HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-01-27, Page 5r f 7,r T. 4F • 9'1/9,1)64 for nurseand. be4414., ex now be pwielmeti, at fromhere took part 410 '-an)Atear° ia01t, tt.lYth SPopao.r.e4. tlions,„Olub. ° Ules. Zeta *Miro is. visiting her sister, gre. Aobt.' '414,10, Litt Toronto, . , .!`• - e sentetl pictures in- the 'Foresters?. 1011 on, FrhieY sponsored by 04), giii0140's .DiPtitut6: The Orangetnen 'held, a Petal evening the "Orange. Hall ,on Friday evening, .4. 'good." number were in attendance. ftriet but • not thnt heNve, )t ,the Mfer . , hem - than Ucrlowe' 11, wit4 Xf4140, Peer AO, companist solo, A•uhreY Tell, not t003Pailied by Mrs', Munro at the piano sand Stewart TOR On ti,10.040* Phone; rending. Vet ROY riel),4;44* WO 1 C114)71; 401111404;, $141001,024 )104 WIte. TteherPrf.;„ tlea)her by Athol iuce otehestrfq 4010, gr. side, con. 'eluded 00r Progrm with a OhOrti, "Auld Lmpg Syne." '• • " After a liftemminute reef:0 „the 001hcane-Thillett oeunnittee Pre+' Sented tlieir Pregtenkt NittqW 091*- menced with a mixed eiterne, with. 1i'111,01.1110-Pregihlihg. At, the Mr.t4Qt.414'Itiittetlie;'9;Pi-finning '" ,D1'400; Other, 7jOhfbera. were Tug. .visiting.his,sister,•;-gre.'40re0ALL' Pipe selectien, by T.X. Itingswel.1, oi Taylor,,, and. Other.' elatiYeEl, goio '13111 Creig' NOS., George • Hamilton. Who. ,NVa visiting her eleter0, Se, ator.tilt 448 toifr. and returned home. • °.; • ' * Thexias; oa° l'attOrtrY- 11)40. Urs, ,Stantey Abet' '(nee. Jean £• Campbell), a• daughter. - • .., --.Garage The:.°01n4.-. atom on Tuesday ot::iat:' week dld some damage in this dis-. clareneer„,- liyarato'shi,we# to ;get :04,-.90,--InIt Of. tia garage 'there, was , to.korftge -the wind had ltfted it -.4ieitr of ,the ear -ithd:.,tipPed it back '-egainsit; a` tree With One Side leaning -against a .henhouse about lwentY4ive 'feet aWaY,' Strange to 'say, -; the ear was, net:even, •seratChed,„:, • , •-•---. , hoim,,,- sr.,- and Mr. ., and . Mo. .'w former s, ,motut Mrs. ,Jas.....Chis . . • , • • EB1J4144.• - ' , , ';' - , . Ltit13.1716T,' •-.inft,.-,,,, r, lin neyers-ltnd-lami , ,,, , ,,, .,. , 0 ,_ ges:-.7.--Tungtrr'enisnoimA or.- .Sttiiiiii. ,,,,,..,..11-rv,,,Glio.,:,,,,,474410.00..er.;,9ti..P.,...2.* vlsited-6ver the weekeud,:,.Witlk the .'field 'called . 04 , his aunt, Mrs. A. y . , - 'Falconer,- last , Friday. 7-1-------,-- A:„,gOod_turnout •wa's,.jiresent 'fro , , this .datrid-'Filt -tinitit'S;71111r U Mondat,inight to see the rilin.Boar • 'eturee,,,Ihear... the spliendi , reports.•given'-by.the four delegate .z.,Att.ext4e ,,,(1-446--‘sliortrears*-:4 o a Jed bYt Mrs. ;, Scotch 444Ce. by 0,0 McCabe sisters, ac- eompanied byL-14x.,,;; H. XtugsN01), ; , duet, •Misses Einuaft and,. , Shirley' 44ertiiql)4,1400.010gtte, 'Mrs. ,Donald Fowler Kingswell Scotch': dance by McCabe :slaters;.'orehOeta -numbere.hytyTa*-1,4414,,,01,en: Patter- .son .,t,Pai,i0:-.3-t*Wkiipirartti,!Mc liecii/11)01),ed ',4by: WS,*S. -getnincheY4,.itidiest.,trio,4MrS. $. 11. Srenten,':'1Ars.,!4ShallkneV, and. Doreen Armstrong, accompanied by WS; ,Toin Allan; Solo, 'with guitar- -uecoirtpaninient,, "` Clare '..Stewitrt;, piano dtiet, Misses: MargareJack- son 4114 Evelyn RoltithY;,linartette;,, ,Ames Andrew, )3111 Creig.,•Ar, Zack Ladd. and Glen, :Patterson, -:' accom- panied by -Arrs, -‘,Craig; . solo- Avith- guitar, E.tecemPaalaient;.. gra. Tom Allnn SQ10; Harry' Lear;."400 'With guitar . aCCOmPaflhtfleUt, C to.,r 0 ..Stewart. 'This,' sideconcluded their. 'Programmith, the 'mixed. -ehortts singing " Is -- the, 1 -lour." -The •JUdges were Mrs. Z4Ward; :GOdeyfai dad had 'Mr. • -George Jefferson, Clinton. in giving their 'decision, Mr jeffersoucongratulated the( oonniannity on oreSeriting,• aneh a, Splendid program., 'and., announced the, decisiOU .•in fa-'5,er borne-HUUett side.•• • , There -was a large audience, .n notnher of people being' unable to get intheunit. After the.• congert ,an old-tinie: dance, was , held. ----,`The -riroceeds,_Were:in di of the 'newn' i(4:sts.'xiitotvcoiatos AZ. e Foresters" riallkwak packed on Wed- nesday , night . for the, Scotch -concert sponsored by the finance committee of the-,OontraUniti Memorial' Hall Eutgh The concert was, a' contest, East and West .`grawanosh: versus I-Iullett' and -• Colborue' The foomMittee in ,charge Were: •Por, East and Weft • Wnwatipsh; Gordon Mcclinchey,,Keith 4..rthur and Harry Sturdy;-, for ;;Colborne atici zHnliett, Bert Oraig,:Win:„ Craig and, Gordon 1Doble- Aach., side put % on one half-hour Scottish prograsa; and a.'half-hour ,:,inispellaneens; Harry .944,i1:414e of the finance, cbuunittee, .S1)1:404-74 'tow words and 'Introdneed thechairman for: gast;an,d1SreS,t,'W-Awn13:0,4,Pr., O..Weir whopresided for t1e folleWing.:.prograra;.'Bagpipe selec, Lochalsh -; Scotch„ , dance by . Mrs., towartkett,4,*.spio —ra ‘rifirf,A: • botoit the ..1),Lisa:Z74 Lever'4 ;tutu Awl -MP° We '4**"e fisir-OrnitlIWSPOVISS ize in fish 0140/' " 01i4,3,r4a)* 4100. lig,1101017 4,,i,x)10111We 01,1!tes •1$040 I. GuelpheLtrly• : johnStOti., aceomnan e toor....wor.0 .,),osse§, yarY, 'tinee,1.'11.11mbex;':'1)1' .00 Athol Bruce Evelyn and orchestra;*EMinerson. ' Rodger,-,,ac001-04.111ed by 3,,tra: R. P. ..iouro; dance by -We* Rutlr.*:SS ,and - ; Andrers,...accompanked- by. ,1110,- , Albert ;Campbell; ;010-, 'S,tanleY. 'Sibthorpe,,' ''neeoinpanled, 7by .Mise Norititt-lbaet-H,datice- hy.,-Miss•••JoY. •Lutz, accoMpanied, bY.,.,,P..2.4k, ter' •!irtegilk,•1:".!'. ,Lonnan; orchestra. .• num y Waterloo Hospital. •"" '$telvart Harvey' and: Murray bsix1130.0e,. 04 3013.0, Clark , , •r , . . , ,,.. , :Niro., ,~N, 'uOleloitgly'""and Air ' Larder ibt. town- . ,- ''-,- ' ---ts , . . , aPeut..itonda . 11)3, Mr. and Mrs. .3-01ii. .11 , I- .v4* - . foia; ...--.• - , , ,......,-.;,,, -.• : 0... • I.IPW; Sprat-. leniini;;;.:ponkift ' - ' Schantz - has hebilsuccessful8931''!6liall ' in . • .,. obtaining, The ' organ :es a 'Anne ,Laurie : i..e as ROSEMARY.A.A Ugf: and COMDR. IX sE1001Etre were nr x.e4rocon..yn the private 3eofrrxw.30AS , welton, Scotland. The isagreat.gieeItece,! the sang , ,.e4: .14EZTING:. NILE'0,041,40. The .4'eongregatibnal inveting 0 Nile Anrch:Was,beld "in,,the chilreh 04, Friday, January B. HaSrward occoloa the, chair and, oPened, the meeting with, 4 hylnn and prayer, lir. Cliff, McNeil , Was ',E42.-E044Tait4.4rnt,,Mrs;,,,, ' Wm. ''Brown returned' •'home .la'st. ,,Sittink Tri74.cnr4-rfit IC0. took. hitirtronr4)OVer,-;.-Eitilitid-46X00- , . . , •, -'Week after visiting for "three :`-0/e4. , .o.fognilmowicliogga.,At,:ict5gigl,,,gis.0,:, ty4a....,tr,a' WiNgmetiSLONenn,,CRETRCIOUXvoute to his h:.Potfifetti.: ' We; waS:accO..MPLIPEI. in' 'France,. tg.:tr , bis row 44,4; their ditgghter"' With' relatives 111' Detroit. - ' ' •.. '.0ougratniatienk, are, extended to : : 0 . ,. , Mr, , and • grS.,-.T-PonalC.--MeXenzie . on the, birth -of, ,21,'• Pithy ,dattglit6i, Om the ' OnderiCh .i.leioltal ••bil.•. Sat - rd -1 t"-4---ElortgratulatiOngLaisci ' ge-'-oUtl-te-,,Mr.,,„.4nd ..,,_'airi.-:- Grordou?D'tiNoxiNiN" da,`,125„4te *art -1h, who , also were • presented. ' . 4 .. ' . • ---, - . ,--_--' visitors wjtkMrs, --------:VShackle-, With- a baby . daughter On Friday, jannary, , 1th.- • ' * • " '' ''' •', ... , ., ton were, her consini, ''Ar.' Rich. - Mr. " Mr, and Mrs,' john MacPherson. Westbrook, ,.of iHope, B.C.,', his'.'bro,,' and • fatnily,-, of*. TeesWateri visited .ther, Isix,. Wellington 'Westbrook, of leavde7rt.s. uf,:td4aeyr., put r.th.Tooli-hii'optaeualofd:* .Komoka; .0a. ,, and their couil,n;: Au, f., l.,eonard. ;•WestbrooR, of onae! ...-34..-imcv,-,-;.‘irs-,---ItOkL-Ve,trie:::,1.eft:rich, ' : ' .-- : '• . .. ' - ' '' -','•.:-. ± ' on Sunday laSt • forir:Antitar,,,:trip• - '.---23..r.,---;:an&mrs-::---4Bunev'..5.14a11, :Ties, tiiroiigit " - the.,,-uniteit," ,$teites.;• to. !Water, .f,.`y#cret . Shoddy ,. visitors : Witb T.Xiilann-atidA,•Califiirniftr',--r-,;•••,.:,:„•'.,._ the_:,..',i,4tter's:,sister,,„Mrs..:j Bebt.', 'Arita.' A. three -act 04;"; c's.mine;.,,tinie...i.;ig!l'.s,::;18'4114-,vv0:44ta4y.lr thfsi.0...,w%eit.;1*Ilitth' goes -tii. ,Bea," :win, , be presented. ' .by.-Berinainer,- youngpeople.,in the. -airs.C..,Rich.. Gardner of .the Village., :United church ,Oni. Wednesday;', Feb-: , .1tOpoFts'ate, that.Mr...Harvey Cul - :runty'. 2nd, . at '9''.- p.m. • sharp., Ad. berti ' who is , being 'treated for nission;,..:,-40c. and 20e..,, .-._,_. ...-4.- up:doitifit fever at Westininater HOS- ',The*IrMalt daughter. Of' Mr. and 'Phut. London, 14 doling very well. Mrs. Melvin Elickaan;:Willa Dianne.t I'Vhile; .. undergoing ,the treatment, returned hole, on MondilY last train ' :he is. not constantly , cOnaned to , .; !w11.0.74,G,k;xedeartlicphat:_i,lisirrP, 1_0..tal.11y:W*11,erreeoeeihye, bbeillsIik'iaton,?: /,4d,,t)411eirto,on-a btelaikebozt i4thee : -Ing-Lpenicillin.2fdr a . liad.44-fia-eX'o-f‘';'rleited-ty,triendffrom.areund.tere.., influenza, ., '. ,., ' " - , ,,, who. 71A06-17cCapion'-'to--1)e,:4if:t)aat- . Congregational Meeting,. .:.•.,..,, The: locality. :;;,; • annual.. congregational ;fleeting ,of .. 84,C,Msful Flay. -t. Paul's 'An,. An- the- United Church. was held • in ,glictak..Guild sponsored' a play and the7elitircliquirediraday-aftertiooti-,:clu*, -:111t4p.,...,pnrisn.-1)0: on Friday of this - week, -With -'it,, -':fairly ' go'od,..night that proved very inee'elsfni; . Atteadat.46.,449,votor,t.,,Rev, ,jas.. 't•-.11,e),e4s 'PlaYera ,put -on Ha three:: Bright, .:.was .in charge of tliii tabot.,,acir.--.1-play,,,engtiedph-c).e..,..04,.Hitt; int Reporta . of the ' different , or?: the High," which,- Very ,ninch ..enter: ganitations . - connected • with the, tallied . and- interested 'the audience,' church .were given, ..shotving a,-Niery ..Ntahbers.,,hetWeen, nets, -were, given latiSfaCtort ,.Yei:M77,Theffelectien-.'at,,11)Y.,44lp.s.,1Sean, -40esea,:„.1u4Iighland• 'officers- 'folloWed and Alf.: were, re., clarieing,.. and Mrs.'. Albeit" Itrireftl elected to their fernier ' offices, With .olano, nuisic, Mr. and •Mrs. .1$11041,e0- of the char* ,.*74,8 Mg.. Geo. Stuart vieia, atteprploleadoemialgis,ri.eanofdljus: Toussed-,.ty.thoSe_p_retient.: and the, Ineetitigeansbto-4 close with Praiii.,, 4r.7and---111-f0;:' -Allan-i-Sch.rain, the.. by. the .0sta. ', ,. l',,,: .. . ,. ,; . L . -aarnei ,Ladies -:7 -.Of ., the •Guild . sold: .- Deatit if Willian* ,LBeiikietto ' -," 411101:*nd'repOrt theirpratitS 0 .the - .-ng ' aniennted ea abbut $50. Nell G. MacT.(enZle, opened 0 ,'Orayftr, ,The414 tt:::41rtet was : t 41John7° y704c110gave the meditation on -the;,;,.paSklage.,1 :3,44 "Gift5 �f the Year." Tbe "Glad Miss Sadie Jobnston. A paper, cat:611.7tilineteterbdeOilat°1tFbt'laeill:locir;ee:4'7:11°4;i4'B'th:i. trrti Wee tof d4 149 4S' Qa9PV;.1 paperwAa149 "11,4 biw ard- the ehil„reh, "treasure -r, by IDetight4; 'fitipp • Master John Mart* gave McNeil; the Women's Miasiona,r7 a!ipcit4004. and Mary LQU Co SooletY. by Mrs. '/194441/ 'SOW "Jesus Loves Me," TbO the "Vroateu'S blimwess and 'fart0110; Xetterta` were • ,Aisetose4H' ,anti If of pson gave.. 1ork Y1;1;;V:01:;::Trustee brge :9k.,°40r$, I. 1°70 •-*"• IOn ; Henry Matthews,: Thomas ...Merhee,'-• .04it=on .);faelcay =read, the ',8tOry'.,, wrinfer;-,"xtntiedge,,,•':-;.cligorA, geNoik ,410,*141.;.**10.00„$;°...,..eitot-404,Jn.;:cfn Robert•- Bogie; „elders,'' elOsing..hYran.!and: prOOP ghee; "'Isaac Ontre.Y.; , :140ten Robert -,;6iutio.:Nere ''$anires;- sterarda,,,gors.rd,..$quiresi- .si•roo. .organist, Mrs. Frank Hawkins. - A favorable report was given o , he, SundaY.„sehota '1,!Y.the,:sectetarY,- Board of. nianagemenr4or ondaY scho�l- -is Mrs. Telford Nixon,...Robert °Bogie,-..rranii.::,,Haw,-,„ ns Mrs. fl. McDiarmid; auditors, Xis; Carman' reagan aria - Matthews. • Offteers were elected. as Superintendent; • Mr. T. McPhee; assiStaut superintendent, .Frank Hawkins; seeretary,, Harvey 4SelAtaiit ,;secretary, Cliff tpmperante secretary, Miss • . E. 111211111ant 'cradle roll secretary; t3 Beteaper4oliewiTuvg...W. R.thiedge,tlibraii' finE4..yrktitAe: Hawkins,. 1.74ois Matthews, Vettehers the Scripture Matthew $.:1-4, and --Beginners, ,girls;Mrs. Christilaw Mrs. Arthur ,Elliott offered prayer. Mrs. Jack -Rivett sang a solo, "Ileautifid df Sbinewhere.". Rev. J., Bright read tWo, short obeins.. .Lunc.% was served-by:the-committee, grs. Hodge; Mrs.' DaWson and Mrs-,„ • TjWNSEIY assistant, Mrs. McNee; beginners, boys,.' Mks. ' Kerr; assistant, Mrs. Taylor; intermediate; junior,. Mrs, Carman *,Feagan; lira:. deo. 'Rutledge; Senior ,girls, Miss Milian,. Mrs., .0. •Duatow ; . Bible Miss M. (1jrre3Ljtnd.)irS. D. 'Joy and Mrs.. Orland- Were ; "in% Sian- 'WedretarY, Mrs, G. Rutledge.— Tbe _meeting. was . closed wfth J prayer, - .Fuller; daughter of Air. • and Mrs: Austin has re- A§HFIELD - Itirned borne from, the •Goderieh ,liosPital; after being.. treated for a very painful cutln her leg -, Miss,Marion Caldwell visited laSt 35 N, ,ER ,. 1165 . TJETrf*RttE,4)1. S' ' ' ENV]LOPES.. ..,,„., , ,,. .r 3 I, IP! '00* * eiTA,mivia IA, p...a..6§,, . BILL 400: voglif . 4 I Vt40 re 1.441- „Sir William Slirri Gen. Sir wunam ente;• of • the Imperial Genera/ Staff, 're.-‚ cently, . was prernoted Field ,He tliu'S'cqranieted,.: at t e ,age r tria--"ititse-from private -to-, highest ;:rank,,,in',-,_thse,o3,4001.-.. A.SHFIEL));. San. "t?..Q,..5--Mr. and firs. Sohn, Adams ' and, children, have ,returned . to *Zurich, after spending the last six. months - ,with Norman: 0 Cantor. week -end- at the home:2„f MY. -nn -d; " „Powell. 7111i a -few weeks with her -daughter' Union- .Church 'meet this Son- Ethel' 10 TOT4,014b— day nt. the 'home of Mr: and Mrs'. Mrs. Webster of.Seaferth' is yislt., * UnioU • " • Mcllwain.ins: with her datighter, Mrs: Dave Evseoireiatti .C1114:4"net- at the home Of Mr. imit .lin't$--Aulft, MacGregor of-Dnintir Mrs. win. stifling, :•Thero ,11,708 Vialted'her,:tiater, Mrs. Dave McGill; good attendanee., The leader, Mrs., .the:Wingliani 'hoSpital-and also -Wid.11/6rter, ••••,- meeting. As dramatics were no . .and Mrs. Seines Boni have longer Part of the elub's_aetivitieg,: ,returned .to their home neat -84.45.A - I'; was voted I to -.Won .after wittt,:-Mi-,-.and pittnla tie` the: social . The gue'st, Speaker , •frietalgt. , -- was nioWalter. Forbes, director for • ...Nits. Isabel .31artin, an children; Goderich• tiittruship- of the Huron of ItipleY. '44),ent the week with her: ..0O3,apertitixeLMedical Services. It, parents, ,IVXr.%And Mrs. D. ; Mat- to tobtnht eb.'e neelclelbasa'ern; r4!/%411stf''- -13ite.r441. AVALS.-' 7(flitica:IT'derer6. iod:fd'Anembers Jain. Mr. Mrs. A. MaeLean gave her home for the. January ,nleeti g. of .7the Ashfield Vir.M.S, The president, 'Mrs, , the , death ' On lanUary Oth in ' a W.A.,' ,tileeting.-Mrs. .0eto. POPP IV 'Nate'. Witg appointed. secretary, Word - has been ..receiVed .here .of , hoSpital, at Chicago of Mr, •WIllistia entertained ' the women's Associ; The next meeting Is to be a "Valen. Bennett, Son of the gate, "Mr. Sohn.' ation , Of * the United , ()Jinx& last, tine box social at the home orMr..; Bennett. in his seventy-thira . year.. Friday .afternoon for the January and Ora. Gerald Orr on ,FebrOarY Will .Bennett Was.bora,in Pert Al.,, meeting. Mrs. Geo.. Hodges, presit 14. After ,a. social hour, •the ineeU dent 'was the,leader,. with seventeen Ing closed with. the , singing Of the --National---.Anthenr..........._ ,:vy( 63 rdhAlti;i4 oh, conducted0Ci n. il ,.inuvehled8dt.e,ttur:twbeyhtuitollT.t;i,4h0--4.6iiiho7'imihreee.fasa:10..fintotiutr :,raycoa:lantry:alless.:w.eoropi7*Steehateei.:_ii.:toonerigrdre:tfrngaAtig6,:rie:ilatt:sitvr.tli--i,:r ,6:1.4:::::ov,:tioaw. I: telioraen:litt..ittl:hio.eaerx.:,ingrtalk long . 03: 61, ,r0;t. order, HO, leaves to mourn .,' Itis' tatidi.hrought $96. It was ,de6:017x,x441,0.eatev.....4ie.,nm , „ -,alititutwano.,,,REgiolitigq.., congregational ' 'Meeting ,;fi.t the , 4.;TeSi you mighP• •aluulati pail' it John, of Port ' Affilif;"tul two sisters, Mrs. .• nine, Pentland of 'Port . pasoltrg .tis Wife, three brOthersi to have 4 .1)0,t:1:ii c,k, :i..77,,Per at the abont'lier affluents," . , • ,. HUren and ' • IRS, • Wiff,: Crawford et Port' Alhett ... . , , ! ' , .:7 '',. . , . -Women, Church Workers, ,o.i.,, The, ., - , , .- - - - ... . ,II - r i ISliti oie e Viiitoi. ..•....,.....„,...„.,..„,...„..„, vve.yr,s.,:itntl.: the , W.A.' of the, United ..., ..5,6 Qhiirch . Met: at, the bOine', of Mrs. 'Tioiva$` "goad.' on TharsdaY', after., tiOall, "Witli." a good, attendance.In the absence ,,of the president lira, H. 'Lednor, Second._ vice-president, presided.;-oYer the .W.M,S...-ineetlhg;:: Well -4)&110d vvith!a•hYiniti;foilowed• , .w.,•,' OraWfordt '..'rettil ,' the $Oripttire. , .1)1'. ',11i•ii•Yer by -'''SitSe, ..1*.ietlnitMra .." t lesson, 4 telbOoratee ‘reading was given by :Mrs, ., „Earl Bogle, and 4 'Mrs. ,teditor read a Chapter in the 14tudY beolt,, Several Items ",of.21)UOV nesS were diSettaged, ., It WAS 40-: ,eidett to , continue the, use, of ther btrthdeso, box, and ,S;iiishirte toga'. . Mrs. .- Omit, Orawford. -lin& •Xtra -4:'' . Ulmer ,Grahanv had 'been , presented with Ilfe-Meinbership,, certificates by olo.progicieht, gt§., a`ttif, Vfettenzie, ..; gre; Miller. Ora:4M VMS .10,, the chair- for the %A. Ineettrig And c.)ntilieted It sitortIlevotionai period, During -the business. aessloiwit was *pitied, to invite tb,o; xtetonitier young Peonle-"t4--preSetilielr--ph! "Aunt Tillie .tlees to' Stak," ,in the . 0104, ,Arrefigementa Were talso; made .for the nialtilig of 'lave quilts. ROY.. les, .Bright ,Clegecl. tite;ineeting, with prayer,- During a Se0141, 'Watt bout the hoito,44,„terved Atineh. ,. * - INVO1C •I * Diliii1088 AND FACTOR?ORMS, 11* PAIIIt morrow' REPLNIJSI YOUR storsautza o ' tor t*It ;10,, nod Mrs, t•On, gaming, ,irrtd. daughter, formerlyof Detroit, but tor of...13090d, ac- corophitled byxts. Eeg Ivtoiloo of ctodorldi; , left by Motet today ('31nr8daY) for MIamt PlOrida, „ raplaameht 'Hebb* Duolite and. IDuplata..Safity Glatt. installed ,,riaickly, eics Et7' :0 4., s: pOw., WEST. ins .411:10lq 295, (Or. contact our ..lobal Garage or Service StatiOn 1-1/L00 .00/01OLE RA1tO,italidard mut short waves, .likewnew, • . GENE,EAeT.,:nEcwrAti °TRIO tivt3I,p, table , niodels ,au, Nymee lik, ARTox RAincri table AOtiels, lig Waive. . 0 vga:6 Tit::: ..41:077.IsOs:,battity id,. ., . b. A, VICTOR itA1)19s take nAticlel less „thaii"c year 61 „.. . . ate ii3Ocle1,11,41,141*„, all White, ANOVII,E,Nith automatio *veil; eoutiot•... 4.0"St' Iii/iisittxt, vacuum, to, , . _ 101,t'n thut thesc. gelling at A Pee tO Mitt youuis� virad OJ lasilt4ilt10.4111, (right) listens intently asa rente.. land, ',explains the intricate shuttle of a Tartan The o ive of the Leafleld MM . a woollen textile Om 1./Vltadford, paid an unexpected visit to the plant reeently w the let on vate , "2.400