HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-05-12, Page 1ELIEBRATES fl7th ANNIVERSAR
Itt, Rev, Dr. Brewing Preaches
* TwO Serviceii tO Large N° °°D4114.°4* Er41111
NIIRSE Arl'Ex ;I:uNE 30th
" ',,,,qc,ggregagens ,
7 407'.
Honored by the, presence Of the
Right 1-11:eyerend i3reW.Ing,
`D.p,,of• T6ronto, inederatOr
Of the United *Chureh .of cAnadlt.
• Me "UPOlYerellrY serViOs 'Of North
street 'United -01i.ureh on 'Sunday
Were impressive. •,Fereerni..k and
thought:ProToking ,_sertockeS. ' de-
' livered. by the *Aerator; SolOv
magnilicently,. sung, 0,.v. the Atteet
vocalist, ROnald,,Stewarz, and well--
, rendered. anthems by the "Choir
Marked" the. services, Which 'Were
conducted by the Minister of the
,church, `Rev. C. •W. Cope, , and at-
tended by large congregations:
Viewers in the Sanctuary were
' placed:in merdory of Robert .john,
_sten by .his wife and' family, and -
memory of Mrs. F. O. ,iyturney by
her husband and", family.'
Dr. Brewing prefaced his morn-
ing $9110911 by congratulating COugraAilAting .the
congregation on the 117th annivers-
ary of service in the community.
Speaking , on "Reverence,”
:Brewing stated that every balanced
life should have reverence for the
things above, around and beneath
us;' all of which have suffered ter-
ribly 4n-the,ItIst- few- years-ank,Will-
'have to be rebuilt.
How can. we apswer. w Y Young
Men can beat Up and abuse older
men; how' aceount. for' • the fact
As the new county health' unit
cemes into operation ,,July 4.st,
, will thenkCease JO .exist, the Board
at its regular irieettg. 'On Teesday'-
afternOon Arrange filat•;"Miis
Cleaver,.. public; health nurse,. take
her annValliolidaYs in, June, at the
,end of which )1:tenth ller engagement
as Goderieles healtb, nurse will
terminate; Whether she' will be en.: screenings; Saturday
gaged. on. the staff Of the 'county Hindman, 118,000 bus. harleY 4"ncl
board i8. not, yet known.. ' pats";,-Mot,nday.-- Superior, 103,000
At TuesclaY's meeting represent- bus. • outs" and barley; 'Thursday
atives' of the *local 'hairdressing (ted43)---Rafge la'nerded,
establiShments again Presented bus' wheat ana oats."
their P?tition for , the. enaetment • The barge Kenordee came in this
of -a -bylaw to license and regulate morning in tow of th,0 str. Altadoo,
hairdressers. The secretary was .whieh after leaving, the barge at
the. Went .on down- to Lake
Asked to make enquiry of the Pro -
Ontario to. discharge her own cargo.
vincial • Department -of Health as
atkogead/zesuraelise.septn-eleg.miri 'Reward- ....Bindrean-arce-j-eXpected ' DRMC� BOND ISSUE
to the powers ..of. ',Ugr:•"-804)11-4,e4*--4.44272411"
such matters. matters. • . with*cargoes for the elevator.
- The Imperial Kingston arrived That Goderich IS taking, a • place
MR AND MRS. aRAporAN Sunday evening with, gasoline for as the financial as well ILS the
business centre Of the. distriet is
HIGH C.0IIRT4 SITTINGS evidenced by the fact. that the
local investment firm of O. P.
/Dates for the autumn High Court Carey & on has . taken over. an
sittings in *CToderieb are annoanced entire bond issue of the Donde
85 folkeivi; . Jury., ,•September, 20;' Road Machinery Co. of oderi
non,jury,--November 21. „ •
. • ,
It Wig-J*9_11 anninter clay at
the waterfront on Sunday, though
the air was a bit below a ,July
temPer4tare,. Young 1)e0p.le 111
batAing,, off the beach and there
were , hundreds • Of people on the
,next and pile teeal Board "nf Health soUth :The.; Pier Was lined
with anglers and others were fish-
ing. Off the 6uter breakwaters and'
from boats. Catchee„ were, .spotty
-7-some good, some . not so. good.,
' Arrivals at the Gocierieh„.004tor,
thiS, week: ThUrSdaY. afaY ,f44".
buck, 108,900 • barler and
To . contest „ 13n:fee for Liberal
V. iVIcLEA14
s - Liberal, Candidate in Hurou-Perth
• ‘mr. " and Mrs. .14. C. Chapman
leave on alendity next for their new
:home at Hamilton. Mr. Chapman,
whose runs - ae- elerk ek.„the_
sts:n.. -hive been front. Goderich
to Buffalo and to Toronto, will now
.be. on the Hamilton-0*m Sound
run. Mr, and Mrs. Pbainnen came'
to ;-Godericb, in 1921 -and. have, taken
that, young Meni.' break Into .411 -active- interesi . in locai. affairs
even-- desecrate -cemeteries, ,as :haP.-
:pened •in TOreate, fer'no pay nor
because they
have lost 4 sense of. 'reverence Air
liteiL,irrid- for all things He bits
There has -_been'. :an increasing
reverence for Mei, and a. "Terning
away =from' Gbil, stated the moder-
ator. Aurtninioni has Succeeded
theism -; ,• and . sociology' '„hap sur-
passed tablogy in many eotintrles.,
"In recent years .some •• 'ministers
have' become enamored° Of -soda]
service, because' they see in It a
ministry. Two thousand yearsago
Jesus said, 'Man does not live by
bread 41:lone.' Love keeps people.
, „ , .
aliVe.- In spite of the ' fact that
medical ---science has
• major disease's, more people sleep
, in foreign -soil'. :With tbe....greatest
' machinery for gonstructlen- tif
buildings, more buildings lie ruined•;*'
building does not bold. the world,
*but love and Justice .rin keep it
Disapproves Racial Hatreds- ,
. Dr. Brewing expressed sharp dis-
approval of ,the distorted :features
of melt of other races pictured by
cartoonists, „By 'them children are
'taught hatred, instead of reverence
for things whiel are of _different
. color .ar.....eulture,.•:-Jesustaught-vity
or the • unfortunate • and lore for
the less privileged. • Reverence for
God and for the little thiegs-,of
•'earth, jeSus taught, Will bring
love. and rebuild the world, .the
..4ireacher eonehided. •• -
Mr. • Ronald Stewart's seIegions
Ai the morning Service were:. "Re,
pent Ye"- and "The Ninety and
Jcirte:"• The anthem: by the„. Choir
was . "Break. :Forth," with, "Miss
telherne, as soloist.
. Evening' Service--",'••-:
"Mutuality" .was •eited 'by *Dr.
Brewing at the. evening -service as
the crying need of the day for the
solution of problems • domestic, •na-
tiona and international. • _ • • to Paul's letter to the Romans and
--"What is the -trouble with the said. it W'as%-a message .from' the
United. 'Nations today'?" he ques- province bf Judea ---•from the cir-
tioned. "Lack of inetuality!' was cumference. to the centre, and •It
the answer. "Nations are divided Was a. More potent message than
.• into -cliques and each clique is . anY.that eaC'er mime froni the centre
wanting the others to adopt -its of a'dictatorship to the- cireunifer-
. iiarticular ',Ides& „What IS really ence.. He quoted the, words . of
needed is a mutual recognition of Paul; who had' the courage to take
the gifts of each other," he said. Id -Italie ,the ruesAage of christian-,•
Turning . to the, industrial field ity long to • see • you ,that.j.
and its strikes, Brewing -pointed - /tight impart seine. spiritual gift
out the need; Of iaruttiality, saying, unto you for You strengthening."
, that . ,the greatest: incluStriallsts These words of Paul, he said, are
' were those wile recogniied the ',Al- still ringing around the work1.4"The
Pcirtance of metuality, betweenlite: Just ,sh411 live by 'faith," a :senteace
dustrialista and laborers.. As an, entket,A16.0,014-41isigatilicenefia
one /riot throughout the
'upon „the other of these two *Sees, Worldthan,any other sentence ever
he related that it was o laborer uttered. •
who passed on III'S idea which re- palling epee the church through-
, suited in the seetesSfiil construe-. out the. World to "waken uti," Er.
tion of the -great •raiiwax, tunnel. -Brewin'g, said, "It is positively, path-
tbrotigh the, Reeky Monntains *at ode to see the church: as itis' today
Kicking Mose Pass. The laborer when it can be the greatest_power
received no .patent' for it, tor did earth." , • " :
he get the glory for it, but he Was, ". expressed his approval of
neeertheless,„ respensible Tor the the Brotherhood Wee4 in Toronto
idea which brought abotit a great recently When ministers of various
feat Of construction,. A'aid Dr. Brew- c'ienetilltuttions, . ineltiding . Jewish
peace,"' said Dr. rabbis,: exehanged He felt,,
Brewing, "18 only 'a: stepping stone it should be done More often, since
to intertiational pertee.", Such , 'exchange would benefit
"We'll never ,,become great re. all, '"We have to be .saVed frOm-
. otters. uhtli 'We* become great 'paternalism and baptized into
givers," ,said Dr. Brewing, calling fraternalism," •
attention to the 'feet' that the 'Vast Seriph:ire lesson at this ser-
MaJeritY .P991119., Pk: to,..reeekl_ jigt, vice was read by
itinister of _ Victoria' street 'United
says you learn the art. by Church,. and prayer Was offered by
taking unto Yourself th't burdens of itevi„ G. MacMillan, mitfigter, of
other 'people Knek*Presbyterialf..-Chtireh. , Mr.,
"Let there% be intitnalitY le'r. the MiieMillan,lin.tbehalf the
attainment of that peace for will& gregatien, "Of 'Knox _Church, Zion -
.the Whole world is lenging," said gratulated the North -street., tont
"it Living IllustratiOn" Anniversary and extended a .wet.
Aeferking to the members' of curie to Dr. BreVeing, "one who
throe different thiyth otwitegidimit! stomitt Very. high In the eatitaatien
, preSent at the Service," he hald be of ,128 • ,
• 'Wed it-wqaid be '‘‘a Rev. • Mr, Cope gave a 'brief W-
. don, to, loot have to soy, tonigho seine of the liiStoryi- of North street,
-Classifying llouie ofthe early Church; He expressed pleasure In
days iis "a- dlctatorshlp from the,avelemningtt:41-4110.:elrarelt the -tunny.
.'tentre',", 'Dr. trevving pointed out friends frOni- Victoria. 'Street and
.. that Tor • the past': ;fifteen stoats We ,XlIox ellorch And their ,niihisters
be,v0. Seen aletatOrtfiiips •and, sneketppreelatOelY Of the visit
thrOtightait tvOrld, Where 4 Man 02 Dr 'Dee Brewing.
. in the centre spoke, and everyone ttonald Stewart :rendered two
out On the eirettMferenee. liatelled .a.Pilreelliteci solos :and ttte
• and trembled. - .;utidet.."- the 'directienr. of Alex,
By SVO, Of Contrast be referred Clark6 sang an, anthem.
particularly. eenneetipn, „with
'North -.street United. 'Oberch.- Mrs.
iClia.pman Is a lember of the
Abniee'k- Chapter, . „They
have two. chilaketr, bath manled
And. _Toronto.-----------
- °anticipation of her departure
,liaS been hou•are&
by' ,t4)1e Aluneek Chapter and the
1Vonidn's ,Association of North
street chera, and on WednesdaY
evening she %as. presented with
gift-by-"tbe menibers of her social
club., • • _
to -LOVERS or mime
When li. Mahon of Lambeth, near
London, caught a perch early last
week which weighed one-quarter of
an ounce heavier thaii pat :Caught
by Mrs. Belt Laneaster of St,
ion Marys, The Lambeth storekeeper
agent. into, the lead -1n-the Goderiele
•`•"- Liens Club's perch derby.
eli wow the week -end special prize Of
tes a fisherman's creel for the' largeSt
ed 99e9i0. Prize
ut, 'PkiS Week-end--jiill-",4at... a crate- of-'
hd oranges frem LOueen's. • •
Additional prises have ben don-
ated .to ; thedeity. Mhese.,include a
erm.o keic..Tja frorn,the. 44.v -
tul fa n Corporation, Goderich,
oBvit64, 1832-1949
- The, Methodist*.,,Ohureh ser -
*vice Gbderich, according teavailf-
able -records, -witsi conducted in the
Warehouse Of the• Canada Laud_
-COmpany by the Rev."Thomits White-
head' in 1831.. Sioderieh wats then
a *part of the,Satiggea,Xission., For
"rfiFiyears..'serVices.were* conducted
by traVelling•missionaries and stu-
dents:----Then-iir 1841 the -WO where
the rir.eseht, and parsonage
are located on North street were
deeded to Reir.. E. Evans a-nd •Rev.
Thos. Paweett of the ),Vesleyan
Methodist .Church in. trust:. In 1844
a frame chitrch was -built on this
site. „In...1$48,--theLdeed---of-the lot,S;
Wa -assigned tp the duirmilfitilifEd.
trustees of the -Wesleyan Methodist
Church in GOderich. The congrega-
The auditorium of 'North street tion grew and in ,1859 a "nevi brick
United. "'Chi:trete- was • filled with enuren wits' built. In the SubscriPr
miisic-lovers On Menday evening, tion list for this church:Appear the
A.-Wei-f-Rot-Tald-T,Sfewart; tenor, Of names- Of people. bf all denomin-
Toronto, gave. reeital .of- classlepa ations: This building, size 65 x 40,
and 'modern- Music., The aedience was dedicated, in 4866. In 1865 fl
%as .eaptivated and 3Ir. , Stewart gallery- .was 'built in 'order- to ,ac-.
bad to respond to repeated enderes.• eemniodate the congregation, ' and
Alex. Clark was the aecompanist. , four yearsiater a 24 -foot exteesion
The audience was delighted also was added. .
with the ,perforniance et the Geo- in 1875 the Brock street New Con -
rich Collegiate Glee Club ant.1 girls' nexiott Methodist ()Much united
chorus, who sang their teat' pieces with the North street congregation.
of the Music Festiva. and in addi- In 1878. the Brock'street church as
tion "The Heavees 'Resound". and sold oia the, recelPts from the sale'
"Stars. of the Summer Night," a*Pplied ,to further additions to theLeslieJlnrciing .
taking 41i solo part North street •phoreli.
In .the -latter numbef:-,They were -1-671DOWthe present huilding IS
'directed. by Alex., Oa* And, Miss completed.. Dedication Services vvere
Catharine :Cutt was at the piano. held on Sunday. Mara 18, 1906, af
11: a.m., 3 -pAn.- and 7 .p.an, Rev.,
' LIONS MEETINGS G. N. Hazen wits minister at that
Goderich Liens will hear on Fri- time; and in the;.serviees the fellow -
day night about the famous Mardi ing assisted; Rev. E. Nett, Rev.:
Gras at New Orleans. • Dr. E. A. W. 'II: Rev. A. Carman.
IVICMaster, of • Seaforth, whq at- D.D. (who had charge of the dedica-
tended It this year, will give an' titan),* Rev. Poseph Rev.,
account of it, with pidtures. Past James diamilten and Rev. jasper
presidents' night' will be on 'May Wilson. .The organist ',was*.Mr. A.
Mb.", On June 10th Lion Murray lbw' Ailatna, and the sologitS, MiSs-
secretary of the Parkdale Lions Hr:7A.L. Carson,. •
Club, will lie the guest speaker. • In 1925 with the formation.of the
United Church of Canada, North
street Methodist Church became
North street United- Church,
Ministers .from 1833 • to, 1949
Ministers who 'served in Mirth
street Church:
1833-34 John Beatty '
1835-37 •Yorin -Arangtrong,- Hurl-
, Nut , •
1838 Hugh Montgomery
1889 , • .
1840 O. B. Goodrich, Thos. Paw-
' e •-eett
1841 Thos. Fawcett
1842 .lames+ Norris
1848 John Bredin
1844 John Gundy .
1845 Renee- Byers, John Hunt ,
1846 . Ileuq Byers, Geo. Kennedy
1848 4, John .las. Gray
1849 John Willianis, G. Laird
1850 -Semite). Fear; Thos. Petieock'
1851 ' Semuel 'rear; Joel Briggs
1852 !Samuel. Fear, Wm. Creighton.
1858 Pharles ,Silvester, J. M.
Clarke •
1854 Charles Allvester,' .Coele •
ran ' •
1855 J. S. Evans, Jas. Berry
1856.-57,1 S. Evans
1858 . Thos. C;OsfOrd; Stephen Bond
1859-60 ThOs. Cosford '
18°143 Noble 'P. English ,
1864-66 'Whiting
•18664I9 Wm. H. Poole
1870-12 Wm. $, Blackstock
1872-74 James Graham •
1874-75 W. C. . Hendergoe, A. A.
;10.010,148Ierirlerso. /ir'"101.'
• cganderson
187'048 James Preston
1878-81 .Tohn Williams,, D.D.
1881.83 john Wakefield --
1883-86 T. AL, combo'
1886J87 Go. It.. Turk
1.887-88 Wallwin
1888-01 (le�; Riehardson --
1891-94 3". E. Howell
1894-08 Ieseph. Edge
180$4501.1 joSPet WIlson
1001-04 Geo, Mullet 13,11 •
1904-08. G. 11; Ilpzott,
1008-11 Hugh S. trongail:
1911-0 Alfred .11roon
1912-17 W: K. Hager
1,1)1740 Thitiedge
101,0-2,111,' Moyw.,
1923-25 3%'.11 HOMO'
li)245-31 0.- P. (Ilarlte
1031-85 W. Watts
lo4113f5.44,trit,117.? 1. IT4tritt6n41.1,
147 ' 0. Wes* &toe
and . is mav ing it -to -the '
vesting „Public. • ,
Mr. P,•P, Carey states that NY'll
an. Investment house Underwri
such an issue. tligYL. concern
about -three inatin_fastors-=-44--to
"standing'product, a eontin.uing a
growing demand for the pref.it
and capable "and". 'different - mane
ment.- earefiti-inveStigati•mt sho
that DR31C0 apeasures. up to •
three requareinenis.„.;_,Thejr_paw
graders have '11 :good reputation. •
across Canada. -The-fact that ON
1111 11111:10fIledrdaT':41.1g1f tightt iT°11 fi n°c1.
8 scale - for
ill -fine-weights.
Canada require the usq of a gra(
is pr6of Of 'a Continuing ,deinand :f
the product, and Marshal J.
Sully has- done a , fine job
company leadeaship as_ preside
and has yiven efficient and,p
—This 'company is -"going teaee
Mr. Carey- states, adding, "0
firin is proud' to be able to -do o
part„iu the undeliwriting and d
tribution of these secerities to t
investing '
The issnance-of th•e•Se abonds p
sehts tiamseal opportunity
participating in the • progresS
this substantial and enternriSi
company: , ,•
ler ..011: - Wednesday veterans • from
or, Westniinster Military Hospital,Lon.
A.. don, came ia•a group under Capt. Art
of Maim .to fish.. The aegler catching
et the biggest one was given a -.prize
1,.0. of $10, by the Lions Club.
•. A _story and -pictures concerning
-the perch derby is -toappear-1n
The Montreal ...Standard -of May
'2•1st; copies of, which, will he on
_sale - local. newS stends nert
Monday.• • n
- The Ontarie. daily :xtesvopaper-
men's peri -h, derby team competitien
• will be held on Saterday, .when. re,
presentativel o2. yarigus• daily , nesvsz •
D. papers, principally ,ie Western „On-
tar10,*will be coinpeting fqr a' team*
HOW 1949 TX LEVY •
• -
The following .11igures• shim/ the
proportion of this. year's taxes
which are levied, for- the Various
Purposes.'included in the expendi7
teres Of. the -TOW') of Goderich
' ." Mills
General " 27:6 $ 73,476.15
Bithd . . ... 1;30�07
Goderich District
Collegiate Insti- •
tute Beard . 36 0,802.
Scheel Board , 14.4 *86,773,
Charity, Relief
and Indigent RoS-
pital. account .1.9 5,170.
C9squ.'..a • 9-6 - 213,124,85
' 57.0 $152,707.48
Sept' ra te
Board, onaosess-
ment of $169,155 23.7 4,008.07
prize of '.$50'. .
nited Churc
,Presentect and °Moen -
-Misaimiary Society of, the 'United
buri eenVened „ the 'United
hureb, Hensall, on April 26th,
or its 40037,04rd annual meet,-
" '
: The .Seulf,T aUXiliarieS
shoed. lifty.eight auxiliaries w
4' Membership • of 1,628 and se‘
.evenieg auxiliaries with 279 me
There are live Missi
Circles, an increaSe of three,
fourteen. C,G.I.11', grOups..,.,The M
SlOn. Band :secretary, reported, fOr
ene Mission Rands, with. a me
bership" Of 9214 and a Membereb
of was repealed *in the Ba
The treasurer, Mrs. Sutter, go
the financial roped; $17980 h
'which was incretise of $1119;
over the previouS year... The
location for .1949 is 06,800,
increase of $606: ,
, Mrs. *Mills, Christian •• stew=
ship secretary, -reported 'not
Increase .in interest stewardsh
*of time,' ability and possessio
$60,000 is aSked in gifts for bui
ing advance by way of subscr
•tions -in excesS-of allocations. -Th
is to be divided .as follows: Fi
cars to aid misoionaries 'in. • th
work, three cars for Central Ind
six new missionaries. for forel
helds„,$0,00Q,1„orect puilue_wu
, at-Dhar *hospital; India; and $20,9
to -build a school in Japan. •
Mrs.. Wiltie, 'secretarY,
told of -the good waim clothing'
hielr-lrati-Lbeeir-senigint•-bales to the
Indian' school' in Saskatchewah and
valued at' $199.65. *Also a bale_o.
twent.v-liespitar-smoeks had been
sent -to • Aid te
Mrs: PenWard,ee, , ...commeni
friendship secretary, thought the
was a notable ineretiOe intere
in. community work: 5,435 visi
had been made to homes and ho
pitals and friendly hands had .bee
extended_ to ttewcomers--andi_ (11
placed persons. In one install.
two families of BelgianS had bee
burnt out alinost on arrival, s
the -community relied around an
suppliecl_clothesfOcaLand -a---hoin
-The temperance • secretary, Mr
I. Allan, said that $57,3,000,000 be
been 'silent on 'beverage alcohol I
Canada last yea r". • She urge
' Members..., to,"-- write th
editors of magazines protesting th
Objectiotale, advertising% ef • liqucirs,
also to, 'bring -PreSsure to •bear o
, .
rEtomv4p- OP MAIO'
*The' follewing-were"7----awarded
med1110 for elitatding the
'higheSt..niarks... in, 'the, 'elafiS
nated at the Heron eeurity,FeStival
, ,
of, Music held in .000erieh hast
week under., the anaPiCe8 of the
GOderien ,Music pl'ah PleSS
MerP• Grenee,,,4.11.bern.; yietor
COrian Clinton. 5 Corinne Oran -
Sten, flOderieh.; • 7, Marlene' jerVIS,.
, , • ,.-
10...kftaA OW
^^, 'POnad !,Blue ,04.
, Brace '
Y. (Andy) Meligant
PUbil:sher, of!, The Seefoi,th . , 14....,
'pO4itor,'.ve4S, OheSen• AO the. Vberai ..
cunton; 0, iOttY.: BowiI1,`'(00•4eriall;- gOXth-,elt 'VridaY ni;g14' t.,, 1-,10tv!'94....
n°46-11mIniC10,4ttleon' ilne4et411;11"I!h°:4414' #littt''''e °
ag,,. Shirley ' RobertsOn,• ..Goderich; .noMinetion over .1.4.074. 'Velittheirer
411., ieRuth. ',Clark, Clipten; 31,, John'. ef,' Mitchell,' 'Others.. propoeed*.who '
-en0 i; . _Clinton-11j['aY1Iq°
i.'! . ' 5ttn .., 1 tGi011dhin. ;!.. r .15Th a' ; rpi156,1:40' ICinall;tielenrIle.';•;' ''*.N4Yeee!i. ...A4W7.T: ttn:IY'r ,,htli,,rtuedil; a* afrioartl?.'41.91*" 'Cirtlip'ir"1";''
is- Ruth* Doeicstader„ Godericil; 81, John Armstrong, gullett 'i.Vgflq.)1:-.,: ,
and 68; Faye ':.Aikenlietid, Clinton; 40. -I-Vaai XtabileiSeV 40441; .Iteetre', :
t.,..T"' Jayne Ford, Goderich; 82, • Patricia of. Huron.; Iter Rater of Pnelvinsfel; •
'2" Vide4n, Goderich; $3, petty, Bowra, and P -r, Gordou,Punlop."-of,'1.3Xeter4.- .
,111-'' Goderich; 87, Victor .11arding, • Speakera'absthe reeetingIneinded..:, -
PS, aoderieh; 90, Jean .Elliett, Clintim, Robert MeCobblie.' ex4P.; ' .
• *InExplanation MicidleseX.; W. 1iI4 Golding, the .r.er..
ve The following explimations. re. tiringn:minher for Ttoren-Perth, a
414 larding,,,.aukariRagesinade,..bbe, Janle,..%:.4.,,ge.,444,, fer:,-...1'941
° ,q43deriattF4Nrusie ClUtei , fer"Pertlf. . . . , ,,' , • ' ,
50 , „The Goderich Elevator and Trate- • ' ?I/Wald TIllne ' jtx.^Brtli4 •
al' sit Odinpany rose,bowl for .the girl ;,1Vleeting, ,,e.t • Seythampt,on. ,
au on
competitor who has talfen. music Thursday'inight.Iaet, Bruce Ziberble
, . lessons anti -gets the highest mark named 1)enald',.,:B; Blue 'otItittleY .
'''..; aivaided in the vocal. solo classes as their* candidate for ,the.JEcOnSe
Ll' vvent to • Marietta Stingel of. Den-, of 'Coreinens. TWO! othibrO, Were.;;In,.'
ILP gannon. ..Teyne Ford 'and Patricia' the- running, Mayo-r.,.,W,; R. ,2,0-0111,,,
11„s. Videwn of Goderich each got 81 in son of•Port'Elgike ferm,er Megiber'
Lu- ,her class and 14).14 .-Bowra ' of for the riding, . and ,::„Tbonias;. Ist-
Goderich and. Marietta Singel- bf: Env of, ',TATA,: fernier ' M.P.P.4-4-Mr,----
is' Dungaiintin each got, 80 .1/i 'her Blue, x well-kno*avtatICti(4061,**4$
Tie class. ' However, the adjudicator one vote short of .a.majoriti 'on •.the.'' .
Ulr felt, wheti the situation was ex- first ballet. The,.third man,. Tiwa...•,
ia, p'fained to •him, that Marietta,,•aS Duff, diPP*(1:4)tit and on the sec,:".'t.
go " a senior student and haVh3g.,,,a.,Ond-ballot.;-___Bliie,had-:;-4,'.tsubateatiar -.
OO most deserving dISreVxineegileflieft thPeT°..nartiissee?""h. owvvals.. ''InaTlij°Teit.1:037.reetin-g1"WaS.:':.'11-d.d'-res,'S.(1'.:..:',v''."•,:i.--,,,
He. ;•-,explailled ,:,,,Ahat.:,. the . ,narks• -.11xotn4-1...nl*a.1 .::Affit,a-iPr-e;alililr'sotrt:ei,;.m,tnisLatour-0,, atl,r,.
-GevernMent. . ' '''," ... .. ' :',,,' ',.....
C.C.F. Candidate in; IFIemeniPerth..
...M....-P-etersr-eniniste , ' .
.....Unitedtehurclr'-aplirm.„Th '-'-w In. 'MO,
Killop. township, has; 1,.).0,ent named
As the C.C.F. • catidiclate In, flutOnt• • .
Pettit Mr. Peters* was ,at ' one time =
stationed. at .1?unganpon:',7..,' , '•*' .'
Nerth 1111.1* l'•:X.'s, Wet Tonjght '.
stmt.' Shirley Robertson of Code- The Progressive Conservative •
rich, with a mark of 84, won, the noMination . meeting .. for. ' Worth'.
senior piano . scholarship :donated ,Iatiron is being beld this .(Thilrit. . '
by the_Goderich Music Club, Pau
Wilarrn, ' •Gbdericli.,., VISIT -With' 4 • mark
Of 84; won: the prize donated, by
Miss ' George for ' Junior piano
classes. _Diane Elliott, Goderich,
received the sclialarship-dortated-br
the—Women's Institute, with her
mark of •83. Margaret 31aci)Ortald;
Witrli82, then qualified for , the
rose bos•vl. . • .
Report, of. PeStival on pagCs 3.
and' 4 of this issue. - -• -.
SPEED -BOX corrEsrs governMents. to prohibit, the man1111-'
..There -were many Interested
citizens a.t• the '--iituirterly :meetieg
of' the Recreation Council, held on
Tuesday evening.atthe---Town
Projects completed Were .reported,
program under way was 'outlined,
and coming events w.ere.:.listed.
What 'will interest boyA-and girls
Was the decision. to -give a dozen
22 1 'orders"";nn.Goderichrinerchants!. total
facture 'of beverage alcoheis, also
to condemn„the drinking of alcohol
by m-inors, as_ this was the cause.
of much .juVenile• delluquenc'p
At the afternoon. service. /Miss
IL -Campbell, al-Unitett-Chaireh mis-
sionary in :Newfoundland, in, ad-
dressing the meeting -stated that
Newfoundland' 1s• one of -the eleven
Conferences of the United Church.
She' spoke of...her. work in outposts
with 'Young • people .and elfildree
Assisting ,,in. Sunday, .sehool
t'ikifig church services out...Sundays
There are four workers in. 'New
foundland mules. the Wenien"s, Mis
sionary Society, Aimee in- 'outpost
and .one in- St: ,John.
f011tiwing* resolutions avert
iresented :
"We recommend that this . Pres-
yterial go on' record as, opposing
tny ftirther infringeinent Op., the
ord's Day by commereial amiise
"In view of the fact that the ,
onsumption of beverage agohol is
teedily rising -in Canada,. We. re-
Onimend-tliat members al the War -
Men's Missionary Seelety ;A:emain
rue and 'steadfast to our W.M.S.
ninciples. of tote/ abatinence."•
Otfic,ers Installed
Miss Hamiltezi preSided for tbe
installation. of officers, as .follow:
,Past president, •Mrs. C. 'reveller,
Helmesville; presideet, Mrs. .11.
Kirkby, Walton-; 1st vie -president,
MrS. Allaa,, Brueefield; 2nd
awarded had been given in 'separate
classes and that, in his opinion, in
a competition of tile four classes,
* • •
:Ph' Slre1rdckMannthg Piano
trophy, it rose bowl for the highest
mark- 'awarded in . the plane solo
classeS inclusive; went to Margaret
MacDonald of Goderich by reveit
• day *
-VICTORIA n. 0110,0
- -Mother's Dy ; was fittingly ,gele-'
I • .
..:brated in Victoria.',Street .- 'United,. ''
*Church on Sunday . nierii1nk; when --,
a -capacity congregation_ *gathered .„
for worship. , ..---- • -., . - ......- .
AleinOriai floWers were 4)laced ''cin.r.-,-- •
11110 about about the communiontable, by ' '
Miss Edna Love in memory Of her *
. .
• -late mother; .by. the Bloomfield. ..
're • ' IN THE TOWNSHIPS family ,in memory of the 'ate MO. . ,
. . . . •
. .
Harriet Bleoinfield; in behalf .0
J.he public sUbscription campaign James Mitehell, in Memory• of, WS ..
Milton - Fisher -- in methery,,of. 'their .•
(L. 'oh a Saturd'ay, for free ,skating
, lone afternoqn. a week, most Aely
. for children from •tbe • rural areas
pects- are reported -to, be- bright for
on Monday, May 3,0th, where pros -
a Rgegli!IM*(aciGseree,swProris..g-enral'ella.ir-
for tines ,fa. the new arena Nvill
Man of -the rural eakriss, 'states
that the new arena Will proVide 81rachoofrouist, uiss mars, ,,,tisiyee. .
be .1aunched - 'in the rural areas
f(°)fl,19`tlielig"xlinlelillas wilnik tbliE., • ,The.-preacher-fOrlire °6".144;cva$
young son, John' Dennis. ' '
nnficof The choir, under the leadershie;
the. serviCe. -A . quartette _ nifinbeir,,
°Wandering,. Boy,•, 'Cole noine,1,,,
the recipientr.lof the --eite-of-iiiranr- '; •
'star, Rev. L. H. Turner. . .. ..
bkiptisin -administered by the .1131*:,
contributed splendidly to.;
late mother, . and by Mr: and Mies...-:,-:
t.l. s4sule:rs7reohuantlid'Igefeng ' townships: ., .G. rbe°•ii.g";'h°.- famed
. about GOderich. ,
_ -;.
, Supported by numerous canvas- ,wwaosodasciin:.rrilli.lv.y.15.re.se,enstteidakbey.,,C17:h7}11,.,:;.
,,,, ,Bissett. and ' Sam. --•Argyle; ' •
Mrs. Arthur 13finniSter of TorOnttio .'
.4inn,_...-Godkrleh ,- toaliship;
Hill, Colbore tOwnship; George
lecturer and , preacher. De -
canvassers will carry- credentials
Feagan; Aslifield tewnship.. The
isneinntdedandthe_eo'fLuiectAgteedesfpisrliziguorrtOthu:, -
to•-••aecord motherh004
.spite her ninety-one -yea„re.;_ebe pre_ •,,
and will, give each donor a rocO1PL.liel,. he,!,14.,c,rs
that love.. stiid devotion SO. rOlieli,L.
All donatioes of $5 anal • river will
needed in the stress and1 strain of ,
be publiShed in The .'Signiii-Star.
modem life. 'llother'S • prayers,".,• '
Farmers are-. reminded that Iliould
sunken . eyes, those pallid eheeks, '
they not be approached a canvasker
those well-worn hands, ' in the' busy,'
May have called When they were
rou,nUt 62 daily life;" To mothers .-..:
nerat. home or woriting in the fields,
she exhorted .. the highest and the r"
she said, "are to be found in,those '
'If this is the ase, they are _asked
best in terms• of exemplery life :
to contaet 'the: man in :charge - of
the canvass ,for :their .-.Particelar
Mrs. Bannister, •reeonnted that '
township, as mentioned above, 4
one da3r a Hine girl ;,said to ber -
Mr.. McGee points oitt, tbat
mother, "Mother!, I loVe•iyoUr-haie,‘
farmers are asked to bear in mind
not -like your henna". 'bitud14." Said
Your eyes, your titling- WIC l'• d0
that the new arena will be as much
the mother, .113,-..._. dette, those hands, -
theirs as It will, be of the citizens
hecame in a rk Lialut....„114=14,=.1ienaiiis ••••
of Goderich and that it will be to
their tdtimate advantage to'.suenort . rescue
„,ou from tbe AM.". Ira-
tli,e,. camPitign to. the full. , *
"NOW, mother, 1 love those ' bands
Of Mr. II. A. Clark, willbe
tute Glee Club, under the direction
'The Gederich Collegiate
0 '-ii'' I DCA
heard congregatido: . ..
afternoon tit Milan Church, Wile-,
rich township, , tb an appreetatiVe.,
ill°.tl' a18° -Air's': BarinisteC ,Pieitelied,‘Lni the
mediately the littie• girl rePlied, '
over CICN'..k °a FridaY, May 13,
In company , with Rey. .
froin 8.30 to 0 p.m., sponsored by ptrilie,r,
thie little lads visited ,
COnfthunity Programs. - The: 100 -
Alexandra Hospital, diefiensing
voice plee Club, the girls' chorus
and the dotible trio wt11 sing i'lle ale".
and inspirp thin NY the „..
ation from Adjudicator Reginald
ntimberS. which brought there high
xnarkg and etablisiastic coetniend-
Victoria's people, God WtiVing, ,
.G. Geen at . the „Ituron Coilnity.
hearing , title remarkable ainbaS,:. .
Music •PeStival. : Aii§s Shirley
leder of ' the 'CroSS some time ill .
patients.. . ,• .. ,r4 •
selection' 'for. i'vhieh she was
Robertson will„also play the Bach twhioll:nehnervernattinitoot,Itee c:ppettnilitIrr. ef"
--: VemptrittiIrert5rIffepititt- Week tit -rteteria- an . SundaY,• May .
In Cloth:rich; With ,thit-Se Of the ecir-
Fnure:tri!ae!...tutrthe. seo',Avre seAhrittelarstLhip„ ilf., the two4t1hi :0.,,ii.,,,t:::;,,,nrini::%:00:taticl,. tat, wit,,,,__
. ...
,,,....X.ter* _HOOK NitilS011,',4.1zieUSSO1S‘; -
responding week a Year ago, as., 1049 19-18 Ait.ft, 00"'''.• --4-ciai iteeti-tig•---s,ot th'e,,T,ovnts
officially "recorded, were as toilOwS: , 'ignAw FOR 'aV SeitoOt
., Maze Min. Max. Min. COunell on'aionday afternima lir4t
Thurs., May 5" ..$2. 39 , 05 .. .44, and Sedend readings were given it
Fri,,- may. io,,..„82 '57 0,8 52 bylatv,s,41'su*tt 4),22t .,-,tifeble.Ottittaeath,44.4L+12111,g,
' at.,..,,Mag-'27:-.46.. ''... 41_,....,,158,....A6.
'38Potim"4,1‘Arttry '11 '.:::0635, ..41 ;IV i' .4334 IslingOltiattiblflifoll'OlPthe ftfrit;iftell°,SeliTIOI"
Tute4S,,,,'..‘"Arivittsy Ill ,,..,,4 .. .3.; ' . '60't .„ 4345 Theinr(rid.reitTaltfile; hayfitaor ittralheto,vge4t,
. i
. ,
value $18, for winners in the Show ;
05 and. the race in May 24th speed -box
derby: .This meanS that eilch.stetint
of two that take4 'first place, in
„ pee -wee, ba-ntana sand midget classes, •
in both the race and . the show,
will receive a, valuable, -Prize.
Every girl' and bey under, sixteen -
years as of May 1st; 1949, is .in-.
Vited to enter, iminediatel3r, with •
IT. L. Brace, directer of recreatIon, b
at the Town Hall, phone 500. No I
post entries will be acceiteil.
Thus far eight have signed up
in the various classes.
Rural as well as town youths are c
welcome to conipete.
The regular- monthly meeting of t
'the Ladies' Anxiliary- to "the Gode-
rich branch of the Canadian, Legion
was held in the Legion Hall on
Tuesday. night: ,Anplicatiens were
received for ten, neve limber§ and
were approved. Initiation will 'take
place at the next regular meeting.
Arrangements were made to attend
The • lety payable by public school
supporters is 57 MillS; by separate,
--sciool.suporters, 23.7 mills, the
fetal levy for all °purposes being
$150,710.45. '
. ' .
ii1391; ts of, the canvassers the
public subserintion camPaign for
the new arena have not, Yet .been• ,
turned in, 80 110 .definite ameunt
Ward enitains :in general, however, s
stat that that 'the' contributions SO far
have net ,heeil 'outstanding. Con-
ttibutiOns haVe con* in from goine
sourcea, that Were uneipected and'
itoureea expected to contribute gen-.
erouslt IntVe" been diSappointingt
Two Old -age 15ertsioners atated
theft fitada were stilall but they
prebablY" Wouldn't be around -MUM
Ringer and. they would like to bel
the arena, project. Between then
they mire $5. rivin the head 'o
the takes. Caine a' cheque from, a
Goderfeh sailor, Sidney' Legge'tt
Lor $25, • ‘' •
On Suudasi-afternoOti fourteen
young ,wonien belonging to the
Phii• together With their „sponger
Mrs., Cruel,. and .direetor, Mrs.'
e s 'on May 26, transportation •to
e left in the ban& of transporta-
ion committee. Members •enjoyed
Ingo add a social hour, the com-
mittee in charge being Mrs. A. F.
Sturdy, Mrs. J. Sheardow•n, Mrs,
Virlialey, Mrs. H. Youfig and Mrs.
anderson. The mystery prize was
'on by Mrs. A. Hugill.
A one-legged'itobin Redbreast has
' biben hopping albont M!' -is Rose
f Aitken's lawn on lierket 'street
, And appears to have adopted the
place as .its permanent summer'
'mine. Thero Is a reason. Last
suthruer robin beeame entangled
` a string in a.lilac besh Miss;
Aitken'. She went to ite resene,
Pts a gIN1, igittn&-boond,
broken - leg, It staiedr. around` the
place until' Noteurber,.,,and thig'
spring .: reinembering its ,beuefitetor,
it. is back again fink neediess to
atiy, js heartily welcomed.
Anderson, met at "the'lunee Of the
latter for the purpose reeeiving
their .neW pips in. a Special,. cere,
called "The Ritual of Jewels,"
?ledges were tivenlii•au inspiring
candlelight eereinony, Yellow roses
orange,,green , and violet with the
tatier Ws the' :centre repre-
„stilted lighf--epassing • ,through 41”
'ptisiir and forMing' the; six '.00lors
men,tioned, Miss loan '11nohatian,
'Anderson, and Mis, entry
.Were_,In...eherge Of '-the:leretnen-Y1
.with the nadietatiee 'Of ,MISS Haze/
Wilmet. As each member 'redeiVed,
her. new pin, she felt`A. little 'ClOser
.to'uthe international ,a8sOtitttlen ot's
she la 'Oovit part, At the
eleV of, 'alto Ceremony. the Om:titer
proeeeded to the 'Park "0.0.0ro
'they nil enjoyed a,..,delleiotis dinner.
„ EMANA'r10IC.
--Ititavtlielliat- pot ..of this
,*eok the SignalAgtnes
'setting nntehints. were Under,
goitig an OVerbaUltag by an es: -
Pali Oaf& HO Catvadiair Lille;
#1).0 tind' most of too .
for 'this" vs/oda paper was set
'jn:the last ,,,turo. ,days.. As a.
holt tonaidotable'nents Matter
,10tintited for,this issue Is netes-
, tow*, foft inclittling. a
teliort of the Spodleal
meeting holds Eno* )0,1otteh
on throe tisys Of! tlift! 'Week.
',Niro VIM,' alter inatte,4,
4**,0' 1n lilt yit 'S iSstm,
son, Goderich; 3r0 vice -pt
Mrs. W. J. Moore,. Belgfave ; -4th
Viep-president; Mrs. D. Desjardlne,
Grand Bend; Evening Auxiliairy
secretary, Mrs, C. Weroell, Gode,
rich; recording secretary, Miss M.
II. Blyth; corresponding
seeretary; Mrs. W. .Greer, Wing -
ham; treasurer, Mrs: J. •Stitter,
Clinton ; Christian stewardship
secretary, Mrs. IA: 11filis, Walton;
Mission,. Circle seOetttrY, Mrs. E.
CromartY; Mission Band
secretary,"Mrs. Johns, Rat. 3,
Exeter: C.G.I.T. secretary, Mrs. G.
W. Tiffin, Wingharn ; Baby Bitml
Secretary, Mrs. X, Webster, Blyth;
supply secretaries, Mrs. M. Wilts°
find Mra. N. Trewartha, Cliatoni
community friendship" seOretary;,,
NiSsioxiary, Menthly Secretary,- MI'S,
14410. Whiteinan, WingliaM ; tem;
perence secretary, Mrs. It Lawson,
Seafettb; literature secretary, Mrs.
Hiliebrecht, Seafortli*;' Assoeiate
Helpers, Mrs. E. aVeQueen, Retinal;
press. secretary) 11.11SS E. .Totfuston,
West, Mrs. Worsen,- Goderich;
Centre, Mrs, 1. .qdiaon, Clinton;
South, Mrs. 'PenWarcien, Cern trona ;
North, Airs. Jesse 'Wheeler, 1161 -
grave; , nOininating *committee for
1950! Wed, Mies CIOrkeY,
ht•re; Mrs. I'VooirreY, Clinton;
Oth, •Creditini
rth, Mrs.. 11. Ilatuilfor4 Wrox.
er; delegates brstueli, 19491
est, Mrs, ,A,•• AnI)ornI:
ntrer 'Mrs, Steivart, Seaforyll;
'Itra„ tiensall;
oft14 rordwhli.
Sectional toeetinga fot 1919:.•
West, Dungannon; 'Centre, proet,
elluton • extended an". invittitiOn
for 1030,' width Waal. accepted, -
DioneP IvOS •served theeloireh
sehoOrooni 375 delegates from
the charges- of-at:wort to the meet -
lug of Presbytery OS as
the ladies of the Presbyterial'
the Ontario MtinitiPai VOW?, Alt .
•tlke members of "tile Voltheil Were
,pretent4. ;
and 'I/1.s PDarVein t4lam
,fttei ehiltl
.een, of 'Pergns, Sr* t •Sttn,
day with•the 'formers mother, Mit
'Sam Cade. Other. visitor's' were Mr.
-And. Mrs„, °Milfor(1• roXfon. of Win
hum, Mr. Vietor 11fae1tint- of Tor-
onto and , OA' Mrs, Tithothy
(")'11olirke and baby of Oblong&