HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-01-13, Page 8te, QZ EXGHT TRE GO MtiO e SIGNAreST c ttA 'X13th, t n SUNDAY;-.1ANUAR3r 1,6th, 1949 • • 1P.0•11.014- WW1 COM7V1UNION. - . . . . • , 1.00; 31.fflt:' SUNICP,Ng'SCII401(4. . .. • '. ,,,11.-a,4, HOLY COMMUNION, AND• §,E10.101`4., 'OD INni. rummy pErximign,, ; - , IfA7.1/4*x*.'ijoi ONO-Tir _ . - AisisrvALlrusTAY woomuslivol,Ay,..,;JA. N. . 1:1,.tti t8 poln„ . .7 . , . opvgatx n, FR .• 13.A., LTh -RECTOR . • . «. ,43•.. W. AN....DERTON,-(lirganist and CliOroahster. . g, ....,. ••••••••••,,e01.01.0eimumimmienel..00•41111M.eleeer, St. Vnited Church., REV; C.„ VATFSLEY COPE: B4., BD, ainiSter ALEX, 'CLARK, Orianiet anti Choir Master - • - • 7' iO am THE otreRca scsooL. "TIM OR:OSS 7 pan:77711p gRpiNA:Rva'si. • THE CHURCH '7,44T11 THE SINGING TOWER: .KiuxPisbyteriafl,Chureh, ..REv.-.1013E1T 61...:MaelVIILLAN,, Minister Bishop:F.13.1%0., A.R.C..1V1:, Organist • • • • 19 Sunday School and Bible Class. 4.1tualor COngregation.. °,11 a.ni. PUELIC° WORSHIP. • pan. PU44.1C WORSHIP'. , • Comeand Worship the Lord in the, Itseauti of Holiness. ••••••••••••-••••• ictoria- St United Church MINISTER:-:--REV..LAWR'ENCE H TURNER, -R.A. .110ANIST-'-und,C110I0,-;LEADF.R4,-...,Miss MarY,JoyeeStraihan -SABBATH-SCHOOL: «. - • ! - ADULT BIBLE "CLASS-4EACIIER;• THE: MIINISTER. -"The' Glorions-COmpani-ofilre---Apustl-er." -,(1) "iiriiitt went ye Out in the Wilderness to See?" It/RS7-7-77tPer I I i 4.117,--'1Phirferilotis:Ptitir-Of:Se*: Equalit •S` 2.30. p.m., UNION TOWNSHIP. - • • Annual Congregational Meethig, Tuesday," January 18th. Monk,, 8. p.m. Venlig People's •tinion. - • -••••••-• 1,41 • AIIM•10.1•••••••ft 4 _••-• r,ASTOR-REV.- G. W. H. MEDLEY. . .• Organis' t--,-Mis§, Verna C. Miller • 10 a.m.. cruRCIIKTOCII SCHOOL': On its way UP. tieep it un-. 11 a.m. • "OUR WORSHIP MEDITATION -PUTTING' RPM -TY INTO TIIE_BEAUTIRUL." ' ' 1 p.m. EyppaNg WORSHIP. That Grand Nime,lstirY." Monday 8 p.m. --GUiNTS-Marftifit Ilaies f • rOntoi-AUL.- amith:_of Strathroy: Auburn;and PlintOn - urelfeg- -and. Pastor Rev.. A:.:Torsithe. edneSdaY 8. p.m?, Prayer Mad 6iise; Cyr $ertes rts urc Because' P1tehard Miss, lacked • an iorganized °church, T., P. • Howard,,a churchelder, asked a, friend about some used trelleY-• cars he The friendloaned the-Or...for meeting•place,• and ' Rev. TSTone •Thoxnas Williams became nasti-it: The old Memphis car is •filied Vvith *ma -singing every,Sunday elders and child- ren meet. Shown here leading aMusical- service are-41It. and NIBS. ELCOUE •DEN'TON, Jr. Mr. ienton.1ea4s the singing as , 'his wife plays 'the little nortable brgan — ClfURCH NOTES The 'annual business meeting' of the congregation of l'5„-nox Church, will be held on. Wednesday evening, Janitary 26, at 8 "'o'clock. • • The „annual ,vestry ineeting,',of St.' George's Churn Will be held on Monday next, January 17th., 'at 8. • _ _ The atInual - congregational= Meet= • ing of,Victoria Street United Church• '11b -e 'held, on Tuesday evening. next, January 18thr, A "Pot -luck" 411:14:4-4.7111-6O - lie1pers. class. AleMbers of,,the con-- • gregatiou are asked., to contribute pies, .jellies, scalloPed 'potatoes, ete, ,-•;•q4ineukehlirataig....after..,•-supper...th business of. the. evening will get underway. • ' lie Victoria street United church _ -honor• an- inNdtaticor-to-be-tte,gueS of Mr. •and •M•rs. Harvey' Webster and family at their:tOme.on..SundaY • evening next, innhediately after :the- , .evening 'service. • , L TABERNACLE _(Pentecostal -Assemblies of Canada) EV,J. A. F'EARSON, Pastor ltra.m... SUNDAY SCHOOL; 1 .11 amt. DEY(YrIONAL SERVICES, • . UVANGELISTIC SERVICES. Wednesday '8 p.m. Prayer and Praise. Friday, • 41.5• pang. • Children'S, Meeting. • ftriday, 8' p.m.' Young, Peoples Meeting. • ' WELCO1VIE AWAII\S:-YO-U-AT **ETHEL- • ••••• • The g •Women's Association,of .Vic- toria • street United' church has • chosen officers. as follows for 1949: • %Past president, Mrs: ,4t-- Webster; president._ Mrs. T. Graham; ist CARD Or THANOKSc•• r • pl ••••,,••••••^ Marielle'S new. :mina 1.1r1; eaPs as advertised at caMPbeirS Prug Store. -2 ## 1 4 # V for the 1.1,131 s f Vitoria otil'7W-M-T1)e 1101 Thursday grening, aaniiart 2004 at '8 p.n., t:the regular Home and School AssOciation meeting. P101°- •11148, inedala and' prizes will be Pre- sented tO •tile, graduates. Parents°, • are egrdially invited- There be a special spene'r or the evening and lunch.' will be served. • -2 The Eyeniug Auxiliary of North street •United. Cluirch Will. hold- a poViuok . tee supper in the chureh hall on dondny,I January ,17M, a 0,30. 1)4n17 •'The annual raeeting tile 'Salt - ford «mnntlljty Club will be held at the 'home o isOeo.13earb ctn. :Thursday, january 2Qth. Airnacrt bers are requested, to be ,pre'sent. , 2x • A . three -hot play, "Mr. 13eath,q •from •Litna.," will be Presented ,in letoria_street _United_ •Church.„...6n.. Priddy; January 21st, at 8,15, p.m., by the Blyth, Dramatic • Soeiety, sponsoredby the Victoria street ItelperS" •class. Adraission, adults 50e, ctildren 25c. •-2 r — McKinnon's millinery- store will be closed from. januau, 17th to •pnuary, 22nd, inclusive. Miss C. A; McKinnon and Miss S. Nfeltin* 11011. will attepd.the millinery mash.. non •Will attensi. 'the millinery f•aSh-, ion shoW in Toronto. ' • 1 WISIJ '4o I, EXTEND 411 Y..• . • itanks. to 'Tire , Chief Mi.. George. Beacom - and his men for saving Iny home. .. MRS. 'ANN TAT. ' « «. " - -2 MR. -AND :VMS. NORV..AL • Precious desire tcrexpress their sincere thankg •--to -friends ancUrela.,-- tiVerfli-e niarirattY•Erkilidness" -Shown--and---ther-_-floral-tributes--sen-t- .in connection'with tfl deatlrorMrs. • • The Blyth Lions Club will spon- sor an amateur contest in the -Blyth Memorial Hall on Friday evening, January,..21, at 8.15. Seven prizes amounting •tofifty, dollars will be offered: 0 Entriei 'should be set -t� •W. J. Rogers, Blyth,. before aAluaiy.., 20. The contest will ,134.-rolloWed. by a 'dance. - •• • .., ° • • .:Bannniges-ale-au-SatntdaYrk. ary 22nd, ar 1.30 p.m., inMacMY Hall, under the ausPica 72.3. rrs.. CHEAPER- tO place -maga-; zine renewals With local' agents' than to send them:. diredt to the, ubliShers or ont-offtewn a ents. irrlrariWtrovIMTWVIncen Waterloo street, can, ere- you-OnSt streeti and Airs: Isthay, McLean, Quebec. as •good, rates as the publishers; treaj, even on special offers. Consult • them before ,sending your subscrip- tionw'rotit--7or-town.7- , TENDERS• WANTED rirthINDERS WANTED. --Marked----sealed tenders will be received by -the ,undersigned until• january '24th; 1949", for wood- to be- d:a/JO-red, mid-pilere.any. or - all. Of the follewing schools in the. Ashfield Township School Area 1)37 June 25th,: 1946: 2 cords' of. dry 12 inch cedar to each- School except No. 12; also OP approxiMatelY equal parts maple and beech 14 inolt body' wood as follows: 4-cordWat No: 11; 10 gords, at Nos. 4, 5, 6,.10 and -17; 15: Cords ett-et. 1;18-15 • and 16; 20 cords at„No. 9.; 95 cprdis. -.vice-president, :Mrs.. M, 7 2net vace-President,,,..lirs. R., Bradley; • • Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily. accepted. - , RICHARD KILPATRICli, • • 0 Secretary -treasurer, 2- R.R. . secretary, Mrs. E. Wilson; treas- urer, Mrs. P. ,Barker; press, ,secre• tau, 'Mrs. 0 L. H. Turner; corres- pondingseeretary, Mrs: Byron Wil- son; pianist, Arts. F. wilsonT de- votional secretary, Mrs.. M. Mc- - AuknolX. North street United Church will hold its annual congregational • meeting: on Wednesday evening, ...__JanuarY-26th, 'at 7;30 -•p.m. FOR EENT. TO • RENT.-7RfJOM TO RENT. Apply 22 Wellesley street..,.,4 0-11. stucco hodSe'with,garden, wired, softwater in house, $1G- per month. Also 1504iere farm for sale." ,Phone lamiwimmiwwwwwwileglimmt 340 Dungannon for particulars, ,R., DURNIN: « • • 2-43r • NOTICE TO. RESIDENTS IN -AREA:*E./AAT OF li3O.ADAND'iOITTli OF BitTrANNIA:13.0AD - re GAiBAGE OOLLEOTION * • Counuelicinir the- Week of Januaii l6th ga:atage will be. Collected 011 glatullty of Mondiy. Town..glerk., 001 ArRbrieNvott:. cde L --Pontiac etlan (new motor) ac• 34 Chei 'Coach 19413 -ton • # 0 0140, true , .6R41 The regular meeting of L.O.L. No. 4.82 will be held in the Lodge rooms, Northstreet; on' Tuesday, Jainiary 18th, at 8,1),M. Local and -visiting brethren are requested to attend. •'"«• -AUSTIN ,PirliDY; CounterSales- ec Book PlaiN .or PRINTED Gumthed Upeor.' a obtainable fit Signal -Stat Ltd: 7,reit Phone 11.: • . • The Free: Methodist •Church* cortNER A14D PARK,STRgETS Hear the Pastor's worAsof 'ConUset from the yearbOok of "MY' ,11,1'StA'ANCi 0011103BWIt'''' AT 7 PM. • 10 in. SUNDAY SCUOOL OAS§ES• • 11 a.m."irk DO NOT miSs. *Ea SI'AOIAL TEATIMES. • • 00fit11401104 E E0SERVIS ONI$V.--Tri4an • at 8 p.iii.-4gun; Jn 23rd—tlam and 7 pan., -REV, J; W. IIALEY, tlrunth, oelitral Afic ItZT DINING FOR ONE WEEZ:ONLY4.e,i.,80--Feb, 6.. • . _ (mplusrve), EitArtamLxf31* oty pilot VwiOntOUX O the. Porwartl: with. Christ Movement Staff of 'Evangelism WXIFOR sPiCIA14 ANNOuNCENIENT. • `, e4iron.8, p -f becomtng a •gshixreholddi , , of obtainfrig a yield. •Of apprOarmatelY, 0, f gliariug'ill the future growth Of . •' TX -1n 101.11,1 Tttaltli,01.44, 0014„P.A.N-Y-01, dAlqA,DA .. - . OCntadii w4,s1 oorotint )1 'ossified Ads F04 MX FOR •S•41,11. -,--,,1101t0N '0 144 t 04 eotInTa;'etlyt . iplell4fion-gen14.1604n4pru.111 04 • ,2 OR' aArA-7-T44WM 91JANTX.TX' of .1,....'2.-'inell'ea1Wtigdprh tinci slabs .00 a cord. . KALDIPII0I$011 A SON, GedOich, phone .388; • MAN'S 13, -;,&OK Winter 6Yercoat, siKe_40.; lades black' fitted Winter eirefioat„ si2e, -16; .bq'fir three-piece 0two-ell' size 5 years.; -wagon 1.• .--Pemington • .1•10: 10. typewriter,'ifl n excellent dondl- tien. • plione 60V. `"• • -2 Ott. RAIM,--7-1035 _sedan,: :.inoter ree'ently • over- •haule4,; geasconable „price; tenpis. can be'arranged. Pi-1,one 766W4' „•• 49tf OE SALE, OR RENTMODIriRN • bungalow„ Just completed, fullY insulated, attacb.eii. garage..• modern. bath, «with. tile Boor, emnplete with shower; , spacious upboards In '•kitchen, tile fleet, Other fibers oak. 330;2i, ,64, •, • -2 • gii0,00UTE'DIPP dellr!OuS ,ipastri confection ,fo,y0ixe* Sunday "dinner* • 104 `094011•'-'-*•Alsil 0,rfinie ..Puts 00 44611. }10k: 'YODA-ufartga. 01:41313 . , co, out' ePetial WindeW difiPIAY of bridge 440 Cakest;eah • ElPeda,1)3r deStgOO'd to t3OrY0" abridge dui) tableo• AlsO 'small &Walk' deCerated -Clap "eidAes, petit fours and •7 • Widi6 ShorthrOad O • The Aborti4 pastries featured t ' 4g, Home ot Toty larders 0.--$11,0q and over delkored.:. PEIOE 465 •-WEST A „ weeh-Ond , 01411.4414.111111011111111, •r••••••., WOTTliR4E, OR FO:.PR- -4, • ROOM • aPartnaent, ished ;. one child, School age, «Write Ii„ON 02, solicAr-$4_,E,R, s, 1-2k, 9'.111ECE 'CI3J9D,ItOlf; 4,0.T. OE,. i JLOtSl: All peroni hivi4c1alins against. thg, estate' Or john• Chishohn,..:latej a-. the, Towhow, of* Coihrorp.suivare,' de- . r •••,1 i partieulars •ta. the undersigned by,,, January 25,' after which «date,. the «assets will be distributed, ..,00 FRANR Solicitor for the rstate. •• -1-2-3•• silewinStLmilitic4-hineNsEWcab'ISnIer aEnR. •portable electric; also treadles., Re- pairs to all makes, •/a Ontario street, Stratford. , • 46tf 'IUD clerk at ....8outh nU grocery, Sehtli•street. Phone 987R. SATISP.=D' W II 4 , your. chicks7; . . as' lovely; a looking anyone could wish Lor," says custoiner Mrs, Mc- Intosh, of. Allenterd, 'Ont.; of Big -4 Chicks. • It .pays - to, Start. right:: Good chicks are no more trouble. than •average.' stoek. Order Your Big -4 Chicks new, '• Ask us for prices. Canadian.Approve:4,,haeked by,it breeding pregrain our own farms. RYAN PRODUCE. ,c 1:113AII,441,I1EDSTRHADS, 44,09 • • EACH -At: wholesale price; first qualityaheautiful, spreads ;,„well, Aufted.;•-in or Single 'beds, $4,99 each. „Fully • tufted-nll ' 90 x spiCr"-U .basket-ofato,Wers-design,-CompletifY coirered-with-ehertille;lerIPS -Oatir.- 'Arsdi--Habitant « «hand -hooked rugs 18" x 'well -made, 3 for •articles worth double the ';Csfak 11,-,-plasiAlostagb Money •refunded' if not. satiaileci# HANDICRAFT DISTRIBUTORS, 25k4P-Sherbrooke- street --west, - Mon- •38tf . s., • DIED YOUNG. ,-- " Clihton Hotpital; • on Thursday,,,January 1.3th, 1949, ••Lavina C. Hutchinswife of , CePhaS L Young,,in her 50th Year, Funerae•Seryice •at Cranston' fun- eral homd,• GOderich, on Saturday, January- .15th, .at 2 (Mock. 0 Inter -7 inent in Colborne:Cemetery. -1T.EurObS.-in Ge.dcrichT en Tues- day, • J'autory' • 11fh7 ::1949; •Ida Johnston, widow of,the late 'John Precious, in her- 75th year.' West Wawanosh; on Priddy, January 7tt;'10-4p, Wil limn Robert &Pans, in his 58th Tar.: • • --• BORN. BRINDLEY.--7At , Alexandra Hos- • pital, Goderich. on Janua4 8th, 1949, to Mr. and .1.4s. Gordon. • Brindley. R.R:. 0, .Goderiejka son. CHASE. --At AleXandra, -Hospital, --:Goderich, on Jamiary ,1949,, .to Mr. and Mrs.•Donald Chase - (nee Rita Mero), Goderich, a daughter, Linda Anne: • ISHER.--,-At-=Alexandra---41osPital, Goderich, 011 Jaiittry 8th, 1040.. 0, Mr.. and Mrs,, Leonard..Pleher. (nee Phyllie Ginn), MR.' _ ton,. a. sonf Keith Douglas. • 51ARTIN.-At Alexandra Hospital; bodeacii,' on 'January, 7th, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Maffin, •It.R-37-Goderieli, a clang Anna Mae. 0. mOoRE.-:-: At Alexandra lioSpital, Goderich, on January • 'nth, „1940, to Mr. and 1VIrS, Frank Mdore, Goderich, a son, Gary Frank. IN 'MEMORIAM • 'GREENSLADt.-In 'sweet memory O -a my hipband,- GeorgGfeen- , slade, who passed away One yea; tigo, Zanuary 1t11,1948. pecanse Smile, 'Os not 'that we •'forget you; •. „ The darkness ever hides a, bitter tear. • ' You were se. good,„, so kind, to all who met you, ' „ That when we Smile we feel that YOU are hear- •' . OR SALR-NSED TWO.VIIECE -cheTsrerfipldi.; 'three,pleee: sofa bed stilth; ,also one breakfast suite, - BROPHEY'S FURNI- TUmD STORE, West street_ '4 -2 „ ARM FOR SALE: -- THREE • miles from •Goderich=-30 acres, good light loam. • Barn 40'. x 60', 2 -ear garage, good water supPly, 5 acres. of- apple orchard, plus some • sthall:fruits and ,grape vines. Seven- awn1511oriekhouse poniplere WM" tot - 'air furnace aid 'thteeviece bath, Hydro not installed but can •be put in «at any 'time. House and other buildings in excellent Condi- tion. •C. F. • MIAMIAN, •Real Estate Broker, phone -18, Goderich.. -1-3- 11111111111110•11111110111.0.61 WeRwm11: `411 AUCTION SALES - TnE ExEcg.rroxt , -01Ti ;T ITE. • fiitate of • the , late jennie Si-Vartg Will Sell bY Publie atietion atthe premises on the northwest cerner of. Waterloo:. 'ang Picton StreetS, lot and. houge •being part of lot 3101n the Town Of Goderich., on . A SATLJflDAZ S.A.NVA.1 22 at bile There 'VVilI also be Sold at this thte certain honseliold ..goods and' turniture' • The property ,win be sold. subject to, reserve 'bid. • .tenn.m8—itgai 'estate, 20% `cnell at .the sale ,tn1 the haianee to.- be paid within 80 dayS. Cliatteis,"cash. Por further particulars appiy to ' REGINALD 0•BU1ROWS, •'13titdri•lifit.r°6(1; (46(itIgilutor ; •114ROLD J'Ael• tSON, tsq.,'„, •Atietieneer, Seaforth ; * tria8t, 0.4 Gmieri6. LOST 1408.T. --.24T livftprs.,a xioAw •oh Sunday, a Sprinder' lila* and white,goeK bY name of "Woe 4nyot6 knoWing the •svhereabouts of giblEt dog please Phone 12911i, 'Stratford, 'E't OVNIIT 4.'LAM 00 Ingeriell tag bno .22'41, of 80. FOR _ --- OIL :IS P ACE • heater, new..conclition. phone 1183R. 2x 'WANTED TO OLD; • " "horses -and •dead.- animals, fl •suittible•for mink feeci,vvill pay more than fertiliza prices: .4f net, will pay fertiliier prices. 14, cleadf phone at-.011.cP, BERTROS.' RAlsren, Goderiet. Phone 'Collect 936r21 'or 946 r 82. ANTt13.-L-MEN•AND • WOivigi4 . interviewers to do' occasional asSignments for .pnlia opinion poll and marketing research company, Senip,r. • inariculatien • required. ..Write details,' ,age, education-. QX- perieftc6,, iORUNEAU'. RDSEARCII LIAITED, .80 Riclitilond • street, WeSt,• Torente,, ' 4,N,TB, Of. 414 S tilWa . OF _PROT_ CIIA.PMAN. Real gstate !3roker.• "Phone 18. 09tf 'ANTED: S' WE'D :rooms, suitable for houseke6P- ing for couple. No children.. Write - 'BOX 69, ,2x , , , . • B13]. YOUR OWNBOSS. TRIBUTE, 'on part-time dr full- tune-basis,°OUT '250 prodnetk: Tenet - ries, vitamins, extracts, sp.ices,--bak- ing powder; cakes; doughnuts, glass, ilverurmture-and--shoe-pu es, -etc.- Each., eustomer, Excellent epportunitY to test. your ,business abilities.' Write for -free !clettillg and catalogue. ..PAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal -1-8' • VOTI C.c. TO CREDITORS, .4•1' • pasOs_havimplaluaagainst........ the- --eStatOf -Annie .King, late Of • the Villitgeof .Aulanni, in the Codatr- of lifiron; Widow,' whodied 'on. or ab9ut twenty-siXth day 'December, 1048, are •reqUired t� - file the, same with particulars. ,With the undersigned Vy the t*MitY-' second day -of .january,, 1949, • as.• after that. date,' the estate will: be '• •' • • R. k.0„ • .Goderich,.. ORtarie, • ,..,SOlicitor.for the.Rstate.. mcDx • Ail -.person Itiving_clatn,A,Against. late; •of-tbe, ,Town,- ,,Goderich-liee• . , Conhty of Huron, . spinster, who. died ,on !or. about.,,the Attif- day of January; 1049; are. required to Ale. Ikt.4)11.0..w,144...4.14.11444A19-44.1.40 the undersigned. by'the otwentY;hinth. day of J'anuary.7, 1049, as. after that: date_the_estate-*41 1).64 di5trib,ated. R,. C. HAYS, K.C., .9odprith, Ontario._ ••• ,." EN- '.*GINEER; srcr • Or' 4th ' class. 'State. Oexperiefite,„: am and ArtalifiCa- STRATFORD- 'GENERAL flOSPITAM.i'-«S:tratfOrd;'":041t:" 7'•-•=2' ••. • - • Hygenic. suPplies (ribber , goods), , mailed postpaid' in. • sealed envelope . with- ,Priee -8st. - • :Six. sample s 25e; 24 samples *1,00. Order ,Dept.: 7-53, • NOV-RUBBNIR -• • - • farm, good land, good barn and house, water at house tuid in barn,' .good young apple orchard-and:small.« fruit: Close to sdhool, church, twO cotintr,v stores and town of Gode-, -tiehT sitnnted -On godd-:highwaY. Portion. of purchase price may be: arranged- on -..41irst-nrortgageror -•will: exchange, ,on - town •property: Im- mediate possession. JAS. °CHIS- 1101,M,:Ment-calni Street; Goderich;• • • -0 Tit r6R-7.--S-ALE--;110SE- 0�N1fl eorner of Victoria and 'Kingston streets.; dining-rooni, modernkitchen; bedroom, and one- piece bath downstairs; Sik bed. romps, three-piece bath • upstairs, double 'garage, extra lot. `One biock from .business Section. Phone 3787 ' • • 1-2x tl'OR IILA,NICUTS .x. for old wOollens. °cap use old.' ;.,woollen •socks,, • underwear, biank-W, scarfs, sweaters, 'etc.; its, part payment for new, highest - quality blankets,. • auto rug, • ski cloth, etc. ' A ne, all•woor, 817.0 blanket ean,be obtained for as lo* as $8.00 with -of, did irrr'ayhfeff.ovlw today to Dept. , laIDLAND Amtis, gidtand, 1ntar1o, and tisk for free price lid. MILES, from, Opderich ;, 1213/2 • iered, goed.landly, part clay loahr,- part- • sandy loam, 22 acres- wood 10t, 45 acres ready for ' Spring seeding. Never -failing •spring •water supply; fruit tree S and frult,'shrilbs; good €1-fOOna 2 -story fame louse -28, ft.. x 28 ft, bank Joint 30 ft x 4. ft„' 1ienhouS4::"i4l1Sri1ro not instimed.titit signed for. Farm may be pur- chased separately or *ith 'team of horses, machinery ilpd Stock. O. F.; 011APMAN, Real Vstate.,,43.roker,' phone,18, Goderieh, Ont. -2-4 . . 0' 000 • • NO Mid SOWING AU.01/INiS OTAANtti and s.djusted, $5,00, Guaranteed satisfaction, 'Repairs and supplies. 'Out-of-towireustomers bring or send, • the .head °illy. C W0O1)S0 12 ra.st.strettl 'Ooderich. -•'42tf COUNTY tle tilext L• , The next Meeting of the Huron Oolinty 'Connell wiil be held In the Cottlieli" Oliambers, •06iirt 11004e- Goderielr,,' tommeneing Tunsday,, 3:arinark 18tli, at Z;00 neeourtts, ,notices --of depute, - tions and other business requiring the, attention of Council should be in. the bandti."of the Oeunty Clerk nOt later then ,$aturday, January; t5tti t04. • ' W. urtz1l14. County Olerit, Godoecti« °Ate 1°, • The Sign $74130 ° .I74$Ult4NtE • AGENTS' ;;;S:S6CIATioN. • Get Insured,""..= -1'• Stay ;Insured-- . •' 'Rest Assured. Nerth St.1fr. *w Good - Insur- ance -MMSRtETRrBBoNs for GODEEI011 Sig , CLUB, .1946- 1949, mayb� obtained at; .- People's Store; Mote* • Store, JobnlIogoartb.'a•Garage, F. Z. Iiibbert 84..Son, Iteg. Ben lykit ,IyIarket. FEES.:., Children, 15 and .under, $2.00 for semen; Adults, 4.00; Family ticket for 2 or more, $8.00.; 0uests, 50e per . . , r ▪ wE INVITE' YOU TO 'Ski THIS WINTEIC • • , s,e; this 16;point.04b1e.-check plan ...1IR:AsiELLNDAL191:101ENV IIRE WHEEL * Onmasis vuEltictAlloir * 4100T MAM I * itADIATOR.; l'Abr FAIT,IIELT 'ENXIINt LIMPVATION• ; * OUTWIT, DIPPERENTIAL0 REAR AXLE * DISTItIBUTOlti BATTBItit SpARE: Iv/Gs * IOARBWBATOIt 44' LIGHTS »EIZNJOZt-- Oil - ItJ 0."