HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-05-19, Page 2=EON
ON :0
S• ,O1ffilIQST WEE�Y.
' g� 81641 : -Star,„ LLmfted : ' : if +. 1• VOA -
imam utas --Cana da ad Great $ritain, F2,00 a year. 10 tnitedTHCC'iIGN. �H 4.
most unusual es fence
Stkt. $260 1an
had a m. s 1
• ss ma Poat - , a 'in tht village, Now,
a[�ir� 'on req •eeta Authoriu�ci as eecwnd-eka mall; � the ofherad Y boo
Office De tAient, Ottawa, Tele»h„one 71, Vve been., Din in a ,d: Diff of that
liar g g
dlan • W Newspapers' Association. - • 1 • was old :ugh
Membe>< of CSana- ... ee?kly lace ever ,duce• .. q'�.'
_: 1reuIatibn Over ;:900 -�..- ,_
Weekly . 4 to ri.Cc, rthe.. llozu� ; Ix d' , � nggy,...
r ��y(�•oto. 'L, 1�3LZ+IS , .. few hundred- people
Oy��(.^l���y[,/`�'SDI� There a oul3� n,
,. �.3. Lot YF�r. !.T^l�•+4... P. •
,; ' " T SDAF, ? tAy 19 h, 1949
In the place, so 1 'guess 1 lno..
everybody ands ever'Sbody h'no.r�'s. Axe.
" " 11 p1M ae--wv-
_ ,- - . ri others are seldom ever friend:
Ecom :. sate, for an4 drop. fix p .ce, and o A ra•
nod an-- some
Brantford --expositor. 13T- at all, $ome d
I r does not meed to ,stop to streak,
Z he hncposito s rd"herr 1 ' eat in . to the village
,be.„so impartial. The Federal -Govt the other day doe Lawson, the
r e t its reducing taxation, not lawyer, stop me and , shook
e tlm u d , -
incre _sin it- It was the Provincial: hands. That"S the first time that
increasing .., has 'ha happened since . -'he u.aa . itp-
hieh whe r"'Oita'► : ply d
po3Lned ,1�,Cs`. •ft,waci`e ' me ' w'ande'r
dropped its gasoline • tax,- picked s 'bit. He asked . about the wife
i;tup ani,' added -it to its ' i _ and -the fail it rniid1ow 4h -e- eropa
The 'tax, of . 11 cents a gallon on were looking and asked 'ne to pup
gasoline all goes new to the Qu- in and. have a:chat with him"'nay.
time I was in the village. •
Carlo Government, " Peter ° Joe 'Daniels was coming
. ........ ..... _... , ..,. Dont khae..:,,iaan'??er;,]u,op,, He; squinted
i ,„at me a . Codi Ie _Of "tinier and alien
. What'a goin;t, on in our neighbor .�:, • -
came ." along with his hand out-
u -riding to the south? Lastweek stretched tq shan" cote
announcement'. Was made of the see that X waske ,jmiuste.oneFou of the
candidature of Rev. J. it. Peters, finest men in his 'acquaintanceship.
United, Church clergyman, on -the We chatted ' about the '-weather and
Tr 'having stated receut-
• ,ill$` pale
s U that no central.. issue Atha ap-
acedut,'the Federal. election c
"pai and: Hon. Ea,ri,„,.Rowe- being'.
e o t , �" out'' at fir.
.reported as ,lashing .
a t last wn's� SP.;o-
true eonrention at
•�ressi�'e w,Conservn;: n so . tiling, to
" 'inghti, for saying , mg U •,
the Same ,'effect;; it would appear
in, order • ,to re-examine the
404 0911% , .
' {A eeerding to Air. Rowe, the Major,
:iissu4. • is `"whether . Canada Is - to
coxatii ue J.to shift to the left and
>'ta;•SociaMsin, the Socialism..;af NO
e Liberal party,
+thc C.,Q,�'.••�-:iiad th
Ar, to move (with .the Conserv-
atives) more to the centre of • the
The"1,ep0rt' of 'Mr. Rowel speech
�dees:'tlet insiicat.e. where 'he finds.
:the „tendency of ',which -he speaks,
and reports of other. Psogressive
Conservative .spee chem in the daily
ems indicate a similar indefinite-
" nes, TheeC"V: is frankly Sacial-
.. k ist:` but . the'..f act that it is cam-
paigning against the :.Liberal party,
and : has " s9me' hope , of being 'the
official 'Opposition' Boon' .to, the ' Liberal'
•..:: Gpvernment. , after the, election, is
sufficient :Ikea that' it does .not
sider tile. Liberal party'. Socialistic,
M It'
Might be ,fished, Whereim•.
- do
the,..]l,iilierals tend more. to.: Social-
than:- esssiv e.. ' isnpi ;:.�•-:d6..,tite• ..P'r"ogr 'Oon`
°'.• servatives? Family :allowances
'might be• a case in point. The.
regressive Conservatives"' voted
fior'. there and : _ retie as been
doing_ his best to cover up, the• fact
that .he once, opposed them. ' .Old:
age - pensions • mjght• 'be termed
soeialistie. Do the • Progressive
a Conservatives intend to • do away
with them? Then;' • there is... um;
employment insurance—does
<:� gaivers:� Party ---propose .� abolish
it? We do not,; belies"e It - does.
�'. Perhaps Mr. ,Rowewas thinking
:of Government controls. Many -of
its, thought that some of the war-'
• time Wcontrols Were irksome, . • but
With their help 'Canada was Able
to make a $neater,' contribution tod
the., prosecution' of the' war•+An
^•cavae. through in better 'shape than
. any ,other of the, warring countries.
&tery the end. of, the war the
m -Government began to.. abolish con-
ArolS --T10t as fast as the Progres-
sive Cotnservatives urged.:-bnt• much,
;¢: festerthan the C.0,F, party liked:
there are now :only a f ew''of these
controls left the ..inose mpprta.nt
%eing., rental control, anal a'biIC
.. p ,
`opinion on the whole; we -believe, 'meiit'toward 'the .liquor ;traffic.° Not
, ;of - the .immediate long ago , it' wa's reported:, that
ie��"hitt_ �Tn favor.
abolition of rent 'control •
`"•-*— Major Foote had stated publicly
L +
Finance- M i ter , : Abbott has1 that if he had his �-ay the retail
made. no secret of the fart that be4 sale of liquor would be confined
• •dislikes controls' and ' would. ,tike to , the Government liquor , stores.
to„', gel, rid of an of them. It -is It• remains to be seen if .the ap-,
*' 'ointm'n't means .'that the L'i- tior
.��.improba:'6ie that he 'has been p � e q
restrained' by, other nienihers of Control Act will begin to control
the Cabinetfrom hastening • the and that there will be, a .limit.
• process-. of- decontrol. Many per»: to the .opening of new liquor. out -
sons; • „particularly • housewives, lets in L.C.A. territory, • The fright-
° ,-think he has gone -too, fast In that ful 'record in the dally . Kress ,of
• direction.:` However that may .he, fatal accidents. ' murders and other
the distinction among the parties crime traceable to the liquor traffic
hi this .matter, is. this : The C.C.F. cannot have escaped the notice of
'Wants to continue controls: ;as a those in 'authority,: and -the new
° Premier. may have decided o do
,pantµ of '. its program. ��i'e „Pragres= t
sive Consersaures wish to get rid something about it.' ., • 4�
of -them at once,, The .Lilieltllls in-
tend. to°'do awlt'' with • thein' when-.
ever it appears.. they have outlived
their usefulness. . -
Qhe ofi the i rchhis who h€td been,
hanging monad.
The 'whole thing..'hrat me°`fstiampeti
and an • myAi ,ed; -. hat. On_. -complete ; lY
earth, could
have happened,._ed.o
Ood' to
n'1,liP►ge'� It • .w'as >ieali� o g
be trite, T. had "even, 'heard The
UlirPhy 4.7f WO; customer, ;"o'g,
you delft • it orry avbit about !that
store hill, One of these days you
can come inA and we, yo' 1l get it all
strai htened up. 'Just don't, worry,
_ ..b v, t,.
ofd o.
Theas the old ear was round- •are but treasury. board znitrtxtea.
en, ,,,__ ,
r o Mai street.. st Aiso w e may as well be.fair about
ing the corner of Main. p? - ,
v ehur h• ed, 1 it such a plethora' 'Of orders :does
the ...Presbyterian •, c abed, _r`
h si • 1, which read NOMTN- show that somebedy in the 'G�overn-
T - ler. nfuuh"-,k�
AT.IONS, ..and. 1, h -new ,e answ me t off' u • .�
ry y The ' real trouble with orders -in-
The coming electtott had time
, bo , .. h 1
out working. It was •n time to let council is that among -thousands of
w O
bygones -he bygones and ,,get down, them „of no eonkequenee there may
to the serious business of election- be a score or More, in the course
Bering. ", of a year which are of considerable
' consequence, which, are- based . op
. THOSL ORDERS-IN-OOUNCIT., :no_ ,parliamentary.__ .authority, and
' (Toronto Stas) . about which, therefore, -'the `public
Some Conservative newspapers should know." •
C.C.F. ticket in Huron -Perth. Then
this week Rev. (Miss) Reba H.ern,
minister of , th • �, s
1'arna,,was. a speaker for the 'Pro-
gressive •Conservative cause .at h
meeting in Seaforth. What :chance
has Andy McLean with two, min-
isters, and one a: wot ia.n, on his
tail? There are - sonic people, of
course, wlio, consider that :clergy-
men are neglecting • their duty, • to
the church 'when they engage „ in
party politics; and with the jinited
Church vote split . perhaps Andy
will not fare so badly after. , all.
• o . * *
When a woman representative
ve.H India. at a.; w:ashinagton- press
conference; • the • other. day said she
believed. the ,new relation"sliip be-
tht-een India and ,Bruin would be
of, benefit to 'both countries 'she
was git:ing.expression to what, may
pros e'-tt Uerefound
rulers of "India are Makin in at
titude that promises better feeling
and a closer co-operation. between
Britain and 'a free .India than :was
possible between . Britain .and an
India struggling to be free. Evident-
ly •the British, occupation that ended
§0 „ receently _ lieft no feeling of •bitter
ness no . cdoiibt the - people of India
are ,grateful :for all that - 404+91/3
did, fpr the •betterun ent .tifid. ad-
vanceme.nt - of their: country, and;
now, although they'' have becop e
a'republic, they 'are continuing their
nieznbership in the Commonwealth
and..iit • the new relationship should
develop • a' `- tsr itge ancl a better
friendship' than +fiver: --
equally important things and he
handed me a cigar and walked on;
That was the ' firsttime he had
spoken to' me since I sued _bin).
for net paying for the ten cliE s
of hardwood.
Eustace Me,Gufitn, the •postmaster„.
was busy' shaking •Band$ with
everybody. 'He was • just so friend-
it would almost make you sick.
The little matter of a cent Short:
on a Letter was really nothing.
'Usually be gets his victim iu ' front
of . the,' wicket and gives him a
long harangue about the digulty
of His Majesty's mail, • as it.'. he
were a • condemned •criminal: Not
so the •other' day, however.
Big dim Beatty, who usually
fits behind his desk id the garage
and takes in the money while, ,the
helpers work, was out pumping•
gasoline- and-- even:- wiping •wind
sh'iQlds.- ' He had a 'hearty smile
for everybody.. a !” .
• 1' .sow. the rery• dignhfietk -Vert`
Booker, the other lawyer in town,
who usually looks •ak •friendly as
a• relative at a hanging, was sitting
--on—th , - • s of *rem •
;with a. c-rowd-'around_ hint. He had,
even :bought- an .ice 'cream cone for
0Q440eclas� follows , .
Reading -tbis': many . muot ;get'
the ideal: that government IS , Just
(Me daanned ` order4 -eOuu c . -alter
that ,o
- n
shoot ,off a sort of produetioaUkine,
reducing' I'artlament to a shout*:
5-vindoW., The .,thing, is not- as bad.
• as that, Yor; the great burl', of all
these orders -.in -council are merely
adninistrative orders, • siupiy acts
basedon authority givea bst,arlla-
unet, and large_,ntmbex-e� them.
-and •s alters, .notably ane f-'tb cause a. i,w of all the fens of
Toronto candidates., are attempting. ..A , "r n.,r7anc n�.nnnha mri'e
to make Capital"out of the number
of ' orders -in -council passed 1 y the
government ;: • "bureaucracy," "Bic,
tiiterShip"- _ and all that -sort of.
But . The: Ottawa Joarnxtl, the
outstanding Conservative news-
paper of Canada. made this issue
clear only a .couple' of months ago.
Noting that 7,4005 orders -in -council
were passed between July 1, 1948,
and February 18, 1949, _The Journal
aulryi Mr, St, Z.aurent has, #triraa +ed
hirM 1# 9,0,11/7 lists liar )vided. It
is. 40 credit, to, those who .know
very- wel
l *hat eonstttuts, ' ta
"rett ot the orders-
counell tha't•'. t `should refer to.
00.001) Of these*nee the war is
t oto h the ,.'+constituted 4 usury
h, ,g y ,.
'atiou of Parliament s pourers.• •• The
Ottawa a J'ourna1,'a fairness might
well be copied by ' some Of its•,
Utietl bedfellows.,.
CA=. ORTH” ..w l ,
• .a•
' ire ---CW 1;Trr- f--Nerthh tree,
'United -Church. et:tertatnedd their
others at a pot -luck supper,-
the ehureh hall oft Friday evening,
Spring. flowers ,and blossoms decor
and ` of. Oepe la, prayer.
During the program, 'the "Dean
Or • the,' 1 upl etS','r' , yit , played by
Atari ' oyee . Ellwood, Margaret
Mmersdn read a poem', , and Ruth
DHOoCmKes:t„ a
der *sang Hom,
•-eve l films Were, shS'ow*
all of Which ,were4 ,enjoyable. ,`Step
Hi h'►'. lltustarate :Various 'vocations
open to business • girls. "Wood:
Wind Choir' showed : tha CamPosi,
tion of the woodwind section .of
While 4"Doney1aind
an orchestra, w, e
ptowed t0 be 41', delightful cartoon.
New Life Caning" depleted tile
life .of Ohianese»girls-4t--the
lin -tu `China,
;boarding school, of C e g , ., , ,,
It., showed they ed cation received
from a veli' ipus• " seboinstte an'
g ,
cultural viewpoint,,
The girls at the school have a
ated the tables The president, ' µ•
Marilyn .Turner,- presided during
worship service,• and' program,
tile w _ p
the- theme of each:being the Home
and, family.' Catharine' 'McDonald,
•con rt d-to-tbe-worship--cervi
hY reading;. the Scripture • lesson
TtAiRSPAY, 'g' it'X' 1904.1
f i1d„ i„�.� e ' (Mitis 'in Trt bAi g
wltua put ase 180' o .same ae- ,that
of. the , Canadltui' 00e, .t11 s bringing
home the realization of „the bond
exist between ah peoples..
"elvky�eds had 3ustgot oft The n
tlieiar train, -`"John, •dear,' said the
"let to make the People
bride, let ,us try .
-hay been married a long
think we • e ,T
-tim." "All right, honeys was the
answer, "yea carry the .sulba#sea,"'
, ..a,, rre ,, _
officer -
The medical,,
Pacific island .called his headcivarters-
toi 1 1s e.: one of
1 d.. e�
to report, a :,trop ca , ..
men h'ad cantraeted "We have
the e t r What .shall;
ease'of heti-heti a e e, , "
?', am.' to i �. ..,; e+....
we dor, • ,.
itto the Sea -Bees Theyll drink
, any4T 1,* g," ° s
The -Provincial Government - has
•appointed ° Ma3or. Jahn' Foote.
a member of the Ontario Liquor
Control Board. and: the"re• is some
hope that the - appointment •n'a;�'°'be
tin -indication or. a• change of - -ht-
tittide• on the part of the Govern-
Just arrived!American N'o. 1 cement. Get your supply
wfiile irla T`"T'1ace Tour. de -NMITI-•eo--we-cwt- -attend
to your heeds.
EU' lel s Supplies
of all kinds including 'lumber,_ shingles, , hardware,. glass,.
plywood, sash frames, mill work; etc. ,
• Cariada's':Outstandi ng Orchestra
Feature'd in several CBC: Coast to Coast weekly programs
A fission :7 c5� _ •` `-�
PHONE_ 782
Tou ring Canada Coast to. Coast. A hit. on • every "occas-
ion and playing to record - crowds each 'appearance.
- Don't -miss them 1 °. . Admisoion $1.00
'Picnic Hall: open daily May and June:; write or 'phone
for reservations. During Jul and ;August open for 'pip -
hits of 5O persons ox: more; bar"=reservation-'-only --•;.
8$i - • . -19-20
-6c sal. ft.
,• ••:,13c:sill,it �-:
- %SONZ„r`E, tempered
MASA E, untempered - ' 10c sq. ft
ALUMINUM ROGFIING... • ....$11.50 sq,.
w . �,
1' 10 SITKA °SPRUCE gWPI{AP . ,, .
2x4'sSPRUE) :.... » .. ..$90- M.
INSUlBIIC•.SIDIN� .$14.00 sq.
ftSgrA 4
"Why so glum. old chap?"
"I've . ustallad my fortune told: by
a- pian."
.4s we have, already said. Mr. - "But these people -don't really Rowe, so' far ,its reported. -gave know atiythina." 0."T1iIc Ane does. Tle''s mr bank
rio indication as to ,what policies Ina !Tager." .,
tl C:7.itt-trieii'ei i• 1 i iii i -
the Liberal party, and whielts,llii Ile: "Why (16 vo,i woOp
osps, and there 'ran sniffle at a pietnre show over.tie
party- opp �imni,►inarp woes, of people 'you never
hardly be an'issue so indefinite diet?f• ••
She: "For the :=•t "n)e reason why
roti screaiii •and yell when a man.
';roti don't knriry slides 'Into second
base." -
ii. Across CANADA, an indelenderitresearch oraanization, interviewed atotvrists -ui►a-htB;�.-�oodr:cx tires a
nth .past
st yeaar. Throe- oaf five hacksrc,itched to a $.F:'Goodrich' fromsome"other brand! : '
The reason? Only B.F. G°dtrdrich can give you longer mileage
smoother riding ... Pxtra .blowout protection ... PLUS FREEDOM
•D.L' t'ooclixcui.--ma nt iiij
,rul5%)nr researcli.'centre Research produced the B.F.G..
Seal -o -Matic tube that seals punctures instatztly . , .
permanently ... as you ride! Research developed
ty -wear-resisting, cooler -running; rubber 'compounds
: . the stronger cords . the` Improved body _.and
' .tread design that make B.F.Goodrich Si.lverto •Iii tires '
your„best design
for safety and econioiny.: ,
Enjoyall the money -saving, trouble -saving benefits of
• B.F. G'ood'rich research. „Switch • to B.F., Goodrich for a new
kind 'of motoring; pleasure. „Seeb,your•.B.F. Goodrich& dealer, -.
Today ! (Consult the ,yellow pages of your phone book:)
HI -CLEAT (T,uctor)
preferred open -type tread
School will -soon be over. , Tow
about getting tl%a.t boy or girl
Canada's first saintlier -holiday,
tile 24th of May, *net er loses' its
Popularity arid promises., weather
perniitting, . to be c°elcbrated 'this
,_year in Goderic1 v<''ith more* than
the usual activity. •• •
* * *
, EAI,., toted'
-au Lda fiethI ranee . -,et; - This is
the,outeome ot campaigti: to dis-
credit the. '. .et which ha,s:' been:
carrleO ort for Some time. Colt-
sumption• of • liquor 'SU, the;, i slaiiid
will now lelefillt-tor prttbttbly-''tefr"
times what' itt hilts' beett,uzider• the
04!..A blit' the Prov'i'ineia t Govern..
7 ntr ft`li .bct s i evett'ue from it-
r#liicli.is wiittt_ Otteein'r• Xark.;want8.
{ The lit hOlderil Of a Canadian,
t 1 --t. i t.,,;it:
�pa•o�' n , o d X ;t
h+1 "`+inite'within the bounds of `1?oss
that :I?
' , t '�,re redactions may
' B
to'' . asdrine.," the con,1I�1'�if1 �
otild net - likely benefit
an frak", 'beetle etle either the, rrr
wlecial or irederro, +Ilnvernnient
Vow* G , Aare to And. another fax
they mid .put on the Iitft l to
while you
wvif 1
Drive in today ,, . • t . • . a ..;.....��
for Hobbs
• Duoiite a nc. SEE OUR-- - 7 E5E ADVANTAGES
DuplE�it • *MI
I - . - . wall sir pint'
vsrs ail. surfoc
G a l'a at tac
:,. , . "ew y^ ell want, pitivt!ode brick tntirtdrty a.
'• � i`k t • aai
- 2, Oa* Goat roans covers, •• •
A19dtlt. ws • -
iw. �► . -- -, .' 3 Dries le NM. blew,
im ' at Raitan does Jars* fbor'rt•
•4. once . t
�Id Electric
Garden" eds
Steel wheelbarrows, cultivators
and everything yo uneed for
°ALL PURPosE (rticn•)
far, ortgtid-afi the •road
for longer mileage
5, Up "pointy" ed4 .
b.y.'A dut'abte, wa M' 'surfacehliftes.
♦ , A praasurs to put ell.
,Rout it Ott wrvtl 00EW `
6M40n. ROLLER, K0 'IER
Motlufactvrers Too, Choose B: F. GOODRICH' -
11 your new car, _truck or tractor is equipped 'with
11.F, Goodrich tires, take advantage of your dealer's
free, tiro in's loot,, service: This will attune you of
n` poen trouirls•freti inilea b built Into all
91"th g the .1 9, , g
:F' du esu f�
M&kers of i,res, fjaffer,er,
Automotays Acte* ortt,Y, Rubber Footwear, lnrivstrtat Rubbor Products and Korosac
.,,� NK
l _1i
Dx controt vri
garage , or "Service Station
- 'tAesoars• at' 1 hepfd uli+ut
ite darn' from l`'.urkfuxb s,1' went
'straighf''to that.: nearest 8,F4
• Go drlc`li dialer's.
i'd' iiianfed for yeriis."'•
" tw 4 i►,.INinThias¢`1VIrm,
t • AIttbYPC1tlT Rdirtcfi10H 1 IGER MII.MAGE-» wifthed
.1e , F tdProdtiti#aw 1: lSctrA
-» ,C, rlvroig0 oc lea b q” h0v*n't bion diir-
. ,ovar ffie rough back roads of n'ri g •. •
to ,a Inted, After land., Yard,
in sw i�
aelie S ce 1
Q �
' • d * o ed corn, drivin , Manly over bad'roa4*
B.f : Goaeeck 1 v m Y_ far at,an .
• , o at 'tiro •' treads hrtiil look good y
plata frtredlrrrl from � . �r
ttoubtes '- aiek uvdlit mole.. relies. -.4Abn, sindair,q
Ipttawd Orrtr, Rlversida+NII.
1 >'
rides-smdollier -on» B,Fr ocl
rich tires. They, absorb More
road shat& yet reatntalrr correct
proaarte and neerl',sery lit -
le ,attantldn,' asc ter.
- R. 'Kn F
Ousoh, London Cin)
",Soal a:7nhtit 'ISYinjht 1ti 193 i
irtstill In dependable
.m y ood c
ing mb gloater leitn.ly, grean
'teal Aaf bm 1�us troedonl
�fem �od-
ar. durteney,,B.t4