The Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-05-12, Page 6�r; til:.'•' �''i1.ti�:%;::.:`.$
GE,' . .
R lj i1:C 10.
KTI3GSP �, ,EG . , aY;,
4eraidd Da;ltoti of Toronto, was home.
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. J, Dalton, for Mother's D#Y.
,•, Gerald, John and Mrs. Reynolds,
Qf ` Hamilton, were visitors. over Tthe
week -end with Mr. and Mrivs. ace
Shiflett of ]Detroit 'ts
spending 'a -few days with friends
,here '
Mrs. ,John Hiisseyand 'Jr•,. Earl
ltiiacLai;en; of Goderich, were
visitors on- .Stulday with. fir. and
Mrs, -A. 'Martin.
':1 1chnei " Foley is leaving the,
✓ ,•EEPING up with the tunes is the responsibilit3t eery .,
'Canadian business. The latest addition to our cotton mill unit a°t
Magog, Quebec; it =vindication of Dominion Textiles appreciation
:of this fact. Designed—cin the latest structural -plans -for -such
planta,-the`building-is--air-conaltio-ned throughout, equipped with "
• ; fluoretc&nt lighting and the most modern cottoa tettile machinery:-
It combines healthful, pleabaiit workiiig'conditions forthe employees
'with a•production efficiency which means mo'te and better cotton, ,..
west ssible
golds for-Ganadian' Consumers- at the Yo possible in,'
®OLM1N d
-Itis' announced by P. G. Bennett,
agricultutal .representatiVe ' for
Huron county,- that Paler clubs
organized under the agricultural re-
Presentatives branch.' of the Ontario,
Deptr.tineiit 'of Agr culture ale he -
Tug iuer'eused'"in the ' vouutyy -this;'
year. To date eight clubs have
;been organized. with four More
v t to coni lete the r or ranization:
In addition -to these,, there are some
six gardeic.„ac albs organizedunder.
the direction of ..\Liss Jean Scott,
hone ec'onom'ist for this county,
These emprise some sihtyilve girls
Mr. Bennett points Out that the
majority • of the clubs this year
are' calf, clubs. 'seven being organ-
-Ned. Beef
.cubs have
n organ
lied at Se fo th, Exeter,- Brussels
n lc in Hon*ick” Township, with
other beefclubs yet to be organized
in SYingham and Blyth. it is ex-
peeted' that. the, clubs: in hVinghaui,
and 13owick .will also have a num-
ber Of dairy calves In them. In;
addition, the Huron. Holstein Club.
is again sponsoring' the Holstein
Calf Club, which will comprise
members • with purebred Holstein
calves frons al•1 over' the county,
The other clubs which have been.
organized include the Grain • Club
in Grey township with Clinton. oats
being used and a Winter Wheat
Ch bT _at.` Dungannon with Cornell
595 • being used. Also a Swine Club
3s being organized at Dungannon:"
agripitural , repre:
sa Rcnta iv t r Huron .county, an-'
.._ Huron
„.ounces the • appointment of Fred
•Vllon lis assistant agrlhtiltursl,
representative, for this Bounty. Mr.
;Wijson, who win' eoinn ecce . bis
dutIt a on mune ' :tat,; '� is it in inber
of this, year's• graduating class at
the . Ontario' Agricultural ',College,
Baying spec lined in, nim 11 hu•-
ba'ndry., #Xe" is a native of Welling,.
ton county; coming from Erin, about
twenty.dve .miles "east of Guelph.
Ile has-been, a very active ineni er
7n; club work in his, own county
for a number of Yeats,
Mr. Wilson n w,illsucceed J. V.
Rennie; who resigned as. assistant
agricultural., representative on
.March st to work for the Nati onsl
Dairy Council at Guelph before
going to. Iotvq State College in
September to get his' master degree:
A pretty. wedding took place at
Knox Presbyterian . manse, .. •Gode-
rich, on Wednesday, May,,4th, When
Rev. • R.. G. • MacM llan united in
Lola Joyce.MePhee,:daugh-
ter of Mi. and Nrs. Ci'ltisterMcPhee,
Auburn,''und .Ross* Lyleb Sparks, son
of Mr. and Mrs: 'floss Sparks, Gode-
rich. The bride was charming" in
a pink gabardine suit with na.vy
accessories ,and ..,corsage of .pink
carnations _ and ._`r,.ed_. roses. Miss
rot -the
tine '1?i'cPliee;"'tw"�'sl'ste
.To round out the club picture,' two, bride, was bridesmaid and chose
clubs, One.. of which .. is nein- and a powder blue gabardine Snit .and
the other-' going into its second corsage of pink and red carnations.
year, wilf-be organized -in -the near, Mr... Mae -Sparks,. -o:f ,Goderich,.- was
future. The first of these is a his brother's best pian. After the 'Vyingliam Reducing •
Tractor Maintenance• flub, which ceremony a reception was held at Bank Overdraft •
has been organized .in the -Seaforrtll the; 110nie of the bride's ,parents. Wingham bas a tax rate . this
district.. - This club is ' entirely •ne'W 'The, bride's mother ' received wear= year of 55 .,Mills, an increase, .of
this year and one which is .gaining ing :in 'orchid ,and,.white flowered four mills aver. last year.. Tile
'egnsiderable 'interest throughout dress, And . was assisted by the Town has been carrying n big over
the_ whole di,strict. The other clttb groom's mother, who chose a navy draft at the bank -since the depres-
is the 'Iuruup Club. which will be blue: crepe. The house Was taste- ,sion v. ears and this.sear's estimates)
organized aga-in in Huron county; fully cecdrated in pink and white, include an item of $7,000 for the
with the majority' of 7the members The bride's table was .centred with, reduction , of this overdraft,,
.in the-v-icini.iv_+of..Exeter .,...Thi.s.,__chib _ ....three-tier wetlthng 5 akg and Death -..of ;Former
was first: -organized 'last year; it lighted handles. Assisting in
ser`v- Stanley--'�'otvrisiilp"Cleri
- being the only one; in : the Province ing: „were . Mrs. Robt. Bogie and The death . of Charles o. Pilgrim,
at that . fi'nie. Ii,., is- understood Mr -s,. Ross McPhee, atwtS of the .Varna, occurred: on April 29th at
that this year there sire to be a bride, and:Mrs: Fred TaylorsWer the age of eiblity',five ,years.' • A
number -of- • such- -cluhs-'-orga-nized--the ..youn.g_couple...left.-ttu -a.-owedding.•.native•-•of" uelph,� Mr. Pilgrim had:
throughout the. Pr yince;:. - - trlit to Toronto and Niagara 'Falls., been, a resident -of Varna 'for ,,about,
Mr, Bennett `,points out that the On their return :thea; will reside iri fifty' years. ', *For almost a quarter:.
interest .on the part of juniors in Goderich.. ' . .' of as century he was 'the cork of
clubs • is". growing and. also' in all Guests. werepresent.•from Sarnia, Stanley township. •retiring a few,
A -tinier activities • TIP Mao points Goderich, Colborne •and West .years ago. His ' wife predeceased
oat "that. thesq will be snore Z'4']tivanosh., n -, him and surviving are 'three sons,'
or ;mss. , iiiide:r" the. direction of the Joseph, .of: Edmonton "Charles, of
assistant agrii utrarnl-wrepresen-ta-- - --:-----INTL---E • Varna ; George, •of.Cannington•;` four 1
tive when he begins, his work on NILE, liay .:l'. --;M'other's Sunday-
unday daughters, :Mrs. C. -Copeland;
June 1st. - was observed in• Nile Church with [Cadomin, Alberta; "Mrs. W.'. think -
Mr. Bennett. announces: that the a baptismal "service. Mr: and 1Irs.' ing, of Seaforth; Mrs. Charles East,•
tentative date .for the judging- corn- Chas. McNee, Mr. and Mrs: ' 1c- of Auburn, and Mrs. Norman East,
petition is' June 11th,. hut it bas Neil, Mr. and .Mrs. Squires, . and of Clinton ; : twenty-two . grand=
not been decided where. the .exact' Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge • brought children and several ; neat -grand -
location Will- bel...._ This will -be de- their children for • baptism.: ...The children.
eked- at_*later-cate:- . 3other's-bnv-leaflet �'ns•••used ;in :Iarks-Jervis _ ..._ . _ _
. ol. After' the les-
At-°'Holmesville I.nited Church,
the Sundays o7
v a.m bell T
son period, `a reading 'was given on. April •30th,. Re C. p ,
,by-- M11r' •D i d lcDiarmid -- -Quer-pet' fol med the marriage- c* res.-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwantz of mony uniting Mary Carolyn, only
•Detroit - Spent Sunday with lfer . _
pa ren Air. 'and' i-rs--M,-.-A: Young:. _= , ,
-Miss McPhee- R.N.,
h'os it l sent Sunday_with her
uncle, Thos. McPhee. .;
Carmen Feagan. has purchased
the farm on the 8th concession of
Colborne formerly owaned, by Jacob %p
Fisher, but will not take 'posses-
ion ---until fall.
Mrs. Olver .who underwent a
serious `operation in Victoria Hos-
pita:l, London, 'is geonvaleseirig _ at .:�,
the home of , her sister, • Mrs. Herb..
. Norris. at ,Nile.-- ._.
'W.A. Meeting,— The Nile -.W'o-
-, --' : -i eel's Association' met yin , the base-
iiient of the church , on Tuesday
Afternoon- .with Mrs, Graham Mc --
Nee, • president, in charge. The
Scripture reading, Psalm :61. was
given by Mrs. Henry Matthews.
si-t` ' -The roll call was answered by six
• teen ' Members and. • .one visitor.
Plans • were 'made for the coming
bazaar:. The meeting ,closed with
the• liizpah penediction.,' Hostesses
were 'Mrs: - Telford -,Niton, Mf
Harvey Fisher and Mrs. Stanley
1lcGrri tten. •
Rov. 15. 11. 104°C0104;• 1:20R oaf"
not and 'Dungannon, has been
re-elected ,;grand' chaplain: of the
R''eyal Arch' .Masons for .is second
'term. a ld yrs•: Moir, of Varna, ndsay* 'ancW Miss: PaelIxte' Jervis
suffered. n' serious, loss when their of glii�toxi. The wedding music
colony'.i once and 200 clileks .were
daughter of gig: and -:Mie,, Leslie'
'ervis, Ilolinesville, 'aad LAO. Allen
Stanley''' Parks,. of Napanee ;and,
the Clinton. ,. ader School. '13,k0
bride's Attendants were her two
cousins, Miss Jean McIlwa,in of
-destr-o•,yecl. ,•'re, Mi. Moir re-
ceiv ed..severe burns "in fighting, ' e
'tire' and lyras faken to hospital. for
The C.N.R. .nawhas no agent at
he Lucknow station for the morn-
ing train and travellers from the
„village have to buy their tickets
Prom, .the conductor on tho train--
but onlyto ,'Palmerston, where it
IS neceSSa'i�q' to naake' d ur 'a'depot p ..
'chase ofa ;ticket to their desin
anon. The Lucknow Se t
makes a vigorous protest against
this "retrogressive step." '
The Cliiitoh Collegiate Institute
,Board has engaged two teachers
to'" 'replace . two, who are leaving
at the end •of the wheal .term. S.
E.• Stubbs, Toronto,: Will. 'teach.
Freiieh and 'Miss ,Helen Proudfoot,
• who ha's' taught- for' one year at
Kirkland ,Lake, will take English •
and -,girls' physical training.
A barn -rat' ng° was held on the
farm of • Emerson .A.ndersoii•, of Kip -
Pen, -last week. About ' ..thirty
neighbors gathered tb raise the
1tffee biaril on ribbi g "pr'eparatYrT
to putting in a new foundhtio'h and
stabling. The ladies 'were on, hand
to -provide "'a ,full -course meal _for.
the workers.
.was,played'by MIss Eilgen •Glddon,
iss :Gloria. Palmer was -sole-
st, Tile • g4oln a ' :as . atte ec ! y
the bride's 'nether, Walter, Jervis,
and the, ushers "were 0harl6$ Wil-
Hams, 3.r,, and'wLACI. 'Harry Prid-
more, After': reception a'ul dinner
at the, home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Parks left on a motor
trip to Toronto, . L!nd'ssy and
Napanee. f
'rr%Q? -..,: ,{ham :.�ti�:}�n'� };};:j::��i}�3v�',:ti:Yi:• i':•
hydro installed this »week.,
M-a-nd--zN r -s: \like food -
rich: were Sunday visitors in ".the
4uX4W:- 3. hc:r.: f1
n•Y'CaS+.'�p Mibi+:'»,'
iii::. 7
Quickly take' the.
- - fl
smart out of
STI N O S & wasp stings, insect
with Di.-Chases'
Ointment. Soothes
• as it heals. Antiseptic and meds
Bated, 69c.'Economy 'size, '6, times
as much, $2.23.• 35
° Ri •'C HA$E' $ -
Antiseptic' OINTMENT
Highest Cash Priees foam
HORSES. each $2.50.
CATTLE + each $2.50.
HOGS' per cwt. 50c
According to size & condition
CALL .. .
Collect. Seaforth 15
E .ET R 235
The entrane.e to ova I uneral ' lfQme.` .' t •••
By Younger People
The duty of choosing and arranging .for funeral service
-', usually :falls on�--yo .ger, 1e --'most of • whom 'have
road ne previous experience.
At• E. E. Cranston's you: will find friendly and helpful
counsel to assist yoii.' Yon wi11also appreciate, our
method *of plainly marked prices, enabling you,to.choose
JO suit your..jneans. . .
• •
(formerly,. Cunni>igliain & Pryde)
Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth- •
Write Box,,.50, or phorte.41J,
arid. we shall be pileasel-to
No extra, charge for the use
of ourFuneralNome, Toren-•
to. Street
Prompt Ambulance
Phone 335' Res, 355 or 7
NEWEST 1M S]EMS‘ • .•,.- •
Guaranteed workmanshili at
• *prices' that will ._please you.
can at oar otllce.:' or drop as at
line to Box 161,, Goderieb.. We
-will' be pleased to call and help
eboose.- a suitable' atemprial' for
y+anr'family blot ..
._ St Andrew's St...
r• ,: t7";,:i
pr s'.• )1
Green trucks and •cars
ring more and btter telephone Se6r10- -•
Applyfr ely, and rub.
9 • That'a Al1.. It's greaseless,
` fnat-dryfng; has no strong
t:, odor. And it. brings 'quick
relief to tnuseular aches 'and
pains, neuralgia, 1uambago
GO•SIZE 65t • .
4n, ...
For 34 years,
adian motoriststorTsts
Goodyear Fires over any other, kind—and backed up
their. preference by actual purchase! That's because
they've learned from experience that Goodyear tires
'"give them the most for their money I•
The new Super -Cushion is the latest reason for Good-
- year's tire .supremacy. It's the best ,of the neve low
pressure . tires for super comfort,, super safety, super ,
mileage, Remember, only Goodyear builds the Super- ' •
., Cushion. See your Goodyear dealer about Super -Cu SI110 s
. and ge,the softest; smoothest, safest ride on tbe'road.-
Conventional. Tire - fl `Super Cushion Tire •
:rr:•rFti i•?::
.; ,? :;ter .•O"::y.:.
�'�A►I D" GOODYEA t!"r
when asked "Vat'Ilflake of
Tie Do ,You Prefer?" '. in a
recent .Dominion -wide •poll' by
sin independent survey
ar to a= a
;Ggodyear -' '- 53.6
SecondiTire - - -- - - - - 19.9%
Fo Urtih Tire - • - . -- 4.1 oho
• Fifth Tire - - - - . -- 3.9%
All Other Makes *•.- ,11.9%
. lv 'tl-IE 'PAS'etwelve months these, familiar green trucks
and cars have travelled over 20 million •miles,; to help
provide you with good; telephone service and to help in
the big expansion and improvement pi ogT ata which is
making' service better and more useful all the time.
Constantly' improving service nrcans •that today, few
thingrgive' you,so- much, --real' v I.•ue sut•40`v-cost. as
your telephone.
Like everything else, ,cars and trucks have gone. up
in price, 30% in three years! Yet, up to now, . despite»
higher costs ori ill sides, there has been no increase in` N
w the basic.tcle17 hone rates estalalrss lied 22 ycars�ago.
'oda :'s panston progratn is breaking all iccor;ds,
.haven'tt •' 'fill..
but teee. strl
1 orders we been able
and buildin "to make
We :rtr�xl], ee rr h� . on� workin a .g
� g
our' tele: hone service a• ybigger i in ll in e
i ,. • • r , .... ' service at the
.. � . re `�trrd brwtte�
t l'1 a �, fy . �'�li•><(le ,>< +U► . .
t�can �n t, p
Y 1
Super -Cushion runs on 24 pounds of air. Its bigger 'footprint"
on the road gives greater stability . " gciiekerr sater:stops, r.' easier
steering, especially on corners:•Let your Goodyear dealer put Super -
Cushions on your ear nosy ..they'llmake itride like a new oriel
ows � $. each
ores . $2.50 ;each
Hog AO pelt
size and
ill �to
akCor(l g�
eoiditicpt• :f .
hoes ' eo'ilcet s : a
,Pl n
9368 �r
.�yy`aCl`"eTiriy��ch /]y� yK�
Clinto . ... (, , ".9lORi6 t,
lge YOU. r :..., 2 .-
William Stone Sons, Ltd.
•.... . �r;r,�, � ;F •iii �1� �- ��i► , E5•
N A.Pili BLOWS' 01.i
.. an ordinary tube oo ap
riutntly. B.ut LiteG.' inner sir
chamber' allows a tto deflate
slowly, ... ilerirnitting eoi�nlilete
car control. ,' •
�••Yt".W4H{i}�rs;Y�Ywctl srN � x N 7V 1i 1`il r w ♦- Wt'+
$l :�/J• r �?.�i^, ar,l+'.r t� y R fr f /.r r »'
:�:; 1:•b{:'% Vin`,: ;rr .°:rA :•lr.,:v. rl r�+'. rf':' .. ..
,,. , Safety Tubes prevent
aoiidents., They often outlast several Sets
of tures'. See• your Gopdyear dealer--•
right 'awdyI on, can't get better protec-
'tion toiVe'y+ur,life.
trtot.04.Es nowt
For quieltY quire • starts and
an aro* power reserve for .,
everything. eleeti'iofl ;ixt
your car, equip it with *
,,new, Goodyear"Facto►•,•
Fresh" Battery !