HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-01-27, Page 4ELLENT PAY
. powwow' ormanNGL, -
,!'„xcielient oppormaigi for girls to lesrn light,, clean
intere4d' tit *ride, 0„Perad4it selst.leis 1141f-hos9.4.ilttiim,
istailaes. This is YOUR chatace...11nA esti; away?
EAST STREET. • ',4000ERicti
• , ,
inoxUftUrcti' '•••
•s_ H,7Vaitee
tooiiii1iiii,e4:.from, page ij •
binntigeri. fOr :'cluirch deebratfon
. ,
,The rePOrt Oflr ,the• chosl3o1e with
„regret the resignation - of Mr-
rflaett, and extended
VPrOlal. greeting to the new 'director 'Afts•Zr.3*. A. .Sully were gracious-Ioas
OR praise, Mr. W. H. Bishop. Rbv. •and 'poured tea., They were as-
gisted .bv". members of the reen'a
•1,4ea,nidy (Elgin ave.), W. A Mc -
,Laren,' Charles IlcLeat • a.nd Earl;
Allison: • , ,„ - •
Semething new at . annual 'meet-.
iags ,Knox•
was introduced in' the,
• congregational social, held in the
lecture-hall,aften the. business meet -
'wide table beautifully: :ar,,
ranged With 'silver' and, „.centred
with bouquet of daffodils and
.blt candles _In silver holders,
graced.the.,gentre Off the room,' 4ere
Nlit or George .0. MacEwan nd
• 4.0g14,11' 1)OrsoTiallY eiVrePsed
bis•aPpreetatiow of the .services
rendered by the elioir., .
:IThe inembership enrolled in the
Young People's Society Was .35.
The -Officer's'? are: President, RobertBlaset'
treasurer, IlfarY__,Artn •Vrakine:44,!., - A. 'Vs..) e o
TKOUng,"FeoPle'S• ,Bible.'040., of $2.6 per .month for expenses' waS
aadertooli", to.,...send.,;;the accorded --Tter., Mr. MacMillan,' ,and
-7pratse entliCallasticallY-
414f3'. • • ,f • '
, • Veil, to. Mrs.':.Maellillan. • •
,orgainzations, each wearing a white
carnAtiou, •and . doing ,* the honors'
with. enviable ,sociability • which:Was
Vaatly enJoyed by ,those .attending.
.The-,4efreshmente, .PrePared.
; secretary,thq young people.
!John- Sellfteter •;-• an "Addltio'n•-
por8--,weekly4t0- tbe--Aiek:--41)
idget ermunititeeT7repOrted
n. ',Crease ot 4200..- The
were appointed . to , the
tnittee,••for 1949; Wm.
set, H..4 .Alex. smith ,
a. $oinylle,*.Frank • McArthur,
'Cranston and
OarAl,of rnanagerS yePortod
jlntmexLt -�f Ray
rp-,:;*.dOedint .Joseph.Bar
resigned...` , Trfie,„-orgalc-*.-waS
Vert:M.1W. AndL hgw-
annuat, contract- for
care. , Messrs: 3.W.
ralgie• D. 'Wilson, in .receg,
.tion of anyyearh%SerVite, Were',
ade hono.rary'r Me' 'Members, with
'et rtn)Y, oard
• :' • =
ofi-,-:-,the...;„,104.W ;heard:" .1IX
0. 'ErSitihe. „W. 4; 7Baker, tart
Aitott",,, Thos: Sandy,George Stokes',
Narn", 4.4.1
111 GO
A.' tiaturarlihenCanenon., • h . ,...
e e‘,..'ro . ting. leisurely, recently in an Open pool ,O„ :1',viit.er' '-:,,*.
beneath,' a- .bridg0.: 'connecting Ot, Or . a .. „a. •;:ivith 'Baleen'," i'f0e.,, is something , that, •• has. Only: •ha.,,j
pened t•Wice wet': . q Ilvina- memery, The laSt.. irne suchan Ice floe torined..was_in:ro,„:„
' . :,. 4 ,.. , , • , ' , ,,
ruts %MS
• Oath Uri'. Thomas Wilson,
0 • A '
o 4,
ccurred in ,,,,eXano.re xosespitel• 0•1.).
UOuclay: evening'• in her eighty-sixth,
year, Forinerly IttSotta: llustont
.11ra.. Wilson *aft 4,04tiVOo ltottgi
Port Albert distrie before' eoming
'‘Oederieh thirty Years, .ago. X-Xer.
husband" Predeceased her Awenty.,
five years.- She is.,,,porvived .one
son; 'Nora:mai-of AlahluT.;* and Our,
daughtera,". Utss Ida: 'Willson. of
ThistletOwn; 1.rf4 Albert Voelt,
T4UCqiOW; • UrA, erbert •Oilhert,,
Point EdwaTd, and '4110 Stanley,
•Reeyo, ot.sgrma. Qn Wodne044
afternoon a Pziviite" funer,al service'
Was, eOnducted „, At the. BroPlibY
funeral, home by Rev,' 0.; Mac -
"et' 1C110X Pregmterian.
:Burial Was jdPQrt -Albert
'cemetory, palib ,earer•s. Were
Stanley' 'ankliorinan, Peovt; aarnin
01.1aT1ei' 'Order,- Haroik And
Griuley.' and Edward-:,,golVer,
. iutS, JAMES r ATt4
The' death 'Of Nits, JAlneg,
'4Ortier resident, Of Getlericli*„•,'00-
curried' at the'lleme 'of her daughtero
IrSrraftlei;Driece,,, ,,Alilete'"'.
Tuesday. The3, forniei, rAnaStasia.
Lacey,..Mrs, Farr Was 0, natifVe
Colborne' township; a -daughter of
„the late • Mr, and, Xrs..: Tlioniag
- --a-;member- of .St. •
Peter's Roman . Catholic.; '
and had' lived most Of :her life
Goderieh, and the last three
Two Lea,deis Tie
n Church' League
NOrtll, Street :Arid S4-Georki's
One Pont
er Third' Tea=
-Another week te go andthen who
will, be 'the first-half winner -in .the
-11P1tE PRIP,A7 .111.(0.XT
•Intermediate 9,1:14gatue 1.
the"- cards, for Priddy night' 'di
this 'Week at the West. street arena,,,
with the fast WelleSley 'Want' 'Meet-
• Mg, 'the".-lbeaV -KinSmen
Title is 'the Kinsraes•"-firSt• home,
game of., the, season, owing, to the
nfld wea.ther and ' poor ice condi,:
Ohdch • Dowling - League?' This tions up - to . the !present • time.
week -there ifre .tvVb teamsheading l'Reener lempdrattireS_ the last tWo,
the nit for their first time, tbiS 'days• seem to promise better con-:
. ditions or hockey and the itinsineti
'North Street No. 1.-Were'lrym -intend-to-icarrii:out-their-seb.edroe.
hard-to-get-int0: that -first ...4.fia,oe; it:weather,;.P.emiW The: :gapje, ,for,
and. 'Were succ6sSfu1, .by 'taking 7 tomorrow is called or '8.39
'points 'train the Baptist team:, Anne and -there should -beg good. turnout:.
Andersen...4.was..-the, star.,•for:: the
-Orth-.------Street • teara .-With: her ,511%
• (Continued from Page 1),,
liu,roul§. industries and tourist ati,
• traetiona.
l'Reeve •:Seaforth"
troduced • Igr.''-liowat.
Huron: County Was the first, No, ,1 for • first,' Place.'. Thezscores
• •'114.
and. Wes. tRichardeOn her'partnel- insusnum, 1mA:our,
- 3.-
his_04,71- For 'Owl§ aptiat team. , •
e;wask.Sarall, And w Tnidustrialr
a tsel3TE;s',10•Xtil seaguercTSficln-ifertnie'prek4;37n1qe •i1.14i110§4611kg. Oalsr-Werea,reg.tstee
Yoting lifter Take tir0,41:A.
Vixtire Saturday
la a• scheduled• . en-
counter at the West' stet rink •On
Saturday night, the',GOderich.LiOns
4aveniles • won their: second ',gate
In as Many starts hy, slintting, out
14.t,§,e.i.pal?f;4124. tela'zari,
-- • ,
but there was - dfsptiting the
locals .4 rtil'eceY144. 4.1(-14
the play. ,
•; It Was midWity the Opening -
session before the.: Wei:de-found-I&
Overlooking the .4river' an .•,lake
'341i:IPd••;r113,76i't7 !filT'',Ce.liVa'ttft*.lg,awtq3Yte4'1;1;°;41;
ChancerY for UuroaNconntY, • • .
"Von" MeDerMott "was for -Rini).
• 6:AIL' tAxanwelilotc1411. ienhetlamei,cOrtrec%,,off4tehwe'
'tbel ClOclericix Salt PbraPany - 1#:it
he was. best known over loeg
penlarni!d 4efeYewa qt. asans- charter et) OrarhteSt...
of •
.the Menesetang''Canbe A.
meniberl--ef- the - :004rian . active
etr,- Lame,
rsults gen-
yb6itavic.1s,,:dvoietah, ;B:hro,,itiQW:elts;;,74l4:11):4aten):414,11.;:i:eVia:411,
participant -1n, water sportst, rifle
lir - 14O', and surviving
are •two sons; .W1112441., of Goaerieh; .r•Itameliforrtinny years . the
and! Patrick,: of -Detroit; and two, 'Bedford .110tei. The only dsurVI.VhIg.
, ,
*1)4NY:%ms' 11, :Plc.': 't:1),.°W.'11:11Vree'4).4f1:40611:1:110,1r.42;'.1r:.'11:r:::3sg,:tt?)14.0;:.
rilpeg, -who,. With, her daughter, Mrs.
D. Emmy?, :. alse': of WinniPeg4
last' days of iliness. Other-
81Sfisrtse,„1•,"4.4eirlesY** .13°, Mrs. Starke,'
a brother; Williani,' predeceaSed
• - The ••ftnierai, held at. the Oransten,
funeral. •home 'on Tuesday, :after-,
noon; was Attended hy. Many friends01! thedeceased. --Thw service was
.COndected- 'bY • 'Rev:. •-•'D,711".7. Tarr,
'rector'of St. „ George's .pb,Urch, and
the Pallbearers- 'were'. IL 'C. Flays,
dangliters,,.Mrs:. .*09# .4f.`AlliSt911,
and.,,Mra.. Cart 'CalePronToronto.,
• .The becly -arrived by 'Motor', this
(Thursday) -afternoon! inter-
ment took' 'prriee la Colborne B.C.
.coneterY, with' Rev, •J, Vieesoit
officiating:• •
• . , . . :
hit and ini.ss:-.sorno hit; songe.neso 'G•oddard*Iiiitched tv1,.0- tallies,. Whi
;three ,gaMes were 3102 and .2088. '
teaSmt'' °I:ticPicrignegs aNno.allawate,,•reeff"orttlifoerV' :heenlY eoetested as . the ..PrOdOne4ingle tallies: 1).0ak's gee" at t
mouday Atight's Times were ite ,, SO, Rtskine and Boa accoun e - f
games in this °aeries. -'' ' „ 't:' ' ' ;t1ghteen-ininnte 'inarlc ,was scol.
firSt, :place. . , ,Althongh 'they were
able only ta take 5 pouts .fr0W Larder's Decorators ,gaVs the Sig.! while Malone for the Visitors w
the",,North soeet No,' 3 team, who nalLStarS. it going over to the tame Of serving time for. tripping,. - • ...
„• ,,
wereig hard .to4take., all. pointi,.,, 7- te 0.• Deb W haniS was the, best-, .,The visitors, ,changed.,„goaliei .
NIAIIS gtarrOd' for the-Piinters,627'. sueeeeding---Goudie;,--but -Eisler'tw
d---9.465r-W4-1,Alnlbk-b€4.100-thikaig- Jected-to..,,ALe.0))4-iiiii---.1'..
stars With a 2,59. War Canoes won frodi the •Lions' forwarda. . At 3,
froth -Imperial- 011 -7:.40 .0.".• • Relk, SleF4liail tallied with. ErSkine's •-he
0oldthorpe'p1l1ec1 best for the Oars -4 and, if.x. minute's. •liten„Ilawthei
they at now tied with NOrth IStXeet, for paioers; 750 and 269. /pin 4 begin the secondVeriO4,, With 'tisliP
• county iii;Oliario. to show -the- rest refid-3145,-And.,-2887 At the :end 0
of the Province and tb.e Ontario the games.. :Marilyn. Culp and Bert
DePirtMent '-of-.•.duenti.011. how -a isleddaed "the -St. -George's-team-
county library should be opefated;” with 499 and 635. Forllorth $treet
• said Mr. Movvat. He said a:Inman,. it':was Ilelen Robinson with, 571,
Harold Hibbert with 519.
Nbrth.. Street 'No. -2- Were also,
'trying. to pull. theinseives • littie
GeOffreY..TETWO&17-11Olt„ whose
d'eath •oectirred .stiddenlY itt' Toronte
an -Wednesday,,..,i,Januar'y, 19th, 'Was
n• *41 of the late ".jodge Holt
' 'd_..wasLhortt-b11--Caederieh,..Slx'ty4L,
Years 004: 4-te took' degree
at Tr,ini-ty Torento,
aed a '.year %later. his Master of
verlitr• of Toronto as professor "of
german,' 'retiring, a•.Year„,-ago4, 404,
held, also the.degree. of Bachelor Of
Igusic.,:and variona tinies
organist • of,. different. TorontO.
churches. He vvas the.last surylv,-
,,,„• ink; Membee:of his. fanilly,"
,hgen edeeenSed iss
as - -
"Constance 'non, Ltud.,-it brother who.
101 ..
bY. his wife, , Adelaide Maud Boitot-
20 Na'nten.eYeen%,,Toronta,
toOk ,Place •St. ,Coneter3,4
•Torouto,, „an.. Satarday,- safthrnoon
L171. after a service --in p0.1.11's An-:
ite glican "-pliurch.
rt -• •
A • ..f0-4-13-1-Wleitir, •LIAresidgen'ta19...elif-N.•48Th7iNerld;
xstr -X1.40 Vorrye VraaiK Clark,"
• •
;1`, • Grahara, XeC/.0n9ell
and Peoxge "TheJntprnietA
was -114 MOttod vemete0.-
VVRITPIt .INTOT, 1[41,T* OW' N '
1 4: budbw"t ,of ,..'-n' ow,o ',from' a diti
Paint has' -reached this oilice,'
as 'the "name of the writer :i�not
, .
attaehed it cannot be printed.,,-.Xt4
newspapers mast IcnOW tvhere.heWa,
*itenie eOlne 'frtnIker they 'eannet
publieh0.. IVO. like to .,;have. ,the,
news', and tontrilnitora .cOnter •
•itindneaS by• identifi1Mt them. ,
selves, in scene rather:then.
shnp13 eignino, theniselveC",A, ,
'scriber, , .
c' a again, 'contract
barley, for
If interested, get In tench.
men -750' and 288. j. Smith was, tallied after taking Goddard's pa
mot to Huron County -was set- up., best for the Inips,,.616 and 237. The 'Erskine inetted his second. goal
in 1947 when an ainendment fo, tlie• Tigers -kept up their record by lac- the game at 17.00 and McPh
Panuebeld_ic,:li. Lbitchirra.rbioecsa• InAe_cfknowwa4 aitiriltrho4;_eio!er., the .. lug' McColl Chiefs 7:.0. „-Geo. West- duplicated the . feat one , min
:te top rupg„of the ladder. lake • and "Ticker" Mere were best later, giving the locals a comfo
"Rol) Bowman"•`It•wasg Wh
. 111ile. St. George's Nd. 2`'werW:TrY- tithe ice with 684 -275 -an d.'675:203, able 8,0 margin-, attthe en11-,0/7.
, . .. - , •
Or 'UV Trevince-,of .rattiegiyeltfor thk.Gath,ft -•••• anto4 '
Ontario in, to -no ava to 1eep them 'Old" Vt. • mowatr,,wheirlhe :,Huroi, theY,..were...--;,.P1.(irtit.,„,street,;AlbZia' ....,,s1..,'N;ii;44,11:aiiotieTif.'ilie' Ttirli•Oi .. L',' 15.1iiiNins„.:"einfilderaolY-totighge in '1!"-s--..- 411 -,_.•.,Itlins. , ,..,,,,,Ions ,,..
..,.• . _ --- . , .. 7,, - ,,. ri, - w itin, tAxt... , 0
countY Travelling library' was of the .7 1)05:fe'Witlir.?,-,thOli, 2911. 5 t -o- 2., ,.1. ic:"biiiiiigii" iheirit .71i6i."'',0Flihiti -iiiitio-moltre,refeeTue..-000 away ,, 0,#er....a,„ opt t„,„,iiirjp5A,ait,,,,,,,op.,
' 'Itti.titd," Ile- ..assured those ',pre-; ag,ainst 2884: Once again the North the Railroaders, 578,238. Priddlers,"r'kePtihe ganie An control:by-handing 1'910 6f :her' 41010ter• .3lIrs: Robert
: gent, that the, movies, '"The - pophe Street team *.tiaci Winnie Henderson .*011 a doge .one from *the Gininetsp, ..0,iit , penalties at the . .1,gn ,, of any $91.v'er1W, CP(10.(rigt,L ,t9wria1l,13, 44
, Drive On," -would be shown .a11 07.,* ;Plid ' non Vosbourg :heading their 43. W. :•Thompson, 697, , wikS ',heat illegal tactics. Westbrook netted. WedbesdaY . ni6r41-1Z-.5-":- P6rin°14$,
the PrelVinee as 'he travelled' ahOut. .teain, With," score of .0e 532 Anil 6.17-. for'the anipers.,, Bill •BisSet carried,4„giout, number 111116 i 0,11.,14 iiipi001 ShOt 1111.40°eth ''S-Irn1)°,. she 3-v'gs "641111,
.P 'George:BA/ wai 01-tV6 Pittis tli t h for the Paddlers; 'from' - the Seaferth. bluelhie.;. V0'101: eighty-fouri''1Ptbrs •`46.''..i#: 1 Ashf1011i•
l"" " . • ' ' 11' '.1 fe
Referring to the film presente
bint !Mr. 1Vlowat said, "Thank you
-on behalf of • `the Minister .of
' • • ;
At.'• ,Wing'Ifam Pridaj;-•• `gh
Ingham Bantams „edged Gederith
lang"-Bantams 0-5.,in a hard -played
0.4.4.. contest. Goal -getters for
the winners were Gerrie, with tWo,,,
Grigg, -Stainton, ClaittIck nd
„flatten added. single: tallies:, For
,• r,o0t(il.egurIP:c-,e..7.v.olalleeD.ino:alfdo•r `sat:: tob.;;:
counters; „with-Alififie'lrnd • MeCtil-
0r st .
and Bill Vickers with 513 -and 589.-
- The Victoria team were out after.
7 points, but then ao 'were the No,
1 team of ICnox. the result *as
that.L.V.I.etOrig_toOk : the points;
Thetotela-lwere% ..201,5,,=
gorjietoria, top-seorers-wer-une
Keay and. Chariie:jwillianis With
•416 and John Schaefer, high man
ctiV,e1,y. Fo.r•geox
• 'Joan' BuChanan was, high lady with
Itini*-No.• 2. ald r.orTh
4t,tree t
battling: oat with: ' the,
• pins. Knox were stiecessful in tiak,..
:Ingof the"7. 'points. *itb. the -final
•SWre,.'reading,,287.9„for North Street
and 2750 f or" Knox.. ' jean Goodtwali
topl.a.41y 'w.ith 456 and Neil Thoiniil,
,aon.iiigh Man with 512For 'North'
Street"it wasRetAr 'Lee with 459 -
.and• /Am Lee, with 497.,
-thisl-week.-go_!, to-
Robingen, Who headed ,tie
ladies 'with bet score :of 571, and-'
•.1Yea. Atichardson•, high nip ; with
George's No. .1 . 40
: North Street NO, 1 40
11orth. Street No. 3' -39
Ito:rot ..Street No. 2 4 38
. 32
•iktortit „Street .N0: ft 80 ,
ilrittOria 2.8
• RaPtist 27
St. ',George's- NO. 2. ' 20
• •--
No. 2
*4.440r1450,0's OCJRT
• V"
BKI POLE .014 ziriinsparr,,,
oi4o#Ails, matzo% and IiitAGONS.
R • 1
0004(..Pikto and: GLOVEO
lit111,1"atrItz SKATING sort -
r. • V
1.4X01.t7EV. EN'S and ItC/213' m4ircaztt.szers
POW21t IttiOLS, 301iTTE1S, itkl*HEO,
MO1O114 Etc. „
'ANIWTES,,220 volts and 110.volts'
•UM i4er Opq;',a, .
* The starSfor- the night . were: the visitors a naqu. short, the.locals,
High • three game, Bob' Wil1iains,"-,'Atip114d the. •pres,sure. and were • 're.
756; high., Single, Ben „Goldtherpe. •Vvarded on Doak's' drive after'Bialer
288; 'high teani,. La rder's fa the. Sea.forth het had kicked out.
ators,•2067. • 44' shots 'that. looked 'like. sure goalS.
Tiger's ; —
Gunners '
Tiirkey • Parniers
War Canoes, ,........
Imperial. ()IL ' • •
"Priddlera • .
'Signal-Sttir -
Her bnal)and died, 'eleven.yenrs ago.
She Was' a. Member of:, Port..4.1bert,
'unitod' fr Chtli0i. TWO ennOi...,of
,t0Adn',s'''!eonntet4 four minutes • from
:the end-r6f411e-4411. a611.1.)1, °644/7"__, 'Alga
tenths,: votigherty; Of. Ashileld.'.aud Mrs.
Tlie WM.'NfeCatin,,ef Colborne trivinslilp.•
fence, wing,There' are;fOnrteen grnndclilldren
wing, 1,i]lirdhiof9ufar'negrraelat';sgrertniCle.41•.Wlid11.17ehne. hetd:
J. -;'-alterinateS, Malone, 'Evans+,
77James Brlght, of Port
6ntoiroe,in.n.totio..rt.xtlicain1810,,rx, Dale.,j; ajitibt,hee.:43ropliey. ,,hOme
MeXhidsey, J• Rev.
I. a,
'-}lefenee,,,.1)eak: ,,11011and ,left• Wing, q, United :Chnreli.:: Intertaent
in Dungannon cemetery. -
centre, ooddiird; , right will .be
tatit.WAStrg#1!, ;
Vidii1011A,Itit(TO*) No, a
speolo,j,1_,: Lat._ Ifirtited :044ntibeiwitru,a;11-itt,
it avitobIe
wftl be a
D• istu. OP mit ti
, • • • 19
.16 •
7 •
• McColl-Ffontenac Chiefs 4.
• Tars •
BlOckmakers• 15
Goderich Elevator .. • 13
Goderieh •Salt- " 11•
French Dry Cleaners
N. '
Goderleh Mots- 8 ,
,IMpertai • pit , •- 2
• .Lawa Bowlers .4 . • 0-%,
•. The: Lawn 13ewlerfi ha-ve •• taken
over the schedv,ile of .the • defunct
'Their openbig ufibt,gaire
promise of better, things, to dothe..
They lost three -games, but a's they
had to give their oPPellents , 'the
'huge. tenni :ef. 456 PhIS,.. thin Was
to be eXpOctOd.
wing 'Ersicitieft.., alternates, •817.'‘14.'
therne, •''- Willis::0t1,1),
rReeetrho. ,lie:RPhilo,s. !Ns:8p eesarrtobk: . . deltiValordoit hsata. T.4ti
n, ntithe
,s... ..-..
-'"WIN AT IrlifdAltlailt? 8eveittY-
font• ' 'yearS,...Mr8.1,•Clugisi
....,..7........,,. _ death - Oeenrted. at Lutheran gos-
p#0.1. on •Peeetaber-.*00,'1048, follow-,
. :Cr.„Oerieh"-L0117.0W''FlYerso '.11oett 'big a lengthy illness. 'The 'funeral'
,Vtt, .0.A.A. Intermediate entry, were ivas •Ileld 'trent Oak ,Bill PresbY-,
defeated:10-4'ot Vinghani on V14- terian Cburc11... With interin nt I
Soffp.red a, 94•-reVerse .in the Luck- 1v$htl:',iifiti().treliclrott,restiodt,lfit, ,:e4Ctililmttilin;
.now 'arena 'at" the 'hands 'of the,
.Aepos, . town ..,sciuild, ,, : .,. , , •„,, .: Years Irk 8 4, 144611fS''13-ut117:1411-0111*,1'
• On ..,TtlesailY 0,Vening the: FlyerS het huslmlid‘,11ad. 7„taylc6ii 4' NorY
hroke into the wiii eohnniv with..an 'aettve ifitere4 111%.041$. '',LOte • Preiby-
84 score at Kiiiii,rdii., A mix,...ne pter;isairide'n•,0,1itiortehiie iiehevietteeintilig,ot, h„46.0s1,mrsit.
MAIM* i‘Litgitif
(lay night ..ana, the, foliaidug nhght yaihalla cemet‘ty. M. rs. eChieatis
li 11,...A 1- .
en 1-11" ' elia ' ngt'.'-jinejir.d .0-.te-e0MO ram
here. AV,4g, , an exc.
en -Friday for the initial leather' behind and' fot,tee- 44, , stalemate at,
'craft COOrae conducted by :the (rode. ,747,,. uu,t,06.721-1,s.er$,.raniti to., som
.richwItecreation, Counciii '011W:will, the, eil,heliek,,, ,
In' the Magfetroes: court. this cOntin tie • for.a tato , of abt -:lessons. , .. ' : . • • , ..4,-...,.. 4.......-,
o.fternoon , the Charge against'..3fra. Inetrector Vcr. 14 lliirrof of Strafford:Lomas. idtigg ..ttoTH ,
:Lorene :,,Ciardiner, 4t.R.' % Clinton, Presented:: the .work iii the .clouficii, ,,,,,„e;,,, • , ...
0...,,..0.. py,,oz.sar4pzit:
Of abandoning ,,hm.; , children' WitS„,„,-Chainbei' 4)f the, 'ToWn. 'Hall:' a:C.3. E',.1.,u,44:•,...-
odjour401. .ter two • AV'eeltS,.:. at ;Alio 0114' and at the (31j.,'C.L tit''t porn. , , ,,, „ ,, ,. ,,. .,
request of ,her7'.eonnseL .,;casipheu . Ars, .0. IVIIollandii4ofiriener, ati, 41.-; (01141eneader. #t'. the •,iink, an
Orant;',of Walketton...,, : :tail :Was nOnticeS, that there Is room for tour, ,.*edttesda3.t ,oight,,i)rO,oiided plenty.of
renewed.. .,- , ? ,,
f $011teti6o' Of one 'year definite oit. Ings; 'init'fo.t ,only two more •In, the.
00. -Months /..tidefinite , was given ; ,afternotni,,gronp. ',.`Those .. nOW, ,en,-.:
Pittriek "parnsi, -.Seiifortli; for ' On rolled ate, Misses Mary e*Itichatutit;
theft. of ,a,herse,;.:01,•.Whieh ,011arke• lf'4,01.4'n •,B.Ogie',...-Ifininaa, Atteh'ertS0n0"
h' I, was"..41$10tet.(,',Iitat.„'1.0,04,.,.. tr.. Art0:,.',,gtra4 '.!•-;'itildP,,,,Dortitlik"AilteSt.'
..)111(0,' "-senteA(ced :t0"...0.0it4,i , ..34,.- '1010,,'",0#4,....,. ".• ,-;.:04.0.V,s1i4.4, firx,, .(4,
taj,rtiii"Onefirri*tit.:01t,:'4„-harge. •Jetry'i,14tis,:,,,.4,14',-;411#1044,,,,110,:,Z,„
• oicitalang.',41..,;:,•figofOr , Vehiele without :11,-;•Itinttekl,', :".NtrOt.,;•.'1'...0,..' Parieris,.
tlie-oWilerts::•tonsertt,, „'In, IntifioSing, '1Ii4. I1.,,,'IlLae;:•1',14.,04';.':A,:.$itAer ;7,1/Ira„
the : Penalty; , Uagistrate Holmes It,' Wpsthrotik And -Mrs: I4.1 0,1Webh,
tonic, '11'46 .000$1deration'',13nrine 're-., The grand total in 'Oath"' ellian Is
cofiL',. which :inelhded 41,Ve.,-preViona hellig Itept'low So, that eacii. person,
cateflons Or theft, ,• ' , , .may'. receiVie the .W0410424 of :111.'
ditig: gnilty to druid't,nod dia.- 'dividing]: and :personal '0114000,04 ,
orderly' , chargea,": POO. Arinstrohg„ ..:' pristitialA. R. -ficett 'ot:' the ' pot..
•ooderieti, was c ilited $250, or, 'titiftr, legate Institute' adylies; the Atecre-
iiiiiflit. jail. ptidenee Called -Sy Okla, Office tivit the Cia0.11 gy.milat4
' .*If Attorney )1 ti:Ieuu114rity8,1#441 fnin.ls: reserved,fOr ,all „,nelitt'..weett
tiSVI .'Arnistroiiit: ,I*Ii*it lite., P011tefer special, 0:4041. !aetitities„ There.
tion -14 1.06.deriett.'!Iti-ir"--drunkon; fOre-a-allinitticipanta -,-tire• advised
dawn; ,,, tied: , ' , nsed, . ' profane...that. 'flecreation • tleimell ' programa
t guage, outside 010 :statP)h,' . , -' .at„ 41.C.I., are off the oiote for .the
aglatrate,Itelinee took 4.4erlons `Weeit,, but ':will be,run' AS 'vont the
*Of ibtertereoe with the rake., foliowlibr -iveek., heghlhing.:Molldtfr.
Said that In all foo many caSes l'ilebroarY Itli,, nt. 0 '4
tig: reCotly the. Otettin,, of ::14. ?;,.• 4,0Oth•'leatherataftfe aaSes..vi:At.' he
icatioit,ii.etts.ont fortit,,Vhicit, be held ',..iii. 'the 'llowif'llall 'oil Priday,,
' rued,. ,ivtttt.s.itio, detenek ittidor It OA 'limo 411.4, .at 1 0,fa,„.ttid Z.pan..
two ',tondo tite 6:0,1104:y44)004 '.'Ilow that WehIlvt.vinente,', tmOvti.
...,„... ;Nutting in to ho.conditete4 1/Y the
• . ,,,„,„:„.......,....,,4.
64.G101110f Ii14$0040 id) lletretitiOil 06nhell,.. ,aild• ' all' iitter,,
,more ParticipantS for '„Priday eVen.„fnetion foi.„ the •few, fAnS•in
141:410)0 '-.6'POHIling kaine • Vileithlivv.
Tiantaill8 Od0d thp,.0(tde41011. ',1.1611$
j3nbtn,10$ $ Inv lafd,4fonglit
-,inen 'ter Lucitootv -WeThenipSon
With' threee, Dalcer added ,thef
zLt•Ccingter, • P:or the loSerS
the 'nightcap, 'Winghain, Lions
Illidgets came from behind to :ilefolit
,fasiAltatitig VVAA44 game:.
taintettt ;auk MeOdttle
feetlie Winner0,, 044 -and
tut were tho gottt.gettem for
rbeae lbOYS displaylug' .gtood
et hockey, Arid the ratiii Wfl
Ofss, these pules Are Itassimr-up A
dad e'Vening' ,liopkey entertain.,
T,.M. Davie, With to estita Are invited to- bti 'At
`41111106 the itgatoromeht of their end 'Of, ',Victoria street Otr,Tueoals
(1 sitter 11(briel /retch, t WIIUaUt Atid• Thor'sdaSt afterneonk tt 4.16 hItA1 te0f# Atli 11.2 tt;r,,
tiel, on of ,Capt. and. Mrif. V,vvitit bobsleighs'. tObokgans or it Sters, the Gtoderiell
Orel 'the Wedding to tat* Plato "go" long as ,the sem*, lasts layer sitort40, 1TWestbrook *ae
t, Otorgews At Ian- elltiteh .there he'-futt tar btIN anal to,
ed. ' tire witt( shoulder'
liusry, gitio„• In -the secaid boriod,
hOnor in' l 88 for Sitty,, years' .eon,
tifitume ,serriee .tte. tooter:
and ,ailiierInteiideilt of ; the: 8undaSr
school., ' • • "
ttte, 1.4et':)0101044 WI
limn, L.- Cineile, ,president of the
,pant 64.e` ItttrrY ''ciqoao';
two . danghterse, 4orey plren
and kiharleit !one /granite -
„son, AYilliani. Diven,„ and One
brother hod' one flister, Vair.
•ilhid Nfrs,. Vox both of .Clinton
tagNitY (T610:":".q0J4itSiOit
latA'Ttlinet7ite. Po?, sCleodarvicctlittrs o°111dev s8ttl'ireast
dents„,11ene :(oroino), kepermo,tt,
,1118•".nittety-third” Year;
'been ht. heitl,th for sdue thn.ef:
-and his death •oeciirreclin Alexandra
where -be , hatl; heen .*,a •
patient for ten days.„.;
1VietterniOtt *ea bOrillnliOdei
,rich Ana Ifteloug,tesidotivot
thip,- toot.. varents Were Ur,
ow'. Um. tiefirst McDermott, vvito
ennie• .frem '
016.1 tatheit the ieSidenee
INS N'LOSt.t1 Vit1itat4SLItit
Vveiteete7 . last1141140_ ,titglit
oderih ciCintimen .it the Virelles.
, team id tt scheduled OLA.
uterreedlate,• lixture, • The
on,• minus S'everal • hoY,,
dormers, wereno Match. for the
StAkattug Wellesley, ,sextet, The
4 . . . • 6 •
°• *1' •
• ts..1?ayx I. sop our quip's* sit 1sset
-; . est
Apt,41,04tANCE , 1)1,6
jefl' FLECT6rtterViTesisOtilti::-
. tittft'ir.";* CLEARANCE ' body ,.•••••• .29' .1101 ”
; • tr.46.1.0. :
AUTOMATIC bet, „Teen or, olssritteady for rig.„644011/ jicTORS •
ff-oxiiimaNG RING . • 409
mast* stisyseDe4 • .. .49 -suk4•••
nIcic TRUCK 1431! AN0E— 41b.10.. "ea rimotOn NM"„
. DE .!L-- tt,'• *ite4C1cEr CLE41?, ba - ATAT•Mftk 'RE • "
• ttExi.P.,i.o.i.v.„ FLAStati
s,.....TWO-41/0_,- -241•Dittok. bodies ,ast . lit. cr,,,,,,,k, t. otunlitz, , ilk** . Woo .
. Ossikarl'fr- 51.,„‘"„tipl-1 ;; I. ...*Viltb' .A4la-Assesssr*--14"-4 . ,;„ .., 1,48.
.., ihsS6.1, ic"' skrome ...,.. h ! • • . , , . 4-..--..--,--'1, . •, untinpy. , .
6-8_,!..,411112.1imursat...-n-.7101_,Ipiz.-tre$0104 ---‘,- (ildte....._11 ,e_z,4212,),17,4 A.L;ciL.L.' 1.0„,...„0111
---.7---; Trouble . cor L . \),))C 1 1 t , ;A ooilk!st,thoo.:s
)• i::*074reke:aI:rl.e71Ieda4a);'1/4),;i1ii:;sAtutek13;In1;r.w;teohsa:100„0."
West -, ..„ . , . , , . , 4 .. . ' • "'' "
1 I1 l:. :cife040sor.17. 0kvirlit4aresr*4
jilitYalltAAJUL('' •":-..-
•. ilioti• t$11.1741t, igg '
',toot tams
44`. eit=t
sal ler
/mit, 16::,....tv*110:: 6, 6, 1),i,'t sni: eh 0.1:64
4 • • * 0 .744
Wilk. *It ininflorkittottipthent .04 ,
*st*coirto *AvOx' iluititeit,m4De
Loma with' telSOOOOlitelatigo from
agiebobittriinitoti.isept,tr41.4cirfoort,,7_*.:114'..10.1,16.itt twit; tiAiiO4,,,,..0,41440
1114°•nt' * ' ' " all Ono* of Volsci )(Anton* on,
As tibnss IAA. mei *Iik iteitrioide owtro24 truck 4!res. Ciltibrattkr_O
140110,,,on'Sl•e'ir! Intror, .164. ." • • * • '4111'4!5-
.votioe,ttertic,tith4earrItietriti initaRdaa' ininfoottincie1Se
, --nen '
-:3.2":36.11171:10s 133:24";9111"
' JO'S 12 .. 10.70 20.5
S. n• '0114*,, 42.95
• 'yr 114' 241.20 2847
1•Ani./i1U1L114$44111101 IA MO- *Cotinentir one n( 11%0
toss'140,1041,41.4d1DettsoiAolbv,sothr 10444415014„ *At ,411t40,4m0401 ,,OrittitIttonotrito,Arnotecoatrol, embtritte.se...t •
' *tart "cover* Ifeo. AdditiOnOt 4vOrtnnit extr.$4
Extra moot. ,flothitiof *uit: ono( mot
- spa po„.04 oTG,!,00,0 ogor,
-o *4'0 4A,, ,,,ettoptiego
pinq toweelot.
&ton 1341
• 141475
11244on 21.30