HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-03-10, Page 8• '''' • y ELLIOT MOSES *0/rooter ONTARIO .PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION°' ''.'1,kailan1who 0,410 Catf.ft<18. Vi3VI,i741-11,4*: my last letter ike WS. '444 1 have. had .0. very: programfuli .Qt„events and:egg- ineluding an ',internatiOnal Iggfw.I.114-,•04t,cht :fiight-Seeiflg! in two COnn.ttie_ n'aiiieroUe partieS, , AS bit; tiring:tot farmers used to regalar,.hOnre, and mit ,t0O ranch , ."-e*Citeinents but OirOth:,41e$S we are enjoying every minute Of We have had a• -'grand ,time in '.*Olandr.-'41,ticl'.:.40*;.,.we 0e' on our way back to'..Englaud.,:.•-•where we hall pend a. few days before, • *Lill*" ,fer Canada... 1,11 have more. in 1,$70.. and -invented the, telephone in the •city - or Brantford. Visit to ailVfaebinery Testing Station Frain Edinburgh our party' pro- eeeded to OlaageW, where we were immediately taken, to the Scottish agrienitatal, machinery testing sta- tion, just caiteide the eity. The „Station IS a :neW ..braneli. of the 44'604:Oral Department and time' will decide Whether or et it yill give oeirfficient ser/lee to.warrant • its eadetenee. The main object, as, far as. we: Could gather, 14 to bring machinery from all. parts of the manufacturing 'world- and test-. it ; to say about lrelfoad; but neW 1 .for ise ni.,-.Seatltmd. e were Worild .'11.1re .to . describe otir 139:t directed through the main bulldhig' days in Scotland.. • and shown the equipment and ' $1 hteeeing in. Scotland testing methods. Machinery for experiMental pur- ,posee is su:41tted on a voluntary basis and ti, tests are conducted by ,experte. Witbent charge. While ,were there, implements made in Germany, New Zealand, Australia, United States and Canada•-vvere, being tested. ' 'Oastle, which -is the , !highest point After leaving the- ana.in iStfilding,„ AA the elq gives .one excel- we were taken to -a field where ie t view of the Surrounding area, two men were trying out a' heavy . Edhalitirgh is said to. be the most beautiful city in ,the British Isles laid it 'was out..,privilege,to see 'eon.e or the hisforical sites. We were - aecompanied by Mr, T. W. *a of- the -Tourists! -Association Seotland. ' 4 • We were 'taken to Edinburgh birthplaee of Sir Wal- •4;,ter 'Scott; the famous Scottish nave- Iizt, and_' visited the-.*hothe of 'Sir. Owes X0Oltd. Simpson, the the- ;cOverer: of ....chloroforni... But. perhaps .rnost, inte'resting to tie ae_Canadialis: was the cottage of Alexander , • rawilamir n „Australian. plow,...des,Wne4 to break lip virgin soil. . Powered by a‘heavy- Paterpillar .tractor, this plOW has no difficulty in turning out boulders weighing,. several- hpndred pounds and roots- up ordinary shrubbery with the greatest of' ease. . Theday after our visit to the testing._ station We took a hurried' tour of the Highlands. We enjoyed the ‘trip, .immethely., and indeed our, ortly-regret;was, that -we, ;et:mid-not- spend more time ih that rugged Yet picturesque 'section. , One feature timtstruck us durieg our-trirWitsr-t T-exen, ----Vwz*kieh'''-• the SeottfaltI3epartmerit Of Itefore*--:'. ' tatiOn has .reclaimed -many of. the mountainsides and has planted,them with young trees. Not only has this., iniproved' the' scenery but in time it will prove to; be , of great commercial value. . , En Route to 'Ireland • The next day• -we- took the train 'tranrae ...... . ,4,... A.' • ;..40.,•••••••;444'...›.:I.: 40',"M'Afte-5::::.:*:''..,..:%,....... ....A. 4Wi.ileit,...WA...A%-.0.,••4-2 '' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ,,,,, 0 „......, . , , • . *, : , . ''THE',NEV17:194,9 PQNTIAVIS'avallable td 'Canadian Motorists in -font •Series-r-Chicitailit'Streatn.- ' liner, Aeetleader SpeeiaI arterleetleader Deluxe ShOwn'here is -the Streamliner four -door '-'- .sedaii, which like the Chieftain, is available on • 120 -inch wheelbase with; a six or eight -cylinder :engine. The., Fleetleader Special and Deluxe are both available on 1154nih -wheelbase with .a " - . . six.‘cOilader enkine;ConlitileteV redesigned; the -1949 Pontiacs offer al.a• entirely neW concept of , functional beauty. ,They are wider and loytrfir, than any model yet offered in the Pontiac line, • Ors Hydra -Matic I)riv,e,is„'aVailab-le as an 'option at extra cost 'on certain„ P_Ontiag_ mocielaf , . . ticularly pleased -to.- see 'Peter Fitz- atrick-,;-wh Tontrwe-met... iast*anntunin, When he aceompanied the .'ulster,. team te the ,International.• match at' Lindsay,' : AU ,the Visiting 14'4:qv-men 'were Va4rO,--hol up each.110still. promptly,' bIB LI - relieves:snifflY,; ...stuOY ,clistress head.rcolds. .makesbr.eathingeatier.. , £ks 4010s, anrieet Man ;gala „iromfilog o . 'IN ltnted in time. Try•itt ,,t91'.1111P-" yeti% •t4Pna`in Package, ' 'VA4 billeted the Stroud Hotel at POrtstev,vart and it Was quite an experience' to sit back and listen to the many -different dialects the English .and 'Scottish people.. We almost -felt as, though we werev attending League of NationS, conference so Varied Were the ex-. pressimis and ways of speaking, to the type of plows used and the lines of our own. :Ontario Agricul- wia -in- the- Tegglar--da6seFtr rvgb. preference ,,Returned. men.._are: We -lauded in irelahd', two- days luanner-of -Scoring .our ecore the, Literuationarantredr.and" ot if there is any,, additional room elVilian students mak" enter: During the war years the collegetwaS n§ Wilif-itirf4fee hirt4g.- • Government MitrIliePTA Our last visit was to the Govere- By W. A, • -0; `Thurston, Zone., rOreete* ,. • .,,x• :r4:pre:rVs.07e.Tnlite. efmtatttin7ge, miSoMatad4et* to iMpito_ikrOire jijo.c045,0 groWingoCOadittOnds! futu lot' a* more valuable' „prOPertlY •the • present time determieet..the comnosition and Value many years. There are matt' t.YPea trees that shOuId be renioved in an Ira-. eroveineat, .'eutting 18 a woadiet, In order • to seenre Arkanclal returns, trees.shoUld be Utilized ' or ea.: before they May become defective. If *a fainter cen, sidere.a woedlot. at a' pitying crop: he will preserve There May, or. fallen, trees in the ‘, WOO dl!" that are still relatively W44,1.;..:0,.00g14Qu/i , be at4gtcs4it.0,ai6o4ve: ment eating,. as. 18 a fw, years, through; action Of ' deetty,.. they' May be tsclese... ' ' • , Trees that are diseased ort-in- feeted with: insects are rapidly de - 'creating In Value, and in 'a short time may • be valueless „even for fuel, . They shouldlibe removed, from an eecineenie• .s itedpoint# as well as for • the reason that they may source of infection. for healthy trees. It- is InapoSsible to improve a Woodlet If disease aitsndvainsteum t$ • a.re present to-'.7teduce In .many woodiots; tree§ with broken branches or damaged • tops are plentiful. 'These.sholild'-be re- moved in an improvement ientting., The damage .may have keen -mused. by Wind, 'ice or previous • logglng- opdratlons. - it is easily ianderstoed,_ that damaged • trees are More: sus- ceptible to attacks; by .disease and insects.- In the case of trees with' broken or partially. dead * tops, growth is reduced owing, *to the small drown, Making it not worth ,while to 'retain the tree. • Broken or .dead brandies In the top part Of the crown are a sign that the 47-railtje:71;t.';;;"rs'e;741-; with' healthy spedimens, they should' be .reraove'd: 'If. the ,principal ^ pro - duet fuelwoo‘ a .cipeked--tre• neo -"1i 767 straight tree.' -However, if -saW--- raining as .we reached the. plowing. fered dual Shorthorn, cattle, large .. field which by .that .time was a, White, pigs, and ids° keeps ' three , a.. . sea of Mild. . -.,-- - or font '..-hreediLef.,.Peultry„, .Aside . r?etri.etedi from the orchard and .the green - totalled deliberately These Winded seventeen" Ov_Me.#4 Inieise, all croi•s- are grown for feed totalled 111 against 126, last year, comPetitors in the,. heY$e,7s,eFtban -f,°,1retiligendli_vi"s. tQ.ckhotecis f*(:); its.' 116444.4-'s' arid .twenty-two tractor tompetiters., an,,,,;,d the College, Prides itself , on 14 cCoiamesp.etition was very, _keen in every. Which. are nsed.. on the. farms and sn-ess. iii,' growing , seed potatoes The rules restricted handling to , also Sold as seed. • - footwork only and this, of course, , most of the courses' at Green - was new, to our . boys.- However, mount are designed. for ,boys who In spite Of this they made a very intend to farm, vrhere is • also a creditable shOwing, and While owing degree. course which is along. the so the boys had a day in which t,o . practise as well • ae to Jake the usual round,?f enter- tainment On our first night we attended a dance . ,sponsored by the , junior farniet organizatiOa:.74. was 11.1,Ee • 'our„OWn. Canadian. farm tdatices but The annual dinner • find presenta- With: Much Wore aetion: Every irw tion of prizes„, sponsored by the and then. 'there 'would be a loud Northern *Ireland Plowinen'a 'As- shOut from, the men which:sOnnded sociation- was a 'fitting •climax to like', , !man of Indian war. the biatch's •activities. Parti - whoop. . The beYs had a 'little dif- cular. job on this occasion was to lieulty,--at first 0:Itching...II some •ent to each,. melixber. of the • trish team who visited Canada last'. year • an Indian, war club. 'Last fall the Irishmen had honored -Us w it h shilleraghe--.6.10;weTwishedto - give them seine token in exchange. The preS-eatation Was unannounced and was -One of the highlights of - the evening: The prograrn. was quite lengthy 'With. toasts, ..songs; and plenty of • laish -wit, which we all thoroughly --- enjoyed::. : T be 'evening's _-entertainnaeatr,, • ronght •to a- close _another year the -Northern Ireland _ International a 3110tor trrp through, ty An- gateh. Owing to bad weather, the Association barely made expenses, trim, • one of, the richest grkattiral although they conducted a very e6u,,,,...qies . Northern Ireland. The 'good match.. Our boys Consider farms areOr • the Most the Old,: COUntrY• ploWnien, artistt part privately Own and are much in their particular tyPe.of plowing. smaller than those -in Ibitland, and ' Ulster Agricultural College .Sebtlana, being , from one i3o five The next day we' -were taken -on& acres---in-size, -Five ,acres -.1s -con,-._ Our _Aar The.,_ cash' factory, wlif411' was something- quite &reps ' mainly, potirtess neW: and interesting to us. We efifi „flax, Other .grains -Wheat also stopped at the Greemnotint oats and barley -are grown mainly A.gritultural; College, aluckenore, as feed for -livestock. which is the only .• College of ' Foom:-.the farming -country we `kind' in -Northern Ireland.' , detoured through the •Mountain area At '.Greenmount the -Prin.' and elang the Atlantic sea Coast 7cipal •and staff are all young •Men, where the highway runs close to one of_whom- appeared to be over, water's edge_ and the &ellen' thirty. We v!efe7f615—t.. is excep lona y beatitiffit7EVeir whiter,- the mountains- and valleys -Department of Agriculture:- byloillthnegd. mtehne ,wP4117rwouoifd, have thillge.:'maTdsummer ,and if the were 'greener. than Ontario. fields in same slant on life as the studelts in JOliage it would cemnlete • the and" thereby establish a more • be r- picture of Ireland at ith best.' The monithit spirit' in the schbol. than mountain tops are used for .sheep if staffed With older men. , grazing and some of the 'best farm The College specializes in re0s- land ean be found in the sloping, fertile valleys.; . . This elided our.- sight-seeing in Nerthern Ireland and Soon we shalt be•=, saying farewell to, our Irish hosts Who haze ,treated us with their 'woridgfamed hospitality. To7 Aight we sail from Belfast 'to sham on our way *back. ,Londorr. Where 'thy next, article , Will be written, , . they were. winners na the special vieitors' class, With Alvin -Mark, the iSalada gold Medallist, placing ° - Bacherithe Esso chara,pions, seebnd and third respeetivelV. •• Presentation of Indian War-, Clphs, boat fer, Belfast., , ben we landed 'of the different dance steps, bit in Ireland we were- greeted byof. it was ,.fiot long before they were Inen's Association. We were Par- of their .dancing ability. , '.. ' Putting' on- a_real. denaonstration hcialsOf-the-Northern Ireland --Plow- . ' • , • ' , International, Match at Limavady . On the ... morning of . ..the.`,- knatch, eur party and about forty English and Scottish plowmeif'and One con- testant from the Isle of Man were taken by bus to - the - plowing field at Lirhavady:nearly ..forty.., miles, butside Belfast:. It had rained all through •the nightand7.a.s..:- 'sill Do you sometimes_ feel ihaf people are inning to think you are high-strung hirayi-tense andnervous—so _that fly off Mos-handi. easily - Your Nerves Can Play Msny wOrnen find it hard to realize tbeir nerves are "bad". Yet It's not, 'autipual for a high-strung woman's licate nervou ayatem. -to the Meat -controlled- milk depot. All ,lOgs 'are desired, creoked • trees productien of • anilk in Ulster is Gov.einment-centrolled-,-right front' the •farin to the consumer -and this depot, operated- by the GoVernment oft cost, reeeives, grades and pas- teurizes 4,000,)000 gallons AO per ,1ear_whicb is' collected by 'twentyzsix lorrierfroni7106 -far- mers'.2 The depot does everything. but bottle the milk, which Is. done centres and thensoldto the stores. ,,,,Torthern irelankis the ;part of the United Kingdom Which, pro - (knees more milk and butter 'than the lime market can absorb and' were told thilt",-moste of the -2-Am,,Aandled the depot is shipped to England aaIrish sd,. otlan.d. After- leaving the dr took which may interfere with: goo'd trees are tin.desirable. ' Trees with short.truaks and large -- crowns Trequeh.tly ialte up too much 'room and should he removed...They will prevent the growth' of seed- lings and saplings whieh may prove more , • Weed trees are Species:Of .low economic value, stich as pine and choke 'cherry, ironwood, ,blue beech. Ifiwthorrand--apple. Theteehoul& be cut to leave room for valuable 'species. , . * • •• In ' caseS*, It may. be neces- sary ,to leave defective or unhealthY., trees fk .8. seed Supply, to. aid in starting-.TneW-reproditetion-inthe wOodlet, ' „: •' • . • . Exam:144e" ermaprovement Cutting may be found -in the woodlot (MAO, by Mr. Harold-23ScksOn of Stanley - township, concession. 11,13,.,S.. lot 6. • q' sand. easy to Make at howl' 'ApOtszing, saosfvlso. teoeelexavinat Make up+,thiss 4rity, Flour Swsit Bun clout* otk4 eigitk UM, you Can 40YS her „buns, free lams,,,,spice.d bUll!S Or Ic:114'bursWiriovirn esti. .-SWEET OUNS..; ;iTiiiRied Recipe, franc iii`u :Purity, Flour-/Citilians-r, baatsa 'egg? ralt,:'-iiast and:milk Mixture, • 1." cameeesee watt , , , , 2,cleii•neuf (scalded and. gaoled inifficient,flotr to'rnake douph soft • fake-Watm),- :enough to, be conYeniontly handled, and: • , • tighetalyd-09nriatisle'd"7"bothW.1:-Pok:frie ds/urilitshe inthe'a, '1/4!4ccul'slu'rananiinclinied;147 ecrwihgann_doirp kat oth 1(18a hos,ti,x9. ,,:t5gr tor orrilod.,7* 1 egg ' It ho, ' feasPaert soff ' . bok g.d 1n • • andrshoprioto Piaca'an a breatid" Cfeam s.,uyirspcnied,a.kh.ortelnn.iniugkea.:40,1474bab ,01.1174 :raver .311,00118:;:zand, :arty-Int:0a . , w e I untjl'eb7,t,:fni.",),Y!"fhttbdilleboa:111.3eyr-in daoxhe°rif 7;4- , FltUITSUNS--Add t Y2, cups currants orrobins, dredged With flour; before.thaping the' dough info bum Just befare, baking, glaze with,a mixture of 1, egg whits Ond, table, • CINNAMON :11t110:-,Itoll dbugh out:fo a long norm* sheet 1A.,facli thick. Brusb with' Melted butter. MN cup •brow n sugat,Wilh •11/S ternpoons, cinnamon. and sprNkfe -over - niflk dough. If desired th cup -of raisins may be addedffoll up lelly-roff fashlon cinc .sersi edge.' Cur into LInskslices and. place cut side 'slovin.in woll.greased muffin 'tins. Brush bops wilts, anWsprinkje with suriar and .cinnamon • . \Vhackreeiee-that means so much %wonderffil7 (f"-Wd7for And this te"elfie 41-riTof PerityPlour :;-:your-.1-avettrite; the iloutthies specially 'milled from fizie hard wheat, the flour that inegii successful cakes, pies,, Cookies . -,...„.„..,,,oe..„..heas,aeeettinie,,ollibe time. • , r, . •••••••• . a., •ors,.. ' I rt isuYs•YOliihe famous PURITY COOK BOOK . , 1 with its 875 recipes developed• in the PuritY t' ' ,, Flour Kitchens. Send to your nearest-Pknity II ;1 Flour Mille office -St. John, N.B., Montreal, :. 1 Oue.,:Ottawa, Ont., Toronto,'Ont., Winnipe.g, 11 • :„Man.rcalg'ary, Alto., Vancouver, .s.c. • - ii ... . . I•Name ''... ....... ir IStreet------- l' .. , -City. ,...fiov.4;...-v....... 1 i................: nd proper iforestry principles are Ong' folloWed. . Send all inqairies-to Pepartment of Lands and Forests, , StratfOrd,*: gntario. • - • THAT NODE __THEM MOVE .. .'The httlo. Min wok pushing ilia ear t 'through the croWded_aieles _of the big super -market. - • . • • 4 ' Thii.woodlet Is being'well_managed, Strange Tricks on You I , through the most trying periodir oflife-I-by, taking this time-tested tonic containing Vitamin BI,- iron andAteare needed minerals. Give Atotawitood4mL._aipeet IT a ne. e riviillen Food, urge economy size today. Chaie's Nerve cod, name Chase" is your assurance; .mues, good br helping vont nervous energy. 7. .*ilt help-yoti feel bettOr, look. rest better at nlght. - ng the last fifty III* thoti‘ /N. OUR ° SERVICE.DEPT FULL STOCICOY TUBES .AND PAR'I'S CARRIED • . . —411 Work quaranteed-L- ..°147.144/1• , • !.GODERICH " ONTARIO • In a - far, northern:Isetetlemen ,t a. man nfeeta with a serious accident. Were it not for the Red Cross', this, and 'scores of other sick and injured people, would be ;without medical or hospital care. Rat the 75 Red !aroSs •Outpost Hospitals • are ever ready to serve iselated,settlera. Last year over 70,000 patient* received . treatment through these hospitals.' • . • . • ThiS'is part oft& work YOUR Ilea Cross ' . is -carrying on. You,areasked to help save livekenath,- -lonely--froritietsy f,O.VrOVide afire/donee ' to crippled' Veterans, to send" ' relief whereveulistister strikes, to.euppert .the Ilea Cross Free Blood. Transfusion • Servicel to extend 1.,•,sfli to suffering <4 humanity everywhere, The Boa Cross work being carried on in a thousand ways is made possible by /on oha tboosolidd of 'other Canadians. Give willingly, generously. -Give nowt RecZ Crvas Services 'aino. include; l'retitment for ,Crippled,Obildren., Nutrition Setuicett, lion* Nursing Cdurses •`Steitnyning and. • ',Water SafetY,t WOMen's Tkorh Activities, -de 4 A iS 18014,14, 14/0 When ireastiatIlitayuv tarriatabaV *01 *hls4iOr 144 Cenittiai . Rad Colitis Mil - u�15", • A siapsal, change. Ter • example:. • „Youngster ef..19,011,-/Io grow up ,and' be • president. ,yotingster'' of 1.612-... To grow UP to ,he',a Barney Oldfield.,, • : , ,YOungSter Of 1920, ---To grow • up .. to be .a bootlegger. • • • " Youngster. of 1928 -To grow fir to be n Charles . A. Lindbergh. • Youngster- of 1.984 -TO grow up to be - farmer, and get, Paid for not , ridging' pigs. Youngster of 1942 -To grew up h,c It 00,4641'.gettoAlithiur. Youngster af„.16,15-,-44b grow 't1P., tobe.;;ita..• ateenie;:seikiitiqt.. , ottiOter �f.19413-0 groov? 111) to play theotter' and. Make' it ferthue like , Gene . ' ' • • V "Coining ,through," ' lie "GangwaY,"'he sliouted- A feW men stepped ‘aside. • He • ruefiilly,' surveyed'',the situa- tida, andthen smiled as a -bright. idea • struek 'him. - "Watch ryour nylons:" be warned. The ,,vromeit scattered : like chaff In - WIIEELEW .11;INERAL-SPIVVICE No exra . charge for the use °Lour Funeial Home; Toron- to Street. Prompt Ambulance' , Service CIODERICH MEMORIAL • SHOP - z.stEvyper DESIGNS, BEST' MAtBRIALS:, . auaranteed'Vorkmanship at prices that will'please you. SAVE ALL 'AGENTS FEES Call at our ,ollicet Or . drop -us 'line to Box 161, Ooderlib. We be pleased to esdi and help choose suitable :immortal for your family plot: • • R A SPOTTON CASH. FOR USED CLOTHING • . WE WILL PAY dASH FOB, WEAR,A10,E, IV.IEN'Si-WO-- MEN'S; 104ILDRZN'S 01,114 BA.331,EIVITSBp CLOTHING , We need :Dresses, Skirts; Blouses, Odd- Slacks-and..Slackluts .._ S, -SiveaTeri,-MWitr and*'W-iiifferree-27pieee'Shits,---Weirien's'and'104q-- Fall Overcoats, (No winter coats; please), Odd ,quit Coats, Npelt, Ties, Odd Trousers, Shoes, Purses, Babies' and Children's Clothing,. We pay froth. $3.00 to sup,00 for -Men's Suits. . • - We -pay fair cash Prices sterisrA.atiog .,'9.P1111,41.111TERD.-; . . ,. . OR. . , ' 01.80"1117.NG ItZTURNAD plizeAlii ” --Therefore,- 'there cannot -be -any, expense:involved ' to ...the sender. % - --.."'' - - -PIREGIIIONS' FOR !* siiipplita _.' ...:-. ' • __ 1. 'Wrap and tie securely in t'orrugatedbox, paper or .saelt,. 2.- Make' stare your return address.is ~written clearly'. This Will. 3. ) ' help •speed our' cash remittance to you. . _• • - Phone Ake „eXpres . company. They will pick up the nier. chandise at your. ' oor. If your shipment is over 00 ibS.,,, ,pleaSe ship by frei t or transpfirt. . . . -- 4. . .Do'not•pay any mon y for shipping: :Tell,tthe drivyou are shipping the Parce ,colletf, . and. we..will Piy the shipping • charges .at This mid. . ° 4 . Send. Parcels to • .,.,'' • ' • • THE GitE13 TRADI ' NG CO. • , Dept*...B.2. * ' 67,St...Nicliolas -St.; Toronto, Ontario .. (formerly, dunniugliana q'tittirslo) Crlintimk Mcel(ir; Se0orth *rite 1011.50, or ,phoite 41.1; • pcotor ."iAorli.trel:o..t,i4ritt , S:*14 freely, and mtdtyft4.nostro odor. And It bringa qufo pnr relief to tiluibular aeheilikad. pains, rieuridalsi, $40*.iigo, .t.-mitattoOts'omiolxE „ DEAD STOCK " HORSES etteh $250 OATTLE each ‘$240 HOGS .,per cwt 50o According JO She & 0,01adit1On. Seakitt‘ 15 • ,Exitetit 85 pLoyvo M. LOD3E, otnkciroti 13 MONTREAL ST, PRONE 120