HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-03-10, Page 1• 16., ,Td-rirsirsr,nr • „ • 1OndYvAit • t IQ 'ONTARIO -- ie e nox CI ur elT4, B MacMillan OPeAlti • Of the Rea441 of Muaio' . •ui VtrorshiP The carilionie tower rsyStem • Presented: te. KnOlc: treShYterian . Mr„ and Ars,. USICThomas. Sancly!,•wero'credikated 'inorning.'at .impres- sive Serviceconducted: by the min-, ist,O,' Rev. In the .presence of a eengregation of over • 700 peeple, visitors were • Present • from Western * Ontario .1)0W* and :Mayor George MaeEwan and ,Members of • the .Town Connell were.,presentrOdY•-• • ,The theine -of .the whole service . _ Was praise, and worship, and the •,,dedicatOry.:-ser•Viee opened ,witif the ..words ,of the Psalmist:, `tprals*-0 .3* the mord. ,Praise God in, . • • sanctuary-. prai4e: with the iieund Of the trumpet; praise :Him upon ;the loud cyinbals.. .Let = eYery-- thing' that hath :breath 'praise. the Lord," witir:the large pongregationc,tq7 • fervently standing,. Rev: . Mr. Mae-, -"Milian, Accented the , gifts and •" -dedicated there, "le • the -glory of ,God :that-,theY- .May bring, Music to. :the .soiala of :men :wherever their :sound :is heard." * * *The :Pella 'Are -flayed - _After the prayer of dedication - Miss :Sandra, Salkeld; young grand- daughter' of Mr and Mrs, Sandy,‘ iplayed the •hymn tune; 4‘.Blese Be, - .06...„,Tie „That ,Eind047...,,,,,e4.-the4110.1§4--.2pAW averageif.'74,telidithebi' OV1AUPAT17,(TP,SiOg JJEAV P4,411' 10A t.1,440,1iElfs' Tne Public -School Board at its hiblith174:Ineeting."*0-4,-P04437., eefl- Ing liad a letter trete Inspector G. , G. Gardiaer ,advising that apProval. • ,of ,the revised „plang, for the new schoelV 4.11,bieCt -t0-.,sonie minor changes, .hati .been reeeived froin the 3Q,epartinent of EdUeatien, No ne- .tion WAS taken in this.,„Ana,tter pond-, 'leg , 'further discussion. ' _ The board decided- to adopt "the regular, meeting of the, Goderich. Inspectors ort FavorablY • ,, : vAf3ra,it' stc.o. • 00,1P14.;, Blgb `Sehoel ,In,spectors I it and G. P. Wilmer sub- mitted A report of their inspection of January 4,lith and 27th. to the :cumulative' ,14.ck • eP14. for 1164yd, ,tea'cliere :whereby ',ally' portion of .0 Frid4y fast . • the authorized. twenty..days! Side , cleave.- which •not,` 'used' *". any fAvt)iralAY 9a..th° ,ear'slin,11-00:addeci to: the .ailostrOce redeeeratien of -cfassreciins"carried , The 'Imperial 'Kingsten. wee, Scipa- • duled to s111 troni- Sarnia „ today', '.(Thursday).:at_dayhreak, and 'reach- Genierieh. in .the -early -afternetni:,. A. snow loyo4: ° . , • jva two); as the ,weather clears the tanker will sail' and It tbat...- a. record,fix early'. opening' navigation e will .be',Seto; Vrev.190.0: eter..Y date, :Sinee.,- records:ha:V.0 been lOpt, 14, JO% '-waitif'i; CaOt:. E.."4-enkinS:,tirriVed10 the .4eadialite.',.. • 'for. Subsequent:years:. Some ainend- .ont4-14,st year and the replaedmeni rr r e e 1'1rst .,v,s401, into , c;074eirel:i• -last croiiieetriaq: y."Se ri Re'QogpiZga,54 ttUtt: - from year Witig Q1:1='.ApAl. 1st iviliew the xliiperlay,;;limeoe arrived 'Icidt.lt,CPt. A. „ .„ • Ijnperlal On:my:all; iirst'Vessei to • this•'.year ,.from. Winter , harbor df Imperial Oil itt. 44-rnia, -left 05 'fitaturday_ March 0,*,,.,with: Cant, H. A. McLellan ' G. MeRean„ thnia ?depart -Monti, 1mPerlal 011 CO.. ltd,;,ToreattO,- and 'Calhert Winne, .Toronto, Phetegr011er_i'• are here to- day ...:avralfing 43u-* perial kingtton; • * . . MentS to .the Igen' submitted by the of. the heating pipes. and rtidiators x'..,raE11,1tViwk..0.7;-- h rtr-b o r :teachers were ii-ortion-ted: In7:-...t.IFbnu . rzt.w„; 9 c4. ...4,,request was received .ftona,,the draft heating unitS„ • iGederich 'Teachers! :Gait that the '. 111-uoh -0f-the" instruction," observed existing•Sal...'ry schedule be 'anteridod was',,clasSitled as above average to prOVIde, for ;annual increase excellent; -- • • , of, $200 in .salary and that 'an in-' The „report else' stressed .crease Of ' p.00 per teacher •he Ilcient organization...and. administra. granted.,f, or thiS:yearcretroaetive •to tion of' the School, the •-ge04,. deport January' , 1.949.... This , Wks' re- Merit Of pupila, and pleasant 'Mired ,*,„to. , the -.school 7 Inanitgeniqht 'teflOer relatiQP,ShiP ; the extensive eomnilt tie. r. use: of,. the: 'sclieol , building .for COM, vcrits deelded-te pay' ' supPlY tietivities„, the prevision of teachers $7.50 per day and to invite night Classes in slaop.work and new - applications -.from teachers ing;; and in Dirglish= for new Cat1- '.,estetir.:in-'stiPply work. tidikins;.i.the 'outstanding results- in • Inspector Gardiner irdunitted .111$ deptirtmentoi eXtiniinations . last annual, report on-`,sthe , wOrk. Of the ,J:inie; ',and the ProyiSion of medical.' bridal' schools: COnireenclation Was exaininatiens,being-carried_.out_eacig1vn thei_ work in all year under the .suPervision. of *the .partMents. • • local. Board Of Health. ::Prineinar Shackleton reported' at- tecoMmepdations teridance for the litoutll" Of 'repro- tions• To the library . and the*.-eqelp- ttry at Victoria ' School: on Meet -in, the gymnasium. renOrt-4---riikiector M-001e11tui T1,1E. liousE,IF , -The Canadian Historical Beview, Toronto, hak4 a, review of Gavin Hamilton later book, "The Old. Log House and Bygone Days .in Our ,Village." _The, ievieW.,--b Louis 'Blake Duff, -W0/1-known . Tbis writer a decade ago had a. success Witli his 0111,`Pii$0140°1 and, he ;will have ,another ,success, - now that he is, on ' thQ. 'Verge :Ot eighty- five years,;..with companion book, Just about the old log house, What' he .set0;ut to -de was to write' a stleita histOry -of his •bOyhoed . Years in :count In this- 'he . hag' not failed to note the,huinorotia:PhaSeS Of the pinifeei erar'indeed','411:` iiirtageK-Nd'lnore' or•Je..sslighted* 9YYlk 111111105 by the church.. OFganist .For'Central 'Sehool , science and the department, -made „tip ,of odd. expressions.ana Bishop, in the selection `.f1Viellita-, tiOh" .(11.alph .,ginder.) and the Dowell reported : Pupils on roll • , , 246,1r -or-, „On per -cent.' ' • * • , •- anthem, '"Hetirken Allite Ile, :ye My. 'Reonle:" • • NEXT SUNDAY'S ZEItITIOES • ., The oliliin9n •• - . • In „his sermon..,: Rev.. 7rgillan referred to the 'many' types at instruments .,fOr praising God , f in the psalms of David.' The as a .fline, he Salk especial!. preshyterlan Church, when instrumental music •,witiTbanne !Finally organs Werd"'introduced, tmt net without- OppoSitiony and many . objection. to instrumental music in the -Service of praise. •, The' heatitY , of music, said Mr. • MacMillan, is 'how; realized in wOr- ,H. Oakes, tenor,. Miss Qom ship and God is "Praised .witlreverY-• SheriParcl,•SoPrano,•Will sing a .duet, thing that has tigetith." "'God 18 "Love Divine," by ,"Stainer. Mr.. our * close ,cOlnP.40. O$P1v. ."0; - are, hut we faust--, ot forget the Ceme to 'MY Ilettati 1.49ra Jesus;" • :a8setnlilingoroursetvest!together---to. -sing, to red :His H,.0.1y„2„W•kd,--;--antt, Most -Holy," by Franck. . to praise' Ttie -often, Ind minister,. Rev., R. G. Mac - 'excuses -anti 'forgetfulness interfere will •b� hi the Pulpit and :with our wership, It is vdthin the , Inspiring' and -e llenging *sermons „sanetuary you first know' the mean_ ay, be e.pected. - , Of ag_rice_)vas_eqn.ally---comp: .,-In-rntary and „noted tin 'ezp,tri *Mantal Juan 'Interested in people through 'Work:* , nine arid' litir,trrfrefirreiirr and17X9re.be hamster's. w eh' -Tilfroligli+ ou ow's-a-very- keen -interest --m-- Writ - the Prescribed .course adds interest lug about them. IniThe.'„014,-• Log, . 'KNOX • to fife Some •!adilf,. ',House you the :,SfOr3r of tienal equipment, in agrichiture was' •the wedding.: parties, *, surprise ------- — Tee(aurner°Iel e and. ex!' rec. h penditnresnifuotresgf re ' usual Ours ' being ..prepa. d for the Tvvo.. 'services; praise.. are The esti ' .' nt, year as suppers—in ' short, the .social inter-' of worShip IA Knox PreSbYteria.,,,„ 4*, repared by the ' Pfinealnile' committee ests and 'activities ' Of .the pioneer* .1, ,th0 of the heard Avere approved and- .1o: .the 0.0derich. ,diStrict----at- Ben - Church, 49.4 ::Siiii day next. Will he ..siihmlittedh ra • ' . • ' inorning,-Tthe boYsr choir 11I --fake tuary ilia:will...sing two...,selections, ------------ : , f-ducesitlie-Tvitglibond-and•the.ped ities concerned at an early .date b redp'n'a. r „unkcip.111.- *trh ol .Dungannon,.-ie11 °riot - part for the 'first time in the sanc- • - • , "tritivraTA,"mwm,NT /icor. • the travelling tailor,. the- fiddler „nly.Creed" and. "A song Of.Peace.' - • At ...the „evening service two ...guest • '0$. VOL AT "030 and the , caller -off, . the blacksmith' , and the logger,.the miller, and the soloists, from Hamilton -will bring sawyer.' - MP. Green has some right. -messages hi sacred Song. Mr, Lloyd ',-"te -peal:Se 'and.' -WbrStilf Gbd".; iiig of worship. Let us creation,; for op.r.,•sttlVation ti.hristian, youth on the march mlisothiforgei and for our xede.Mptionr.-ithe token *as. in evidence on „Sundai, evening „dedicated • today „ . and of the* yolufg.,:peeple were ' Miss _glory Of ,und as a Muriel .RenSmi.,1 'MISS Mary Choi - minder thit,t.t Within this community ,eraft- and. "Air. Jathe8, IlirOxrall, all e ,clidch,doOrg are Opel:1'471a No, of London.' gr. Worrall, wlio Is on i.• ..e‘Called.by the Rideelher Himself the .B.Y.P.H.-exeeutiv of On.tario. to praise -Him, and •"eyerY.thing that lath breath shall .•-praise 'After' the service, Mr. ' Blahop. played_a_nunaher sereetionS.eni the Thells,--and the :deaf; : frosty *air was. .1liied with the f,intisie 02 lovely ,..,;Lhrge:„„Attendince. Of ,bhilditen There were 111 'children of tIle junior COigrbgatioii present a :re- cord attendance. . • selections prepared for Inc...music Next .Sunday,:h,the ne,w1Y Organ:- festival.• • ' ized 4hoir wiU 1enl the•i4ervice- After the :service there' was a Of PraiSe., at, 'The- Morning ,SerWrice,) gathering. downstairs; .where " and 'Quebec, brought greetings from that bedy and 'the ,and ' miss Ronson spoke. on the "-advance momement, their addresses :being II-- anstrated-- With of young .people engaged An this wor,k,. )10.. Cr, W. H. Medley , was In charge Of the .service laid the choir pre,sented two 'antheins; with till Clittse as soloist. The Bapth# quartette „sang , and in .th.e evening Mr. Lloyd'Oakes and 'Miss` Shepherd, of Hamilton, will be gtest vocalists,' „ • . . • • B,ECREATION .00NFERENOE, • AT.TWIN CES APRIL 844, „*. A cOnference Under *the- ariSgeeS of tlie",.0ntarici Recreation Anse* ition will be held ICitelieher; Waterloo On April. 8,, 9 and. 1.6, and will be addrosed° by'• the -College Education at the Iltiversitst- Of .,SaskateheWan. s• in addition to Dr., ,uayeoek,i there will be another' top-notch sPeahei.".i • ;to Vratinutaited later* its' well as Workshops demonstrating. the, Var-. lolls phases. of recreation,. ,"cracker • 'barrel!' 'session8 where .011 the deIe , gates can diseuSs their; vaTiona, , problems with representatives from other municipalities, and dentott-: strations,,or arts and craft s'; - • • ;rust how many ,Goderich .people will attend the eonferenee is not .yet ' known, .but it is exPeeted-there will, be quite *n. 'representation. TOti WEATHER . TempCrfltUreS of the past week v. with these -0 the' coV.• in - ear 86""414 responding...week.- officially reCorded, were aft follows: ° .1949 1048 w . Max, MIs. Max. Ultf. thuie),' Uar. a -,,a4 Fri., Mar. 4 ....40 • 2ir 22 43 'hearty singsong was. engeyed, with Miss Chaleraft at the piano; and the' 'quartette also itapg,...DaihtY refresimientfwerved by the Allow- ship-ComMisslati brought to an. end an enfoyable and Inspiring seriice. LITTLE Ltscittis , Sherwood, Dnngannen; on -Monday ..reeelved his P.V. at „ Torotito.",for."it bus service between ep will be to. arrange, a Pehedh1P Goderitii, Liberals are holding their Meeting on, TirectnesdaY evening next at ..Mapicay Halt, Delegates will be selected : to attend the .141oxthHuron; nonthiating con- vention to he held shortly.„ May. nit ..good• frishitten celebrate Patrick's Day .on.. March but, remember that the ,deadline. fdr ihlreliasing,1949 ear markers .is the following day, lifiateh 18th, Miss , Rheii,Durtrin, ing at 'Stratford General HosPital, recehred her cap At an. Impressive ceremony hi the nurses' rest- dence on Saturdoy afternoon. notiter4,.:an&:.hrotherr,„.,Mrs.,,,,,..4gggs Durnin- And Leonard; iittended at ,the .0ereniony. " Mr. and Mrs. Alteroyd and Son. ;UMW' are leaving shorttk for Ii/ngland* where they 'will take up Sate, Mar. 5 ,...37 32. 20 residence. Akeroyd the Mar. 0' .„.32: 19. 115 former Andrey Wielafid." Mr, th,' Var. 7 ..C.30 20.. 34 27 Akeroyd plans to go into 130$1.00g4 3tar. 20 85 25' with lila father it-nianuftteturing ilh Some of radio's fbremost network shows ,are 'available :to a wider listening. audience' in* Western% OntariO..through station-- OFPL'-',14-- LendOn *on its new '"centreaisle":' firKtlenky" 'of .9,89.• ' From alond.c7' throUgh StindaY clo.PL brings its vita air .andietice' -the-tbeSt in Canadian and",.,,terican- produced • broadcasts. o2' comedy; drama .andr music, • For instance, weekdays • at. 7„30 there's Club Margaret Whiting, the Andrew Sis. ters and the Modernaires. -DVery lay :at -_-8.30„...71-ens_Fol-7-thensands of farmers tune in, for the ,anthory. tatiVe Farm ,* Radio Forum. -;The -sane .night ,thAngs. the quiz.., shoVit, 1104ble- Nothing, „arel Baritone 13uddy Clark. • • to Write ortlie log hortse,*. for he waS born. in: one, h house that had but 0110 door and only .two windows, aud tO, the wail as the only means of Vali* "al) 'and down. stairs." • he launches his tale With :>chariter theypioneer --bed ' 23 34, 20 concern in ael)ozialil Case peal at s 00 • The ••hearing Of the appoals. the aetion. ;NI, :Mlienonala tioaltiat. 'atvn, of Ooderich and fotir members' of the Lotizoli Flyers hockey ebb of the seattott of 1944, took plitee, at Osgootle Hall, Tor- . onto, on MontlaY .and' Tuesday ,of this week. Judgment was reservetl,. • R. a 'Liirtyla, Appeared for the appelianta Ivan Louton, Walter • Westbrook, Arnold Doak and . -Don .01,41nette*;.1*-ii. Datl,cey, lt,;(14. for ,the TOM 0 Goderich, and Prat& for Vfacnonaht Several Toronto lawyers -also ap- peared as counsel, Mactkinald, stied for damages. for injuries .tteceived in a' fall at the Cicalerich rink when a wire on the balcony gave *ay 01 it hockey game in ;January, 1047, and nee.nred a verdiet for -1,815 against, the lessee of the rink and the members of the hockey clUb. when The .oction was tried in 610001011 ity,April,„ 194$, .bug. (Jack, Miner uSed,:. Co' 'say' he had net seen ,one for forty. years) and he closes with a chapter en the badg,e *Of the -era, the pioneer WhiSkers. Mr. Green -deals heavily, of ..course,„ nostalgicmenieries, 'but air era in which yOu could buy good--Feinlock luinber at $5.00 -a. thousand and' 4 wen-gi*ovvri 1.4mb 163, mustqi e Y -,pbverty and. hardship, • HardShip or not, 'he,gotlin out, of 'life- and. in his book be bh$ .set "Tiger" Dunlop Walks into the ',beck .and 4.'00i:braid": is there hut there is no. other historie_figure exCerA 'CantekOn. 'Tuesday nights on. 080 you an Start laughing at the dumb AtitleS For My Friend. Irma. Theo, at 8,30,- •enfoy ftill hOur with, the Toronto OreheStra with onestand-". Ing guest .artists." The. 'Big Town Show -offers exeiting diania-,of the newspaper world. „ " funniest family progi.am,". highlichts the earlY Wed- nesday evening log • on OPPL; fa: lowed at 9 by Canada's top epinedienne,- Mildred Morey. It's time 'but Or; drain& on.:Buckinghani Theatre; then, more laughs on the Milton .,Berle Show. Wednesday. night listening is topped off bY the ()FPI/ Production, the Don Harding Show, - Thursday On, 980 offers :the Burns tic wagon,. the thrilling Suspense show it .0 And the Canadian operet- ta-- series ' an *Air. later._ The Pat Man leads Off Friday ,evening's listening', and 9 o'clock brings , the week's drama highlight, the .80- thini wooed. stars. SPorts - to th'IX fights Fridays a0i- 'd1r,e4 froin gadison -Square Garden. SaturdaY sees • eferyone * the house listening to "gualea1 gystories at 7.80 and t'ixe old patiol• gain*, entys Questions, at 8. .1;,Theti. there's' musical variety on' Ilitiniony House, Tho Pun Parade. at 0 and the Orchestra coast-to-cbast at 4.0. Nighthawk§ .it up 2 to hear their requests on Et:light's Nitery„, . ..StindayS on 086 there's ,a ..wealth of „listening for -everyone. riADIES SalrUgSt ART OF DE,tSENLAKINO , • tighteen, ladies .receiVed -Striictitailir-rtreterit,,-dresSmakinglit the Town. Hall auditorium :Under the supervision of .MIss Nora Creykei Of the Women's InStittito staff of the DepartMent iigriexitt tore., The. -classes were held- under the auspice's .fst the Goderieh branch •of, the Welton's ItistituteNLheaded by Mra, Visa .0keYite 'said tliOLL.` Class made 'satisfactory- progress,' de- spite the fact that the munber IVO rather. lap' for adequate supery. .The -ladle& were InsfrOted in • the arts of 'Iltting; pressing and mak. ing (Itesgoof, and 001 in the line :of sewing, - t - Those taking the tourne were Mrs., Walter Newcombe, Mtg. 'Ararat tliodden, 'Mt& LeMalre, George Baiter, Urs, geInnesi. Urs. Clarence Miller,. ;Ur& ,Itariorle Itutchinson. *Mrs.- 11,004 Urs. (leoffrey Peadhey,-Ifts. 1)on Maatit,V„ Veg.' Imes. Young, Mrs; C. R. ITolland, Air& Harry Thlwarda; • Miss Ruby ‘Comtle, lqiss Maine Lain% Uts. G.' P. ;Whaley; .. gts, Gartettliiirg, Mrs. £W11kltt.. • • • , • YORTY-FOURv-TBATTELS -ABOUT ON ALL 1.OuRs • Issued car license plate nuniber 42T44; Charles'Gibbons, 4- Huron road,' feeLS he is, really "travelling, On ail fours" ' these • daye- FortY7four years Of , age, he was born in 1904, the . fourth child in a. r8 on November 24. He,„ IS .The feurth, ersen to 'Own the home In wifith he lives and the ear .he 14 driving is the fourth that he has awned: On top of all*this, 'Charles has ,alWays felt that foil- is his *lucky number. . orrt:IW.t.:n 1.4 4 „, wrotc.. in„; to the localo.-.`Lissuer of licenses 111 effort:lo_segure his favorite lie.ense Plate number, Which is a half and half Or a' ilfty4Ifty set-up: He.' wants ' number 50T50. 'cvalt .somo ._weeks' yeti, a.S. the licenses' Issued: • haie not '.'get that ngure..4.9 • -• Pet seine- years M4y0t 'Attic, Ewan always endeavored . to „have his phone number, his ..postoftice. box tituribely And car license number the name,, or as .nearly the same r -as ;•i)ossIble, , For number of years he..*as.snecessfel in doing thls..This year, however, •his tele- phone menner WAS Changed and the license numbering nuoFes it tn.: Possible & seente a. utimber- the same as his. postodice box-, D. 13, a CI th in Ont. PER AL SPEAKER'. Mr, 014r/7) ''XI4rher is the proud POSSeSSOr Of •a, handtiOine pocket ..watch presented 'him' ‘lh reebinifiOn Of his thill'Y!'sevgu.Yettig G•ETTZNO BigADY , 1949 .PERCIi DERBY. While,b91.9t9d, Winter viri,408..„,wor 0,er harbort:' today the-, ,G9de'rieh Lions -Club drew Plans or: , their • secOnd, " "perch, 10011, opert,..4141 18t 'and ,ertd` .15tb." Abontr $ZOO in prtgeS, *Wen itt. the' contest ,Oatch, the, largest perch. •Pirst prize. *111... bk.';.A99 etl.eni*. eef,/ncl inilon Road Machinery C?., Liin valued at 1OO Every week -end - -A IIVAW0 recelYe 44. •article ited, and.,Tte-predecesSa*r ',Goile-; during' the''..conteSt -speeiar rich,the„Americani- Read Machinery- "prizes : ha_--avtarded the ;total Co. The PreSentatien , was made- value of whicifWill.be.•apprOXimate., 'by gr, ' john; 401404. 4000.. I • general • mArnager, on behalf... Of, 4.f.Skipper"”' ,MacDonald • waec. A D.R.M.Ce; •; • pointed chairman of the -perch derby The- -entire-.‘eompany-7staff.-4was -committee4'4and---the--follOwing.:_:are present :it the presentation. ,cerc- committee meinbers; George Ellis, molly, Mr.' Sully .outlined the de, Harry 'Watson, ;"Xirev'whetstonfe, .yeloppient of the. eompanY: since 1912; when it -.was known. as 'the American Road Maehinery Co.' He praised the Ate service which gr. arker , has given, over. his bog period' Of company employment. 11 was ciistemary, he said, to recognize HON. S. GARSON' • - Federal.' Minister . of Justice who Will address • the Huron -Perth. Liberal .-4AsSociation . meeting At" liensaIl 4,on Saturday,1---_March 12, at. 2,30 p.m. • wATO LODO: TO I'BOVIDE BLOOD:Um/WE V,corge 1Parsons,,..Jack eery . and FrNedetNP9br017;eed, go to child welfare* work of the, Lions „Club. ,The „first -„peteTh. derht, held last *ring, Was highly' sticcessful, hundrecla of. fisherthen anniversaries, on, • the thirtY-lifth. rieb, fr44.11 Michigan and. Ohio and year. , However, nressure . of work, Irani ,xnanY points in Western : 41:ftring. the past several,: years had -postponed the -presentation. As fiirther.,.teken, of .4Pin-eciation Mr, Sally mentioned,. that Mr. Barker would .reeelve an additional weelOs -1141111d6'r3reP*1Y1,t4MPrt.tYliar'ker thanked :the, company and 'expressed his desire to offer ..any .that be could render in, the Iight of his thirty- eyen, years!„! experience with,* the ' „ Mr, 'Barker, related how he had -.served his- aPPrenticeship as- ,a invaluable serviee to Go.derich, And;-distriti--1-S-4-heing7arranged_b,. Bitie Water ;Lodge, 1803, of the International . AssociaWMa 'chinists, in the einfiley of...the Ism-. :ininion. Road Machinery Companr. the disbanding - .of. the 'branch of the, 'Red. .0ross'ISoelei;y: •bere, there' has been. no bleod. bank tn Gederich. When'Whole hlood'„ .geeded for 'einergeic 'itse' it has. to -be ,proeured-froni,-London.,:----,-, TO Meetthis need'arriingernents are being nurde by the Blue•Water. Lisdge to provide the service, to have the blood Of each :volunteer typed and grouped* at • Alexandra ,of •each..keltt there for the .use of • all doctors.,, Seyenty 'men have volunteered...to donate.- their blood absolutely •firee He arge ftS-7-Xar' asl-they- are -con- •terned.' They.- will be available for all.* transfusion , emergencies, - as the Company ' is co-operating • whole- heartedly in the,- Project by making it posSible for the employee •toleave his, WOrk.„-when called, without, losing pay. - • , 'The committee in charge of kir- sangeinehts is • cCsposed_ .of John' a chimney, was soon extinguished. P. GraCe,.elititrian - Stephen •.,Helesic and. Albert 0. Powell.' They ;eXpress g&titude • to the doctors fOr their interest and eV -operation' in the projeet. LEGION. The regular meeting of, the ,Ladiesr -.Auxiliary to. Branch lot), Canadian Legion, Wag held the Legion Vall,.'„witha„g'ppdattend,;. ante.. ' 0dtlre4 by tin' rrovlbelat President 'at ,the '1948 convention, In Sault St. Alvin wasread, in which A0,81114 the Ontario auxiliaries had raised' $150,000 .clixr. Iiig the year, 'old she praised :them for ,thelr splendid Work. After gen. eralbusiness the meeting Was brought to a dose, # Then .followed several pines of bingo andlitnich provided by the committee. ap- pointed, Mrs. N. :viiiler.„ Mrs. ,McNerin, Mrs. W. :`‘-1•00r,e, and Urn, •Needhara; The „MYstety • prize WAN won by Mr, t. Nictlwain... , tario: . 'Many. came hi parties, suck OS the HanalitoP• aud--Pctrett police; forces, the -Londonvfire department.' etc. cue party from, St. Marys, • Ont., came' ion, eighteen different. occasions. • BIS1101) CODY Iss) visrr .Gorwalmoit NEXT WEEK . • •The„,:gost:Reierend •Binli9P..100de- of 'London, Ont.,. will pay- his first visitto Goderich_next .wee*, _March machinist in England before coming 15th and lath': The ciee481°.11' iS t° the tbknIaL re -opening of St. to: Canada. He Was employed by• marl' ,Peter;S..gthurcli on ,Tuesday.,..ibe the 0,7431d joining the Machinery Company hi Bstreet uernkite.erais‘cafrilmrecinhbeilrndof Nis'oratic aceorcinlished musician, having held the position ;of • organist at yicteria. Street Chureh for eighteen years. He is also A member of the Masonic. .Lodge and fa member of the Odd - fellows. Two son's, .Raymond ant Ronald Ba.rheiclife "-reli en s o Goderich. Ronald Barker is a „Machirilst_w:ith the DR -MC -0, ing it his fatheit--'s- footste-ps.---His daughter is Mrs,. William Barrow, also of Gederich. . • " ^ • • • • - • I • .NEiiir RADIO PROGRAM -: "Knox Chur.ch Calling" is the title .01 aifwradio_progrant10 ay...at!eh; Com" „G'Oder•,i047-bar -41•*". ...,,..,,_,.:,..the_ Goder condliefed, .every Seedily, 'afternoon Pliny facttiryi where- 1.1e.' haAbeeir;50,t,it is •uilfoiiunafe thiC 1i ,tor three niontlis oi.er (AKINL-x. gaithful employee for netirly4ifts-1 given. -i'utligIderIC71tiie j, -;#1a-tiou. elroir ..greatly- -18, . este,emed .14#in .finfOOrable impression o after-e*enstvezdecoration-lw-. Mr. Scott Young, metal artist. On Neduesday pierning BIshop Cody Will: inSPOit the •addition to • St. Peter's , School and', the renov-, 'Olen of.-Sehool and. convent by the ,Seie. OonStruetion Co.. of Sarnia diiring the nast.' six montha, The service .,on Tuesday. eVening, - • ' STILL GOING STRONG ' LAT-EIGAV4EvEN.'yk.tats .-mr„old lee school- boy friend, Joe Wilson, is ••• eighty-seven years old today, March -10th. He ,is still going strong; and- IS at work 'every SPOO 1111Xte/10011 r.C1,1/g pnlYfel11,0 Qf Th** POO thlr40." Xareh, Free Press 40POrt).0,,.--PeePhA Ooderich harbo. ankreinoval ite‘• e9atre. 'of ,'",0140 ,..1s1.4end ,•Ttoo adrocated inthe:,09.144U0'40 „0,0 Z''04M=1:14, servatttfe member for #13, ile called uttkol,"t4-79.01140r spend *fe*.thonsftnil, 491 en..`the-.PrOJeetahd.t.. t=1. Wahl ' for itself-,,dellarforfdollnr in •e,roaned, ret -• national Mr ar1iff safd -tb undergoingrepairs but there- wan- the- WO side ,the „harbor'and t: removed, . • The harbor *.entrance ' wan.r..narrn If the. • 1816.-Wero entranda- 1./1,:ildett, deepened in-. order- tO..!a119:0, to ester without. 'feat damage.7n Naw,. boats often, stootr4it.an. 0e1iehOingt05 the winil - direction,,beforethedarod.,a an ; entry, .. boats often hy,';Panned'derich rather ,.than,.. Walt .to the was, "favorable.' fair Wind.:boate could .enter, , tiouPlY,-hut..it',Wasa"rviSICS,b01-140- - For'$01;44, Ye*$'14IIL.41,140 Works bad been urged o,;-, undertake. the ;P0,,.0.4* Thrafgh th'e ,Sych; work was•-811§PeUded.' however, thbrc 01.1.14 0;44 'the, - ' .*,. • .,. • 9 harbor wa the -:ptoserit 1,1* 4!. Thelitehibet; difectee449 el* quest fo,HOn.c,tionel 'Olfeifrier,' 4 Atts91`..;.fTWASOP,rft4,'; 'The TOWA. *Pf Gederich'had-,aske PermissibiTIV,' track in. order' to 1)1111(1 i10,0 tO ' the„beach. 'on the 'north: tile harbor. At, present there., was no road and it waS. imnesSible to get down to the beach.. ,The "Witch' 0 the r „so , '` ' 4 • Ai e the. harbor.- was .s rt „an., ., on,gested 'dering the holiday.,sealson„. . new „ToRd-Pn. 4...49:..110.41,7,04.0„"„0"/ the harbor would -give an additional mile .of 'Perfect . beach' and; -WO-914•": relieve the'. erowding,as Goderieb. - . • . _attracteanv tourists 'in' the sum - ;her, He aSked.trie 'Minister, to pae: his hest, influenee to have this quest granted. . '• •' Ed. -isfote..--::‘,1r.' .Cardi,Ira inter Of Knox presbytsrian ghurch,. -Gederich. A 'fetal -ire of the Pro, .grand • will be the singing of favorite hymns by the Chori'.'! This new. pro... grain wilt be at 4,3.0 p.mand. will _04),ine0Qnext ;Sunday. ▪ , • • -GOOD PATROL WORK.. patrolling. ,the east end of CoustAbles. Fred Fox and K. 'McLeod . ileticed a %fire-. en.* the roof of the home of Harold Begle, Cainbila road... Wtlle Constable McLeod wakened •tlie family., Con- stable Fox , brought -Fire Chief George' Beacom to the ,seene and the ,fire, believed to haVe startedin S. .r.,KaittliT•tHDORAP.,13. RED ,0RoSS APPEAL OTTAWA, -Feb. 28,• -:-The national welfare woukl suffer an immeasur- able loss" without ,the .ministratieris of the Canadian Red dross, Prime Minister ,St. Laurent said todiay aS :the , national, Red • cross appeal for 45,000,000 'Opened its March • ' "Mlle Canadian Red Cross Society. In Its 1040- iiation4r appeaf," sal the Printe Minister, "is asking the people of carddit .fer ..80.000,090 iy Oti, tIlLS Ydar greet Work' of mercy? . - "It. is not nece8sfitv for me :to -liJiie ser- Nr=i4Late:y1V:Ilierr':Aindli}l'ITylrhr Red Cross Society theY --are 10e well known for that. What I, 8111o:old 111 to; enipkasize is the linportantO of this humanitarian, ivork to the healtb.,..and -tvel1.4)Cfrig of the Cana - (tinny' 1)010.e, Without thee 11111118- tiii tions of the. Red Cross, the national welfare would suffer an- inthietatairable Idss. • • 'Te icarry this great Nv,ork, 'the, 11„ed CetiSs, depends upon -the VOrilnittlry eentrihtitithit of bite peofile themselves. I, itin *sato' 'that Oanodiankr-wiir resliorid readily and generously to the urgent appeal Of the Oincildian Red Cross Society: Th":-Wir#1111*- its futi, peacetiAie pro.-eam throfigh- oat 1949.4 Miss 'Prances Coolt.,:orr Toronto Was if Week,tnd .gnest With, her par- ents, Mr., and. Mrs.. (Myer Cook,- Mr, 'Tires. Vitra motored up" fromDetroit, last week -end to take „ his' mother' *,, Ur& •Patriek rinni, brook street, for .a ride, hx 14.'brunitaew ,Meteoi: 'Ainfortunitely, 'Sirs. Finn OwInfg to illness waf n�t able to the ride, 'llewever* she en- 10Yed the lye Tenders forAre�iistvuction , With the deadline Set. for, todal for ,recelvi it g: tenders on, tho :ereetion :of Goderk.11.8 nett ‘tirtifielal, ice. :arena, five, terelers have been re- eelved, Wecording to A., U. Scott butt.410K eotetaittee. They are from Carter Conatilict " doh C010#4.113ry''TOMItOl. Solo Cow Struction -Couipany, Sarnia; George Irartly"L4,, Kitchener;.Ctileir Con- struction Company,- Toronto; Pyr.- amid Construttien, Compatiy,, Brant. ferd. Ateetla &Ale& for early next *eelt, eide". 'Which tender to, neeept.; .• OBITUATtY ALLAN D.• TUPPORD • The; death oig Anan Tufford,. former*Goderich resident, .eccarred, neer short illnesg in Cheyenne: Veterans Hospital, -Wyoming, that the ,Sahnders _brothers, pro prietors Of .thehickory. say tkey. will • honor his, -pay cheque as long O8 he is Able • te punch the tiine dock.. , • - • Sbrve your employer faith- fully -4M • llk TOEO reeetTe, you1. reward in your -old age. ,Joe beat me into this maid by., Wenty.-Oglit7daYg'i 1-Fiiiff -• bed 111 the morning, then.. arise.. Vand iitch.the world go by. I have no 'company, like Joe, to honor nay, pay Cheque, but-1_041st look. to kis, two books, "The Old Log School,". and 41.71j -e old- Log Hou.'" se. • G. GREEN. • JOHNSTON—MOORING, • ilOWerS' candles .decorated the altar of St. George's Anglican' Church on Sat-' urday afternoonfor the Marriage' Q. Patricia Fay Mohring, daughter of Mrs. Alfred StiMiOCTS4f011 .t110 , late. Roy gohrin• g, 'to Harold- .Reg- inald 'Johnston,' only son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Johnston of Goderieh on -Tehran,* 28th. :Mr. Turrorthwas ,township.. 'the cereniciny was per., horn at ▪ Ont., sity-two formed by Rev. 13., 11. Farr. and Mr. years ago, ,eldest son . of the t lae , A. W...Anderton presided at the Mr. Unroll A: Tufford of Goderieh. „cirgati. -.The •bride, given in ' ir- lie went tt; Cheyenne about 'thirty7 'gage by Mr., Alfred Si-Timerwa live• years ago. He was meinlier gownedin American _Institute of Architects., gardenia or tilt' AinericAll Legl°" anti accessories, and. corsage. or white cerise crepe with 'black ,iiis wife and twO sons, Wallace, sistet. ;Toali.'%;1111)hfienag,r,,rilaist°1)11-riciesnatrty, of •- and . Richard, ot Were a turquoise .blue gown -Chefoqh°;'-tql!viv°•' 'eot,sage pink' roses and carlia- ROSS FAWCBTT- •L'i°n't 'nnd black .aecesSories. Arr., rigekiI'EtAkrIth,""tl ° wtettIde, wasrgroohsiin.l'otlte Toronto, occurred SuadenlY on receptionfor the linmediatelani- day last at St, Mihae1' IXospt1al. 'illes. the •• bride's ,findther` wore . He had been in poor health for seine powder -blue !dreAs ith hfitek op - time, nig wife, who. surviVos ' the former Miss\ Norma (,111r1,.-Th6 .gi7.66111$4 1116111°1' ChOse. nalry, blue, Wirh beige hat; daughter of Mr.. Oswald Ginn. and .01J111. of (.;•040,10,. Their flowers' were daffodils. ' the MO, ''' Artek'n wedding trip to -Hamilton, The funeral took place on Monday Reanisville• and .Niagara Falls, the froni,'„ggiinten 1Tnited • eourile will reside 18 Goderich,.: Interment, . in Prospect celtetery, tOrento. Besides the bereaved The brid° *.P'Hur t° l'er wife, it brdther, 11. minier i.,,,tweett., was entertained by tlie Staff of the People's Store and . presented with :survives. Mr. Oswald Ginn, and 'Airs, George• Ginn and' Airs. n gift and n ntiscellateons shower; and *a S Also the guest of 'honor lenson Whitely went to .Toroplo At 1 i11iseelia116o11s shower at the home of Mrs. Charles Anstay.. • T.Ier88('IePtitjth°n.r"?.1‘8,11eVsita'rS.11:03rifteilt:e .fi.listl**\40ttkci ...lblyPg'in.611.*orr):'f::;17)°1511:1'S Blerfsyt: evoectediv klexandra *.t • , on- e tiOtrai,-Ctirenrut TSTie -had t•.%. takeii, 111suddenlya week ago, and was- removed to the „hostiltat the ' day previous to her Pas4Pg. She .In was highly „esteemed reSidetit of Oederieb.all. her life and was the. • daughter of _the late flonald Fraser • ,Ntagistrate and ..-Atoggio -11kinuity'. She 'was Member'. of: 'North sheet tiliteth Church.," tier rather died 51)0111 ten years .ago, And brother„ Reginald, last -Oetober. Surviving Are " one brother; Whitton Fraser* foroierly a bridge contradtor at Dnitale, who. Pv(uset'1411f• 5t stre64 e)ccutred 13eact, Florida, 'for a inonth's..Vtlea. harhor. that .1s (lu'it,e. unWarraiited.;.... Ihis:.statem(nte repOrted),-;:that- the island In the 'harbor prevent easYn access. that "boats often' stahn., lit aficifor for daye a:waiting: safe', eoften lf; i.ti±aasir (4_ fcl.:1.raa tht)°4‘. (t"sl'rLiftin t to unload," und that, entering* the 1(1 utterlY-7-tinttrite,: harbor 1S f'a risky bnsines," are very „slight -acquaintance With 'the:: harbor. „ • „ : Remvn1 -of 'lie.islatid extreme, inner end of -the :harbor. - *111 facilitate tOr'ning'',,Of „'„1,are-6.* regseis at the elevator -and wilt give ..additional....berth4,roi*t9 vessels.- .Tbe island .preserits',no• obstacle to entranCe rof..Vessels.', 7Last--siiminer drek;eS -Werked at the harbor 'clearing..and , the entranee elmihiel., 'The' „rentovnlY• of •the island also inight have ,'"heen' 'Undertaken 'lint for*the ,daintige, ton , the ..Plers 'front', the. unnSual* ileo4 conditions- last spring Which' neecu`..., Sititted a large. expenditure .by GoVerothent rePa1k4'; It, in bel),.,01: that the removal. of Itine,,:1,Sland "414•'' be 'undertaken this year. mut' WILLVINO BE , • 'When the Glidei'ith Einsinenfehat',-. , challenged the ,Goderiely tions•:41,uh• to a `‘do-or.die°'. hockey. game,the atter OfganiZati7w went • intti'• Sp(TOY, secret, huddle...And eante.up,, . -- .lenge. • As, a, result, lertinS,, froin these two. t' "clubs, wjit:ligli it 'out 'at! the West' -street ;arena Friday', night at 8.10 o'cloek. The line-up;for• the Tions will bet OrangtOn.,13.• Allah.. Tiettgerl. ?Skip!' IlopkinSoe '1'• • "Mal", jeerY,,, aortion .Meltantrif: George.. ParSons, Rill WOO* 4.Nip".; Whetstone and,. Fred. Nobrc ;. The .:Kinsinen iinenap -. wilt . be: "V,trizirtitY; 13111 Afetlrath* 1. Pritlx,, :II; Hilbert, T. Iansoni Stott„,'W, S, ..81foltOxif, Pennington, 'R. Peanington,.• , 41. Bannister. .1. O'Brien- 111 1(1 l. ..r a . n. - ' Arnold Nle:Connell and' Wally Westbrook will be the' reterees;, the coaches, 'Norma ri„ for, the: Lions and 'Larder for the '..10,1191ea, for the flin-eral. ogitra,,te's Court This flnLoo H: aolthos • (VItursiltx,v). • afternoon disniissed, the elmrge of4careless. driving -against ;lames Dreanati;, 4ndon. Evidence WO.8 heard in last week's ,cotirt, when, the accused pleaded! 'not' ,guilty judo Alt WAS • re; has been Confined -to .hed serVed. home' of .1.10 Sister here for SOlne• (Tharp& •f -with vagralley,,-. DOM 1110n1 hi4.; and ..four Sisters* Miss hia flllfl,71, of 1;41iet,' wris-eonurtitted *lean and Kathleen Fraser; Mrs, to lin", Ontario . liospitaiy after James . Slearatii. and, hltrA: ° Allee tnedieal opinion was given by rir8.. :Varlatt.„ all Of Torkto; and three A. H., 'Taylor and W.. P,„Gallow., nephews,. Donald and ,Telux Provineial Constable ,lielumr. Snell and Malcolm Mariatt**of' Toronto. gave evidence„that two, sveeks age • The .fitheral service at the Craft, iton funeral homO ofl Saturday at 2 p.m, vi1I. be Cdrulucted 'Bev, C. W. Pope, , Interment be In the fandIV plat in Allitland tory. he had been notified that the aged nialt bita rott tlw conort 1.101110. Ite-Sonild hint at Ilrussels and took to the Ilonte. tatt(t day he left Alvin nYter ft fracas with, inmate. /re was rotuid ot grussels inquiring r a room And was brought to t1odrieh.. Never ;Did Any '14artri, Uis Piet, Mina „told the court that went to Brussels to get n beth plape to stay. Ile said ho had. *S done any harm; ter'er;.got vnouh On8101t to .clotbe, Illniself;• and news 11rank heer in his life. . Indolent was re4rved until day morning on the charge of ea !OSA driving' against Mrporal naltlerairt, 9± the Clinton 11.4toin &tool. A tsr drIVett. 113'' , the 111 ensed was Involved 111,411 ticeldent On NO, 4 highway; with n trtalt ,driven brIolla T. Notliery,or BOLL A tine of $TO wait 'eositt 'was to -- posed. Ott :William tittlechild aft+ r lie,pleaded guilty 1(1;a cliAllo It carelesACdrivintr in oonneetIon wlUt ons'aceident uu itrliannia •rogid • • • • • • • •