HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-01-13, Page 4•
JANIJ: la 18th, 1949
LJrj�iD TO-MISS:1'
IF YOU vim IT,
yotrra, RE9Avr
$50 AND $55
Reduced t
• - After1W0,)ve4:1;•!' JIM ia the
.phurelx Bowling League, the teatas
Waxed ant fhllforq..,te' take tip
wee the Y Left o, "
St, Oeorge?s NQ, 1, made a'conie-
baelc when they defeated -Knox NO,
t points to 0, aftet Alaking
•cleaWweep of all. three games, St.
porge'ereallY but oh a show when
they Went all out and Scored 1331
for one. game, kla4e1 •Wilmot, WAS
higlrlady it1i 511 and %pert- Med.d.,
high Man with 030, For KnOX Jean
Opod led the 'ladies with 422 0)4
Brace . Milne the men With 408.'The
001 scores were 3350 against 2319.
•-Victoria's -team-. defeated :St,
Peter's 0,2. DerothYleVittie and
HarryWestilike kept up the ino.rale
of the Victqria feaM, vith 'their
Scores 511 • and 573 respectiVeli..
'For St. Pete' .4 was 'Eileen LOOS
and, Leo' Baker,', with 343 and 527.
r--,--The-grand-reaclings_iverfi. 2f312: and
250$, •
'North Street' No. 2 met ,and de,
feated North Street -No. 4, 4 points,
'to 3. Winnie Henderson and -Fred
Williams led the No. 2 team .ivith
scores of 530' and 623,„ FRI, No. 4
'team it was Joan Allen and Bud
-1Viathieson, with 466. and ,058 re••
• spectively. The totals for the three
,giunes were 2925 . for No. 2 and
2968 for -No.
TrireThaptist were successful in
taking 5 points from Knox No. 1
with their scoree 3299 against *2878.
• Sara Aleock •and, Bill PerguSon led
the Baptistteam with wenclerfill
scores of -593- -and 610 -respectively:,
For Knox It was. Vim MacDonald
• and Brent. Nelson., withscares of
474 .and 526.. ,
• Narth Street No, 3and North
Street No. 1 fought it out, with No.
3 team proving to be, just a little
better and coming off with •four
of the seven points. The final
scorev-read '2696 'for No, 1 team
and 2651 for No. 3. J. McP,hee arid
Len Crawford,. with 421 and .506,
• held top ,place on the No. 3 team,
while Roxie Ball and Carl Anderson
-Were,high for the No. 1 am, with
548 and 531 respectively......
The top honors • this • week go. to
• Winnie Henderson, ,with 5.S0 and
Bud Matbieson; with 655.
' The 'standing:: •a-4 . •
• . North Street No. '2 33
. Nath• --Street No. -3 30
• t: George's.No. ... .. 28
• Papt4st----7-„4----,---- 21—
St: •Peter's- *• 27
' North Street :No. 1 26
yictoria .
Knox No. 2. •• iu •
Knox No. 1 18
Bowling next Weekwill begin
promptly at 8..30 p.m. • •
.• Mrs. Wm.. Amman, of Elmira, is -
visiting' with her daughter, Mrs.
George Ellis, and Mr. Ellis; Toronto
street. • •
Mr... and Mrs. Geo. • Johnston
• on Saturdayto spend the next
Mr. and Mrs.: Findlay Samis left
today :on a. moter' trip. to: Mexico,
•via the,eastern Oast of the United
States. , ••
• Captain • Prank'. and Mrs: Mc-
Caftby and- baby,: of Toronto, were
in -town on Wednesday .and Thurs-
day calling on relatives and friends.
•SZEO--AaIN, .
• An'interesting Wedding took place.
, 4ictofia, street United church
on, Saturday, .When Phyllis Marg-
.aret, daughter, of -Mr. and ,Mrs.
marriage: to 4 Ain. Robert 4`olffi
,Steep, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
, • .
Steep, of Clinton. The double -ring
• .. AT
Auto. &Bicycle Supply
cerercionY was pertained: by Rev.,
L. H. Turner. The bride 'was
gowned in wflite sheer,, fashioned
with, .sequin neeklite. Her for -
length veil fell :gracefully from,
stveetheart headdress .and she .Wore
�f red • reSes, AliSs. Irene Steep,
sister of, the 'groom, as brideamaid,'
were . a gown, of blue sheer with
matching accessories. Her flowers.
were pink carnations. Thomas
Steep, , the groora.'s brother, was
best man. After the ceremony, a
'reception was held' at the home of
• the bride's ,parents, • where, Mrs.
Allin received in blue crepe. with
White ',carnation corsage. Tile
gr-Qain!,s- • fuchsia,
dress with matching hat and white
-carnatimr-corsage.---For a honey-
xaoon trip to Toronto and points
east the .bride donned a black moire
.dress, green Oat a.nd black acces-
sorieS. • G.ueStS were ,prsent 'from--
, Monday night'n, 044.14,.
•group, -or t4e
showed some, upseta and Some -Very
nea Mt$4sAs,' •
. The, Turkey Va.rmers WO„fe•frpui.
Imperial Oil, No. 2,' 5 points- 'to. _2.
Thetain for tile 01.14blern. were
Wood,'•928 three k tunes and
fo• r the Imp -s- were J. Smith 018.
021 single) and piu. MO.
The Paddlers -Just noe4 out -the
Me,poll-Frontena Chiefs Vpoints •t4
The Bisset brothers :Mill and
Betel Were tie create of the, Pad-
dlers' .team,
• •
- Larder's "dec:orated" the W'at
Canoes, 5,,points
starred for the Dkoraters. ,"11WaS
• elendy sky for. the oarsmen,'
• The Gumfers had their sights ad-
justed perfeetly against No.
1, winning 7 points to 0. Drennan,
698, and SimpSon, 670., 'tried hard
ip. tout -the-Gunnere-sights, but -
Ibcke3r•haa"bee4 of the- slate. IP
God:aria:the laSt. ten' 043rP---00 Jtel-
'.Several, gamesare stlietinled for tile
tIV` daYs and'pinyers'Und fans.
are hoping, Or 'hockey 'weather, -
•The gaMen :billed for Cfoaeriell
tire AS-. follow;,,
• Thiirsda oni
V. ef•Qc:itmicu.LouXon FlYern 1»'inter!,
meainte '.. •
•SatuiclaYi'45th. -7, LUeltnow vi
1401.1Zen:" Flyers, 4ntermediate
, • • •
' lgondo Y* 17thafort1-,v,,• -00t1e•••
ch Hinstnen„., intermediate t),I1.4:„
Centralia 1.477,-Gocler1elli, glimmen. 4
• the KitiOnaea..were nt-(lentralin
oA Wednenday "'night .for'." a game.
14'4rpOrt:' team' and Were.
•clefeated • • •
1 f The Tigers atatiled the Signal-.
Star -7.;,..to 0, Cliff l!ilcl!,/hwas; 692
('264 rain& )-, a,nd •A': If4Shei", -643k.,
were b'est for 'the, 'llgers,‘ Austin
Purdy tried his best for the printees
but you can't expect' one man • to
play nine. "jum" was taking the
right grass but was. -on, the wrong'
green. „...„ .
"A" group standing. to date;
• Tigers
,.. , , • 12 points
' Gunners •t. 12 points
• Paddlers•• 10 points'
'Imperial Oil No. 2 .„ 9 points
..t Signal -Star „. . ..,,,- 7 points '
-Larder's Decorators. • 7 points s
Turkey Farmers ., 7 points
War „Canoes 4'points •
McColl.F.. Chiefs 2 points -
C.N.R. 'NO. 1 0 points
• 11" group resiilts on Thursday,
January .6th: •
Tars 7 -French Dry cleaners 0 ..
C.N.R. No. 2 5-Goderich .Salt 2
Godericb, Eleva,„. 5--z-Imp. Oil No. 1 2
plock Bakers 5-Gch. Motors. 2
Goderich Mfg. Co. -bye, - .
• The • Pigeons have Nvithdrawn
from competition.
C: McCallum leaves on
Monday -to conduet-evangelisticter•-••
vices, at .7erona, And from there
goes to Ottawa to attend at. the
'Wesleyan youth week, when' he Wil1.
be a. speaker. -
•••• ,
00.000. Of.
ThrotighOut the mortal of January. there will be a
eaturing 'sale items,
' ' •
ODD LINES AN1'.0 BAcncptsIzEstErnotroyloire 114E SVOAX.
alettlOitide O B�VCa1 years i*'eliave just received ?QUA .4`,.A.41)0
WIDE ?EMI'S]) LINOLEUM witit.1140, VAS ,BACK, frtita England:r.
16§- lat:Auburil
Geo. Hamilton .a iMemor•-
• ,the Dap' Of
AUBURN, .-Ja -"--• A . highly'
esteemed • resident • of Auburn,.
George. Hamilton, died at his Home,
' fotirtlr-yeatnrHelrtfd.bOrf-lipfn.41inr
health for some time. A son of the
late Thomas Hamilton and Eliza-
beth Jane McCann 1-Iamilton, `11
was born on the 8th concession of
1865. attended , No.. 3 school,
,Colborne. ;
• In 1.896 Mr. Handlt-on 'contracted`
the "gold fever," and decided to, go
proSpecting. in the Yukon. He got
in -touch withrDancan „Matheson,
who had cine home frpm MOntreal
t� visitrelativesin; Goderich before
going north. Mr.,4Hamilton joined
MrAlatheVon, and set off for Mon-
treal' the middle of March. There
he found a party of gold seekers,
waiting, and after :outfitting at
MOntreal the men- jburneyed' to
Edmonton. ,There they. completed
heir caftfits, and then proceeded
Long ,- the A,thabaska trail to
Athabaska: Landing. Their '.twelve
tans of provisions were taken thus
•far by teams.'„ There Mr.. Hamilton
• carpenter and: frofn
1 1
Top hOwlerss In Priday's play of
the Ladies" Social Leave were:
Marj. Young, 237, 1114, tripl
Phyllis Carrick,- 0,99 Bur
590, . ••
The standing,:
Holy S4ckers .... . . „' 42 poinin'
• WeStsiders: 38. -points
. Strikeouts , . points
• gitty, Hawks 30 point's
' ,Loafers 30 points
,Toppers • 27 p.oints,
Happy Gang 27 pointe
Orchids ' • 20 points,
• 'Blockbusters •. 17 points
• White Caps • • '13 points
• . •
gq, •
SEE: 71-1E
1 •
-lumber purehased 'from the liud-
on'sBay Company-billithree-
Sturdy flat -bottom' boats. The .party
then proceeded down the Athabaska
River, through Lake Athabaska and
down . pot. .Riyer. to 'Great .Siave
Lalce.,•,At.floY River the voyagerfit.
paused' long ' endugh to build- a
-church_ for..ad.Anglican missionary.:
The -Arctic- Circle • was -crossed,' the
party continuing- downstream
within ninety', miles or the mbuth ef
the _Mackenzie River:and _the „Arctic
Ocean. • Here the group -entered. the,
:Feel River, Proceeding upward to-
ward the hei ht .ot land .on• to of
the Rockies Which separated them
After ten dors demi-stream the
party came to the mouth, of the
Old Crow River' on October 3rd, and
as, ice was. beginning to form .it
was decided to make caiifp' on '• a,
well ;wooded MaiWhere - *the
abundance of timber',would provide
WO for • a • building and„,.ft
The .long Arctic, winter,. passed in
coniparative 01151'04 The time was
spent in hunting ganie and in ,•pras-
pecting for. but only on one
occasion' did .4nY ,YelloW; dust ap-
pear. The trip down the Porcupine
River to. the Yukon Was made with.
.,,. •
• .
• COMPACT' . •
. 7L001c it Over at
14TA - '4*
mild§ "nOrth Of'Dawsti.n, the -party.
broke ttp, divided the suplAies'nfidi
froth there each One' paid for his'
•own transportation to Dawsph by
Steamer, arriving, there In lune,.
fifteen Months after leaving Mon-
treal. • ' •
Mr.' HaMilton ten:mined there
iintil 1900*, ,when he' returned' hem,.
Hernarried Belle Wilson of Auburn,'
and they' returned' to the 'Yukon,
where they 'remained until 1910,
'When _they returned to Aubtfrn and
fainted until tvvof: years ago when -
they retired the village. ••
Ilairfilton was a valued mem-
ber of5,t ,Olibrelt,
Ile is survived by his Wife, one
Setir ThonutS, GOderich,. sevezr,
grandchildren, , alsO • one brOthers
David West WaWanogi, and
three Sisters,* Mrs. 5, ;Johnston,.
of St. ',Marys, Mrs. 'Albert Gold-.
thorpe find `MrS, Itobe`rtE3on Of
The' fOtteral .'WAS held frOm. St.
Mark' S Angliean church, an Tues.
• day' afternoon ,and WAR very largelY
'Attended,' Vrtie rdetOr,, ttet. IL j.,L.
Hentier800-, Wak; in 'charge 'and the
Ipalibertrets were six iiephews of
'the deeea,scdt %MOS.' 5..• ;rohnstoni
'110411tO,i; Wilfred Plunicett,
nen1Ohnston't ge6rge Hamilton and`
Th'ndoldthont, 'The many beauti.
fioral'Orilsutes were carried by'
six grandsonsk, 3titki 110.01d;
*Gatth, •Gene' '1150.oinlid and Ilobt,
The interialrit In
Celliorne remeterY. Prieedg* were
V:reSeet frOM "Doeterieli„ cOnfon;
field,', 'Stratford, Dungan-
• Wont, Nilo, and. the surrounding
community. •
. .
e.new„ ng 15
Alit:4rd .'Glasteel
it today!
• Autoniattc
.Thelinosta I
• , irion
• A Gonotatf00 Of
• Ourvico
tu'alc foittsti
gOwrion can enjoy all the .hene5ts
• 'water heated ,•Plat.i • .st.titt4. 14
Dr -6F itt dis.ous$
oat easy terins, ; ' • •
iAnnutoaand ;10.414 frOin Sninti
- • •• Milwatiloo.Witc4,64
A Witt
trtiatm St Ovi;,1e5
res erial
Meets ' Clittton
prepitraWas BOng Made f°
rynotreal Meeting lin
• "VOderiebin May.
Jiluron .Presbyterial 'W,M.S. of the
PreSbySerian. Cluireh C.O•Aad4wa
.1101t1 €11114.911 ..gr!sbkteritIn C1111reb,
Q11 TOeScia)7y j'anuary lithl. With
Morning and afternoon sessionO.
• DelegateS were present' frogrglin-
ten, Exeter, GOclerich, Hensall arid
SeafOrth, and ',were' wolcemed -by
the Presbyterial president, G,
Bisset' of Poderick. -
The SeriptUre• IUK-41" 8MS reed,
and brayer was offerod . Mrs.
W.°J...,Thompson Of •Seaforth, %%IS
Was folloWed by the • presidents,
address; • She Oak° ' of, the chai,
-IOnge-that-is_facing the- ehnrgh,,,W
dtiy. ' 'Materialism seems, to be, gain-
lonogyi ut• ggiSoon, ug ng dtoori bite manyit,or•v,,o, ceit n4wex 1St,
feelng 'thee isitil;t_:•zts-usethomitUryate. QV,
fe• renees haVe*bep held in Amsterr!
dam, 'Holland, and Columbus% Ohio,:
this year,, end. the delegates were
faced with the need to 'bring the,
,Gospel to a" world that was trying_
every way except •God's 'way.. It
will not be an easy task, and prayer
Is needed for those Who have
deditated their. Wes to missionary,
Airs, Bisset spoke of Miss Felton's
visit to overseas miSsions, which
wifl give-a_better understanding of
the need,iff the various fields' and
give encpuragement to. the workers
there. "At the »ginning, of,.a..new
year in the*: Preabyterial, may :we
rely on His promise'Who said, 'Be
strong. and •of a good courage,
neither be thou dismayed, for the
Lord thy God is With thee. whither-
goeyer thou goest'."' • , .•
•, Departmental, Reports '
• Reports of the y.enr's' 'w(4* were.
given by the department Seeretaries,
and 'were. Most encouraging...
The treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Russell
of Seaforthr reported- that -43024,
had beeii contributed to the general,
an -'increase of.:$144 over last:
Year. •The allocation Was "13,300.
The, objective for 1948 was an hi-
_crehieL in.„ giv_ixiga-Ah_d_ the result
alie-effOli roe -
called for 'a generaiLthanktgiting.*:
Mrs, 11, Z.. Lane of .01inton, girls
mirk secretary, • gave 4 spleildicl, re-
port 'of -the -work of the 'Vanadian--
three groups, With forty-five mem-
ber's ; Staforth one group.' with
seventeen members, and expects to
form another.4:group in the near
mother 'and, ' '•daughter . banquet,
Vesper. service,-.. Missionary study,
IrffillifitiOn-service;--Musicat :evening;
variety Concert, discussion : groups,
assisting in the -church music, send-
ing Christmas cai'de to shut-ins
and making eontribatiob's to the
• with toboggan parties,
sleigh rides and Hallowe'en :parties
-• :;corapleta:--thprogyam.A--
LT', rally was held =in Goderich,
an'd Mrs. Lane-paid:tribute to the
splendid leadership that .1.s. being
-given to each of these splendid
groups .of girls. •
; Mrs. J. F. Scott of Seafo/i•th 're-
ported that` the' five Mission Bands
had a most successful year, with an
increas.e in Membership and givingS.
Eighty;six attended the rally' at.
Hensall, When five junior life mem-
bershipsi and „nins,,w_ere..preSentedAy_
the Preibiterial. Special events
White . elephant' sale, and a • picnic.
Excellent work IS being done. by all
the Misselon Band leaders, and it
was decided to donate $1.50 to each
•band for •its expense fund.
Mrs. J. W. Smith of Goderick re-
ported a good Year in the.' Home
Heber% department. ,There are 197
,..hcnneLhelperk:And. laverbecoMe
active members. dining the year.
373 •ealis vvere made; there were'
'thirty -0e subsOrthers:te
-ings ••-;and the contributions
, .
amounted to $353': • .
• 3118S 'B. '',Campbell of •Seaferth
reported that- SeVerak: :cartons- 6f
magazines had beepcsent to ,Frontier
College; and a letter of thankg-twas
received. Magazines were*. also
taken to hospitals; it nursing home,
and to .sick: and shut-in members.
The "Glad,Tidings" Whs'tsent•to two'Wernen In 'salted diStriets and lyaS
-most weleofr,fe. • ••
In • the -literature -dePartnient a
number' of children's • books were
ijold .and AiSed". as birthday and
Christmas gifts, also • as :Sunday
schOol prizes, Study books were
pased arOand in some anzillaries
and:• book ,reviews bad been plek
it ed. for Various"- nie,etings. 20
and wit'h the ',literature added tile
amount totalled 4114.30, "an ifrcrease
over last yea .
The • presS • secretary, M,. A.
reported that news iteins
were sent, to. "Glad. Tidings," and
ieports l'resbythrial meetings
Were sent to. the- local -papera.-
• Mrs. 0. Viralker Ilenstill re,
ported that' $620 had been' ' Con;
tributed to the life:Membership fund.
Vliere' were tviro lioporarY Mein.
hersliipS, One to, Mrs. 4:i Eberhart
of 8ea.forth, and- dne,. •Wit'S. K.
,RineeVolliort3Ohf Eulorteveofilxviffe.4
eight jtniOr -certificates; and.
ten Seals completetl the year's work'
In 'this - ilepartreent„ •
AtiSS E'rown. of Vxeter', tre-
ported 801 subscriptions to .„4.!.,C4iatt
Tidings:" . Twenty,•seven o WOO,
are malted direit4o(he *Stibseribers
at.,`the .60,C rate. -'It ;Was SuggeSted
that 3f any eopida, are 'left in' the'
petiva they might'be tatillea te the
S'ttbseribers while they, were still 'at)
In tll
ligezie7e: of • d*6011,
• of 11ensall, welcome' ""ttii4 welfare
see,retarY,' the report Yirtte read .bY
the Seeretary, Dugin4....the year
1940 .vitats wpre 4n/1de on, the ,Siek
• and shut-ins.'tease ;lot 899
tiVet• latit $'641`; Vertp,Ope letters
were 'vf:rittea, removals *ere
portel, aad. tWetitk-four ;botanie
connected with, the eliureh, through
:the interest shown by this depirrt,
mont, Plowers hint ,Areats_ of
various 'kinds, 'view given towthe
, On& Were greatly •alf-
• Tho •repori o thd tteeret
• ,,
tam, Urn. 0,,, Cat or Ooderieh, W-Iftlt
eret:e4r* Seliko71:::, 'lital7h:e:11$0,44:.°:::::
lion, of• D414, 01Qtriloso quits, Alla
31:44vesmIlgo or Toreatg, pa t',everal:
,ParteUs Of good' USea &thing were
Sent tp the headnUarters fOr
•milan relief abroad.ln Toronto.1%
•value of sutiplies was ,,$75.80, •and
- $I30 was contri1ikte4 14-*: enith to the
P.M.Vitqni'li ..„ ' • 4._ „ '", - ,,,-;,4 • '
7seAtiotrili, e:tieitoneeluxigeeinieg:ilh:re Mv,oi:n.w.inat
served brthe Clinton ladles' ' and an,
.011Pertun1tY wan given to -Visit the
lite4, tiir,e,A4telto'n Ses' 0002'. '•.
., . , , -
. „eit the afterilOon sesaion. 'the r
.COriling 'secretary, gave her rOpert,
Sufne 'auxiliaries „reported an. lii-
creaSe in.,•membershib, 'Others a
crease, an tWO rePPrted 'no change;
• With the reSUlt.that there was 0.*
active xnemberSh,fp.of 369,, the f1.410,
ClaSnAhltialvbse:ttrl'ril'syaerayer,e.iegbrx'4etdr .ttiltheeirr:::$%14'ttilethth
anniVeraa-r)t--cluring.--the ..-• year- .LTD
teresting •ufnetings were. held, .._and
the study beak, "Or CoolraisSian,",•
provided fine :prograMs, !with re
portE4 of. Fre'Sh/terial, And 'SYnodical,'
meetiugs„, guest speakers for thank,
offering meetings .and mnaicai num-•
bars 'te. cOMPiete :a succesSful, year.
.. Study 'Woks were proiitled for,
groups and =Asian .Banos,
with inereased -interest shewn by
the meinbers in this, wOrk. The de.'
!tivitieS" include ' haspital. visiting,
•Wo.ric in ConnectiOn with, Canadian
relief _alroad,,r -malting quilth:,-and
,clothing for the Ripply workcif the
AY.M.S.,. welcoming strangers, visit-
ing 'sick and shat -ins, and sending
'clothing and food parcels to Britain.
One. 'parcel' was sent to Mrd..Mac-
Gillivray. :for WhOse • husba'nd' the
Ooderich Mission Band was named.
Most, of the money raised;came.froni
freewill' •offerings, but thee Wee
teas, talent table, a bakesale, and
'a play which -helped materially in
making •such a, fine • Contribution.
• Honorary inembershiPS ° were
giVen Miring the year to Mrs, Ebei.,:
hart or Seaforth• and 1Virs. Keith -
Revell. .'of Goilerldh, An lonOrarY
membership-was/also' given to. Mrs,'
P. R. Redditt of Goderieh. in Iamb-.
ary, too. late.4o be included in the
'•-repert; •-oPthe.-.„148*.t. annual, meeting':
iaries, four girl' groups and five
M4ssion Bands, .all doing splendid,
wOrk:which ..is A. "credit to .01.- *con.:..
eined,.............., xr sr, ,-.47-reiteta'rel. ,e.ieree, love eree•fteunt,ilearileneea
• auly •iu• a NVeStinghOuseCsi
ioned Action Washer will you
find the ',extra safety features you
•nre:looking for . safety. 19r
you . . ,for your. clothes . and'
„folb your -investment!:
• Exclusive "Sentinel Of
• Safetr
• Lovell Feather Town
• Safety Release.
Wringer . • ,
•.0 Exclusive "Cubioned
,Westi ngbthise •
forr41:an ,allocatio
.e dishssion :it'Wtifs-Ydecitted
to •accept 'n :of $3,500
SX10diear .
• It wits announced that the Syn-
odical meeting will be lield In Gode-
• richonrMa%min1Oth; grallthe4aind 12th.
It is. customary for a Presbyterial
sprIe jui_
members Of the board .wheri they
arrive for thefr bonrci Meeting. Bil-
lets will--be*Fulred-ra about-, 190.
delegates, an as a numbdr of them
will be coming by train or bus they
will have to come on the Tuesday
to be ready 'for. the Wednesday,
morning meeting at 9.80; so 'there
,will probablf be around eighty for
th -e-Tnesdar-evening ,AsAtiey,
areto be guests of the presbyterial,
it was decided to ask each Member
outside Goderich to 'give 25 cents..to
help with the expenses-,. and each
auxiiia.ry. Is eligible for a billet for
one delegate. -Furtherinforination
will be given later. •
The nominating , caminiftee for
194W will, beVirs.„ J. E. Daley 'of
Seaforth, Mrs. "E. LaWson,-, of
.A.fiburn, and Mrs. R. J. Scott of
Welgrate. *._
• The objective for' the coming-S-4...a.Y-
4s--an Increase in membership._ _
There was a discussion ' regarding
a.:change of data for the ..annuat
meeting. It was suggested' that re-
ports at the end of the- year could
betaken care Of,stib-conimittee;
and. the annual meeting „held in
April, when more of the Members
might be able to attend, This mat.
ter -will- be • „taken t -the. fall,
• ' •
• Letters of synipathy will be sent
to Ykr.§4_
thron, who,. have." suffered bereave-
ment.- '
• A-Vate of thankS-L-waS--tender
ladies. forthelrbos-
pitality, and 'Mrs. D. J. Lane pre-
sided for the election of. ,officers.
The report of,.. the nordinating.
'committee wets. -presented,. by "Mrs.
P. FergiiSon of Hens/ill-and 'ac -
'toted,. The 'Officers' Were-theri-hV
stalled, and. Mrs. ',Lane closed the
Meeting -•*'`
• Officers for 1949
..Honorary.: president,' Mrs.
•Puiilob, Goderich; president;".310.
0. Bisset, n Goderiohl.. rst
dent, MISS A. ,M Blyth; 211d.
'Vice-president, •Mris. D. Sinclair,
Exeter;'seeretary„' Mrs.,, A. Taylor,
Godegichl; treasUrer, MrS: • :4!..
- „ . _
ein ar
35 Ilamilton St.
Phone -466
•Rris •Seafar-tliDePartinent
'Bondi, Mrs. J. F. Scott,.Seafortli;
Home 'Helpers. Mrs. I. Vt;.., Smith,
exchange, Miss 13. . Canipbell,, • Sea- ,
Walker, ' Henson; : "Glad tidings,", '
.Miss 'M. •Brown, Exeter; press, MM..
J."W.' Thempson, Seaforth; welcoine
and welfare, Mrs, 0. Hudson, .lierf-
s-all.;.:.Supply, Mrs. C.- Ciitt., GOderie!
• POL.LOCW-41-601B7E'-.- •
A pretty Wedding, too.k place on
'afternoon at )3enthiller
'United elutrch: barSonage; When Jia,
Elizabeth. McCabe, daughter:of
and Mrs., Reiliert.,, F. McCabe, •�f
:Colborne.' toiiiiship, -:-bedanie'• the
1Virs.__Poi1ock :and the • late Gen*.
1110190i, .ef Ashfield townShipir-Rey.
E. Hai/Ward offiCiating; The
bride loOked • charming it gown.
of 'flamingo rose crepe with corsage'
of Talisman roses and- brown a&'-
cessories.- Ber.,sister 'Dorothy kVai
her only attendant, frocked In.
(Noise glue crepe with • black a.c-,
cessories-and, corsage Of *pink 'reses
Mr. GordonPo11ok, brother of 'the
w4s held at the home. 0. the bride's
pareats; >where -dinner was .serlied—
from an .attraetivelY• arranged table
Cettred• Win) a four -tiered Vveciding7:*;
cake. Tho bride's' *mother received.,
• hi'an Afternoon dress•of black erepe,
with -torsage--vf-vale-,-,pink,---carna;
tiOns. • ;Mrs. PolIoCk, Mother' of the
• groom, assisted, Wearing: a gevv:11 •
of moss green crepe with Corsage
'of. 'rage,' Carnation's. ","For a Short •
wedding trip the bride . Were a.
MuSkrat, coat _With,' brown twee&
-sores-find' feorstfie
11111111111111.11111•11111 .11T1111111.0f1170minoil11111111,01•11111.11111111111.11'
FIB '49r.12.44DEED
• Altio , . •
turilrAinx:F0 L,PROOF .• •
••. 8,OuND
, , .• B,:: R. :.5rul,MAIr
Certilled RuH eihnicialk
• PuoNg OR , CALL' ",
NVidder St.. Goderich, Phone 598
„ •
ICYRON Now Available hi Cariada
,Science DisoV�rs New. Easy- .1cYFON
Dietary. Way : tb Reduce Far
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• fOri3Op1e *hOtkti excess eigIit is
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tithing ,appetite and liniked,it 'easier
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• /
*. MAU:THIS, 74:0A:9,-,rgs:it •
•PtitOittoo A package of ,Ityron'ai your :Drug Stores. Chi*, Yeti'. 4telglit .
Wore and i*ter . tiot-itatitified 'NOM empty bolt. to Attu!,
Druggist Wh•o will 'refund fulijiurctase price, II:yron, may be jurhaedat
ttE 45,