HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-01-13, Page 2TWO GODERICH-SIGNATATU flk Tiproni, cotrzirrs: O $21QST WEEZk "PolAtsbed; by Signal-Pt414,. Lhaited • ' "'” :$44teriPtioa-liatea-Lcanaelet aid • Cheat134tan, .412-60 4 year t• tee paited ' - States,' $2,00. rtistog Rateeee'en reiineat, Antliorized, a •secoud-Cleee nteil, Peet • ,011iet4:eDepartmeate Ottawa: Telebtigne leiembee et Canadiate Weekly Newspapets Afeseciation -e- Siivorn Circuletiett Over t4,775 • tmA-5,7,, 1949 'Pin 'OWED (JF 'LAZY, MEADOWS • Pv ROT,/ Rote PAIL OOES TO, DEO ktle etrangeethe'reitiona. you get 'when, you're Wok in bed. Wit:1g sue'eurobed to. the :attAek of a "fie blig, I wee' sent te 'beck This; I, 110tiDA YeW 'Year's PAY' Al.petion daSr ij ,T.9rOotp, and citizen's. tle jQ1S. la • sucte Await itlinibeis that a ellittn ethinkse something _should be dette about it. • He propoiles that the . , • . eYince Should have NuifoVin '14114101),A1 elec00 day.4lind that. lc ald •t•be` pnblip .hoJidax. • It xt,p1; , be eecessory fto dietarb the whole Province just to Teronte out. Of its apathy. arBerp is something' t� be said for uniform eledtion •day tbieughotit Proyinee;. hut make it, a *Ale holiday veauld. not improve •:nietters. i 7.'orolito 'Would 'Told its tions on axt* day bet a holiday, en Many people .go but of town., • yeteriemight:turn- Out at the pone •,,Th greatei rum:there. ' • We already *Lye two .Public 1:teiltdays .(in many places Boiing Pao.y wakes a third) • at th'• year: !mid that is quite enough. If. 'need another holiday, . why not -14ye it somewhere in the long sMetch. between NeW 'Year's and: - • • •re,Oer? alentine inuy not be -oesuilicient importuned to he cone- emorated, in a general holiday, .bbt somewhere : along •about- 'the - middle of •FebroarY • - welcome -a ' bieak, in •-the tees _monotony. • umen-oN , „The -3(6ritton-eeSaski).-. linterpriee- 30,;reeore, :•oputionee tnat. edueetianal e..alithoitities are inelhied t� lose sight bof realities. it gays: "'Their con- Cereed about how the butter sub' stitht.tseS than, ahieut what they call -it. * ';7:01'• • •:.e. • * Goderieli's waterfeent is an aesee in proirortiOn-to the eitent to which it 'mused, end the'leertrd of Trade can hardly deveteeite, energies to better purpose than in pursuing the' projected plans sei'forfli in this paper last week for improvieg the facilities 'at the harbor and beech. It will take several years to giVe these plans 'fulle.effect, but if they to be achieved a beginning. will have to i)e made, and the sooner the. better. - •• Queen's Park anii:ounces that .-the Weal ord-age pension and mother's' allowance beards are to be. done away with,. and these, -things a e tO be handiecr from„.Tordito. It Would.,..Seeiu that. dec..isions as to pensions'and allowances,' Could be Made More readily and niare justly by persons in closer, contact' -with the epplicatits then ean,be the ,case under: the new order ;but,., the pro: gess of ' centrailzation of authority apparently is to 'continne. 1.i.0e41 government hs .• become. distinctly uarrower scope within: rent years. . . • • • * • • • ; . The !midget presented in congress . , the other day.provided .for expeedi; $41,600,000;000.-:: ttirese:Of-e:OfereIt is just about :fifty years since ttexpaYers were asettil•ing: the-firlf btllion dollar Congress!' , • the., "Pepelieticnha§.... be0e doil-b1111;° the natiett4-apendittire has in- crertsed forty-one times : While Canada's. population has doubling our nationalbudgets have .• tucreasedeabout twenty times. The :dollar. of cieurse.,- 'isn't as big as 'it was "half-a-centeueY _eagoeeeReople talk tn. thoosati'ds now as ,eeeily as • they "did in hUnctredS In those 'clays. Will. hinlgets. rethain 'static at their present level; • or :will, further. Wars -and -other influencei tend to.-cene tinue the probess4 of, inflabbn? If figures Continue to lengthen 'as' they accountants will, require _Wider. 100..te :wine' fit -him •-f.bre a. place in ?kW world of. ,their . ,rather. than the Practical : one in elf- • liYing. The reStilt thafan ne. • proportion of •' the task of. educatieg geeeduatee;• of - our Public and high ,• SAD** falls:. upon theee whose duty e..it is to train theiti•efter, thesecure -..,e/hployment in an office stpre. tee start to learn a trade.” • Thies th-M-•-criticism--.:-not--:fit in vdtliethe..-eomeetirinte-thatetheeeelitetee ettericiiluni has. taken gutrir •,•11b4optii 044 necessarily teacher -S. igtve had to abandon the Cone ,..„, . mitten of therougintess?- LYeting , ieople do not ,go aelmior merely led ta.ught :how to eeemake •"Lying," but in the attempt teach ,7'• so many things- there , is danger that .Tiothing'U theroughlY learned. !he Yorke:in Enterprise prObably , . • . lgks in mind • the young wan or • Wo- • eon who seekS "empioement in some oecupation for Which a• school. or egliege course isesupposed to have 'ledgers. • PRESSIIELPED - "MAIL EARLY" t• ,CAMPAIGN Editer The Sigual-Star. Dear Stre-Iii reviewing reports from our postmasters in rel, -P1134a.- of 'Canada on the handling Of the Ohristihas, mails this 'year. 1 have been deeply impressed hx, the co- oPeration extended to; the . pdet- office by the -public In niailing early. The Christmas mail volume was unprecedented most offices, ex- ceeding gewtly evenrest year's record totals, Despite this, the fact 1 1, I; I111 044 furious argument with my ' - 4Vge and a- roak 'Ale'tir'TOMO tO0i4, WWie Plkttrillg hay one. • :The7 worI4 started whirling 0,0114 :aba4nrout- aird.• suddenly 'realized ',Whet might! havei the lantern iny2 • the depths' of the MOW 1, was •cieterinined to ,'„get up for ear. 10i9 'weten.'t, going to, catch eine Vat On. niy back. 7„No, sir 1 'WAS , going, .to. get," up, " spent the" Whole day In demanding tQ knove, Whet ,Was golng on et, the stable. E41. Tibreing,ihitd. been:doing inere'eeere$ for me, and when: couldn't llod..atiAlling .vgrong the work I., •had to."qcdopt' a 'new tactic. Lt. wasn't fair:. to li,11,"Ni Ed. Werleing.'eneNew .Year'S'EVe When he„shouid be at home_getting ready fee the dente itt the schoolhouse. • btlit. wife' jiiet. •Onitled' at me 'in • telerent" and • said, .9ou Stay. in bed where - you • belong. All .you're trying to, do Li convince yourself that - you ...sleonl.c1 be •dp... The._ deeteir•,Said you Weren'.t.--to get out • of bed Untli• next Wednesday, and • .that's.' Where. You're staying." I dozed off then, 1:When 1 woke' up . there Was av maddeningesmell ar 'sage and aftvarY stuffing for the goose which my %wife was getting ready • for the next day. *I ley - there as • long as I could. The door • would. open and I would cock my Par trying to .hear who it :was. The ' breach:nun • had come. Then •I heard laughter; and that was even • More itrYing, There's nettling. so bad as law:F.14er when yoU haven't heard the ,joke. ' eflItt&telephone-rang,,,-7113" dbean't, =Y., Wife go and, answer It? . That's dreadfiii. I start to get out of bed': when".I hear the. kitchen door _even and -.she eel:peel:opt. to speak, minder wihoit is. I. listen; • and she's' talking about .ne. "Poor man,: -1-erlantethink--he11 be. -ab et -UP for. *New* Year's . . . . . Yes, iS ',had ..the, year tO stck.., ,• . and. -so- on. • I've Plat to get up. Mere's. Michael racing.throngh the -dining- 'room. on that aeiv goeeart or .pedel c reeorewhatever thin- lie-aot for Ohristroas. diStinetly hi_tir net. We've• „got ethe eel/Wane • for tomorrow anti the floor be e mess. • Why doesn't nie 'lit her --Vey --- • -- -- • There'e the ‘eound of the" calves bawling again:- WhY","doesiilt-..some- body feed tlastkr "I've , got to .• get up. .1'11 feel' better,wlien I 'Stand on •my feet: These., are the thoughts .that' are'', running thrpith my mind. T .get onf of bed and:Tint' ray feet' on the carpet and then -:etand -up.• , ign't inneh, -deai+e-The--reieraesfineetese.Wheelieg • letteand then -'down it, goell and irnt eoinee' and , there are eStarS. fn. front of my e.Yes,. ancl then the kitchen- door .opens. arid iivy • wife ',elands listenling. I sneak.- hame Into bed and pull the eciVers uP, and eon,' in the &infant. Thine -es, will eetieteeheye....tO '. get _along without me for a day or' sal •- • that the greets bulk of this h e UIg has beenwhoseir.4111-„,44-,wt,,,T3t„-of, 4, 'ffil..„*„, ,,,,tlyostt,trborot so,..leadequatethat hie Deemneee .2 • assured or4eel3r. and- (*.qr,"her) employer finds 'it enecese eXeieilitirente handling Of the aug- mented' 'staffs We had at Work.' .etee • to atee. the new employee a This . happy situation made - it hat -possible for ue-to have t offices Waiting in 2. fundamentale t •.shOuld- have • been. 'received . clear of Ohrietmes invaellmbo3, Chriet- "firutlent? mae Eve, with ' the exiception of -----t---a--rent . meeting- of teaehertJis Rothe.. forgaen -Manse whiebentetiml n he da • slibject was...under disenssion,tete ' It is rrifethat the DePartment ▪ and if it _ eart. 'lie., impressed .upsit- top authorities.. that, edncation .ShOuld have depth. as Well as ErTeaclth: something useful Will be. actompliehed; Itseg carried-, en • -a . leery intensive ."mail early" eaMpaign throughout Canada in the:month before Christ - .ns, but •I de: feel tteet seine of the' credit: mit o go ' to the news. ".•..eteeers. of. the country, . Who Aliroligh. brightly Written news stories, sp.eeial articles and *editorittis brought t� the peitelle a,greater underetaeding of out- erob,lem than . Might other- wise ' have been theease. r Would be remiss indeed. if I did not make suitable .ackterw, ledrevent of ' this itesietence,. and I know. that 3 speak • for everyone In the postal eerited , • ., in saying "thank You'. and eltitress- ere . is e i'ent"' '11-iiii#47.171Witlikki$WW.S*0-da of yo.ur pubolipastion„ throughout 1949. . :need to worriebout the evint.er's Y ttr . sincerely, . , lee eropi Some years back the lake . - W.' J.• TIIIINtIll'ee•- ' .: • did not freee over until March., Deputy Postmeeter , General.' ..,siiii if 140. haVe, a mild winter we Ottawa, Ian: 64 1940. Miy,.„iiisst need . tee nett summer! BLUP.•, WATEt_litli) `. . SETS A.NEW it' 'f' renOrted ' that. 60,000 rat$' : • .. , . , . , •6. WO :been , killed • in. 'Tore:pie es EL. , , . , , • -SARNIA, "jitin. 10,÷4. ,neV", ail: • ittaltit deirtitinent crunpaign: Siiree tiirte traffic record. or the tett-year". -; -;11 .titeee.,ertit't he , the "dopes"' (lee- Old Blue Water bridge 'inking Sarnia . • '''' " dad" Peet Hurotteletth4 Wila' estate' • .edieling, to The i Globe and , Malt) lished in -1048: *.' „ ' • trio. 'Voted - tigeinst". the .tiVe:year •.A, tot' d 57$02 Vehicles ereSsed' •ionneit.teriat "., •,,, ; , . .. • the bridge during the yeat,lt.,irttS" •, li, i; '•••hintotmeed by 'W.: a .Stinsbn, gecree - . • , tarv of the beidge eoirettleside' ' •Xt semis ‘that 'sonde people ' ' - ---- • Tile .new reeoid represen- ts un hi- , *t�trtIiig !Omit whether Ilitler Avenge" a rtimoet 40;000 ever •the it, terillY :deed. All, the indications previous, high-rnark of ti34,031 ,estab- • iti that he 14, -Int: 'if he is still 1181.10(1. litts.t."Se4r.4 ' • Hi, ' , : ' .. 'Oxi-Deeembee I. ft' '54 000 f NOTEE Spring began:oil Fridey, the ,7th. doy rater that Was the day we joinid'-the first seed eatalogue in '0V:;,' tr,.. qORD sto to iii, inietteliny At; dend AS .'• .t. di' 'Thi ' ' e the outs an nt.."..'..pe Vitater4 bridge „ . . . if.ble were Under six feet of cement, bonds' were retired '7 rediteing 'Ihe Iltitteristd Is Still dliVet hoWever, debt oh the International ,eptin Jo, itto ibti,040.4.661ittito .nittiom siottid $1,396.0tX). • It.ikestinutted this soil ., ,„ ..,,„ , „.„ , „ „ , .„ will be pAld off in abOnt seven .nEIMOIJinit toc‘,/ sur...e oat i'' is l'ePt 11,,arm.°88.° Yeark after -Willett passage over the Ille Wind Wals•' tough ' s.,,, . ,'„! 1. , bridge , wine be , tell;',.freer.; ..,,• ' , And...Could ''.and blough; , arprin0 la to betbide A .00111. ' 'rile bridee'whiele was-..aniAi0”' Si* k.e1)0- her htinds within her ii ahleic of household n'si; the 0114 littilleid#4 '')il 040Ii6r t)v"19"`"f 164" b .• , .. . ifi' , one . of, :the principal; .higlltvayr lt chillteher through; PROTESTS cEAGE. /N ELECT/ON PROCEEDINGS The Orlliia acket and Times addre§sea ati,epen letter th the gen. George. Tee 'Dunbar, Minister �f Menielpal Affairs, as fellows: tinbarreeeeeellave.eeeou, • „Ipeleedeinto working of the re- ifpi be, en,,' etedieettioneof •-te.decreeseeen- cent: aniendment7t6." the- lit reqUires candidates- the- cost of eienimeditieTs it is most assuredly a- sten. stabilizo.tion; mimed .for councils and other elec-. tive bodies to be Present at the 11.3y -election In *mime On,. February ,7". next _the, electors. noininatioif Meeting '-and to stand of Nicolet-Yamaska will go • to the Lor the office tor which they are first constittieney will be nominated unless they make- choice Pons. the -only one 4 -rt -Canada --not- reke- -pm otie- nomination -day.- -1 ented et- the opening of the iegelon is one Of the silliest pieces of legis- 'Aatrion ever imposedon themunicipal- e.a, few 7ee4,..„.• frOn't nnwe The opinion, is de. eel:here's, have alreedy selected tt -ides, and; OW" Candidate, 'but ,so far no either party priviiig them of the seril.ces men has manifested • any intentien of well qualified to: hold public••office. conteeting the seat, Formerly nominees •had ' twenty- four hours or more .in , which to - • - make up their minds. True, many DEv;i1LOPING NEw ; POUL- were nominated Who did not qualify ,, TRY 'BREEDS IAT for' election- Aut"tar 'from. being e, ' drawback this yoften • resulted in Progress was made during 1918 good tnen, offering themselves who with •three new breeds of ohickerie would -not have 'thought of -offering being evolved at the ' Poultry Divi- theirservices before the -nomination Won, Experimental- raring Service:, meeting. • They • pould be -urged to Dominion 'Department of Agricul. reSPond to the call of fellow citi?zeiis titre, a large white breed, a broad - Who considered them, fitted' for' of- breasted white breed, and spetili •••-;eeeetee...., ad..) eeeeeseeeee A croiVd convet'eeS'en.a.larid'Uo• sl.4' at 0lyz Fidld 'Purls as'a jet • plane (rear) bringing a -letter \front London arriVes. The letter was, Started -on its way by -the Liarci MaYer of -.London. It was flown, by helicopterta'ah .airfield where. the 3et plane was waiting forethe 'second leg Of the trine At Orly Field, the letter Was -trans- ferred .to .e lielleopter ageln end, f1Qwn into Place dee ,Invalides , •mP,aolrlust- es'Wch..ere the mayor reeelVed it. • The elnesed time was; 48' , , •• • . • . • Ottawa Notes OTTAWA, Joh. 10. --On the coin-, pletion of a Solar de;•ele it is inevit- . , able for Individuals, as" well' a.4 collectivities, to look,. back on the aceeleelliehmente of it • year goee, in the midst.of plans, and resolutions. for the year ahead, • Theyear 1948. has orabably been the best in the. hisitory Of Canada,. Ifimploytm.ent has attained'its.higheet level ever" and When the' figure are aVattable we shall probab1y. alsOp discover- that natiottal gbOOTO6 and national production win' have reached levels which would haye •been considered -unattainable a, few ,yeare age. . In ased national pro- „dtection, thrthe velormient :Of out Iteettural resoor "and large-scale luereaSe' "in Cue exporterhetereented.e of us probably the meet pkOSPeroUS nation in 'Ute world in 1948.. Our lk3sery„es. of ,17,.Si Curreney_ •EferYone T remembers. liow a - year •t ago exchange. diffieulties seriously hampered our • econonly an aur rade. At that' time Me' Adralnistrstion-- took- •the • StepsiAlint- eeemed•-• indicated. Tli&e same steps appeared drestte and Mule' up what Came to be .kneWn as the "auSterity,',' . program. - This •Po' trat7=seitrely-1=etitith. and many doubted'. that it ,would be practicable or effective. Atter. a relatively short period of enforce- ment, however, the reeults obtained -condirm----t-he-wisdom7of-the "'course •ONTARIO PtolitiviBN. 1,0 •TOUR I3Arrliagt ISLE Mee Ontario' -• fetemere sill ianeary lbtb tai the British Isle., where they • will..repreeent Canada e.t.„the International„plowing match .to be held -at '841nt's-Oleld, County Down/Northern Ireland. • - flletne'erS. 0. The team; include l'ellyst" Barter • of Ilagersville and Robert. Timbers of Stonffyille, .winners in the IDsso tractor class at taist .year's Inteenetleeal . Plowing match at Lindsay, Ont. Alvinlefrerk of Primero*n. and 'Wilbert MePaddin o "Millbank, the Salacla 'Tea ehamPe .ibits, and' Elliott Moses of Ohsweken, .a dieeetoteek. the Ontario PloeVinen'e Association andteam manager; Mie. 'goes is it Member of the Delaware tribe of the St; Mittens. • The Men Yv.2111 sail from New York on the new liner "Oaponia!". for a nVonth's tour .of the British -Isles as guests : of the: Imperial ,011 Ltd. and trie-,'SalailirTerytiiir„1147icil-v as partielpa.tieg in the plowing matcheis they will steely 13ritist ettiods----ofeerigriculture--andeeteiti- , . . as 'ada a Foteigts Policyol to s take po� �e altreelYes lute 400944 44 "Waliell thOY tiler are sorry afterWardSee n, 11i14 -ugh hen relation* With the DonAigens durin0 the peried when thew -were WOrking put, their independenOk 14i'l now pretty careful to lake eonnelinP amenwit- the Mailer -Power$ before ng -fell. sieara-nhe " Vditickrial a 01.0,41 141 $401/41aY• Nighte•TOronto).„ f$OVelnief PAK., tO ,Us hfeaine inSt the ,other detere.o.M.e9ne seen* W.:J*3:14001g "Qt eon%e Panadli bnewt` get n foreIgh polleye of -US Q*0„; jUst. )T4Ve.• to. Pak along With .the Statee." We have come to. the teOnel'Osif:94 ns wauld. not know' 'a foreign, pet:ley if they Met one leetheeetreete singe They- do .not ItrtoW;what oink leeks inte..they nattltallY oat know we "Crtaada eluteiolie •he .479.011 arises ' WM' t 0, Some pope •peOPle :Seen4 to thii* ,t•A t• -the w.4372 • -WeeelinehaYeete- foreign policY -for .04.0,20a to de ':.°thlr44r canifita,(114,14°.Fedilter stleree/e4tifee4)le 4.070 decielon ,Mre woud not ge‘tO War. in,1039'Wag SeMeho , more Signitipant than. the deeiSien. „in "-Efe*la That . 'South: Afriea weenld 'ge to, ware -0134'31Y wii*eatUtte. .9,04301113C19. did thtl • C°0•14ran4". Preto0a, .444 net theitarae .40 ' An' essential pert of; freed** of .ebeiCe.', -IS 'Mk:10M tOt.Mi69s* ithq Wrong "41:iing,.. Yet One .does enot have •t.o do :the wrange.lting. ay.. 44* . . in: order to ;prove'. that one AS -gee... As ;long es we are satisfied' that the United States. is on ,the eight -side of most arguments, and, onethe wrong side', We most eat be toeworried if °Remelt usually votes 'with the United States:, • . There a eepend -sort a 'Mistake tanoiadfoereb-rgii*aii„ pePlii:ywolif%tTar 'moven*. ThhtieyVe saY that the big Powers really make an the decisions that matter, SO it is, not possible for a email power-- Caoda aety .01ther. ;one -4-7.04 have a Vole* in internatienakeaffittirs. The nillkice, . surely, in. the /suggestion ethat the United: •Yettiathrraitra'nizteolli'119421nri:enemr 7111;141'"P°:9;)°rItE174cortnsmullImittinttk7e' the views of- erealler tOoyee.r.e.; Some - 1 I 11".. CUTS/ BURNS and BRUISES ,Veregina.recliterreed tiseprieeree Chates --- relief. ReuisrSzc 60111231;gMiq1.44 :.Ab'eelekeer,PY,P4.39.yars 'Althougheethe-2.0ana.direrefarneeris- have never been abread, *hen thee, visit Northern Ireland they Will Ce frieudezenendeelasheeactober at the -Thternatiorial-plowing neateh- at Lindkay: „Lit 'was the .firse,time that it team from the British Isles had ever plowed in Canada and the -trisibe•--plerwmen were_ a %feature embar'ked mien a year :ago by the attraction of thematch. Administi;ation. The-Seizere reetrict- 1 Midland 15 • considering the in- etallation :of a new watermaine..to supply winter -berthed vessels with free water. 'One steamship official, who is,a councillor, stated that as mech. as two Million_ dollars might be spent this year in *ages and letials....on 4 the_ enaintenance and_ re, fitting ef,_ ships •in that •harbor. Snow-plOW,ed road§ are one reit-, have net -yet been lifted but they 'Sfin for higher Municipal taxes. undoubtedly •will lie froin time to When- tlie l'ates were rower,' rural 'tine as improvenients In our reserves of gold centilitre. • • Cost Of .Living entse 'Halted? Eed-of-the-Yeer' f etees 'seemed by the Domini.= _Brurean. Of., Statistics Showed a decrease of 0.7. point in the cost -of -living index:" pie 'major- ity of itents taken: in consideration in computing that index have 1 telv• shown‘a tencfeney o level off. This trend has been particularly • notice- able in -the food mup. sthne other groups -small" raises Were still; noted; in. the last month of 1948.: Thi d d in St net yet lens put -in force in the early months of "austerity", have gradually been eased and at the -end of the, year. our reserves -of United StgiteS cun; rency .had beep. built up to an. •appreciable object of the currency -saving measures would :.E1o3veser,... the_ oa.uses„Pf,irsit ...yeae4 shortage have not all been completely eradieta,ted. Some of the reetrictiOns I ; ' direfotiOnt and the United Otettes is (11:1-tehlleY learning ethat this is the course, OVvigeelOni. *- ' • The obvions ffact ":timit no, one 'ciimitiz,.etat even: eeethe itS fet PeWeirtai en91-104 t.47:,46.= the. PWIT WAY' tlag world Veltheut :reference. '''•-•-ta other*:'. The -bigger .noWers dfseusS their problenis and policies witle. others; Canada, not'. 'out o.f ',ch•arity' but „out ,of neessitY, ' • . TAB PLAIN.SPEAKING.SCOV A mane asked " Sags'. fellow. traveller for,oq' time as,they Were, journeying trfqn from. the /siTc,krth tn London,. ' • • •The:SOO looked tip free:1111s beck and ',You • only ;Want to know Able thne to getint .eonver- sation-,Nytili roe,... and if we :get Into eonversation .vve , shall becenie friendly, and When weeget, to Lon- don, you'll ,aek tee; to inte'd drink„ and ,ra ask you lieve „drink, and have .another drink. and • rgAGAzt MST ELECTEIGAL • CONTRAOTOR:g Phone 937-E-12 Ss 8 ofoitwor lath, 3o4o, 4 X shall els44 YOU- tel. lane aiyt you 1.wIfl1s1t PUY 110U000 Where *0, a healltifal, daughter. and You 1 visit my 119449 again, .and One YOu'll einpe end' (isle Me i YOU Can )narrY 'MY.414.0ghter.r-and Why the- hITOP.S Slieeld X giver P3$' 0011Seikt. tO 4 4144.14/10 •Can't afford tO buy .a r nemettenueees•••••,.„. aseseesersonistastme , THE:sE,Tess' 10 SMOOTH FORMANC.V. A ‘./Tepairs4 For; env make nicider. , Wringer Wills, ONE DAY AWASH:- , ER SERVICE:14 pur pitp. 'Ail Wort! •- UPPIPt.T01* ,mA,KEL WAsHERS Beat as iCe • re Skelton, Prop; • Ra3flton St Phone 89W 4,34 Licensed SSO-11. 0 :soiENTmestirribiliii MASSAGE. BPP .4...fp.xEms.vo_Agp7Roxy,,Att. THEREiE C. .E.M . . 54: Anglesea. St.'. ,Phone hose's ntm ent , •". ' • • • Godprich -43z e able Efficient s ee, a, o , enco,nragliis , severe offiCes • coold make theTr Choice" with • a .knoWledge of the probable set-up • which they could not have befoke MO nomination meeting. Nominees are now forced: to go it blind as to whether there. Wine beeeppesition, --and Who it wilt, be. Many just .'iven't do sp. As it Is now; the noiiiiirees.liave an hour or less to make up...their Mieds, if, they happen to be In the,niteting,' if they -aren't theere out altogether. -As. far as We have heard, ,.the generale opinion is. that the new law goveriihig6 nominations is " an, ab.: .surdity, a nuisance andia detriment, to securittg. ninny. good. eaididates' tor 'otliee. yitti'take ,steps to have the amendment. repetileeif .and .the • old si,.stern'„restored,, at the ttp4 preaching session a the Legiala- .titre? • , ; e, • , you. -the eninplinients of , . the. eenebilf fttlre• Delullf of: good. governitient,---, The. tia6ket Thlies;. 4tXte,ett"Proltittie1at1o1of -the 'Word ieitted toi.,give. •Nolird the 1:17Of t "le .soiiitd, but, ..the 4ietiOna"it 4awil oron4tittee the s‘g'.! as, we Ott in,4')/fargaret" Arai word$ wft ipt rio0p1o*111 dine linke betveeen Critt a da find. the ItiiitedStags. , It is 1, 7„..feet in length, and 1A a lUtitXIMUM cleittAti4!0 'of feet; pereOn' telie ever tirked On ne*spaper knows bow' to get one; ,..e'VerY,ItAgi "ASO' e' Taw 0086 .TaW 0!line-I1era11; ,1111.4. 0.4 Her nasel„greW hiengh; And et111 thS1uiii1t11e1aStcrl1ot11t. And yet, although - There Wee' tio kinetigh, The Weather Was a cruel, fetish, It made her eougli... Please do notseotigh . Site eking)** nitfl lier hat Motet ough t Wiiere.What-Whei In Novit."Tork, • The large white breed,fb1ng bred to Combine in one • bird ..the greatest number of desirable' char-, acteristies from -several different breeds I -light market quality,wit less elupliasie orte'ee'e In-ed.uetioe, is -file main atilt hehind deYelenutent• of the •broad -breasted White • breed. The thltd bird is heir-. bred as `a' 'entail, pineal') breed, Withthe' Minimum •bpdy • size r4quired,.* to produee large numbers of".Standard. siee egge,',. so that the maxi/one-a petiductien may be obtained, on 'the emalleet possible outlay Of feed. • • • Lath of the thre% breeds howed increased egg-proddetion duning,the year, that.of the large White breed.' appreeching tbe penterrn4neeligureg., for,. stanclard. ,Baqed fortuity ..of ••.type is also' Mere evident in the ,puilete raised' during 1948, but further seleettott" Work or unitorrniyi. of type' and ipereneed egg ProdUttlett nittg*be done, TIe. eelentiete aim aim to get a White' rather'..than. brovm .or fin,ted egg in all three breeds,• A conisideroble:qinioutit;01ato§S- 'ing...has been 'Carried Onv ,nsing 6'0 'broad.breastedwhite breed,- • Not only does „.it 'have egeelletit''breest ' Onformatkin when elicited with. i!...tandard breeds -a00•65. to the breapt-00, tniattont theSe' bre‘edS,,• •..„(tainit were Made'lli. egg 'Size andr uniforrniti bftype-,for t14e *Itite breed: The 'AN.eatteattlitiletilthe- eneennitered Was SoineWli‘it hvAttaitY ligtxre. tOr the chicks', bit Wore careful( attentiont toManage., t at fitotor peinutseo tO Iniprove, thift..,04ittatten. or, dwellers 'made their own :winter: ronds over the drifts, acrossfields and above the fence tops. Now. teey roll down the 'concgs.sien or sideroad at forty miles. an' Item,- anerrine" •fer it.—Parmer's Advoetife. If A ACHEs Viii41:yotin•Iti'dfloys'Aicr-up-and'hadtache,.--. • foliows-,,get and use DixlirsXidney the 0-year7old Catadian-remedy.- 'Dpdd's: - Kidney Pills quickly and safely help restore your kidneys to normal action -help reliever • backache and that "tired -all -the -time° feeling by treating 'the kidneys. Xsk-at,W, -druggist, forj.hid ' the blue box With the red band. 156 , oditit KidnerPiIIsT • ...'‘,,ikteto, COR SUPER TRACTION N eiciv, WITHOUT CHAINS .noIay, whh Ffro S!uddsd Ground • Goland Gips. Eight -Ailed, 4,Itep,. s•It.clesnin :adt s tet , 0., • botd-puli • you daiu.snow inshnuci whhoui thaw. . qt. Whitit.surs Don't dtliy dove in tod•V, TUDDED ROUND' GRIpt f::1)MtV Y '4( s „ 110',„ ,•• t I 4,1 GAR,b$141t. 14010.1t 134140, ZtmN IntrtOtdA • • loom:won • , 'IN 0 UR, , RADIO SERVICE DEP-T. •FULL tTOCIt 01,TCJEES - AND PARTS CARRIE0 raniee , .Ph611.;', 114 West St. • ; ova At YotirServke.f(w Pick=up and ,eliver'W c nThan le y a your cleaning. pro131ems , R. LOWERY. loaners GODERTO11 •,„ .";•-• s • et proceeds •,' " • ,...Ocroation:01 CO,tittc/.. it Duty. 'via; BE M3E ON lay, --January ASE NAVE VOrit PAPEit BUNDLED AND,ovr EEA. EY OA* • • - ottr*.opt! N