HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-01-27, Page 800 10 •••„:„. •::•• ;WY • wffl Want to 'the% egiEBRAPplit: 4•••• 1.1 "<*•:°: -•• , • • . . ''':•';',:k1W51••••••t• great pew pante. for a beautifnl hew calcea,tor high •;lays,cholidays;. Sunday or. any flay this twig , Puriv Flour triumphhotPx.Y.toloPltat,,tvalljgood to eat - * .'arid•lucxy? lucky it hrimetpun in cost. Clip the tecipe,tight-novV.Tetter sl glitti out "the kitchen , and starthalting..., •• • • 'PRINCE tHARLEs CAKE rtgerTlefiltligriiist " • ,AtettStmon"vatilla e.xtract •cupshroWn sugar • .2 eggs' cuns sitted PURITY.FLOOR 4 teasPOOri salt 21/4 tCasPoons baktng nOwder 'cup sweet, m cream but.t.'e't, ihorten_ing " cake Decorate. , _ , • tion which Wag. referred to tbe, cancel t ons, resulted „ n a net n„..planta, • dual ' • Melt 2 ths. greased, Bake -in Moderate oven ,S350%375°B) IninuteS. Let •aike. 'set" .1-10 Minutes before removing from pans. . . • Maple king , Boil 1/2 019 tdaPI•e• Syrup to.. soft. ball in cold .water • • stage, 13eat white °Ione egg nntil nd add hot situp sladY, rY • • , A . ( a 94041 4 %X. (mrPaile„ 'spelpp, lit,Atigh. ter* of the "hone-, atraesPhere" of •the...Institution, . reP9rt. of . 01,IntY Showect,that 24.Pristaiera were Com- urlog:t41)..AL—Thor thirteen confined ' preSetitt. and the hOSt ot--• rat).011.$ 130F priserierAg..21,14 gents, . • , yoteA of „.„ thanks were -accorogo the Staff or CIKNX, 'for wOrk on the 'GOER 104.40Ws,.' gaine And figherlea „ ,speetor 0.1.41ireo, diatrict,:ln Answer .to 0,11gSti0Oi' t ''804vS.,; KfOgk. Verry .; Stated - Agit* by -la„*. barring n,on-resident.iionters from „a, amistmA Mere. pablie libraries joined. rive schOorareas and seven in, ocliebis Joined apo. 040 '444IttoLLAI 44,fte1t etatt:011 waS. Iret. :10141110reni4 Aid $41etY' T.,ho „OhildKen'S )36elet7,,: `Owen& IMIDerigtelOelitt AlTr$:•: VOXES1fAVA OHANOE TR THIS YOUNG' MAN XISTOT on.' 25, itaron, ,c minty fo#es, may, be craftY hey geeni to haie• met their' giate,h Itese Taylor, -',,educes8101" getit Mary V, Chaffee, reported U13014 its Wawlikosli wile 114 just completed bOlq,be,Finboet,:ko•the •aethrities„ since; Its 'last „ report • 0. aocl, Visheries iir‘irireTV .110 spited that the departniet4t. InCreasings: and: the oflicers„'reoitzed„ Was interested ft Pain pheasants .that . they s Were oolf.011,Ching: ,the„. tewnships„ of Ilaye..§tatile)r.' 0113$e the - to' be. Alone. find $tepheil,,' which. Ore' out 'et- the Prohienie tsq•kInd 'were ,dru-aepngstil; _ PrOdnetiOu,„ the P..).ctUrq . "The. 'Old belts,:where •Orow ..eover4 rood, non-support,' separation of Pareats, sRoolcS tO the GIcAle. And `he "lielieveds..the weUld• marit,a1 disdord, phySical, and niOral ' Wine”- of the ConliCil,, • n-dv.ised the req.tried911,A.t.,notklesi :feet They-soW, the traoafetinatiOn R. 13; CoainS,;,1.3rusSelS, Spelisored, „dolt liceoses, The clei)OrtM..ent-stip'-. eliildrents lives When.' &en: goed. IhOtiOn,„ „w4iCh.11711.4 04r1710,1".044, .PileS AO/ASO. 'f1,4ee 0t charge .or4 „teed; ,eare'",and,'affectlini,`,.„444, tileY • the Pcalpit3t: tOad ,,0,0131hi*sig4 ')50' t').**414:1)!3„ getothe reveoue. PeOO fiel0a0vviedged a *:‘`deht .1,109.1441*wOrdS 'StronglY._requested 'cOothioe'..-ilie„ .are supplied, 1)y the t(^);704183),),0,.., .64 to tlIO,r fliie'foloter7porouts Who ore' %volts:: hego.n. ofirthe read`, '1?et'WeA)O, the-birAIS by the' dePartment. such; :*04410,01.: of . Watson., Oncl „ perch Quota.- „ „„,. '3,yOrk.'„. • ' .,*. „ „ • „ ", ...Reeves 4, mci),Q1e0A, .Lnic3„ Begatalfig resolnfrtion'11.qino- the' '.'„•s: Was ' higan. , were ..apt;ointed ,clelegateL'to, CiOderieh, io.'..„Con.nection,,Chire,"Medowan,. aSSfstant.: SuPerin.,- „the, liASOCIatien ::Of Rural Muoicipai's.: with, • the quota. „Of teridenkssin' eb,arge ,hVis,0011,0"::*0* Uecyes,George XatllieSon ' Salat : "There -haVe beett, dootoeet gojitor. egort than and , W. , Baker.' to the Ontario nninY as:DOI/4001e fishing from eve would he made, to preVent„little _ „ . aunicipol AsSociatien„ to represent the' . :Ooderieli breakwotet, 'at. 'One urban municipalities. _ • ' If 'each tweiltY=five • • - - , 'Council concurred' in a resolntioll perch Would *make total, •Aif J». Reetes 'WoOds 'and 3.z50p. Tbst „tate is, greater :than Webster that. the. IreterinaII Gen- on, mught by the conomercial lishot:” eral he r.equeSted to give a Snit:able...Men; 14' 0.10 sane ara Teill.$ :regarding the' delay ih 411411 „.*1:14bt ...to *dosp;oy. aural "rosoletedi area," 'When- he',haS his limit lie has' tiO Ten years have elapsed since 'right---to-keep;,:oa" fishing." ' nuton 'County petitioned,: the De- The .G.oderiell. resolution fsvas sent •partment for •the T.,13,,•. test o; cattle to the ° Department of 'Game herds, . • • Fisheries:, . Motion by R.eev.eS'' 3, • D.:,`Bee- Reeve G. W. •Nott, Clinton, intro - croft aid -Q. Johnston to petition the'. DepartnIekt HighWayS to Speed tlie,*'ork of ,poviogihighwaY „ '86 hetween. A.MhPrieY and Wingiaa111, was, earried. „ • . „ 4odoriation „was given a motion, by Reeves, „ S. • SnYd.er ,and Stirling. that the rea.d ,cominiSsion• :rich Lions Olub for the banquet held' snitvi've 14 the three tOW'n011ips,, delinIiiieney and Mental ,in'Afteen'-days.s. _ ' -"Wer4ing.. 100 -handed, ratt" .the locally - •onOrpoSsed Seore. hio, first year,. 'eXten•etve JrapPing. ,fees - 'alone ..aoienot to,. llo is. mode:Ash:1'. his elatio'that •thIS 'May be : record, admits -t1at its imxrip of fourteen 'foxes in...One :day Is Sottie• oatch,.: • ...„ . • , . Son 'and .alre, Taylor; eonceasion- 44st- nosh, -Ross. has „ been , natUralist Sit Alf0;f ;t4e•-',14.0.e, eight ShOwed; reo4, Shobtiag grou 03'00S:in. e• se4404:•• oneSi*ty. 'acre.fi.? .anai ten. (Ores of .sWan.ipt. tirv-ROISs. children going to provinelal train- hunting' ground., Until; two :hig seneosi Tbo only, alternative* ,w`a'S „ to .find.a.hOme. forthem •Where they. would get, training and per - 1 1 sf3nal love. •` rension ,BOard, . The Cild-age..PensiOn, and Mothers' Board-retior,ted 'that 419 allow:1110es: had been- granted in "the Year the has traPPetLonly occasional - 1Y, . hils ',father Said.„ • For • proof., of his proweSs:ROSW bas the peittts, fPr. Which 'the market ,Price this ' Year is lo*'-compared,- wIth prCylous 'Seasons; '911nrOn` .COunty bounty, three dOliars 1Aea04 '" ' al THE IDLDTAtEiotTED county' sinde the MotherS! 'once Act came into force- aid tuere, •Aciutt,,ot. had been 30,2 cancellations, leaving, . "67 receiving allOwance pp:December• - duced ..Wilfred Glazier and 31St,.„1048. .• • • INiallilt$OLL,.. Jon. 24,741111eitt.. Churchill, relVeSenting :the - NI) PenSiOnS Persong were „Stea TAutited,''one ,Ganie and Fish, ClUbi coMpOSed" of granted in 1948 leaving the =Ober: s.0,11's industries, -15 ,n,o‘y• 150 smethber§. ,tvon'ilinton ,anct the drawing blind pensimf the same. Participating In Alla/ celebration, tovviishiPs of Huliett, Viickeremith,. as the .Previous year,: " eightY Yenrs " of cOntinuons 'veal ht. meats begins c'onun,ously, wt, Stanley, Goderich• 'and 061hOrne. Durrng the Year 170- 014-40 pen- operation.omp etion f , - o o e c.a.,le4wh°11Palef-walfiller pegs to - beate.r. d , kco,ntoluttit bS ls ie en 'crease of ', • • • .--- rounded in 1870' by W11114111 g until tux . butter ov r t from d rect heat; add flour. _ _Since the ' old -age pension .Oame .Stone in e ici • o oo c " W d bo* k d. 1'4 ' c earn • tidd'va,nill*:313 ., • one light They presented the.tollowing resOlu- ,sions were granted; but deaths and of Cianadys Meet -inAkler'n • f t'rz er ef dt6;1144.' • -11e4tOn2 sh c then' spread, on e9 give • serious,. COnsicleratton tp *171ligriettitUral connuitteeh, whose .re- , PrOVing. 'the 'eeinStrUCtion% nons,COneurrenee 45,, north of Ilohnesviile„ to Skein, was,end.orsed bedause ci ,0,423-• couclitiop; -thee...great expense '•,'' Bylaws coVering, the o .'fThaf, the to11-fitrOTirtlreirgi*r the ,session Were Passed, after which' a sati. equal to the •Keyniling cost Warden _Arinstunlg • thanheir°, the prlee , of ' • eight•StraO0iire„., :fence meinhers: and ,OffiCials for their' co:- with 4 single 'barb'. (not 'Cost' of eneratien; • He caireiren-,I3eW postS. 'or -of '111h.o,r) "..-t0,--`•-:-a-Weo t hers to' of Addract uffY. OW eggs d • duallY into' -effect '2;1718 PenSioiii- had. been": today .gominfny's. - operations' r• ea" with rotary, stir unto! frothy,p1Rsue:aorye 8 tsp.. ter-until-fnarnv, ad gra. i heat. Ada •cu e E.tde at • rnn granted, There. were'1;743 „deaths, extend, throughout .,,SouthWekstern Cintar.to„Aorying agriculturists the • - mixture, Bern -t them:I-cup-0 TA' Stft, 1% Icing powder;, sal 41inet;oBillienngd'aith'acstetr°.'ulratl.- *atm :oheir.1942 lers‘detwcitin. • 1930 glitiv..„004011 ,1934 Clheit,11011;0 ant!. c19 10314• 4 El 00:11;eviilrie. eSptoiscakkuozep, 1941 Dodge Sedan • • l'.'111999334058' 1040 1037 • ; II 1 .4 D9dge Coa°1). Dodge' Seda,n 'Plyinotith-" Coupe Plymouth Coach Ilypout Sedan a 194B"ii.ord Coao,lx ' 1941- goo, coaat 3.030,04 ,Ooach 3,937,Ford 1004eh 1034 Vora 1:100.4 1930 Nhedt.11 3,939 Ifildeon ONLeh 1942 Moretti" Sedan 1940 Nonarp. Sedan 1948, Pontiac' 0-oupo • '1,047 Vontfao Saditi 3.9a9 Pelifitke floaOh • 1902 Tlyin.".outh-Sedtin 3,9374tudebaker 1935 0140. (lead*" 1949 Model D this°"tiseter 1949 14odel VApi ease, Tractor •flockshu,tt. 2 'Rim CultiatOr A . tiff' irorith-Voltivator, w'iCti.se,Cultivatar evy. CaEle 'rractor Mower NeW .041se chmi, Plantel4 New Case Corn tibicer w •Case -Tractor:Mow ,on Rubber.- 4:41)ber tired Wagon ' New Oise Tractor Spr°ader Others o hoose- rroin. be.81).— rade:LT° " BLOM: sa.lt 4", . 4„t alternately n# sOttikrrpt: ing 4 total of, 1,035/receiving pen- butcher and meat trade, -U•s7 Add •01?, 't.ngr,ed'en ; 4 addlt. StPTIS • CountY on ljecember. aS' KAP, ;•tfOiniXt..°',:-iklici, :61' • 1111011" with rti01,; i1121‘ling4 : ots., .Sttr *XtP" tsircoale3.".° tc, 'fat. sug.ar • 6" puft.ITY, • iaen _!_liitsthei!est)t.n.a.mbn.;vara . t'be gmirinacilltriiseso„u, nada tigoenatis.y7 rtn_oivrt,e4S,LL'eroolg•-a-a' • tol•Crided+ 00`11°V'Q k. pans well 'COY° • owner wit° .wili erect such a texice report weie..us 0 0 - • 04)4 -man, llfactdreri of -,Conan, two`8° liWer e . • • ., 4dd' w itu b tter xontinuo • , Itliets_eSsiott; •SPOnded:. Geo. AlathipasOn goderich.;°. •g: • -- Akeydek; E.' Farrish, .116wick; Sweltzer,',Exeter, and fames 'Stirling, Gbderidir toWnship; • • .611 5:111e7Pr ,u19.1le-Bideg •of, .1117iaddit—Rin- re4:tko ieliablefiipourite fqr.riskes, pies, coo ie4-: ° iii.-OrderTto tOlapletelr- enclose- the best resnits omple e „ feeding colleen r t s . • . . eecifit.ethl 1 joi'Plii'ity buns or bi:i4.!1?: WbocepOryait sbop yon '11 find t1).i. fine, oat : the .Woolildt,,,thils. fostering ',forest 'Ales, must - see • 'to it. that theii for. : penlitry, Aurket47s,.. •hogs and, • fro»: ear'144144,-,fincst k4rel•te0a6 --; grewr,a) 'b3T lteq0n 'out". clerk's' erre,. renlyine-rate'd 'SuffieientlY 'attle, the ebmpan, 3r, prepare's., horSe reimmumee;ftweemicsameasanalepiii, School „Health' Service., for. doing .tlie WOrk .1I1 -connection meat, for' fur farm, 'feeding •6ro., -$1' buys you the *famous PURITY -miss 'gtiatenzle,•'.autior- with the. biking.. et ,ce$ses plies •tro. „farm TU NE. to ONLY, ONE visor,,, of school ritirSing in. tlle We.have bad diffidulty in this re- animal' Stock frOm which are' iiro; •deve10Pd the Purity Pc." Kitaben• county; ' wrote -•;/'0'we ..are „pionsp4 gard the_past and it /14S-alwaYS• duced .greaSe, d;!tankage• Office--St.)ohn, Montreal,Que., a Send to your nearet 'Purity Elotir I that your 'eonimittee nd ColinciliOrS' ' troin •the `school health.,%erde6 .cooh fiooK. with its 875Lrecipes `At -the ..Wednesday, , morning sit7 ling Alfred Sparks). blind repre- sentative,Of tho -Canadian-National Tngtitiitp', for -the_1'.31inck asked the Council to increase its grant this year froin $700 to $1,000, _WoJerohibIL_ColOduti___of. Morga4M.?._-, The. Council endorsed a motion by Reeves H. Gowdy ,and H, John - stop; petitioning the °Provincial Gov-. priiment to , enact legislation to prohibit. the 'use- of filly _coloring 1 Ottawa, Ont., Toronto, Orir., Winni. have- -2.found• SatiSfacterY .'resuitS • . : it„ hay'e deeided 'fo,icro iorWard 104, ..vvith , generallz:d plan FoiL0/1"*'& i7;rovince She_rePorted.....1953:_school.LVisits.4, • ' "t 5103 --elhasroem children given in, "......gitiehonanneeneasignielenenifilin ,spection 972 gtv en 'special, physical inspection ; 1837 vision tests ; 201 of ininfanizations, and- other' *eat.. not 'be' re-apPointed under:, the new- lilas %offered • a...Vital service to :both, 'Worked. hardship' on the applicant who is in °rend .of penSion. We VirgelitlY request 'that the -member's "W-017endeavor. to -have the clerks , .seyeral . , Ivor. in-thi Connection:'”, ' - • - • "No doubt You' are aware nit% lt 'has been determined as `GOVern,-. It ,continnes AO. :be' °a° leading operator the , big# Wo61, industry, • •••• Operations:have 'dinteilded,Orough- foUr. generations • of ...ih-e—Bro-Ire- familY-,-..-413.e....,fnunder.,:. three --of,„ his - sons, two grandsons,, and one.great- grandson. '.A.dliering the touticler's'. Policy, illaittiful' :'Service.• :to the •hearing tests; and 'ft great ninnber Ment policY Mint" local hoarsA. will 'Customers, It SerVes,'„' the company - - S. -CORNER s s IV in oleomargarine .or. butter sub- ments. • • • 'We, thercfOre, twish at PrOducerS' of its ravv materials an , f ed of shingles. lhis_time_to' express our apprect-- • • ,rtion--tollie- Huron. Connty- Condi _ conSimiers of •Its Varied products.. . - • Federation kee inge-ThereT-7.60,- stitute, in order te-: protect the -• .- • Can t 'Libi•arian• Thron-&-ir-out--4he " • f Agricultu,re meetligandsholvlug. conguniers, • • " krarini- Ston.f; hm as ade:.it as .4 good. fitten, dfrinco •at the Federa.tion ,p 13.0.0ers. 0 ,„Out Ile as w -ell Flekinier, rarlan, create. 'TO a ' " of National. rum' Boale -pictures .„ follOWIng appointments 'were County Libfary which• -was ‘`organ4, ,Significant contriblition? `t6'111'6766iii.2 o' , `11 1101d • In- • • Ladles 0 • ta, -the seh, 091 en Feb'rnary ineeting na.•„ofnciais.„far-theirlint4c0,.- Mull- KY.'f: we1T held in the schoOl•on Tuesday even- , made: P. Davidson to Wingham' ize'd In 1941 had arid exped Its reaRl' . , . . lt Mr • 3, Deeves • ' ' -• as promiding An increasing number NVOduesdig',.0eriling, rebrnarY,'214d; °f• 'tills wee- - ' • • • • Hospital Board ;, Clem N. Vir..Miller otserviee-from the original -fourteen, There win he. a outing. township president;, gave a splendIlid. t to the Criminal ,Audit Boall1; nieniber libraries tO thirty-three. of jobs ' for four generations. • tillivefsity Western 'Ontario.. •Dr. ,president„. and • Bevan-,Ilay ,Of. the -Senate- Pf- 'UniverSity. Westd Ontario,' ad: dressedthe Council on *the-progreS4' of the' Ilnly,„ersitz, • • • tif.' Ball -said •-the=720itiversiCy7Wits responsible to fourteen' countieS' in Western Ontario'. There had been. the no decrease in enrol:lent ,and•the. policy ' was •.xuaintained'r dr keening anial:12.86:-that:there. may -be close *contact bdtWeeit:staff, and SiOdents.- . Ile 'oqirressed thanks to. Huron ',County for•theroxcellexit •tiype. of :the' idnetpeight,... from this couiity'..erifelle&this year, and for.,:the 'financial support • • gen- * West WavOottosli,' Petition Alar e delegatiOn fro& the town._ hips • served....py e Ttrict,...gigh.School BOard..waS,:•pren. Vent 415.-,'„AiticiI6s.,T-a.:'.7p Oititht freni ratepayers' . tjie ',north... half of WPSt Nirow_titiosli:' requesting; with.', -drawal froth' the .Winghtira area- After--,coxisiderable•AiseussionAlie Council' adopted -tile' reconimenda- tion' ci.f the eonShltative _committee to defe4 the :matter to „the -June session., , „ : • Ebner- Pickering.' And . Thoma bolleitY *de'. reapPnitited. cern- borer 'inSpeetors. • • 'Qofteurrence W118. given. to.: an Conlity reSoltition that „ the. 7Deptirtinent 'of • HighWaYS Araprove the donditiOn :of highways. in; West' ern 'Ontario ','• toone•frdin Prince •Rilward Comity „seeking. the repeal of amendments to erituina). cO0e, ••; be.--sdtved,. • e re e 0 T.°4 lor -George Reid,' Sr to Clinton Dis -110W gorvo's Arliddit:10/T • • .• • • " . • • ' • • ere, will be a, meeting .., of 'the . . , . . trict Iligh--School Board ; --Harold ilbili.ries 18-0 rural schoolioonis, anc1' .. ... held' in Toronto. Mr. Bert. Lobb, • • .., -county-president, also gave an IP- ViTalp_er to Exeter': _,Di$tri_,C,.1-41'gh• Y41401.1.S deposit' 'Stations': -.. These .%visassioniiimoonnolommilsolor -etb.-6117:411.--:°61-lin'"e°tAt " 'iaZ i' talk n -this subject, '1\ • ' • .. , - .. -. • ,.. a# 1st,' Ur• W. Vorhes'.--wiir : er s nig ° . • • .. • : School' Mare ... °:. . • -.. - '" -;-• latter ,are Mainly-in--f,artivlornixt lent dress . the inee.ing. on health Robert Welch gave a line report of *the wor,k Of the 'Hog Producer's', ' ' br • Stothers of the Department gropps w' ho use the books during insurance sademe'pronloted.13• Y the' of Health, addressed the Council tl3eir winter. seSsion, 'In all, it. is .• ' 4' ' the 1)•13"'1". • • 0 t Of C t FederatiOn of Agriculttre. Such. ti,• • Association. • • The. .National Film with reference to the County health :Board pictured . were much enJOYed; - ,,n...e...re wassoiiii6 oserrs$10,, to be orgapied this year. e sat le e erf_t=w, As--pre- gar& to health insiirance, audit was ,pared to • assist? in .the Set-up. , decided" to have " Mr..., W: 2 Forbes •Miss Edna T.,.' Moore, director of SPealc Pn. this Subject the near, pfibliC bCaith inkrSilig„ And Alissi future.: - .. Rutherford, distridt supTerylsot:, also •:•-adclressed the (Jowled. Elirier Pickering, eorit-borer in- ' steadily apPrdacIfing• its aim scheme VIII-riitohaby-berorganized placing a -shelf of becks' within Intuit section; . , _ -tench (0 -every man, Avogisitt :an • ,grS.•• WM. -Snvie• r is s • pending a, child in Huron . County."' , few days ' With' ber 'sister and „aun , The total circulation for 19•18 waS , at Milverton. _ 55,738; an increase of g0,955 over school 6reas. There. Was • an. in- • •• 'The annuarineeting of the .1;1 -lent- that 'for 1947. Of this 22,387. *as in- • the-- Sell -061S -Of 'tlie,.;township bere Of Zion -church., will be held' In the'S`Ch661.'-leilf I January: 27th. „.• *Soni.e_;.damage Vas done in. this •ghbOrhOOd :1Dr the 're-eel:it --wiLtd ,-,. term, e.trerai . 0:rulers hatl, their .••"1.mosiow • .• r4.-mNour.--eoffeer-,-sit ; -les speelal 'from South Ainerica, 'sir." ..2.41611, so that's Whe,re You'Ve: beeril" • speetor;Hspoke- .011111S -Work...1m that ca.pacity. *. • _ .theasants,lor 'Union • . On 'Thursday morning • , Crease .Pf,,S,268 the, local:lihra ries, Libraries- 'were' rgnhied '.in Zfirieh;• Goirie„ .1‘ro1eeNvertit and. BOO. '4e0.4444041440144414414444444egersof a i gs ma e yo u see in cikitchen? E144," you say;.:!it depends ,„ on -the kitchen:' gightt , The lnore Modein the: Id:talon; ; the more aluminum 4,seeri-Foi6;a1timW4iniok& 'the 0z0derti1tLL•13,9?? 'so taflY advaXit4ges:It va. • strOng, .goody•lookiii.gj ijfltot rust'. i%to wonderpiore' and, More veoplet went, fliore an ..p)dre thirs tnacip or it„ Not only- thinggfor the kitchen., fact, mdre thari,1,0 00, ;NW useful - • Canadian, firing are shaping umumni-into products as railway 'cars, as small EtS ;hair curlers.' *. All this mearis a lot -Of iiiiark tor • '74'4* idvite:nacrhere.-povkl5-,00,flip peoPle' 6n, the Alcan payroll. Then, too,, ,there .are all the • y -odd thoupandliepple who- - make the: thousand.t.and-One articles ,which see in 012,11f:ores, ‘. Yes, #1,tuniminxrneem a lot to yOu arid to Canada!" , ALpioily cOillt9t..,or-op-c.:ANADA,„' Okodotett'oosi`etoto4too. of Alutolnqit, lot .tioaiji/otiltklostry t,n4 Pklunsinuor; n4%411611111 `:•:,\••\ 461%. sj* 1,10111 ugg • 01111111 11111111111 al Needinto paint :101ION!CI **100504,0 IAON:t.,R,EAL • OUEBEC a VANCOUVER Atwois loOka • High quIddlti*Ii „ .r. , .,4041.40..„„ Ci.144,„;,40,00M,,,X.91114‘.14 butiget , fin; -4` larger Stun- in :Oder. , to previa°, for the increased num.- her of cases -going to Jury trial, . • • ., • . Stowe arallloht • ''.1 Zi,H et omillotto tolt;orrow, ot* weitax, to- *a ,ehonlotutt duato, god.* tOolselight,, tarts,,,pstOt, 300`0:1•+y, l*tor'00'01110ior hot idt *sails, 'V II CU IIM 401ittitet, attl/.41;toentit, 0044 *tiro, v,e,,petran bUn� *Ando* fain* With ily,• ikirOsnaPa doomo voitio, tioni bulitriglxt• .„"r• -INOUR RA.DI(5.SERVIcE DEPT; 'APUI.X:STOOlt. OF TUBES• - AND PARTS cAftRiEp , • • orlt #0,rantee . Lei '..11`j'a0DERICti ONTARIO est.„St- 10 6REWE„. Jan. 24.-SeveraifroM this -locality attended tile Play at , • D:(1,ft,IP0•011.04'FridSi night, , .8•• OgrPSSIV4e , party Was, 1c14P 'Oteive Seh0.01 .011. Arriday Mr. CheSter Flnultan .viSlted' nighti Wall` fair ,Illtendanee. on Henry 'utAmberley. ° ' Uttle Ralph-Ontran liCrecoverin from Siege: of 'Croup, • 4.11111111,111111*106111111.1."2".11111.410._ • ELER tFuNEAL1ZiVWW- o e$cra .„ charge I'dr: the :a° 'of Torog• , riimtit; •!Service .• Res; 365' or Phone 335 • FORM f fp,Ilarvr "What ' "W04, flight the "44%!'inn. t� wertt out 413•11,e'`,1,:le-/Witl! jamql: 11' ithe parlor 71.01'1.4.1°L spent 'the rest. of tke, pen kering with the° ;40.000"1"0"."81.774.4.7.' CUTS, BURNS, and BRUISES lalilini,'Seiatlirfli-alitlAndIePtiC,IN, 'Chases.- 'Ointibent, br1,41, quick relief:, -Regular Sire, • 69e;,•Eton040,SAze 6.time4fig, =PO 4,2423. • A• healer for °Tier .5'0 )fearsi, .••••; Dr.Chase's Ointment • • , " • , • r '• ' • a SgOIT".°41*riOCPE:; friends--4he' sever ivent:out any mOre-6alita4yaloO ' tireL "Narita", she tliOnght=hut it Ives: her kidneys -the' 7•ters_9f her biooti4 'aftintiorg..', She; Used • Dodd's-. atone. The improvkci 'action of „her kidneys 'helped to' clear. aivoy blood . „ impurities and- ,excess Fatigue,. - ladiache,:' headache, lack of ener-gy . essential oils anet„ medicinal ingrdienhe , that act* direCtly upon the' kidneys -Land help restore the'ir nornial 144 0 t Pills • 00'ntltiOU. 1111:10,0I4T.t, gllOR: N,PNYBST DESIGN, , .BEST or mA.TiatiAts, outttepteed worlimroiehlo, at Plitt% `that, *111146iiito SAVE!' Alrit A•allINTS Oeit at oat- ofilept or drop Int "a. to 11001c 16I *(iloiletich. We will bo KO:Mod tafland .111,10 „ chtIetle,, „it stlittible rooporial foi. tour family, :plot; U. A," stiterro St. Aiikult:oveo .; St. • 5 RSES.,10040.-$50O iTTVFi�ach OGS per cwt.. . 50 p size and i-o4d!cion_ ea Ott Collect, ab 0.1 & COOiiCANMLTD. •'P.• 44 P.1tVD18i' 14 ON flunainioan,t '410 PrVie) Seafittat 00,x 150, Or pit011.6.413#• „ liketer smd,' we hell be to eltaction-IMPoft*AN 'in-the6kirieVOLD Dr. Wool's ')Torway Pine Syrup is a prointot: Pleasant and 'effectual. remedy for %coughst colds, hoaraeue* sOre throat,', brolitlutIG-Spagmodie-crouffi--"thms— and'bro4chial troubles. effective, ineXpensive and depexiii, •• able, Dr. Woo'd'sNorwa,y Pine Syrup belp.g' 1oosen' phlegmvand naucp!, .clears the an- passpges and '1)rings -quick 'relief from coughs and edlds.' Duy a bottle to -clay. „a, a ri Wood Norvray- Pine/ birittip • • • • • • • =•.• 41. mtMora nit oRt'Es 0 • , MEASURED. .•• 5 E NO7 BY �tii •L';' GO/LV ft.. rel RULE • GOLL)tN ..;%11111T OP.114E• ecnotIi Rots ot•abip Partk „er roice Coridticle This Firm '14P pLoyt) ivi.L:opes IR .3 'MONTREAL Si". PHON TOR. 'i.a 0. 1..r •• • 1, "•