HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-03-24, Page 2,.. In aa. X . ' • ..WORON cOUN'r'X'S FOItElKO-STW)314K14X - Published by Signal,Star, limited . Ption-n4tes4-Canada. and Great Britain, $2,09 ' a Year I tot 'crated • .. . 4inttlaingf maton on roqueat. AU▪ thorized as seeOnd-elas,s mail, *Post „_. ....,_ ()Mee' DePartment, Ottawa, ..Telephone/ 71. MeMber of Canadian WeeklY IsteWepapers Association — , *.• 'Swoin OirculutiOn Over 2,77.15 s .. •114. AtiBIITSON -• ' . GPO," ii, PL -141'g'" IiititSDA.Y; 1‘.14-11;c4i 24th, 1949 ATI.41,04740 PAM' , ‘•- 'he eSent Sessien or the Fed- . , .*Aral-Parliainent. Will go on reeord one,.ot the AoSt mortientouS:in • ...#,*tOrY .Or.Palla,da. the bring- ., in of .Nitc.fouitdhialii as Canada's ,*enth ,pr.oVinee, record -htidgett i46..,:tfe,Stiag of new leaders of both GoV6time1t and; the opposition, land the pre-election- battle which ba foUght fAnCe the .opening , • . . 4.t• the! UonSe,, alk have.: tended to 'inemordble,.sessitn,;. but zitukt* above all iltiodnetion of the is -4,-pact prirn.7- 0'0 for' defence, but if provides • ' • 411S.O., _Pr resistance to aggre§sion anY , itS.Menibers, and ranges ::(1Milidaf With, the. Priited States; Britain, France ,and, other, countries *C:the Korth:. Atlantic. area" 'in a aguerfor the preservationof peace, ' 'Nell her obligations • in the et''.Oancida will kn,create her ex• Iditiiket for defentepurPoSes, but p.ven.. 'at,. ten times the amount the The. world Might have .been spared • „. both , of the frightful Wars ..of• the, ,i';$0..nt.'"Ceituri'ihrati7-there-heeft-sueh. pact in .existence arnong Che •freo •. , '.,-the Kaiser in 19147,nett:Ifitler-,in• 1939- Would have 0. y;t-toul.ct „be brought.: agauis k 711'0. .twptieth • coitur7 inay Yet, 'redeem " Us 'reeard• of two , ter', •ibie war h41.0)*,the foundation a perinanent Pette. FIOL *OSIFEB OF LAZY MEADliW liarriij. Rotik PATTERNS , A certain cold 'germ uncloubtedlY RA01470 )1 ERIISSALS 111 EARLY D'AXP B10,);SSBLS, Xarch 22.44ne• Of Brussels' mast esteemed deat, , . Mrs'. James )3OWmalt,..-.00,1.915vite4 her .ei hty-seventlt,'Agrtlid.ayo,here Mon- day '-e-t-dlifer-40 t-her-dtrughte vs: Galbraith,. 'Bora in•Grey townshilinille and‘'a quarter neXth of Brussels, she has spent raCk4to iler- life in tlOS 'vicinity aud is rfeet bealth., /4.9virman. remembers Brussels whe4 it, was. lt small: conimuNity called 'Ainley'ville and -, later -,11ingle, She, ixiS a 'family of 1:40e" dan.gliterSi Ups. R. 't4:, fyina.) §Cott, .14indsay: • (Eilzabeth) Wheeier,' Gode- deb ; Mrs., • J. (14e) Galbraith, Brussels; , One sono Bober, )3russe1s, There axe six 'grand, children 400.''§ix •ireat-grandebild- ren, Mrs. ;130wpaa's hobbies •are making,:patehirvork quilts and •an*el She , also. nJoys a' .gaido• cheekers and plays a good hand -3 bridge. Two sister's, Mrsft,H. Dun - ford and, Mrs„, B. NieLean,.'both of NOrth., Dakota; have -passed their. ninetieth, Year. ' came across some 'of these ,Nyeekly' •rantings and decided •that the anther • would.. make. a *nice soft target. 1 ,Was. quite -unaware Of the intentionsjir tho ganri until one evening affgr dragging; throngh the ehores f found that it, WAS much easiei. to stret4h ont on• it bundle of hay in the .passage-wayin front of the horses rather than tacklft the stitt. climb up tlie latieweY. With a sore throat and a head thatdse_emed tilled with wet -cotten; clidn.'t want to move away from that 4outforkab1e: spot. The sweat started to pour out as if coming one minute. from -the:tea:kettle and the. nett minute, front the eigeriv.pitinp . -hdt and;cold Their -Mrs. " Phil aPPearetlofl the scene and scolded me up €o -the house. . Camphor,roil and senna leaves, and .warm, flannel; A crackling big lire in the front. room, because there Junk- not, be any, draftg. •in. the house! Thehired man home from courting -filled Withregrets that be hadn't stayed home to chore,* „ tlien`lialf filling the front .room With wood as if he waated to -niake, • OODBUICIl SIONATATAR e era:111°1i riculture reihaps- last week: should be has, 'been appointea coun.ty prOJec- ' b ,called TiOg l'roducers' "%Welt for the tionisf sacceed, 1%7'10y, the as no fewer Allan three avaolatnient to tal4o eirect APril 1,0t. meetings 'were bel ou • 0- ; ' .` . fariners rthepsewek, Os. the . County Voruins held. a TallY . oppOstinitty , tour Abe Whyte the 'auditoritim of ...the Seafortli alleging :plant at ati•atford: , Over' Collegiate on 'rriday, Mardi, 1,81ft, fifty farmers turtied out on Friday' with Rolit. AlelAlliaa $eaforth 1)1TO:upon to hear.' the ..litfetint acting as *Chairman.: Clare inethod$ of feed,ing and handling Provinelal' geereta0,.........gp,„"re an in- llogS. discussed in 1he agrieultural• spiring Forums And Foils hoard ,roorif at, Clinton, , • Sehools., addienee , enjoyed The COUnty . 14,Odi:Kier$ i,re concert •p.rovided.,by fOrtim, people.. now headed br ',Orval TaYlor of and WitnesseVtifekfeature :pro- 13elgrave att. ehairnian of the county ,duced in firirOn County; "The Books conrmittek, and, Wm, Voting, R,R. DriVe, On," was followed by tlyth; .as ,eexetwrv-timastIrer. •- 'lunch and social.get-together.„ • . , • • The 'broadcast on incoMe tax re- . . day conlInititee,'has been turns' proved to he „tbe Most POpplar, suCcesSful SeCuring , guest broadeast • of the Seilion, FOrunis- speaker: , for °lir alinnal field day think "fanners IshMild. file, ineonie: the Maw:lean ambitssitdor ,to Canada returns, whether they, are tax4 Mr. Steinhardt. This hig-event.will able or, not,• and eight, to One be held in Goderteh on June 1,5th. those- oppased feel that farrner.s and should be of an international should keep records la. any event.' nature this year: as representatiVes of the Interttatfonal Feder it ICU " "of ' 'Mrs, William Rttldivin ('formerlY Agrieultural Producers are also ex-- Pected to lie in atteddance. This 'I believe will be the. tfirst time tlmt a foreign ambit ,SSfldor haq•' ever Visite4 Huron cOunty. Aarrie R;11.., • . GOOD SPORTS boderich Licks Club hockey teams- have received, letters paying - -tribute to fine sportsmanship dis- played them. One came from the ,Bantana • team at Walkerton soine time ado. A.nother was. re- ceived .• on Saturday from Jack Christie, seer'etarv of the Ontario 'Minor Hockey -.4ts-dbciation. - Re- • . ferring to the Lions . Midget team the letter yead, 'hi, part: "Thet Paris club reported the •Goderielf 'club. 'the. best sportsmen .we ever met.' ohnt istric , 4,1011Salt telephOneS., are to be pUt On tile:. COmniOn', batterY • Sire** delng away. eFankilig 40t.. - call, It is exlieeted that' the tehangef -overnvii-V-he7effeeteti.-14T--tthe....thhidl We, too, are, p eased o• no .1 1 t • t that good SportsManship and friendli- tiess- 'Prevailecl ..betikeen the two - clubs.. It is always.niee to hear Oa good reports. ; • _ n• en,INonien i,5 s• f up--for-it..„.- • 44-7, .„ 11 dling out f bed and lute inY roOrti while Mrs. Phil was downstairs' to pm enquire, -'You very sick; da" long night7'. . ilfght -with-snuffling anItsnifflirto%and out Po,nr-ingsveat". listening •to Me noise§ dt the might . stalled in ra. Snowbank down the road . visiting eats being ac- costed by r Tabby. -on sentry. :duty in the woodshed . . the Moaning sound of the wind in the pine trees that cluster.at' the east_ end of ,the Ilitance. Minister Abbott:brOught Oaci-ilheer to, the ‘people .of Canada tliethe-budget_whiCh he_preSentedih tIeuse ni Commons on TieidnY hare been asking for tOC• an't1" they filive got then in4reater measure and over a Wiite11eld. than. -perhaps mo People really expected. r• • • only is there at]. 'all-rOutid reduction Of .intome tax .but there -.S. an increase in the exemption high, tithes t housands' of peoplecont ;the "class Of littoine--: axpayers , altogether.' Fiirther, these Ille0131B tax:exeraritions and reductiOns are re#ciactive t� January 1st. 1949.' • The itmoval or reduetion of a larbe. number of So-called' -"nu's: .ance" tuxes will • relieve the put cliaSO2OV.,Inich articles as jewelry, tailet • preparations,kift drinks, eandy,,,, chewing- gurn, smoker's sUp- t• .traiisportation tickets, tele - grains; — • ere is no, reductien Oral stiles tax,, but too much cannot expected. At 0110, and, after all the • Government, has to have Sane revenue. The sales tax is • not,li fair Method Of raising Govern- ment I -eye -nue, hut:: itecatis4 they dat'e realize they' are paYing. it make less' bpjeetioll. to it than they de to'4ife-olite taxation. r. .Abbott .annpunced.. a 'surplus for -the year of 075,000,000. 1V11,1 to , the reduetiOn of he m1.- 110161 delft, making a total' redue- 104--,Of4141q0006,009-sinee. the4ws • the great...810h, in taps now goind . into pffect, gr.' Abbott was • abie%to.look: forward to a 'SUrpins of $87,600;60(,),.° for ,Comink • --- .0. 11.0v s se- here-Lat3z......1.1ead,ow : go , InM1:-40-Our energy Jesiens..,,, But,. ex- perience'•hu taught us to .do our Work vithlesa effort. me, yeprs ahead' should yield' the ;greatest .8i#omilfishmenti; the most enjoyment and hanpiness;',Th-eiCan;to-o;:iFireliiiott the kidney and Madder djsorders such ak Back - Loss of.SteeliairidEnergy which so often attack ofhose-atonfid,--40.:- '--Over,.. hitt a, centn,ry, Pothra Xidlny have been helping , menand women to keep kidneysand -bIder-in - • good Order. If you are nearing 40; or past it, or- thi" sake : -'"Of •your • health hanger ,of •• .% of :St, Joseph, -oceUrred on ThurS-' day. March- 3.0th, in her 'eighty- third She, was, a. meMber of. the'fainfix, of the.ltite Alr.:and gra, Cylorie4:,4.effery, and sistex .01•11nIt. Jeffery ,and ,16Ers, Gilbert' 'Plant. of Goderich. *: • . aVid ..,Steplienson. died sud- denlY on 'March 1.1:th at his home in gginOndville# in his sevet4314,4th Yenl,', He sPen't Of .111s life le his native itoWnatip Of StanicYo• inoving to Egmonclvfile two years ago. tirviying. besides "IfiS are tb'ree.daughters,and one son. • Clinton to Chinilialgn for Artificial ice Clinton erabarlOilg, lAtIlAlsii- astically on. a schenie to buila 'a npi iink with artificial ice, A TIie•deat - i• gar$' Ann. 4eftery, :IxtimsDA.VgAuvit 1,94p !Jane' Vint, :died at her home in ,finance :connuittee has been ap- . .. 'Aslifield sin Slareli 10th„ at the age pointed to conduct a' eanapalin. to of seventy:three -year, , - ,raise $120,000 for theoprpose. ' -' Get ,Nayi. Pep -VW -Vieille Julio use-Dodd's ,'Kidney today! • 125 "-411-uln--necir—tio„,longet_sCraiiiny body loses bait- S nerhils-- What' a thrilll Bony hubs nil one ugly frolrows , starved, - 'bean-pole'nnolt:-TIRMands—of-- , •girla, women, men, who never could tan before, . • are now Proud ot sharely, Itealtixy-lOo ng bodieS. • • ' iron, vitamin Bt., calcium, enrich food, mprove appetite and digestiork,so tood gives yOu more ,strength and nourishment: Put dealt on bare bones. Don't fear getting too lat. Btop'• when yoU'Ve gained , the 5. 10;15 or..20 lbs.„3rob. need tor nOrmal weight. • Costs little.- New '"gret acnitainted" size only 60c, Try famous OstreIc Tonic Tablets for new vigor, 71_4`ti,tadis,4th15_vory dav,„,at all druggists. , kAIIING SOLD, TO MR, AND MRS CHS FO*, SACK AND 1MILY O1 VtIITTO TRA** THEIR MANV,'''OUSTOM- , ZES FOR ',TEED, .:PATiONAGE AN iii00ESSf Thnly thank the specie vigor -building, flesh -building --..— to 0. Ostrexr Its tonics, stimulan -invirrators, I moraing and the- realty= _ ation that it is much nicer to efini- plain • that you never get a chance *- ,,. - to_ stay in,,hed. than it is actually . E -St GINI‘i to do Sot ' • • 13Y ---afternoon broadcast tbe news ,that Phil Osier was down with a had Cold. It started with a cold and I, heard afterward§ that by1 the time deaf 11. gigs Ilatkins, who rives in the Village, had heard it I . was alinost dead -with pneumenia. Efovvever, it did bring . company that afternoon. Mrs. Iiiggins eanie over With .a Jar, of -What she called: "crabapple' .and, horehound" jelly and Oscar's Avife.;•--,hrought:-sonin- bre 11:. _Mrs. Phil sew them coming and: went into action, . The newspaper a141. book had to be doused into a drawer and everything movable given. r nudge into a certain 1oc4ion., Then a quilt, was-- whipped out of the dresser_ drawer and draped auross .the bed. ItAairly _shouted its new- nesS,iit the world ds it was tucked th in at e foot and frilled up around - my chin. • The visitors, were very kind, They came in.and Sat down and went on '-'Mbont their business- of ;being cheering .to atekJntfl. After the t small: tap abontythe- weather: and cold -renieclies bacl been hausted one of-then:I-took particular notice to the quilt 'pattern . . . from that point on I was completely forgotten. "What pretty quilt .. . that is nlindst the same as Jennie's mother" brought out front the OldoConntry . . and isn't it elite there mi. the corner? . . . This • piece of print? . , . that was a pieee 'of .roy first party tress . . . and that polka dot one. was a piece of Susle's slip the thne she stood tip ,for • Joe and, Maggie . Mrs.. Willoughby gave nie th'at piece of print; It was a piece -.of ,enshlon _top 'that • josh 'knelt on when he pioPoged. ‘:. .*:" iramilt. trees, 1 learned ?to \my. araagenient, earl: be traced in a most accurate way on sitnple pieces of print used for quilt; tops, . • ELECTRIC Electrical liked to , continue the prneis-s: rapid reduction of debt, but the 'People clainored for taX relief -and .are getting it. 'flu.- sick therel§ going to he'll. plain ComfOrter on the bed -in Plape of h 'tr-t;int-rrei',irefffbettndit'dttteil happenings -simply -by -follow pattern- of a quilt ,than a man cOuld remeither even, if he had them writ - 'ten . 5 lieit time 'I..have visitors 'when • . EtilTottIA.14 NotES The nickel Is itself agaiti! , Robin itetibreast . dome .to *. Can -Anton:ter be far.behiricl? • I 'I '51;t0SCOV doesuft,Iike the Atlantic . , . ,iefehee pget, .But it wastet.m.eapt kX0,$,Okktfi,,i • or OrotnYke Is 'appear agalti .as rePreSenfative , gess-104 New: Yptki. GrentiYikd, , Yeti remember, '14, tho boy',: who, ktiOvon•,onOngh, thOish to gdy.:‘‘No,,"• ; • •:, "OrOdiOti.0110 the tolultig bo. ,.goecl oire. tie Stir* :trade. Attc1„,11orie,,; - fat, Ont,!the. "Wetome' $fl'‘:fOr ViSitorit t6' the, host • w.t$ $tOti Vefettlat:to ut :it Woith. Aluttlett, jot* 1)e tionst 'believe .4' in";going de' out ,,,,ita,044, otutOir .0.*6-10 10 00440. • lobe and. Repairs 87,Nist St.; Phone 5747-0i. above Agnew Surpass Store, Phone. 1199. -932tit awarassoir someone's disagreement with the °Pinions of another person." org is not vvliat„we were taught by our griglisii, Master. One star ;differS from". atvate In 'glory ; but- When Ytht disagree opirtIoh ,with Thie . leads to reference to 411 afl ortor4-thok exptesslon "different: triati:!.' t VoWier,, Wite Iiiierat tb:e 'mat- ter of preposiflOnS, glyes recop, ratiotr to different • "thaa.'"Ite seems to prefer different "to," al- thtalgh admitS'.different "frotn" 15 allowable. Lo$1.6ally„ wo say One ,thing "differs.- froin", agether. we:ishould say It Is difterent °from.," (hot "to') another: ' ,13011411rit, .11104;litkiiitt tatto' $igati1:8tar; •$1te-Itarti. 1, floylett: plecea, intOr -delight neke, Thoto 9; ptet PnilOnoPhsr.ati, awareheSs the bettiitY of tkatartil. soldf What; rart!,# oirittita totith to thou, COMO:Pt 1,10Atp; tork $fitelt 211 19450 • OLLaM P•'" the 1100 et .00 tu. rot the text eeastil etort - *Ate *it atte#4 Witte is' bet* 'Made W. boot the #roblem, ,04,1Not .toottfoAf "totting wolhe.0 it teft, elt thti _lakes, That* ongiie ttreArtdie$ '94; rdt$B1 t110010o 6 - , 4 Young Bill' had ,an. inner -longing to -be 'it—doctor. His• natural talents would .have carried him far in that pro- 'an,„AuLig4S41.b.P4021S....A, *..platit where he could earn good pay imniediately. Com- pared with this lob, a career in medicine. —with its'long, non-paying years of stiidy • and'Struggle to get establish- ed Seemed too tough. NOW,. although he is 'prospering, ' Bill regretS„,that choice,. • • Of ourse, the. penalty of choosing. the easy way against our better judgtnent is:seick0; sc, tra$1e. But 4-lieue'Ver,VI damaging conaproini:ies or neilect opportuulties • ' wheneyet we,turn.ouyseives jam e; whenever mte. sidestep duties, obstacles or problems thai should he - 'ifsiced titepr,ice,4tOo.bight • . • 4 • dii6.• • 4'1110et „at 44101es ° deyOopi Out Nit, tiOlVerit;'. ;tety,:1401* itt% 4t1us3P, tgo, Ity#,Iintio$061:ti kir the 00144 tt tO p*dog row -min '7 i4 souvity lot; his on$ itt the ,eyenttif' his &Wt. . tut todaysthrough 41404' *04 pial4 leoitfty toolteir two' 1st tor iheit * :1• 4 c,clett'I` _ 'sr • VIM 1141971 'LW II isin mom *M111N Abilene arm auk oriarivram *".1" iligroor aninsamai • . TLE ...RUBBot Th.E, TILE. : 1410,100 1.90 I.ARGE OR TOO $MALI, $OPPLY THE- MATEO/M. OR 1N$T'ALL' YOUR )00 COMPLETE. - WNW NNW Dcovp--DE$9TO, 4:1141)*.. BEG, MeGt4"le 00* 11963.0 - the 'Plastic Wall,10,0 Ott, tlieir ebc thi• $rne olt These 00 bnr96 .butact;i:m9, ::" tp,oipfl abo:r: 4sii do( rwe dot 7emr, et stippued. ilia, applied by: rim I tile man, laca, . 1 ,,,, ..........„ i, i......\,,ra..,-K,...1320...7 V4' SI S. 1 p o, iox 48 Phone 9 ,,,,,,,....... ._.,,,.,,.......„...,.........._...,.....„..r.„-, 4:-40-1:77.r.1.:. - • • ASMIT Mog and ' • . •,0111. tretuddlto eitualta We have the facilities 4 -fog, „OTJT..011.SEASON:CLOTH COMMENTS NOW PH.Oz taramassiOnelemol":".". ,Y• / ELUXE and SPECIAL DELUXE MODEt$ , '-7 , • •21.- ••• • • • 14 „ riEttf-oRMARCE The powerful .'Da$ge 1."-X4cad enginehas fewer moving parts to; iieg is, easiet t� stailAstAnd Iceep.in ad- ' j:stliznad'h-se:411:Ite*5436-.Ipo'rtisitiinhtaa*Ftiniaelit;welteg8 Power cosine susPenslon, vili want to sce, frostl•-' own and aki.:V.O.LIChuitefe:ar.:t07-0:0:bi'ibil.tiltdt;;;;n111;ii7dliaraetn:CaaZt:. new. There's Awry na, ;4612 4,special PP.witiodettt as tomorrow fOtti greater 'at bei4ir head iitur 14104 bin, a , Roomy or a tOtit,aii6o for, rfeoetkdability, P.cOttOhit COOE t 114 Wheell Y411 aOtediate the many improVements that 'aSla to famosn047 rttiating,t14e is, even qdidtdr and more *6114414ot idulatiotk SOfier iobberj)otly mountings,mountings,improved spdnglflg, new- lea4lee. thotit. ibsethets, * . -..' . 'ROOMY coliFORT — the ' fArcions Dodge 'Floating Ride is smoother than *ever. " . xevi, ktoger 1181/2 inch - 'Wheelbase further improves -the Dodge "Cradled, the-tdest ride, allows ainple head and ie 400M. -itont 'and reat. ' • 4'4 vislattiTY Yot get a , Wide; vieW otthe toad through the net./ highet, -wider. windshields. Plass area is 57A $reater. New, MOre efficient wipers sWee,p,,, ;01,,%,,mnre,glatt area. Per, • froster vents orier trewhole vtindshield width; fA-4. 'er „- 4. YOu'lltiltd the povifet and econoity of ;he 97 h‘p:A,Nead engine,. ,‘ and the many,;.extra .economy fcatutes such as an 04 1ter,fioatin oil ittak and self. cleaning fuel filter in the gas tank, whidi.are standard equiptixent. These new, Cad tut easieti stop fas,cer; you tart see over the hook you an get' in and out:Ivith tate, , See these great tie* cats today at,your iodaltrodge..De$oto dealer s shnwrontri. ompare, them feattite by feature Ivith inet cars hi, their price class a a , theo,arive them ina.youll agree 0,1# they ard.the'.itiuStatldillg autrnobiles in , the.10*-pe Odd, ovit on -distay 0 e o 0 ai ,e's and Servic Phon •