HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-04-28, Page 2, EMU SIONAL-ST auxtoN ,coxiNrz's groxiv4i. 04T. TIVRilitIAT r011141K 11 Signal -44r, titni • Sublieription! Itatos,-canada 'and. Great Britain, .$2.(x),, ft year to, 11.7ni* States, 4.150. 911.:1114 ititUti 'on reqn.,eat- AnthOrized a0 seeOnd:elitat „ Office Department, Ottawa,. Telenhone 71.. *ember' sof* Canadian Weeicly Newapapera AssOdation - .S -Worn zcireulutien-Prer2475, W EuHEB,TSON • 60 1,, Ep1,1 _ '1%11111,SD,Ost, 41)111/, Atli', 1946 IXON 27 . DATE, _LIKELY • ' • IltAtoter ..iftt3regt. au- od:need Ottl$,XOndat that 'Parlioment Wonldbe dissolved at the end of thia 'we*, and the o1ept141 11,, new *arlian,;Igat WOuldih0.- held- at the 1411.eat0010u4etate.- 'T14$ Is taken. tO, Meaa -that polliag wLU be or*.10n4riz. June ,27tb4 • as:about, oItdrire required between dis, •,4401ntion,, and Polling. The exact date wU b-er"rmade knovvu efr,er the 1iiiel!dinister has. called upoa. tile r. Governor-General. < • ".--The-trinie-IVI-inisterT-referring-t the fait that he had' been leader of, the: •GovernMent ler only a few month& said. he had ;felt that the; .electors should have an opportnnity .;''.741ait"-the4-earliest-Lco11venient .time of: "proUonneing upon 1,08 adminiatra- .tion, lir the election were -with-. „lie* natal after ,tlie.opening .ni;«f the lkoliday 'season. thousands of electors , , Woala.,.ne ',away from their homes. Weie delayed .untir atter the hAriest seaSott- on. tlie farms,. and tield in-,••.0etober, the pr.e-eleetiOn, tubie• *triT0iiid.--1-be -prO101iged ',-*Or.::::*•,-enitlire. • eunenier aiirly.nfell,.menths„ About- one-41.0.rd• - • nattire: , 1 tiOn.tiie'accesSien of . r • Warm Weafter., --- 0#14)41, aid, the Peolae. while there is a place for , the se-- called,•"comics? there are , other heeles that Stirl :the'tthul. rC4.1114 Wit4iI4a0-Aigher thingS that ,MitY No doubt ivo a, suoceas-tiii-eid.' belpful, gathering, for most Of: the 7,090 pe.rsous attended. The school isene kith; great pasituti,..pus of 'Our'. countrx and its problems should ' 'have , the syrapatliette, eon: - I • 4 • shleration• of 1111, :Whetlig.t` direct1Y engaged in edneatienal: activity, „or mit, ' - EDI NOTES ' 1:----•— ' 'The ,tOwn• , ;Elanover---IS-lierin g• . . the mrking eters removed from its _streets ,a, ter A trial period. Goderich: was:fortunate in net hay; lug had a similar experience. ` A dav n -'waS here from Toronto the other .0/1S" in an effiort to trace that blazing meteor that flashed : , , , through the sky:on a recent punday evening., We naderstand he hasn't found it yet,' • '- $. N=MA ItLro 01.04NXER, 0.47(4011T:SAVnita 'Tite.Oltfarial 041,1nuna A4 The Tor2.: eniP $tar 'On SaturittlY had the fol., 0w4re*article reCalling ,eit'OP,41 etrifrigte-N,N Lo# 0409.4eriell., Tor, the in!trodnotion. et daylight 'sap,' lag time* Canada, wee member of the ,HOUSe Of CoWnotill ear the old riding of VirOt Huron from' 1,904%to 19.17, when he retired 1;e become COuntp 4ndge 04gUren: • Robert Garland, described ins„ dispatch its the man, "who gained wkleSpread recognition as . 'the Father of :Daylight , Saving Time'," ,has died fu ,Elizabethtown, Pa., at -the-•-ager "during the, first World 'War the procity . campaign of 1911 which gained national prominence for his crowded it-eff„the-inap., 31r. Lewis light to Set elegks, ahead one bourr, died:•in 1931;.having, seen 'the idea despite opposition by farin groups." adopted * 10.100001y in 1018, but Who. conferred this "fitherirod", 'William :Willett died .before it was on. the latelvit;;, Garland, -we, • dO adopted in 'England, net kaaw. Britisiker is usually The West 4lurOli...'Member had 'A atcorcI0d, that henor-a• builder in number Of excellent pet ,Projects Chelsea.. And it politician in Clan- whighhe pressed•TigeronSly,* Ile .adti was not far behind him. They welded a-lotidline•-tegulatitin for waged their campaigns ltlg befOre Greet.4akes vesselS, and advocated.. the. first World War began. the sending of a . Canadian. attache ' William Willett of Chelsea, got to Nirnslitagton far in advance of the idea about 1907, devoting his Such ideas being adopted. And he energies to 'the promotion of day- .sought to abolish. 'patronage in the "light seving-tb the extent of eighty civll serviceT---A -remarkable man. Minutes; which WEIS to be accom- In his own peculiar way .soniewhat mitts*, 'following the ilritlelvee*- _s ' When he introdUce.0_ Ala ineeSure the West Huron member pointed out that ,-gagland, the. Unitgrfl States, Australia and ilew'•Zellaild'had started legislation alOng. these ,.4,,,rpd: there ..had been local .Cariatlian, attempts. " "Nelson in .British Columbia," he said, "has b.een 411.0011',,agitated over the ques- tion for the 14St two or three mouths, • and 14 Fort 'Willie* and port Artlinr 'ran unsuccessful at- tennit. was "made .to deal. 'with Such efforts had been hampered by the fact that standard time CoUld,.. not legallybe. 'valtered by 'a Municipality. The Lewis bill of .1900 went to a committee which, viewed it favorably, but when it Was . reintroduced in. 31,m it got no fuimer than a .11Tat..•reading,•:-TheA4*4-,: the: • HON. 14% 14,4$,Litrki'11114NOS (Oshawa ,'rimes -Gazette) 'Vhe PASS Of thi Hon, kr:gelleY Is an itelleatiOn Of, 'the strain,' whieli pnbile lIfe places ea<those Who give. theMbelvet Wholeheartedly to It. Of course, " Mr. Kelley wag an Itetive citizen Of Ontario: long before be became a, Cabinet 'Slaieter. a There Is PrehahlY no ,Man `Vetter ittlewn throughout the length and breadth. of Ontario ,1,40 „ft pablic-spirited pro- moter. of Worthy eaUSes, HIS /WO has been an extremely nottgo and he is now paying the penalty, feel* zeal U. public,' Service by a breakdown in We sometimes feel that the public generally do not appreciate 'fully the sacrihees *which are 'made NT men in public 0111C0-eften to the extent of impairiug their oVva health, and. strenfth. We feel sure there. plished by initting the clock forward of a genius. some of his en-, twenty minutes at intervals during - the spring an-- summer. oper- ated .at *his. own expense, and so .suceessfuily-thativw190fkertititz-wa Introduced in the 'British , Commons and referred to- select. committee. The. cominittee favored a ohe-hour forward movement of the clocks in Spring, such. as. is usual in this country nowadays, but no law. was passed at that 191,d, with the war in progresS, -a governmental. fuel committee recommended the reform„-- id-the-lnecessarY net was pproved on May 17 of that year, saving. -to . copibience on May the..Nnited,atates and. Oens.,,de it wap temperar1dy-adopted- by•-iiational.•-:gtetite'iii'•.(:1.91g.•',-''.7•- • Thempieneer Camtdiarc campaigner for. daylight saving was the late E. (later Judge) ;newts, a native at Ooderich, Ont„ Nes elected to. the Conn:amis. from 'West \ litiron as. eConservative- in 11)04 and re-• lected in '1908 and. 1911. When he intreduced daylight' saving bill .in 1909, It- was. regarded -by many members as a's joke measure and greeted. -with. some laughter, But the fact. that- there had .b.een a similar bilLialthe British }louse the previous ear helped a lot:, The Lewis bill was given •a secoad read- * * Rather „toe' bad AO -Alsace a,tt-Zelec-,.. tion campaign. in the nicest 'part. of .the. Year, drawing „minds away 'froni the'? bantiful 'unfolding , . - 4.., ' a. • , 'iiew ',Province, shoald be. . .1. The Saltford Sage. was. readiag ce ...nanIted regarding- the conduct of, '.tite OffairS' of the nation-jet:ft/A in the paper ,..a-. 'Statentent . Ant ....'',.' 'Wen:n.07', Oh,fer1Org - 'atter - a' 'while ,,q :Were - now a 'art: By holding' Wortid-be:nble-to-the-the-NVeather 'Pere :election at thia time, the:Prime , ... „ . a year in -advance. His coiiiment- :', Minist,er*ted, the people of Can- ..,.._ "I ' think I'll* strek to Dr. -ads. ''!will. be given an opPortunity: ,.."'"as' almanac.", to dettide to ,Whon)'they wish to en- '1116.tse' , • * - -iil, it trait the responsibilities of govern, -. • , : StretfordFon,,Avon had a birthday niOt and tO give sonie indleation s 4., ..,.....,;___.. ,_.„._1_ ...._, celebratiOi; the other day for one r...,m. ..,ROWel............W.Pi.,......Y!....T....'! "'Y....,..."....77 :4214.°1101441,7 • ' . . - considerable projioftron of-the- -iatelligentsia of the Province Was „ 0-.§o*ntied- 'at. libronth. last week .at ' 'the annual Eater meeting 'of the Ontario Educations:1, Association. *he' O.E.A.. has grown .to such pro, .AROrtions. vrith 80 Many 'sections, addreies...and telorgc ,t1rat the ,p.ewspapers di not retenditp ,gtve like a full, Zdetalled ,report of its 'preceedings. -Soine- :of the -."111.gbEghtS" of the -.various - aessiontk • 'were rePorted• however -L-' lierhips' not the riost . Davila* part. 'of. the proceedings, but the beg'. newspaper "cepy." Dr.. G. E. 1411, president of the UialverSity of Ontario drevr-wide- sPread 'attention by an asSanit upon .,,Priettees -4rgaized hockey .with: _ . , . relation plyer -------------------------15arems, claiming -to be net only .the•pret- • • . widespread regrot .that Mr. Kelley nag Siilfered-irbearCettack, tout genotne,„,e1cpTssic•ns. fiOni all, parties in politicS thet he MAY make speedy. recovery. ' • SO,„09.414 ,SOOft.TS • , (tendon:Free PreSs), „ • Aports have great appeal, and there will always, be people 'who - would rather watch topnotch. ath- letes compete than engage in games themselves at their .own. mediocre level. But the.- Job of the sehoOl, which is concerned „with building healthy: bodies, should he primarily to Provide physical training, and the spectacular and entertainment • angle shouldbe secondary -- al- deavors he suffered the reward though sometimes it has a relation, which others of his kind: had suf- fered before 'Adm. , Laughter! But tx-wasT,Egeed-oaturectritiughter, "Ned" Lewis was popular with his fellowmen, THE CAT!. Helen: "Gracious, it's been five years since , rye seeuk ycru. You look lots older, too." „ Kitty,: "Ateelly, my dear? I deubt.,if .I*Jiwould: have recognized. You, hilt for. your Waliara--:ShaliesPeare. rilskShake-- ing-and--referred _to .. -,..spectil,_.:tera7•._ speare, it -Seems, was , born. there, ' and althoughAt was 385 Years ago they tiven't-i". forgotten him yet. Atust-have-fben-quite-a-lad. • , • « 2. munitaniin is to . vote shortly on the question of re*ning the Canada Veniperance :get.sr; We do not know abont conditions on the Island, but we can fty, with .respect to tile' working of the let -in Huron, 'that a drunken man is rarely seen in Goderich, whereas under the L.C.A. drunkS were a common sight. «. 7 Dr. Crallow's*report•oa thellipalth of Goderieh„ published in The Signal -Stay last week,. Made tater-. estink ;,;and • encouraging As the _31.0.11. commented, • our muniCiOat health_ record isfone of whichwe. need nob be ashamed. • iact, Oodericli Might be justified, --Iii-allittciTifingAidiS 'are exPie ..<1,andAraWnr.,:„Intei,,OgrOnl.e,#.41-- *seil„ them Into. bondage, Underinine • their 'health and jeopardize their L. Church,zvho has represented tutaire, • We de not know enougb a Toronto. riding' in .the Ottawa .fthont the inner workingof the House since we don't 'know when, hockey associations to venture' a contraclictg areport that he intends eominent- upon except:- to re- to retire at •this time. Tommy is -wok that an antidote to such con; the best,..eicitiUple ofire-Adainite 'alitiiiriS,as Dr. Hull attacked might Terlyisin ln the House, and,.pridecs be 'fon4 ii the -provision. of proiier himself upon it. Be has' always:re- faellities for '.1ce sports; in loesti 'mutated the, "Progressivet, dilution : centres, so that boys might not be adopted a few years ago and .says: , aro ;readily :draWn Away from home, 'he reurairis a 'Conservative, Pure and -.1rnoiHer-ditei6iit•-.Wde the -advice Undedled.,41e,only.,one of the kind •of an .ednaationist from New, t Ork lrt Parliament' so far,' as kaown., It Wasnl, necessary for Be shotil44eivare. hOWev.er ; there little heirs to •wash :their necks and is many a' mail in Toronto*tebInd whci their ears in .order to grow, believes T. L bus lingered toe'long Up in good health,. . Elia idea was on the stage and who would like the :honor of having -M.P. attached • .lettitii-conscions onlyput tears In to Ms name, though _re nittrWro- , their 'minds. !Something in that, well fixed financially to consider' the though We 'don't know what the 10,000 session es any attraction. feathers and the school nurse *would . „- way about .4. , .-Atiother.repeaker Warned *whets • agaltat'hecoming4utocints, in their elapsed end humiliating pupils who . do .not please their'. .Still another speaker said some teachers talk too Much*,--doirt-give' their Pupils than/co. alitow do yaii expect Pupils to learn, how.. to talk °if yon don't give ,. them.' the, OppertunitY,?" lie aSked; ' The teachers: had a, Orairwian, eVer, though oa a different plane, In.Ivnas Oharlotte4hltion Whir said tkaelierli salaries Sri, toaii(latoua, 16,91' 0:na '11iO4 Plat done abottt It, tototto seho(A„ lastieetar oa, ,the aubsect,totak-ihoo, read*. bly * *Wow, daki. was a. tiatarat l* thildrenYs remi1t4. ee'Clive Oka' ti0tta0 1410 • waht,,4, st4aatiliqheri; flnd oot whall onot Oitet*tortn; Vii4i*Hittleon a olie, be tliOr•intetts, (*nit oan sent& tor hooks** ate' stWoota but on a bighet level." 'r.10/4i,t be. bitieU ilnie lost 'In . otiot smit flt#0001006A tor takes a ,lotait huattag.t itad, funnl lfl th# ,itt *Itieli nantintionsi n' iu Ontario. - 901' • rowers a n.• SHIP 0,614,EP0',, Oui ReFratiiiii•*atel,n)iise • WESI'ON?-0104tigIO ?roll* Settlenient -.hipPers may Obtain aacks and twine Without charge ,,•14 . writing .direct -JO CANADIAN; cov,FERATivE, , WOOL GROWEES 121111ITED, 217 'auk -$1., 'Terolito# Cnna3/41*, s , Ship to such. "desirable things as school spirit. • ' ' TO MANY QUOTATIONS (Orillia• Packet and Thnesy, . Many of those who sit* " the Splendid presentation of Hamlet lit the Opera Raise last week were 'surprised to realiZe• what a- large .,nuraber of fathilliff 'quotations are deawn from that play,A But to one feminine reader ot the p10 this wag- a draWback: "I don't ;care or -Shakespeare;" he is reported to 'have remarked, "He uses too many - • s • .:1‘2faV.-e-T-IOUT] feneiyMlrour----Subscrip, 'Signal -Star tor' 1949? • sn. - -•'4'.%-•=.:".*•••••••••.•1.4.••44••••••••••.444,=,,, I,I/GNETS ABOUT IVIothproof and insured 14431 W� have' have the ficilities FOT{. `,',STORING- YOUR outr-ok-szAsori CLOTH GARMENTS -NOW Coderichirenck y loaners WEST ST. PHONE 122_ .r...••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 . , The teacher very. meticulously, kpllihied to her class that words ending in "ons" mean full, suchi as "joyous" means full of joy fled "Vigorons" means ' full, of vigor. Teacher : "sow sofneone give me another example* of the same Words*.?".., BoY (with the dirtf'.face '4 DON'T DISCARD YOUR.OLD ClIgSTEMELD OR ODD Cli wkir .s cansrebuild thei• n. like new at a , treat saving:- t eansmonexlii. Youg",ppelset to esti us.,. •- • • . ., „ . Kitchener .. Upholstery 8 FREDE'RICIC ST.; Krxm▪ onu,.. Phone 295W0 Goderich, for appobltinent • . 4847 ,FE • :11 al••40, ° . tkr., r ••••••••.,••••—=`,. ,• • • •I•• = a , = • • • + • «e'Sf,411,'' • Rub in Minarcrs,Linix4nt tiefierOutisr: and•feellhe relief Steal' over the aright muscles. For muscidaeptiins, aches and stiffness' sprained ankles --..-Mhiurd'a has beenwell kEnuin for Over .60 years. Good for dandruff ,ifid skip -disorders. too. Get a bottle tidily:- keep it handy. - • 3-9 LI •••• • ./•••••"11 • • • • Z4' • • TutinsPAz- • 2$th, 1940 , 0 040.004.ives, .. • N. _. .......... ..,-,, ---, ,..-- . or . -.; ' '1:444447,s, Os • , - „Airiat . .4 M11,0111.0141, • 4;1 • . . —4/ , W'.4fl'iX •,' '1, . , 101°4,..„.5,,., , .41,, •:' 1st, vile. ..n.,....4./71. ;;;:,.. '':...:,":/t,,,.;,•17,.FY. gm; ums j." gas . Nets On/ideate/tiff, rtutclainery tr eqteiPritentr• - s a 'MUM IMPLEMENT • • • .2"e44,74 , f It pays 1,0, buylor, caab. - Uwrowcost, hank lacui ' • ' purchasenew implement* • - • anti 1-. • earwiraluable calat2 "- S twih ie:g1"°Iu'epi cot, n . • Terms- of tepayMent nr- 411 lantred,tolneet,-**nes*,, Coma in aini tniik • . . . ... . ..• 1111 • OM Plikrt116.7. ' - • Nevo foundotion Or breclivestOckt farin ele..ctric systOm? .Fencef, drainoge or other developmentat 4 • • Neu) farrn orlhomo buildings? 0 Additions or improvem:4;;;t; -liniiiiings-?* 2., . . • iviitg4iiitiRoy,offlarrLovi -s for the ii;Oyertii poses are a,vailable at any bran. eh of The Ba*or.Cangta•Okaitractive terms. tisk atioir ". nearest tranch for IanatoryJet1114: • 1 • ,1,0•14ala.r.•05, • ••21, ▪ VOA BANK OF CANADA - • " GoDiRICH BRANCH W. G. DULMAGE, Manager „ Ammonsan — ., A "foolish" man in an. institution •chutikied the foolish man, "I- tried general store which-served•-th,e4r-ural„._ spent .his days- pushing ii, wheel- that once and. they filled it with -community where he was summer - barrow around 'upside. down. ..."My rOV,48." - • ,.. in good man,''', eonunented• a visitor, . . g. • "Yes,madam,' replied the store- . - - "whY• do You not push the wheel- ' "Dou you _keep' •powder .herer keeper, - "Washing, 'baking; face, barrow right side up' ‘"tro, ho," inquired the city • woman at the tooth, insect and gun.". - - , - tb.70" 144', -- ItEPEACE TO-OLASS you ;raid ; • Complete auto .ataita replaceoutnt • • Hobbs buolite nid Duplate Saftry Glass inatallad quiekly, acO*, , brive .0 0 •kow., " • RON% 95 • (Or OOt4�t OUt 1 aGrag� or S�rvic�,i1t.0#011 Ec • „.„ .• • • • • all out etn put over the • 4*.• /460•1*" .„ , , oimot0/ ;11 aeith 77A451" • 21+, public su scri itha anew Lel ow, Ontano what Goderichis made here and pitch financially without any reservations! or never if you want a new arena THIS G �u can also etp e arena unbuying is1-iiin4on ti ,er. lloxt:ot thpirAce_c' ',. reant-sold_ . his seasoll..iii, Coderich ....and Saltfortl., .Buy Bisset' Bros., ice . . . and HERE. Alit :YOUR iiISET Bert ;Mit_ OD,2iiladi.L. t ' ...re4. .-1 . • . r • • 111 . aid the Arena fund , .0s.. , icoad .....obi„.., , Harvey 0.D'r4S4At'tliE, it'S.` .,.. ' . , .' .; : tile:pails iiletr,',438 ttOeraftlee*"117: 0t.i1"tr 0fO011iit„-et1t 1ets : 0 000,yit • asunaties1"t3i1rtloil maiotoeitr, Y ohib044;rioiriosted,ii''. daUcl,Generl Etat, Gdel6wlnt Atei Aftk�n Elaite goto iotte. putuooery. Vaoe's Rtauratt t . Bessiafry, Ear . Doak & WilltinsOn Ooddrieh Pruit 'Market Mooles Dairy iterb. ,AlcAdava Vfiteh011 & •Th,dard AT SAL RD Adain!s cleuerst Store Rai C1444ti , ;'01,refoo1i, " Oa