HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-01-27, Page 2• A 1. IkV4P9UNIMS liV)000310 *BEI= rilbultbed by Signal -Star, Utalted , it:ida and Oreat Uribaint 42.00 4. yoik*I.tia united- • States, $2350. . • leg tea 011 „ Qifice Department, Ottawa. ,Witenhone $044,1*,r ot Yireekl,,Y -NeWspapera' AS,f(41t4" ctreO!,ititioa •Overi-2,71Z1,,$' „. W. 14. 11.01ilaa ' • • ' IWPLuk • TaillISDAT, TAIITTAIIX 27040 r4ZLYitikrig.TXO:NT ‘,. eiiik by anrent at -Otta',WA,.° that a general- ex,-peeted.' 14,- the !Stant futtire.!*. has heen :Y,OrtOd,,,b7 nelne of,ilie• Vatiora, a:4fOreCatt„ of Tune .4.0; Mr. .tiaure4t tb ane:addresa liOinted (Int -that he ternOf the present Parliament , lapse unto, sonie time, in •100i, IV,1.4: „evident that -the papers predicting. n election.rune drawifl arg1y pt •, tnatiOnc-- , Weyer; 'pre-election -feeling is e air - amt. politicians. of :•alt. are:getting, ready rthe' the nation, ' Norit on the Preseat'sitting member, •Oardlecf. Will, no", doubt_sagain „ le Conservative , candidate. The LieS tar • are :showing. no, :40igiAti,of' activity but may be ex- *Otect' to heed -11;e' Warning from • „ , and jut a• candidate * e. eId at. an ea1 .date.. The heard. of the' ery; Let the Govern- '„----itS.:'.,n,ot:.heert. active,* the 'went do it.'; . and 4'that part`g,'. enters .:Ctintest-itwill be oDi as a °145rii ibioi ely the lai.Fr3::;.,see:14.t- h't the..',4preSent "r Pn ar itft*Cd:Ottawn-,-Y-eiterl„, *flie preeed1bgS14;*' or ma „of the Peeple:' cout*Se-7takes" over manY ..fnn,,ctiOns , Whieb. it dos . not •Ordinarily';eXerCiSe: and Or,on „peaCeLrettirns takes- 1%4.'4Mo' sb,ave Off_trhe 'habItS ,w4,41me. TI '9ov'ernMent has been respens- , 'ter- Protty nearir eltrythi, wirtime, And people .AAving, got ,Into the, way Of:irking. to the (1.4',.." ernment , contbitie that people loge ,.;n:Uch of the se se of respouSibility and instetid:'* dOing things for themselves expect the •(4overninent to keep on doing thenl. Vxpenditu of the. OevernMent 'w4rtime.^..,,having . seemed 8.111104 limitless, it.- is: suPPOsed, -have somehow, icquired. • A bottbmless' 'Plirse; ;..rtgiirdlOss Of the fact , that Governtne*t ,exPendltures • Mean taxes. for elverk taii*Yer, ,and.•ig :most cases: We're taxes than . the expenditure:: Were. made locally where, the 4PCPAYers • .could keel:v/1.0 e3re on it, ow. that peace, such. as •'it Is, has been with us " for 'Several years, it 4 tfme less was wt osiih or WY. MEADOW& Mr/ j.13'irote •, • II* ,VX1011 grrOlia$ iVbatever bus become.0.t the 0 :Itioned-taft0110 laterhentik are but A ShedOw their forner $naciouS.„selve.§: Streatb„- 11110 and modIgitO eut down on PIO boosewives%4tensk,i*. day. "the'!" certainly !have vless room 'Or th, vtariecl activaties that were carried ont in .the old-fashioned THE Go ciiSIG r e I rico! - Inter Lotter Vogl- WWI* 'll„. r *91411, et C011iorne' ToWnahiP The atutu,a1 peeting , ilren Sec• retary for further information An" inte'roating' .10ttei$ CMOS, to ead in. the board rooni; of. torrner well-known. family Of. igol# Twelve townehthe repre-, the agrieuttnol rne AvwnsiriP-r-.-4011.**-writek. sented, Tuoltersinith. on,'.Vriday,, January,' g8th, at 0 .ntw...•Peor .1$10, -As we 'have: entered, , PtardeY and •IIOWlok.7 •.See tht.t..yoUr organization is repre"-: new year reminds re.•;° .eeat reiaresentatio,n.,, • senttkr, ' "ffill)seription to yoef nr ()has. 'Coates, ellairroan of, the paper,' .We -look for "the arriVal CenntY-L-O0*Mittee'iltetett.,a$ the old home foWn, Papev each week Man; 'Rile &goat .sPeaker nts Geo. -generallY.WecineSdaT-as It .keeps untw Predneer#, held. • hand, frOm Mr. 1%. Telma, ,Oltinten. on ''„'Wetineedai afternon,* • A.' meetin'K' 'of ,OountY ot Zebnat • 48,81.C.) *eraher' Of a- J'annat0-.49tiv„-r.-Was--100141. Id • I I • TIO BZ40.4 Pit,();!CT, gditor The" Signal -Star., Dear $1,r; ---W.0 always, enjOy' Your Telmer', of , Owen , Sound. 'district , 116 in OniCh With lillat 18* going on in 'Ooderieb, and SUrronntling' dip-, ,triet,* : ., • ' • ', We Inttve 'bad A tair winter:Jaw fav -a few minatingfat $5 13eloW gero. but mostly clear •skies- With 'BIM- onca. ' rePr.esqlltatiand niet4b" ° ° -valued PaPer( am71 , read w X4M. van saY rwttiat'pOu blit the,' ttntari01 ITO ProducOO„ Marketing great:interest; few Weeks fige, it Board Who . outlined .the wOrk „,44:. we; were amazed, to read. .00 committee . of .ithe lloard of ',Trade. kitchen:has alvvays. +the centre„ ,the farm home, When the neigh. dkrinei/ in, 'they Were 'enteV- Ulned InIthe JOAO*" When sO7O.alled: 'gin:Portant co*Pal)Y" &MO along. thok-were- usiter'Sti--44tO'• the -7s: tiff, 44kOnittOrisable. .13a,c1,0i; The ;sheets' Were ',pulled Off ;the ' Chairs and.- after a ,'„rtnick'' • Ortng,. Whieb ,failed to' get .rid Of the 'musty odor, the folltS were ,sivOW4: te`thel.ront- Parlar, ,longed to get back into the porn:fort of -the kitchen! • City fol,Xs wondered. whi tbe Wm. kitchens Were So , They had to .he big, Take or instance the wood-. :box. Our svood box at home'w04,,aa, big,as some of the solcalled k13ehen7 ettes that thethave 'It tO0h a Ailing Once, a day :with IltOT-ErARCTION • IN'ARI?:E14,I IN HUR .44iityr. The ‘SignakStar.., Si tit * ' ' f ---, yr-, - e maugur, o pn trOrtg-4aSt-weel. some cussion as to the 'agnivers- of the' County 0ouncil .to this poi - tion. . the Iinrou District, was foun.ded in 1841 Dualo was ' conimissioneel by the • (40vern- , 33{, o tiberalti. aid Conservatives a,Ve'neW leaders , there are, many atters 'of • national importance...to cUsSedt,.and•decided.,:,and there. be` some indication of , the oi,eieS Whfcb,- „the, reabee4ve ,aties .gorliefore , the people, ether: the,. ple#Ion---is-.-tehe- UP.,‘, OF 96#1e;,*00:--pioikti.i.,,,,- , L,OP'AND, TAI.113, CT.— rIGVAES, If utoli.counti-lfsaS. ;aged v,ngdue izer; 'it ot without empaItY in *ire -6f e great'figttres of he early of '-iettIertient. A. news des- teWydAys, ago' „told of the. Lteotbe Talbot eetate ha:Elgin ty- to 'a Detroit man. • cot woe' Talbot was, to.,..the Western' ' tile -.''area • along the nor ti OUR:READERS: L Id : the bear4 past yea,r., Tbe sneake'r OW, sb:esSed, the -value: •of• amanita-WM, and the coming* need. of bog' producers' spen ,khitg ith7-one voice. tack of funds to imolenieut the nrogram bas been the big '1194014AP DD to present. The county committee for ••1949 as elected* Orvial Taylor, Belgrave, obarmani-Chis.'•-COultes.7,-Iielgrave; Alfred Warner, Bayadldi and W. V. AOY...,.._214twtton, secretarptreasurer, f I • AhoutAirtzr „J'unior ramers• aud Farthereites took' advantage ef, the: cOttnty'S‘. ,offer tO pay half of tbo expenses to tbe winter Short eourse„ ato Gnelp14, earlY .3-anuaryt thieSe who' are making ,UppliCation was. talking 07:,7Cr,ftat,111,g„.fir,„' o: 'shine,. and -90r,.flrst. storm. of be It ,` generally conceded ' that winter ea_ tonight. -It turneds beaches - are not man-made, 444* the 0118 forenoon, reined loCation, between Britannia road' some after,; tho' 11004, '40Ur:6-,tbell• and the rOPP4.1iOug )1-N01d 'Started to .snow and JAM, .• And. be no eXCentiun; being one 130,40a Of tonight A ivouv •,011.11It. a young rocbs., and stoes, `INCre •rhAvo, not ,o great whe at an: hourly, rental,, A sandy beach. is the.-OnlY ,depth of *enough, to stop atter the' sohwriherV x04.40 ‘A,te wlitch attracts bathers. -, For • tlk1/3-• d.ffrg' running on Our country roads; ; Tbis Is new for reakion,',„Gederieh'' taxpayers would and ak,WO liye.giglit Miles tioni the' ratepayers' to keep their pimp roads hardly Wish' to see .:their money nearest : hlghwaY • A bunch of en. --open,'; bUt,t1X0 only Systeta.,.here if spent in such a futile project when thuSlafitte.'_Oitizenp Zelma* and they ;want. to % crave earls In 'the funds are si( Mn.cli, 'needed. for the. surrounding ci 'forret ' thought there winter., There Are font linch out-' rink, and •-other far' more' sboUld/be something done se they ,fits working -Within forty • Or while endeavors,, 1'.' , , could „Set 'Out With their NOS and here :this Winter, Will eencjose Then, t�0, it was only a short trucks.. A meeting was, called in two snaps of the rotary plow taken time .ago • that the • TOww 0011114, ,,Zelraa'''two zweeks age. today;• to. gbing, past our farm, „ one ", Showing - ,1114,14.1,47NIddr, • OVE e Lye cue 00.1,1$ provon. ZRX • PlontY of room for kInUing for. Jakiistiote.,, please • forward ex- er„;eb WISely ent to t e, discuss .•the. SnovvplOug'b 'Pr011esition Part. Or DDr:slADIter:j),01,t;.111. ec-0tbet, clear , the the.. Zelma„, .close'Vie*.;ixtrounted ,traeter When we progressed .. • "0'159414 IseuSS:ao0oUntlbeorfe,„Vebiuu#1112* P.°01° n8e' Pass04.0„.' ,to . ' „. •; bylaw restr.eting the 'lakefronch t " to Otriet„ with' tchet,result ,that, 1 WiShing,'"' you and. yOur paper a `s., where Wcister,n pump. was irk Order,' , • ' keep. frem,,,,being ,cOMraercialiged,., beiieVp it:Was.41,009 Waasupscribed prosperons'....Year; rennan,,• •'' The ,suglestion. of, ,precting '.tonr!St• .0Y ••the .interested;, -parties to the .•• :"..int.'„Iit; '3010S, n very PurAP Was inStalled - The ..PCI;ion.' Co -Operative auto a sink. 'Inc sink. icit's- blg ineuranc4 Program IS -.4evol-.°1)' _ , as mobile • -CahluSt .p yirepld:,'Spem, e,onfi,et ,snovvplongh..,tund.., The plough .Wit„0 ,P0„41..,:,:coeuntt,', Sa as MallY •m9derno-balbt0s, ith the Intention). ef• the recent orde):ecl' 'frena the but, .a.round ,dinnerAime WUS, agentS% clibsen reepive. their heebses, ,aPPlication, may be made ,thrOugli the .Toronto office, .If rour'Jne.hr- ance .e.pires in,' the- near future,. eentact your: cannty. Or toWnship: 4, oni Ug bY1 4W4 • xfond machinery; , pvuLTRy • AT .13)($coorr,.:,, nothing..(to see Dad and.. ihe. uaii..wasbina, their bah& at the. sink While Mother, puinped Water. •intO a •Tiall, for filling'ithe reserv,pir. Aleng...gbout thie 0 year, , brother% Woultr-begin ct show 'life._ The Molot, leanly eaith:, was packed,-hintO boxes and Pitt, away (in .the cellar early .1.ate-4tr to, bring. -thein . or ithe planting season,' Tomatoes. 'Cabbage, ,radistieS and .iflower.S!were• all,pianted Lir the: tritnsplantingi, ,with his finger and inquire # they .would,'..evecome4ne:4,-Mothe014 and gently.pat•the earth down where he had been rootingAinitli his fingers. rinhily, Abe plants ,would spring green sp,ronts ,through the earth and we would watch with -interest, Ment ilist Warden of tile .4154 to. Nee which would. be first, The He. held ,thiS position LO]? six bakes A,v1i,ote. years, len the law prOviding-for could pickup the Morning sun; e, election (.4 the -Warden., by the and in llie".._ntierneton they 'were connen _,,conle into effect 1» 3447; mofed acroS". S. the realm:: tO L)r-0.halk° wa-s--rtnerTiirst,--elected., stterrioos sUil• • Warden and 'field the until.... Lambing time..Usually ,reskittied. In. 1854.0 when „.he,' Was .sneeeeded Iv' one or tWo• lambs* w,hOse mother Arotin-Strachan•-Of *Goderich. had 'paesged awaY. They wobld: be ..1n, 1849 • an...act. was passed by kifegA, ouit. on a, comfortable rug parliament by whiCh the District of behing. 'the ...stoVe And we .used to Iluron, was ,,dissolved. and Instead fuss over ' them with a :bottle . • ther,-,---Unitod:::Counties.,:...efuron, 'Milk and a nipple: li The sme thing. Drnce and_ Perth -,eredtea in • its appaied. to )01.04,'„ Mother put:. up 1.04•44444040•44P44.4,4444, ar 'w- ve-a4' -Correct in-itating that Wftrden:-.loinv kitchen"; good-natured'wiy a.rinstrongts election marks the ecu- • although she did balk at the time ,thnary. of this county event Perth, when. pad brought' in .a whole thdrew in 1853 and truce became ,f,aibily Id little '201.gs ,for a.ttention separate eonnty . CilARLES St/MTH* large. For instance,. the rocking uburn. 1886; - . The was always • • chair in 'front of the eitove, that' A accommodatth ed e head of the WOltba OF APPRECIE210$ household perfectly, could Carry, on • • occasions' tvit of (the family withont th ake rie What pr. punlop e,the _Sihron.,"trt. Thelfoil.se ri whielv.,he lived for .many 'years,. , a—preperty-,Of Cronlideralilexcr:. twes,t 'St; Thomas, Is still! ,elistfnee and. residents ofthe 'wOuid iIke the•110'ae. vnd esieire1'te4 tuto effective actren.and "few...yearsgo the. propertylwas. aflowed :t.q...gQ.,i11t9i:.th,,_...11,0320s. of •9' D0tOtt man,.Whe:" has t Alice, told Ittrothe 'wan 'of' the , saMe.• Perhaps, :both igiv; and, ' E,tturon '-wake--- Lsonie dam 14-41 it is not too late-Testablish tbe .histririe; spots as meraOriala,, 0f!', Only: tii'z the Men Wilt. Whose ;Istratii , they, are ,directly donnected, bat to, 0. the *enters who 'raid twIoundatiOns a these commix*, liteidpreserved.,as-an ,historic -park, • -zotro4-4r(sQlst iMuid Of breaking 'Obina, I ressial, .,,Affer thit e _ se. ;years, 1:0 - ;-• ',-fit any sort Of Settled goVerninent' that Onnittry. 'Would, be . WeicoMe� ff0St lOoka, as .if Old, Kik' 'lute hati. caught' tip. 'with. -J#iiu'arY. • is -almost g a44, ',..ke*-01tty 'Short ntentliring Cannot, be so - Off; ,atid. in -the uteantinoi 'the:re few weeka tor'. htercor tier ,wholesOM 'Wintor .,sports,' . • .00.plaintsr.. come froth . s'eme: Mirteni .the'. additional half- ' dollar tonfred _troth Inotoristsq .I estatiiislonea ot, Nid. to efiklros. tor doosse that' Cat* tot be c011eeted *OM the 'Pepio.A, Sible tor the', 4a:triage.. The Oance Is that, :raotoris‘ who, tiotve paid for* Insuranee 'ett, ther onto:tele: 'Mile& by regional liontett, are .- rigaiit toe the i'Vhdd IR 4io warof verifying 'thenip pleasantileature Cf the au s:eription_ renewal- peried is the re- ceipt of 'letters fiT,om sUbscribers at a distanee.' ThiS -week we have the ollOwing intereSting not,. 'dated 'January 20, B.,,,Sturdy,. at latchats,_ Ot•egon: ' aroundrand time to b ur alWa- )3 *Welcome week - u o yo y iy With „local, news to keep. me posted....„ . „ Our., ,winter • Week§ Is 'breaking above being the Maximuni temPerature, but enough. •to' freeze cars .and • waterfiipes. of; 4-those.nnprepared-fir-a. hearrirost. . 'Traffic along the cOast' ti, almost n' II, but- 'pick ,up as :soon irtilder :Weather 'is prevalent. • • test wishes for the Iste*r Sincerely Yours, - G. B.'...STUVP)C.. Notes frturt SUbscribera Front Xis. A4 W. Wise, Toronto "We are, al,Wa**...:.glad . to read the home Ativni new.. AlthOugh, there ttre,-Maux tneW Mimes, ,Ve Can. Still fin.& the naines a many in Cloderich And, the stirrounding country •' we • tkr* land Ltiket tertainiy enjoyget. mtg. the hOrae.paper, and ..,keering- touelt, Ntith elf the dews." '• Pronli Mrs. fldred C. itrovoi, Ottawa: "Xog,r_poper continues to,• be a •Sour de ,bt great, ,interest .td • ' ' ;4411 ANNIJAL ButclIERY cetutot, uoltreal) :They are serionslY Werrled itt Ontario abOtitthe Iteeateraht. Of big game thcit year hthe foreata and„ In the northwest d the l'tovlitee,' .,At,the rate things 're going .at the moment, 4t May be asked Whether. Within a. few yearfi. all the 'animals' will tnot be :extinet.. AccOrdin dttOffiCial Of Abe' ,Departineuf, of. Lands and Voresta iti Terente, there resed M6;64440' •.01d Minn ,e8Ota i'frentier daring the, last hunting ,seatiolt l8;5$0, deer, 815.. ,and" 118 hears. Alithis game WO.S.legaI- IY kilted hy American „hUntera.' • To thia figUte.there ratiSt be addh ed te, ,0 great deal of difficulty. • The .,'sideboard wa rery large. A. Maiden aun El, her's-gave-- ItioLlier...one cand_it-,OxYlvea',..4 for Manly years. • Vach , spring, 8. coat- 'of paint "wasapplied:111111e liberally.' 'VAS. added ,to. the, .bulk of, the massivesideboaml,, 'Wthet-T',olierished -the ,11e - reason that "„Aufaty". wo414: e limit' The kitchen WaS,' iirge . taint comfortable and the- familY'sPreaft - ground- lit 'in the 4 evening, . Mother the' lamplight, end after latherhad perused the paper he Would Sit in front Of -the stove twhile we children exploreld the /shadows' of, the- big, -honey rooni. : ' ' ••• pod,erich-is leved'hy. ;le $aPkatc;01,AUdi delivered last' week. .CIANTON;,`, Just what it is -"the Prettiest towfl Th,e price, I believe, Was, ;1,300, , farmers are now tryfng to dispose in Cricada ;•,, hit should it be turned- which leaves some money on band of their laying hens,-. because of the into the 'hot-dogstand" type offor operating expenses recent drop in egg. prices, „ it is summer resort '(seenelsewhere on This plough is mounted on a local „reported by Gordon. Bennett., Agri - the Blue Water:aighWa7) it would- farlu Diesel * tractor, and *operated cultural • representative' for Huron. certainly lose 'Ito -charm, its name,from the power: . take -off,„. Tractor Young, Piga are la'. Strong demand,• and many of its families of summer and., Maw • are furnished : for two as are good, boars for ,hog breeding, residents Whp• halte'-enjoyed , and dollars per honr. 'T mig13.t, ad,1. that stock. - • , • coritiotttea- td,':Goderielt. for,-geher; the operator,•_has- Plonghed4ight.)19 „ .• Turnips Aire rePOrtect, to. be moving, ationafter !generatien. , . ‘1to. the subscriber% garage „dpOr. steadily - teentarket. inc.Buron„, 'The- iring e airs I I I • • •••••••I ;11fight;,,we' suggest;, ,liowever„. that So, leaYing. ears parlted• on. the road this cOminitthe , look ' into fhe .Pee; as they; did:, in ,gelborriethe last sibility • of -Securing; bathing priVi- • time 1 was dp*n. there. ",-ThiS outilt' lege§ on the-linesttheiteh---inierW -is-supPosed-ta-"do CustOrivploughing- America' (the ,,, -Old, riendug-beach)-.-- for-.non,„Suhserip. distric tn. -seri ,ceT--tettir'fro:.- , • ably dbes, for the fiSherxnen,'Then Goderich Would :have the • bese, a everything to offer .all .. comers?' ar):41, the doinmittee- and -town• fathers would liaire everyone's, .heartfelt thanks' and appreciation,: •• TAXPAYp. Tau . ‘4„ 1049., aboviAgiieW ?lien° „ roii-CTIV-i-feWiriN-11C-V07-11111%. -Roues' withoii-r-,hetring,n_long star about her alinients.",„ m • 'Wes, you might almll ost Faik .1111. organ recital," ' -r Von will be proud of the CliestelOeld.; Chairs ete, that - we re -upholster or recolier for you: Choice of velour, -iieZe„tapestry, , damask: Quality coverings Phone 2063* ' Piek.u.p and delivery. SEEUSt PHONE- US1 WitrrE US! THE,SQUABE '001)ER1011, AINT:IT ICAO . TAIT? On'Clethess,she.?spendsher, legal. Under- _• • _• Because this truth she's, foxind- A' dress- eau make giri ;104 Bien, a persons, NiAlo roviston against ateident ohatWatiot grievaiiice IS 'Oat but it rotor, bel.apposed that 1tliese *ere etitutils nuitierons. 'tt may ,be added 'that tilOse kflld Itlegalis, b"Y pottefiers det,outed by *ol.Ves make negilgibte nutober,, Our :wit° 41" ea"tul' -14 °e? nefitlibm, are not *rode TiCiii4a4f-- 4444tte"1" /474 t6 'vuShOW leohlter 11115 Mitalat altactIy the , tumid butebory otni go, on, Aind tida,Yarteti tho etest ones WIA0 figarOa are tat all eXCeptient lat4t, atdCntS It oes flgtne't were ,even, St°1•Ak' vi" EXACTLY LONIttilt ti vimnto aotiert j It-e„euid bo 4iter4trOm,artOrlrIth1POt JU note it& lows, '0,10 sister and strife't'exe RAO 144410, Ott here, Wo have got otter to moo* tO, hut we need lootnotit to talk ikttont," Anti a. 'Imo Area e lo ok ledit4$ *41,41OrttlOf I Itig it ACV/ 411: "T vontiolis vti get -411taime tOS VtiOtt 140Sacitott 44'0 itoci ,fvestont St044'.4 • „, • , GOolui G60 out wetsest 414iing tDeP' CI t14,.*t#-- • 4.0 04lkiktit'; Oottsil too G so4 Amis 044, oody.fpi 4410 „ttolutior4.400top, t 6.4 4!it iottti4o, -444e STUDDED OLINEY-G APS TOR SALIU and Irt0i0Iti,A, • . Donr,t be teibgeft„ b .• . ,Get, relief 'fest; - tit. a lew drops of Vib1,Va."-qtro-nol, ir ,each. nestril, It helps •-,Weleome 'NOL NOSE DROPS. • number ,of enquiries, for good seed • ... • , • ir41W 41;0101110* 4 strong' ,demen fel' WS' sPring'S i)lant4ngt''' ,Attis.:QuennleveXviatolWaidn:n„egiven* you inY. Pay:- Cbedk On the- first, Of ewveerraYliom:nt: mono" • - , )"."""‘"1"..‘ ,••"•"mil"'°'wt.'"'""li".10711! • .,Sitting in a draft -working in a damp' 'olace-wet,feet-'thfge are dozens.--o .hinge which may cause 'a backachei 'ant, theres..-ohe,.way thousands of • Canadians have found_ t� help relieve this cendition•-,-Dr. Cha'ae,s Kjdney- Liver Pills: This effective femedy tones up both the kidneys and the liver - and brings 'relief fro*: Patna " in the small of the back caused DY ' "cold" in the kidneys: So insist on this reliable remedy-provenbyiover half-• a-eenttity's nA0-13r-' Chase Wirer Pills: At ail drug counters. 19 • , -•••••••;',4,, SMENTIFIC O'VirrRiOn rtud,3s,-C1' 'X'ERC/f3ES AN ERE •••3 4nglese (an. °ie.. 6 • •••••••••, • , ••••• •••••••••,,,i• • •,qr` ••.'• Oritio • • I ".•••ro ilgow 19 t time to eheeir and make sure that your -likings. a:re •r, „ • •.;-••• eoivet. ghoul& rill.. ati.y ohaiiii4o • additional liortingst et11 your 7Te1et)bpite. tiOness. Offie6 today*-- * 0 t4 g 9b41.1 bp gladO, d*.t.issyu 140, with you, OOD*X1,1;Malla,Or, - COMPANY NA" A ••• .. A' ).*•"...‘,, , 491. 4..; or lia-to- end the counters of Canada's 3,`30 rinieh banks would stretch. onl a ow IthleS. et:t 'reach tarniing ktizibering fis mining and. Au.dustnal e,onoittruties,righ.t across anadrt—helii mOvC the products of these*reas, mto the znarkeis of -the world; Through their ,foreign brancheS and d • e„ derAsPqndentA0-.banics help -to find lcustemers- for Cana4tg4, hete, bring ligekthe . , 'goods Can atnustlnty alari)ad« , Proliae Otmada's -traders with the fina ncial etience and facilitiewnecessiry to t ivoway flow of our foreign, trade,' t�talled 43( it,cod vy bllflokt 4ollar8 in 1941. $P0115ORE if' ti Ad/03:4, 3.3.3 NM, .1 3