HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-03-24, Page 4yBO Alve ca's outstanding -oil`' burnin. The; ONLY brooder •stove built *with -the fajnous: SUPE•R.' •ii'L11,k1 lF+- "pot... ype. _ urnere.., . . • • , A q, Provide CLEAN, I,VEN HEAT in ALL TYP OF W4,4,37ER. HELPS EVERY poultry tai; r II+TGREASEA „MS, •PRt FITS. - .. : irked at $29.90 . { "'Va'e"hatr+r �'dn hand broader-stave-pipea d~ -elbows : various -sizes. Also w' ter'foui ts,'feeding g tro hs, . b r oo d- .,, . • ' ors and, brooder thermometers • "Othests and ". Say, et -dears•''' Take Both .Gaines,4 Rear,-: En 'agelnent ,. The return -a a in "ie bakt- s' ball' .bout between: Goderieli and Tcineardine were played' rti,t Rin venrdine . yesterday and resulted in a..,r•double will for the• .Goderich Lea: Bajelr;• J ---E ,)stetson and Don ,•MacEwan each scored *-three 1.Qin,ts for 'the, Goderich '"Ghosts," -and the whole teaiii put tip an excellent game. • Captain Lennon: of the Kincardine steam, with ots, eight pol*was the "top' dog' ofv the 'whole. show, and, his team-mate 40e MaeDonald tnlll kl six, •blit even; with these .good; Scores, their .teal/ fellbehind, ..the final , tally: being 22:19 in ;fa\'or oar • the "Ghosts." KINCA RIMNI+:= d. Lawson, Ross Lailiont(4), Robt. Black' (1), Braden Henry,. Capt. Chas. Lemon. (8), Ind: Corel; J, Kincaid, Jos. MacDpnald (6) ; • Bruce .fileKeeman; J• Lovey, Ed.' MoAlkstor:' Total-- 1.9 points. •• • , • - GODIRICH--Capt. >d°, L. Haley • (1), G, : Tyndall. (1)-, Manager,. Eugene •Baker, Jas:: Fellows, Leo Baker (3), Eric Holmes (2),; .T. E. Patterson, : (3), Roht. heMaire • (:2) Don; MaCE'wa;n (3); Ken Wilmot (),•Don. Holmes.. (2)'7,-, Barry Doak, . Jno. E Westbrook (2) . ` Total. -22 points. "Basket -Dears" Win '2218 . Goderich,.-.jadies•- also won their game` after-• slipping badly in .the second . , and tljird quarters. . Thev scored 22 points to their opponeiits' with . 505 . and .685, For ' Knot it 18 was Dorothy. Raynard and John 'Schaefer With .410 and, 440 St. George's 'No.:,1_ and „Victoria battled it •oirt, to tr' 5=2 -win-for St. George's.. St..;George's .Total, -.2968 Vietoria.,>..2932.. High lolly : for St. George's was Ruth ,Reid with 485, high man: vas Lorne".B•roadley'"wit'h 2 weake an Jack s e- s H X abet iestlake l d theVio a ria'team with scores of 404 and 049..' • North Street No. -2 took 5 of the 7, ointts f tom St. Peters With scores of 3235 lied fi `' innie. fle'n' teir sots -;with- 5,67- -led-the-lt dies Fof Nor•,tlr Street, while Ed ` J•essop i i 713 NORTH'ST.. NO. INOREA E,S ."•;LEAIr.IN ,CHURCH LEA C UE` ♦ North Street N4.6 'I, ? d@ /sure of their -hold, ods the '' I0.st 'place positions on Tuesday, night' when -they took all seven-to'nts-from 'the Knot No. 1 team ink the "tli`tureh Leaue;. Tlgie Ba.ps' uiiusual game of the 'evening was played.' 'between St ,George's No, 2 alio the Baptist team. it'the fust galne:;botli teams scored 8,32: AS, a' result. it was "tided to give both teams a 1-1 Count. This made the final .score 6-1 in fiii,or of St, George's.. 'Phis'' is the -first time this has happened" in the league and it is considered quite a coincidence , - • North Street Nb. 4- took 5 of the 7 points- from their No, 3 team With. as sore of ..3062. to 2702.. For the No. 4 ' team 13elen' Robius'un was high lady; with 494 and .Tim Lee was high'anuli- with ' 735. For No. `3- team it was• Lorai.ne. Hodgins . and Dick .I.lughes. with scores of 459 'and. 502. North Street No. 1 met and de- feated' Knox • No. 1, 740, with 'a score of :3102 against 2500., Ke,tllie •Snider,alid,:Wes. Richardson .were high bowlers .for the 'North St. team. gardener in cleaning up axict, ;ettin'g' ready -for the i&ew season, -but, 1iI{e all:• draatle reuiedies,Q "it ..can, also As Soon as �ti 'snow, goes.:or ,possiblyvn . before; ; it'`s • a good thing to' get all old, weeds, brush' :xn'cl dry :'grass cleared. '-away • '.and. li rned. White *ohne . of this `may 'art, down into hununi, . if handled prop>erly,the•• dryer :,Stuff ;'takesa long time too disintegrate /did usually: it • cQntailis a' lot of 'weed ' seeds that .are best destroyed-° •y ;. . Where at all r possible 'burning "Should bedone where the ashes cola • be ' w.orked . •iuto the . soil; These ashes • ; eontaun a little, .potash, °w.hicia, is one of the. essential fertilizer` m'ateriais, A. good suninly of 'the.. same can be obtained—,when the ashes faina..tile`. fireplace, especially i -hero'lza.rdwood• is burned, are spread over the soil: Coal ashes, :on the• other hand, have •not niuci: value tis' a fertilizer,, britt. they will Help .opens uli heavy • Forr ' the Compost Heap Later on when . growth starts,' ;'green weeds, leavea and other trash should all :be piled- up in a corner of the garden. covered with a few havers of .•soil' .' an ;. if •••obtaixtable; •some 'inatiure.. :if wa°tered• ,occa- sionally and perhaps:.treated with smile :of'the special •humus ; aking• cliopikais, this material will 'break down, rapidly, and -make .the finest .its sort •of garden .soil, •112ostexperts . regard -then eoiilpost. ,pile as an -es- ° 1 n sential irt of ,their .rot Abli'bst ' anylliiii that" will •rot can. be ilicor- porated. 'Melte the pile ' is; -la r ger itcot be. screened With some .quick- growing annunlis or some :permanent .shr umber, 4. . , 6Miniature' Greenhouses l - `e a aI ear there have In decent.•y s h i The teams,: .. p KIN•CA.RDINE LADIES --:.Joyce. Em arton Stew art, :Betty 'MacDonald (2), Margaret St. peter,, 'Shirley- Pearce, Capt. •Cecelia 'Macy- Donald (1a),. Pearl Marland, Bett3' Tucker. Total -18 points. = ET- S.. .$AS]E� .,<,I�.�,AIP• _ _ . —Ca aim Maxine Martin,; (6), , • Wilnia Gaynor,. June Baechler,. y. Moore (4)„4 Mary ' Thorpe - Joe, 1eanpm'X rain.:- "-Jag - klazel, Wilmot, Norine Willis,:.Audrey Ginn = (4)•,- .Norma FIa�r)itt; •-•-Betty- Wes& brook. Total. --22 points. You'_llfinr7 MITZRYMEING for the' syrup making- season-, •.including sap 'buckets and spiles and syrup cans at:.. - Spring= -Time to ' Act! .-T-_--_• a __:: WE 1NVITE-'YOU•TO SEF' T �StartedTCliicks �lx .Thousand.• ROCK. "X LEOHORN • SUSSEX X LEGHORA , r . • IIROWN LEGHORN !� • N;: RAMP: X. B, Rom BARRED ROCK WHITE ROCK • - , MANY OTHER BREEDS. AVAILA!ILE•, Place your order—Day old.or ;strartgd .'PHON1, WIi1TE OR SEE " '`.r •• �o s deed Store ' KING'S •SIRT BIRTHDAY be :celebratedin Canadaon June G, QETAWAhfiarcT�8:=The-Kln 's• it- Aroclaimed in the Canada mlier••14. li in robleAii because Gaz'e'tte today. The King's birth- - irth d �—�.. ,. -'` fulls too close •to Chrstllris, will' day'.�rie�ualiy fulls on "Dec e 165 `", U o. '1�'O• liONt� K W YOUR NEWLIFE and "L1J'ETERIA DEALER • Vhave, at lowest prices, quality ty Clrk Sturtor:' _Lifeterr a ed the Men. -T"ar. S 'Pett,, s 'liar aret Evans- and ."Ticker" i Zero let the_ scores, with 503 and St. George's No, `,• find Baptist by. tying the 'first game /lade the count 64 in -favor of .St• George's,' with total scores reading 2772 against 2610. ,Olive Davis tid Bob Need - "am ` were :high • bowlers 03 r fit. George tit 424- maid ---SSS Helen Hesse' and' Daviel Medley' With 432 and 443 led- the Baptist team.. • Honors, this week go to Winnie .ii iidexso{i ivitli _ 567, nod .i n_J .with 735. jun, had a single. game of .334, which was a higher score for• one canxe than a nuiil:bet* of the •bowler:s had for three: Ed.: Jessup also silortld--btu:.,mentioned;.,. t ith. sdore of 713 for three games. • • - • LE: CITE" :STAB DIN• . _North Street' No. 1 .... ri North Street No. 2 .... 69 ' I'eter's .'. ...... St.' George's No: 1 .,. 62 St. cxeorge's No_.2' 62.. -Nmth Street Nb. 3 `.... 61, North. Street 'No, 4 .... 55', -Knox No. 1. 54'• Bnilitist .,.:.....„, 52 a n ' -1 k Knox No.' 2 37 g Distance, ':operators now put through over Ola.r Lon • million calls a month twice as many as six years ago: anotherand _ TO -day more: iarn111es keep In touch with oue " busy men iet more things done byLong Distance.. . .. • Providing for_. this growinuse of 'Long is an Important part of ourvast ex ansloxi "andimproivcment. d -- program• Thousands of new operators have been add.ed ore...ar �exne]eete and.,11-aingit 11uur.el ,s: •.of new ��xlzt tt� � �rQve�t swxtchboards'ar�d linos halre.-1?-eerr-puilt more are oil the .way,. With Long •Distance as with local. service, we want to_ put your calls through courteously, quickly and accurately --to _�.�.._:...-. ,g..• .. _ , ..._ ..._ . .• iiia. te. rPagive ou even greater value bycontinuing to �. ro v ide • m: ore �an -�etterrephoreservice at the locvestposbecost: peared. on the maiket little waxed Paper caps. ° In "lathe and size these resenilile the old-fashioned. ._straw hat `or "coati- breakfast_'.' Bir".rising tliean file ,gardener can get a, fort:- night ort-night • to mouth• :start. with such things as melons, tomatcies,•.eabbage and. idler ' tender plants• that non: nraily .cannot be set 'outside Until all danger of frost :is of err• .., L . t -t c .,.,tie 1 ala z�.t: rn• ...f tr are Made, the Seeds s(wn .oil'. tlae plaints sept out; :Cid theta the wholii is. covered • with the paper • cap, anchored fast with a' bit of • soil or a -stone, or two: • in these beds•,' too, 'tan 11e""'pranted very early a bit of lettuce =or, a few .radishes. The paper cap acts as a greenhouse, protecting from late and even. severe frosts:. and pushing growth -along Weeks ahead of,.ii�rmal. f - : •Soxnei;hinigW,i11 Grow _ No matter' hoW unfavorahte -the: •location there i5 :Smile bower; •Tvege-. , table or shsub''that.' will thrive in it. Some flowers, .vegetables and - • certain varieties of .grass;..aetuaily7 prefer; shade, some Rant acrid soil rather than sweet, some like heavy- - - cla3 ' ,better than loam or g.'nc1. .The �i. thing in planning 'is,. to consider these special likes and dislikes, then a tci_c1Hc,t tlipse°-a;lant"1"-that-shit vnes special •location. • ' ` BARGAINS AND SUGGESTIONS'FOR.WEEK FROM 1VTAROR '2610 APRIL -2nd' INCLUSIVE . 'Dren€.' 'Hato Shampoo ' . • Shampoo, 39e, 67c. 29e; 49e, 1.10.' : , , 89e. Toni' Home • Rave Permanent . Kit novae - 2.50' ., ICefli 1.25 • 1.25. • "251b'.'VALUE RGE SIZE- 1-6 ]2,5i Robber Sponges -- 3 side 39c,. 50c, Moth Raps, reg. " 29c vi_aexviet2e 2 . ,toar zlitavee Combination Attar me .. • 0. -.reg.- 0e for. 1.50 Fountain Syr inge 35e Iodized: Thrroa t Gargle . »-... • , .... --39e—Cocoanut—all Shampoo ;' . , ..... . y Pan, to. clear 1.29 Halibut Liver Oi1 Caps. ` . ...... r ..... I.20 Bronco Seltzer ... r 15ciI '75c 45e nt THE PERFECT HAIR DRESSING Fragrant pearly-pink•lotion that -helps pre -- vent that Unottractive chal3ped Itiotc You'll • even, use it' for o body rub.arr an ofter•.bath :refreshment. his non -sticky,, holps yoi)r hands �d t, ti.s i9 Bia►F� Rueditlll#roc; ;: °KeutoTono traniforined our duli,''dingy par lour 'into o. 'story book' 'room. 1 was really; sprpriaod :it took only one gallon tit. do sick a beoutifulji5hir' •• ,a a. Mal..• EXTRA, FINE ► X10N SOAP 0 1 010. a i O STARCH An exeeptionally fine mines Collet ', delicately bountiful DOROTII'Y GRRA' tti entodr gives . a bol : DRV SKIN II T lRE' 3 takes, • for 25c. ... , ' • Reg. 2'.75 ... • 1.50 Reg` Ikea. for 09+1 •: : ,"i.00 , .. , 2.75 FARM. •NEEDS,. 10.000 units' 2.91) y . •100.000 units 43c ` as, .. ..:...... 1.100 5500 lEpsorn Salle .. , lbs, 29c 150440111n ft1lii tl e reil1#ti fore iuleition Cot e1daz •fol' Coeekt osio *bur PoWder,.'S 14. 25c p 4T Reduced Iron„.`..2 4z8,x25c Rla�c• k: »1 fe+ tal 16 • ors., lot'. 1Mfr•. Bell ,,RetClled1et r' ` tit f %ttlfa llrtig8s foto M1 V 1 e::2.25° ,N a 11e t for la a .• ".' Od$ galtoil atz uia%e oipaL04. eA" 1te'e Hit?pur aC" ti- Tone.rt sti;thio+�on nalcogt of emTon Per . - ' ** d +a1tCtS 10 C10410, gallon• ` r•Waft ad C • ltVIE 10 loot dooler lot t•lout that.. ... . .tofu''"' ou iroOs Wl 1�1g>r$t; Wlif'fi`di th"Y� R.R �4eere o;Kezn•Z�aie tliat'itis.a ievoTutioriar�r wall` finish. Kent -Tone can•'take' 4 dull, di igy„•'wails' and transform. them. into. . the most beautiful room in yourhouse. Kem Tone is clean, eeonom- lead, beautiful, has.all tho advantages of ".an oil paint . with none "of its, -disadvantages,. Try Kemp-'one.;oda ._.: it comes in 12 tittractitve • MRS.' WILLIAM G. WOOD t 337 East 36th Ave., Vancouver;, S.C. "A new room appeared' in our. house after I used Kens-Tone. The results• were truly amazing, I Eq.. ,fished the job in, 'no•ti ne•a 'all' .• . , . way fa re«croatr 'lidalily to your Cwt ;' skin. 'remarkor3le all-pur'pase croaro '*Nth supplies bothVitctrrlin A and D ja"your, skinSistt'ulcnor skin cells 'fo' hew activity ctn' 1 nnake$, your ton : healtht i un er ,and :1041161' looking'. . Covert ill sttrfdt.es wallpaper; painted walls, plywood, brick interiors, etc. • .One coat eovcrs. 3.lyrie8 harcl•'in olic"hau'r,: • •. , e•iro mi.' ...,,r Ade gallrlil' dae�r ai Barg 1,p' 6. No 'd sagrceable ps'pty odour ate room: t1141 flame Iiti�. i ' A Bard, dulrab1t, wasfiabtr,'eurfaeea 7Aleliaure to ut •�bu P �do prtilet'r ad ;llltltleir �': a _. a ChariviL a�pfceadec like '