HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-04-28, Page 7•. i41 d �" Itiktifftf.0114M1
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TO P.M.'►ern 43ara�u
! t over;
. dr'° 59J`� f
aux or anc ►: Ca "r>tng 'ta 1 ' etetVGg
CLINTON, 404 2t• - Several
a Woe
tor +� er d3scred
w i1
;old ,aro n
. t �..
Oounit�' ;041te1n' 0reeders1 Clanb 14
• he,Jtara rc , sett m; Ontario agrleult ral
odice, Clinton, on . W edpesday; even-
a ,
i n •,.
• pies .dent 1te>� Mn� , hal .ail, I�ir>;itq . , •
wlitn ehairxnaaand:about :forte mei-
'Ul1:E&AL pityr'g'
tx :exra , chargefor-the;
of, o14ur PuneraI Hama,. Ton-
to streets n
i tr, A abi lance
EeraiCe , •
Fa •ji
hone, 335, Ifta, 365+ or'"r
here wore nreffeene, ";•
The ,dairy ibtuatton, us far !RE{ i
gsas l8 eo r x 1 atlli•. x
ALber`t Stoltiz, 'ar1eulkura editor Of
e me'r-'100,101444 • told the
i ,heting,:4n en: ltnitoran ,tlye all
on . "Tile WoOdYC F.S ,ttiatlon F
Moving pfotuix w,. a *WA bye
�` .wl�tl�' �a� n , pilus
Oepitsof. t
a r1 cat rel eeeutsl;ive f xi lr
}lurQn ;eoufLtty, These'filins included . --
Boolcs Drive .Oil" teerturtng formerly' Surat, csse:.tbree dangb-
'barn eounbyi library ,e ern, with sere: and sive .sous.
r. uoti Glen. Eckinier;,.Godo* Dr. 1. G .Dunlop: of ,.Exeter ate..
and aa, seientifie ' lm .on the fered, a fractured :vertebra when• he
weather, , -Sri ?ped`"°tell-4137. b home,
Arrangements are being, made ,tor was• , tken to� •."Victq., a• Hospital,
be • able{.
a • 1�tn� tour; of elriab� , • rge;gxrbe7re � : London, 'and is- .ea�pec to:,
several prominent swine breeding 'to .return home shox� .
establishments in South Slmcoe, in- . , Ernest • Glaxke,; son . of fir. mpd;
of• J. J; E. Mecag`ue, Mrs..M F E Silarke, Se, forth, bas
cludixa,g ltho�e fl�i F . "
and W. . C, tiu�h en,r Albs urArid been• .owvarded a' $1,000 fellow ip:,left on ':a' motor trip to Montreal
q•J::, Ce7rawe11; '.5 Beton:,• This' wily at: tie University of ' Chicago. He- and other centres..
take, .place June 2;: is gradltath?g this ,year;iza his,course Death' of Thos. I nglls,;�
one weep later, on lune'. 9.:,1 is , irt; Orilentul, •, languages, • at % etoria, Wormer !ardent of Y uron
fanned to `hold ,g, .twilight'.m,eeti'ng College, TorontgT ,, . ... • ' •,: nowaclt' %township bas, lost one
. , • using the he .stair.', of : Clinton Collegiate, of '• it ,earl residents'`, and a' well-•
,,rift''Huxon', Couixty� Rosner aY� "�` , , _ r. ,
• r • s• Institute 'wail to a twd teacher's:" at 'own' figurer 'fn " the death of
Monty ' �011Y.e ' R'olsteaik� • '�� ,d .a a , ,,. .. , . i. s .• , ,. .• li:`n � � ,
baa' is of demonstrauti ne,._. the end ofthe pre eht jerni�, i Thomas n'�, all beenrrul on
A. Hagan :and: Miss Hilda M., ReApril ,12th. in -has .eight -seventh
acids, who have, been �ineanl trs of year„ "a Ir; tr�glis yeas a member
ti the ,Staff 'since September last, dare of .the' Bowick . Tocvatship 'Colineii
taking ' ,positions with Collegiate !fpr seven ears , and ^Ras . warden of
lustitutes in Toronto: , ' x Huron County. in ' 1.920, His wlf e
• 'Thomas-' Webster, .West .: Wawa pre deceased hien and° lie, is, .survived
nosh, .has begun' .his thirty-seconds by two dau hters and"five.' sons.,
i ; th o'.,
yea�rd ash beef ring butcher. u ,, a Rura'1' ilycixo Manager at '-w
township.: He -has served the St. Wingbam'. Goes to Brrie
Augustine ring . for tile., greater p 'torle• --T.- Somers,- who bus- been_
of .the time and': butchers also fa•r manager • of the,. Wingham • rural.
the -Sr. Helens and Dungannon' 'hydro, has .'been transferred to
rings. • At One•tinge he handled five Barrie 'xis` assistant line uperin
rings. Weekly. , He 'also works 250.sentient of the Georgian Bit';, siert.
acres of land., • .Irvin W. Merrick, from the Barrie-
Husband and Wife '4' . regional • office, succeeds Mr. SomerS,
Both:'Have` Token Hips s`-rnnnager-of; the Wingham area,
While attending -her.- husband, Which covers about 600 square. miles
vitro is confined '1o...7 -bed with : a and • . includes the townships of
broken,: hip, ••Mrs. Sol Pollock fell Howick; Turnberry,, Kinlooss, Huron,,
off the back ,verandah of her farm Kinen'rdine add parts of the town
tome near Grand Bend and broke ships of Culross, Wallace, • Grey,
her hip.; She was . taken ,'. to ' St. 'Morris, East •Wawamosh, West
Jbseph'S. Hospital,, London. Waawanosh .and Ashlield.
Chamber' of. Commerce Noted Doctor, Was '
Organized lit' I�ucicnbw. Native • of Clinton
The •f.nckziow and Distriet'Chitna- Dr. Frederick F. Tisdall,--O B.F.,
ber. of. Coiumd ce, , has been.organ- ,who died'. suddenly. -on Saturday` at
ized, -With -an'-executive- of eleven:• his -,:fa--near,.w,Torosgto,._- was...a
Robt. ;McIntosh; Wm.• Paippas, Chas. native of'Clinton, -a- son of ,I: P.
Webster; II: D.. Thompson, Archie: Tisdall, Who owned the first, motor
McInty 'e W. 11 _Anda son,,, Clarence car •in ' this district.. Dr.. Tisdall
.Greer, .Lloyd Ashton, P. W. Hoag, ca•as, ,noted for his contributions' to
;Oras' BrooksYttr�rd Z321fied, FiTrrlslr,.„..,
BeasitLFire,-in._.:; `::� Wan of t-he`Canadian- Medical As.;
-G►rand Bend District �'` sociation's'” committee. on.• nutrition,.
A fire,in the. rand,„ Bend district a member of the food. and nutrition
last weep scorched an area of brush board of the_National : Research
�'l� OA Sit � a'da�r' 'morning d, taut tt mile and, a4iu�' long "ani
ral r e = ad- hail . a +ride, r 1. ,g: para1aL
stroyed the.,gage ... g, , $i� �' l . �
Of Victor t e Water lgl w.a ,., 'I'1re-
lug 'station` and_re�lde�nee 4 _ "�`. .x_ to Mae •�,,, !�. ♦ ,
Amor `• o ... art .,.�. 7011teillitgofefinviPti:07.'wa:"eaged."froln ut„teras caUed from
r t leave 'glia air station
teml+ JTreyr,.lifislang aidtnt of Grand bendut
the St. Joseph tlistl let,; dlest,' op , Thedfoand the tiro was
Sunda last at .the we or, seventy- ped;` abo..t�t►a '°pinest'v+�� wi$10`xaS.xllam: ar.�..,..ne'�s:ur•
'Phe tntt'rria e:of ;Beicnlee : Adele,
onughiter . lfrs, ;hd
j uc:klyu.ow,: ''and ,r-tlaofe: LateS` {a
il+ s
ivtr, and XrS.,';fames Bostk, 33runo,
Seek., took place in, the' United;
Church, - Lucknow, on A it, , .6th.
The. r cereinony was performed
-Rei; • T. W. ;Stewart. The. couple
'hake- Bab. 'el kftst year complete you'll aurei�r h
want a porCra�it at, �ne 1110.4#13.,1110.4#13.,�ou vvxu never
gp��♦, {nd for. ' Ba' b's' photo story,
• a .cent you ; �' p
t Catch e, re Personality and
e :whewint, t� � Y
g e xp soon, for otten.,
$satin a rossiona. ,so „g
Macke an appointment now at
T. Pith C1E' &': SON
`-(forme Tk Utmning iavr' : Piyde )
a:Clinton; • E'$eter, Seafor`th, ..,
Write Box 150, Or Phone 41J,.
Exeter •.° 1 •
.and' orb shall' be pleased to
AP4 '.3w
'Power i lowers up to 25 inches
and Hand Mowers sharpened
and' , reP ed;
Sefasors,•Shears, Garden Topp
and all snail Tools sharpened;
•Drop them at ,the premises of
J. R'. Thomas,- 61 Elgin'A've. E:'
'towns'T•:,DEISION °. •
tettAranteed 'workinila�itehip.
prices"'that ”-will-please=•-yog, -
e 11 at oitleo: `lerdrops;
tm' '161, Goderleh. We :
i > pl .,baise
tietalifih ,,, _
l _ memoriiili _.
y.ur family plot. ,
St.,''Andrew'tit,';St ;
Ail the facilities pqr•Ifuner ;
!.'..{ .FIM •'`I{',
,ai>re-,4 -the--dill-of: th'c a va
li#ied tinke . cam Iefe e
Craa�to Fri r.
of all • funeral -details, both 'eta and out -ht toucan, • _
' 1'. ' tteattion assures au of •comtor P_' g, .
Our {aerso.na a �'
personalized' serV e.
.. o
Couticil Washington,, and 'of other the . chatty prisoner, 'Whitt , have, ,7nredicakzti
' .- :viva u., -to qr, s vg4O ea
eietxes Ht as -sur d. yo� �y -.,-e:•t�.
c- f , o me. tine
by:his Wife,,the former.,ye,l
Ta.g art, and' four sons : replied -the ,pi loner,,, angr Ocr
gg . ." :