HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-03-10, Page 24040$* C ufii' `' 'q , 'OTt OST' WPIDICL " 1 ub lied' by .$10a1-=.461-4, x L xnii of • •m r Option gates,41anatia and Great* liri train► ..,$.2, 0 a` ea a. t�o,•4 ., ni re° ,,Sif*2On t > re nest. A.uthOrized. as second class 'ma i, Posta `-,• molder' of Q: itadiau Weekly Newsl?aPers g4ssoelat on'' --' S U t p worn Creu�tiou ver 2,74jt Ri( AIPRS T QN: GAO, O. ?G, rLL1S • c NiV%' �1�, '.CS,TiItSbAX, 1iAli•04,1;04, 1949.. Ther Provincial budget waS k .1s light : d'gwlx � the Leg slatare 1a weak fid+ itRbas; some features a``"'"'irtirular interst: in ,'munieipa1 �••'P+ fetes«;.. The.. ,otle;011i •w�'04hsiiiy,, tto :... a titin.. and: mtih;leipaXities is . Other o . u , 'ins ',.:of ,. - r er. _ . f. �;�• placed., by ,. ., , ., �'ro.; .. . will . �:intfttiCi ' aldw' . The vi a .u. e the costs of• :a- o„ .tion::of pad .pr �. trite,.i and =Ore ,departments. There wXll be`'a" nevesysteni of .road :sub- . •dies,' atlildrdz' • aicl 'work • is to '°Y i ' xrd`t rapt �, a� '►"� e-wi11 berg. �- Oor• the,; muin,tenauce homes.• for the aged.,:. • y ,. Prquincial Treasurer Frost an 110:0 .ced-tliiii:t - the' 'claim;- of.. , the a>ianeilralities,'.for; a share of .the a So1Ii a tai ' is • to be recognized. ,ust what this share iK l o lie 'nit -stated • sil::how.q derieh-'and like muni-,. 3,u ipalities ;will fate . as a result of. tie .new, s3Nst;eth of grants is .not '.]'het' ,tliscentinuange of the ititlb -subsidy is i -, lie commended._ of; Such, :,publication The , geo- graphy of Europe 'and ,Asia' has altered so frequently and so radical- , ly in,,;the last 'fe: v decades ..that= an ' cy old . scarcely be published atlas,9 , bef re it wouldebe crit t.of date.. }� rim ' Minister Sir ' ureaft went' to Montreal at. the week=end; and visited e th 'headquarters_ of -. the. B,a tist�e 'Society, a power-. St: Jean ,P. French-Canadian organization,' fol n The particul4i , sig] ific ence of, . the Visit wad that the .Society. a. few weeks- .ago.• passed ,:_ reseintion expressing dissent with.Asir. �tt, Laurent' s declaration, that Canada could . not' 'remain neutral in .the event of war. The Prime Minister is 'not; givento' concealinehis views and at ..Iontreal he took occasion to reiterate his , declaration., that Canada,must not maintain a neutral attitude. 0 He said that be and his Government felt that only a strong. association.. .of the peace -loving democracies could assure peace. Even The . Globe and Mail gave: Plitt OWED' 00' LAu1. M, ADQWS .3 p .jars' "'J •$Quk !r'Y,'`.i sP'I�'i.,xii, Along abut this tone ^,of year ejverything: seems to step, Up-- la' tempo.. We re .gear.' se son 'ahead,, Sl?i;ing, when• 5704 come to think about it, is .a . avast remarkable: 'Season'. Coming. On the 'heels of "the 'grey; `winter; •it's little •deader•t1iat we leek uaheat tQ -the g bre ht ,wings et 'te' wheeling- bird• h t' k own as spring ;:meant large payments to the big editorial, expression of its 'approval - drifts >ths•t ••didnl't need` them .while *nit fnupicipalitieS 'received cor- espondin 1, ' stzitril doled Farad had tet p: pay for:: .the large grants to: •cities. ;- It- is 'to be, hoped'' that ndw system will Work out. more • ° One. uppleasant 4eatu re of the. iiiiget--isT-t to `.large -revenue, -Over "0,900,990";,. from liquor Sales—nn i7ri+ tease of nitre 'than ten 'millions onre'r the' estlxnate'.a year ago. When •considers -""the consumption of, liguor''from whi 'sucix a. revenue �` drawn it. is realized that Ontario „;• ing'.a; trenh daus:exp ,diture-` oil•strrotig drink, Tlie. Treasurer. announced no ad= Cl t -tonal` taxi••• Neither . didhe an- '•'°'-'-°;ni'riuree---any--tirlc-reduction; av-ith-the ';erreption of the discontinuanee-of two per, cent= levy on profession= al 10tirt other • than boxing And of the Prime "Minister's attitude. "There. was nothing new • in- what he said in support of his Govern - merit's position; .butlie said it well, de ,cclared';'theG. and , .yi:..., "and ,'`, Shoved' considerabie political °cour age in 'saying1 it before some of ` ..the policy's most vehement 'critics. , 'To his credit,- the 'Prime Minister made no.' efl ort tp ciaalify tie meaning of the, policy in .any way." • A S LL 'WORLD (Owen So , Sun-Tiiiies) - • Johannesburg, South Africa, iS approximately 8,550 air miles from EDITORIAL NOTES . AnLQttav a despatch; states that Qd 'Iin1ayson,, the Winnipeg. lawyer. wlxo :was prime, By YV. „ Rud ,b t f in Should'lie at the' plant The'secoind annual .Seed `ii'at or ..,,, . county .will tae ;. held in .;the at p, En,. The annual 'meeting pf ,;the; On 1uroa Cl ,tRrit tQ UegIate A�e�ditorium on taria Flog . X?roducek'swill, :the.. held . : t1 srA iLL i3E'f> ,,t e # w&143« `ot4ly, r r for " i;tt'speetiori at . iii O a.m. Doug14$ ea :'Mardi 2$th and. 'Val, and the, r,t orie of .Oi1tarig's best-known Ontario etef Frodurce �s •iissociation Tia .", . , ial her ;will hold ther"'a'nn�tal' xnei�tiiig ln: farmer's, will be a spec.. sped the Royal York Fxotel, Tai•orkto, .tin, for the :afternoon, ., Plain ,9 -spend rriday, 14iareh 2 1114 ' a prodtabie day in 'Clinton `on March • , 12th and see the best seed. Enron; =The farm fbrum• season • will end, cttii Cp,it t. O Off s: '1 T" mbela attendance stnd number of 21st... et. a'. nil . r y or M til tigther always A which, Out "log: ,producers. are um' meetings , should .pass '_all ".lite- though re- hings� in 'fiight� of ; words whk4'i1i, ,, I.Iu>•on n holding an educational meeting', to *ions' reeor Ts, We ':;must . give' the. 'th h, � execute �.�ver b sl1ia,X4 .stroke$ _ li -' es it ' obtained, in . =the' weather some credit, but undonbt �. Q � aisil��, t e r � � iigewith ba!tll a strokes st of ioduetioa'surve3Y> which edl3".the discusalehs :have been very inta'rer� of what he. wus� talk- lint, GoP he. 6 Ye •, conducted. by the::Qnta�rio good, with, ixzore ]tban ever., taking ah t.. "Fe used to,s�iy, "Winter has, >be.. e of `A . ieulture 'during' Burt, '. Por.uin: peopl,a generally, have �- '" wolf :and'..'sprizig ',i�, I)epur.tanent, . g� tin • been well sa� .ailed =with , .the , Su>i.- s an old grey yr o , the art two gears This mer g red,' axed " robin dying ,.nn the, the agricuttura ec unshiue.' - Laster T. heard an i t•d` scribe winter as Ilderly rill as . e rey .,wolf, and 3uiit .last' week read. "the latesPeter read • a hook : by McArthur -in which there Is onec ,f' ;bis. ••poems ,abut the Wolf , he Winter Wind." ' 1 ,like �a, :spring day,'or a ',pre- sprig -,' when] the' -wind, has the'soft _feel of a pussy -Willow to' it. You can hear a dog out 'on a very arly' expedition looking for ground- hogs ore the side of a sandy kill. eP ace n 1 j is .iiacassedd during the .season, will .take' place .i the . board r9ornr' , Qllnton, ¥ h WhY not .try au exatihPJR sot. by, are ��t „. _MOlesworth . forum in Grey ,t it. at P ship, and invite . some tewnspeop1e ck " P, e Whyte A� •<tA• =tour af. , th y► P It'a-- . make • Stratford has also , been AO your meting Mar. plant 'e ,'f rat o d ° March' for a' better understanding between~ arranged. dor • Wedneadt}y, O h. one yvis`hing ,to .take part town and farm people: 1 t„ • tq;the•-oreA 40exes skileips 091. . • f na 1' .a ion. • • 3 KF Di$AST ung o v g t • 'aha. ( &n Editorial in The Sault Ste. other r ght • an . Oak • °P,ark housewife stepped out -of her house on a short errand. When- she ,returned a . few moments- later; the door was 1pcked, she did not -have --key; and_ --the' :weather - was • freezing cold ' - Her father-in=law' "'was in house, but he was an enthusiastic amateur radio. o , gator and had his warp i ones.':c ampe, on- ig talked with -another "ham" radio mai °-in Johannesburg. - Consequent- ly he couldn't bear his daughter -in- law's , frantic knocking at the locked door. •.b So the resourceful lady popped into, a neighbor's house, telephoned• another ham-operatorpshe knew„ outside re-eelio,, • Over onthe farm • next to ours,. there's the sound of ham mering -as Higgins4-make certain that the roof : is protected 'against potential spring -rains. . I have a lot of work to do. There's the driving 'shed' that iias to be cleaned up. All winter • long • - we :have been - piling stuff, up in-' side there. The drill and the cul- tj,}vatox are , at ,the back end►-� ..,,other - ricaded in by a variety of machinery. I mustn't fclrge't to take the'slingropes down from.where'they ,were strung for the butchering. Dly wipe coiner:" out `and -strolls . arena "'the"'"horse tor: see if the tulip bulbs- are; -"coming„ ---Up: takes a tong: - Rook at the : fenee beside the rarden.;plot, I=t was taken down :• when we brot ght the wood up for buzzing. The barn yard. gate fills nuite= -slant-:o`nr"it' as well. ' The truck bringing : the pigs out to take then'(' to the rail Amy. station slipped on -the ice anddid a . neat ; 3db of 'messing Lip • .the-' :gate. I -should fig.. it tip. The puulp-handle broke in J'anu-. ary •andit has -laeen• doing service ever-�� wrapped np rather bulkily with. ,some fende wile -1 ve cat + my gloves. on it twice.• BY rights, it slioiilci b:e fixed. I 'wonder gid" repbrtedas lost when its orew for a 'time about -the '+piece of: white. was brought . down t'through. Might, ' ' grin. locks .liy the freighter '_that's . up over the granary. an• ,Soo It's a,, cinch that it will-, .have to Byers. I -t. ,was ziot until-N0venibes be fixed.. 16 that the• .battered Malor w On the -other hand, the 'sun is towed to 'the Sault- by the freighter; warm and alihogt balmy. : There Barham, of. 'which ',Capt.. Maltby" n number of was master. rem to --b f b flitting around, the erchayd. e• , , or ila •s fie cowl rte toll..o - e is- ratbling his . chum dawn disaster was .uncertain, with ships bull -believed .to be ;1oet, such as �tiie 'in � the. stable, obvibisIq w�Yous��,t / get out and share .in the delights, Mexntosh,; McInstry and Ishpeming, of n warm. -day., Marie Star) • : Tine children - are playing ' ifialo the other day and their.happy sbwouts echo and .• . Word from Lp • of the' death. 'of - a . retired Great Lakes . skipper;.. Capt William G: Maltby, 78, is likely to loose a • flood of ; reminiscences of one of the blackest periods in ,lie History° : df'Creat'1 Lakes•, shipping, the mein , orable storm... of • Noyeiiiber • • 9-10, 1913.. Capt: Maltby, the .,uiiaio d}s patch • recalls,- was ' • awarded .. the. Carnegie medal for heroism during this storm, being' - credited• ' with 'rescuing 'the drew' of the steamer Major -off Wkitefsh Poinij,'and,tow-, -ing the ship to safety a fte'r •it ,had beet abandoned Neither newe-gathering, organiz- a�tloii nor communications • thirty- five -years ,ago -'were 'what they, 'are .now, -so that; it was days..before. ..the full extent-.:of;:1be:°19I3 disaster- was. generatty ;known, and accounts of• the experiences of Creat. ;Lakes sailors were rlketchy -and' haphazard;,. As .a result it is impossible t�, le - construct the Major, incident. ,'with, any completenes s iin"d" ' exactitude. But, from news , stories of ' the` next- few• -days it appears that the Major; #t li:lra tdened. shout hirty miles west -north-west of Whitefish Point, 1zlnister but it's such a pleasant day' it seems a shaipe to work. - r'].1 take Bennett's right bower, behind the a ti ng _ •and- liad~-:liifli -get-in-contact: - with .a 'Stroll_ back the laenewny and see .--41P, cebies; , idttring the Conserva�'ive Station . ZSOBD in 'Johannesburg. hear the fences• , are. •'hold ng ` ' ` -193Ca is 'sere•.�.�.: lies e : and dlnAix.siie s n of_1980, ,. This. ata:tion cut in -on -the -father -in, Tomorriow-•may. . Aix. tlte' se " i±a 8eitiy with: Up= " , conversat%n ani the south° I'll e't•`a ithe7werk� n"for -cer- � . P . .laws . rant: . 1tioSltlon Leader tore*. Mt. Tki clay son's > tole is 4,; that' of political a r,` iii•o.'tegist;.:'lie thinks-upthe. plays Ar rles.. thein out. eiv � es.r J ialaysop, vve believe; .is originally fi,om the>•.Lochaisli district Of = the_: Codi ty« ,. ' ~ Since the' .days of • Litvinoff nsi a's relations with ::the Western `pe 'era Have ,'deteriorated sharply. Molotov wi.tli.% °'hir' stubborn:. "Nd' hid?' ' ,Been ' the :visible mark of akriu'fl,.witiidrawat. ti: from „eo oiler= otr Lvyitli the democracies: ow' ,In hinsky-followsMolotov,:'and it *id a. gt1ess•� whether- relations' will, improve, remai'n:. us 'the' are, . or w,> nen. - Xn the , :nneantirne.• the. western .nations are forging, a chain. t kaep inssia t itliiii aorizids ' nisi .African- operator -told ` him that `.'his datigliter-iu-law wanted to get back in the house. W Weal 1 -that mit have.t ad 1 o ell, e this -was one 'Way—although sorts of a roundabout ene-of •solving the problem. , • • UNFA.IB--:TO - MUNICIPALITIES =1..--•t(`Orillia-TO. _ It is ,announced.. ;that Ontario's revenue from 'liquor ;for' the } fiscal - 'year ending 'ending March 313. 19488, , was .$37,,040,000, r+which is $3,0090,000 over the estimate. With such pro- , :fi.t'S from "the .:business it . is only` retutonable that'the:Province Should assume responsibility for the costa arising ,,,out of it. Simcoe County Council. has gone on record as believing that 75- Per. cents of- the- work of the Children's Aid Society could . be traced to liquor. "' 'Air., Coiig n, parole- officer of the - t amily----Court-- at -Guelph, told_..8. C'OVRSE SAVES RBD CR;O,S Y� LIFE SMALL SOTS TORONTO, Ma -r 7.---Asmall boy is alive and well today because his mother had• ,taken !the Red Cross lic},irie `nursing course. The boy wandered away from his ome and fell Into 'the 'icy waters of a nearby creek*, His. mother was - alone in their isolated lionie when she missed the child and started out to search for kiln, Halfway down the long driveway to .the' highway is a bridge over creek. She looked over • hie bridge `fearfully. and slim the child lying3 fate.. down in: the. pool. • When she'lifted the boy from the.' water he, -was black in the face. She ripped Off his clothes and began artificial respiration: - This she• had learned in the Red Cross home 'nurs- ing course- last _ summer. Tint- Jn olaes -heavy gtpenditure- to en- meeting in Barrie that_ he noxi,- doubtedt"v this knowledge saved the W 'Elii,ke' preparednefss lei°°'defence;• but ihnted S9-- per. _-cent. - Of the -'cases child's life. • ,t • +' witch insurance is, .. unmteasuraily �r thhh other.War ' Tn,ere are signs Of a .break; in. • ,tie cost ,off ;Ititixlg, The receSSion net= come :evenly, *and some peQ'p1 will` have.`'losses 'in the nice Of: their own: products„, before the 'benefit greatly from the lower j%tices of ather :products: x towever die. bretik"'tv'as bound to''come sonde day, and,, to the great ni4orlty 'it wilt €trig : Weidome relief. High prices i"ore, the necessaries of life have been eKpeeially Bard' on people with fixed i eoijies,'and:, for them Power costa cannot come .too quickly'. ' There is •>• not 'e'vldence 'off anything• like' a• de, • r ion+ Conditions • are sound �# e'sd , ifCei hti ti'' -of .:the ��'"d cit _.,,�•.� ' t Ward preceding the depression of his rib's •►heu.peopi ',went wilt. ?ii r is a it40.1attonr Mt*t it , ls. time the. dollar ,beg n to assunxe •=sorne- tii1 g like -itu tette :Worth., th. With which 'he had to deal .4o the. same source. It is unfair= that these ,b10ens should be ...laid =]upon the MuriiMitelffretimmtiztererdietvAlp on the property -owners, when the P'ro'vince• Is= raking in .,such enor- zn+dut . sums from - its partnership with the traffic.. TO . TSS100., NB'Vit. STAMP , " OTTAWA, March '7.-A.= speclal: four cent' stamp' 'comme'tnorating N"ewf0uuc lzifd's entry 'into, cienied&. erntion- Will be issued April 1, Post- .fnaster'General, Bertrand announced' toThe;. �stamp �p m will hear a' reprod td - rhe tion' of John Cabot's ship,: the Tat thew, under •Sail. Cabot,'Br'itish explorer, is regdrded, 'as the first liauropean to .discover . the island, in 1497,, - m• The new stanip • wf11 ' be: about 11, by one inch; the saint site as • cur renfR ictC►iialw..: issues... ""The Colon, 'Weill' be' green; . .4„ .� i3ertrand's a.nouncemeut said it it; planne4 to have the sttxinp 'pineecli on dale le the principal Canadian; postoffces, ' Including' thb'se of Xewfoundland, oil April. i —the- day ' atter that country's et- eted entry. ihtd' Confederatibt[, nttdtt itt t(i' ha.ite".tt not ofitclai' ~ ' • ',Your contribution 'to' . the • Red Cross campaign enables heel, Cross to_ teach._ Wi mete the __sifnpie figqursing Tkifit*wheel ratiei. iossiblew to this mother to -save her child's life, The Provincial objective for 1040 is • Ctfirntitxtreii. 1kesldc>i .t Oxy E rAxOR New0111%dla.iid, brie lith : bee's t' slider' the last of« ial atlas *as leaned oiei" thirty -s diirear Preitreatt in the. lit►iz aoi4 develbpineft of '404 i ; Weat'ere , Otoliths. tlaa• 10 tett noel ateet tb., *aiitionzid ezt1. "tt-ItIccit rOolde deniard . for n,utbentle istiortaationt On the., g }g, aplby, e hh`atrottorast u Canada.'" ft might be retfittrited f +etlblptttisi*fl with ltt abet paw Of :t*flfltd itt biavli g' tto as *wrtitin; posts Matilyn butler. ' lie 'foll.riw•tng le e. of sttddei]s- i etl'ndidates lip• examItiattotis held recently. in 'Godertcit by the Royal eervatori of •Maisie. of :' orento. The..t.tty!mes rite Arrafiged ;lir-order off' toetttJty, yio lXJ1i• JIJ�,1. Y Taln- yy • ' Xlarfiiehy /Zosad; io1Ite •Itisseet. Hj(stery---trice, Lttnice 1Viilrte, 'GfA»I H" atlnxiy"—.iet'eona Eileen Cxfd-': hon f pass'.° Cat,�heritio if yltt oy lIt trig ty ',ir#it ehisa botlorg Catharine . butt;, hailers r Shirley ge erttoa't. ,, ZXiStory Cofeat# i:, l tai: r i e t t.a, eventually turning up, • and, on < the, oth'er-hand; hope fading --and iii rally dying for. stick vessels as the tea field of, the 'Algoma 'Central Raiiway' • line.", The identity of ;other '-wrecked-ships--remahied- -I'ong-.nn •-�`.----- r ain • the most: notable' case Nth certain . .,. .- fre.. hie' _ cera -7-41 a khat=of tiie-fiig rig _�-s . fns bottom up in Lake Huron not far-;from-4hie:-entrance•:t'o---the- St, Clair River. • • Eventually' it '' became apparent -that, twenty-four Ships been - lost; among thein some, of the proud est=on the lakes, such as•the Tames B. • Carruthers, . at,: that time the na` ]aaµ --.lake- freighter., biggest ... ca . d ,Wtth_.them :went „app roximately:30 0 lives,:so that there was scare lv a , hanil'et in the lakesarea itn- - touched by,. : ,tragedy. ; • It, is a question :whether., the - magnitude ,'of' the" . disaster, 'the criticisms and investigations .which followed, were not largely respons' ible fo'r the beginning of a. new"at- titude-:ole ;the part of operators and;. . ships' officers 'toward risking, lives and sbi;s inthe:,face of •threatening► weather: Undoubtedly it lent great ,impetus to progress toward both ship and shore improvements for navigational saf.'ety. ' THE,9133 TUH1iiET CM'E. A' .Port Colborne despatch says Th _Sun Oltief, :motor veSset, car- Tier formerly called the Turret Cape, has been purchased bye Sarnia. $tea »ships; ' Ltd. from---Saguep rmiiaads;li,.iTs..??t� Sun The Chief, ndiw lit obi$e;ea been in tate Carlblresin bauxite. trade for , spine years: Slee avil'l be. brogb„t } • v ti'+njAti"•„ yy Y.y �otat' san_atow th.- _ -whoita-fataaiiiq's-lit tAge in- Meteor s ame luggage cam- . pa1 tanent. : (For example,.19 cu, ft: in, the. Nour Door , 3 aro del ':• r •}S7f.• • • •••••,.. LV • vf+J JF+ i+.Y' +4:•.` Rei "big .tact" r Bring, , uicurq,U Individual froffe vheet lispen skit $mood , Vibraaonz Less` motion. -Fresh; -air, can. a c'rculated<at will' throu Meteor's; buil-in ventilation system a . Int the way s, onds anid perforins,_ "Miteteorrideis respcertainly - the. pick of,.the '49 :cers.,You steer with your fingertip. . Slight"pressure" on , the:'. e� l brings brake ed this car to a '•soft, sure sfo .Extra large lass, area $ 8 glass ,gives '"observation .car visibility. You will be, proud of the- Chesterfield, . dhairc,,. etc., that wexe-tt holster or recover;] tot you, . W Choice of velour, P flew, tapestry, damask.:. Quality coverings'. Phone 206J • • :Pick-up and delivery. SEE OBI . , ,..PE'ONZ t?S!. - iV tT4 US! iruz ;,, « Y v �:.. _,.......,.... W .....,.s.., -._...cwt GODEEICI#.._,.-,_... White sidewnil fk`es optional of exit.] coif. fi t i Meteoris. '*bi• a r eitg""litatityIll18::: cwife4S. And it is,sur-. prisingly 'roomy. Wide, lukttrious seats. Wide (loots."' Plenty of bead and lo'g xoom. for Pick- ' v ��' ver,- � colt ha,odle cleaning probicn • , MEIldURY l,UNChi,N!METt011 - DIVISION: • VORD MQi`OR COMPANY bit CANADA, UMIYED•, Lifylindcr smoothness and reserve porver front' Meteor's ''V'ty1ie> 100 , hp.engine, which ;surprises owners bY' its extra" miles -per -gallon;