HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-02-17, Page 3; V.. Busaauss nntE0rOttsr PAR ACCOVNTAI° • 01140IL ATTAID011, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ei4One 'ie.—O./dee 043W. 1101180 848J " goclerich, ' • Aloca-liN; Accountant Clinton, •Ontario .,Phone 476,T. Albert Street INSURANCE NicKILLoi, ,pxuv..4,r., FIRE ix.: , . , giVRA.NCE..CO. Vann. and • -Isolated town property ,,insured. • ' President, Chris. ELeOnhardt, 'born, holm; .-Vice-President. Ungb . Alex- ' ander, Walton; )1(fgr,. and Seep • Treas.:, M. A. -Reid,SeafOrth„_. • Directors, Chris, ,Leonhardt: Bornholm.; Hugh Alexander, Wal- ton; .Sana. H. 'Whif:ufore, 'Seaforth, E. J. Trewartha, Olinton; Robert Archibald' ,',Seaforth,- John H.. Mc- • Ewin,. • Blyth; prank McGregor,, Clinton ;• John L. Malone, SOafO0h.; Harvey Fuller,. Goderich. . Agents -401m E. • Pepper, Brtlee- lIeld, R.R. 1; George A. Watt,,Blyth, 149KorP1er, Dublin,„ R.IL • 1; • J. F. Preuter, Brodhagen ; Se .vvyn Palter, -Pros- sels, ' • . • pay- mentsPolicy-bolders and get .their cards.receipted at the Royal Bank: Clinton • Keith • _.(3109.uattotirtieh..G.roeery„ Kingston., Street, , • MEDICAL.. • • . FORSTER, 10'1*• , • EAItNOSE,. TJIROAT• _ 404-0Etontie-Caurgeozt.:WW .York. • Ophthalmic and Aural assistant at Moorefield ie Hospital and Golden. Square Throat 'Hospital, London,' England. , EYES: • TESTED, , GLASSES, ' SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo . Street kt., Stratford. Telephone - .Bedford Hotel, Gode-. rich,-47-edriesday1),4 at 2 pm. till 4.80 pion, . • CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG'. , „LESSTHERAPIST Goilerleh„ Phone 341 *; OFFICE' HOURS, Mon. & Thurs.-9 to .11.30 •• .2 to 5 p.m, (only) Tues. &,•Fri.—a. to 11.30' a-.na. • , .4 to 5.p.m. & 716 Wed: &,Sat.-040,-II.30-iala,--.(only)-- ,Mineral'fume-:.batWi by ,Aiipointment.. 7 Palsy* • A. N. ATKINSON 61, South • St. Registered under .Drugless . PYieti- lioners Act for -the Province of Ontario: • DONALD B. SIAM actraMANcEP.'AvtirgowEr.4 ueongo, for Com.4193.0it Hutton untli Bruce PHONE -49 For 10forMatleirapialy to 1 . kernighli, 104,19,400,P)00 Clerk 00,4,71,et!, Ont. ELLIOTTEDWABD W. tuarsINsto,Apotrompit: ..cotr,e§. oxiore" Rea. pronloy an pvieredi immedukto-arrangeinents, can,:ht;Made'lor Sales Date by ghone 203; Clinton.; Charge moderate and ,Satiafae- don,- Guaranteed. •, „ ,HOOLI):ITAOKSON: ICENSED AUCTIONEER :11U1ION AND PERTH Seaforflr 004 11-061 Harry pdwurds,I.:01ederichi Phone VI+ ' • at aynor Licensed ./4„hetioneer. ;Saies anywhere For information .write or phone 7111J, GodeirIch '(c�iled) iiaciwan aiieristotoi Cau „ . Insurance. FTICE-44.00NIC ,T-EMPLE 'WESTTSTREET-.71. 3 "IE ESTATE POONE. 2 • • AR -E YOtr HEADED FOR.. AN ACCIDENT? "Seek safety with adehuate Car - Insurance coverage from ricPm' ' • ; doRbort -,yzwELL RR 6 GoDuitio° Phone Carlow 30-r-4 1.400, • WESTERN ONTARIO • MOTORWAkS Bias --.-Scheduler Now in, Effect To 'LONDON - .To STRATFORD- a8.00 a.ni. ' .00 ,a.m. b12.15 p.m. 12.15 p.M., • 4.15 P.M. 4.15 p.m. 68.25 .p.M. TO TORONTO • 7:15 A.M. (Sat. only.) -1215'0,n2; (daily "except Fri., Sun: and kolilisys: . „ • • 5.15 p.M. (Fri, Sun. and holidays -.0n1Y-) • " ' . a except Sunday. b except Wedne,sday. Sunday and holidays., • . • , On Monday And day after holiday; burs for Lon -don leaves at Tali', Bus to Stratford, at 8.15 p.m, Sun- days and holidays only..„. • Sundays -and -holidays the .12.15 bus to Stratford'.6.ftilr:d Connections at Clinton for ,.London, • Detroit,'.. • 'ill/Ingham, Walkerton,. • Kincardine; port Elgin and Owen • Sound. .., • ConhectiOna at Stratford for Wood- - stock,°,1kitthener, Guclph, MAW • poi'. and Toronto. ." ConllettiOn8At,'Yfittheillor:Listrirel. and ,London, , * • For information,phoneThig; McGee •- • ",,;&.,gons nt 765.. F. T. nastrong OPTICIAN faiiii OPTOMETRIST "See .Armstriing and See Renee At icaleknow flrst Wednesday of each. month., 7 INSIME • IN SURE „ Issummoi ee evitews • haepter 0 -Arta-'4.:-Q.:"Ve*0:1,r(rIte;e1"00tett' • Regellt, for. 3.901:at•, ,4101140-1ViOgitillt Tite tignliai meeting ,of Ahmeek Ohapte$',.. 1.9.1),)31,, Was hem on Mondiy, ifebruary 14, inlvtagXaSr iievi6thig the netivitles .of 'the 'Chapter for the ‘Year, 1948; it WaS shown that -.most' satisfactory .pro- greSs had been achieved 'under the, leadership of ' Mrs. J. 0, LeUairp, vvho was again elected regent .for 1949. ' .• The activities during -the Year in- cluded two ruinmage sales. a 'daf- fodil tea -and,; card party • in the Legion Hall in : -.;1110;-• arid.' at the '10g-veSt Of the Eoeliitel„ Board the 'Chapter . sold subscription tickets to assist in Meetlig , the cost' of the :new laundry. , A . memorial plaque was inAvoica in the loSpitai In July, Piaeed IV members of Ahnieek, Chapter. the charter, members who instituted.and organized the iirSt hospital in Gode- •rielf, in 1900, „A successful bingo was .lield: In Court House..Park:.in August. The sick and, •bereaved were 're- •Menibered by Afis O. A: Reid, flener•convenerBaSkets--of-Christ=„ Mak cheer -V* Tseil t :to " the needy. C &FM() 7* W WPITEA "Vancouver, B.C. Owing to ill -health! ram, It R. :hall was • unahle to Contiene as iSeCretary.,and,11rs, Tatersoa., ,s_vanaws,•tesottaab:t4ital.-cta„, •• was .the repre. sentatiVe on .' the Aeoreatielpi:, 'QQ:enlitr'c'sill'dy:under,t.1;e!etaverfe* ;- ship of Erskine was al- waysW1ogt4,' reported on the Chapter's itg"thwollY,41,41444it,j1-.411;;I:.t43:'rry'°4gnH,81100Scilwl.,1 "The ,eduCational secretary, MrS. hdopted ,school and Put,mueh: stor .11A prL night last took ZS: pa4ar'ileeT,A,' %:th'Wgial.‘ittitatil;.$°011:11Siat-: ':4110,911' 1.1f,j90§%3118i'$741111r474 ent four 10. Ciaagge. the ,'Umpire ..correspond- ether Litersen*:to'''' the Clintoii-'.hoS- ,In),Ifeetostitli..,1',.sePeyoerrteat '"raen4-orset;san•Stmennl: .soyere., pourios. Pvans died in • the hosplea'r shortly. boys and . -girls resulted interest-. after being ing• 11114 inforoltitwo Jotters- Ox- •94f41:11-Wittntltainilltit-WPI.asein41 ehwmidedpobset..tgrenecroviinitoridesep.' artmeti- i He was in his eght-first yea -r. - couttnua iicad Wertlivv4i4e The injured*ere D; W. Jeffs; place la• the Chapter's activities. Wirigliatn,'driver of; the northbound The convener. Mrs. G, Emerson; -re- ear Ark, • .)tirans- ,reCii.ved hls Ported at all the meetings *with one fatal: injuries.; -Mrs, D. W. Jeffs; .texception.O.t headquartersdvClothing to :II' ,WOliesshireisP"e,c1:'.e'':11'ttd°°: mdRielvi,17:kEhiarTlitseon.Mathes6°Julit. daS eaiashr, nsal:nnYcl 1 1 1 t $ and bib g to the Queen ager, ;of .,;tbe Wing -ham publit ,hoth: tondon,,,England, Ootamission.. Ur, Matheson • At ,the recilleSt of ; thW.1);alnaue has, a Conto:und fracture- of the Club, the'ChaPter,"sponsored\a, short right.- knee and 'facial iacern.tions ; .1*v.. in; March at ,thePraina Mrs. Matheson, fractured jaw and. • Festival. • , facial cuts; M. Jeffs, lacerations to, - • LeMaire was the OnaP-- both: -hands, and Mrs.- Jeffs, !tees representative • .. 'at: „.the pro- , face *bacilli -Chapter ,conlrenttOP, :at 14a}1},- atunrded'hatt":4a.14"cer°16118 t° iltOn in April and gave 44 interest- vitd highrli5r, . 'was, very slippery ; ata Accident on No. Highway TOSOpli: 1)10 of Injuries—Four OtherIL • 'Sent to.. Ho315404' ,,,•• • • , _head;on' eolusre4 on No, '4 • ing--repOrt-Aln •the-highlights-of-ithe 'meeting. At. the -rrovinciar--nrea and to - ex -service personnel at conference 'ep,tember several Christmas. . . ktimeekmeMber were 'present. and •,A,MOment of silence -was obsertred. were to bear ,Miss A. and -Snow ctupied .With; a • strong - wind made driving conditions . - eult. . The cars .Struck head4onin - the middle of. the 00aa, wrecking both in tribute to 'departed; „..members, Cleaver present the topic on "Child --• louest. ordered. ,JOnes-lkiteman-• and Nil's. andFamilyWelfare,P. During the _An iiiqncst has,berr orderecr-by Walter SaultS._ • , " year miss Cleaver gave__ inuPh Pour zetive Members reovecl. away her .time to this wOrit. 'ILCII°d1111Nt4n°ibriliie'Aidt-t,on.Qrne4bC4rlueanxiliY2a33;: fibm Goderich. Mrs. Peters "Miss M. CamPhelr8 ,restiMe of the . . al either Seafortb or Irensall. 61"14MikV,149441.940.9.4.4 IO.*,;1P.,,X),—,gty.c..p*„..at t.tPgeegiberjr.,41,1,01S;had„ eibif...ii:Lresiglent-, or, a'"Varbor,-"•MrS.--MOOrliead 'to 'Meeting' w.as. 'of ' gen, -interest 7"To of ' Winghanr Lfor - nineteeil years„, Th.cdford,, and .Mrs. F. W. Brophey' the Chapter She traced the; drOr• coning' from Oobaltsand had taken ...mu ' ....;,........;,,*.,......',„„;...., from its inception 'hi .1.0,0. wail, an active part in "-municipal affairs: thirteen members to the lastan- membership of 31,286; ',,,,Ahnieek with h He was on the Town , Council for Chapter is one of the oldest„:,ha l on. the P,11.0„" the ' past trb ypars, ten . years,"Iive7 years as reeve, and ,nual . meeting in Halifax . been foulided on Mach '7th, 19Y0 -11g- 11° wits a Iaelilber of .'St. Andrew'sne- of t'he highlights of the year -.--:,, Presbyterian. Church. HIS wife* died in 1946 andile, is survived by -Speakers' Wird in".1948-- a daughter. ' Mrs. , Agnes: Bawrn, 4 . COLE , ----OptometristL..-Optielaia-,, yetLXximined... Glasses_ , , Phone 33 ,Godericbi Ont. PLAY* SAFE: , Get car, fire, theft, ,110.ility,. etc., insurance; froin- RICHARD:KILPATRICK R.R. 7 Lucknov4-.:Phime Dun - pinion '7742. sell Canada Savings bonds • and Sterling Trust Certificates the nationnl'regolit, in" MAY., Maple JdsephNorrie, Quebec. • rts7-tbv" vi"`frt"-trs* RT-InIrd l'`Tew., TravirSe City, Mtr ich:, an -a. .sur, Leaf and. Ahnieek ChaptervjoinNorrie, - • . •,. ......„L—c.,.____ . - ..:._ ,arranged a...luncheon at-the:,14edfordi_ INTERNATION-11):LL3--V.NOW-N • 'Hotel at , Which Mrs. • .! New was .1- all with her charming. personality' SINGER TO VISIT GODERICII , . guest speaker and won the hearts of. • and keen. and active interest lit fa Oa:et,' S.wutitud a:in, gPeilibr:Itihareyoe2r087,1eV6isctaotr The ,,Work of , the.. order. Another outStanding* 'sPeaker was D1,. Chili' .StrOud, lyric tener-of international Jotte •Whitton, at & luncheon i Bethel Tabernacle.- Mr: Stroild• is invited. •- • • -: -11 Italian ma.sters and was ; a highly Canadian -born. trained -under great' 'Oetdber- to'. which ..thq. Chapter :°7as The , dentitions of the, 'Chapter Paid concert and radio' artist: After were many :and; /varied.. The to', bis conVersion . The , dedicated his lowing are Seine of the items IconS. y' ;al er:Sr dth°11e; h,i Igiei 18dV : 3 34'VN V rieli''ci:listip recitals ef:D'ra.1:Int 1 ardioritligs;:invc ifiawrs Club, for crippled children, '$25 ;• Nursing Registir,' $25 ;- Recreation- efofrQma e:nanid h-t-awdonitiln eonfothIseatiacyrnin,eoilf scholarship nt Musie Festival, $25.; 11--for-ChildrenT-4140';.-sucy---Itei-:- fence, _Ottawa. Ile has insf itishOd the -Department . of , Natione De- al Council, 30; SuPnik Of cod. liver for adopted school. ,$19.06 ; conven- -o'rt' :\olfutl,titill'bridsburgh: tigon bion-oria - fund; :-$24;. chria„7 etwallyi:arssyssvolitlili tion fund, ,Pa. and is now heard daily over - ren's Shelter. $25 ;. Chriamas parcel '4251-7-EMpire.---Work—ipAndia,- 4101 -- Echoes of broadcast, C,,,F.C.O., -$15; 'endowment' fund.;. BritishandEinpire-S75; -,. ,Sear Chatham. Loveli,rst„osi.„...f olnit)srmitic are. tyngliyo- ,_i:nlitedil,e60.2rlitcg_._ men's AMenitieS, 1;g5; Christmas ser - 'I'.13. 'esfeoailiso,wi$112.e oin. ,6e.r.ve:elote.:(1.- vfyit:::s:I:ss. 1:1,a7ntunT7e..71,- hti"the:e cs.Bethelr- Offieers Elected ' • .,, ',TAgernaele... advertisement in this for the year IMP : -Regent, t,Mrs: J. .... •. - . .., .0,1411VV,KA.;St.,:•,,.v,i•eg,IOgOP-t,,.-V§§ --4)/V-CAPP-tWEM4-le 4,,,;,.. A. Cleaver; 2nd Nice -regent, Mrs. The February nieeting olLue' ilf. G. Henderson ; treasurer; Mrs. L. Wc,C.T.II. ,was held at the honle of 1,:' Westbrook - secretary, Mrs. G. mrs. T. Dougherty, Nelson street., W, raterson.(42gsistant- secretary, ' ,The opening prayer wasoffered by Miss' M. Campbell; 'rnehoes"..secre;" Mrs;;' Jos. Allison and Mrs. '0'. Pen. tory>, Mrs. T. if: *Glazier; education-' tington,, gave .. Scripture readings "al secretary, Mrs. 13, Wihnot ; press froin, 'XI Kings 4 and Acte „?.:on the sectetarY, Al.r...0. I -I., Wald; standard, IgreaCcointaission, with a- slilendid bearer, Mr. G, Whaley ; councillors, ttilk.. on; the -value of using, thne and ,Mr -S.: W. -G.. Mactwan,„ Mrs. '11. 0, talents to .the hest advantage„ The Dimlop, Miss Il: McVicar, , Mrs:. G. t'lleine song; 'A'Spirit of the: Living Stokes, Miss ' E. Farrow; child and Ake,?*- was gung in memory of do :welhire, Alias. A. Cleaver ,;,' ex -Service, parted members, and the meeting personnel,- •distinguished - visitors, closedwith prayer. by Mrs. Peters. and hospitality; Mr. 0; Staniforth.; Ther6."yza,g a good attendance, and post-war, MM. N. :Clairmont, Mrs. Wo, 110W 'members joined. During Pr..'polinellf;endOwinent fund, 40:: .'it ,sOciili halt -hour a ;tasty', lunch • .. . A. IA ;Cole;` flower land, Mrs. 0. A: .ittlf, 'Served. " • ' - Reid; telephone, -.Mrs.- !C: 'Mac:: ' - --7• ,__, • •___' Laughlin; memberehip; Mrs. E. L. . MAN I/ ATTEND 'FUNERAL ,Deanj. Empire study, Mrs. 11..-Tich- There was a largeliftentanee 'of' *borne ;, dims, Mrs. W. 1.-• Mills; !relatives and -citizens from .•oiltside immigration ,Ura Ir R. !Bedditt '''' PoiritS As Well as fromiown and stir- ' rounding. distriot,. at the . funeral 0 a ,.!•,:"...41 ),...i.. - ' ' .14, ,ONFEHiiIERA.TION . „WLND- VAR, • „ . . FIRE...Preferred... rates 'far -preferreeFrisks. , ACCIDENT & SICIINESS CO'ISUlt • . • r „JOHN FARRISH Phone' 1r15 Dunganaon MALCOLM NIATHERS INSURANCE . Fir- Automebile,...Liabilityv4c REAL ESTATE-' Town '-and Frni Properties For satisfactory results in the ;"' sale or rental of yonc Property ' -list-it With 0.. ' _ „ BIALIDOLIVI •• MATHERS . North St. at the 'Square -Phone 145W .00derkli Copyist 'Niece , in picture , gallery t. "-Auntie, this is the ftlinpil$JAng7. Mint; ,,"Well I iiever r. That Man had .„nerve to copy the calendar that ,has 'hung up in our kitchen 'ten Years i" ' 1 rgo.NE olneeolor—An Hall iin#, arida Morison, in 'PRINCE - Ir.. 'Mimi Tues. andWO(10.:- , „ rota BOST , I , 9 (14 preseitt# The xti' roinanee that 417411, sing Ito ienr-ilablV 'heart; east tO riff.te Your funn$Jhoiic , itittlitY0 Giatigni.; 4iitste.AI1yteonic.Peeer' I.A.VYferd, :JIMMY Dlit'atite and. Lauritt IVOActiolir Ote.;Ott • and Saf4 of hor,i1t AS ft eii1cit61' rancher , ,e,o,not Lroi II 1M an ,lianghai," with Rita „flaYWO 0,4a )10111day$ At '2.30 part. Von worry. about your present or, future , security, Phone'.Carlow 2115 or Write B.R. ROBINSON' Monarch ,Life, Assurance repre • -sentative. R. R. 1, Port Albert. • INCOME TAX .-RETURNS PRIVATE. . BUSINE$V • FARM :i REPORTS " Bookkeepingrecords installed - and checked monthly •''.or at request. - ROY N. BENTLEY •••• 1110E0 909J Box 58* • 38 Regent St". • -- GODERICII, ONT. ' • .0.1••••••••..................5,040111•MANNIMM4.0611•11.0.1••••••••••••••... Refrigeration , . Phone 1098 for 24 hour service to aLI makes of ,commercial and domestic refrigeration 'equipffientRef. NNiNG r Irgioir,epation ft ezr 74. 5! . . „ Commerchil Agent for ddilerilch District. " Satisfaction ,kinaranteel • " -400 CUTS, BURNS and BRUISES Heoling.Soothing'and Amitotic, Dr, Chase's ointment brings' quick relief.. Regular Site dgre Ecotionw•Size.c time, AS rauck.32.23. A healer forever 50,years, ••• • Dr.Chase's Ointmeht „aamilemaiamilivaiwi • 'imintalalialealsameeer • S T R „ 1 odidd br gab.sutail, olitYtort Br°dIlag°11:an, ihe que,r,tote, Dan in ge 9' td 75o per, pop$04 WirritY, VOTZDNESDAY It Z,,DANOE ASO Esti Heywoocto Luc Datkoispg 940 to I, 0 Adniftoit .50o • :11AW•gatk Dougall, on Saturday , afternoon at '.the ';)3rophey fundral home, Rev. R..0, MacMillan of Knox Presby- terian °hutch conducted ' the ser, - vice. Many,„ floral tributes, sur- rounded the chaket. The pallbearers, ,were Tiininns .nniett, Mc- Donald, Vied' Morgan and AlIan .11ettles, Burial .took place in 1Vidit-!. land cetnetery. " 0#01$4 MR. AND 'WALTER ..._‘•110DGE — • • , , pleasant message hits been.,re- ceived by 'The Signal-StartrOm.Ur., and igto. Walter Hoclge 02 Toronal, 4,41-1c10$dd our renewal for- your, paper, .whielt we ' look forward to Mir ,niarlY 'fileittli• f.riarkebs us' in-' formed' as to,. whakgoes, on in . the 'place' We like -So, natcli;:”„ and Mrs. Hodge left GoderiCh three .Y;eititS age ' to the regret not only of . ;themselves' but of,* the townspeople, • and„ *heir too rate tri> ' our towa are ' occasions of piessOre ali round. — iCJ BUILDINGS 0 LOOK IIIKE NEW &olio) glitultormothoit used. olc, at Bedford 110telp 0000 ek, for *albino of out wolf. Irtee militates: .Vittito-t-- litrkTROIA t;ibt 1,4cofp, nlro, Grove, Ont It 45-R3 1tt 4 POO ST411B70.3t 13,03RZSIN' • ST, OATIf. ARIN,Ef* Feb. n.dge. J. 0,. Stuart 'Stiinbury has resigned nsjudge of L1nOo1it.441.1utY atter serving ,twelVc year in the, • COLN position. At eeVenty-dire(, •Judge „StranluirY bus rounded .Out almost. =Or'. •years Lai laUr'yer and judge. porn In 134Y.,,, , . 401d, ' _attended the University of Toronto and 4014400S1890. Debating' Was one of chief inter"-: este` there', and he,_, was a prime .01,olter In the ,estaidiShMent Of'the Intercollegiate .Debating. lEte, reinemberS foriner Prime ° MilaiSter* Mackenzie King,' who ;was one year% ahead of *mit In an intercollegiate debate. • Upon being called to the bar; Judge -Stanbury-started: a Jaw $lce Exeter. •' While, there be Served eight Years .on ;the Board: 4, Education and was president of. the •Pederat Liberal AssoCiation In'that district,. For „sixteen .'years he was secretaryztr.easufer of Exeter 'horticultural , Society. Named a. King's counsel in 1935, he .• was ap- :Pointed, Lincoln eountYjudge •the following year. '• of bis chief .iiithrefits- -here has been' prevention of , jtrireigle delinquency, and IC 'was with. this in mind that he Organized a local Big, - -Brother -"Movement ;, soon , after corning to -St;-Catharines,. He is also a Strong advocate ironer naturalitatien sfxrenionies fox new. Canadian-Rifiens and lrad devel- oped a fine eereinonY in. his- regular -naturalt2ation- *flirts. •- ' r • „ • 'LITT BUYS "SAm' WeS. Litt of Stratford 4£14, Stepped, 'into-the4imelight--In-thrhorse-rac- ing fraternity,, having, becOrae,qthe" ow,ner of the four -year -pia pacer Sam, fly, for which he paid..$10,500.. Sam By Is the SOP, .of the • great Canadian.' stallion -Bob leeand is said to be, one of -theatinest horses ever bred in Canada:'-'iate brought the..top price At the sale of stand:. ard-hreds of the late W,,J. Hyatt t-,Lenden on-Satiirday. -Mere-than • one thousand, horsemen, from both Canada arid the United States;„ at- tended the.....sale..._411d-.bidding--was, spirited. 'Sam` Hy has a record 'of 2.07 as a three-year-old and is looked On as a possible : two -minute. pacer. ..Wes. Litt was a resident of rich some.. years ago and is now in the hotel' business at .Stratferd. • a e , . Organizes for 00.manenc4* $099014 Veat vii* (foci. Itebord„ of .Work -Alreo:dy, Done , , Maitland rffiband. 0.44ne Coii- servationn' dub 'met,' 011 "ThUrsda, , night last at: the , Town 'nail for, the annual 'Meeting!, and re-elected J1lOgg Costello' ' presidgat.. ey.",11. U. ,Farr wits! elected vic preside*: and. Wilfred Larder VV,4$ again chosen as secretarY-treasnrcr. - Oommittee chairmen are. as fol.,. lowsAfemberehili, Jae.' ",Naftol; entertainatent, . Cliff,-,Loweryr ance,.• D. D. Mooney; skeetk..and traps,: Al. Ifinlielci.; MacDonald,;" fish, ' 3Ohneten; -game-,-reservei"-.--ciifflifoy;r'relOrepb. atian, Dave !Harmon Special., Ila0.3, Watson and Chas. Gibbons, ,Tlie serettkry,trca rer tePor et. • ' . ; ' on committee nctivinies 'and ref viewed the excellent work 'already accomplished by the club -in itS dr4t Year. of existence,. • Sart McLaren shOivedlnoving pie - tures of his- trip through Florida and also a, hint showing how ',bird' slbg‘ are trained to hulit,pheassints- and geese - and their' action: on the ;. , held. Ken Juck, genies Overseer' spoke na-t4q,-,,anhient---14-Tegulated'-town-r 'ships . for4Iuron- county. In vie* of the fact -that there are some eiosed Counties, in the fewer part. of the Province It Was felt, he said, that too„ much 'hunting In..! this . „ county- vvold, Soon deplete_the ex- isting This „.niatter • is , to be given further' Consideration, ' TON, Pro After the W(*.kiend....gueSt4adtd, parted. the tidying ;lip,. '.4."16.1"eee' ilLstirfrelen*cdia:1079-yaOnthrk4w18agsun's'tit to be trusted,. I've 4ust.counted thetowela " afindxioounsel oyfa thetti s ."Wasf-'!it a good ,..-Onr e hnbby ttasked., 44The, hest ,we had! 11vc,' :as the ) one with , 'Grand !*palace.,-frote,11,-1- -woven in : ' • REE scone A Peoplead"a:'s'1 °"- the:I1brtqt s4 of 7 r4e wle, 9rre th4,ho oQtliebin th ton7-4kt,etirrge::-1),_0110p.*6.17, untifeAssUran ,Vognan aCtintena:d9finV:(ilegiff9Tr.e•a051034'' g'a.-04‘g.;ar° --AAGAN_ & PREST • gT.itonucm... ins.4.q.go4 Wine ,997•142 932 ;10610.01W tIn ro Representative Ulu Assurance Of Canada* Ip ' ANN PAGE--WHITE:or DROWN N'Arg .14impipr FRUIT- ,EGETABLES, ' WW1 WI MORE/ .1.*. 4 ,;4•41.10, 0.011.viE . 64,0: 2, • Sag •FLO 1938 -ib. 4 :14 7. -lb. •SIIORTENING mAk.g CHEESE BULK -DATES ▪ * • AUSTRALIAN RAISINS 'FANCY ,ka,TA NifoE TO1VflITOES .N'EVST LOW ,c1..,AO103 0 lb*. 99,A Tin kw' Pkg*, ANN pAikk NEW LW PRJCE—CLMIK'E :ANN PAG With Park; Vegetarian or oat I� RANGES 1o. 1-344's r ca ;fie rn !?07.;. Pkg. for EARS , B.C.' Anjou, age' gido, Fancy, 100is .., B‘c.0,,44,1t.p.yi,„ti68.0b.„;. .,, , sALJAD NIX.:u•b:v'or,:e.3161i40%,.ttizt,.,1;:cidsidn..14016.174...mt; ,p. 1,:001:: .41.. , a TOI4ATOES , -7, „ . , , Hand 'Seleeted NO. 1 CikillIOTS ' • Bradfor.610' - _ ".l'.. t.'oa'dor'No''l ONIONS.' Ontario No. l, 4. Yolk* Cooking -" SIDE 1$AC011 BY the 1170 811,tt,1 • Piece , WIENERS, LEAP 1 ib 0 :20-o,t TOMATO • CATSUP bHI r4Ncv irOmA*0 - 1110E 4OHOIPE 4 TO .• 00, e A OUST M cit Imo (MEM TOMAT ME. Aiwa BLL Li lost