HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-01-20, Page 2P4,0
:-.Stilit. Ols,r4COVNITI§t•-.VG4**0$4.T--Nrilift:ataY-
', , _Pn:blished bY. 'Sig114.1.-Star,..*.X;tinited•
. SubseriPtion Sates.--.".-04ada andk„Oreat Britain, $2.00 a yea,Pt _to patted.
..../, . , States, $2.50.
. . -
•4,-(1,Vertia1ng Rates On rettaeet, ' AntlioriAed as secottil-clas$ 140,11, post.
L's . Office Department, 'Ottawa, Telephone 71, .,
. . • . ,
31-einbet of. Canadian Weekly Ne*SPapera 4sSociation
' ' . ? • - Sivorn Oiretth‘tion, Over 2,75
• r,COURSDAY, .7.4.111J4..RX 2Qth, 194p,
:60.11sula TOE7ITAxrAwit74 (golved the World's probletei.
• • ,
. ... •
• Defence', Alinietes CleXton adv0.- .. '.‘There . isn't .ii.n§., interest in
...oit ..immediate,,e0nStrdetion. of the •politicCia,ny,more,". was._ the. regret:,
epgr . •• St,, '14awreitee 0,214 ' pit ear_ .i.i1observat;ion. of . 0, caller in this
• 141,kefi SeAWAY l'il. *the "intereStS of,',: ,.efilee the other day. ..1 Ile was was. re -
national defence. and iiiternational terring to. the , days when political'
• seeifrity." , The reasons he §etS discassion was 'not, confined to th4'
;Ideal:, in •
this I.:lentil:X. . are • Ucot few. :weeks preceding, lin election'
, resSive:' • "It would hring, 're.• but Nv4s. a •cemation -subject of' con-
, - - -Pt.). • . .: ..
' $.0-nreesi, OF the. COntinent's interior versation and, controversy . un. tho
,goeer. ' to, the ' 'fighting front,". he year. round,. We might d.isc/Over ' a'
ioolos, , Ile' wouttoU5:•. the Saila. number .ef causes for the. change;*
,•,,Cimal as. ; vital, point .whiCh must among tbe.".mest inlpOrtant ,i3O,uld. he
be,. gliarded against sabotage or the • widening 1;:f , the tiding •• bound
...00.er 6,d,amage: . - „There. would- be aries.. •I In • -iluron,., for instance,'
.'other, paints along the. enlarged there were until thirty years age
•• seitwiyAliat--weald--bc quite as vul nee 1.,. ugs., `puriti 1 OP
Inerable; because "bringing the Fe- become .... acquainted - with neari.Y that: •lle fOrgets tile boll cote th.4
. . , xi ,attehdiblethe OnitarlO redera-
so•tiroes Of . the Continent's Interir eNtery voter in the constituency, hilPPened duriOg- tie Ini/4. rinter. tkin
•,..i,tstilsee to the. fighting front- weillid.. and on the other hand the voter.S. Mild weather in the winter eeeins annUal meetinF7 one cpuid net
to makemeIliztr.. • -1.:.'ebOtlid,' • say; lieln; bn't..be:i.tatprLssectby_the evident.
1.4Ing., the lighting .front closer to came in .direct cq,n,tact with :their. lazier than*T.nOrina,ily teem, to he. wane of organization and :Ile'
-,.. the continent's interior 'and would representative, in pa-rliainent., and There is no • reason, ' for instance. in (.0..ortmaaiting
ireportant part the Federatien plays
the efferits or . or:
' make...de, seaway and. its. enviroa-, with_the local party . leaders .;•alicl. why the back Stooli -con:Milt have . ganized agriculture.
been rePlaced:- 'The saine: thing. all-
; MOO'. Measurably More accessible with*. this personal . aequaintancei
. . ,The CountY Federation has moved
PlleSitt: the .barn gate by the Sheet,
• to. the en.emY, - , had' a 'lively interest in the Politic,al pen, , -4 sags at adisreputa.ble-tingle, its • offi,ce to : Clinton, Rat:tetibury
''.r40 deeper seaway, .says the • affairs with which these men s,..ere and I determine . each morning_Ito St. -West,- P -0. . -box tIO phone ••324J.
7 kinieter, "would.' provide. a means concerped, Today-. the • area. that fts: it. The „broken window • in. the • Soirie county farmers are taking
horse stalble winks'At pie each day, advantage of the service Provided
: Of. transport alternative to ' the rail= once included three ridings (both hut *the ,weather's mild ilnd I, turn' •by this Office in 'securing farm help.
*.ways,l, If ,enenly licinibs. did .not in Federal and -in Provincial- repie- iny back on it, ' .. 2.* .' ...„ • . .. The rederatid'xi, ii.• working in close
it the 'Seaway out . of business, •sentation)" covers only One cornplete When you mo. lir the village, there's co-operation wftli. the Colonization
...-wInter. conditions, . would close it 'riding and a portion - of another, 4, camwd tut the grist mill and more, and , Agricultur,,a1 Branch of Cana-
. . .4-
1 sitting around the hetet. and still dian '.N,atiorial . Rail,Waye$ . Those .
- „fa. * five . mOnths, of the year,. either and with the larger • area .the per-.1more at 'rlin. Murphy store. They, vikehing to 'secure help bathe spring
--Unfailing- oai, ••additional-eXpenSe. in sonta. contact . and 'aequaintanee don't. seem. to .be 113, any rush to get )slipouldappl-y.-:-withotit delay.:
•.'snereasing. the, carrYin•g.' capacities 7wittell were possible a--Ifew decaas theirchon, or - their greceries. ' The • ' 'Federation'S:PoSition on
practically impossible. i
conversation is slow ; you heai,---a- ' • 'Oleomargarine '
of' the railways (• to be Used Only; ago. are now lot of complaining:' They. all 'Seem
••••"*SeVen• months of the ' year) Or • cut- So .r. olitical interest has - died •out, to hate great: eoncern for the people:
-.•,'-triteinhaiftthe -.eountrrs-transport- oi-4.-ra-confined--to--CoMpa-rativel§*fe*.', In the, cOMMunity Who,,,age sick. I
• Utilities durMg Ike winter 'season. and has been r,ep1acet1 in Jne '
i find its 'rather diScouragin,g • a.nd7
it Is repeatedly ,.asserted , by the' minds ' by either things; • iierhaps--
-Fir the time: . ge•••'—r----it--.-homir---ht--th-e-,
afternoon • I , haven't .the heart to
Teronto,otlailies,•..that„iCanada_le.;_tu .qui.te-a&-Useful„. hut.,not4st..,enlivein, start --im-at4..the.,,barn.-gateTor4he.
,•,./..„ .
- pi*Er"Ot ',the -projett-ard"thitt .orirj., -.ing, . it may ' 'not .he ' long • imtli VaTit-st#GP:-----7- ' ' •
Seetiontil .''' interests' are • opposed.. 'Huron is just one
. •- riding, with the ' Wait till we ,, get . a - good' snow
and -the: frost come& -The sleigh
There has been no test -f „repr-sen ati4e.,..1,,,H1.0.91,1-!-..- ' •••...- t-' :P4'44144041441144:441471=ee'
krithrOriTirthe,, ma er, -. oronto, e v ere and ..heard "onlY.* over the cession , and -I'll get the -crosscut
wfitiats to becoine 'ati eeean seartort. -radio froM: time to -time. .* ' and bead for the•bush. The chances.
$ioMe Other cities on either side '•' ' • ' are, frost or no frost ; Ill goat the
. —, _ .„.........
Enr: Ole Great Lakes have similar •:, .barn.gate, .1'11 also Wager you that
„,,... • - '•, ..i.,......4....*fiimmoimmemsomint
. ' PROOF OF THE PUDDING" there won't be half as many Men ) -
:ambitions: British Coliimbia, if ''. . il.Y.J9.11111;1414pr,Rntled 1 , I .. • 8;:.. -,_around the village.*------- ---
.iiiterested;.• watitt_Probably • be= 'op- - Pepple-who like- to .argue' in -the Yes, , sir.,. frest ..atd snow:Aire
. pased, because , of tile prespestive face • of Mete have been doing their
• di.V.ersion'of tialfic ..that , now . goes. best, to. convince.. the ptiblic that,
..t.d. .the' .west • coast. , Te prairies Wel . prices" 'are steadily reducing
• might profit -to the e,xtexit, of. a cent their standard of living The • feet
: ar: two in -eatry•ing charges, on a is. •of Course, that high -prices have
only. served to • minimize. the trii-tb
.bushel of grain., to be offset. by .ad:
* ditidata _taxes ,..,af Drob4,bly. • greater that we are all. very ...intich better
aMOunt.... fez .their-share-ef-the-:costs-
--.ot construction. The . Cost' Of the
4iErudeen -Bay Railway Railwa§ was a flea-
bite .• -. _ • . .
, An:. 'coniparison, -.with . the fin-
:at:oat burden- the seaway project
, -w linpose The people of Quebee
.;:c.4.• hardly be expepted. to 'be en-
-, thminstie_o_ver the prospect
,,ottan..., ves`seie • passing them by on
* ,..the, Way' up the .:river to the Great
• tfakes, . Neva Scotia. would, ,,prefer
,•11.0ing-T-Its-':--c---)Wa Steel --industrielic
Ev 4/arry J; Bovie
r•Y ,
uron Fedoratioi of Agriaulture
4 I lay W4 V ROY
•1 silo. uld say wo nOrMally Oektie -4,9,tePlehne -,IO.ierW.e' ' cf-',I,PPPY, .Ee.derat 0A Previnelai, alltberltY- te
PrCiaeet°4- .so4P1-1 ' f,&'ilrra illte * the
Itti.se,Ate tho. imp wile.u, tho.fArm' .- The /tirmers .df. Ontario. nt)W own.
settles &Wu to 4. winter rontine. alit], foPerate, :their Own Co -Operative future; and regulations by either
down to• a ,fvuthie„.beeagee the fast- tturotilike iaanY 'Oiler cOnntlet. wake certain ' *t mapgarfo, is
ness of 'the snow and., -frostno)ls lo• Oh!tarlo. Ands INO,f.,..'it;t1lis'latage. .1.34t .0141 'to „,the • pliblic • in • "su
far 411'4 YAar. helvever. tiV Ouprepard to swing Int full'aetion form, as to imitate buttei..,si'
mild ,yeathwall
er has ' made euite
iffeiede0. ' , '' .„ • *---••• . .
•.i., and 1.45,,,sof p"tp944,14..itue buAll, lack 1 of llensedrejePigee n'ts'. ''• :c owever
farmers wiel4ng to- take advantage
work. We usually -go .th.rough the of 'this: new service Faay make: AP -
bush and cut dOWn 'any trees that ,Niteation, to have their •cars •-or
arc - leaning, or Seem to ., he (13411.g, trucke insured 4Y‘ •writing to Co.'
41),4 Aliqher:ITA fal4ell4tree$ and chop operator's:. r_,14,01-ty. 4. •Gilarantee
oft some -of. :the eaplings, 'that seeM :s °elation., • 28 flake $t. Toronto,
to..he. ton .Plentiful.' . When- tlie-fivst
is 4znhg' very. hard. ' work in, „the
aush is a, pleasure. This year,
howeVer, 'we've bad., Mild:. weather
and , (patea supolYi of Mill. Of '
'course, by thetime you retta' this
the frost Alld Onow wilt ,probably ktathergorituus,to:pogitibu Teori.rd4ug
nave -iirrWeti... • • - , - ,.. major - nc.n.prevenitable'-- disasterS. •
• 'rile older:tfotke all -maintain tnat Aloailukon 'County ' farmerS, •are
..., . • . .„ , ,
a Infild 'Winter means an ,...epagemle. engaged ,ia mixed Sarullag aute' Pls''''
of oelf,18. I'm inclined-°*tO • agree. u,Ster affeeting• One. SpeeilleAtine ;does •
mainly, 1 supnose, Neatlee liltVg ilia ilot,'Aeceotkriliy, ine44.09ong#Ifeiti,14,,,,,
comb _through, i. hoot With It ' hild: At Ione •"thne• Of- atiother. -certain-
one,. When you look hnek on 'A
'7-- o'-' - seetiOn.s -Ittive been :visited hr wind
real cold winter ,With teinperatures hall, or flood, -titio first usuotv-,being
141e041)°tIlli tatil.n; :eevil()er':Isi4rekicii. eisst's. ' hard. •Cn, the '1100wivetjr,e(i- hablIrk '011:111rfarolf:•tinDad.33:1daa'goe'llghlI.'
otUer. .hthidi however, Ole 311.011°1"St is usuall , met bv the fanner .f0
. :
'Intepnational eenInfoclity . agree- ,
mente are the answer the .
probleM, of .e.mbarre.S.sirr, surpluses
of ••fdeil PPOdilOti4 41.'"*.:PrOdueing
:countries •and disastOus Shortages'
.of 'food, .1e.clared„ ,f1;
flatware,: president of 0:ie.:Canadian',
For- •-furthee--,;n3formationr -7contact Felleration--of grieujltre, 4p --an
your county 'secretary,. address, before the annual .c•on'veti.-1
reported after tion of the Ontario Federagen
the Farm Vera*. f)f •Toroutd; O-anuarir
ard, That '‘vits the unanim• on0 •report
outurh fultuore find then:L.101v%! Arr' ,un eighteen-AatIOn '-Orop1m10-
4.0. brought Wei( to, •the l F994
Agriculttire Qisgatazation-• - •the•
Vulited Wbon .wtis 4,*
IvArtte(1. tO. sitt41.v. :the .ia•epteta
Mr.'tTalinalia. H§Ome fitty-sev,en•
nations enclofted the report". and.
tile inetit,Won iey'Xd.linnoctitr agree-,
.ments..hetvveen -mittens'. is 40*- a:
main 'feature of PACI'o,
The • Canadian ',Federation,' • ot
Agriculture bas lbeeik reeord t).,*
• favor of stie,h a' stot-itm ,,sitid Mr.
Ot nntn sn 'thing tfclie "DeSt of •his n v nu. 11.11 Y.*, Rantain,. ever 'oinee the TederatiOn
Was orgaUized thirteen years ago,.'
and -the international ,,Pederation.
nt.24"gri.9ifaire„...lits.i_aiso., endorse&
;the program inianignousity at - each
of its minnal confereneeS. '
The Federation's support ..earae
n inter -
it; t-oit(it.):!eal:l iiaivitstb. eliasdttlz taorir ernat
eomniodity • •bgreenient, and log
nmrly twenty years the Canadian
Government ha:s rt.,7, P. ated
efforts to achieve . pleb. an agree-
• After discouraging- setbacks, there
110Ni.! Seems' some hope of .aehleving.
Ink Wheat 'agreeing*, third
conference. is to be ,held in Wash-
ington,- --,Januarcr ?5, clecjaretV Mr.
nnam. Ilepi.eSentatives Of the •
Canadian Federation have ' been,'
In a. • statetnent. issued; January 7, ineltided.in the 0a,nadian delegations
tibe Canadian iifederation. , clarified at previou,S. 'eontere'nees. 'and will
it -positiOn • reSpecting the sale -of e-at-..-theto,rtheottring-olle.•••,:•--,--
-oleomargari.ne, whiCh. ,tounnenced- „ObjeCtlyeS international COM:
in-eanadic..-thatr-wee . . moditY. OrrPP1114,94$,;„_ rfeelaretil/Ir
• The.statement.declered that since Hannam. in, • hiS adress •at Toronto,
14-iiioL4zIeete?-ieSPieting--;an de:4 . Ante'
appeal tO,the Privy'•Couticil. against . national market. • . .
-the jtidgment of -the- Sr-Nreme Court 2. Facilitating equitable distribution
0A,k3tr •
had hot 'mad ' decision 'whether Stabihzing;:nric.0 in. ,the interests
to appeal., • • , ' both -producer and consumer,
"We Made clear •-when the • and •-in gen dning eliminating un-
-Supreme , Qourt decision. was • an-
tnotounneperdesid," s:niffd, .rFeeddeertani-
9eyerntheaf . did not, . we
would •-c-onsider, doing. So.' We- telt-
than One! ' • • • • „• . that since the legislatibn had been
•_Federal 'legislation and had been
TRAVEL 'pox. CAR in effect :a long time, and sinee.
. • (Financial ' Post) the .judgment of the Supreme Court
During railway journeys we Of,ten Of Canada•was tar' froth unanchnons,
'have marvelled, at the, number of it ,was the ...duty of •• the ...Federal
different•lineswhose box cars .fortn GoveraMerit to appear it. This has
part of ptisping freight trains." We been done. in the tip',4 In caSes,
off..han.,,Nve__,w.ere,-,.ten-Yeare--'-agoz 'hare Wondered'. 1"0.w. 111P ni.".
and are living On a 'scale that te
box:car travels and ,.how -many judges were so -serj.ouSlY:' divided.
very inuch 'higher. than It•waS' then.
laces it gets to. .Our curiosity has "Since the Federathm ' annual
been partially. ,satisfied. • A C.N.It. meeting *cis 'to. be held the tatter
Profesor -.J.• L. McDougall, Writ- man tells us that the report' of. one.. Part •of • thist..montp -aft, 8askateon,
ing tittg • ginadtail. Batiker,„ pre- Americaricbox car showed that in. arid since it has not leen p6ssible
seats . some . evidence in .support • of a year it crossed the continent six in the Meantime for the Federation's .
/hi§ .vieW. Assuming that the. years times, • Visited twenty--seven7YSta s, directers .hi• meet; witidever action.
1937. to ..,19$9. represented. fairly .av- travelled over thirty-seven railroads -is to be • taken will •he",clecided at'
.erage yea:rs-when Were • com.•:', and West on, its own • line- :only Saskatoon,- • e • • •
lortablir ,.eft, ---these- -years might fourteen- days. during the -twelve
serve as a •base against* which to- months. • "We 'will then jclecide ' between
view- o:ap present 'cireninstancea. o •eour.es...• either -to
In, 1947, then,. we bought of definite Supreme .aefirt`'ffeeiteloti... or,•. of
then' t�- 'advocate a prograin
uxur-les--;54-per.• ecnt.-niore----auto-•
, mobiles, 135 percent. more ref.ri- adequate: safeguards for the _dairy
,..naltig Labrador .eres to haviffgA, erators, 1,30 per Pent...more washing• •• •industry in the light -of .the_pablic
• ork.;s carried • inland to feed
e .mitahineS and -20 per 'Cot, more 'sale of margarine.- • •
"Resolution's, letters and telegrams
teei• Mills of • P.efinsflvenist ajM adies. We didn't Scamp ourselves coining 'to us from all Parts of
either on r the.-.sfaaller .0anlidif",,. together with the itepion:
'per cent.' Morel; 'chewing gut- •
'will take' tcVo. or t.hree -gener, taken at the anneal meetin4 of
• . , per cent.' more cigarettes, 158 per the, Ontario ., 'Federation.; Andleate,
eent. miore ice creaiii' and. -162 • pee'
cent. more - 'Chocolate • bars. • ..
•-• W,iiert:.' it get' db Wtif to. some
near ne.cessities like milk and boots
and shoes, we _did n 11 rigiht. We
bought 42 percentmore of the
ether. We anent, g8 ner, cent. • tnore
,for • tea arid 110 per cent.* more
for coffee, 84 • per cent.More for
canned ,soups, 119 . per eent. • more
*f,Or • manialtide -and 17•6 • per cent.
'more for i1ckls. . •
And, in the face of our.lacreased-
constimPtien of ,gn many commod17.'
ties, ..few ofw.h1ei aie basie,.,•there
are people who are stilt •trYiag to.
eonVince tis t our svistem is let-
ting no down.. '
, .
(Otielph -Mercury)
•Nian waK given legs With which
e _14
IN 0.1
"SS .
healthy for us .411, in more ways
-4tunle, for Xanada- ,to, -wipe cout-•the-
;-;debtallieutred-in two, wars., Why
-ulcur-!another huge tddlt1n to the
' debt ' with so., little prospect of
• adYantage to the , ,contary as. a
**-9,1 • * " '
Atr 'any rate, the project' • should
Je submitted to the voters of
• Odnada .before any further coMtait-
mentS: are made., •
•1,0g -1p, EDUCATION
. got to the stage . in,. scho.01,
Why.' 'Where everything Is taught
frbinf 'hely • to Stoke a furnace to
IW ±0 get on With your mother -in-.
What new, subjects will be
.thought up to ..taitt to an already
• oVet;berden'e'd eurficulum is 0..00 -
lent • that's '.0 • 'O%.Jae,
1 g rea y per- them.. • Right at the beginning he
starts his life 'by riding in ic per -
Thu three 10'Ws haven't a chance
ambillator. 'Next, by a . process., of
•341-0*f. •Vid.t,11. wore -attention giVen to
.',00Wer SUbjects,, _like eitizenshiP, elution,• be- Uses a go-cart, -' to be
0,1„igieue edticatien;„ guidance and followed in.:succession by ,6 kiddie
keZ edueatwa, 'In the. old days, you ear, trieycle ' and bicycle ;... then he
I44111,- and you liked it, bu ,n-,-automobilei. a cheap-
nowittlaYs, the choice anything one or an ,expensi‘,e one, according
.trent houeelioldeconoMics and corn- to his financial:standing. Same Mw
ineridal traixiing to "shop." • • • • • privileged persons Indulge in private.
•:these' are the Opening paragraPlas rail-WaY -cars and private'. yachts.
And then,' when they -are through
tt. • SPeeld Article '41 a .e69.,itt, With -1Ife, they lead the TrOcession::
..isStte• of The Toronto Globe s.and Id. their' teat .Solettai tide to their.
space. permitted We last earthly; resting, plade,
hould like to.iepablieh the: entire •frOin the beginning to, the end they
• •
artlele. cOnclUde$ wiSh the .
AfterY,* "What, Omit adfling,toiirses • n• igt off.f0AL. gpsvioctr,„
-tti ;Cattle,. ranching shoe -shining .or Jannorv 17, 1040,
tilditor The •SignaDStrir.
mouse-catehingr .
Dear, • 11: Member of • the
El).1TOlt %ft •14.0..Tt$. 1.,OlidOn andM
d 111i,esez flgtoriset
80ciety. ain. endeavoring to. gathek.;
dntg concerning the coinniunit0.6,
134.rr, tlryanston, Cherry Orove,
Devi2e0, Ildg4Woodii
• Mamie Grove,' Plover, Mills, Proved"
M• ickthet:. sign of, spring:, ;pates 11111,,, $4t. Ivetand Transvaal, before -
ft ls lost Wjith the .04.shig of time.
:to* of --your .treptoorir 'UM -
.7itiforilmt1Ott eOugettiltio;tifotteet:fetill;
••• • . c
,bitSsiottss patteeia
tod-4,Witt4ilt it jUat A Year, Industries; chtirclim aehoole,
AO that We Were having' a IrtItiairy* Inlhe Obove'eolitinitidtles;We told.
'.appreeirtte • hearing., from them..
without. It , • '
, • 4„'•, ; l'briner, fesidents et these. tominun.
WO are' Widely' scattered And It. '18,
probable that "Some of litein .are pow
distriet. •
1Z,4tits Sincerely
*3 3
rlielt",Of rain. 4atinet he 'Waited,
anY furttier ilydro Shortages.
"nt..01*Og 3PO4'ivt3
0 flitted: i!tatlenS'erganitatiOtt.
taut $stitit observed its third:birth.,
Yet the • thiee-yetti.oltt body
ng'erititised: heertilse it haslet
A- 8, 0Altar.TTi
00X. 1020 'titOan, Otittir10.
The "wAtirld!s 'most. successful
meti vary widely -in their abi;
• lities. But tkiyig kitoui how
- to make decisions, „
This ability is important to
01 of; us, for life -presents an
• unending serius`' of choices..
." The foliciwihg Suggestions
your:mind: • L
1. Dbn't lean on °tiled,
"Seek their opinion on. invoke
t`ant rnatters`if yoti 'wish, but
make Yoili own decisionS.
• what your objectiire really is
• or Should be.
• 3. If ranch deronds on
.• .kotit decision,- try writing
• -don.the pro's and C011'S in
, opposite colunins. Studying
hap. Ott.
pOn't'argife with, your.
Selitcio Usually let bet.
terto act - and.ris,k.mistakep.
• tVe idattiity trig and error,'"
As yout deelsign-priver
101Puives, -YOU will beCOine*
more a mail.
° ' Di/hen' tolttg o deoiao to34
• If
•sho.itiktowit$ or' v.v,hat2,1tiild
will bestmet ytir
• ,ttoti .0 you*
0:15,4teito,116;0104 Yot
yOuf 044, 4oil. h4ou
lialtd a totind plan,
tioa and fAtuili, incOme.
' ••
-that- tAt. -Major features -of such
A sat4.staCtoty floor price: -on butter •
en your BAC
• Backache is, often gauged by lazy' kidney
action. When kidneYs got tout °forth:forms,
acids and poisons retnein in the system. Then
backache, headache, ihetmiatic pain, &I..• .
turbo!' rest 'or- that 'tired our feelingmay
soon fulloti. To -help krcp:,yotir.lcidneys,
• Norking peoperly-use.liddd*Xiditey Pills.
Time -tested, popular, safe; non-habit,ferm-
Demand,Dodd's Kidney Pills, iti thOlue
box witiktilt red band, Sta 'Oierywhere. is
Dodd's Kiditer Pills
17 MUD
ko-u-N GITPS
• Deep, fl•sided,. lelf!elciinitig :Weis
of these super4rectiOn tires- grip
• today - for -toot' winto
• •
. I
'Et..GIN and vieToRi41„
(long playing)
• 6ivt,pw4 PV.4 ELEITt MI AS.
Neat atti.p9d flemn0lette of. 4'904 41116.1..itY.;
They, areall tailor Made in good style,
$Mati.., medium and large.. On bale,
for Tanuary, each, :
"VViate and liiht"b/ie in good *eight and
well napped for nighties pyjamas, dia-
pers, p6 inches wide, per
, •
All pure' linen with rose or gold border'
fu11 ,13'inches wide forreller tow* Or
towel.; Good weight Ja*nd voillzeve grand
Wear. • 'Value 75c per. yard--
.0 new patterng. Yard,
• a a
wOol: seige,-hlack 85.n.avy,blue,
Uni: 'weight for %suits, 13 'Or ,dresseS,:,
'013ealta 41,1uarjr sale,
* .1" •
terry 'towels, &re alid
good weight in rose,- green, Or blue Over
check; January price pair:,
• .
45. gauge regular $1.65 sight inrperfec
tions which will not aired the,wear•
medium or dark shp/deS. Sizes 0 to 191*.
Sliootal •
, •
Heavy quality in ,patterna for kitchen or.,
Se per square yard. , „ ........
I f
. •
• necessary price fluctjiations.„ and
.. •
often harinfifi..mampulation o
. the Market.
.• , • .
• Mr. Hannam dealt with some. Of
the objections that are raised to
such ,a,n, international foocl 'prograin;
ie dep,lared• that t,here is scarcely,
Such a •Italing as an onen market;
=opt' 'international trade Is state
trading or state-controlled trading,
• Oftposition by those who want
toretain. price , fluctuations and
speculation, said- Mi. Marmara; *4161,
the best 'argument fpr --the eeed4
of international cinntoodty, agree-
men,ts. • • •
••Order1§- sharing of4 a 'market
Sildti e3i1fldiig productfOil-
When the operatiOns• ef a soiilled
and compel producers to . restric
•-•.,.7'••••-•q., -
Direct , acreage should,, not be
necessary, said Mr. Hannam. Mar-
ireting 4 technique which
vides 'a Measure' of indirect pro-
duction .cOntrol WhiCh is desirable.
and' benefielat to- concerned,:
Stabilizing the wheat market
would. tend to stabilize -coal -se 'grains
and in turn fend to stabilise
, "No* 'is ,time to try out
thiSO,ograin, befere a Crisis arises,"
•deelared Mr. ilatinani, "We look to
th,e• tOrthemntng vheat *cOnference_
to translate five years of theorizing• -
about. a MAI' kind of worldprograin;
based on 'international understand-
ing, ,goedWill and «o-operatien, into
effttve ',.•aCtion in...2respect' to one
ceramodiffy, aS the first logical. step. •
T6*0-r(11§ iniPlerpenting a prograni
fithdaroental ,to the . whole eoneep7
tion of the. United Nations." " '
, -
. THERESE C. PF •slooR
54 . inglesea St. Phone 926J Godericli
meet Idie
--Our.$ :m4040 r
We can bn41e all 'your cleaning problems1
irich Fren
PRIZES 1. Spiraiptil;yiltreitntoyfoplicir:pnearene e:ancl address.,..,60 any
, • • r •
- 2. Mail fhitilagefhar-with ci laberfrom a:51154.in
*-4.* ofCrown Brand • Corn -Syrup,: (!ior. reoOtiohle
ifiiiiitoiittoo.D.44,44441t,t tiara) ES
• , , • "' • "
. -3. ;;BO,Celiain_youi entry has sUrfrtlent.pOstage.
•„, „.;.;
at 4. lee Veire 04 to etntnet'Oe,Crown efaittf contcst Now, here's what happetot.
• There are three prize.wittittng: periods: Jon. 15 -Feb; 1.5; Feb, 16 Mach 15;
March 16 -April 15. Eitricks. receNed only for, the, month in which they
:are received, so inait,early bn'd 'frioil entries .for each; contest.manth
, • ,
• Each month 1$4. entries will be drawn from the 41160 ketei*ieel". these -1.54 persons
wiliTthen betptified by. Mail and asked to Mail letter -91%40g three reasons Why
they like Crown Brand Coth Syrup. . • ! , • •
•baied'ou 'the merit of.the reptios, tho-I54:. prizes' wilt be awarded .ds follows:'
• „
0 ...
,1st PRIg* .t 0 . $ - —4 'S
Oti*PRIZEi, 1S2 ORtzgs of.. 140
000, ,404 4kor Ai..-10ei:i4i..;;'- ;':
._ :__ ,
, THE JUDGES will 'tititrigiNtionlittl OF THE THREEIOIST-PIWE LETTERS IS IN THEIR, piiiikiii% lig
Bet THE WRITEO OF tint:aot tenE4. WILL THEN OE AWARDED THE,''.,.. ' -. , • *
, , .
• the niost.exitfealrbhrti izt their prliftse o
, oe e .
its:zetrittrkeiblelotte.. '
- it 2 bilk or foie* sr a Mot HO *Olot tom ante, ilea 4604 rodricar.
1 . '
ills., cono,topTiro „ 'Kenton's 'Cora
it Maloof froro 5 *b. to 110rtch•,
kWh.; torte�piin
or label•frersi'd 110; tit'
Vepis fi'ssits4
ritio tont:top tin •
istlebot tissirr 5II,tt
„Ilidattii from• .,
trrooda',oro., •
2 trolli
It no lobeii.fer.....at -c�i�n t oteloied she
• orcha pt,ire-wor.L.0,,$.11Aboa Th0 tr0Wit &thief.
• Contest. it Oriest oil CcitatO1001 ilstegt.
• ettioloYe'es and theft-Ion-411es Of ho cauda •
'Starch, 'Company. analts• 4tdvertis.intt; 09.00/4
judileV decision will, 'hi 'final« Alrentries•
• bbOrne iff.a 'PreliOtY the Canada Starch
.VAN."'WINI.wititt Now AND WAITt EN1
• iiatiowt th titittr: it;t Imiao id' gal hh hfiC0#
for Mom 16 get these litoW tkithe#'0 fOr b#4 tc*
• Olaf itie fltfirOhOlo olwayr ortiohiir,t,„.EnfOrOcirr
yo may to 014014h0,wlnn�k,
'MotattiookL. 1-•*pitto
• „..L.."..•