HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-05-12, Page 3101tARTEItti) ACCOVNTANt • W'CECIL ATTAiDGE. , CHARTBRBD, ACCOUNTANT 'Phone NO:7-00We 343W. lieAse 3483 Gioderich. ww:iimasisammourgulmsin Mcaik, Accoluitani* • ,1Int�n, Ontario Phone 783W Itattenbury St. E. isurpoommenimums...0.,...,...0•••=mmummeammiso, , On Sunday aftennbOA, annivers- ary , Ot -Day, approximately 125 LegionnaireslrOin Zothe C-1 of the Canadian 14eglen, were in attond- ance at the anOUal.. SPring,, zone Meeting, •helxl in. the Legion Hall 011 '104004. itreet. 1\1011 item of bufiltne:VJ:ks the election •of officers, for the:ensuing OM year#, Results . . INSUMINCE ' MCKILLOP •MUTUAL FIRE IN- - alliANCE CO, - Mirth and 4solated town_ property 'insured. PrestdentoChris. Leoub.ardt, Born- holm; , -Vice-President, 'Hugh - ,ander, Walton; Mgr. And Secy- Treas., M. A:Reid, -Seaforth •" Directors Chris. 'Ieonbardt: 13ornlie1m; Hugh, Alexander, Wal- ton; Sam. H. Whitmore, ,;Seaforth, FL 3. Trewartha, Clinten;- Robert Archibald,- Seaforth; John H. Me- Blyth3 Frank, McGregor, Clinton .;''John L. Malone, Seaforth; ' Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents=jolur 451 --Pepper, Bru field, R.R. 1; George A. Watt, Blyth, R.R. 1; 'R. Finlay AlcKercher,, Dublin, R.R. 1; J. V. Preuter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, l3rus• els- • • Policy -holders, can make all pay- ments and get their cards receipted at the Royal:Bank; Clinton; Keith Cutt's ..Grecery, Kingston Street, Goderich, DONALD IILFZE EXPERIENCED. dtmolsurdmit, Lleensepl for Counties ,or, Hump and ' Brdee s • RIPLEY, PIi9NE, 49 For information apply to J.N. Semite's% Division -Court Goderich,. Ont; , FilDW -ARD W.ELLIOTT' - 110ENSED AUCTIONEER • Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate- arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 208, Clinton. • Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. " i8tf HAROLD 008SON ICENSED AUCTIONEER' HURON :AND PERTH Seaforth. Phone 115661 or. Hari7 ,Edwarris,'Goderich, - . - Phone- 144 • were. as follows: Past -zone coin. malider, McDonald, Anew:dine; ton ; .01OPOtY 'Zone commander, B. Shaw, BrusSela;, zone' Secretary, to be appointed; zone treasurer, 11, $, Turner, Godeeela, • Col., 'Fitzgerald l''of .Orangeville, Provinelal ,1st was the guest, speaker, ,In; his r4markS he outlined' thenlendid..Werk being done by the•LegiOn Service Bureau, concluding Ilis. interesting address 'by Wiling opt at Counntinism. 1:11s• trict Commander T. • Masters of Stratford and "Scotty" .Forbes, Legion Service Bureati officer, also spoke briefiy., At,"the ebncittaion Of the Meetin'a Col„.Fitzg.erald deposited, a „wreath on tile cenotaph in Court House Park. • , ST: OEORGIE'S , The- regular- I meetifir-- of Si. George's, W.A. was held in the guild room on Tuesdayafternoon, with. the President, Mrs,,F Hunt, inthe chair. Ti meeting..., was .opened by the president with prayer and the Litany, and Mrs. Wilson 'read the Scripture -from, St. John's G_ospel, c1iapter.14; .. Mrs, Tarr, who attended the WA. annual meeting, brought, ' back an inspiring and thoughtxrove.king ..i.teport which was ontilijoyed, ilnd appreciated by all -members present, A hearty vote of thanks was ageorded • to Mrs.. Farr, and the president elbsed with prayer. • Tea was., served by Mrs. Riley and Mrs. Shore, • 11R. F. J. R. FORSTER, EY/0, EAR„ NOSE, THROAT Late House 'Surgeon Ne-, York Ophthaltnic and Aural Hospital, —n-assista4tat ,249,90fie1d Eye Hospital and7GeItleirSquare7tfilear--Mirgtol;--' London; Edgland. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED •, 53 Waterloo Street S,, Stratford. 'Telephone -267. • Next visit Bedford liotel,s. Gode- rich, Wednesday, May 110.,. 1949, at g p.m., til). 4.50 p.m. ago;imommiPso att. aynor Licensed Auctioneer. Sales -concluded anywhere . • For information write or , - phone 787J, Goderich (collect),. • DENTAL . .'11VRON CQ UNTYS FORMOST VfrEEICLY DERiCII, ONTARIO TIURSDAY, 1VAY 12th, '190 Have-rit --renewed- yonrstb-Scrip:- tion. to The Signal -Star for 1949?. A Jure audience ;WO present in `10Ythrsti•Tet 'Unlied •04(40131,.en Vrl- 0,47,...0yening for the concluding ses- sion of the four day Hnr0,13,-*CeOuty Festival of , Music, In .which. "ap- proximately. • f,CtUrt,e,e4.'.11,101.ara pupils, of 'urban and rural schools had partieipated; . • . .The -adjudicator, ,W. Reginald Ow, -.highly praised.the work being 4020 , by ow *we, §upeto$00, throughout :: the county. The 're - SOW as denionStrged by the .child. voxi were highlrereditabiO, he-Sald,,, and 'there - were ',VOX 01'003'00g vocal and instrntnental soloists.' .''' Mr. Peen., '.told The Signal-Staf that -he ,. was , disappointed there were not more adults in the yOpil classes. • All over.'the Provffice these .eutries 'in festivals are fall- ing off,:he•Said, and it was regret- table. He stressed the benefit to be .obtained from constructive ad- judication:i, He .Saw' a 'great' ini- PrOethent.An music in the rural schools. Referring to Bach music, be ,remarked thatmanypeople are not "All organ. Gardeners" —Ross qrich, Clinton, partliti to it, and. added, 81% ;- 'John Shaddick, Londesboro, ISIS nattirPY‘ want Bach; all. goo4 - Si ; Allan Taylor, Grand Bend, 80. organists. do. ' • - - Others competing,: Larry Powell, • ' G.C.I. Vocalists ' ' *1 ' Clinton; Paul Linkl..ateri •Goderich; '.A:fter hearing the students of Goderich Collegiate Institute Murray Wilson, Goderbilf; •Jaek • sing Thom, Goderich; Kenneth. Gilkin- in trios, girls'• charts and ' as a •son,•~Winghare,;'J. C. Durnin, Dun - mixed choir, Mr....tieen said it was a fine thing to see'lfinsic beinggannon; Arthur Dickson,4Goderich. carried on to the Collegiate. When ClaSs- 55, boy's ,.vocal solo, rural, (14 years and under)„ •"In'. Fin - public scchildren come to full fruition in the land.," in which ,the contestants hooli •he said, it is a iall$- were told they 'were very inter - take -that - the iliStritetion ig- not in esting,'?' was won by Ken Wilson, continued in. the C011egiates. some -Ctillegrates'llttle or nothing of SaltfOrd, with 81. Others in. - the • tnals . were...-. ii.emieth Holmes; is being done and he- felt that in,' 019 .tfirrte...91010....'' -• rich, $0 - ' . Winghani, 80%; Fred -Durst, G.ode- 1/2; Les11e, Hailana, Luck-- music should be made. a subject now, 80; Billy 'McCarthyo Goderich, • He hoped the day, "watird come When; 'the Collegiate institute here 80. Other contestantswere Gera lt would clevelop. not only ,a glee ••elith Tebbvitt, Clinton; Bobby Young - but also an !ore estra which' he tonRanald—Webb,-G,rand 13end blut, • Aubtoi.; Gearge Lote,..WalL -;--; ,considered---a-a-Jhealth.g.....an,„.e.tere- as rugby or- baseball:• . -.._ : -. - -Ronald Sfeepei. Goderich, 70._ , ' Men's Chorns. , ' * The -presentations ef--the:-Tollovr,--•- .' • : •• .,. "You are very much to be con- ink awards Were made Friday even- gratulated.. in having such a • group of, Men willing to get together to . Pictures, donated by NTS. G. sing."' he . told . the audience after 'Whaley,. for the youngest •solo coin - listening to the Goderich -05-6ifs petitor at the Festival. Presented vocal chorus. conducted by ?tr. to Sandra: Merrill, Clinton, • four -George Buchanan with Mr. Joe old. Locket and „_ braCelet, donated by Relly_at... the 'piano. ".•Enthusiasm. victoria 'n Home and •School. _.Club;- singing. There wasomething tell and .'interest -were-,-,shown in their fur girls' Vocal •so-17,-;-'erd.:SITir.":"Pirei: ts- _lug , and thrilling'!__abont,: thea." I sented by .Mrs. George Borgia to Jam:tette -Beuermant, Waltone81, , The, male choir of twentyAive voices sang "Rolling Down- to Rio'' Cash , prizes $2.50 each, donated and "Weigh Choral,? -and received b' Dr. J.. A. .Grata.m, for piano 81. 'did- 83 =irks. The Men list- duet, Class 21. Presented by- Mrs: ened attentively -to Mr. Geen's kinvil- E. Jess,oP to Corinne Cranston and ly• And --instructiVe criticisms. jane y, Ford, 81. . . . 1 , Presentation to Mrs. McDougall. - Friday Affernoon Session, - A feature of the evening was the Urban sChOols !Were the contest - presentation of a gift of crystal ta Ants in the Friday afternoon ---'- Mrs. J. G. McDougall., Festival sion,.hi which,botle-piano and -oCal president ,from the-Goderielf Music music. was heard. Club. The addresswas given by Beverly, Boyes,. . Clinton, was , 'Mr. • J. A. Snider,_ who' said ,that awarded :the highest 515rks,"81„ in •Mrs.,IVIeDougall haa been a moving 'class 4, piano solo, (9 years • and spirit in prothoting the Festival for under), "Toro, Toni, the Piper's he fist 'seven years., Mary Curry Son." Runners-up. with 80 . marks presented the gift, main' eApress- were Carel Ann Zimmerman; Gode- ing-" her appreciation 'Mrs, Me- rich, and IleVerly- Carefoot, (lode= Dougall spoke of the diffierde Arst; 'kith, with 80.--narkS-,--- Margaret years, but the Festival had broad- 'Grange, Auburn.78; Alarguel'ite ened out each year successfully. Lyon, Auburn, 71. Her *efforts had been amply repaid, Class '5, ,piano solo (10 years and she said,-. by the co-operation and under), •"March of the Gobliii*-- assistance she had received. She. Corinne .Cranston, 81 ; Mary Curry, X, : • graciously thanked all who -had .in 80.; Joanne Hodgins, Blyth, 701 any way helped to make the Pestiv- Patricia..Henderson, Gifilerich, 70 : ar a suCcesS,' and cOncludod with Blaine- Grainger, Zurich, 77.; Bever - 7, • • ' ' AlindiSPetiV-Ihat it -should be con- 13' Bowra, GoderiCh, 0: tinted. . • , .i -.. ' Class 6, piano solo 111 years 'and 14-1-: --Jr-41:•-•.- Kinkead,..-whor.-walk, .under), "G'Avotte- in F nainor":--- Margaret MaeDoniild; Ocidelieli;'82';' 'chairman, 4for the. •evening, thanke Mr. Geen on behalf of the con- Betty Mathieson, Goderich, 80 ;. Robert DOckstader, Goderich, 791,4 ; testatits'for-.11s, kind criticisins and helpful suggestions, and assured Jan Griffiths, .-..1313-th, • 70; Mavis . him of, the good wishes of the "Steep, Clinton, 78. . "This is the hardest decision .1 •Music Club, and of the community. evening for have had to tnal.ce,' •the adjudicator Mr. Geen left that to adju.exclaimed after hearing fourteen Niag-ara.,...Ealls, dicate at a Festival' there.. girls, 14. years and tnder. front Friday Morning" Classes . urban centres, sing 'Has • Sorrow, .. '• TThy You,ng Days Faded." • *Ruth The Friday Morning session ,.ef . trockstader, of Goderich, was awarded 81 marks: Other finalists. •were : Joyce ' Hawkins, Clinton, •801/2 ;' 'Nancy Wilmot, Goderich,' -80%; Catharine Mad:Coned,- CiOde- rich, 80; Janice, Argyle, Goderich, 80, Other conipetitorS were:. "Jean Snell, 'Barbara.' Hillis, Karen ,iiiddz all of -SeafOrth; ,Jeanette Melelis; CO;OPERATIVE ' AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE " •-.Ontario Farmer's' Own Co. See- GEO. FRAGAN Phone 937r12, . Goderich, R.R. 1 —1 -19- Geo.G.-MacEWall Fire, Accident and Motor„ Car Insurance OFFICICn.L.MASONIC TEMPLE IWICST-STREET-P--- kliONE-290 GODKRIbli jt. W. -HUGHES Dentist Corner Wellington and Lighthciuse Streets. . • Phone 10333 for appointment. mamamskagaw, fi,HIR,OPRACTOR AND DRUGII- LESS THERAPIST Godetieh, Phone 341 . OFFICE -HOURS '• Mon. & too 11.30 d.ra: 2 to 5 p.m. -(Qnly') : Tues. & -Fri.-9 to 11.30 a.m. • • 2 to 5 p.m. & 7 to.8,p.m. • Wed. &„Sat. --0 to11,30 a.M: (only), -Mineral 'fume -baths by%appointthe only. A. N. A.TKINSIIIN 51 South St. Registered,onnder Drugless Practi- tioners Act for the Provinte •-of, Ontario. • . WESTERN, ONTARIO MOTORWAYS To LONDON s, To STRATFORD .a8.06 a.m. 48.00 a,.m. 7 b12.15 p.m, • 12.15 p.m. . 4.15 p.m: ' 4.15 p.m. b8.25 p.m. - TO TORONTO 7.15 a.m. (Sat. only.) 12.15 p.m. (daily except Fri, Slip. and bon lays. 5.15 p.m. (Fri., Sun. and holidays only.) „ except Sunday. ' b except Wednesday. Sunday'„and holidays.- On Monday and day after: hard*, bug' for London leaves at -7 - Bus to Stratford at 8.15 p.m. Sun- days and holidays only. Sundays and holidays the 12.15 bus goes to Stratfordonly. Connections at-Clinton,for London, Detroit; Winghatni, Walkerton, ' ear,d,lneaort4bfkknw1,JXW& Sound. " Connections at Stratford for Wood- stock, Kitchener, Guelph, Hamil- ton and Toronto. Connections -at Mitchell for`Listowel and London. , . , For information phone Reg. McGee & Sons at '. 705. e. F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST Square t`' — .Gederleh "See Armstrong and See Better" At Lucknow first Wednesday Of Insure In Sure Insurance Confederatiiin Life --Wind, Car FIRE --Preferred rates , for, : preferre,d risks, ACCIDENT SIOILNESS 'consult.— J'OHN PARRISH phone' 7r.15 Dunganaon Gorden Jewell 6, .GODERICH Phone Carlow ,30-r-4 _ TAI,XETURNS PRIVATE - --'-'111LTSINESS • FAItIll REPORTS Bookkeepingrecords, installed and ,eliecked monthly ,s or request. • ROY*N. BENTLEV - Phone 909J Box 58 35, -Regent St. GODEBI-CH, -ONT. INDEPENDENT )RDER' OF ODDFELLOWS Court No. 62, Goderich, meets first aid third Mon- day nights_of every month in MacKay Hall. Visitors 'Welcome 87 West'St., Phone 57,4-er -above Agpew Surpass Store, e.. Plione .1199. -932tf the Festival opened 'With class 50; giOs veva]. 'Sop, rural; (P "Tefirti and under), -41.4.tish Bye 13shYp" In 'whleh ••Jannette, Beuermann„,01 W414211, was winner .of , the; highest, marks, :81. -.Chosenq for the 'finals 4100 Were Faye Love, Walton,- 80%; Phyllis Ann Fear, Brussels, 8W/2; Ann .'MacKay, Kinttul, 80,;• •Donna Ecr0.‘rison, Goderieh, 80. Other competitors were Loreen, Wray, Wingham; Elsie. Essex, Goderich; Lorna. Ann Barrie,: Illyth3'. Sandra 'Merrill, Clintoii; Hilda .Hicits,' Goderich.; Gait Godfrey, Goderich. .01ass.. 3, Piano 'solo,, (8 years and under), "Little Miss- A.Iuffet" --Victor Co3.741a, Clinton, 80; Carol A.11in, Goderich, 771 Ann Myers; Goderich, 70. Class 21, piano duets. (10 -years and under), "Rustic Dance"— Corinne Cranston 41.1:14., Jayne Ford, Geolerieh,81; HelenniPridham and Marilyn Elliott, Goderich, .$0. Boy's vocal solo, rural, (9 years and under), class .03, "News for Betty ,Woolftey, ..„both of Clinton; 'Ann Morritt, Aletty Tait, Blytir; jean Rutherford, *Shiela Gallow;. Goderich, • • Piano solos (Bach),.,..'%innet in Q pinor"-john' McDougall, 'Op(10- 4.14eellbe'r8J;D'IleclEttletaIldeew'r,tteetneXi?Ill.ell;n: 38°0:; L,aurine MacDonald, Goderiek 80;- DorQthy Marie Enzefisberger, Sen - forth, . 76'; illargueritO, .;*40p, .Auburn 75. '...ireci)1: duet (14 years and r ender), '"Begone, Dull — Patricia yidean and Lois Hutchins, Gode-. rieh,.. 81; Gw.endolYn;CliriStie, Mar- ion Chamberlain;- SettfOrth, 801/41 Marie Refausse, Gwen Griffiths, Clintee, 80; Ruth Dowooder, Nancy Wilmot,, ,Goderich,. $0 ;''Ken neth , Irene Turnbull, Grand Beed,.. 79%. Others of the fourteen contestants, were below tliis mark. .The 'Goderich Collegiate double trio on • Friday evening, were awarded 83 marks' after • singing "Lo, Hew a Rose." Class 86; girl's vocal solo (21 years Sod. under)—Marietta Stip, gel; Dungannon, 80; Phyllis 'Mc; Cool, Londesboro, 78. " Class 01, tenor solo, "Tale the High Road with a Sone -7 -George Cooper, Clinton, 81. --Class 88, Collegiate mixed .chorus, "Sfeab Away" and ."Fairest Lord Jesus"--Goderich . Collegiate ! • instittite, 82 and 84, Class 40*. note vocal chprts, 1.),OWn to RIO!Atia "WeiSh t31 and 83... • AWardt.i. Presented • .4 The following presentations wer *tide on Priday, evening: Educational ,schOltirShiP,• $25, deflated, by the' „Qederieh Elevator gu.A. Trf1.00t- Co., for -Teeal' solo; claSSeS. 70 and OZ Presented by George Parsons to Shirley Pear- son, Grand Bend, $2. - f4s,4 Pr#es, .$1, donated by. 01,nton Lions Club, for the winners chosen ',from clariSea c, '27; and '28. Presented. by a. H. :'XinUe4d to Piano 'Curry and Jayne Ford:, GOderAeb. Gash Prig% •$,1Oi denate4-hY Minss G. George; for ,junior piano,; classes, 1, 2,-8, and '4. Presented by Nfisti George to, Pant •Wllsen (7 years), ' (Continued on pag1-.) r ASTAY, COES lina OUNS--ntgai • ww,y, Iib.RYILBBEiAD. 1,0c loaf; Date, raiu and: cherry Acparp; *i`o, ,c1,4en,• DAILY DELIVERTO Ot.rk DOOR Phone• B. :BEATONi Prop. FIRST A1DRENDERED ' TO SICK .1,A:was PORTABLE POOL -PROOF -SOUND SERVIOE E. -R. lifflINDAY -- Certified Radio Technician PHONE OR CALL Madder St„ Goderich, Phone 598 • Loire making hasn't changed mucb in• 2,500 years. Ideitide*s"used to SiVand listen to a lyre all even- ing, too: • " • PICK UP AND DELIVER • SHVIONIZINC—WAXING--7POLISHING • . SPECIALIZED LUBRICATION WHITE. ROSE SERVICE WM. A. CURIIEY F IVLERS Quaitity-600x16-Iinplement-Tlibcs-,7„New-Seconds _41.60 that the Sim Life Assurance • over 'a. 1411110p, policYholdet throughout tte weed. " TiVthe more than three4niarWrS , of. a century Of the poxfp'atie0, existence overtwo b pan do140 has been paid to palieDiaiders•.- and beneficiaries. •Representative' of. *North St. Phone 76 Eyes .Exanthied, GlasSes Pitfed". Phono ,as ;,GitotIlSrichi Ont. GODERICH:-UPHOLSTERY ON THE SQUARE " • • 'Chesterfields, antiques, etc., re upholstered; yectfirered itilechoficreofoltewcovet4.ngss • Oui 25 years' experience " your guarantee. Estimates. --rNo obligation. Personal attention to all W. REID - PHONE 809W GODERICH iltf 3 DELICIOUS BLENDS , 7 DIFFERENT CUSTOM GRINDS VIGkOROU9 WINENi "13011,1111 AN3.:1'A3E 24oz loaf MaciiiirraY and Prank- Sinatra, in "IVIiracle of the,s 13e,11S." gss.;Thes. trivadithowk.. "TheEest Yours-of.Our im*ria;.1[!,n)ro, Dana- Ati`ilreWS and ',Teresa-- Aright ' A A •- • ow showing to igIar t1ees Matinee Wednesday tit 2,90 pni ..A sfOty Of yuth, courage and high. putposo. Itated a4 tj A•A •••••,.•• • ,WalIa Reer Toin.Drakettind,Dortithy Patrick ' • ebarseteristie, lleety 1iiy »r�e that a skunk-eshhage any other tieme,iseatilt a skunk,c0Ix1ge • • • WOMB AllifFETS• FLOUR .PEAIIIIT BUTTER. Ann roe i6-ialSc CIIEESg °L° Ib 45.6 "(5 Ib 39c &P VIEGETABIL;$. 7 -lb bag ,P,I) Y. 5.,EK nRiTisH COLUMBIA' NEWTOWN'-A0Les THESE APPLES ARE EXCELLENt 'FOR. 3 grh EATING & COOKING.: »Extra 1'an0 Geatre, lb.s You II b-cipliijhted with the. flavoury PINEAPPLEt Cuban g • • No. 's - Rlutple Florida Valeticiat NON at aka Theiti-Bestt-Noe---1?-1.76'1_ LENbite 101130ticd, Hand Selittati CELERY STALKS " SPINACH 4NtIve 4rdirvi 41014'43. Onnin °Life With rather.' In TeelMieoter with William POwell Mt,1110660Wed Sataid nolidays at 2.36`1).in*, * 'BARN bANICIB.Z.VBItiiWEDiTESDAY 41111. CKNIC EARN :0).!iNCJE GANG' Nktilig4„70ROWN,.0011W,OteOP' AikOMA' LETTUCE, .RADISHES, , GREEN OlONt 0ucuivioens AND HOT ..H101,18E tOMT AVAILABLE N'PLENT11til4 Cm:storn.e' rs' Corner Thousands of .women -come to our stores -every day to save nioriey on their• -family, food budgets. • • But we are ,just as prou01, of the fine • quality of .our. feod As we are of opt..thrifty. prices.. For price without quality • means nothing. It is .the -combination,: of , low prices and high •quality-,thAt* bui1ds*&Pgreat-yalues- Thathat is why we have been able for many years to gilie Mir ,customets this guar.' I-antee: "If, for any reason anything you purchase is not .satisfactory:return: it and your money will be cheerfully refunded," Your advice and sugges- tions can help us maintain our high quality standards.,. You will he doing us a favor if. You: .will let tiS know" should the quality' of th,, Tood'.yoir *buy it "AAlcriiiir fait And let us o,,satisfy:`3: Aknow,, too, if you liave any. Oigg4ttkinaas to how We can mince lbottr, AM' store a heti.* — 4