HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-01-20, Page 1' The Januery..SesSion of ,the 1949 County Counell, opened. on Itteladay afternoon. Of the'.'twenty,eight, .members present,* only • three', -are 'entirely new •--0011Att 1ogl041to•P4 'They are SaMOS'It.!, Stirling,'•Whe .proudly ahnOUtteeci that -he 4t3,--tbo' eldeat 'nieMber. 111,-„TearS, and the same Age,,,74, as Itt•,.gon, Winston Churchill;'Deputy .11eove Goeidy. of 'Hevvick,township, and , Reeve .weitzer of Exeter. All t.lie others -have, hadformer expe.rieece on the ConntYboard. , - John W. -Armetr6g;,‘Reeve . of Was:: 'elected. ' Warden for -194,11-;•*44114:,.. 44-4:•:,,lqleholSon, Tucker - smite, was runner up, .and other .pandidatee... for the 'honer Were Reeves p•*. . Beeerotit' of East "-,WawanOSh and W.'•' -}l; Woods - ,of •Turnberry. The VVaiden. „was chosen in ,a. caucus Of Liberal. menlbers. • Reeve Hugh, Berry, -,last tearre Wardell, ,es,Corted tile new :Warden .-to,„the:„ehair,2gongratulated hitn• Mad assured .him Of*.the • co-oper- ation. . , 7 'Top. have ' 'the ..abilitY for, • the ..i01)," Mr. Berry added as he handed. him the "keyr,,,of the 'Comity., • '••• Warden Armstrong expressed his thanke`fer the honor. Ile hoped he ;_WOnici be able to fill the chair itS. .well'aa had pastwardens;, whose ;Ames' if whale. be .clitticult. to fill. The past year !had. been 'a beiletiful. pne in the ,County, the Province and • the:Dominion; and he,hoped 1949 Weuld be as -prosperous. As people' are_:,demanding '•)nOra.,;_sertice, there. Pertance. 'up for diSeitssion. ho d• the committees , within theirmestimates. ,77.9,Tidge7113: Vettitto7A-dmith, st-eramihktik, • 'After asheiniStering' the',,eatli•••Of Office, .Judge `CoStelle addressed. the Council. . He ',advised the. new .1,41141ux.,,aoL4lie:tradition of pant; eotincilS and walas •• would not go attraY. He liked to 4 D NEW wAit. . ' • John W. '-•••Arrestroug,, elected Warden.ef Oeunty. was born liftytthree' years 'ago and haS lived -lite in Ilullett township. followed -1.11 footsteps Of 1ii' father,. Matthew•••Armstrongi When, entered municipal. life, fOr the latter was .reeve. of Htillett. had' ,,inenlber of Boron, County Council for several years,' He •1121 no in eighty-fourth year and Was of the first to be told ef his son's election. ' Warden AtAnolftong. •operateS.• 0 -acre farm ant .specializes in beef cattle. e, serve 7111,e ,te ,ship'14'.v•reouneillOr for two. years ?Ad • now in his sixth terni, as reeve.- was for threet- years' on the good -roads eommittee 01' the County .Council and has been chair- man of, tile 'agricultural fioranlittee and a inembei.",•ef 6ther, Iniportant ..cominittees, He is , First. "World 'SiV,ikr 'veteran, having --'serVed with No. 1 Machine Gun: Corps for two yearS. , t • . He •Is'• a menihe'r Of the United Church . a Liberal in politics, and A.metnile,r of the Masonic, Ledge in Hullett. His wife is te former Gladys Taman,. .Blyth, and they lia'Ve tWO children Doreen; Doreen,' 19, and Kenneth, 16, both at school. , STANDING' COMMITTEES or. Opuirrir ,CoutreiL inittee , was approved :at.'tne Wed- nesday morning session' of the -CPunt-9-Conneil ' • -E5teeutiVe:•"-11;.,:johnsOnrii.*? G,' Arinstiiing,4 S. • Snyder, W. ; J. Baker, •Legislative -7,, A. lYicholson, ttr1l4*hoOmr--Betys,(ez, D. Reuel:mann, • Finance -.-F. „Sills, G. Mathieson, '"Abottt ninety Goderleh.'boYs, naTeMbers .6f the Liens -sponsored JioCkey and •baseball..te:iniS; Wer p feted` at a. banquet n t 'the: British . . , • Exehange Hotel 4in. Friday night. Seen_ here is the head, table hnd -few of the many boys who were "guestS of the_ Lions Club. . bright 'picture- Was painted- of Goderich?s :prospects for ,future • winning:teams with So many excellent ---yoUng athletes Nine% ;dew: SP:0114-T.'.11SVIAttl, ••••• , . . LAN FOR NEW SCHOOL A' special ,ineeting of the Publie ;School -!oard was held at Victoria-, .Scliool on 314anday: night to cOnsilder .'evlSed ;-P140:•,..Prepared.-by'.4rel4r. teCt .(.4.11.1in :for ther",, proposed new - 801001, '1..tr-,• ...9111„ln 'wus in attend- 4nee. -With the .,E0Ard., was passed -asking Mr.; Gitlin., :to. ,SiAlgalt the , reviSed to. the",Department.,Of EdneatIon for •approVal..• .It,Was •deeided to ...change :.the.: regular" meeting ,xiight. of the Board from -the first to the -second' ).'Inesday, night of the nionth„ the :Town •Tilesday night for,regolar meetings. 70rTICEIW, 0.1? BRANCH 109 • '•oliisTADIAN LEGION . Tho "Town...Council held, its ftr�l nie-eting "..e.a. • the altered "'regular Meeting .night,.-Tnesdoy, this, Ati the,..xuendiers. were ,preSen 'A; delegation,frOnty‘the 131y1h Lions, , Club WAS present, -including 0rOv0 presldent, li. U, Ph11111 P011' aid gewes ,tindiGordon _ Elliott""expiiilned. that the, pnrpose, oflheir'vlsit i'vAs to., enquireif.Ahe • eld Skating' rit* here: was....for: and, if. so, On witat:..terma,---4-, ;There was .a. , general .ditietitiSlen. on the inatttr,,,':with the, ,eonetotde.n..," that the ,Cotiocit Was not :yet reaq.•,, to -make p.top*Otticip, awl :first- of 'all would have (!Ofl- ultSUlt ;the . plans for the new arena. Ii,03,r,-,•Areeken4.4-41P fore •the • the that, as he is. already payin,g,', Public halt.' he •Aettld.' Aet he, :1; quire& to parnn 4Additiopal1' 11.00/100, fpr operating' A.lunch coot -ter: Tin wasreferred to continittee';,Pf,;tii whole. • .','•• ' A ,letter'.froin the Board of.•rrrie .reneWod'',, the.. , eek4; sigpS b' iikac.0 A houses be p?,'Operly • naMbefed,, and' that the a road, to the* golf • groUtid.P-•, lie put ghx‘' coOlti•eii manner..^..These 'wete. ; ferred to the nattee:„...! , • • ' ' . An :invitation •''frona Turner to attend usekvite- .0.f.Ver' • , t'eria.street' United aurelfert,Febri.... ary.,6, whetr-the.Miniater,OfIleelth„,.• Hen. R; T. Kelley, isto be pies: • • was: accepted by the 1' olnielli:•4a. • ,was,..„,41..the,,....invitatiton•-iotl; "Rood' ,of :augural. meeting Of that body. tor- -1949, 'on ,tianuary 21 Ad offer ,froni .C. D. Robinson:, e e at the ,Merket.Scale and7st, OkYdrO, on -a- trial basis was referre 1 -to the., indnitriaXcenaniittee ' ' ..,,,J)4,445 . A etl ter rom the secretors, of the,: itail*ay Assoeiation • ,!,of Canada -- asked that the.,•Coundlr,if'intencliiir to adopt daylight saving .tilIJC tii Year, • have the dates • correspond - with those' adopted.-by-the-tailweI4' for-theie-Horing-and - 'schedules..f; 'These ..dates areSim- day. April 24, and •Sunday,'Se114- • her 25. Tlie reguat...Was referred. to the special conomitt.pe.__• , .ji•e• finance- ..continittee- large tenther.. Of "'accounts and. 'ret, Poallnended that i,.'grant of 75 be!!ernade to the ,SalvatiOn:Arni,N•;,-10, aici of Ats'"Resene lionie; that to .ifiV.BWareff_riffid7W7-.•,-- Its ' 1949 half -mill levy; ilhd :that the . interest on the Robert MacKay , band flint] be paid ' to the. Blue , Water Band.; . •• • , . The -installation. of . .oflicers of Goderich Brandt, No. 199, Can- adian,,:Legion, took plade at their first -regular ineeting:*for . 1940. on ThursdaY., January 13th, at ,their hall on Kingston :street. . The folloWing were installed by Past DiStriet Coinmand-er Norntan W. Miller: Hon. presidents;'' C. '1)uniop; D. D. Mooney:- president; L.- Riley; '1st vice;presidAnt, 13. Y. ..licCreath1; 2ndvice-president,- W-• Parker; Secretary, O. Miller; assist- ant secretaries, J. MurPhy; McDolia treastirer, "J. juck; as- sistant treasurer, J. Whaley ; chap - :lain, Rev. B. •H:, Farr; auditOrs, -and younger,. men in the, Council.•"LaWson; ' Gowdy, Years. agdY,it • was the practice to • C. Rowland,. :Fin- • Gow v SWeitzer, 13.4er./. . their ',sixtieth year., . 41 think • Ve. ,Property-Beayer. G. ArniStrong,' faiLleaveiiing to M. .TohnSoe, Beecroft, ,Nicholson..'. • Iceeiti young': blood :in their,.: Plate." , Cenntf-THeine Bee -croft - Ile; co.ncludeik .1)3! ..exPressing- hiS lake; .,Cousins, . Berry, M. -johnsolL appreciation • cif:.•„the' 'eentribution Agrieeltere, FarriSh; SeYdel% reede• lihn hy,,Iiist.year's„ Betierreenn, ,Fienigen, for his wOrk. Yeirts. in the, Lawson, , juvenile for which ',he had. NieholsOni ' • .wiutes; received ,reniune,ration.. . Robertson, • , • • • • • Judge -- Co,stello.1.4tefr, observed • COininittee--Berry, • G. that Illis-was-the...10ilth_elertion.. of; raStiont NI:jolinson j Huron- sfoulty54. Warden, ageOrding. -croft,..- A. -, Nicholson:. to information giveebbn. He felt , EtlimMation the ,County ',was', not. paying..suf-.: Son; Finnigan, --Kerslake, Nett."' ' *lent tribute to One of the great • Library Snyder, - Mathieson, feunderscOf the country, Dr "Tier" Lawson, W. A. Galbraith, A. :Amy; Dunlop. • ' • '4 II. johnstom • , • . . ,pietk W. avillier.stated theeiee- ,Healtli and :Hospital -F.. Sills, G. tiolL,ofJtho.,ftrst_warcicn,.dnted back ,Arnistmtgl Blanton, •Ferstake, 108- years: . ' • .Netf; • 'Rei. R. O. .:.111.aeMillin • Invokes Reforestetion-tC. IteWland -(one • „, • • Divine Guidance. • . Johnson (two ' years), V. „ . . Rev.. R,.''•0•.. of Knox J. Parrish (three years). • - Presbyterian; 'elnirch--retid a Scrip- - Airport -Lk Benermann ture: passage fron-YDWUCTY:97f674.18.-- , Baker: . • hope you will feel that ,you are Police -H. Johnston, Finnigan, J. undettekitig • a trust given you 'by. Stirling. . • • . • • your :fellowmen, and by the Great --Good Roads.= -Woods, b. Johnston, Ituler, all," sad.E: Webster. ' • • ' • "Hear- God's side in every argu' Criininnl Audit—J. lq,cNtibb, 'N. :-Ment..,-Seek not yoilkt: -pwri.' W::1-01111er,''jUdge ‘Costello. . • only;. but.. havedue reiard-, fox. that _ Consultative ----Beecroft, Hex -Slake,' Of: others. iiiid"'greirt. !err's!: -71 " s!wish your ,adininistratton this year maybe accebtahie', lit •the sight of-' God, and, th�reby be. one prosperity fand IirogreSs';''!', .; Vates-of-thanks-were-tintuamous:--- • '1Y...tendered. to .1.10, Ur, Mitellillan iind judge Costello. - ' . I/age:ilium. 'Zikeittii- ad- ; dressed -the Council 'In support -Of a requested that -ihe-Connelf pasi'"the :fieees-sarY. bYlitiv to . detach' that WnSh1P- • from Win -ghat*. high' ,schools distri&. ,,Referred to ,eddca- tion. committee.. • ; , --„Reeve, Miner Wehaten :Was- op - Pointed to ' the good roads cow- - grant to the Navy Leagee and Gi niittee for three years. • Parsons ;and Pre'vett •ad-, .following were. named a dreSSed the 'Council in support of Striking eturanittee;,.. Berry, grant to the Blue Water'HighWay, George :Armstrong,' Murray Sohn- AssOciation. • son, A. W. Kerslake, J.13. Beecroft: After reading ik request for a Eight -mill Rate' in Prospect grant from -the! Canad1a4 Institute - In; submitting • the 1049 fillaneitil for the -01erk...N. W. Miller 'eStiniates on, Wednesday morning, 'Stated, 'there Were, forty4our. blind COunty, Treasurer A. H. Erskine .peraeles in Mixon county. seggested, to the trieMbers •theY- lf‘equest from 'West Waviranosit . would need •put on rase;coiked The !Coundi of West .WaWailosk „,. • .(Centinned. On 'page 5) Itep011s .Show ,,a ProsperouS:' ..Year-40fficers , Clicsen for 190 , . One of the ,largest attendances - • • on -record was pres,etit at the an , • nual vestry meeting of St Gebrge'S on Adnda.y,,..evening. ,The ;meeting was opened with ale -Nat -ft Owijei First '-kfailtig referred to kr, 'A.', '3, Mega*, former well-known resident' .of Gtoderich-tiowa of Vitneouver,- tre. . ' quer/ °Win) ofted, the first* ear `in Godefich?" the editor has -received letter.,,in „which- Mr. Kelly Xi'ganied for the distinction. en*,..thiS does not accord with, Uhe stateMent inaile "XIop .and Go Fetch in The London riee Press, we accept 'this solution of much-discusseCquestion; , 4;a1r., ,iyfergaVv's letter, will . be read: with ,especial interest .by. *old friOids . Ooderich,• is as -follow/43'e ' • , very interesting letter just feeetved, and I -tote the (Inert, re- gardiug..-the ownership of the tirst • ear ,tioderiChs. ,PersoinillYy, .P.1A- ''.11eVe this to have. been our hint:nal 'friend R. Xelly..• though it may be y; Murney, but X am sittiSAed. It was either. one these. In tiny Cases J.B.K. ,was the agent from Whole X bought mines' and. X thin, Iwo's, third. I Weil remember When 011,1 Viiiitoti got 11.10. and lie(11(1,not ,linve much pleasure,„ from 1t, as lie never seemed to, actfaire the teth,' 411(11:43 'a driving; COulit not room - „Tier, how to Stop the eat.; On one cusion. when bet'. wanted to .stop kept ofiulling • on wheel. as he, Would, do. on the lines when- t14.1ting• hO Se-r-tifi the time saying, "Whoa,: , "As.' to the trouble meetiiig .horses on the road,. X, recall an iii- oldent lit which t was a principal, X Watt returning from Clinton and ;lust east of -X1ohnotiville 1 ,Oati o erich 114tse And buggy amiroalehing with a lady driving, accompanied bY, Iwo ' children. They stopped and the latly---jtunpecl-•otit-;-and-. galloped. for ,the . fence, leaving the ,children to ,shift for themselves. When • she :reaehed; the fence she sat there, wringing her hands and 'crying •,‘Oh he'll "lever pass 'Witt thing and. we . Will all be Seeing the 1)08, of trouble, stoPped. at 4 distance tiud walkedi-down to "the Party and.after petting' thS 'horse 11 monientil gradually (10,Wu to. the .car In • a. few mhattes he: had , his head, over' the -.door looking or the seat for something that ' might tiekle his palate; tinailY got,: tite.,lady lin* her place anda'starteil on her journey With „much treMbling, There were ,,,Inarly Suelt 'thitIgt 4tApt, frova7time to tline itt these. days. , "X do ',net anY car 'there of the deseriPtion given ,by the lady who wrote . the X4otidon !paper, nor can We. agtre, out from her deserip•-, tion who they nutit...,have, been. well remember the. oars owned kit 13111Y• Marlten 'bat ofthe others X have 'recol'ieetion. -This .Is very interesting history and X IfOrte'.•you will. be able to, untangle • the putole. XII any .catse, X Would judge our lIne old friend” J. XL ittelly would kilo* more about it than any other num' • a $011t pl:ftttlOot :never. grow, Sincerely yolita, 'f it, 3e AlgtaAW.. • • . • . • _ • prayer by the---rectorr'Rev.-=-..B.•H. Farr, and the minutes, of the 11 'vestry meeting - held _Ian -nary 19, 1948,. were 'read by the vestry ,clerk,', 4."P, . The. :annual "Statement read by P. F. Carey, tieasnier„4116*-ed the chtirali' in a hoiind although expenditures had riseii greatly- durifig-the-past year-. 'MISS Thtte-PlYilmota.iread: the of the Sunday school, Miss Helen Yidean that of the .Mrs, -Grace -Patterson reported for •• the Womee's Mrs. - it., Needham, for the Wonten's Auxiliary, .Mrs. P. F. Carey for the Margaret Seager Club, Mrs. Vilrnot for --the jtinior- and ,-,M18$ .• "tidean for - the church choir.• - $.• H. • Prevett, chairman. of the 'Property .conhnitted; reported .that clitring='-the .year eonsiderable- pairs-had been 'made to the chureh buildings and for the. present all Aver° in good condition. II. C. Blackstone, rector's warden for 19480. and H. .Ford, people's Voarden...-„addresSed-:. the meeting,' •stressing the. Importance of •eon- tiattetr;.-and•:.-.inereased -contribution: e church as th'e,cost; of inain,...• 9 -tp tenance- was ' constantly rising,' • The • rector advised the meeting that -he -had 'chosen M. as his warden for .1949, • anci •the deic gregatiOii. chose Col: A. Study as people's warden. •• ".'- • 4,Silleers : APparited _; G. V. Parsons, Dr, J. A. Graben'', and R. VVhateley.. Were nainett lay delegates. ' the, Synod and S. 11. Prevetti A. gtittfly 00,1: G. N. Dowker. substitutes. „if,- 'V. Whateley was re-aPpohitetienvolope' Secretary, HoWard -14leNee assistant secretary and vestry „clerk, Douglas WilSon was chosen: as . „ chief • siclanntn--.• _and , Mothers, J- Roberts and C. F. Chap; inan Were, re-apPointed -auditors. . -The .foilovang.were chosen for the hoard of management, for 1049! R. 0. Ilays;, ItVg.,•Johnitoti, v.,Pro!ttottftIIt*,,Oio,-aktckstttneo.tti,,,T. Heistrop, J. Murigan, IL It; -Nun- day, ..Alatherst-IL-NewcOmbe. G. L. Parsons, D. J. Allan, ,C,. Stant7 fortli.:: /I.. W. Shore,. R. Sovirerby, D. •WilSoili B. 'Wilmot, S. Anderson, 11. Wilihmis anti R. Smith. An account of. tire growth of the BIGliVINDWIFORM PASSES GODEB4011 • SGE—GVATHERINSTAT ARTHUR cDt0LE—SUPPER. Reading ' reports .• of f• Tuesday night's- ,storin, the 'daily press, Goclerich: 'people feel that they got off_ 'very easilY,, While:IpOints ,1111 e'arTre--1Merff'Peilinetfra... more or less heaVy damage, the 01113' thing that disturbed ,Goderich folk was the failure of the 'electric lights for several hours the early inoiii7' and that7-was due 7 -to -- breakages. elsewhere along..,. the 1Hydro--.-lines-. Branches were blown off a few trees 'and. .other minor damage done, but there WO'S nothi4 to indicath.that ' ,severe storm' had passed over the 'Province, Abe*, seventy -Ave. ifiemberS,• with neW 'inenthers Eariraterrirrilie :Arthur Citele of „Knox:Presbyterian . . Churek enjoyed the delightful ad,. nual,."fee supper" held in the lecture rirtinrkifgelrtof4frontittrie 'ing. During. -the. 1. -dinner• , short program was , carried out. This included 'two SOWS,- YOtt "Alone". and -`•Marta," hy Mr. Glen ) go, and on ,original- -Toredy. about tlie .composed, by Mrs. C. Edward and- sting hy a group of ' nejnbers,:' Mrs. Edward,: Mrs.. opper, Miss Macfle, N. Hill,. Mrs. .Ray. jacksen iand • Gorden,. Kititting. ' The piesident; Mrs.' John Patter - §04, welcomed the .menibers -lead guests and_ 'thanked every -one Rix' any.. asSistance,,given her, and 11 iso Sprielf guests of the evening.' • Rev. R. a. MacMillan win( ealle,d bon and spoke briefly. •-•.' Th6 regular' monthly•nieeting was held after....the sttpper, With Nirs.• 'Patterson hi the chair. -Mr, Mae-. DtuD WM' 1•03DAD*: INSTALLS OrFlogits. - The,ipstallation ,of „.officers • o Blue Vitater Lodge,,..:No... 1863, Inter: national. Asseciation of Machinists; Was held .at the last regular meet- ing in the British Exchange' Hotel. The f011owing, officers •were instal- led. President, John P. Grace.; vice - presidentr-Ea,r1,--Norman4.-recauling. secretary, Howard W, White,;, fin 'andel ' secretary, Stephen Helesic; „treasurer, Ronald 'R. Price; con- ductor, Harold 0. Sheardown; .sentinel, jamesAL Morris. Trustees dre Warren A. James, , Leslie Pit- blado and .Donald A. Stiuison. .The presentation of:a gold pen 'and pencil ' Set' to Past,; President David .1Iarman was inade by James .1",. Morris. 'A -large nuMber .0f -new members were initiated.. tiring efforts and work -a -1'10'31g the If youngest tinenibers„,of thq," church- • • In .isummarizing,thelear 1948. in St. geOrge's, the recton thanked, the Warttens, thet heard Mintigement and :Meets:Of the church for their' -- assistance 'anti stated. it „was moit' ,gratifying `to See thc. ettendanee at Oil Services marked- ly Inereasing. Ile .VeaS" coefident diet .the congregation joined hid In 'Weleonaing several new , to the,. Church; Corditellting on' the Appointment bf .Bishop. Lux- ton) he said he .felt, the church throughout the'. Diocese' weeld :seen feel ; the kteritiail. guidance ,taid Strong leadership which will be provided by. the Bighop.; The Sim - day Sch001-waS eXCellent, condi- Hen, thil• largest Weekly at- tendance for ninny years* and a cap- Alliftit4tAit-Aar,49A1„ghOgs.,;„„ ho organizations had been most , sue- cessful. and lie"asked that this Ane 'work conttnue, , , ..closIng the r!ector rend the names of those who, had been called to, higher service. This was fol- lowed' by praYer and, he aged for 'jnnior "...etingregatioi.i•vos-presente$11 .Gied's blessing on all.. Construot4on Expecte • • to 'Begin- Early in Spring -91.3711:7ArTIFrW42-7illi the new artificial ice •atena by the Goderich recreation • centre' ...Om- mittee a. meeting on Wednesday _night which placed ,its stamp of ap- ag111,1111'1111(1 Muriiy acDoii.;- aid, J. K. Hunter s t. -at -arms Venus; assistant sgt.-at-arms, H. 0, -„,CominitteeS.." a -re headed -as fol- lows Entertainment, .T. Cuthbea-, Son; property, J. Sheardown; house, 11. 'Dueltworth;, menibership, W.• Parker Sick,. Rev. B. II._Farr. - fffirtr;z:1771Taa—spcii•MCrN. Donald.". .T. • K. Hunter is adjust- ment officer. "Jackson gave the Scripture reading, St- John 1:1-13: Mrs, Gee.: Mac - Ewan 'gave a report of the Pres- byterial 'W.M.S. meeting held at -Clinton --on-January - Itifsiness. •of the.meetings for,the coming year was, discussed and committees re - Ported.. The guest speaker of the .evenind was. ,Rev. (Mr. McMillan, Who gave a thorough summary-. of the .-priifer --Organization . ,and con- duct of • chnrch vocietieg. He 41Vised 'the 'members- to,--qpity-th preSident,n' to give her their slip- • ped, to respond .withont being eonxed, to take part disc,ussiens_ and not let meetings drag:. Mrs. Patterson thOliked --Mr, Mac- - MIMI, for -his -interesting -and -en- lightening address and the. meeting •was closed with a- hyinn find prayer: , ,•4r .td/LIC BOTTLESAtEING prOVAll 011 the . final of Archi- . AT COSTELLO_ ,RESr0E.IirCE tect „Clio ries Cr and --.-announced- • . i EARLy_muNING_FIRE, that tenders- would 10 (ailed• m - mediately." The resolution' Crating for, the' ac- . ceptance of the -.1plans' was moved 'by. Dr. -3.-A. Qranfill, ;seconded. by Stan Pre et t;;: nd pasSed .npanini.7 0)1813'. 11 e x p ec t e d that work A n the •'; • . • early- in fOr *ti:Iricli,ng of steel- cOnstrUctitm. 'The. ice stifface is to he 80 by 1-80.;, feet.' • The .entrance to 1)(),, 011 WeSt- , stfeet via a public space. lobby with tWO , telephone booths . fpr the yeoei• venienee ,of prjtrons.Both to - the right ofid•Jeff -etr- the lobto.vSfair.. will 1"ead doulY to a team dressing rnom• which Will have shOW.er8 and O CO*, and also to a Pnblic dress- ing, -1!0011 I. Public toilets- be --fccated at -the southeost-and-sonf ,a.nd it .0eeittl with. 'or thanks' waS, After -the ' adjoumient of '7the extended to MiSses*Otgan Irwin and theeting tea WaS SerVed by. the Joanne Puckworth for :their un •- 'inetifS grANIArit WeDgur 1toove,of Colborne. Townoldp 'MILKED' --FOE 'CASH - An epidemic of money thefts 'from milk bottles, principally. 111 the ,north and' northwest section of tOwn, is reported. At loft two iocal dairies state they have been teceiVing numerous coniplaints 1(ttely. •• • Fire; iVihich staitted in a .cthininey at the -home of Judge T.. 1\L' CoStelloi spread t� the attic,: where it was confined by, the• work of the fire brigade early Satiirday. niorning. The :firemen --p.rked for two ,hours '‘Ulth twO streams of water -and - were .kippamended fortheir work by judge-,-Gosteleo7-77,-The second-ifloors of•the residence were damaged by smoke and water. . A fal se,* a lapin • a bou t 4 a.m. while the ..lirigode' was at the Costello home paused • some cOnfuSiciii. It was suspected.that it.had been put 111 iby. some inisahievons • person. Three_ sitiths. .were questioned by Ole police,. but they told strarglit story and it is IIDNV believed . that the alarm • was set ,oe by. an accidental: jar,; as had • happened on other • occOsions. weiit corners of the blinding. ..-- oLD-ActE PENSIONS • . Froth.the lobby steps wilflead up . front both left and'right to a proth- _, • 1 BOARD'.DISSIOLVDS 4,1111(le circling- the four fiei.S..of seats with a seating•capacity. for 1,200. Mem.bers--of-..-theivon..--0-14:7Age.. A large Caere -en ...and • coneessiOn Pensions. and,- Mother's Allowance space will -be leca,ted at the West Boord ,have received official 'notiee, PRY -Or -tile-girOi*. (Itr("1'the. iee-•.• from, ilticeirraiirilf 'that fiWiffieard. 'makings plant. -There • Will be an. has been. abolished and -that the. entrance at the west end of the work -for which -it MIS established -.11 1. vim -Jorge enOugh to eii ale ii, -treekS,' s -ens ago is in -future , • tio lie 'the. or a. team- of liorAes to enter for • responsibility' Of the • Ontariati)e- Police say theircruiser has .been at 'Work 'in the' early morning hours' rine traps have been set, but so for without success. Vhey..-4belleve "the irwarefrihri-thel-6., late teenS. A servey.has revealed that the money ts usuelly taken he- tWeen the lours. of .4 and 7 o'clock hi the Meriting. . • . Amongst householders who have Complained are " those living . on North, Nelson, Bruce anti Angleseli • StreetS and ---Elgin- -avenue. In no eases have there' been re- ports of any 'milk ticketstaken, the'possibility of n. horse show, etc.,' in the arena. • -The areno,wil,Lbe built about ttia- feet fronf- the sidewalk on West s'reet in „ order .to allow room for n ascii ping. On the Waterloo' sir6et frontage the building'will he erowded closer to the street. . Mr. Code, a surveyor from Lob - 'don, • took new levels last -week of the rink pro.pertit-.' ., • Mr. C. 'F. -Chapman, treasnrer of the recreation. centm (.011111'1 Ittee, provides •The Signal -Star with a finanCial statement" as of Deeember, 31, 1948, as follows: eash in bank .$ 1,298.01 Dominion of Cifnada, bonds 22.000.00 rnpaid pledge's . 4,786.8ei plirtment of Public Welfare.' --In-- future applications --for Mons will be reeeived by a local. functionary to be forwarded direct,„, ly,to Tpron to., Members of the Huron board which -has been clissolved were W. R. Archibald, of 'Teekersmith, chairman; John L. ',IleEwan. Wrox- eter ; Mrs.. N. W. TeeWartha, ; Mrs.. F. It.. Redditt: Goderieh, and Mbert BOwinan, Brussels: • VORREeTING. AN ERItOR By an inadvertence, The Signal - Star last Week, in its report of the Supreme Court sittings, stated that Ralph _Parkinson was • the driver of the vehicle In the accident which "-artai Th1, was ouit:4111trrect ; ahother than was the driver, ond the use of Mr. Parkinson's mune in thts connection was Al mistake. ENGAGEMENT', ANNOUNCVD Ws. Cetio.4. :thiore, of MiderPh; WiShe$ to 111111011800 the engagethent of her, 'daughter,' Donna Olive, to,' • TEM WEATHERr • • •Arr'.. Frederick 's-cr •.1.. Young, sen of TemperatureS 6f the. past X.Veek Mrs.. john.loung, of„Dunkienon;.. in---0-oderiehrWith thoSe ot tile ear= the wedding to take place en at rest-knit:ling :week a- year ego, as urday;t Sapeary 211tl1. officially, recorded; were as follOWS 14411 ' 1948 • .• MAX. Min. Max. min, Thars:, 1111 1J 38- --,428 2 17 ;Tan. 14' .31 2051 10 Sat, 'Jan. 15 ..45 32, ' - 8, Stln;, Alan. 10. ,.5() 35- .„29° 18 -Mon.,. Ian. ,•17. :•430 ' .28..-23 .12 , .18 .56' 30, 14- IV Wed.,. TaiL 19 ..53 ° 25 '• 24 •, • Agnit i)optity IZeevc of Gotrieh The Propose(' Armory , A letter from the ' Lendonoiliee- • of'the'bepiirtment Of National De.' fence gaveseine- firrtirerrAnfolgilF- talon with -regard to -the - building, of an urnaory 111 Goderigh„ The letter stated that if the 'TOVX provided' a ten -acre' site it Was: un- likely there would;lie--any7filttlibtT expenseto the municipality. Tif."e' cost of operationornd-nraintenanee would .normally 'b borne by tite. Department of Defetnce. It WaS"not :possible to,statedefinifely- heW"soon the, project could lTe undertakeL" To Give .4111.g.frr-a nOttei..0114.0.to.,.. - 011 the molten of.DeTtuty....tteeve Baker and Reeve MathieSOn,' Coun- ell (leaded AO requestLthe .._Couuty Council to .passa fesoltition Teton-t- ine:tiding lin fuliendnient to reguiti- tion $0 of the Gatte. and' Fisheries et- 4)ertabb4ng: quetn On perch. The "PcPutY 1-1.eeve state‘t. that 110180.118.-colping to Goderiph' from censiderahle diStanees---frein, Londen, St Thomas, Stratford,`De, trolt and "other points' -sometime,. • If fishing *conditions were' unfaver-,!' able, would go 'home 'without 13. catch, 'and he thought 1.13 It the re- striction to a catch of tWenty-iive'• . perch „shall& he removed ..so.Ait on a geod.'day Iniglers ,might,make up for the poor ilnys;• The Mayor-- was authorized to issue a • worrant instructing , the „ Treasurer to hold a: tox gale in 1940,, • mrs. Irene. MaeK ay was grAnteil( the Use of. the :MacKay,. ,bage. 4tiout."441,43 ..• • • duet a class fer inajOrettes.; - • „.. BylaWs 5 and 11 of 1949, ,gyV* • the Bell, TelephOne Co.opermiskitin 1.0 doswork on-Cambrin reptd, Albert street and Ifritannia passed. Provide Site for Arnie n ,connfilftee of 'the whole the foiloWing• reeonimendalion's were mode.: That WO' fiction he 'taken on the 'reatieSt. of 'Roy. Uree:kenridge6 for a rednetien.. in h is restaurant ,liconspOlitit the Devi rt t of %Nil*-, nouni lIetence be ath Ised that the riowir.W111 (lona tZ•,, 011 a) iiioriekgifr-; providing the project l undertaken :Within a' reasonable time, • These ,recomMene Were , adopted and the ounel) adilourtied. Miss K. Cuysons Taiks. with Cousin in England via Fred Bisset's Radio Station* After t;ying for several- -months, Roland Page,' of ilenh;vort:Thaines, 114.4,4ina, flintily Was snccessful 131 Italking- Via amateur:radio, Will Fred ,Bissetflt AnItlord-,110ights And then !With his eotisin, Al1S4 Itay .C.drigott, of the' (Oda:10v postOtlice staff. Wiien,Vred phoned Mil -Is CutSon thnl liC contacted lionSin at- 8.30 , a.m. Tuesday, Nliss .Ctirseti and her fat her. ‘.1...11....thirsort; lost TA() tittle, 'ivil!lie/rget4ft(111•gtiv'et?itY8illilitootte•k;:thIle,eloltus: ver!sed owith the fointi‘-e baek Wine, ' Miss rhirsott stated :-tliat Sane time ago ,she sent °a .copy of ,T1w, Papal -Star:. citintalniug 1,14:: picture 011(1 alerY" ot 'Fred, to her cettsiti,lii Englatid with the' silA.Pestio.ti lie try to get 111 toilet) wi,t1i. 'station. ,Ailds the; V.Inglfsh censiti 'tried to de 'over a period of seine - time, but without A -linage to . talk freqUelitly witai %it, • . *Mimi,. at Ilamilton,Ont. liter °Whe' of* the s.itptien _tat is A hardware traVeller and or blet lost ‘1.11t to (lodericli he :told 114.1* (ltirsOir of his t4t04s withlitt coniSin it Pinglatid. The 1t1ini1to4 matt sal* 1i knew Frei' Bisset at nederich And .tokl, the "Miglisit operator the, best time ,to rench 04114 he abotit 9 a.,m4 rfARterll NtAl11d(1111,,, 11t110. .Atior trying for several 44y the thiglisit operator mot, the ('nt/let at 41)out this lour.