HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-02-24, Page 8, ,• , GODMITO RONAL-8 TrnRszMz rto. 24th, 1 SUNDAY, ZERRIYARX nth, 049 L. arn MIN COMMUNION; 3VON, `SI3NIC4X' SCHOOtor 1-41).111. MORNING MAIM AND SERMON. JUNIOR CONGIMOATION. 3 P.M, MINIM DEPARIMR WON EVRNINO PRAYER. ; .4iice of #o MUilann ehaliel, at 10 Amt. ton servkesteVerY '11,110ay ev.eidng a'14',0!eteck.'d'uiing,,te EV BIATME#. FARR, 04.,14.Th.:: REM*. • AMMON, (iirgnols„t.,•Choftmatitcr. 1•01••••1•••••••••••••• North S 'United Chttrfeh „REV' 'Vf18i4OX Co' rg;BA BD, MinIst A4*. CI4fl4;- .Orpaniat- a!itl Vboi! Master. Garn THE OURClif SCHOOL, "MORE,' TIHAN UAW JOU1V.„0- P.W: '90! 4Fi,g1A," 00.14.):1,11,44, 'St !EAPN%,•To JO*, 19DAN • • . 0111MCW. WanTIM .SOIGINO TOWS' . . emaromeragromproognorma. ' "Praise God from Whorrt alt blessings. flow!' rilnree Win; . 0 S" BA$041i1A144 ASIMPT:traMfit POESENT M‘r.M•Or ,,R)11.1g(th.„ OiAziit4:414waktlx04-. r 144-i Pra*Oting aetiVitiee fO*2 Xit' the heYs'' Inter -toxin baskethall# fOnr 'Mere kaineS' have been played, and-tlato---th.6-44124,in foll6ws: • , _ ppinta#•; 0.B . -.4 points OB a ivints.„-- .. 90 4,2..pointa peints ' 2 points " 12 4.r., ,,,„• 2 points . 0 Points - Record, of 'game:. Feb. 15--10A • 17--11B. 38---10B g•-•712 9 22--10A 29,--9A •Reterees--a HolmM eS, acEwan, Buchanan, 1. 4. • ' . • GilMS'' 40,6114A ' • t • Mondairs. ganie's savtt 114' winning, one --game " tieing. • one and losing . • •the- third. There are voices pf hope, singing -the • old fatniliar hynins. There, is divine • it,ipiration',in.an 'Anthem of. praiseT • Regular Church, attendance brings a fuller appreciation of life and riving. You ow -Cordially invited • to oqencl our service$. .PUBwopsDii, • . sier. A.R.C,M., Director 'of • Praise Ictoria St. Ljnited :Chureh mithiSTERRin-121.1fRENer----11—. -TURNER, B,A. --,ORGOIST ,and-',CROIII'LE4.DER7—m1ss Mary. JoYce, Strachan— • 10. a.m. SLIMMER ,SCI1001i. • •_ oompAn oft THE APOSTLES" "A Saint inherent in a ,Sin -nen",`,- an.' ANNUAL sroms-NipaT, SERVICE. • A S13b-4'ect* "Life .Epsenbals." • • and Harty : Tayibr,--Toro.nto. Allans.p.16-1:eafs. tiestEr--B111 pan"-1,--sporm Commentator, Wnignna RalPit "lionder.s()_;„.n. 6ut'P ris*. ,V1,1:9T'aY 'lltir rirten -Walters. ArcuroRTA W.P.,901VIES -1-1-(sirvins131P-11-14me 'Mr' -a YOU • 0 erielt Baptist Churth • . . . pASTOR.,—REV: G. W.' IL'MEDLEY. • Orga,ni0 St -4S, Verna C.' Miller.; v NO CIJXJRO� $040,014_YOU will find a 1*.,41EITY I 4034A:00111E 1ieridat.10 -- • 1 am.' DEW-OF:GODS- GRACE—REFRESHINfill• . ; : •.`1114X RAPTURE; WHO IT TARES, WHO IS LEFT— thii.ONE TAKEN7-PITY THE ONE LEFT! •YOur ' • • , • F-.1`.1.1----1"al.tiOrcr..in the Chu t•ht 11A. 5-101 2 T.•11A 6---10B 6 404 • On, Tuesday, ...11B "tamed five oints "frpm-ttgoTwins• and .-41tie 11B 4-10111 4 • 11B 4-1.0.A: 1 ,11B 5-710B _2 Standin•g, Co date: • • Grade 12 7 'peints' •-'11A • 7 -points: . points • 11,M • 2 points 10A " 9 points 10B • 1 -point 1011, • .1..point WIZ pRQGR* ,On 'Wednesday, February 16, Grade la providedthe program for morninrassepably. The theine was that of a• quiz program,. "Yon' ain't got .achaiide, So. take the.:vonse-. quences,1 Ob:MAYtire.,ptoved .to be . a very •capable 'matter of cereMoniWand. Bi1l:Craig_acted,...:as2.announcer tor the fambu--S74`1/Lirry , Home Pernian. ent."7-T1e--Contestanis (Miss Jamie -- Son; • Alex. Clark, titiVe: Medley rand relnetantly; came JO the .platform 'but -soon found thein- • selves ,.tro.The liafffig as rauch"--fnin as the audience. As consequences Miss Jamieson Was required' to. chew: bubble . gum'*; T4ex..Clark • warbled the chettis of popular sog, aiid Dave Medley • had his • fingernails painted blue for Missing the queation, •W' hat was the: color of the 'dress...described in' the song ?Alice Blue -G1404 - • The contestants were required 10 ,ansWer., before the gOng sounded • ( about a -half second's 'time), •Miss Powell really hitithe jaCkPot when she correctly ansivered the qiiestiont. "How many rooms -*has an eight; • room house?" •- -,1-Ierygrand prize was $3,400.4.9. (Unfortunately- she was required to return; it to the announc• program.) after the prograni.) _ _ _ _ The „Ilerinanettes" sang the pro- •, grain theme,Specially Written by • Sally :McDonald; Who,accompanied thematthe piano, They,were Joan ;Baechletr,. Bertha ,P6p; Flora Mad- donald and •“yours truly."' • Congratulations16. the conimittee XArlyne Rouse,: Sally McDonald, • Bill Craig, ja'ck" body' and. Bob Le- • Moire) • fer presenting a half-hotar of mirth. .„ • . •• 'Grade' 10A" Warah-ailleetTc, Wave - this Wedneaday's assembly, „but • something • -.happened and - Senibly! What's-Wrorig, 1041 Surely you have lots; Of talent? • "C'Ve'll looking for a Program next Wed- nesday.• . ve nionthS, the Iteerea.tiOn, • '"Leagne * Health .ar nt„••••,%. vegow 43.ee1hig` of a: liero•Ute; Staged evelling tt't 'George'S Ohurch, Wo it* ;Guild the0L on TueattlaY. Pe seore no'id on Tuesday, t.LO•rch, 14t, of; older .'tteenlige girit; and ladies at pan, ,preserititteda...402% RdYrant with' • une..41.04ater4,...connge__Isce11t "lictr She'S IL 4;o11y, -Good. FellOw." LathdOr and, sympatliY ard nme:gaiflst Le biggest and heat teeth- of tile .waa ,fast. and interesting: ' The ileCISion was reached earlY in the, last half when Mi so Ruth Itre441 was forged- out of , the 'vBasket,d•ears" ti3eliar thwel,Pho.oftir.:11e, dtaguni4igreineil. value*fOrlhelr "vi9toryi 14,4 , ' The line;.up .• .'it -dears" • of Re -Creation _Oonne4---Cant, AL'Martin;.9 PointS; 1. Farrent, 13,•aaere,1 pt )3accit. .ler, D, Igartin,; 1 pt -N. Hazlett, R. Reid, A. GUM; 2 polnIts ; L Willis, 1,1.!GT...011.1.1.-:-Jliel';°;31111'.'Tett,f4ag.L‘plts3'11)°4n.t.DO,s: 1,4)..baeb".01444:; LT. Dulier, ,Rets,.R.IrWint,; 4 PtS:, M. Bogie; "V., IAithWaite; o -Young A LEenry,A, bb N.. Beat- tie. .,Total, 14 poi*. 01Ileials--Miss X. JohnSton, C. Plward. and Miss. E. LeWis, -BORN , •-• BARCLAY.—At Manchester, Eng- -land, .0.n -February -20th, 1649, „to • ..Mr. and' Mrs. Frank W. Barcia3", twin ..sons, john •Hunter and ChrigtOplier t :- .SALLOWS.—.A.e Alexandra Hospit- I,.0'Oderich,. on'Febtruary 22nd, lows, 'Blake Street, Godericb, a son, William Mark, • , • 'WILSON.—.At Alexandra HosPital, *,*t46derich.- en F„elfruary 23rd7t1949, to Mr. and Mrs. John K;.Wilson, , Elgin -avenue, GOderich,--a ,daugh- • ter. .,, DIED . DANIEL.L.,--At Joseph's liospit- •* al, 7 Toronto, On February' 20th, For an evening of real entertain,' • • 19,49,....aften _prolonged nineig,, oient come, and. sec "..The Night' Was:. • Annie May. Daniel; 400 Mortimer Dark," a three -act mystery gomedy avenue, ;East York, •Toroute, "be- to. .be •presented at „North,. street loved wife. of .4O1n. Wilhata united ,Church' by the Young. Adult Daniel aid`[.MOther of Gordon and Qroup on March 8rd an 4th.1% -H Morence,•both, of Toronto; second yOulik6ij. good -play, don't iniss4h1s, danghter of "Williaffi• and gliza- one. Time -8.15 p.m. Admission— beth Nixon of DOnnybrocik. Huron. adults 56c, Children. :conntY, • • ' • ts• • Funeral- service at Trull Funeral -The regular • monthly mg 02 -1Tobre-0111-:-Dgrifor1h avenue, Tor, 1ih 1eiibipncEiTpf the Voineal onto, on 'Tuesday;• February 22nd, Institute will be held op Thur Y, .at 3: p.m. -Interment,. int -13inehill March,'3, at 2.30 o'clock, in Ma ay tcemetery,• "TorOnto. - • . Nita*. T. -Doherty- 'will speak _GREENA.-10 Detroit, on Februais and -a 'good attendance is hoped. for.. 21st.;,1949, Margaret Ann Oreene;!„, ' ' • • Avife...of_,the ltteWllhiain Ward Blouses and skirts, mart new •Greeneu .belo'ved :mother • of Mrs. "styles for spring,' just in. A nice ` Elizabeth Clarke, 'Bedford Greene -range To choose :from at Scliaefer's. _and Annie. ,GrePne of ,*/ • • .2-3 • Calif. She leaves. Six grandchild,. • "• ••-• yen. and: four . great-grandchildren. Printe'd" silks, crepes, ginghams. Burial in Inglewood.- California. and fancy cottons for spring sewing. MOORE=In Gollerich, n, Viers- Alsbwaollens omit kabardines,-:, tor ditY„ -February .17th, -1949, John suits,' skirts or coats a Schaefer's. s -Wesley -.Moore, jn-,"his, ,73"r4 year. . • •. • • 'T8 •WATSON:-.---In New York' City, on: • January 20th, 1949, • Charles •- W. Watson, son' of the late Mr. ' . L-D1.°11C1• 3.060W** ' • Venetian blinds! Brighten. up your', home with Venetian. blinds, Steel Or wood,- We meaSure your windows : -•Ou 11 Schaefer's. &One 59. ' Rummagesale in MacKay Hall, Saturday, 'February '26th - rat 4130 p.m., under auspices,. of St. Peter's Soda], Club. , CommuniOnr service 9,t Christ Ohur.hh, rort *Albert; on,, Sunday; 'February , 27th, at 1,);11).. be condueta Rev. 7-13, IT, Fart -of IT'S CI-IEA.•Pla, to place Maga,- Goderiela. •, • • .,„‘ zine renewals with • local -agents, than to 'send them direct to the publishers or - out-of-town agents. Miss Mary, B. Howell, 4 St. Vincent' 7111cLegur Waterloo ,street, can give you .just as good tate,s as J -tie Oublishers, even' on special otters. Consult them before, sending, your subscrip- tions out of town. , 39t2 , The service for the - W:Oinen's World Day of Prayer Will beheld Ip .St. George's Parish Hall at 3 p:m. on Friday afternoon, March 4th' : iondor' • sTablets_ •are_ Oleg %two Weeks'. Supply $1; 12• wee s $5; at CAMPBELL'S and EMER- SON'S DRUG. sToups. • Classiatd MIs , • OALV. SIN4444 swiig•Innelline*S.:,eabinet . and Itortnble elePtrie; idsp tteal,-,,lies. Re pairs ta 04,4eBI, 78 Qntarie 4treet, sgtnktford., FOR SALV. :P111PA, trent, Gloderich, )d1UtQ �sesseL WIte B '78, QNJ1TAR, *'• ' smAtp •/3140X r i on ten acres Of stwiNc+LM 1'1ll RR, , ,Neetilest *belts and, supplies, . Out,oVtowa eastomers. bring -Or., send in: head, 'WY - 0, WOOD, • geOndhiPld Store, 12 East Street. Phone 867j. FOR Sii4,r411Aa„)))l).S1R4,13T4 elght-reoin" red brick honse. at 18: North street, W. ',X7XER,N, 28, ood.opo,k •.8 lop° 'tali. eat A tetstilltree-celourcla cake. • A:sALIVIONV PASTE BARS -4, far Oo and..1)4TEZ/14.ED e ,ibcore:*e.tilei3,1eat0-edt-itith/ • TaatS, • . , Oilers of $.1:00 afl4 ONTO Cle1iVerecl. • PRONE 465 • — *EST S • AN, 'FOR ".$4LE*.-194 0.90*IIUTT: ANTI) D.--,-TgOVSE' WO. 4ONT.., 70 truCtoronew Ores, in A.1 con - Apply to ARNOLD: RAT11-1 i,yonr,r,,13)10,ne Clinton 905-3. **8-9xi —.MOFFAT ELEC- • ., TRIO' range with high. oven, white and grey entimel;„ also break-, fast benches and table. :*-Write BOX 72, SIGNAL -STAR, • 8x . • ; FOR , • SALE. NEW- HOPS -A, Seven rodinsi Alio' eight acres of land, • garage'. and •henhonse, trees.'" Possessien in:• thirty , I -I. STELE, Bennett street, phone 302j, or P.O, 'BOX 12g; Ooderich. • of three. 44u1t$, 'Per- 1FPUND, cOVRT' J:TOVSEi: • maieat ;e§idents•-• 'SYMC3NDS, Pa .rh,*.engraVed cigarette, lighterJtaIager Bell ! Teleghe!le:' • -.5! itiligahttvvirfl)rkys. etto• ;Wi• tigsi. ED. TO Q. i3X71.----AX144 .0L1)* L BRACE* Recreation'`Director korses. and .7deaci; •If Town Jza11.• . suitable for .inink feediWill'pay.More than, fertilizer prices,it. not,• will pay 'fertilizer prices, If.dead,pliorie. TGI1BERVB110•S-AtiN RANO4 00•041C14:";k4.04.cqllec errJ9396 0 30, A:12 111 4' 1.1f• S08;114:180.. 114p3.1AN.. xteal Btok• ei.•thAepoPlictrt$1 phone 18, . 4_894, "March , 16th for •the ved, by lieSition Seas -or -for- thes TOWnSiiip b Ask• ' • • Theniunicipality has adopted. theN. `County systeM of. assessing and the,,:0,,,,. salary has been set al $1.25 per assessment card and, $10071Or the.,- eompletion,,,of the assessinent C. E. 1VicDONAGII Clerk ' •LholtilOvv, R.R. 4JeF14.1.9AX1010 .iv 4:NTEi.) APPLICATIONS WANTED.., Fort• sAtan.—KITCliaNtR PIQ-4 ChiblisThave steed, the ttest - As we xl•,)Ort dIrect,. „ . more than '!2.0-'yeArs.,^116st* customers *e a.01t;!? 9st ..,Prokes' come back each year, They - knOiv •N4 floak ".b.61"705--6 what, these,- chicks Ran preduce. Contaet, Canada Approved, -backed" by a* Pho.1.!e iGr9. • •' • 7"1°x: .breedinp; ' program on IlatcheryPs •YOUROWN BO -- SS ''*‘*DIST • ' own farm., • Bred, by • poultry ,,sp4ciausta _for ,.practical. TRIBUTE, _on ;partr,time o2 11' time' basis, our g50,produet's rinle;113.. cew4clan;leri,11. • esa:' falentusillS4puictse,!;.gib4asks: . Silver,„Itirniture•lind.,shoe„pollahes, poultrykeepers; Let Us order for• you. -.1PRODUCE. •,8 OR SALE.--:01:113VROLET SAW- - pulley, do:able:Ian-- Also black C_ • . e • . year old-rhOrse: -Phone-L934'-'- r--6Writfor free, ; Goderichsect at Pat•details and • catalogue. FA tvi..ILEIX, t- •• Can be ‘• r Scrimgeolir's Garage. •• 1600 Deiorimie, Montreal. . 8x • , . •4-8 TENDiRS WANTED , ,gN-D44S- WANTED.--2---- Excellent:opportuiiity_aotest-,4your,- ••; O• dj.'ne--rha,;;If.,Tatct—ifetrirdica•U:isiti::aoltRiOebLoi o f ;--1. Ffir d dition, or wilt eichange., on good car or •truck. JAS., WHITE;' Huron road, phone 723R. •. • -8 FOR SALE. -.NOW IS,TIIE TIME :-:.•-nto- place ..yOur order- •for ornar,, "mental evergreen's . nufsery tdck qfall kintisna-rlY-Plant-,h1 of these (preferably "Marclir Is 50% of''succest. We absorb the shipping chargesand give our ;ad- vice -free. ,Phone 106,7jACKSONS FLORISTS. • •' 8t2 •, FC)R SALE, '.uncmAsTgit, like - new, Write *BOX _97$, phone . 939W. • . • •- • -8 .. • , and Mrs'. jameSWatson. Montreal FLoon BANDIN(', PROMPT )JI1•14g3to, IN MEMORIAM• - ' ' battery:S4;.,Perfectioir Coal :or Street, ,Godericli: , and new floors,ir _ J: • C. COOK; Clinton, phone 23 ; :SPROUI.J..—In loving memory Of mY.-P.O.- BOX 103, • ; dear• huSbandl William Sproul,. , • for 'wonqe.n..--444-abeve.---a-Veiagea intelligence,, resident tin' r hear: Potleri9b, 10 take part in, _nation - 'wide •strvey `APril;Alay- June,,and to .continne as resident, inthrviewer if satiSfactory. CANADIAN. rAcTs 146; ;i7j7e1lingten once.. e.• who passed awaY February 18th, NOTICE. • Sweet MeMories.willrlinger forever ;• Piano tuning and repairs, clean-. ,Time__cantibt...._,„gbange theya, ;it.Y.S: ing, .41e-mething.. Free• estimates., 'true; " ' WM. N. 'GOULD, phone 264, Gode- Years that may come cannot sever rich. .,....,•. - :. • ,..;„ . My loving -remembrance a you. —Inserted by his 'loving • wjfe . • _..... - .- , ,. _ 8x Youth Smidny was observed with anAraPressiVe service in Knox.Pres- byterian, Church on Sunday raerning with a large congregation in attend - once. • ...., .t.: et___o, it Church "401tNi1'ilteltiCifttit ANO PATtiekitEttS . . . . 10 am SUNDAt scpapi, .-CLASSES FOR :ALL, M , • 7 SkiAli; :- ,`,-.B.E tatv:Burk-B-Ero-R-Fe:TH.R. BAR" (aor.Vd) , p. . "TAB 114ENACB,Or IVIARTRA-MINDEPITE,SIS" 111E. 6110E01 WPM Tfli "WESLEYAN -EMPIIASIS" ,ed. ,8, p.nr.• 'Praier Sei'Vite. - • ,'Tri. 8,pan. Young • People's: 4,- -WARM WEIc9ME TO ALL REV; ,Ii. Viii *CIALLUIVI, •Pastor. , . ,:it$ tile annual', I.,ions .01U1) ladies' • night,. at- the _13r1tis1 Eixckange A.. S. Patrick's Street 'resident reported' seeing :snowdroris bleoin her• a ' r 4•A • 0 . • • -sAtE .OF LAND FOR -TAXES - TOWX. OF GODERICH,, • COUNTY OF. • •. • • — • - *tittle : 3af a warrantisse1 -by the MaYor of the 'rem' of • .goderieh bearing date the 20th ,day of jartuary,•1949; of lands th ,arretirs .of ttfieS in the ToWn of Godericir will beheld at the Council Chambers, .Goderieh, At the hour of 3 O'Clock In the' .afternoon on the hint'h day" of Ma; 1949, .unleSs' the taXes and tosts.ate soenee Paid. Noti4e4*-Tfi• lao.,lbygiventhat. the list. of 'lands. f9i' "atil,e'for .arreara. of ,taxeS was Plib11eliett,74CTile-LOntario -Casetteon thg.'.1ifthdity Of Pebrintr4. 1949, and, that eopiesof the Said list May be had at*ray &Hee. , - • .3. :Treasurer's 'Office, this':10ti day Of tehtuary, 1040. • '" ' S. IL 131,11t0; TreaSuret;,, B RNA ,(Pentecesiall .i.issentblies of Camila) • • ICE*. Pastor • jO a.M., OREAlt SILINIDA.Y *SC.HOOL. RALLY, , Our $.S. growing eteadilX, Come and. bring ,yoUre,"faiiiily. „, 11 AM. and 1.30 rat. T1110 :PAST'OR * :Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer' and Praise. . , • .° flriday,".8 pm. „Christ AmOasSadiirS; - , :00tilS Are being_ s.aveil, ,Delleveia are, being the. Holy •OrioSt apC,Orillidg t s,1:4. ' Colvig AND tiOltDisiltERIED. .‘1401.1.,AIRD WE,LC011ifE. • . • 8-18x I f••••••••••• VAIMILOrglIANKS- R. gDGAR ROD.CrES WISHHg • to thank all his friends and neighbors who so* gave their assistance. at the .thne of the fire. . ••' 8x --.,.-Tiferfirst• Meeting: of-the4,Year,;:,-._q_':', tnifireerelt;a8- held Wednesday; February 1.(3, with 'nine 'members present. - The following, offiees were filled - for the coining , year: -Tresident, David ,Harman; t vice-president,' R. G. MacDonald.;. •secretary, George "Griffiths.; treasiirer, Joe Graham; drafting engineer, ,DOW Grahain; purchasing agent; ,The Graham; al -IR -- boat leader, David . Harman; plane „leader, • beorg& Grifilth's ; power boat and • engine leaders, Arvid Nordhal and Clarence Weber. Six sailing Models .of the Sharpie • Class are no* under construction along withtwo powered motorboat *jobs • „ ,* It Is t1ie. desire the EingillegAt to have all 'Models finished by the end,„of June, so thlit they May timid •a regatta in ttlt `harbor on Suly lst, • ase a " S, tea; • We can't all be players--! So what shall we 40? SictikEngineers 'And ::huild4ourlowit-Int---: • • A boat, an engine -or plane' ' * • 'Will give, you. a ehance. • TO play. your owai game, interested? contact' jOE gRATakv; corner -.11ewgitie;:. and Hamilton' streets.- 8X , • . AirnouncemeDt re Park House Breretort tot) "AtillOU1106 that, Oeci' 4111d litt• Zu.eic •willyuseu.:ree tlie,,I?iiiiirgenieut of 41.04. , 11014 eerutuitleitiMoh.tith", iit011o:venigilouri4vM1)6,oborved 401y exeept,SUA,cley 1ST 'Supper t :SU • Itrealtfedtlt pfu'uor 4itei rtatio—Supper 540 te 7.g0 0Aligglist to,pAtr4ztritA.N-4.1AM01#4-0/14141r4tt3 0: e watch Or iltittAefi•litinor lueuu for Mard,4,18th, • . _ .4tove, tilreeThurner; double *barrel, 12 -gunge' shotgun. MRS.-AUSTINQUIGLEY, % Mrs. A. J. Liningt011, Victoria -street. - 8x • OR SALE„..._ -.-7 BEECH STOITE, -fourburlier, Side oven..tin new, condition: Apply. CLUB GRILL, •;-plione ,737J. : EAR — EXTRA money! Ton :can Collect orders blankets- from •neighbors' or' fellow club members _and ' make extra..money for • yourself or your chib. " Old ' Woollen, socks, under; :Wear) -hinnicetS,-, sweater, etc., are -accepted in part *payment newblnnkcts, •-anto. an twined:At aS as $1.00- *ail 12 lbs. of Old: woollens as part .pay - mot. 'Write today to Dept. 29„ MIDLAND •MILLS, Midland, On, • tario). and 'ask for Tree price list .8 FOR tREARFA-ST . 'suite, • 6 pieeesl, dining-roOM Suite, .8, pieces; hand Washers, $5 and up; electric washers, $20 11P ;- electric stove, 'rangette, .grill; het plates.,, table lainPs. , Come in and, brow8e. around; C. WOODS, Sec ondhand Store: 12 Bast street. FOR .SALE; •-•-•,,160-ACRE 'FARM • t,11-4,0,r001131White..Vdek.,11,011 and large barn,. Five Acxes of Wood lot.; • g0 :-acres realy. • for spting seed- ing. Good. Niatei 'supply•I „11.ydro not' inafalled ELP WMJTED •g.g or offets rni 'PERIVIA.NENT P.O.SITTONt- 1t!i; II*1156:V1,11.60,°nifarn".Ext°7(i1)11/4rzvtB*ZIAN:1N °431': &110d111.ed Wige inerettOs-,. littra pay for Smutty tont eveuirAg lyori. • OPPEATOR Teltilion d ON't 4.4,1001i1' • . . 74 -acre farm with 8 -room frame --hOno-•-covered_Av1th•L•insnl.45ilelt4441;• .Snlayed electricity,,, heavy wiring'-.; presiire 'room ;, 'geed water supigy"-; 0606: trout emelt; bank barn 88 ft. by 00 ft; ;" :workshop *14' ft, by 40 ft.:!: Tnn-car, garage ; ,aers of r0sp.7 berries; 4 n,cres Of graPOS; acres. "straWberiles I/2 acre boysenberries, Th'e lulies froin Goderteu.... Posses-. Sten April" lst. • ••- -Also 6tlitr,prOperties, •.411 jAti,,UAANI• ltdalisthte oker, &one ,tts, Godericli. Onf. X°44'0 NOTI01P cappr,raus NoTIOg To catDDI-Tort!'S,,, . • All .persons having claims •against the estate of Harriet 'Melinda:4111v Late of the Tcivnit of Goderich, in, the County of Huron, widow, who • . r died on or about the 27th day of . January, 1949; are 'required to ifile the_ saine,,,With, the undersigned-hY the- 1th , day of March; .1949,.as after' that date_the,, estate Will be- diStributed: * ' • F. R. DARROW., KC., 'Croderich, 'Ontario,. Selicito•r ,:for -the Estate., v undersignedtil the 1st .anuan :for Ia'cords maple and beech 12 ; -in.. del1e„"::13134ef i:171 el el:, h••!.tr e hi tae " W. .13URST , • • . • Sec.-Treas „13.1T.�. • t•IPENDERS WANTED. • Tenders wiil ;be. receiVe4 by tlae• undersigned •until March 12th for the collection. of garbage • in • the Town of---FGoderich. Contact-tor- .coinmencejune 1st, 1949... Venders., shotild-, be Submitted :for one -Year and-,-:three-leii-p-etiOdS, and, shoUld., state type of vehicle to be used. :.$51,:* boo Must be supplied by the - contractor, for the satisfactory+116.7, fillraent :of - .duties, if 'tender -*Ac- _,7,,4cepot:_e.d... Lowest osr. aa.r.Y..B.:tLenAdKer_;not: necessarily •,acCepted; • ToWirrtlerk... , - - - • .17N7DHINEIERIS'19-nyLARGEONDAARI,O.,i1.- •- Goderich, Ontario. • -Sealed' Tenders w11L4e received by . the Undersigned until 5 p.m.,. ' March 10th. for the general trade for Alie-COnstitrotion of an Arena for 'Goderich,..Ontario. - Pians and Specification, Instrno- tiong;to Bidders: and__Tender Forma_ _. ifeIbtiiinedYreintlie-,A,r-elifteetf Charles Tr. • Gump, '234 Dunt4tai-.. kpeot; London, Ontario. .. Marked cheqUe. for $25.00 is r6quired to Obtain. plans and specifications.. ' • • • Separate tenders will he called forIeating lfghtingand::. artifidal ice installation * at a. later „date. ,n.44o.WeSttor-:anY-"ter1der. net neces- .sarily ,accePtedi.--*- - . • A,•;------A."'ACOTT,:.Secietarf,..--- ..._ . • Goderich Memorial: Arena .ponnnittce„ 'Gotterich,' Ontario.• Nov'OE To CREDITORS. •• • • . •Notice . is hereby given to all, persons having any Claim against Etedorick. G•qy-,:,,iate a the Town of GLOderieli,, in the County of laborer, Who died On or about the tateentlr: day Of November, '1948, .to ' send same to the 'Undersigned: on op le - fore the 'ttwelfth • day of March, 1019, as on and after 'that date' 'the nd- ininiqt.ratc,r 02 the said,eState, sliall Tir6Cee-d.:10 inako• a7•diStrilinticin •Of. :the * assts thereof, having regiird , only .to the claiins Of -_vvhiCh -Ime notice. - • •.k ' Dated' at Goderich this ,twenty- jfilra day of Febretittry, A.D. 1940. • R. C. RATS, ICC, Goclerich, Ontario Solicitor for the'itate, FARM.VOE SALE,: :AAA SALig:•7.2,W, MILES -krany, Goode -rich ; 80 .r6t7; -gddd Clay 7-reom frame house stucooed ; bankbarn 42 ft x 48 *ft.; intplement Abed and henhouse ;,g904. wRter oupPi3r-i- klYdro Installed, heavy" Wiring. thrOttghout; electric . . water •PresSitre system; 10, acres „fall_wheat„ 32res-ready-1or-spri fig • Seeding.; baltiiide 'hay and paSture; anion orchard. TeSsession. ' 1st. C. P., cg.4..paitx;-11041ft ,.state •Broker: ' Flygenie jyfl0g,(rthher goods), ptistpaid„,in plain,' sealed 'eiivelOpe citth •sit samples 25c t°4 saniples $1.,00., Order Dept.'', 7-0k -Not:Itu1ti34111 , 00„. Box '01..:Hainfiton, Ont. .,flire evilu eentraetiri r1CtfOr "cAlstit:DA %ammo d0.. Xt tnterested, get. in toVielt • :vitti*. GEO T. MICKLE • aili SONS Phone 103' Iteneall, 'Ont. • Melte 133.• •itt t. -8-10 The ° Sign of Insur- ance Get Insured — Stay Irssur 'ft ,est ASsured. evro e Irate this' space for future $imuitinAitatto Vita