HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-03-24, Page 5p. fiE'UISDA' , uAlloww 24th, 1949 The th hose - her, h i'a� y � �•fe will,. be planning, the r+a�aangement. and. redecox�atxng . o� � , �%*.. The dow • bee - , ur; friends' on:the w� swill ��en s ec>ta,1 care li,fl they:are 'admired ;h , yo „. street, also .o es' in t e ho So o en h opinionformed of nx home e .b �' >� 8'`� � ,� it home. ... oft public' is , . _..., ... ..:. y4 � °,the appearance of the wiindowi� •In Our new ome � hila department ' t h . ac meet e a taer� la, . _ f s� b..__e ..,.. w *are carrying a' lrnUch urns' g••..;�$ larger _ and, more. 'complete. ranger n . , , . . • �. g'-. ac mph• , of house fu gs• ,� ° I SPIIAY ` � 'DROP OUR S S � OU ' Y A SF U T Y . N AND 1� ESIN' SME "MERCHANDISE FOR. amnia I . - TH' BASEMENT ' STORN. 4' • 0 S`f�r 1VX N. L*. LAIN' K 'U . P• R`E O Sl'S CHEd7KE'D�. ;and 'r J" , }!t! � iLa•+. • SILK' DAMASKS.. PLAIN BEN'GALINES pCRETONEs '.,--"-Made-110 aCUr ta ns . ',f ra RUFFLE CURTAINS - • 'CRSS -CROSS. "CURTAINS` `. SILK and COTTON -NETS • . ' KITCHEN CURTAINS a• C�tton Marquiselt�S.., PLAIN and FAifY,LARGE and 'SMALL DOTS. ' " 9 PAPER"DRAPERIErS---$1.39 per pair '.„ii '.. .'p.— . Harrison. Rod, Swing Cranes, Single' and"Double Rods and several other .types, : ' VENETIAN Flexalum:and •Steel,. WIND. SRADES--— il Shades, Water Color Shades, Paper Shades. GS' aNCcOLEUM_rRIT ... ,.�.., y......>r ,... �..ro ,►w All. sizes from 6' It 91 to 9 r "x--15 1A111GAN 1O ,• 14Arch_ ` ° ... p7lnal''n, aro visiting at .the".parentat'. hoine.ere. ' i Red Cross V4111(08.--4The eeti,nµ,.. of the T)nn anion . Red) Cress was* held :on March , 8th, 4 far .� Wm.. r Robb •Is:.xoyove,riug 'frei4 ,ah attack of •pleurisy •'a•t his lxi►m oxo ir`"s1x ,.q 11' - •et ned:'Marvlu -?fain was ire -elected• press- ::�:r ur• Elliott. an ti A1i,s., tl' � tt k ionie after several days';spent:with her' ,u" titer M s.�NO car , NO ao ,Cluthill,. x it nf t "son Paul` l and i_. h alt n. cc of 'V'ir l+Irs, ,Harvey ,Culbert returned for a wee';° for a quota of $auu,•' 11.9 .m,1Ier. . lastweek-end : from 'the Gorie-.0 uvassers will , be calling ,pn the. �ii- hospital and.,Is r u a •tan,A different fines. hicere-t unhs are ' .fronauoperation_ ' clue•the various cailvassers,for 'the and Mrs, 'Tyltll, rias efFnrt theygivng Yarlox.s ent�S na .wlth M «',and .the Duugaanon and ,.. firs: W. A, Culbert, a •trictresidents' are..asked, to hold. r.CatiZens2, from miles. iround' at- `their ': subseriptio" s : for.thio 'Pun: - the pre -festival music test gannoi Bedi;`Cross'4 canvassers. 3n the:DungannonUnited,Church on . Farewell I resetitat on. -Mr. and a a � . •Mon1ay • :afternoon •and• --evening, AAIrs,,'Tlowa�ni .Sproul, and• -Mr"., and' 'With. Miss,<M. McDonald-, as Super -1'. Mrs, Russell:'• Brindley 'Were •respons- vis'or�r • aind Mt,°'` B. C w: Ireland as; .ible for a: lgrrely pr'eseiitiationa ands' .adjudicator.':, The` .,auditoriunri'. -was `dance-nt.. SNS ` TQ#,.;1g'vest' Wawa filled 'to capacity, showinfi • the • fn nosh: 'on Friday ..everting,, 'March cieaseci, interest in the 'young folks,' 1.8th, in honor of:.f..,Mr .and liars; •developnment ' in . inuste.•-•The:: 'final- Tom. Dickson, .wlio arNe, leavivg the- ists will compete. at r. the 'Huron, coin'nufity In the ' near, future. •Comity Iestival at Goderieb, ` its the ,There' was a fine gathering . in, • rit- early° part of M,,ay„.'.,; tendance. The .Ohool was prettily `,The ,'anniversary• conmttteeY• 'of•: decorated, in ••filnit. and white for the Dtrngu icon United Church Piet re- occasion.'- After lunch.Mr, and Alr& contiy-~ and announced - thea engage- Diekson were called , to thea' •plat menu 'of Itev 'It., G', .HaUelwood of form, where •Mrs. Brindley• read :an`W Walton as. guest' ,Speaker for'Sun. apIir9pri.:ite address and Arr. ;Sproul day. September 25th, 'with morning presented ,theta ; i'tl� t beautiful And, evening services... trilight floor lamp 'and • a• purse, of. "Smoky Treasure" ' is: to be - pre- r pre- money, MIL!. Dickson made ;n hearty. 'seated r. by' Durigannon • Junior reply anis said' it was •�a11- n great. Fariners in Agsictiltural. Hail, Dun- ,surprise. to both hiau and .his wife. • winnow IV„ednesday,; Bikown's orchestra ; furnished this' 8.30 p.'ri,, followed by a':dance. Car- music. -and Miler black was floor 'ruthers•. orclie'stri, ' ; .dniission 50c •natinager . • dent. ;Mrs: 0. •Pop :.first Viee--. resi-- dent,, ;Mrs,• Mel,.. Reed secou.d vice, president. (Irs, Wilbur. Brewn,secre- tary, Mrs. .Lorne' °Ivers treasurer.' The eampaigu has 'been under way, MOTOR RUGS— FTJANNELETTE "BLANKETS—=- 'WOOLCO.T 'BLANKETS' -TDI,AN-RII �rS"-= VERANDA (RUGS Cocoa atting, 27" Congoleum Hall Runne Genuine Brown Rubber, 36" wide, runner suit- , • . ' -able for; offices, etc. SPECIAL CARE GIVEN T£1': MAKING OF ;DRAPERIES,' MEASVRINGY AND,. ;.INSTAL LING VENETIAN, BLINDS, AND, HARRISON: RODS, S?ECL*LNpTICE COMMENCING APRIL 1st --our Store will remain open until 10 p.m. Saturdays, during' .Summer mouths, • GODERICH FORT PORT ALBERT,' Marclh. 22. --Mr: . Jack firth Dints • of -Duluth, ,.1linne-. ":;,1,41 - a: the home • of his slater,. Mrs. Wm.• Vrooma,n, and with other relatives in the 'vicinity. It is 'eleven years since Mr. Haw- kips last'Visited relatives: and friends in this conunnulty. Mr. Wilfred Steventon was in Toronto for a few days of bast week attending' the purelfred Shorthorn cattle breeders' • meeting. • Mr, and firs. Wm. Vroomari visited ..for a couple ' of weeks" re- cently withotheir e-cently'withitheir .dnughteelfird, her li tsbnnd and family •Mr."`aud�'1Vir3',. von. Johnston, at Brantford'.:' 1 Mr. Mercy Graham returned honor last week from the , G odericli hos-, .pital, where he- had been a patient Ai.); Iirearl two NVe,eks, having had •` In 'Recognition of •Services.—•The congregation• of the Anglican °Mitch presennted Mr. Walter Tigert recently with a purse of money in recognition of Iris services to the church,' .-he having been organist since •the year: 1922, with the ex- ception of • ff, couple of years _spent in the states.• A furnace has been installed, ui the chureh, which has made 'arent improvement in `he'. 1; comfort' of those attending services YOI.fR BARN AND., "BUILDINGS WITH Mr. rind Mrs. WM.. H. McClure • visited tuenibers •of their. fainly at . Elmira, Toronto and Windsor._ lir:' and Mrs. Win. *elute, —jr.r ' of -L-- GODERICE-'TOWNSIUP.:. GODERICH :TOWNSHIP, March: 22.-iJn'i'on'�C.ituLel service . ill lie' held at the ,home .of Mr. and Mrs.,. Geiaid Orr. this SundayT-at 2.30 p n. -"`lli;sse 'Doreen -1)11' 'Bail -Iter' tarisi1 `r emoved-.<a4Alesandta4lospitaL..oi . Monday of this . week. `* Wedding Anniversary Presenta tion. --,-Ori, -Monday evening Mr,' and. Mrs. Harry Powell were taken ,by surprise when :their, inimediii ily .and. friends,: to •the number• of thirty, called on them to • celebrate ,their: ^ f -s' c nd weddin<. • au-- :ni\.ei-sary. Their, sons anddaugh;' 'ters:.vyith their wives' *and husbands, joinO'd• giving.''thein "it f:hest 'cif` ,,silverware, Mr: 'and Mrs. Orval T'owell_..:tna.khig' 'the pii.:esentation- They were the recipients • Of ni<tny other gifts . ' during the • evening. Lunch "wins served by the family a.nd• a' pleasant time was spent in cards and claicing. - .: Sacral Club—;,;,; 1he 'talon Social• CI1.1b met at the home of Mr. and Virs: 'Forest McClui on Tuesday. • night. There was ' a good attend- ance. The guesf speaker • was Mr. CIarence, Rennie, assistan.•t a'gricuI-. tural ,.representative, who gave an' instructive and interesting talk. Tie urged •better.• clops He also -spoke on the T. -B. test for cattle- which is being.carried on, in Huro.ii county.' He - stated ` that fariners shotiltl rhise a better -grade of 'livestock, -not • rieccssitriiy ' purebred, to 'meet thie• new competitive market. • • Mr. Rennie's talk waS', followed by,,,, a discussion period.. • • Miss Barbara Orr -and 'Everett bicllwain -contrib- uted ',� rrittisical. number After .the business -.period; a social- hour „w as' spent... "God Saye the • King; alas • the 1Vizpali benedirtioi' .brought the meeting to a -clbse. ' ' - aird"-at -other- activities . -connected- with. the church:• United Church Walters. Mrs. .Taman was' hostess at her iionie .for• •the monthly meeting of 'the W.M.S. ; and W.A. of ' ,the United sided • and acted •as leader for the, program thi the Missionary Monthly for • the • World, Day of Prayer. .; A prayer• was rend by Miss Ruby.. :Sherwood; Mrs. • H: , Lednor took charge Of. the 'study 'book and also offered, prayer. Theintsiness,period followed and plans for' a bazaar in August were discussed. The meet- ing closed with the Mizpah bene, diction. During n :social half-hour refreshments were :Served by 'the' hostess: •. • Motorists, drive as though ' your lowiit child were walking,. ojz the road ahead. 'Kittle: children, are carefree. nfkt. ' nreti'ess#, "- Watch out for thein ;a;nd. give •tlieni a, break. SEAFARER'S UNION TO- SUPPLY CREWS. SARNNTA, March 20:=Thin Sarntr' and' Colonial Steamship Lines have, renewed, the col tna.ct.Lranide •.last simmer with the..seafarers' Inter. national Union. • to supply • crews during the 1943 ship iingi,,•seasou. it was announced here . ;vesterday- pv Copt. R: Scott Misener, pie Ident •of the two lines Captain:,Misener .cleclared o he unders+todd Canada Stealnship Lines had „taken "similar detion: •• ;trios to.las 'August the Misener interests; and C.S.L. had operated. Ander .cobtradt�s 'with the Canadian Lake ' Seainen's Union' headed by Pat , Sullivan. 'In August the SuP livan Unionwas suddenly ' facer ational Y Trion and tis' the agree-. went.' with this• ,Ioti%;v t{h;ich.''has now,, been renevtd. • L'ast• seaeoir Misener . and C.S.L. ships lanerated on the lakes In •the face of '.widesiiread picketing by the rival CanaA1.11 Seamen's Union. wliieli' claims Its contract with, the firms had been vi'olitted. Int has been •alleged by"the Mis- ener and O:S.L. companies that the' C,S.i1. is Coinniunist-doinlnated. C.S,1J ' leachers here .since. iridis 'bated the pieketing which featured last .year's. tnaviution season on the lake' • will' be' resumed , this spring' against all companies.' whieb rail to sign with tlieru. IEMORI : MclvUO1IAEL. -„ Iii loving iool:tu r •. or ,aur dear son, -and brother•`LAIC. , Edward' N. "•1Teddy?� Mc icliael. A dayof rexuernbrancei sadly recalls, Without, farewell the left' 'us alit. o< -b e- id-,iy a ' Woyid „be our•;.deaarest, sviS1i today. " . •-Stdly misers,., by Dad, Mother,` ,. - Brothers and istei;s. .I2' POR • VEN' Xn 1o:v�i ig .mernoryy • of David McGratt�,;awho passed away March . 2Ot1i, 1948 i h-- "l r o ,' i,. There is --no ,dent, .,;utl• r .aui;;e f .xlt„ 1'i?'' sic . O' a .nth; With; silent.. 1x 4 tread' �. a e. rd• V 'F a s ' a -• b 4 ti 1"e•ti r o St Q e a e e' n e,, t. i, •gin ,t a 'id m°�: ,`a , . d'.r ar d .. ''call, .. e Born::, into -;that `' indy.ing• life, They leave, us ba to,eorne again ;; WithJoy we, welcowe them the same. Except in, sin and Pain, # , And ever near us =iho'- uusee}t ,; • 1 ' Their dear, immortal spirits. treMttl, ,For all this' boundless universe ` Is life—there is •no= dead., • • +�• L. L,MeCreery,., • •=:Ever. reinernbered by Wife and 'Family, • :. fIcGRATTI+7N.-�-ln loving memory of ` our dear grnndfa,therk , Davits °'„ McGratten, wlro passed away. one, year: ago --Marchi 25th, 1948. we: ROSS his sweet and gentle face, Hiss kind and ..loving.smile Could • we buts •.clasp 'in ,love's ens- • braze`' - Hiin cvitaiii R.e lovedancl. lost a rev' inembrned . b; Itis; Gra dchildr .CHILDREN'S" WEAR, --WEST ST:' ._ :: U:=�TII�E�R �.�EW�.MA;N�G-E�Nf�N�T�I�-�..�•:�,�. , ON OUR ' PRESENT STOCK OF CHINA, FIGURINES, BROOCHES and VAST SILVER. HOLLOWARE and STERLING BIL' ' ,. -- iw.-tw.+.+�.wmww•v'.""^/�l zv h'1^nG4i ,�PP�ICES�EF�E:C�I•'i�E :;, NewStock of SpringVear WATCH FOR OUR ADVERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK. V1'ESTONiS 'PEANUTS or A SIDS •,AUS'TUALLAN • • a'. C U lvt'�lr J 'AVE AND GALI) 1 1 All nteiiclianth's�e st►id at your 4 G LAUGH 15 oz.;' SESDI:D pkg•• 4 FANCY ; 20 oz. Qi1ALY''ri Tin FANG' 20 oz.., QUALITY 4. ° 20 oz.. 'Iitt Aominhon Store is nneondit on n allyguaranteed to give.. (011 4,VVAiERFANCY Q[AIE lilete satisfaction.O ��CR TYLE,' - A 'LMFR .11 ALUMINUM RIBBED ROOilN .it . +va 1tab cm: for liamadiats d ilvey' #n :ht.tt fix, itv n,. ei§ht, nine and ten Italians,. ' 'Say.*t meniji. tr. Wirm In *rater ..:Cat'1" itt ;ciitnirttst «, . I cy' install" . , C nx•third Ihd 'wre kt` af` 040 .. Do.s•.not nisi, rot of . shank. . Requlrss,nio°painting.. RUO,T- ' VSSE 'ST EEU 8d ` ME'tAL PRODUCTS 3g4 RDC t '" " 'OIC!gf 0.0 kw MAN UM C 'URIN. CO 064,016. liiirvcstillirnyd Neat :t'bicur.it r:_tieA' �.. �A, oz.-, ' a L1r. 42c ' 'Cho.Syrup25c • N�; gra t Clark`s '` 10 o�.°'Iiottte.._ Calelli=s " :. 14 'ox. tin Chili. Sauce l 'c .Spas. � r nuc e (1 sty &Clark's_ 0 oz. �. �.. Peached►' x.nTin 2- , lntier OhOlea` lip ri1 Anne Cherries"mi* `2c, b".lrnor. CGroesontzgage . s 15c Runt►y 20 oz. piig, C read Mix..25c s r VIJTORIA, and ICINdifT014, Wilk i,,• - :Y.. - ,>✓ ..- ..� r ' rte. .. PH0 ���,y .. ,y i•v 0�] �`E; �I� .24 oz. tin ncemeat4:. c Altclrareu's" ;nd Nu -411 - Lor - Jelly Palls • .25c:. Clarks 18' oac: tin PlumPlifid,'s9c 1Metairen s 8 OZ. Bottle em Piindi 12c Qnakei 20 'vet. tits .-,.: cans 3 tiff i 25c Vaincd eirectir'c%at" btfr aatiorieli iirafr la' iiirtli, cl'esa'ig. bale att�iirriay;. rYll Oth, 19•t Fresh fruitsViii' CALIFORNIA NAVRi�: Yege ORANGES SUNKIST -tE O .i� ,wv- • C ONT:ARION0,1 ..° POTATO. ,ONTARIO 00mgS IO' ..: SPY' API% F ESH amp