURES: I. No medical examination on purchase' or at age 2.. - Rapidly.increasing cash, values can provide an education fund; if desired. 3. Low annual premium. ' Get this roteetion: for our son P ,, Y while he is. still a 'child and earn a lower preniiu i •rate, • , Cal) -a ;gown Life -re re .. p sentutiv today. . H a wine . glad to Y lain t e 1ar1 yin a 'a P P d -air -t -c yo`tl. • • BLOWN INSURANCE COMPANY Established Home' Off'c' • 1400 �•.' Toronto • .-4 CL -8.58 ` F. s sYTH LL, DR P. B,EDARD ZURICH Genbral Agents. R� J., WILSSNSON, C.L.U.,' Division•, Manager 4b� Interior , Gloss Paint .'imPropw.d,ll,sta ll rte ,.._, peated washings; btutsbes on easily; anti• ',looks like. enamel, ob. yout bathroom- alts arncl–Wooclyiro.k. Seven snag ..7�'ii$ht-reeflgCti dg 44044 —4 and white. WAST .ST. 4.4 .. °kg- laze �ao3r� 'DINT laze PAINTS . yf piz.ad (zee 0/ amous leading th'ih raciIe The Loi Ash Hard Coal Red Marked for. Indentiflca- tlon' Guarateed Satisf ,cto0 ,0r ney eft.ded' l'H'(`E 141. eai aO ERICi 1 J ST.. ...Direct fr�m.-the -Calgary Stampede cation on • FIRST TIME 'TO VISIT EASTERN 'CANADA OVER 50 TO 60 -HEAD-OF FIERY TllOiOUGli-BREIJ .:'HORSES There are four horses to a,wa 'o i, 12 horses to .a race, three heats, each heat' a race. , •" T''S: TI1E- WILDEST. *HOW ON EARTH! ai----weitunEsTTDiI,TTR° WAGON RACES, WILL BE `HEL"-AT • AGRICULTURAL PARK,GOIE*ICI1 TUESD ti ,.I_....' • --- Sponsored by Goderich Saddle Club TWO SHOWS 2 -p.m and 7 p'.. RODEO ..�. , a�: TOP 1949 ACT'S F:EAT.U�zNG THE PA Atrs.BI X iKEN`n1D,GE rAxvIltrx • World Champion Cowboys in action, with- ; Spills, Chills and sometl�mescs ,do «.•' -,.:v ,. ray .•,. ,'-.i' ' ry ',:T dor s-�'`U�I1s'�•' :;� . • ==� ADMISSION Adults—80e plus20c .Goat, TaX, i then, under` 12 years --26e C ar pa:thing fres', Also grauasittnct We x guarantee' you will, be mote than satisfied Director of:show , Cliff Cts ett g , IViet>shoW, . A.LbOrts. ' •'i'�"'M:`Y4'h'�•!1�4. ih . M:,_,'.,'R .,_ 'ter r..