HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-03-10, Page 6SL:: ``rh:tia • ailed as Qthe'finest in'35pyears", the new Custom Dodge features onger wheelbase, wider seats, more head and` leg room -- all without „ • creasing the overall dimensions of the car. Higher; wider wind- ;Welds- and" chair -high seats.; .rovide better: visibility_ for - -.greater safety;, The Custom Dodge is claimed to' be. the to est- rice g w d .with Fluid Drive. Shown above *the Custom Dodge .-door sedan. The Custom Dodge also offers a club coupe, , .�,rc43t�t�+ s ani., ».i -e t• {i,`y at {i �, °w y t 1S .,ii } +++r• 'n•.-•, t t" �•a 4'' t :'t r •s;•^_ •ks.,+.; .•• ,d.5`' G,<.�.,.w�c.„:..,.,.v.•...:,vw.,,,.,,,,vCv d?1<:•�. ,4�i:.,.�4+>+x.a: :•,c•:;;..R ,,..f�,ar �•:x..Ari'K.4,J:a,Y,,,sk.t..nkv.,..,t't'r�✓s.r7.,a�r'K++C\`�$T:f ,�q.C.r..,• Via_..: Typical of the brilliantly styled, new DeSoto cars is the. Custom 4 -door .sedan shown above,.Designed to take.. advantage of all. the beauty of modern design,. the• new DeSoto is much roomier inside, yet its overfill length, width and 'height have been reduced fox easier handling and` parking.: The new``DeSotos: have increased visibility, a more -powerful engine and dozens of other' improvements. �VIII�t ,H'.INTE•RES'.I'•,IN` •SHOW Culture has a double interest in �. event. Not only •is _.the, Department.1", . , .. pre-citling_rrr}ze trtoneyiur tlrtr:r,, . b ., it i • also offering a a!rein um to __stt � xilg 1 _ t- __ ' The show and'sq le , tit -beef bu each Ontario . resident w 11•u m�a'kes '� ch"e"' uled tri bo liekl'• in the sheep ' . , d s .. le. 1 rer - a purchase in he sale: The' t s u• i t p 1 r.. . 1 in c Il. n � os *SWindT >: Cd arena, 'al neythird •of rum will `be 'e ti to o i • 1 i Nitta' ' r Toronto, • on ai .rich '•.,. ' r n a u ld x h' B , , c � .1 cl t • • rice o the bull up� � the i� f i bt t e yt i se e 1 p 15t1i,,'is 'arousing . a: great . deal Of. a maximum of .150 ttiwill be ray- $ 1 .. r `° jnterest stxnon� . �ihe :beef produce s itlife in two installments. •nils -half of the Province.: 'Thisswenture,::tire amount• iri paid aftr' 1i • the being • I c e t c o, .i �s Ririe in (Ontario, is, being dist .f t sale .the other half at the end of n5` ir d .a3tre ,Ontario ) Depart - view, oAgrictlure cq-.oIeratloi_ ane e ilra, protif ilD:d,.tliedbdi ant b een Maintained in • • satisfactory breed • - �-, ,'with t1 -' v -a ion -• beof=' e k-ttle'-:lks,r-lira.Ccaiilitiutl.'.-~-.„�..:_,•.-.-- sociatibns, 'for the purpose" -of dis-• 'tributing good sires throughout., the Province; Ninety bulls hare been -.entered • by leading breeders . in Ontario,., , Tile' Ontario •Departineitt of Agri- DA N o.r tmEN ABROAD by ELLiorMOSES �►t i E , Director IA R-10 "PtOWM•EN'S7ASsO' `IAT1:O.N 'No. 4 ' >•r More asbestos, more newsprint and- EDINBURGH.—Our tour 4f the more platinum than, any .other_Con. n-• Scottish farms around' Edinburgh has been 'one of the most -profitable — experiences. of our ,trip se far. • •'Y •heave hada' several d'ays in this area. before '--'seeding to Glasgow and then too Ireland. -We are very favorably impressed with: the general Itandard of agri- ultui'e . in Britain. • However, it must ---be admitted.:that- both - fir. Eiiglnnd,and iri. Sco+tland'_the farms' we have ..isited::a. e. _,tht beat: in. each district line _Tier .alis• not .entire. ly typical. , One of 'the first steps ''on our -k • •ar 1 ^^� r ,ttt.e. 'wag a 200 -acre truck, garden- ing farm The seasons here,: are mo, :tt"[id�'t�"'d'itT'»'^R"�`i"t`` 5 , tuce and • some -other vegetables beginning to peep through the soil. At least twenty-five varieties of ,vegetation, are grown on this, farm, ivihic i, Burin; the' war years pro •vided' tlr (to,ver r'inent • with• 0;000 i • � tons of . vegetables flannelly. The %� �•13'. PRICE. ' owner MP'r.• II. .1' Searlot;t,, told us. that lie enup1oye(1, sixty mien the year around, and ,in the growing and harvest ri "•"'eieats0n 'Often 'lifted tin. • ., i g. adclitiOilttl rttriri.lrer, _ of • imen and twiner:. The •women in this country. are ...us . iv i r t aS ac,t (r, n "the fie e, a" the' mens. `After watching theirs at work we woiidder'ed1 •.:if' we Xniglit suggest �methi�ng similar for Cana-, diatrt .Voniett 1 • ' ' " Potato �,lGro'ut�in;� ,, �, l�cr • oes�.,:cve irlxe �nrr r � ro � on" t'•tit � a n c another farm7- we• visited. ,'T'ota.to' g'ro`wing; is quite a.' tlirivingwi7iditstry lb, many' ' tions"' of. 'thew land and We ''f tin r in tie o cl :the p oCedtSlace 3riost to .+e tingg Plat' 'll0 Xes, 'eontainittg t , . ft-.. lids 0f . . abet t fl, y , pts to p, aced po�tititxo• fn each bot, are, laid oat )t,sngle layers for sprouting ' purposes and stae�ked ,onet.on ,tqp Of ntnotiaer to' the roof of the . buiidirt.• While In'', 'this position4 oni� cine' ,rout• dippenrn 1O ;c e' 'clop diff eacli< potato: Th • potatoes ore then 'Wanted by .4 lian(lf,, and great ,are isy taken riot • ,,.�hrttii"_..ot'''' tltoprenj .W 7'Ct anteITrr' tine . fhttaei H � 1.4ift', ' help : `thet''.Itita- toe t+ Mature Several % .weeks earlier' .. than • if ,1i1'ant ;' without spirnittirw. . ' The ,itatfi , crron 'is 1c1 • In the field, the bityerc •'doing.' bis owls . harVesiing aa(i supj)ly1n his own: A ttten •• who are!` lIQused lly the 'Monet ,:.1(1f>`ttre farin' n, d •ellfngs: tb t '3ntif t4 plea/etre,'up ''t r thotye Del it`d` r gulations' an;11oitefng.: ",, `" " . itN theTtciEi farm where' Ayrelifre C eli:t•tle tiro' `bred 1b d''"e ,turtirl'ber 1, , 3 Bio Y'P t et r r� $216.75 -8c co le with Brt s -Stratton• 4-c cls `�' snap �g gr o'Oine :engine. $219.5O.s meat in. -it. • -A Plowman in Viitress ��L� •�ilaT�i 8 STI' EIG i £4nCe at one Ofp� bh ,, Stock farm .�which s eensfunny • to 'us now 'hilt eer.ttinly: was not t a usi' attho,time, articularly to Rhys Ilitc.lier.. While we.. were looking over ya herd; Rhys lingered 'behind- fir " ii''. of o a pe,• :young hulls. The ..lierdsineh , • thi,nkingall ll were ouelosed the door and bolted it A. Sec ndslater we •hCrd loud. s touts• for '110,111',. -:iii. we:all --rushed- back to discover the trouble. Then we saw ,Rhys cornered • by four .beautiful young bulls who ap- parently were Tiiiaking up their minds just • how and where they, Should begin their . attack. - . Rhys later claimed that be, was not scared, but he didn't. Book exactly at his ease when the herdsmen came bo his 'rescue. a :Visit to 2,000.Acre Farm " Pos'sibliy the most interesting farm on our 'journey of . the Edinburgh area was the 000 -acre St. Cath, beat's Co -Operative Society,: farm. 'A. herd.. or 150; Ayrshire. milking Bows' is kept . on ..the farm and the : mi11t is' -handled in a most sc`ienitifie Manner The • milking room, or parlor ,as it :•IS.'S Caille(1, consists of individual, stalls` for each is pow.. While :the, milking • machine � • is in •operation; the caw , receives,. ttiE►3rii%tiitrxii;n:,r; , ~ ,• feed. ' The milk _is weighed•sind teen sent "to the cooler and bottling° machine, after which it • .is reedy for :tike rnarket. - In- addition to the iinillaing cows; ••••850 feeding cattle ate keptto supply ,the company's —nkat shims. Most of the feed for the cattle Is grown" on , the farm. • There are also 1,000-• registered Piga, ;150' •of Willicth are breeding sows of. the large Ohester - "White breed. The Society :has, a 'Yvorld-wide market for rtll pigs, bred tor.breeding- par _poses, , • The .'C'attle. and r pig- 'area housed in the most modern and elaborately ftriished'budding. . Tit addition twain' tour Of Scot- it.bh.-,.fa s,..we.';•,aiso.y'isttecll boyn mplaces „of hi'st�di'ical'' interest,' but ace doe,!irt't permit Me to tell ;volt aborth them now. In y • nett ',letter, Which Wrill he -written . from i lit -s ei� b . 'r 'dura e i •• 1:11 e5c e •' r rd. d i .�' �` al olid tfani s 0f two famous Scottish: eltle •-C+lditiintr li and, ' 4E011G00 • V.A.i', The regular-' "meeting of St,, Georges W.A. was 'held day afternoon ilii' -the. 'Grind r"ooni,' "0,1t t thie `'�president, gift's.:00, ltirrt," n,,the :etafr: The, litany and prayers e cr'e •tax'k `7lI ' the lI)resid'ent, -ane ' "the •Scriptlt'rer from toliittrts :i , watt read by Mrs. Tichborne.. `Mrs, 'Palmer gave 'the synapsis of• the second pant of fife xstu(ly' book,`"One•. pi * The president el'osed1' the meeting with prray'or, we were shown a hemi of 130 milking cows and young stock, total- ling iii•.a 360 head.. 'The stables;' as in other places ' we insIreeted, are adjoining .the .ltou•se • and • are kept. as clean ad` Crean -as the house itself. These' stables were the .most modern of -all we saw with `plenty ` of light 'and ventilation. The milking • is done by machine, ,bottled On the"farm acid then taken to •-the -city. in,' they. farm's own trucks. Mr. llo •keeps the Targe_. htrcT rrriatinly .far . milk produdition • anal:' very few. ,•head• • are sold for -breeding purposes: ' a Livestock The raising and breeding of cattle is still one, of. -''the most important fn lstries in. Scatiand, chiding the 1; . _ ltracGiliivray ' far t at lust Lothian,'. Xtr MacGillivray, one of the' most noted ~ Shorthorn breeders of; Scotland, is 11 great believer in fresh : air. Overhead 'ventilators in they; . stables provide a plentiful supply, for tire, animals without causing •a draught, •111an ' of .the' beat cantle 'On. the. farnvs we in;spe'c,teil *ere being lyre= the r a I'er+tli- berdeen ar ed� for tie oK t �• p i; Angus •side, �' It 'viiia a .treat to see these Well-fed 'ari�inetatls some • of which were so fat they were barely able .':' navigate. • S„arcity of 'Cornn ercial Feeds • Securing enough coail,mereiti1 feeds is tiuite t headaiehe for the SScdtitislX paxme r ,.:because 1111 ,�,5ticlt: feeds"`•°are` -r -'ixiiMed �'b- y.0 e' ..tit vern- rnont. ri fry 'fanners are on'w••the preferred list, chile Beef risen nu.Mt be, content' with'. second cla. 'ifka- tigR. One ;of' axe `beef' farmers we i�aet told tis that be had' been tin - able, •'secure su f nit rat# ri i la to t Clic e e,1 Teets' but • solved 'his problem •bv;., working • out a ' feed mixture of grains, roots, riotntcesr' hleh he Clamed ICgi•Itig: him ns good or better res ,1 e with - his ` herd than.mon din be obtained by . onomerclal`". teens nitd•'" stt 1e cost, , The'' beef fnrmgrs .'ave ttnj iibOtit •� et d ,sltuatloir-`and-ai"gu -that the' pt,4p1e need beef as well as, milk.' After 'Win tt llritiith food, ,for several .wee °a, now we Ate lfrlctlmeed •to -agree' wth .t1>;ewrn,: ''�' e -•sire ,411:' beginning r t(1 ',long for it gooc1 Cansi,dfnn roast, despite the stet; 'tlal.t" tliix. siibstituter; .ittly fhe1ti -ra11d ate- flei d nrtdt oxo net en; the rrt.tcirta.1lslt; There n' le a forint. of. saiisngte vt incl hof 110eoine soineWhat. of a nittl(1»ti't 4144 'Wade, :1 0M told. mostly ;bf" bread ' et!CyMt* with little or r ,. '(ronin: 02 per eent. of peraonnl' income from sourcot goes to p`crsatts who earn less than $5,0:00 'a :year; '84 ,lrer' trent, to'those *tithing. y/��1� >their 3,000. Quick Canadian•.' aots. ' ✓. /'..• V. , ., ,;. NRW DODGI! AND CARS HERE SATURDADESOTOY' With. the 1940 C�1sto in„. Dodge e and the 1949 ,DeSoto • going on display at s Satur- day this. a xur- . Re. Reg- 'McGee &so day and the .DeLuxe ' and' spot sal • Deluxe Dodge • rife folleiwinb b atur. & ' Sons. -' da Reg, McGee have re ceived',the •toliowing: message from the Dg. od eiSoto Division:"of_, the 5, D. _ Chrysler Corporation Qf - IJiiuited • "We—sincerely feel a great re sponsibility to the public • and to you when we plan new -cars. It has always beenour aim to be the first to see 'the basic needs of the car Buyer and to .meet their with imagination in -research: and- engin- eering, and, at the seine time, with common sense. This policy. has „re- suited in such fundamentally saint(' engineering developments :bye this. Corporation •as hydraulic four-wheel brakes, high compression' engines, light=weight pistons, tionting power, fluid drive, safety kraut vvheel8, super cushion tires .and many other std-,. vancements. • r�Tlils same policy of • combining, Common citeiitite imagination and: ciirunl -• sense was used' -indesigning and you will: find the advances which• reiluired imagination. ina engineering and, research; coupled with the prac• tical needs of Canadian rnatorisrts� In 'these new car§ You will find conimofi sense, and good taste. ' i' aturall , you'll be •able, to . We.over the hoods, end nut of the rear windows. You 11' get' in and but with ease. Again, there'll be room ,for your hat. Sefts will be wider --'r=-' yet the . 'ears will fi,t': into' your. garage at. home. Fender• dents won't .cost at fortune to fix, You'11 be• able to 'change a tire or put on a •set of charas. Again, our cars`. will be easier: to iirite and park' They'll start faster, they'll stop more quickly. • r� et t er"P. �.. .�.`� ..1�.. e. Diad • ane'e that any 'cars we ever engin-. eered—Jul t1iey =1oolkk it You'll iiTte theti styTelleatures, 'thei reye-appet t qualities, t heir, distinctive c iesgus: •"'O-ur engxucer� designed „ from, theinside• out" --first engineering chassis that. lite sa ,, Comfortable; Convenient and festful -to drive ---thea .reating • beautiful, r qualities bodies that rsr iiectthe t oo . b du q underneath. '1 ost'_.i.toportant of 'all, were ,holding on . to the.good things with thatJ.iuilt our reputation vtth the public ,and: 'you:''' ' ANOTHER . WOLF PELT large brush wolf . ,pelt, was' b' _light . in .td County'•Treasurer A. H:: •E•rs'kine-s office on :Tuesday - -b3-Wilbu Robb, .•11.;11, 2-�. ueknow► who shot the. wolf nears Kintail ishe'fifth wolf On' Saturda It t t3 y pe ' er which It brought in this wine w .: 71r. Erskine says•is a record for anyseaton during his ilftee n yearsY ;a Rs treasurer.. AIL Robb is`"eligible,�i'g. foir the: Huron County bounty of $-a, and also for the AshfieldouTow.- • i1s y 46- •.. • also leads'to the bank. For both • • market and bank are essential to -goad= family living. t try• . 'Through '':four is geneta�ions, it' has Been a tradi'tion;with many thousands of Canadianfamilies to use the services of'�C'he Canadian Bank of Commerce. From' cashin •a•roll and salary °mceques o 's :i e:guatr xng >< sa inks, or,lending funds for • educational a medical ' services, you'll find banking at • ,Comrmerce helpful -to` e e ,. . tr tri`sin bet o 'e family. ,Plan, to open an account now., .- n'.Repairs' S Vett `► to',r lobe 74 ►it bava Agtricw ;u�rrlig, Moire, ' Phone, o e 't, 9 , . .9 tic k�