HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-01-13, Page 1ICE. CREAF-SALES • . IPS.:' WIVX....IWOOREATH .
. .
' ' AID NEW 'ARENA [ ''.-TASSES .10 '98TH: YEAR.
''' ... .' .. . .
., A , eliequo ' 'for 031,8a, ,.b* . „. 'w00 .114s ••b90.4 rcP....etyga• g
.. ,. .:t40
- God. erieh's Ile*. aro* Was on i,10,tti'.. •o' Mrs.,'-.Virtillani MeCreatri,
-'"Ttieselty "handed to 0. F.; ,Ch well-known . former resident or:
raan;`treasurer Of the Goderjc
ninIunity ." : 4-e c t ea t I:. o al al i ' 69. ,-‘11,'. Y.1 -ch:. ',...74(i..,1'.. Pags, a goittx , 0-1
. centre, by Bisset Dries., of Salt- , ,Wednesday •••af. the ', home ,og her"
ford Ii!igbes" ' • `• ''. • .., 4* ' ' da,u0t0r,. All.',...,(0aPi.) U.',"'Tht, -get
•' • ThiS in
This i AIM' Lean, Cleveland, .0„ at: tbe age, of
cents ' on '...001.,i,gallen - Of lee - ., . . • • ,
lit. Ainety,;seven years. Ars. McCreatit Ontario - in .Goderich,- eiiebIng on
, ere= . solo, by., BisSet. Bros. , • . :.. - , .. • - • • - - , . t.
, Gederieh during' 1.048, This :is • -11. ad ' an attack' Of :pnearaonia at AtOndity afterP•00.11,,e' .17,V0," af...: Jus.'
jnfouginient bf , an, (1.11)10,9•Ijoe-•
, , 'r•, „pbr4st..g*ii 'tin-''e',IbUtivith Ch,aracter.tice _$;nlil,yi Pre.',sid.in,g,'iVCTO 'a , robe
mentby Bisset: Bos. in4a istit'eburage and fortitude red estceof that formerly. worn
adveadvertisement'iiTle••*Sig141- ''-'' iun* 's.
, puttin the-sprine of 3948:, togive up Jntil „her• fa l .'13a4; 1* g Ur ii.J1440$. of -0O,
- ,,,01),Orti3 n 14h$ ' ijni ,0640, 0,0i,,,. .1-41:, , P430)Td ". • their' 'Ohristtents. ,seasen-:-.' ing's'•,Beneh. in Ontario ad- Upper
•••••• particular and the .publie' -IA .- Her.',Iast'. ilsit to ' Gbderich vVvitostu-.61nr ,0a,Lonraadshai,p"..bit4 ,EL ,ie• .,e„p .0.a.. 10, : p; al.e
general ' wiII••-be most appre"el,' •
,ative of on -e4. , pnbikt.spiiteci, , ,October laSt",--When- She,. spent the • The -b1.1rPfO• 'gorli* Tivorn:2' by b -is
„action ' on the part of Bisset . - ,. ..... .
• .
" Bros. „ • ' '• .• '' 'sT04:4111:4s!rig,n;ga'4Nset":0erngd`e ,atitil:137'r 'livneeilr
i.ve sillt, andA wide scarlet tit).-
relatives here ,ah.d. •wati. weo-dderrully" iliageglirfrtQni'tile
hroligh' trhi ge 4' , waistshc111114neel::
. LITTLE:-. LOCALS ' blight and elleerY.. After • her ' brier 'The .i.isual•, white ' tabs 4.104.4 dielcOY.
• -...'-,-..:-.-, • -4: , .• , .„ 'visit here she .went to, Cleveland were worn. ', , - • .
MIA Goderich Lions 'Cllib skating
carnivjtitl. is . tieing • held' this season
On Friday, February "lath.
Tho iOWfl 6°i1z1°Y 1°° Inef" WOMEN% INOttLUTE.YoL
on Monda ev,9110,g- tpr tile.4„41i.,'' spo,X$04, SEWING (iLASS
time, Oa after the ,,ilisnal.*acedUro ,
of inangu,rai,ion da1t wlb thc4)417 Tlie. regular monithlY. Meeting of
'114(1dceutattlated siilce
the, pet:100,9u braneh Of
the. last,Tine.iti4g af the 3•9A8;01;4111e1.1, rmtititte• yrati ield oh. Thursday,,
the members--ivere present LUiUApiutry•-4;,,v0ith.- a large. attendance!,
tat* the: Oatb, , office, ,before Mrs. 4. Wllkin prealde(10' -Letters"
.Mr. Kernighano
,c04„..4titi. late, new, Sint doLiati, 0„Us:
d the titee 'e .o,n1,0904.- f ••••:,,,,Y0, W.
me, ers: on1,,their. election and Doak, Mrs. (,)..• legek,hart,and',Afts,
ick,4141,, *44suceas-in t114* : work i appointed to. male
4114, 460- arrangements Plas'
• Pat' `0„.„11• '161.ie--q*et;.9n payment Of to be hold -itt the Town4411 )Peb-,
0911nOulortlih. be said'sthe ratepayer rtflt 28Ali:teit Mardi. 40. : . t• ,
were not to be "c'enfildered.•"eh.94-0 It was .deeided‘ t,e:Piirchase. the
•suatjs" for, ;their negative rhstitaiier..ibOtik•• • quty 'Years of
..'theY•41,411 receivell.,A119e, tnto.miall°n' Aehieveinents,".'for Use in a lending
. „ , , , ,
on the gtkttert or b4d.hd thliary, and ezovn.eopies-two
native; , -etch '41:0• -paying. the inOneY '01-axitei• bloime ;is; gib, F. &lowed,
ti own maimger,the, vole and miss' Ift,•,..E.•• salad,
have thought , were made' for the:an:nixie:I banquet,
there ischata,Elie-'soae • 44.411* for to be held JO FebrUary. at the Mason -
the ,itieldlog of public opinien.,•„Stieli% lc Temple:,
_ , .
as a .ratepayers! askeoqatiott or the •An interesting visitor- was :Mrs.
Board. Trade. ' • • H: McCool, P;esicieitt Of P0,1g,h.
.3;jell• tendered i'4•01.0 Ofl'Ofti:bk` Institutes,, near -Oshawa, who
to Kernighan, . • . spoke briefiY-Orthe. work being done'
:sgave . his 'inaugural in,that diStriet.' 'Ors. o: Holland
ad4te60, W4Ph • IP ‘P111)1141!4-1 els," brought a, 'brief .Tegottp from .,the
where in'•01,10 paper,' Aecr.eatioil 041i.cil,• arid reminded
This is in.report of TOWTA,Q0ilr10:: mciahera :that there.. was owl iii•oin
' Reeve- lfathiesen,--Deputr--Reeve-,in the feather cls ss.
':33Clor -4114.COuncIllq.§•4111?,,
- auk' itt0fItibiun 7were, appointed •,a
tieo..Feagan aid hey daughter, Ise-
inntittee :the, ,stanin$,P bet, wric, raueb. enjoyed, ,The hot
tesseS.servea dalitty luin.CIrduring*:organizing foith& ski trails.
bo -
committees for the yearan' roug
11113,10,,0414 Scarlet Ttoilet in the,
St3T10 of AllOiOnt,
'High 00tertEl
,•• • ;
.A. new
"dignity • ',iira$ added to the
Sitting's et the $4Prelne .'00orf of
October%231;d, intending to reitain lordship 'Stated in his opening ad-
irth'clit'T 61: l' "TitiaisterY my'alin.ksthias' PITowvinset:?' 11,14s
for her ninety-seventh b
. • , ega . . ,
'there- for the winter. with '< ilex, dress,. he judges of _the High
daughter, . . . - ' - Court of the Supreme Court of On-.
The remains are being brought thee, after ' the -•raost •thOughtful
. consideration,- have come to the •de-
claim that the • heritage. of the
British administration -Of justice, of
which, we are .joint heirs, should 'be
given some tangible' recognition,
and accordingly decided .,, to adopt
the robes which ferinerlyrNvere worn
by. judges'ef the -King's Bench in -
•Ontario ,and Upper qtnada, .:and
which have been and are now worn
..byfi'idges.l'i-ifflhe,-Iligly,,Courts in
England. % ' '
0.rasia.;gplicriec4tluelfo.71,11tre ,,,,,iheio citehnet, .eifiro- 7i.)4.n.i.ft.c1"21lieveisd:ctahesaattb:etteahnpeirrCle:isteo-bntuti-h:liiiollbitcelisl
. ,
okaytim,. Weston, who. was . found and • that . with <the , passage of time,
rhey_will ecauire.a-special-addition'.
a• little • over- two indoths it
will be 11farch 2.ist, official' first.aity
of spring! Thok passes
- .^. •
january clearance sales by ''Gode-''
-.1,10 merchants : are -under way.
Thrifty buyers. can save' dollarki by
noting clearance. „, sales ' adyerttse-
menta in. this- issue, and buiing at
attractively retinced_prices_
0tifideitt , that ()Id 'Iyfan Wintet
Will be ,74-iiking earneat d4Y-
new, 'the -,oederich: Club is
itt the fo11oWin;1iSt',.WhiCh: was social half-hour.
s • ,• • - - ,
An airplane, trent Sky Harbot4s
Flaance.7.-Ellietti Baker, Alla •re,• sebedUled to• fiY. from GOdericii
• • Th.ursday :en.„.• route to California,
Public ',,W,orks:=Matiik-i'OliT.F.M-olidk;
•committee. •,_
Site ,. fo* rroposea . Armory
An en. 0117. was received from the
to Goderic4 .to at...rest ;in,
Maitlantheetheter3i, and the funeral
service will be conducted by Rev.'
R.. t‘,.. McMillan at " the Brophey
funeral lionie, on Saturday afterOoon, ,at. O'clock..
late"--on'e mg.• as w. g in- al meaning to the - Office held by
ured, Oz. Britannia': road, have re- :High Court. judges. • -
„ of the •Conticil. The lour are J.
htiman ,affairs -there-is-a -,tendency Tyjneecroft :e East wawanesti
to---take-Many. -of-our-most-treasured--
traditions for granted. Some study John Armstrong of Millet!, Artli:Ur
buct.a.„,superficial view of, Nicholson Of tiluck_ergpini_...4pg.,
.« svedthe at _bra,- lliffeque;ttly in the realm of
6riounded the incident
. .
it appears that Mr. Weston was'
• via •lsleyir, Yerk Citt_It has 'been;
MR, '''Arip igAg, . JEREMIAH'
TAYLOR, of Auburn, Who recently
passed the haIf:century mari in. a.
happy nuirried life,- as reported. in
Phe `signal-Stat,lifsti•iveek,
.The County Council will meet
at the' Court Uouse. :for its first
session. of 1949 on Tuesday -s. after-
noon next at 2 o'clock. . Its first,
business -will be eleotion of
"Marden.• understobd there
the Liberal members, tBiS being the
Liberals'.•,,year .to cheese *the•1-.iead
S*Pecial-Waliak:Allitire. Mathie-• pUrchased by •,a Califoreia docter. and oa -reaching the: Githotes street - •-e-goven-riir-Tireee-s-as exer-
',..aoil,',SturdY;'.Baket" •-• • . . , . , . corner neiv.uis. home alighted from from, cised hi, diffetent countries of* the
Ime e0,4 eauot•ia.,Ate, world ought to be mifficient to bring
.CemeterYttOd ;I'arits,---Sttirdyi Gra-. , _...... . . , .
".The Books Drive On,"' sound and the Vehicle. everyone in Canada to 'i ie
' ."Itaini. 'Baker, 'Elliott, Moody. • - •
-Virater;7L-ight--andrrflarboaker, 4..
.kiondon .effice-cif the-DePartnient.D olor-mov-le-.:Of--the_HukOn4Ounty
. , .,.e 'qv% -.0,:rapged , 4404, "th4t ...the right, to lutze4he 1 w
--z-Mathiestinv•-• ----1Vfoody,____ . Graham", ' - - ,.• ' . • s,„ .--.- , • travelling 111)6.0 at work„ WilI• IniVe
. tWeRty feetfalteng-the toad. __ __Ike_ Which regulate_his life, made b7 hiS
. wiazak,,..., --: • . INationaljiefence-i-with-regard
its premiere at the. (coderieli Lions • driver of the truek, 'Matra -re' of thiS;_ n , el-eeted-7.representa nes, , is
Fire..44loody,'.,•Walzak, Grahana-, Al- site for a proposed, arinery in Gede-
Club ; meeting Tbirsday: .evening, later returned to the spot and found .80inethipg- beyond price, and .the
• ,laire...,$turdy. , ' :.- - . " '• - .' "1' :riaii.aliCit vas •decided.to..ask..Jthat• right to have those laws adMin-
PiduStii41----0-tahant; Mliott, Sturdy, 4 reoreilliative .'froir;- the ri u rt =Janilary 20thi'when- .menilierS: of Ronald.,.price assisting the ,injured 1Stered. by a..free' *id; independent
i' 7' .' "-e-a - the ,Huron County Counell,:Will4ba, Man: ...• Constable itex•was caned and jndiciarY fA of • equallY 'PrigeleSS
• • : kr, w6tgori 7irop te.*.o•veito the ixo.., value; and never to be taken fin..
, .• . , .,. • ,
COUtt'of• neWslen:-7.,..Allaire., SturdY, "'neut. IA • t t4.° 'C6.11"11;'.,:',
.., Witiza• Meetly; Elliott.' ." .. :,. '- , 'A -letter .from, .-PkeSitlet. .130a$:en'-.., n attendance - .
. -• Pitalt itrheie it 'Was ..i*idi.'h had ,it, '-a4teCionsiintinn.a.). ''principle in
•1:1Orst,'IliiMed,,74etieac*...e.eininittee berry. Of the Blue Water. Highway'
*, oorniatiAii -find:, die,,,witii,e-i.; is ei.--, 4gsocwioii.-1-vro--reie:reliZe toltoans -,---T-,he::.,ailnilal-,SPatta-tagbt 'nrogram:fractUred...•,pelyis._and_shiarilder„- He -British-, tradition...i's..,tnnt. tile . Xing
" .g_the..,Godericli.,..Lions,ClUb.-wilp%,„be -is-'stiaat,.01.*OPital, ' . •- • ' 14'4-ileit'all' of itistre"-4--i41 -6:--5'
• . 'AV. Stices r.difnePse- illsfqP..,9-.11:
.,aittgioi-A.,•:..*Mher:,•Of -a4'..,cAiinlittelz..., , -Or.19-707—ivast.,•..refellid 1 -a -The iiiianee
o.otiglicot4isong meht:.;,,,,,...,,,.,,,: -..e-c,,-iiiiiitig,,2„:,J4•;••,..-_,:7.7-7.,::,7, - - jit).#•-rk14;1:451'#.10.t;',41,C•ti*AvItlE4.1.---•••'= -"-.. - --, ',':
Eitehartge 'Hotel: 0iilf.'-' 'This 'has- grown
. Members Of the HON. RUSSELL .1i.. KELLEY to be • of paritineutit importanee in
,After. Seine •,discussion ,it was de,. • The ,Oritario 7GO9c1 Reads A e .- .
- - •LionS' Club's :baseball; 9,11.4.... .poekey. Prothcting the ;rights and liberties
•iiileci .to. iloia; the :regular Meetings: atien adYisect.that' the annual Ott- TO BE 'AEU' FEBRUARY 6
, ,.. .. ,.......L.,,L._ • . - of the subject." ' -. •
teains 'Will be honored at•this tier; .
of. Cenrieit on . the ..••first and third' ventiOit would bobeia in Toroitte o - The' learned judge. -fondled on
Tuesday. evenings' of the 'inentli; 'February 22nd and 24rd. ...A:motion. ..• . ..
----•!•,-., , , ,• The 'fourth -nnnual ',"Irealth
'The three qct "coniedy "Aunt Tillie Week!' service: Will be, held ine,',Vic-.,
: the ..origio' end history of the ad-
n_i_h_listratieef., Josti,Ce 'from- the
with--.:„..-ceinmitfee----inectings,-6,13,,Ahe-Was.----.PasSed.„,..that ,n'l-e."'-''-jnPtnbershlp.G.0o.s_,,,t.e,_L_sw,ioae__,r,.preeen, ted4n:..the,,,,
, tom.- serea---United- chore -147.40F Norman efinquest-to---the :passing -of .
preceding. ;Monday • evenir4g. : An fee of $10 be paid • and. that any. suilciay 601.,s,01 rooms ot. .viciorie„.,
alterilative. suggestion. wa's liliat the inemlier of_ the •Counpil who wished •street..J.Inited• Clramb,„ last 14.1day, rich, on Siiiiday- evelting1,Vbruary, the . Act of Settlement in 1700.
kat 7 p.m., The Minister er 'Health, •`'`,"'"Vou natty. be Interested to• know.
,',but-- ..,A,±-teanno-'-„ftnin,-.--Vihn,-,._TAit_eb.. fu_al4ere vvItsaj..aii,frolt.y, att4iertee and for 'Ontario, the Hatt. ' Russell T. that when' we opened court, we fol-
lowed, '6. pattern daWn (Iver 700
Connell nie'4' on Thursday ;with the to do so might attend as a delegate. ng,gbit . by . Bentouer young people. •
con'nnittee-meetingon esday--
• . , . . , Icerce-f,---wirr-De,, Present. it§ guest years ago, so closely that the noel-
thiii waS, voted down in July and the privilege of. placing yis bees pie play was greatly enived. • lation applied to. this cotirt was the
_speaker.. 'At the. eXpress invitation
*August' there' will . be ,Ooly- ?ire .05n, the -;Town'S gra*el •pit ,on the same as applied ,to the courts per -
THE ,sumitis,.. Ttio _ . . • . of .minister and people of Victoria, forming- .sindiar functions in . those
. - .•, - •
regular , meeting,...on the first .Tues':-.,. Enroll read lie •tO--'pay ta.xes was.
the.' Blue. Water -Band Will be in dais:. You 'will not the-ftavOr .of
da,y,..0 thti.ipon.tiz. , . • " • • , ',referred to the 'cemetery . and parks , . . • , , , Willie.* Jones, wrecker and diver..
. . , . attendance: . . • ' • .: :old-il'Orman French in the reference
- ;For iyears .`the-'00,ncil has ',Met oatlihlitte.9.,, ..---7,- _ •.-:•, ---•.4•-';'.-.7 ' :-.--,-,:in -Charge of--ratsing,tirtag..‘1W--H.. , ? .;.--,-.-- •,-,..,•-•-• . '. --,...--,
,: :•.':'1.11figrOunds.,'COnin,4tte.e:': ., .... .,,ii -7:-.e.. •=tiris:•••cotritzirg:-a.:-Mtint.. or -,0yer,.‘.
7w.gularlY, ;on,. Yriagy, :.-pr14,.1.4.1s,.. :11t.4.. ,oeray," frt.*. he bottom of Gede- I ' •:- Tenni:net and General Gaol De;-•
members said there were frequently counehidi lin'Odi.„..iVai appointed rii.--i•-• harbor' where it sunk on jail- .
' eroP.-StUDENT . IN HIS
Othei..'affairsr :en that' "'eVeiiiifg •iir Thairinan -ier . the -cdramittee In' nary ,.4thi. 643,pcits to littie it floating ' ' ; .
,pr4ss AT O.A.C. - .`;`,It will be observed; Oerefore,
*that a Canadian judge whid is heir
which. 'tfleir' 4°1141 1*.e. •t°' 1-*: ..M.?:' ilarge °t• "rk °"" th6'' 4.1idith'. 1110-4in..,,:NtP447... TodaY., 01, ?stre1"14 ''/,...,....t71-bm. .The Guelph . kercuryIwc to this British ..traditien- in •,•the
..,, ,,,,_ ._ . _ , • .. _ . . ..
sentl-henCe.the.thalige. , , mooderham.playgrooncls-Connellior -°:::::e. level and
P.vvreoitrYk ,•ww.e41s1.•• "i;bog„.notice that S., o. Stothers of A.rthur, .dischtirde• Of" his Judi:cat aiities,,is
'Appolatnitcnts 0 Sturdy was appointed: to file Cern- entfrOy indepeirdent, He
inittee-7-ated. ' ex-eoukenler -TaY1O, , . . pusvo to hive
,huve ,it ,aflaticolefore . a SOn of SteVe Stothers, agricultural •pc,...utable Only...for his good 'be -
.:who: was .chairman last. year, 41.4 ,cold, wive :Mite% :,:it: 44 stated
071.4 ,representative. '4475-i. -Wellingteff -havior. -Pargaifeent nia'f--hy state -C-0
be asimcl• to cOothuie on 'the •coml the ttig, •Incluaing. the 2d tons of .
. ,. county and 'a .natiVe..of .,Ashneld render his decisions ineffective,„ but,
townShip; beaded -the,. ' list • of It:liai i)(4ei'16-411'6et iii6nt• ' It.
matters,not who the' s'auiter may be,
' students in the. second-yeat degree- .bio
n'ttt6e. ' . . '''' . *- • boaCin it, weighs about 100 tailf; L_
- . • • ,, •
4,, Ittltiolt WU.: passed; that, the Making the refloating job a 'Wheat . be rich or poor, "small or great;
Town nP-P-137-. t.o:_tbe_,DoPartnlOt' 4.4-f one.: .. Ever day _sinee-_olyratioge. the Ottristmas examin- be he the; governmette• or the King
highways for ,the stautOry . grant -act6luern8se.. of Ontario `Agrieultural- bienSelf„ :the freed.om of the judge
. . „ College; Be secured 1179 indrics of o.n the beneh to discharge his iniblic
liegan'to, refloat ;the vessel . there.
..,000 en. road' expetditures' ter. kave been numerous people at 'the . , . ., *duty ls untrammelled. ,Ile is
the year year 194S. ' . a p.osSible 1400,:.• an average of 84 conntable to his ovvn conscience
• ' • - ••• - harbor to :watch. proceeding. , • - ._ . - • , - „,._
, , • .• :._.....onHlyi.;
lordship con' .clud'ed- by. imp. fug.
' - P' . • per cent. . „,-
lipitiac. UTILITIES COMMS- , ."---.7--.--4----°:°, - 'the intrbduction of .these robes may
., . slim . . . . , BETA DIGMA:'rh1.
. enable iill those .who engage in the
• .. , 13 gma .1'111 Members ' Met administration of Justice to ,,re-
. . „„ -,,,..„ .• . ..
.' The IntkOgnral. ';meeting 'of the *n' . ,,-.4 .'
publie, ptfittfee., .deminiesiet: ..xer, Oa' .111e411137j '3aXttlarY 86f at the MeMber More clearly the legal hert,
li4mc of ,lyllsEt: Sean . Moody, w t tage which luta been :IVOTI at" gtent
9314..8 ,coultmed the appointments '.3.1)4p, .was held on Tuesday evening. „.„,.„1 -it cost -, and Whkh is lield in tritst
• **"'-'-' Inontberrfttft-O
01'016 Attorney 11- .Glenn 'IlaYs
e*tended a Welconie to his lordship,
thanked • hint- fol. his, .address, and
announced ' there were no criminal
case's listed.,
' The 'traditional white gloves Were
.presetited to • the. judge by Sheric
'Nei?, lirenplyilit Mr. Justice Sillily said
be was pleased to find no.,.crimilial
cases at this session; a eireamstanee
Which reflected great credit on . the
county : a this tithe, "',Iff" the,' last
'tie ,while,..4here....ifi...0.04910.t.ile4
crime- and it -1S gtatifying When
01.4 are.110..triMitial cases it this
time fn 'Huron" -
and D.::*-„eftnipbc11:,*ere apirbilite&
to the 'Board of Health' for 1949,
alpng. with the Mayer -land the.
'Medical • Qincer. of Health,
to the "Ptiblic Library': Board fin -
4.949.; to fiU out the term .0 the
late' A; tyingvie,: and
was appointed for the! :,,years
.16.440-41. .
Mayor MacEwan was appointed
the Couneirs ,representative on 1.1;i0
•}XuSpita-i. Board ,for 1949..
The Treasurer's report to DeL,'
lubut ot 0.92.. Bank loans :tetoging the. local 'n°iIrd",1 02 }Ioa1h and
$2000,, wereinhde upas follows: No. 4 authorized' the borrowing'oi
General 4.eeeind, $8,006 twat $75;000;'11 needed, for etirrenX ex;
lu*Ovexteerit. ,account, $1.5;00.;: P11,141 13°4101T -es' -
School Board capital accekutt,
;10,800. : '
The Treasurer subthitted tr -state-
ment of. registered' ,titx arrears • .•
of 'Oeceinberi 31st, 1918 totalling
';'• • '; • , •
, CI:n*0 '.granted tbet: ,reeneht,of
of, the i'irWfn. 14432144,00terhiiii for
the,period Trebrlitty48 to Mareh,4,
for ,.a ,sewing Class 6Y be,
'iginludted Undei". tbe'attapipe'S or the
••Departraeret • of The
request Of the kiiestnen Club,* the
Use of, the hall for • a. bingo in aid
of the Recreation Connell also was.
A. :request front :•the SttiVatkii
Army_ tor,,11-_. grant 'inc,041.-it Its
110SCne ,Ilettie.-Weilt Was referred
o ,the/ifinaniCe continittee.
A-..aitailed report front the Public'
tJIltIes Ceinfrilaisien *of Work done,
the eleetrie'aild Water':depart-
MI6:14 1046 ./At read, • .. • . '
ter Setae, dismissionthe Matter
botiritl,Ace 0» thg.,,Walton. Pro;
Y on Vyest;stneet.,:in Whia, the
own has.: an Interest, Wits:: left
the 1.44i4a,a the Mayor.
Ji tlintitatiell tO.b."
. Town Clerk- Blake was appointed
acting relief officer in place of the
late A; Rougvie, '
Feur bylaws:. were .passed, -Nos.
a, 2, 3" anti:4 Of 1949, NOS. .1; 2
president, .11ISS Ilpbena Grant,. took
fast L year:: "Mayor MacEWItie, Dr.,
charge Of „the Meeting and during
W. F. (know ' and K. Hopkinson. .
the •liiisiness• discussion arituige
Dr'; GailoW was re-appoloted, chair- ..:*
man Lor 1949. ' ' ,;,, nents • were made for et runtinake
. . ,...,, Sale to be ,held shortly. The dui-
, • .
tural part of the program- was in-
- . ' . , . AV, 1 ' tiod000d 'by, misses: K. 'hoboes and
i) .
and. Get arnt. 'Atarir Aic'Sfillali and wliS on "Intrb,
„, .
. • ' . " '", ductiOnS and Invitations." Lunch
Daratioa fei: it..-trIP to. SOiitherii ;was'. -served i?i. th.:0 .110'stes,
,Tinitea. States' looked at the'pictures •' . -
--or -SliIWan* ketaxiXialfiiturit-tOtrti 4/4). OINTE. , , •
ii-evrepriiiiete-ina. then lifi,-64r ity1116"-- ---- -- ---,.-P-::-:11-0 -.,IyAsjuiNowoN
John gt I.:et:nights, 1Vb.,0 *Wag at.
1.0,1thtt4,0Ailear i'eidewalki of 'Oode- '
.,rioh. , To t4;1., it ail, ,the ..;.3ec.4 ea.ta- .1. the head of Sky „iirtrbr ' airport
coijoreu__;,. during the' war .and has •since been
lognes, eontainiu bkiiiitultir' , rith Wnt. ,Assets, at Montreal, has
Pletutes of •-t7egetables. and ileiverS, •
attivix, at the post 0016., tot,la the .been appointed teA.u.effice . in' the
. . Canadian. embassy at, WaShifigton.
Midst 6S:the Winter's 'worst snow-
scterni, s hut,: ii.ii a. time, *ilea, lit
„, Understeed hiswork is in
' A
' eonneetion. "••• „rah. tile development ibiots .
o California' Conte
Distinetly unseasonable weather
W15 exPerlented in Goderich over
registered high of 43- on•Saturd'ay
AW.50 '01104.1isr.. wayat con=
trait, the best that sunny California
Mild regfrOter 8undarwits a high
ot ba, only ,finjPoilitS•bigher that
So invitingVere the fairwaysat
the Maitland OW Club that, Carl,
Scluteiker,.. Frank Olen hggo
and •riortie' Broadleyley dug up thelr
bpi:6s , and went 61'illikt tvo.'0„,
retinas Of- seven heholes.. Robert Hoy,
.• .
While hunting, on:. Saturday,rdaSaturday,WAS
gtp@itea./4,. a robin' at. Blue Water
Beach on the lake .shore 'nenIth of
.dodeildh. 'Mrs. WA '.'1Viciiettrif, of
loom, three red -
and Biektielt. at Saltford ,rieticed
*bite rock flowers in bloblit near
his 'doorway.. Large eongregations
tiirning out. to servioa 04,
iiihbstaY reaembled taster' parade;
i/toto packing their *OM In Pte.
Mr. P. F. Catty .ieceived word
:last week 'Of a most unfortunate
weather alnicaiuggegted 'it t
*accident • *bible -befell his, sister,':
time toget -the garden Ititg,', , . 'Pr. 'til* qft9141611 41/.'1°6e-11?"-liciiiii)11 Mrs.-Janto hell of Redondo, Mit,
t.t.th,e 4,atbo.ther6 wail 0, bit Of. wttit tile tlnitea States, ttir feted's.
'foriA41 a OW flays before Chriatittab;
yea; 11,0„,tase a .smatfistatat, of ,it . . ,, - , She was strucli by 4: ear and:, slit,
eia-91110,01tS . 0,1" l'. 4- 3!.4 .°11 feted: poring fractures ef ! li /se- lvas
dniting'-of the 'brealiWitter,'but '
where the otionliAbitiolwatei of.,,,the,) , , ',I:8°n , PrI6h*'iv1114 ie'el,eq°4 lltel''' bone;and hi • Joi t, '` a t f
p. 'likely it as result o ,
ktice danced and stiarkiod,' in.;the dent' "of 'tlie.-'Goderich Trades. and • hid, . •tilx
1W1O;Pitittalli;Orw th' le•nt,..eeigilia14. iiiibleedirthtS°:
iStra.. not Is the 'Oritier : heleii.
direy., y.oungegt daughter of , the'
late; Mr, and Mrs; 'Ogryitala Carey'. of
. A 1
,on tor 118, t4,,r its the eye eettht Labor CutiItfit the annual meet -
as if it wete„ the. month -Dr May.' 1.,Pg tot .•04 OlOPt on.. of •ollieqs on
.-There v(41.6 no,teportaloctaii, TtieSdaY'Oight. 'Other eilleera are:,
'ever; of, "SAVO rtionin.?' although fti Viee:PreSidelit,' lack r--Pitblitdol
other. pritt4"Of ,Onta„vie there"*Cro;
uttuaiial Eitieetaele was' *Rues.'
oxer. +;(4,644e1t one.' akternoun
$at week *hen n'beautiful rainbow
*tat to be .Seett, • „
trehsUtct. , V:incent; recording, ,611,0etehieh..„ .
'SeoretarY, Norinon. 0014.0pg1i
'Warden, Wm. •Mew trtisteet,
2vratillon;•../Oe and
• utA, pusaborltg hMretutneet
from Detroit after a Visit With her
Walter Woods of 'Turnberry. Reeve.
Armstrong was .re-elected . reeve, of
his township this year byacciarn-
tion.; ,ihre.e •.others all had. do-
positioO ;but cne ;through, -success-
fully. .
.1ittr1.0c • Burns, a farmhand froin
near Prerat -working
for Oorden•WpadlOY;„Oolherne town-
siiip farmer,. pleaded , not guilty;
before Magl4trivt* P: ID. Holmes
today • to a charge •• of SteaTholi •ft -
horse ,and, also to taking a Tehlde.
Crown. AtteroeY, H. Glenn -Hays
aSked.',tinlot the ease be remargic4,
ane -Wee. with 'Blimp in.,eastodY,
This was granted, ••• •
• Police state-thaeGord,on Brindley
• . ,
instructed Burns to take the fOrmer's
'frock. with .a lead of Wood Into
Goderia.. to Gerden'S father, jasper
BriodleY, -Tibia he' did. Then Jas-
per Brindley leaded.a horse on the
truck, for Plunk) to take back- to.
C4Ordoitp. Burns, according to police,
'ata not -do as he Wasanstrocted, but
InStead. 'Cook, the horse to a farmer'
elsewhere and sold it. • • •
' Commenting, on the case,„
trate Holmes' said -this was the
first home theft case in a Gederich
Cotpt that .tio ould recall. in.libent
tWeity, years.
Obarged,-With breaking, "entering
and theft at an Exeter warehonr;e,
WUL-.Lewis was ordered,:to-be-Toni;'
mitted to, the Qntarie, Hospital for
observatien after medical testhnony
Olf:.1tilleadaY afternoon, . befere,'
, juStWo SiiiIy IA; the, .$•Ore*O• 004.
3111 iir4;': .! jouRfr
61' r t;• 4.eiqY. ma V:243 7:11 •
his pighteelityearold 'Seri ,.'1I0Vvar
-sought total' &tnages of $27,00C
'OW:Oats fropl•qeorge cigly;vokis'0,
ottlbe busines 14.'Po4e402, )01C0FA
x?.ttkot#4,41-Xoto* with ZOoxpli*
Sprotil,;of'WeSt Wawanosh, as 4°14,
defendant: ' •
„ -coMiSiel; for ,
the piairitiffs, irt,presentingthe'eaSe•-r ,
stated*:ttat„the it'etion ,arOSo Out :of :an nceldent in August, 19-11, ••••
County highvay between n"Ogn't);
Mao and Nile, wbenHoward.GOdfrO;
.Was an Occupant of it car owned and
driven by. Joseph„ Sproul". ,'The
.engine stalled . and it the regUe0t:'
of Sproul Godfrey 'got Out' to crank
the eat and was struel4y"a ;iehlele
driven. by Parkinson, an.51. !suffered'
• .,orva44en
was given by
Dr. 'fiallobead,' ,London,.and
-DE, J. W...-.waihtee,,' Goderleh; the•••
latter having attended Godfrey' at
the ljnie* of the accident.' ;
_Godfrey, WhoWas; On 'crutches,: and
his father, Ralph ;Godfrey'. ' •
Av4vVlio: °hi:de" e!--:"apultd:464h1V4 d5ie.te-3* b .3911.1:ts.lees17L--4ev7hifelPigud';:r.a4:0:1617-.,
• bearing.'
'A rernaiid d ene )""e4'' 74-1B glovuenii„:. to the • ' the latter brought to A0ear. •Delage,.
ten,' With.•*.driVing'sa-eai''v,e1 1 -Pt'
'while- Vs license was Under against
- Judgment on tbi basis delivered
STIVirettiffr'FO -Y
• : R4.140 COMMITTEE. d.19,iesi..to Howard Cii4fr.tt•Inn
$Z390:2OE to his father, ,Ralph Go
The Shut -in.'s bit.; Association of fredYideThlibeeta:inied_404tours.,__
17•retredo,..at 5.40 p.m.
nada tile -'formatio
a 'Radio ••sfionuriittee, „iirSt, in an ex- JUdgnient by Con.1,sen't.
. pan:9144S program. aimed t� help
brighten the lives of Oarmda'S sick
and disithled. "Spending to the
pleas bf- shut ins 'unable' to afford
:theAuxitry of a radio set, 'a 'grotty
of members of . the • pI.D.4.:4' have
a A 'nen...profit bedy,. with services
of. its metnbers,A;-ohintarify
hopes to enlist the aid -of thechnieli,
radio and piess to help inake,known
its work...te all „radicless ,shutans
in Canada,
Officers include Miss Jane -They;
North 1VIantyly, •Ont., chairman
*las Jean Calder, London; Oat,
secretary -treasurer, .• and.: Ernest
Barker,Gloderia, district T.epresen-;
The Auburn Comm• unity Memorial Hall AssociatiOn, has -planned a.
erfes af---activitierl :to taise-fUnds
e .a
ScOttish •contest- cendert----East and
West Wavvanosh s.:0,01bOrlle and
Hullett---tio be held in the Foreaters',
Hall, 'Auburn, on Burns - night, Wed-
nesday', January 26. . • '
• .1.ass4ecided.
hold a drive for scrapirpn early in
the spring. A.ubUrn old boys aod
friends will be pleased to learn that
another field day will be held thi.
smokier.. The committees hope that
the proceeds of these events will
exeeed even tb, of last year, when
over 11,oqo was raised. •
The seconil wolf 'pelt. this -'year
was brought to the County building
on. Tuesday for collection •o..f the
it was a timber', Wolf,
pleasuring GO filehes from tip to. tip,
was *het Irv. George,_:Fielder„
•Port 'Albert, on December 27 be-
tween port Albert ,and -Dungannon.
The first pelt brought in was .shot
on December . 23 at -Lochalsh ' by
Lloyd Stein: . • •-
Temperatures. of the past week
Goderich; withthose of the Cor-
responding: -week: A year ago, as
officially • recOrded, wee as follo'.:
1949 1948
Max. Min. Max. Min.
Thurs., Jan. 6 -33 25 :33 .29
Fri., Jan.- 34 - 32 •• 27
Sat., Jan. ....43 32 • 35 21
Mon., Jan. 1'0 ..35 22 29 17
Tues., Jan.' 11 .,22, 19. 28 20
Wed., Jan. ap .30 26 30 27
, The. installatiofl. of officers. of
Court • Goderich,_ NO.
3!, -
took pitied on Tnesilay night- at
MacKay Hall. The follovhng of
ficers were installed:
I-1,' Witmer ; C.11.. Ernest 4/, In answer'to eitiestion bY Mr.
Mei.:4e0(1AElliott • Rivett;'
chaplain,. itygene Ryan ;. A. J.
Wilkins; RS,, W. F. H. Price;
treasierer, • Geo. , senior
woodvvard, t. Drennan ; jr. wood=
ward, G.7 McLeod; Spnior beadle,
J. W Ecu;• junior beadle, H.
Harper.; _auditors, T: Drennan- "and
- •
. UrWitinet 1 P 0 R Was .pre-
sented with a past chief ,ranger's
jeWel by the Court in recognition
Of his long terra, its, c ler ranger,
• Settlement by consent was aritiOno-'..
ced• on Wednesday morning
Prank Donnelly,' K.C;, in the aerien..
or Sproat s. -Brotherton and the,-
jnry .was"itilsmissed, •
. By the settlement, . the ,Dliiintiff,
. reit; '
s I., receive from-410race
Brotherton; Ttickersmith, :damages
lpftr,-Shi:02,5a%tiltu: a$:0®se 6),o!ts'it of :02.11'.:.11.-
dent ori, ,SeDion;ber '28th, 1947, on
highivas,„8„....a --half...mile, east_ :Of:
ffebringyille, when Frank Sproat,
son of the plaintiff,' siiffered fatal
injuries when streick by a moth"-
vehTiele owned -AOC- operated • by
-1Iora0, Bretherton. • "The ...-fiction •
wAs br011ett, under the Patit1,4e,c1,...
dents Act. The settlement
reached When the. court recessed
after eviclerice had ,been given
VranTit •Siireat„ s-155tYinine-Year444"
father,of the deCeasetl:' Ile ttiatified
that hi son assfsted hini as fore
mart in the. tile :yard: as4ntichini.4,,,,,
and at thoh..ing kiln. • Be eStimatedl ,
itt would cost $125 to $100 a month.
to hire a rann_to.....replace_his,s
VititkriMi4 „
,11, Wilkins made the presentation.
Mr. Wither. made a suitable reply:
:Thompson, derenee _eounsek he
tiinate-d he, paid his Son between •
$80. and $4011 rarith in the,summer.
Tire son 'never paid board. -
The plaintiff had -entered
claim for 12.50 ltinetal expenses gni '
$19,000 general, damageS."• '
14orthern Erfric• ACtion BisudOed
Mr. Justice Smily :disinissed the
action b`rouglit by,.., the NOrthbio
Blectric .d.oinpany, 'Toronto,. and 0.•
G. Middleton, trusfe.e in bankruptcy,
against William V. Turnbull Strat-
er; SeafrAlt,
to-,•det , aside a elinttel inortgage arid '
.. •
asalgninetit of boOk* debts made he- • '
-tweea the two defendants, claiming
them; to be fraudnlent • and void,
OoSts Were assessed to the plotin,-
tiffs. . ,
evidence showed, that GOrdon-
,Waollcer, proprietor bf an electrical. „
shop in Setiforth, had secured two
loans of $3.506 and $900 .fri)u) .the
'Ifipfk. of Coninierce itt..Setratterd„,
for which his •Iatlier-i4-1aw,
Turnbtitt-liad- given 8ecuzity.
Novespilier 2411i, 1047; 'Turnbull' was
notified by the bank; tlirnt ,the 1,040
NVA.1, title arrangements were
made for 'Walker to ,give
Cifrit tkl Mortgage and an aSsighnient -
.of book dolits:4,;Ttirtibull',.glete
note for, the loan' i28k15 to ,tbo
bank: 'With , life ',..insuilitiee
seicurito... Walker inade' an
nwiit ott,velirtirtry 2, 1948.7 •
' Plitt:Otto' elaiinett that the °plait-
Wit,ii int"ent. to defeat er delay
Walker's ercaitei.s.
The judge filled 'thaitc-the-evdenee.
'id nut ..s1i6W ,any'l'ig•oOlVeitbioOn the
of Wolkor at tbe.;4014,,',Ot the'
transdetign. "
,Miss Jean tAwSon laves today
te spend the. winter months htt'
Arliona and Valifnrnin,,•,.
rse Mingr Sends Another Gift $1,000
t�. the Rowed of Alekartdra ff�spital
At the 'regular monthly' 'meeting
Of the hoard Of directors or.. Alex;
attar*. Marine' and 'General Hospital,
held on Monday evening of tliis
, , •
Week, the Members were inferniiid
by Chairman G. L. Parsons • that
he hail receWed, as 'a gift ,to thro
hospital, a°dheque in,. the amount
Or. $1000 frera4"Mrs.. 'W. H. Miner
o1 ,Clliazy, New York, State. • -•
Mrs. '\Iiiier's lette,t.' to Mr.. 'Parsons
Was .fts *follows' : . • • .
.Mx dear 4r: rai'80118,-,r hatVe
')1%.1.1'd's:6,0„lne,'ver`Y, line reports con.
cerning the' good .yir,orh.whicii yOttif
hospital is d6))?gfbr Ooderiph, and
that xou have ,rnade some notable
expansiong, of /our plant. '
waS nty birthplace. and,
I. spent many happy .year.Sthere.
during "in/ qiiilaitood and girlitbod.
It has always occupied a -ery Warm
phtee lii niy heart and in' 1n.
thbughts, and veetpl. its
pleApsutt assoeiationS. 1 shoUld:Iike
to eontribute somewhat toward the
worthwhile Services which you tire
rendering- to ' the. goodpc.op"1,e of
Goderleb, 'and am enclosing. niY
eheek 'for $1000 whieh..pleasi! accept'
with my- "sincere aPpreciation.
Aincetelt, Alice T.,
, The members. Dr -the beard
pressed tht4r delight ,In receiving
thia..g/eneiou'i contribution, .coming,
its it did at sluth an appropriate
since tlio builditig e.#ensien.
program as seij u extensive
rePairshave.been end 'Still nre
:large ciperiditufes,-
• the peePreof Ciodbrieli reniebiber
the,. vitrious. substantial -eoutribiy
tfons that ; .have 'itutae." fo.the
he:vital fun;ls. itiner ahdi
er .sisler the late NtIsi Trainee;
and are very •grafettil for her kindly
tentembranbe, op, her .'int4e *tetvn.
and the very thoughtful ant
Mariner In Whieli 'She: bas giVenl,ex.
— -
'pression to ft
A;fettor appretiatibii, ilas,"been
sent Aqher from the hospital