HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-01-20, Page 511 1 4 • I VIM re SIG TAR SEZ TR. :0.44!.110.1m.' '". •:$ Lingep-,:?„•••'‘'..itICCY,PLW' bread * e*TREIZr !‘tthe Control at the 'attire- • and . Nestingfiouse Rangel' rRUE.TEMP 'ers with • sm.e-clleb. euarer' (..x•ifi • fike 4:4:1414,' , Bitrrigta-Bihur koTot cArt• ras,rxdpr- -PHONE- 296W rrtr MO*,Q A Wjthmoa tuc ows.: imcKtrolc:‘AxsAie .:r4urixed,.front, Tarontot ,W,Itere • ther attended, 00, st?ring, x: fro e7,ax,e sgain contrsotin barleY' for. ' " OANAI)A MALTING If interest,d,* get in touclk us. - O T MICKLE and SONS Phone 1.03. Ilensall, Ont. Nights 133. 'Atf, .„. TO nom) COUNTY ' .SEEPPA11 IN IVIA11,011 • .CLINTQN, Hur,On go,tiatY'S •;$000nd 'annual Seed 'fait 4,04. ()rep improVenient AchieN: Ment Day will be ,Cellegiate lestitutei: oh, March' 11 and 12, was•fiecided at rneeting 'of the exeCutive of, Enron County - ()rep IMprovement.. AssOcci. ation on 'Wednesday 'afternoon. It be •a ,:twdieday ehow instead of, OE one -day affair as in 1948: Either' Itobe.rthen, ILA., 5, 'encle-, richt, presided " at.. the , "exe-eutive meeting,.. with. Flurry: • L. Sturdy,, Auburn, in charge of the. proceed-, higs of the.'prOect Committee under N'Vbich the Seed. 'Fair will, ebine; , Thefirst annual Seed Fair, held in the Samepla0,0 &n he aPrilxi. Io 1918.,'W,as Qousidered an "outStanding suecese, .„ IL TI , , rtmtrrVirr - WE ARE -01.)EN,„'T act 1.0. Bari A0-7 7-13:4,1)PIT -7 r We have *opoil Tetaxiiev0Vithlifbariey Growers interested • please call or Write DAYMP 4Araf.413.* Ju 19.17; ).),4•4 "'lleterley YOrk of 1.44,can stient the Week -end ather home in, the Village. We are sorry to report; that Xisa Ance .,446#1105., was, taken e, to the. cliintOn hoSpital on:TuesdaY4 .al -Mrs; VI•ed Welton!, -ale attendipg. t,,,Aehermen'ti eenVen!, tioa,,,,at_.• the Bova'. York Hotel in Teronte thiS Life*, AIOS*13etty Lou Larsen of London Is, Spending; a eW, daya at her -.hen* here t1410 MOO-' . •Urs,,,•• 1404 • SCOtettneX was Qne of ;the ,Vinnors,', on, '1/ether: arltees.' musleal,,, • -gula.,..,recentiyi, when she won 'a • L.Ongine. Wrist, "Mt crh, •Ronald'' the week-end...with hia-grandparentOi, and. 1Y/rSx rred Rak.,04•:-• AiminUat 11feetitig * of Irri.aft-t •Cluirs1LThe anntiaLineeting 044.4 VestrY, A•nd, ,bOard :Of • nllulage133q/at of 'Trinity' 'Anglican -'Citureb 11014 In the„-eliurell MendaY. Oen- ;,.Reports' were given by--,Itlae' otarious: plutich orgatiptitjone,. sho,wing satiStnetorY• balance.'. Rey. 141V0)3.e Morgan'.6poke, On.the wtrk aceeniPlislied 4414 ;the -year and' annOnneed $140,09. nvatie the :ohliten by the late 'Pref. Lloyd Hodgins,; also the, gift of $1.Q0 :inade te.the chnreh byMrs '01MT-0 Lainhert of Detroit in,meixt .bry Of ;ter '1.1).,1104114,, was 'to beneed to- buy • newcarpeting. for the. chaaceL, .Thochurch officers, Or tip year: ,.are as, Pllew.p: Rector's Warclen;iaoyd ScOtelamer; people's wardenhoxixas ScOteluner , tree* erer, Leille , Elliott'; vektry .0harles. Geteinhard; delegate . to, Synod, 'Chas: :-Gerneinhard.; Substi- tute, . Lloyd Septchnler; , organist, Mrs. R, johnston ; janitor, Um. ElllOtt.r• audtters, , Miss, Luoy Tt, Woods, M. Corrie; sidesthen,,- ErneSt Novey, ' 'Wan. Parker, M. Carrie,. T. H. Mack, A. .sebtehmer. iiseussion .was held as AO the re; decorating -'of„ the interior ,Of, the Church thiS spring .and , the 'follow- ing committee ,was appointed R: 13.. 40hriston, IsXrs. R. EL F; Gairdner, ••• Lloyd • Scotchmer :and „Rev4,,,L,•.Morgan. --A ..ComirtitteeWaS; appointedte arrange the p'rograni r Aric_pre.oaration_. lor the .Celebration :of, the 100t1-- anatiVersary o the. church. :this saninter:. Mrs. Scotclnner Miss itticy_woods,448. FA:74 lAtissett, Prentice, the. select- • vestry: 74441,37.%01413 00174 • Atagistrate.' - E. Uoinleft 'Oita afteraoen' fonnd-- ,ratrlek tarhand-PeMifieyee o Gordon BrindIey, Oelborne , townehip: tar4tero giiiitY of the thett of a. horse belonging. to Jasper IitindleY, ot Goderleho and ..,reinanded him to all'one we for sentence, :els on On the charge' against ELRVATORS—RENSALL, 0 . Da4'' Phone go. 32 ' Night Phone No. 2 _ ' truiteeS, 'Dr, Gal-, klerson. and 17. R. ors,. arta m 729 '0,ARLOW ex • t Vorta tEr otib,44 RETIES -- A11111111111111=NEW P11014.E 64 , istiribufors ir O CU -PREZ DEIVIONSTRATION t4' 'EXETER' A ii IP my. I ,..... , • i .,, ..... ,.... . aiF LIMA IliEllralliWill10145=1:41. m gm aim Isq-i-ormirasiasum ELM V. MEN .. ilk griMmAM lor-Ovety • Nci,Joil.too ' mil isinsomus Ill. 4113111111111111111111 a . MASTI*C TILE RUBBER.- TILE 4'. ' LINQI.EUM.TILE,„_:,,... _PLASTIC I:ME__ putpaie • LARGE ,OR'TOO,.$MALL: WE.:SUPPLY THE MATERIAL OR INSTALL YOUR 10B COMISLETE. . ' - 10110181311011 -1.' 4 V' . • asavinnummw -2,4111111,',,, .111111 a r , 'Albert- St. Ixi retoxiej!s,.eens,ent...was',Adiotir,ne 9,0e ..• Alzear J, ton, was fined $2,5 and costs with. tile alternative of a sentence when La pleaded gOilty to a charge of driVing:' hiie is license was, tinder onSperisleni- : '• , A, chargP of abandoning herehitd- rim Wasreact against 'Mrs. !Lorene rater, og, go4er1ch township; a. •Was: taken eaSe.was remanded one week -noon 'tut re- quest, 'of- CroVvn 'Atterney E, Glenn Haysi.•:. who**, stated. that, CaMpbell he acting- for 'the "ticciised., 'Gardner reneyved.her ;ball. ter. poo„, " jehn .SProul„. Truron ';'rottd; aed that•the.eharge o theft iald. against Amiroy. Clark`be withdrawn, Sproul 'Stated tenntl*, the 'aitfeleS,,th'onglit to have beenstolen in a" .diawer. -in- his house eeTeral days -1g.agiStrate Fiolines warned, Sproul, it VvaS serious tolay a charge pniesg lie Was fnore certain' as to the facts: Sproul VatsOrdered to • , „the court ,eosts 'and ,,the oharge was withdrawn. • 'Found gouty of falsifying records While an.'emploYee of Breckenridge's' hardware store last fall; Gordon WilSon NYI•ls sentenced to thirty days in Goderieh Jail. A theft charge was withdraWn. • 41 • , LITTLN .14,04141 . C. D. Robinson has take over theposition of official weighmaster In GotleAch.• -" . Wedriesday. an official high of-' 53 was recorded in Goderich.. LaSt year en the same day he h whs 24. ' . , Get that paper in the cellar bundled: up and, ready for the Kins- men. Club'pixper drive next-'Wed- 'nesday. GAN! 164 ligann,* altator rannOrg; ABA InStitilte rio.e, Tbiz, 0010410ov 10,19t t-ltute.Ii "Aii. oeettcn ct (Koos a the Onneadnen, Pariah ruesclaY. :retiring ixresident, presided., The garY'' SMItho. resnliS of the. eleetiOns.,'Were' as follOWe; 'PreSidel#0. Elaine 14b; :vicemeeKent, Elaine Bean; - were- ttarlia4.1raZerl'l M7rvYlxISnxithiw- rant dirOtor, Jean :Rivett; .PreeS Secretary, Maklette, •StingPd• V.14118 for a tp.obitoa Avrtt were diSeusSed,' The ,CoLwanai'unto Mem elected ''Oieir .Offieert; or, the tQUOVIringyeAt At tb.f• 3a1014.11011, Ag'rietlittural UaUOn •T4eAda1, -the telloWing to hold efilee,; Eon, pre*. 4011-t,,.lieher tedS.:;eSident',.George, jetKenneth Petrie; Seeketary-treasurer,. Harold Athlm;S; .direothr47--tor . • celbOrne, Ebner' Eunter, prithatroOESOrtio4.-fer AshZlid., ro Alton and oordon. l'f1g�., Tie jnnior Institute Ir1 joined the aniO. Ea11113,4r.S.: Pr., Thek Orahltun',Wa0.0-ei seeretar.v-q treasurer, tor Ioinit ;.zpeaing. Antioies are beiug tatide tor bazaar to he held in Maroh,''.0ani0 • and a conteet were ,played at. the' e.onclusion, �f the.ht.011.•P 4leetirtg,. ASifFIELD •SCH001.. BOARDMAKE .Appoxtrrivfmnp *The', Sehooi= Board met at S.S,*13', school; with all members present Win Hunter was . apPoiiited chairman for the year 1949Lainl . Walter Alton' vice- enairinan,7 It was decidedthat men3bersliiP fees he paid to the Ontario School Tenstees' and I,tatepayers' ni the following,.Sehools have. The follovvIng tenders for dare.' been a6ceptedt• No. 4, It D. Ross; No,. Douglas Itaynard: NO. „0, Mel. .Stewart ; NO. 7, Harr -Swan ; No 8 Rory 11cDonald. No lit, Mrs. •Edna-„:”McCa",be•; No. .12; JatheS Bradley; • No. 13; Harry „Eacketr; ND. 16,-Bona1d Treleaven. Tenders for Nos: 1, 3, 9, 10;15, .and'.17 havejag_t_beeiLreceived--• • The' •seerd,taw-is .advertise' ---hr one issue of the LucknoW and •Gode- -r eh, pitPerS for tenders for ;wood ; enders 0 e in b li '" .....Theseeretary"Shond,iwaS.Tene.wed.. for another •yetir, and .the se'bretary was authorized to pay teachers' and caretakers' salaries mOnthly ttS per C DERICILTOMELsIS GopurtioH TOWNSHIP. Jan., 19.nlortnited •Chureh willmeOt nest Sunday at the,home of Mr. and. 111rs -Gordon Orr at 2.30 p.In. • ot lunches are to be Continued" as in (rmer years.. Mir. Reg. Fuller has, returned to. Erie -Moore has been engaged' at his home after undergoiyg. ober.- No: 1 sehoOl. and Ars. Bert Craw; ation inasthe Goderieli hosp1taL-4 Air& at NO. 17 to teach for the w -en remainder of the school term. . Next—regular meeting of the Board will be held on January 26, at which time if, planned to visit the schools in the area, roads and' weathei.• Permitting. : . • . .blastWeek Heree1Yed severe -gash in his foot wji1e work- ing in the bush. , ' • Mr., Geo. 111ellwaain*is in the„fillocle- rich. hOsp.ital,' Where he underwent an operat1On7-- ' • . ,Union.W.M.S;-'41here.was a good attendance at the 'January meeting_ of the :Union which • waS ,.,11.10 at „the 'home of IVIriss, deo,s, Eiwairt. :The' Meeting was' in charge of the President.7,M, ',FOreet-' Mc - 'Claire. The theine ot the clorotionati period, was !TAT Kingdom .come—, through the tegehh* ministrY of..the• Church?' -Mrs':. 'Werald. Orr and; Mrs. Vic. Falconer -:took part in the third I.Of a series 'on W.-1VVS. work overseas. This cliScitssion . dealt with work in Afrlea.. Sev- ef 1 .mattere's of, business were • dis, • ed at this Meeting and plans ade4ori_the .coning year. . AflnhiaIMetiTheLflJL meeting of 'Union Church was held at the Mune of Mr. and Mrs. Everett 1V101411main :on T.hursday evening :hist, •With, twenty-two persons 1p7.atten-. &nee: IL -Turner, vas- Oliairinan for the evening. All t10- Phone 739 „.. 40,4. II:antno !wonder the re askingl,.EADI�WAVEja, the .exciting new permanent vi,i've Jistent everyoneis •talkinegbi)ut., it's,th,e ONLY permanent featuring ;' SecOnd Timing'!" No niatter wb.at type of;hair you have,. r I the skillful handling of this.' Sei,entific Precision instrinnent , by out expert...Operators assure'ou‘ a perfect,, lustrous , ; , ' ' • petix.(anent, ait.t sfy alive, rdiant1y 'bertijOittli , ...soft as spun s •••,-•a latitiiig i•Ave.ofgrater depth. ▪ it" t .4,13 ,ten you more obout !a IT ,n-13,NAttrip,AL, sbiztiorteltik, Tax boituRtHr irntigT t•Olt ••••••• kipt a�1d tra:,ye Not wave,- No otro0aessil:iie pti lin; • lierpr9eetia,ing our exprt lndfr oidlial= hair ,stylists asSure you of -,Suc,. essfui resitts. Radio Waite bri4g& ,you tile precision.. -„ • • 340 t Q13, Inj FRANK BRANNON .1PrOd, Shannon returned - town last week.,,,atter SPending Some- time at Qtta*a iXe >reugh1x, word Ot the death -of hiS brother- Frau*, 'which .00curred in Sit, Joseph.% gos- pital, Spdbitrx., on, December 26th. 'rank Was a'.• son of tho late Mr., And 4r W, AShanixOn of CrOderteli• ut*.for,". the:last :twenty.'one yea•kir: had,.teen. 'living, at 'MarkStan near SuelburY "nth•ere he was engaged In conn0Ct1on With -the tlinber 'bOst, n000. He had been 111:411ing for seine tinie before,•-hiS. death. Is .brAther 'attended ,.the . funeral, - m41101 -10(4 p1ae at Markstay" on Deeentber 20th. , TI tock e mei` MRS.. CEPEAS T,QT.INeit l• After. ". week' iUnes,MrS, gephas NI, Young died in the*Ckin,- toU 'hespltal*en 'Thqrsday; Jantlary 13th; in her fiftieth Year, '1JaVille, ',Charlotte', .II:ut0hins,: was born 'in WOst, Wawanosh, daughter ,of .1/rs. Eiirrk flutehlm4 now Of ,,Goderieli, And the -late- Mr;.. ExttelibiS, :After her 14arriag'ac thirt3c-yearS-ako -she resided oiv4he' Maitland eenceselon pf Colborne township,- She waS .11 -111elliber of Benniiller 'United church.* Besides ter husband and reother,she'leaveS a daughter, Mrs. flarr TackSon (Ruby .Leola), of Witiglitini7;• two brothers, George,''of*•Qoclerieh, aufl Charles; of Holmesville: arid four" sisters, 1'Irs lk�est -Armstrong 8,14.. DOY4 '111:10110,:jit TOr'ento::- Mrs: Richard Cousins and Mrs. Joseph Moore, of .Goderich,„ TWO brothers, Sohn and Earl; of Toronto,, were killed 'in.., an adcident ift,* Kitehener ell October 12, 1946.,The *funeral service on Saturday" afternoon at the' Cranston 'funeral home as .co.hr-4 dneted bf Rev.' S. E:'Ilitywardi.of Benmillerlinited church. The pall; bearers Were 'Aaron Fisher, Stanley SO,der, . Lawrence Snyder, James Blake; Orval Blake and Norman' Ajljn 'Burial was In Colborne cemetery. " , ' Couity. Treasurer .- -odgets • for. 1949 Wentinued fiorn page i _ glag§tig, there. s not . much brightness in • the budget he would present., • • . The ,estimated -ekiienditures' total- led :F27k47:5„ TO raise the needed Tevenne wonld require. an rate, made upas fol$Ows r- General account; 4:50 mills; County' high- ways .3.59-111111s, plus the cost Of seemidaryi schools to those town - $1111)a,, or, parts44if_towli5h1p8,,not_ areas -The tate for urban. Centres would he 8 mails. With this rate the -Treasurer estilbated a revenue of $275,613 producing a surplus of 42,138., Er5kine7Si3*ted that last -year *there was a deficit Of, $16,000 In the ..org4,dziajtdsw „r4,gpar.tedoLviyieni.,!„51•1-e4,. 4enerati; cessful vear. Gordon Orr, eg, show a slight increase In expenthture Fuller and Forest lvIc011trerere re - _appointed stewards. At the -Jose �f khe meeting a social 'hour was.. enjoyed. . •-• . 4 . TAYI.;()WS Weare sorryto report that.- Ken,. th 01 i fli at his home on the fith ,conceaslon. We 'wish, him. a speedy recovery. A.quilting was held 10 the school on Tuesday evening of thig week. Officers.--41ie. annual Sun. day School 'meeting of Zion 'United. church ;Was held on Sunday. The following officers , were elected: Superintendent, L'Orne Rodges; as- sistant superietendeet, Andrew Holmes:* seeretarY-treaso,rer,, Wilda WliSoi;. assistant secretary-trelm• e Ater Kathleen Holmes; assistant organ. 4.1At,. Vera Wilson.; inisSionary secre- tor, Mrs. C. Tairener; temperance filedrettulto grS. Snyder: Cradle Reit. superintendent, /Ars. It Fuller; tetteherS,Bible 0,1ass, Rev. and Mrs. Tavener ;''yoxing. ladies' class, IVIrs, Calvert; assistants, Ars. C. Whitely and MrS,G. Ginn primary lass. Mrs: .0. Proxise 'Mrs. `14. Rodges.; boys' class,. W 1nycTr and,Ilina. Walter; auditors, A. Oke. and, 11,1r.s. 11 Abdo's, , , , • • R., T . 1 ! while ,pu 4, Coinpretse "5uto giass isiiiscetiteut se s• irk*. • Hobbs ,buolito and poplate. iktoty Glass • instilled .teileltlyo tett. ribmlcOltY* h* • new. • ST S. puoNt 20 (of coutaet your local ar a or *Service, StatiOu for the Children's Aid. SocietY., •anothef :WOrrser -adder:to.' the staff. .11he'disbandment of the Old age pensions board reduces ek-• penditure by..$600. The Treasurer, warned that com- mittees would have, itperate inidget, Progress in. New, Assessment*" ' A. Alexander, County apSeosor. tated tbiat.assesslng wasprogressing, well. Fotir ninnieipalitiesare coin- .4 pleted..Exeter, Hensall, Brussels and past. vv4wanosh'; twelve othet aOsessfrors.areworking on the syStein .at present. . * To -PurchaSe the Neill Collettion . A report of, the 4 1048 'PrOPertY committee recommended .• the jur chase or!the J. 11, Nella.colleetio'n • of antiques fit GOri'le fOr $3,600. Mr. Neill asked; that quarterS;tor a tralSenni be provided, also 'trtterrti*Ati-,--rtiteloithatAilie:Oewengagetli 'ausitodiahat a yearly 'salary of - • • • 11;fany, reeireS eipressed the epinloo that ,the ,county shoeld not lose the- musettm: ;Sbnie • suggested that :a fee pould he Charged its is done in manyWinos in the United States. Reeve Sill, Of • SeafOrth etild he wag ithorenglA, against tearing dO1V13,' bile 001.1.rt House. One never heard Of Great Britain-,demiolLshing„ Weethirinster • Abbey. "Tradtiow the sti,ortgostrihreaa histore.% he declared; ,.IIe agreed ..fae11,ties1 had to be. made for giOlikty,„oiliCials.,. 'butt, thy- did .net need to be orx; the present site.' ,,"LeaVe t 1Slt: hasn't a, cii,a.ek In it fOr •,a1,1 its lin-flared' years. If is the pitet of Goderieh."' He faVoreci trilng the ,bblicling for 7t4co:vitinourviptitibtiv'tt,tittetollgriotttttiop. ittInbdWfleekt's the( County assist, . "As far, ns.thepoutt Eatise being Owned- fate -a' 'place for aatiquos, Iithoovirre;. ,(11,t0' to,0nertIlltktietiok,i1, itil„611et.vieledSo, .11.0ergrp,e •MathiesOn of. -„Goderleli, • IThilhtepit hrifielfes al tile .Wonieff's Instieute L4olt, lottoi*. urging 60 pureliatte".of theiNeiriZcoileetion, rinalitit, "the ..toileiriag itboloit 'hy iteoves l'.4%-ti4ou. and Itetteimann Was. etitiOrsed;.PTItat the 'Nein 0011eat1oh ,Ire4 tytirehn 'Mid lett it:it 15uhitll further r. an nentS eall he MRS., WILLIAM MeOREATH • Friends of the late tWiUjam McCreath attended jn large num- berstat the service held on Saturday at ter nod ---Brophey :fitne'tay diibine, Where, r. the:, 6-tig1iet, Was:. • Sur- tlounded-hy---heaatifulAlowershe-- Service •was conducted by Ike*: R. G. •*.M!,kciVti1la41—Of—K1ox--7-Ftrftbyter dburelm,'IlhelnitermentVaslik,Nrix-t' land cemetery, the pallbearers being -grandebni, of Mrs. MeCreath: Ralph and RosS McCreath of, Tor - mite, Eirnest rereathr of -Dearborn, bhip,,Bert...Y. and Wilson, Meareatlx, of TOTreilaTf. PreSp,:nt from ont. of town were Yte- t�r Currell, Mr. and Mrs. p. Thomp- on, Mr.- and- Mrs,alass_Allen-Ralph Mich.„ 'Donal MacLean, of Elyria, 'S.—Mt-Creak -Ross Meereatir and 1%11s -Louise •McCreath, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. M. R. MacLean, of Glevelahd, Ohio; Don A. MacLean, 0,f • Oltio ; George .0, Mc- Creath awl Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. WOreath, of Dearborn, -Mich ;. Jack Carrell, of .'Highland Dark, .1Vfich., and Mr.. and Mrs, •Clarence James, of St. Catharines, Ont. . •- A , service -was- -held-.-en-Thultd,ar- eyening -at Cleveland, where Mrs, Meereath passed away ort Wednes. da, ;Tannery 12th, at the home of her datrgihter„.:Mrs.-111. R. MacLean, in her ninety-se.-enth Year. Louisa -Currell was born October 23rd; 1852; at Guelph, the daughter . Of Mr. and Mrs. • George Curren; mute to ..Stanley township' as an infant' and' three Years later to Ashfield,, where the -family settled. After her marriage to William Mc- Creath of-Gpderi'eh SIWI.Wed in this tOwn. tinfilafter 1 er sus an s death in 191.8. ISinee-then she had made her home with her sons and daughters. She 15. survived by.two -daughters,. ,Mrs. nuvid 11*),m,y,A41. 11111,1111W Nenamommumisis I y ILION* 8totpoilts, o the ne)yortbyeat addreSSed Axe �iiIiin connection with* the .Setting no of the ConlitY health unit atithoriZed the 1948 CoancV .11e tvad, th*ein all-lustanees wilore uottsf weri.estaly, Aisised they .,,vh.re provitig oitistae- tott • •o," • coiniomprimminimi4mmorormiorimose4 anfoiis Rea rad 0 =mat 1, ram •tsr- E-4-vorr -xtz:,QUAU: • efIt' 11 A .74E1tABLX, PM 1416_,F,vs IARD 'ANDi,B.L0010.it L) GODEltICE (ay), of ToroA- an 'Mrs. M. R. MacLean (Lottie), of Cleveland, and two soilT,.**eorge, of . Dearborn, Mich., and Hitrry, of Geode:rich; also by_..a sister, 11):ni. It. T.Pelong,' -of Gderich, and a brother,Nictor pur- rell, of Toronto. ; Two sons, Wil- liam J.,, of -Goderich, and, Bert, of -Toront-oilancla-danghterl -Mrs.-D:47 Tit5141613 (Aoeste),.. of" Goneva; Ohio, •predeceased -her Mrs. McGreath was a lifelong ,estotelan--.4the.-3vait...devot ter -gamily -end-they -weredevote - to hei• and.; ,have , the cherashed memory of a- life of nearly one. hundred years. . • 147,C.T.U.' MEETING ' The JanuaryMeeting‘;of the WC.. 4.11.T.J. was held at the home of Mit. ID;Grigg,• .Wellington. -street, on, t•,.1 January nth,- with a o-otod attend- . anee.bpresiden-----Mrs.-DOngh- :erty, presided and offered prayer. Twenty-one calls, on sick" and shut-: ins were reported. 'Miss- Tabb •took .the devotional period,- reading from Matthew 6.:1-13, and gave an ex- cellent address on the passage, "Why call ye .me Lord and obey ; prayer. 'Sire. Medley and rs. Raithby. gave 'a fine .duet,: ear to the Heart of GO,- followed by " the closing prayer„;by.-Mrs. Stan. •When the meeting waS closed ' a social time was 'enjoyed and a•'• levely lunch semd. r a qy tf, 001..4 Withtittt ' PermaizeiitZ,(itaii1".to , , 0-tn Atm (Iv ktkX• • Nt.o wi.,Wrim,G • • etsfn A WA)/ me not?" Miss Tan: 'also<offered, FIRST AID RENDERED SICK RADIOS • ALSO PORTABLE FOOL -PROOF SOUND SERVICE --. Certified Radio Technician — PHONE, OR CALL iTidder St., Goderieb, Phone,598 In Minia.e's".., you. get curls thatsult yOu best ...a 1=1.201.- t -jt lets.6r loose, natural -looking ,i,,avgs aocl , , MINIT CC% is an entirely new that's as.easy ai" combing your ha,..”, ‘vtive and curls STAY,INt The mcwe you 7, Curl, the longer waves Inst. Minit tions hair, giving it rdortOus hew encourages each Strand 'to acquire L curl you have: always dreamed ot laylrnte.pet • MINI,T,CyRL today. 'SAFE igit Children's 11:ine.k1airt ,or . • ilour4t.rs' 11, ei;s, • 5 'CAPSULES Aboratvry •_,,,. Fol.° : 4.64 Um! net, tate mcwThis ' and approved EmersOn's Drug Store J The Square Phone 46 • Arr4 ,Odds tit ends throughout the store .grouped for quick clearance 44•44414444.1444.X.4" WE , ..Girdles and front , 'lace lorsets. Size s 26 to 36: Regular values $5.95 to $65, A clean-up at It , r, 44T • " A few short wool jack*. Sizes 6 to 12 etirsr7Giiiie ,-rainociats' 7, :to 12. , one-piece snow, suits 4 to 6. All at' ewe ectriri , Sale* oontiiines on ell. latiies' and OIdret!s•oottts, drofiSe3 '&4 tnr itriow -out • ti