HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-02-24, Page 2GODERICH SIGNAL-STU ZUVIZ 24 $149 klubsolptitm `MON (JOUN S VORBIKOBI'' EKLX ' r3,1410hed �-axad*au&L Great. 3rt4tn, ;•,pp a. to United' 'States, $2,00; " .VEtt,,rtiaing ,14t130, on. reqUest• AuthOrtred asSeeend-ela* *an, IlleMber OfQauadaA WeekyNewsPaPetS „ Sworn Oireaution Over 2,775 • karV4Q L S 1111,SPA.1".. VIM. '24th, 1%49.- - urveierS, of „Sod' griakki ;are Pre, senting a strpi gimt. Tbey' • point out' -that, instead 02 8. Per teat . (the .er4in417.,sn1e_..S an4er.,•i1p,oiits, which, amount, to 40. 'per Cent,. 'and 0Ye4s., beY •';ani '041; AAA every parentcif hOYs and ,girls, knows What this: xneans in! pie price of these potailar drinks: A-10.,"epietiniere.are„ nat :confined' tO 'the Juniors linadreds..cif thonstinds o adtats -preferr• Soft 'drinks to* beer Pier. IntOirIcanta •"'Eind 'Should . • be encouraged. In this' p.referenqe. ' Elverything • coilsidered; we Itathize With Air. Abbott. 12 he can, pay , all the bill, Pit ;sortie - think aside for the war debt, and please the taxpayers, Wirt ,have to - put' up the money, he. will be a Wonder. 7 - • 44* • Oillee'DePartMent OttaWa• 'TelePhorkken• COADAM TENTH PR,OVINOE „ hill, to, bring liewbandhat4- hAke 4wn4da"1ia§ Passed both houses the'Canacliaa. Pavliaineut, ia ie0e4Ved 'the toai asSent,, and now goes. to ,theBritish, Parillutat:r02.04rt toneiirre." alid exrepulieted' so • will. p au '2°14411 " f that On- Xaielt- 3).st New .ou wjU heenine the tenth Prairinen Of Canada„.'0., The 'conclusion .of5it1ie ten _flays' ;debate ,at Ottawa waS marked.. by .,three divisions, There' had been practical unanimity on the -terms, oth iLn only a .few .of the uebec Members expressing, dissent: eiiI Stage;-however,-.-ou-the riaeAnnister's inOti?n, AO. Piosent n.:,address to -the .13ri11sh tbrOngh.the ging,,for-paasage 'an, 'act- giVing effect to the terms .union. agreed 1iien:1.i' y - Canada d'ileWfennt11-411d, Arrl3reW, the _ppoSition leader, 'Pr -ought in an Mendinent „that- the overninentS of the Several; Prot- -Inv 000. should he Consulte'd: and- `,!,a 'satisfactory githeitigion ot-sua con.- rcacheil b49.L9 act Ot, be pOsed,: agQtPCtCd ehate. "Iliberal and 0.0.r. 'OSIFECOF IRV MEADOWS • Role 040,cm mx..; i t11 typtetleiipg.*ty On the JaN.spite Of the bet that Iti ikeldatoft Mean Wel*, II9w te.-iv.110 it used. to., Where hogs would tie dies.sod .e.,,„feW,years, ,ago, farm it noW One 'm - ,ustr.gt'shhotri:,a,..l3lientilliatrs :sr 15°,, si'gratallde daY. • ,. • • ,iNithen theilugh dari ,Ohrisltmas and New Year's. :have ; �thS time, niolleke vrtePrliineattrtion mtereotoDrr:, deneral.,-./fealth of Animal, irikr.10-11.• iron Federatit)is Atter repeated.,;.',ats, ederalMenkher ot-rarllaaaenti We - u• Golding; has ,.p.nallY.:been. able tor' tonAnce rthe clieteninarY , braxk er-tiw ponoopg pe7p4p4uent , Noetopure •til*ttij *las r000t, iirgent, weonvoic.4, the T,B." Oft t144-0.014100,4;10,;-. ;SvaP ben la9t-week..,V.430a, two Men' arrived in, , (*Jaen ,en robra4r7 4th,."to Commeitc, WOra Ore thejeet./.0,1. • AnY farmere'auxiOuS ihnve their, herds. tested at an early *date. , tke 1,1$0" of, ':the jattuarr •temPeratures lent. a hog, for ' the wiater days 'Just ahead: 'Usually there's beea runt a , Of, ret delicaeiesi,, wile' suddenly `PieltS' up and, in a Oita.wa• • • • The president." of' * the ' -.County reder4t1on, W. it., Lobb :Of Clinton; has been ehOseit to go to Ottavira. alOng ,w4th, °delegation tram 'Sadden gaining' rnsh 'mils over the (Rese1. and adjoinling „eimaties, to POundage so emential to being a* PrOtest the. condeinnatiOn being nal4. Select, 1:14i'S „onee nouguated7 on,. . cattle foUnd.,_to: be reactors „on sweet ,and Pie lard Won% go imise. 111, Aales 1,110M/tie VtaS Of • course butcher day always the topitc tor iliscu farin means plenty/of hot i•Water. -There must be an.apundance of it, and the butcher tools must* be*.laid out hi the. iittae shed, beside the driving shed. Usually ,there's One ar_t:Wo-of• the neighbors til,ong t'ty. help, 'Or Pe).'lis,Ps-theY go , together and kb: I 'hb r giminds' that .his meat VI' he the iteSt'., • ' trtcher severe r ; g .0 s on the line,. WifY MISREPRESENT? Zhe .pigis. are run in the • empty pen. and then 'cornered 'Into the Referring te, -the • artiele in this stock rack, where one by one they're Paper twoweeks ago in which we exeonted neatly. Then into the of boiling hot water • goes the bar - stated that neither Kincardine nor rill. who '1:4°4e*_h•htt4 aaththi t!illePe tor laginveIerraqair to from the deeper,, seaway ProJeet, head . and 'NI: out of the barrel comes the aPig • • • The last, week glistening and white -and. ,at just ••••••- • • 172 •• the right stage for. scraping so as "In the estlination of The Gode- to bruig off the Andra cleanly. deb. Signal -Star, any; hopes that Then up. on_ the block and facile, may;:ba..t'entertaine(14,0f,,Kincardines,. eamtes,ihd...,ivvorh becoming a lake port- Of; "any Con- in earnest. There,s meat 4, be lent sequence Is * 'merely an -,editortal „. laid to be made_ .• . dream." • • • sauSages, -ground- from the fresh A• • • ' • ' • 4..e8e,17-wrina4-1- 4111e4a-t..StavorY• era :protested , that•-vilien- i3Other and mixed expertly with sage. 'with...the Canadian. Confederation Ttecegnise thiS as, a misrepresen 4-, mellia-, ,ti;te.oine . . of what this paper said -, "it tile ; work is done ' and we have the VI,i-e7,1167-.. .-°-after hqie'-'s.v.0.- li.O..,slieb, !tonsultations".. tioil: i.„..,,,13ieN:v,..or,Aq.io.ed;i::-.34.4t . the offered- no ()Pinion . asto the future ',..--prOCeiture-,ProPoied----.--WOnlill.-Lieht "4 a•'''' 1 ''ca • hie-1'AStilr'elptift;','-.4e± . odemadiasits....ejltty, 41114, giiiiig. ; CePt to,•poirit out that its prospects - -,-and In this we 'included doderieli encauragement ' to •the minority in . _ ___,,,,,,,L,,_,, . ,L___,,,,,„._,,,.., iiiLten: alsO-would not be improved by the "1,..F.y.Y•LP4"1 '6 '=wUntli"“4 tiPY xtdoit -wieck 7ith•o.,..whoie proposed seawaY upon && bt:wasmeay ith the Provinces or by pretation Te, ,*ignal-Star'p f`coniultationi4 article, our neighbor -might be fair , . with its own 'readers by letting the train to Powe in parcel' , Drew . was challenged to state • Instead of putting a wrong Inter - delletieies for meals. Sweetbreads, ittie vats-of-tenderf1*FRE- • fried fresh "llam . and it's , (TeraperanIce Advocato) a delight t6 know that the food _ D. B. Hamra, fiitst .chairman was raised,. 1)y ,yoni „qwn tends., the Liquor Central 33oar,d of Ontario, There Ore" always a few parcels ,walen "he was ailpointed,. Said in", to -deliver in town that night. •A eft'ect: "Increase' i11 the sale • ofl savory roast for the parson, a few liquor will be -a . proof of the spar-ribt for that kindly widow athire of, the Act." where the wife Witted that "da Y 'fee hav,e' been-alarming creases.- an .increase, .cofo, 700 -per' gd�vliure forUms.en, IfOnday evening, Fehr*, 'ary. 7th. •Forums decided that ad, vertising 02, teic,d Producito NM' th- the.,heat,'Interesto .o 'the: producer, but tanda'aiental is' Ole prodlloing of ,qu010 produet,- Aighway la'*tiliron tel.*. or ;4 ,Inan Whc.raised*a. large family ten at, one.-Inarried A i•I 34 tt.43.1.11tA'04141"thikeit's. :17.`fCe,°llow*1.4,‘1,T111411, hitatia:' if 'atrig481r,4:4"0, go14').1741t guis't145 •- )30tit Thos• PrYde' and •Telm 11..iianai out ,Provinelel Members *ot Parliara9ttrhnVe--,'-trOniisett Strong SuPport4n PreVenting the. ,manu- factuserst Of inar,garlil,g frOra 'copy- ,* the eolor and ape ane ,of butter,, , „C. B. Coultas Belgrave ' Simon Ifellahan,- -MAU., 'Bertram Klopp, Zurich, and W, V; 40Y, -01Inbon, $00..rte,11,01 cQA isonnthwod-ganZe.taillndgra,. rdef telt' ,Toranto,,.-on Saturday; F-eb; rnary i0th: Meeting'Vet under., Irak "Vanity Pair" 'at 10 11,111,.,," a ' A MUSXCAll, 091(41TreiAN (A. 11,•3oro in London pre pr.ss) The -1',rnman, of the.,OntarIO, Cab- inet Is Ion. Busse11elley Wheb we Sly TrIntliftli we mean' "tIS, a mlisiemm Kellef, u-; -Tr man, loves to play tlie piano. He will Play bythe hour. geis, one of ;the -hardest...'-'workers' of the Cabinet and he lakes his Kelaxation. in music. Ile is an early :riser and generally plays for :a' half hour in the Tippling. before, break - last and 40tat nlght before goes* to bed will play far an blur- -Mr..: Whfo-is seveat5r-'one,i)int looko°. ten years 5tiotinger-,-Is actually takl Music leSsons at the' presex,4:. time e . 11; . :a lesson every Saturday,. takes - Whichis. something for a man of iis age. - 7 . giS abtfltv to Play on the -plane has, ito poUUeai merits: •Sey,eral years ago lie was speaking ' at .(41en'col ,The ,fteeommanist for the soloist • of • the el:ening , to • efltep ;in •ft -...d played the a.,ocompanlinent. Made. ,more vote S tliaa bis speaking, . • I .7,7 • 1,) 11,4•,1 " paper or --.i sausages. -,tor---the---milVreeper's cea . A thev-past-twentrAwo-vears- 'definite eitiodatiou , et ,tire..,....terms them ow exactly what this ';viire. who's always so kind ' With in ,the. first year, of the L.C.A. the; . . . of' the Innen eat, and n (.1 _ ..,nebec said. Then Uey could form their _.a spot of tea after kOu've been -111emtherrhitrodneed--"an -amendment • - —- 4, .-- -nearly -frozen •drdvanc: -ni•-----0-mi---it- ' ' ; _own_opinion to, .the ‘•ainendxn,ent declaring for . , load, of ehop. • ,, , a ,, - MI Olt 14 NOTE ,11; ..-,..It's a busy, hectic day as well: • • - • - ' • . "I' IA e.,,- eonSeat of, the Provinces be-, _ 7 SqUealing pip that sOpietume.s es- • ,..• : . ore' '' the COL0311,1MnatiOa '. of union. cape-froiii the pen and manage to (TheqaeheeMeMberswere par Interested; as tirenlier oronto authorities .are worry.ing th.th ug ib ti Xe snow until our 1!,,Denii. 'the. disappearance of seine rubber bOots .filt up with the ow - i' ticularly, • . - - -' -- 00 people ,front the assessment de stufr usTha hike after the -Orke,r. Bollthg water,has a, habit' of cooliiig--..qtrickly apd iine- times the barrel slides • tram- the StOneboat and spills ,over the- nd- stripe. . . ' • But there's ustrally time tor chat. ting and the, coronanionship of There'W;a1w.ays time for. a pleasant smoke when things are -perhapntLattle_awa-P-, PIO:W.803 ef, their Province -was the, records, and- are puzzlegl. as to where. 'till.Sr.' premier, wholi.ail, expressed. 3.,,,,, ditseot,,, ,,,tir wilewfoithatanizr6. _they have gone. ,Itaire the -Ili -Joked . , in' 'the cocktail batif- ' , trY.)..' '.irlle amendment to the •7 amendment: was negatived on a- _.' N ' *he Barrie E?caratner, which has 'vote,' et: 3.01 ' to* 12,,. sorag ' Social - beetr one of 'the niast successful weekly newspapers ,in Canada', i,s now-being-issued-twice-a-weekro :Credit. ,•rcienibers. Voting • In -.the. .:',.•-•)aiwkrity.,30/31-three.imeinbers.7frorn Aft. 'Dreves7aniendinent ,w4rdOWn, tinder -'it.TvOte.;:bri.87-1 .416a1t-cl. the' fnal :Vote. was ,140, to 7- for ....the,•, adoptlen of the' Prime infster Motion,. asking .for • eon- , - • splendid constituency and IS well rmatio.n" of: uniOn by the. 'British . • . _ Al4ndays- andudays "-Thri, with an. Ping amongst •tile' neigh. increase in Subscription price to $3 - Butcher -day,. always-means4 one- • , of' the..,neighbors,getting a quarter for town 'delivery, and $2.50 for of pork or a hain *and a shoulder mailing. The ttaminer to tide him over until , his own butcher day. • It's always a -friendly cheerfull way in which arrange- ments are made . a, rough esti- ,Mate `of anWrixne.lt theaChe's. taking and there's never n doubt but that it will be returned' When you May parliament ' 7 . Aceerdirt.gly, so far as Canada is .eonterned, the:Way 1.s Clear the •-entrr, of, Newfoundland; into the CanadianConfederation• -..• , . BAT WILL B0.13, ABBOTT. DO? redorta Atinister Abbott's budget, to be JreseJrted l the,ITOUSe Of OommenS In. a, few :weeksjournalists are ent gaging in -the pastiine of , guessing: t that- Vadget .abnost a ;certainty, 'that there be 'sore& redudt14o. taxation, tatt just, Where ihe. ,intehet wilt -Most tittle:- . There are. Vat4ous b be,givert---b?ip !ell -round, an: ikVe an inerease .of tbe_eycemption ra income -tat, by-atolltiOly Or re- netiot- ,of .41e tto tlib$, the etittlrig. tult 2 son o2 the knee' tate, 4'1:n1i:two of' et. these, NV matter' What Mr All..YOU Mar (10, ;trifles, 'Will Ow be b�ukIIltve, done SOUlethlrig : eue; At' O±le tbthg 1 coital/v-0Fri/, liciiity-tAxiition. win pito to- be e0U- tinued; ih1 yai, *ith :the' Pr10* agte'etAent 'of' ail partietki' there • *.111 he 'greater eitirtiditute •on• utt-: defne frt• view' ,of the and:tteeVer*bed$'' ttithtag that woubl'iocifice..the • Or OfUngoId bopePtlari. *iud t1i3 'removal Of, the 'Sales. tat W0tdd 'be, a 410thlet itop. to, 'Wit direction, Aloitist tills it. 1414 "it the *Meg trot were. retnoveil *tie tfl2 vioidd be absorbed Am' •0100.1relit .11:114 the• 41i.olestilet8 lj ' ONO it wniMViOn.,,cti tOill4littleti tberk'net ,be 4 Glavernment 'tin :that it•theuaboittiq„n ero,zot tottovvith by lower to he eonSumer the ,tatr. th ' . to ,,eviect; Itt *he be Weitel cotlIt iselletie' Odtlen. pl niantiked, and- we have no doubt:, its record "of Stketest *III be, Continued. • , • . • , 111 a 7 de teat 'Guelph,.a team. froni-the Agrictiltural .College took ‘-the affirnthUve. in the 'resolution "That the interests of Western would be best 'Served immediate. war. ':vvith, A, team from 'McMaster' Univraity, kiamilten, 'took negative.:, .6.20. men won, ;'•it 4aMi1ion-the teams reversed their positions, and upholding, Abe negative, again...wen, :What dos th6 'provel Welt, At 'seems, to 'Prove • that the O.AOEnien•late,elever debater S and would make. , god, io*yerS ,-and , 11$ OCCASi011: naght • . wand. ' .7 •Merce, has been, taking. a .poil Of; -l3oards of Trumle muid 01:14,141s. ,-COtnirieree aere'sa Canada on 'the' 'tltieStloh of the adoption et:the. transterahle:Vote .fit e'leqtiOn.s to 'P'arliament and has just annotineed the result. IlePlies' were • reeeived front.: '227.Hconinriunit,i0S,.,aad '71 per eent. 'of these were An favor. ei the transferable yote.: '"'; The ,`..Giodetieh Board of. Trade reeently..tok ita Stand by litiaiaineliS :Vote ill pport 'of Ithe:propos4 the :transferable . • (et' 'iliternittive"). vote' las been ,Introdueed lii the Pttalta.,4*010e,i4VOnt.,Vittel,-0,0*.lier$• and what' betOrnes ,of it ',Will be 4, natter Of Wiao, 1rittit.,4t., ,The Sigh,til-Stat has 'for, years elifaineti: and •-• advoCitted tbe, ' transferable vote, /the t� AO, aWity witirthe eleetion •ot-iniriority representativeS In tidlzig .sOliere tbete are more thin ,tvo, candidates. otit1514 itfloobtitteit fl The goderticbl'Inide4 'held 4 coin*, ti1kaiss1on!',6a , 'wroternottonal (4/1140%tn.te.theirlatietingon ',httr ilWy night. 'ItotOteSs' bst1ge4' were presented to lvtitritstti !rattler and Shirley- teitelt: e11iX(tit t0BptLttet1 futt h Was! w*zi b Catherine.. Ivittormoillet. At one tnct4ing tituinto tie Otiti(is workino• MOW batlike* ett$0:000 tt • tit* on' littnt# .nktlfdt* byMls, N. k1flg. .4- a 33 It's, tist another example of the :spirit Of neighborlineo , which pan and does exist..in nrst rtinal*oonti' ituniities...Ifts an exanipleas well Of. the 'way in. which a farmer can be praptioally- self -existent.- on the prodatts of bits own , There's many. a, stormy day • to follow When a piece of ham or shoulder . or, lean Side meat will. coine In, handy- for the ladY, Of -the house ,and there,s no thOught sales were $30,00060* and for- the, current year the tete will be' nearly $2.1,000,000,, &Most a qtarter-billion. B. Hanna% leSt. .the 'present liquor lieente 'act Is, a socliti-failure-for'th-e --ettiZens.--but a 'financial succe,ss for the Govern. mend- and the liquors:seller* Brew.' ery stdelkS -went un froartifty-one cents le; trfvent-,:tdar ;dollars. 4 . itOther Tvo9f ' of the failure *of • the present Hanoi licente net is that arrestS ter .drunkenness ,ln. Ontario ,have- inereased :in twenty.: years from1:0110:te 301,,000 ear including 2,000 arrests of women, --And- bootleggers are. Still „doing a-. thriving business, . Neither.Is hotel room drinking altogether Un- known. _ ritasgo oommou *wool; Ill 4, recent` Opeeeb. in the genge of 'Cstanions ,at OttaWn, 3flieNicar inember QUO' ot the TOrentO eats in a. review of,the Canadian; lake -Torts. re4.3rtett to "the verY-eXcOlent hal:her fat klode." blIeAlsaalrabo:'t;'.°014ethrt:.11w11.1130109334 the* Great .iikeS. It bas about a •twent .tive-foot draft right In trOM, the lake. The harhor-eould 00, prOVed; The Ane mmi OPeratiugthe ,tWQ33414,04444e4/4` elgVatto4017. thnt.,harbor handle pped an Island right in the harbor. 1, ani. going -to -ask the Minister 02 ,FIA110, W-411*0• nogiete, iitalul,tis„.44,reclmoaveea,d.tha,ut , Nvatches the, ',movement of. boats lir the, harbor it will be observed they lind when backing, UP • from the ;elevator, • to ?avoid backing Into Putt hiland. theJittl.e island were reinOtred it would SIIIPS to.be. berthed' the harbor, and • Alma More grain-. coUld handled; .The' barber Giode4 rylienhoe'broinf goSngtraearito,,cejedit.t0 the. P-r0- 0010' ' The skipper' and .the engineer' were arguing, •The latter said :that steering a' ship was far e'aseasierthan loOlthur after the ,engines and the caPtain, said that looking' atter the "engines wasehtid's play emnpared ,With. Steering, They decided. to:set-- *,*,the arg'uraent by thaaging plates," After ; - • ter ten mth inutes e captain had, to adroit .he ;Was beaten.; 'UaePherson:/' .be -shouted, '-'1an't - Ileal be ,t,ertered !of „ re e,f fast •Put.;a Jew diops...??_t • each nostril, xt helps , dram•sinuses, brings, WelcOMe relief. INIOL 'NOSE DROPS' • Q, • RA.mosERvion) FULL.i1TOCIC ,Ot' TUBES -- AND ,RA*TS L- U ,thx,s,r0,iitee .Plioxfoi• ,./„„ItrZODERICli ONTARIO • • fr•otai- intos the Vig "4"r. the, maoma HALL, OOPARX0H, On , arc MOTEOlf CArling'S Conseivatioir Chat, !.1)Or pkize0 ,8p clJscussion piJo 1071011,YONV' l'irr;JX361VOil „ AMISSION. aitland Fish aid Gabe Conserv/alio') Clo get. the engines' to start,' I engineer ; , "y43 aeedna, hOthebother--"That's all righti" replied the 1 -wee agrean!1•7 r4,44.44,444.444, , 14 • . • - DPENDENT ORDDR-orTeRgATERs.,, o enc f rioin pgnis ' MODERN and OLD-TrIVEC DANCING sjYancing:0 p.m. to.4 " • •4',. -3 'West 13t. 23tt in4q N-7--50ct, , EVERYONE WELCOME Are you ,a selfTstarter? ' Many enaployers have told; me that .the worken who earn propaodons are ihtise who show initiatiire. 'amopg thosti who..are - "their own bosses", the self- starting type achieves great- est Success. ' • • Take Fred, for instance. , When he finishes .a c,1), he doesn't vvait for someone to • tell him what t� do next. He goes and ask's. for anotheras- stgpment: Or, if he already knovvshilroutine, he plunges rigkt on the twit )613. , Berishows his initiativeby ev raa,king a trip to towU vyalt the dci e tp inproved work - meat packed away awaiting the ing methodsshprt. cuts' and Chance to be -used. new idea S for increasing busi- -PLEK GLASS ?visite ,you 40dift Complete auto glass replacenient sirvici; '1-tobin ttuolite• and _ „ Duplate Safety Glass installed 4u1c1cly: eco. 7inicallye brive in a «.. bow- BEEVERS To sU,pp EStS,T, 1,110gE '(Or tonteel your 160, • • Garage:or ger*.rioe Ottctioll s , 7' Both are going p1*ad0Arld both set excellent' 'examPles for the man, who ,it*tits tosei*.„' ahead. ' But o('C'Ourse; there is no in which wetan, demonstraw inttiative. Alniost everything -.Nye, CIO* e'ven fl small'cletails,..,. 4Clial1dtigei our resourceful- . nesS, Look for the Challetiges in• ."-!'` xplir do your best meet them;-, and you'll fol. the footsteps of the i.Uen wheeve made their, mark. ..Thousancls familiesmujoy • •finaticial 'peace (it to," da because• life insuranse agents firit 'pointed out the „,;t,aditatitagesr • ineuratice.. , 49 • % affric ION 09.7CAS ,ted414pzioes--f," .57,ea>te FEED /31 h 1'41I,1/1e er Often $.17'iwne w,//' V/ 7,4 D/A/E d t (AM rd Feeds Toren to ar-NrokAt ofrooftimemit ixtgoon Ala,/ 1,444 °lice Iegardin lint e datiois nday to Friday on -�a 11.gulations an - undet the heading."Part 111 v Lighting') of the Regulations gespectintthe Use_of Ejecti-ioity in -Ontario Put Into Effe:tt September 14, 1948; and Amended 'October ..13, -1948 Are _Suspended Between ,the Above .iinprovemen •-• :74 Continue water - conditi�ns, coupled with „. unusually mild weather, .now enakies. the Coinmission to mee • a7rEfnTti.ara"uirgiriiTgEra ZazeitdririIrTeikr" no,m in regulations 4;:-.5 and of this, the lighting Te.strictions set out *(under the heading Patt .111 Lighting') of the ,Regulations.*ma by the Commission., cunder the, 'POwer.,Conlytission Act, are suspended each night fro pi 700 p.m. to '7:00 a m, ,Monday to Friday inclusiy,e, vand froin 7: an. Friday to. 7:00 a m Monday, ovver, duriftg tbe daytinie'rfrom 7:00 asm• -to 7.00 p.m, ond,ay to Friday, resources are. still inadequate to ilieet: power, mis'si,04.14ethim(N c, xeests:Aha itt4the-Bze arionnsdt!strict y observed. during :these .hours aiici that y,otui4ar , cooservatioti be ,continued. tb Hydro-tlectric Power ommission,kf �nttrio' and the Muni.. opal. ystems wsh ....to express their Etydro users who were 'affected by t did c9,7operation provided i.nvalua of the power, emergency; ' CTR sincere appreciation to al Regul.a4on. Your sple kI uring the criticalTerio r o